Exemple #1
def qualify(ref, resolvers, defns=Namespace.default):
    Get a reference that is I{qualified} by namespace.
    @param ref: A referenced schema type name.
    @type ref: str
    @param resolvers: A list of objects to be used to resolve types.
    @type resolvers: [L{sax.element.Element},]
    @param defns: An optional target namespace used to qualify references
        when no prefix is specified.
    @type defns: A default namespace I{tuple: (prefix,uri)} used when ref not prefixed.
    @return: A qualified reference.
    @rtype: (name, namespace-uri)
    ns = None
    p, n = splitPrefix(ref)
    if p is not None:
        if not isinstance(resolvers, (list, tuple)):
            resolvers = (resolvers,)
        for r in resolvers:
            resolved = r.resolvePrefix(p)
            if resolved[1] is not None:
                ns = resolved
        if ns is None:
            raise Exception('prefix (%s) not resolved' % p)
        ns = defns
    return (n, ns[1])
Exemple #2
def qualify(ref, resolvers, defns=Namespace.default):
    Get a reference that is I{qualified} by namespace.
    @param ref: A referenced schema type name.
    @type ref: str
    @param resolvers: A list of objects to be used to resolve types.
    @type resolvers: [L{sax.element.Element},]
    @param defns: An optional target namespace used to qualify references
        when no prefix is specified.
    @type defns: A default namespace I{tuple: (prefix,uri)} used when ref not prefixed.
    @return: A qualified reference.
    @rtype: (name, namespace-uri)
    ns = None
    p, n = splitPrefix(ref)
    if p is not None:
        if not isinstance(resolvers, (list, tuple)):
            resolvers = (resolvers,)
        for r in resolvers:
            resolved = r.resolvePrefix(p)
            if resolved[1] is not None:
                ns = resolved
        if ns is None:
            raise Exception('prefix (%s) not resolved' % p)
        ns = defns
    return (n, ns[1])
Exemple #3
 def rename(self, name):
     Rename the element.
     @param name: A new name for the element.
     @type name: basestring
     if name is None:
         raise Exception('name (%s) not-valid' % name)
         self.prefix, self.name = splitPrefix(name)
Exemple #4
 def rename(self, name):
     Rename the element.
     @param name: A new name for the element.
     @type name: basestring
     if name is None:
         raise Exception('name (%s) not-valid' % name)
         self.prefix, self.name = splitPrefix(name)
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, name, value=None):
     @param name: The attribute's name with I{optional} namespace prefix.
     @type name: basestring
     @param value: The attribute's value
     @type value: basestring
     self.parent = None
     self.prefix, self.name = splitPrefix(name)
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, name, value=None):
     @param name: The attribute's name with I{optional} namespace prefix.
     @type name: basestring
     @param value: The attribute's value
     @type value: basestring
     self.parent = None
     self.prefix, self.name = splitPrefix(name)
Exemple #7
 def __childrenAtPath(self, parts):
     result = []
     node = self
     last = len(parts) - 1
     ancestors = parts[:last]
     leaf = parts[last]
     for name in ancestors:
         ns = None
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is not None:
             ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix)
         child = node.getChild(name, ns)
         if child is None:
             node = child
     if child is not None:
         ns = None
         prefix, leaf = splitPrefix(leaf)
         if prefix is not None:
             ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix)
         result = child.getChildren(leaf)
     return result
Exemple #8
 def refitValue(self, a):
     Refit (normalize) the attribute's value.
     @param a: An attribute.
     @type a: L{Attribute}
     p, name = splitPrefix(a.getValue())
     if p is None:
     ns = a.resolvePrefix(p)
     if self.permit(ns):
         u = ns[1]
         p = self.prefixes[u]
         a.setValue(':'.join((p, name)))
Exemple #9
 def refitValue(self, a):
     Refit (normalize) the attribute's value.
     @param a: An attribute.
     @type a: L{Attribute}
     p, name = splitPrefix(a.getValue())
     if p is None:
     ns = a.resolvePrefix(p)
     if self.permit(ns):
         u = ns[1]
         p = self.prefixes[u]
         a.setValue(':'.join((p, name)))
Exemple #10
 def __childrenAtPath(self, parts):
     result = []
     node = self
     last = len(parts)-1
     ancestors = parts[:last]
     leaf = parts[last]
     for name in ancestors:
         ns = None
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is not None:
             ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix)
         child = node.getChild(name, ns)
         if child is None:
             node = child
     if child is not None:
         ns = None
         prefix, leaf = splitPrefix(leaf)
         if prefix is not None:
             ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix)
         result = child.getChildren(leaf)
     return result
Exemple #11
 def leaf(self, parent, parts):
     Find the leaf.
