Exemple #1
def brute_force_solve_sudoku(sudoku: sudoku_board.Sudoku):
    # 'l' is a list variable that keeps the record of row and col in find_empty_location Function
    arr = sudoku.board_numbers

    location = [0, 0]

    # If there is no unassigned location, we are done
    if not find_empty_location(arr, location):
        return True

    # Assigning list values to row and col that we got from the above Function
    row = location[0]
    col = location[1]

    # consider digits 1 to 9
    for num in range(1, 10):

        # if looks promising
        if check_location_is_safe(arr, row, col, num):

            # make tentative assignment
            sudoku.add_cell(row, col, num)

            # return, if success, ya!
            if brute_force_solve_sudoku(sudoku):
                return True

            # failure, unmake & try again
            sudoku.add_cell(row, col, 0)

    # this triggers backtracking
    return False
def test_add_cell_with_valid():
    sudoku_board = Sudoku(boards.unsolved_easy)
    row = 3
    column = 7
    value = 5
    sudoku_board.add_cell(row, column, value)
    assert sudoku_board.board_numbers[row][column] == value
def test_add_cell_with_invalid():
    sudoku_board = Sudoku(boards.unsolved_easy)
    row = 3
    column = 7
    value = 's'
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        sudoku_board.add_cell(row, column, value)
Exemple #4
def solve_all_single_value_cells(sudoku: sudoku_board.Sudoku) -> None:
    solved_value = True
    while solved_value:
        solved_value = False
        for row in range(9):
            for column in range(9):
                values = get_possible_cell_values(sudoku, row, column)
                if len(values) == 1 and sudoku.board_numbers[row][column] == 0:
                    sudoku.add_cell(row, column, values[0])
                    solved_value = True
Exemple #5
def crosshatch_box(sudoku: sudoku_board.Sudoku, box_number: int) -> bool:
    all_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    unused_values = []

    box = sudoku.get_box_from_index(box_number)
    box_values = box.flatten()

    for value in all_values:
        if value not in box_values:

    solved_value = False
    # Loop through each value that is not in the box.
    for value in unused_values:
        possible_rows = []
        possible_columns = []

        # Check each row that goes through the box.
        for row in get_rows_from_box_index(box_number):
            # If the value is not in that row then it could be in that row of the box.
            if not check_row_for_value(sudoku, row, value):
        # Check each column that goes through the box.
        for column in get_columns_from_box_index(box_number):
            # If the value is not in that column then it could be in that column of the box.
            if not check_column_for_value(sudoku, column, value):

        # Remove duplicates from possible rows and columns.
        possible_rows = list(set(possible_rows))
        possible_columns = list(set(possible_columns))

        # A cell position is only possible if the value is 0. Save the index if it is.
        possible_index = []
        for row in possible_rows:
            for column in possible_columns:
                if sudoku.board_numbers[row, column] == 0:
                    possible_index.append([row, column])

        # If there is only one possible value for this cell then add it to the board.
        if len(possible_index) == 1:
            sudoku.add_cell(possible_index[0][0], possible_index[0][1], value)
            solved_value = True

    return solved_value
Exemple #6
def solve_naked_subset_row(sudoku: sudoku_board.Sudoku, row: int) -> None:
    cell_possible_values = []
    for column in range(9):
            get_possible_cell_values(sudoku, row, column))

    subset_indices_two = []
    for cell in range(9):
        if len(cell_possible_values[cell]) == 2:

    values_two = []
    if len(subset_indices_two) == 2:
        values_two = cell_possible_values[subset_indices_two[0]]

    for index in range(9):
        if index not in subset_indices_two:
            cell_possible_values[index] = (
                list(set(cell_possible_values[index]) - set(values_two)))

    for column in range(9):
        if len(cell_possible_values[column]) == 1:
            sudoku.add_cell(row, column, cell_possible_values[column][0])