Exemple #1
def fuzz_ap():

    def is_alive():

        global IFACE, AUTH_REQ_OPEN
        ETH_P_ALL = 3

        def isresp(pkt):
            resp = False
            if (len(pkt) >= 30 and pkt[0] == "\xB0"\
                and pkt[4:10] == mac2str(STA_MAC)\
                and pkt[28:30] == "\x00\x00"):
                resp = True
            return resp

        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(ETH_P_ALL))
        s.bind((IFACE, ETH_P_ALL))

        sess.log("checking aliveness of fuzzed access point %s" % AP_MAC, level=3)

        retries = CRASH_RETRIES
        alive = False

        while retries:


            start_time = time.time()
            while (time.time() - start_time) < 1:
                ans = s.recv(1024)
                alive = isresp(ans)
                if alive:
                    if retries != CRASH_RETRIES:
                        sess.log("retried authentication %d times" % (CRASH_RETRIES - retries), level=1)
                    return alive

            retries -= 1


        return alive

    def check_alive(s):

        global AUTH_REQ_OPEN

        def isresp(pkt):
            resp = False
            if (len(pkt) >= 30 and pkt[0] == "\xB0"\
                and pkt[4:10] == mac2str(STA_MAC)\
                and pkt[28:30] == "\x00\x00"):
                resp = True
            return resp

        sess.log("checking aliveness of fuzzed access point %s" % AP_MAC, level=3)

        while True:
            t = s.send(AUTH_REQ_OPEN)
            start_time = time.time()
            while (time.time() - start_time) < 1:
                alive = isresp(s.recv(1024))
                if alive:
                    return alive
            sess.log("waiting for the access point to be up", level=1)

    def pass_state(s):
        return True

    def clean_state(s):

        global DEAUTH

        sess.log("sending deauthentication to come back to initial state", level=3)

    # shameless ripped from scapy
    def hexdump(x):
        l = len(x)
        i = 0
        while i < l:
            print "%04x  " % i,
            for j in range(16):
                if i+j < l:
                    print "%02X" % ord(x[i+j]),
                    print "  ",
                if j%16 == 7:
                    print "",
            print " ",
            print x[i:i+16]
            i += 16

    def check_auth(session, node, edge, sock):

        def isresp(pkt):
            resp = False
            if (len(pkt) >= 30 and pkt[0] == "\xB0"\
                and pkt[4:10] == mac2str(STA_MAC)\
                and pkt[28:30] == "\x00\x00"):
                resp = True
            return resp

        start_time = time.time()
        while (time.time() - start_time) < STATE_WAIT_TIME:
            pkt = sock.recv(1024)
            ans = isresp(pkt)
            if ans:
                sess.log("authentication successfull with %s" % AP_MAC, level=3)

        sess.log("authentication not successfull with %s" % AP_MAC, level=1)

        if session.fuzz_node.mutant != None:
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.name %s" % session.fuzz_node.name
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.mutant_index %d" % session.fuzz_node.mutant_index
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index %d" % session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.num_mutations() %d" % session.fuzz_node.num_mutations()
            print "XXXXX : session.total_mutant_index %d" % session.total_mutant_index
            sess.log("re-trying the current test case", level=1)
            session.fuzz_node.mutant_index -= 1
            session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index -= 1
            session.total_mutant_index -= 1

    def check_asso(session, node, edge, sock):

        def isresp(pkt):
            resp = False
            if (len(pkt) >= 30 and pkt[0] == "\x10"\
                and pkt[4:10] == mac2str(STA_MAC)\
                and pkt[26:28] == "\x00\x00"):
                resp = True
            return resp

        start_time = time.time()
        while (time.time() - start_time) < STATE_WAIT_TIME:
            pkt = sock.recv(1024)
            ans = isresp(pkt)
            if ans:
                sess.log("association successfull with %s" % AP_MAC, level=3)

        sess.log("association not successfull with %s" % AP_MAC, level=1)
        if session.fuzz_node.mutant != None:
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.name %s" % session.fuzz_node.name
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.mutant_index %d" % session.fuzz_node.mutant_index
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index %d" % session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.num_mutations() %d" % session.fuzz_node.num_mutations()
            print "XXXXX : session.total_mutant_index %d" % session.total_mutant_index
            sess.log("re-trying the current test case", level=1)
            session.fuzz_node.mutant_index -= 1
            session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index -= 1
            session.total_mutant_index -= 1

    # Defining the transport protocol
    sess = sessions.session(session_filename=FNAME, proto="wifi", timeout=5.0, sleep_time=0.1, log_level=LOG_LEVEL, skip=SKIP, crash_threshold=CRASH_THRESHOLD)

    # Defining the target
    target = sessions.target(AP_MAC, 0)

    # Adding the detect_crash function for target monitoring
    target.procmon = instrumentation.external(post=is_alive)

    # Adding a check for alive of access point
    sess.pre_send = check_alive

    # Adding a deauth send to come back to initial state
    sess.post_send = clean_state

    # Adding the IFACE for socket binding
    sess.wifi_iface = IFACE

    # Adding the target to the fuzzing session

    # Fuzzing State "Not Authenticated, Not Associated"

    sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"))

    for type_subtype in range(256): # 256
        sess.connect(s_get("Fuzzy 1: Malformed %d" % type_subtype))