     @param parts: A list of path parts.
     @type parts: [str,..]
     @param parent: The leaf's parent.
     @type parent: L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}
     @return: The leaf.
     @rtype: L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}
     name = splitPrefix(parts[-1])[1]
     if name.startswith('@'):
         result, path = parent.get_attribute(name[1:])
         result, ancestry = parent.get_child(name)
     if result is None:
         raise PathResolver.BadPath(name)
     return result
Exemple #12
 def leaf(self, parent, parts):
     Find the leaf.
     @param parts: A list of path parts.
     @type parts: [str,..]
     @param parent: The leaf's parent.
     @type parent: L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}
     @return: The leaf.
     @rtype: L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}
     name = splitPrefix(parts[-1])[1]
     if name.startswith('@'):
         result, path = parent.get_attribute(name[1:])
         result, ancestry = parent.get_child(name)
     if result is None:
         raise PathResolver.BadPath(name)
     return result
Exemple #13
 def getChildren(self, name=None, ns=None):
     Get a list of children by (optional) name and/or (optional) namespace.
     @param name: The name of a child element (may contain prefix).
     @type name: basestring
     @param ns: An optional namespace used to match the child.
     @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name})
     @return: The list of matching children.
     @rtype: [L{Element},...]
     if ns is None:
         if name is None:
             return self.children
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is None:
             ns = None
             ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix)
     return [c for c in self.children if c.match(name, ns)]
Exemple #14
    def get_reply(self, method, reply):
        Process the I{reply} for the specified I{method} by sax parsing the I{reply}
        and then unmarshalling into python object(s).
        @param method: The name of the invoked method.
        @type method: str
        @param reply: The reply XML received after invoking the specified method.
        @type reply: str
        @return: The unmarshalled reply.  The returned value is an L{Object} for a
            I{list} depending on whether the service returns a single object or a 
        @rtype: tuple ( L{Element}, L{Object} )
        reply = self.replyfilter(reply)
        sax = Parser()
        replyroot = sax.parse(string=reply)
        soapenv = replyroot.getChild('Envelope')
        soapbody = soapenv.getChild('Body')
        soapbody = self.multiref.process(soapbody)
        nodes = self.replycontent(method, soapbody)
        rtypes = self.returned_types(method)

        if len(rtypes) > 1:
            result = self.replycomposite(rtypes, nodes)

            return (replyroot, result)
        if len(rtypes) == 1:
            if rtypes[0].unbounded():
                result = self.replylist(rtypes[0], nodes)

                return (replyroot, result)
            if len(nodes):
                unmarshaller = self.unmarshaller()
                resolved = rtypes[0].resolve(nobuiltin=True)
                ns = nodes[0].resolvePrefix(splitPrefix(nodes[0].get("type"))[0])[1];
                result = unmarshaller.process(nodes[0], resolved)
#                result.__ns = ns

                return (replyroot, result)
        return (replyroot, None)
Exemple #15
 def getChildren(self, name=None, ns=None):
     Get a list of children by (optional) name and/or (optional) namespace.
     @param name: The name of a child element (may contain prefix).
     @type name: basestring
     @param ns: An optional namespace used to match the child.
     @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name})
     @return: The list of matching children.
     @rtype: [L{Element},...]
     if ns is None:
         if name is None:
             return self.children
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is None:
             ns = None
             ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix)
     return [c for c in self.children if c.match(name, ns)]
Exemple #16
 def builtin(self, ref, context=None):
     Get whether the specified reference is an (xs) builtin.
     @param ref: A str or qref.
     @type ref: (str|qref)
     @return: True if builtin, else False.
     @rtype: bool 
     w3 = 'http://www.w3.org'
         if isqref(ref):
             ns = ref[1]
             return ( ref[0] in Factory.tags and ns.startswith(w3) )
         if context is None:
             context = self.root    
         prefix = splitPrefix(ref)[0]
         prefixes = context.findPrefixes(w3, 'startswith')
         return ( prefix in prefixes and ref[0] in Factory.tags )
         return False
Exemple #17
 def builtin(self, ref, context=None):
     Get whether the specified reference is an (xs) builtin.
     @param ref: A str or qref.
     @type ref: (str|qref)
     @return: True if builtin, else False.
     @rtype: bool
     w3 = 'http://www.w3.org'
         if isqref(ref):
             ns = ref[1]
             return (ref[0] in Factory.tags and ns.startswith(w3))
         if context is None:
             context = self.root
         prefix = splitPrefix(ref)[0]
         prefixes = context.findPrefixes(w3, 'startswith')
         return (prefix in prefixes and ref[0] in Factory.tags)
         return False
Exemple #18
 def branch(self, root, parts):
     Traverse the path until a leaf is reached.
