
# Create a client and initialize the request parameters       #
# Set the url (this is static, as it's the address of the
# NDFD database)
url = 'http://graphical.weather.gov/xml/DWMLgen/wsdl/ndfdXML.wsdl'
# Use the url to create a client object
# 'faults=False' makes responses arrive in (status, response)
# tuples, with the status code (eg, '200') as the first item.
bubble = Client(url, faults=False)
# Create an object that matches the possible parameters for the
# online service. These settings control what info we want to
# get back from the NDFD server
bubble.soap_parameters = bubble.factory.create('ns0:weatherParametersType')
# Create a list of the settings we want. The list of possible
# options can be found by printing the client, or at
# graphical.weather.gov/xml/docs/elementInputNames.php
s_param = ['maxt', #maximum temperature 
           'mint', #minimum temperature
           'temp', #3 hourly temperature (1st value is current temp)
           'pop12',#12 hour probability of precipitation
           'qpf',  #Liquid precipitation amount
           'appt', #Apparent temperature
           'rh',   #relative humidity
           'wx',   #weather
           'icons',#weather icons
           'wwa']  #weather warnings and advisories
#s_param = ['maxt', 'mint', 'sky', 'wx', 'icons', 'wwa']
# Update the settings object. (ie, set the fields we have