    # Fuzzing State "Authenticated, Not Associated"
    sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"), s_get("AssoReq: Garbage"), callback=check_auth)    # Checking Authentication
    sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"), s_get("AssoReq: Open"), callback=check_auth)       # Checking Authentication
    sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"), s_get("AssoReq: %s" % AP_CONFIG), callback=check_auth)    # Checking Authentication
    if AP_CONFIG not in ['Open']:
        sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"), s_get("AssoReq: %s Fuzzing" % AP_CONFIG ), callback=check_auth)    # Checking Authentication

    for oui in ouis:
        sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"), s_get("AssoReq: Vendor Specific %s" % oui), callback=check_auth)

    for ie in list_ies:
        sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"), s_get("AssoReq: IE %d" % ie), callback=check_auth)

    #for type_subtype in range(256):
        sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"), s_get("Fuzzy 2: Malformed %d" % type_subtype), callback=check_auth)

    # Fuzzing State : "Authenticated, Associated"

    for type_subtype in range(256):
        sess.connect(s_get("AssoReq: %s" % AP_CONFIG), s_get("Fuzzy 3: Malformed %d" % type_subtype), callback=check_asso)

    if AP_CONFIG in ['WPA-PSK', 'RSN-PSK']:
        sess.connect(s_get("AssoReq: %s" % AP_CONFIG), s_get("EAPoL-Key: %s" % AP_CONFIG), callback=check_asso)

    if AP_CONFIG in ['WPA-EAP', 'RSN-EAP']:
        sess.connect(s_get("AssoReq: %s" % AP_CONFIG), s_get("EAPoL-Start: %s" % AP_CONFIG), callback=check_asso)

    # Launching the fuzzing campaign
Exemple #2
def fuzz_ap():
    def is_alive():

        global IFACE, AUTH_REQ_OPEN
        ETH_P_ALL = 3

        def isresp(pkt):
            resp = False
            if (len(pkt) >= 30 and pkt[0] == "\xB0"\
                and pkt[4:10] == mac2str(STA_MAC)\
                and pkt[28:30] == "\x00\x00"):
                resp = True
            return resp

        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW,
        s.bind((IFACE, ETH_P_ALL))

        sess.log("checking aliveness of fuzzed access point %s" % AP_MAC,

        retries = CRASH_RETRIES
        alive = False

        while retries:


            start_time = time.time()
            while (time.time() - start_time) < 1:
                ans = s.recv(1024)
                alive = isresp(ans)
                if alive:
                    if retries != CRASH_RETRIES:
                        sess.log("retried authentication %d times" %
                                 (CRASH_RETRIES - retries),
                    return alive

            retries -= 1


        return alive

    def check_alive(s):

        global AUTH_REQ_OPEN

        def isresp(pkt):
            resp = False
            if (len(pkt) >= 30 and pkt[0] == "\xB0"\
                and pkt[4:10] == mac2str(STA_MAC)\
                and pkt[28:30] == "\x00\x00"):
                resp = True
            return resp

        sess.log("checking aliveness of fuzzed access point %s" % AP_MAC,

        while True:
            t = s.send(AUTH_REQ_OPEN)
            start_time = time.time()
            while (time.time() - start_time) < 1:
                alive = isresp(s.recv(1024))
                if alive:
                    return alive
            sess.log("waiting for the access point to be up", level=1)

    def pass_state(s):
        return True

    def clean_state(s):

        global DEAUTH

        sess.log("sending deauthentication to come back to initial state",

    # shameless ripped from scapy
    def hexdump(x):
        x = str(x)
        l = len(x)
        i = 0
        while i < l:
            print "%04x  " % i,
            for j in range(16):
                if i + j < l:
                    print "%02X" % ord(x[i + j]),
                    print "  ",
                if j % 16 == 7:
                    print "",
            print " ",
            print x[i:i + 16]
            i += 16

    def check_auth(session, node, edge, sock):
        def isresp(pkt):
            resp = False
            if (len(pkt) >= 30 and pkt[0] == "\xB0"\
                and pkt[4:10] == mac2str(STA_MAC)\
                and pkt[28:30] == "\x00\x00"):
                resp = True
            return resp

        start_time = time.time()
        while (time.time() - start_time) < STATE_WAIT_TIME:
            pkt = sock.recv(1024)
            ans = isresp(pkt)
            if ans:
                sess.log("authentication successfull with %s" % AP_MAC,

        sess.log("authentication not successfull with %s" % AP_MAC, level=1)