     @param parts: A list of path parts.
     @type parts: [str,..]
     @param root: The root.
     @type root: L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}
     @return: The end of the branch.
     @rtype: L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}
     result = root
     for part in parts[1:-1]:
         name = splitPrefix(part)[1]
         log.debug('searching parent (%s) for (%s)', Repr(result), name)
         result, ancestry = result.get_child(name)
         if result is None:
             log.error('(%s) not-found', name)
             raise PathResolver.BadPath(name)
         result = result.resolve(nobuiltin=True)
         log.debug('found (%s) as (%s)', name, Repr(result))
     return result
Exemple #19
 def branch(self, root, parts):
     Traverse the path until a leaf is reached.
     @param parts: A list of path parts.
     @type parts: [str,..]
     @param root: The root.
     @type root: L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}
     @return: The end of the branch.
     @rtype: L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}
     result = root
     for part in parts[1:-1]:
         name = splitPrefix(part)[1]
         log.debug('searching parent (%s) for (%s)', Repr(result), name)
         result, ancestry = result.get_child(name)
         if result is None:
             log.error('(%s) not-found', name)
             raise PathResolver.BadPath(name)
         result = result.resolve(nobuiltin=True)
         log.debug('found (%s) as (%s)', name, Repr(result))
     return result
Exemple #20
 def getChild(self, name, ns=None, default=None):
     Get a child by (optional) name and/or (optional) namespace.
     @param name: The name of a child element (may contain prefix).
     @type name: basestring
     @param ns: An optional namespace used to match the child.
     @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name})
     @param default: Returned when child not-found.
     @type default: L{Element}
     @return: The requested child, or I{default} when not-found.
     @rtype: L{Element}
     if ns is None:
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is None:
             ns = None
             ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix)
     for c in self.children:
         if c.match(name, ns):
             return c
     return default
Exemple #21
 def getAttribute(self, name, ns=None, default=None):
     Get an attribute by name and (optional) namespace
     @param name: The name of a contained attribute (may contain prefix).
     @type name: basestring
     @param ns: An optional namespace
     @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name})
     @param default: Returned when attribute not-found.
     @type default: L{Attribute}
     @return: The requested attribute object.
     @rtype: L{Attribute}
     if ns is None:
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is None:
             ns = None
             ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix)
     for a in self.attributes:
         if a.match(name, ns):
             return a
     return default
Exemple #22
 def getAttribute(self, name, ns=None, default=None):
     Get an attribute by name and (optional) namespace
     @param name: The name of a contained attribute (may contain prefix).
     @type name: basestring
     @param ns: An optional namespace
     @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name})
     @param default: Returned when attribute not-found.
     @type default: L{Attribute}
     @return: The requested attribute object.
     @rtype: L{Attribute}
     if ns is None:
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is None:
             ns = None
             ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix)
     for a in self.attributes:
         if a.match(name, ns):
             return a
     return default
Exemple #23
 def getChild(self, name, ns=None, default=None):
     Get a child by (optional) name and/or (optional) namespace.
     @param name: The name of a child element (may contain prefix).
     @type name: basestring
     @param ns: An optional namespace used to match the child.
     @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name})
     @param default: Returned when child not-found.
     @type default: L{Element}
     @return: The requested child, or I{default} when not-found.
     @rtype: L{Element}
     if ns is None:
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is None:
             ns = None
             ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix)
     for c in self.children:
         if c.match(name, ns):
             return c
     return default
Exemple #24
 def childAtPath(self, path):
     Get a child at I{path} where I{path} is a (/) separated
     list of element names that are expected to be children.
     @param path: A (/) separated list of element names.
     @type path: basestring
     @return: The leaf node at the end of I{path}
     @rtype: L{Element}
     result = None
     node = self
     for name in [p for p in path.split('/') if len(p) > 0]:
         ns = None
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is not None:
             ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix)
         result = node.getChild(name, ns)
         if result is None:
             node = result
     return result
Exemple #25
 def childAtPath(self, path):
     Get a child at I{path} where I{path} is a (/) separated
     list of element names that are expected to be children.
     @param path: A (/) separated list of element names.
     @type path: basestring
     @return: The leaf node at the end of I{path}
     @rtype: L{Element}
     result = None
     node = self
     for name in [p for p in path.split('/') if len(p) > 0]:
         ns = None
         prefix, name = splitPrefix(name)
         if prefix is not None:
             ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix)
         result = node.getChild(name, ns)
         if result is None:
             node = result
     return result