        if session.fuzz_node.mutant != None:
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.name %s" % session.fuzz_node.name
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.mutant_index %d" % session.fuzz_node.mutant_index
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index %d" % session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.num_mutations() %d" % session.fuzz_node.num_mutations()
            print "XXXXX : session.total_mutant_index %d" % session.total_mutant_index
            sess.log("re-trying the current test case", level=1)
            session.fuzz_node.mutant_index -= 1
            session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index -= 1
            session.total_mutant_index -= 1

    def check_asso(session, node, edge, sock):
        def isresp(pkt):
            resp = False
            if (len(pkt) >= 30 and pkt[0] == "\x10"\
                and pkt[4:10] == mac2str(STA_MAC)\
                and pkt[26:28] == "\x00\x00"):
                resp = True
            return resp

        start_time = time.time()
        while (time.time() - start_time) < STATE_WAIT_TIME:
            pkt = sock.recv(1024)
            ans = isresp(pkt)
            if ans:
                sess.log("association successfull with %s" % AP_MAC, level=3)

        sess.log("association not successfull with %s" % AP_MAC, level=1)
        if session.fuzz_node.mutant != None:
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.name %s" % session.fuzz_node.name
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.mutant_index %d" % session.fuzz_node.mutant_index
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index %d" % session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index
            print "XXXXX : session.fuzz_node.num_mutations() %d" % session.fuzz_node.num_mutations()
            print "XXXXX : session.total_mutant_index %d" % session.total_mutant_index
            sess.log("re-trying the current test case", level=1)
            session.fuzz_node.mutant_index -= 1
            session.fuzz_node.mutant.mutant_index -= 1
            session.total_mutant_index -= 1

    # Defining the transport protocol
    sess = sessions.session(session_filename=FNAME,

    # Defining the target
    target = sessions.target(AP_MAC, 0)

    # Adding the detect_crash function for target monitoring
    target.procmon = instrumentation.external(post=is_alive)

    # Adding a check for alive of access point
    sess.pre_send = check_alive

    # Adding a deauth send to come back to initial state
    sess.post_send = clean_state

    # Adding the IFACE for socket binding
    sess.wifi_iface = IFACE

    # Adding the target to the fuzzing session

    # Fuzzing State "Not Authenticated, Not Associated"

    sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"))

    for type_subtype in range(256):  # 256
        sess.connect(s_get("Fuzzy 1: Malformed %d" % type_subtype))

    # Fuzzing State "Authenticated, Not Associated"
    sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"),
                 s_get("AssoReq: Garbage"),
                 callback=check_auth)  # Checking Authentication
    sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"),
                 s_get("AssoReq: Open"),
                 callback=check_auth)  # Checking Authentication
    sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"),
                 s_get("AssoReq: %s" % AP_CONFIG),
                 callback=check_auth)  # Checking Authentication
    if AP_CONFIG not in ['Open']:
        sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"),
                     s_get("AssoReq: %s Fuzzing" % AP_CONFIG),
                     callback=check_auth)  # Checking Authentication

    for oui in ouis:
        sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"),
                     s_get("AssoReq: Vendor Specific %s" % oui),

    for ie in list_ies:
        sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"),
                     s_get("AssoReq: IE %d" % ie),

        #for type_subtype in range(256):
        sess.connect(s_get("AuthReq: Open"),
                     s_get("Fuzzy 2: Malformed %d" % type_subtype),

    # Fuzzing State : "Authenticated, Associated"

    for type_subtype in range(256):
        sess.connect(s_get("AssoReq: %s" % AP_CONFIG),
                     s_get("Fuzzy 3: Malformed %d" % type_subtype),

    if AP_CONFIG in ['WPA-PSK', 'RSN-PSK']:
        sess.connect(s_get("AssoReq: %s" % AP_CONFIG),
                     s_get("EAPoL-Key: %s" % AP_CONFIG),

    if AP_CONFIG in ['WPA-EAP', 'RSN-EAP']:
        sess.connect(s_get("AssoReq: %s" % AP_CONFIG),
                     s_get("EAPoL-Start: %s" % AP_CONFIG),

    # Launching the fuzzing campaign
Exemple #3
from sulley import (s_initialize, s_string, s_delim, s_static, s_get, sessions)

host = 'localhost'
port = 1337


s_delim(' ')
s_delim(' ')
s_static('Host: {}:{}\r\n'.format(host, port))

# GET / HTTP/1.1
# Host: localhost:1337

sess = sessions.session()
target = sessions.target(host, port)
Exemple #4
from sulley import *

#just using this for the sake of example, pcap header only
if s_block_start('pcap'):
    s_dword(0xa1b2c3d4, name='magic', fuzzable=False)
    s_word(2, name='major')
    s_word(4, name='minor')
    s_dword(0, name='thiszone')
    s_dword(0, name='sigfigs')
    s_dword(96, name='snaplen')
    s_dword(1, name='network')

sess = sessions.file_session(session_filename='\\work\\audit\\test', start_webserver=True, sleep_time=0.0) #no need to delay, throttled by procmon
target = sessions.target('localhost', 30000) # doesnt matter transmit is overridden we ship data over rpc
target.procmon = pedrpc.client('localhost', 26002)
target.procmon_options = {
    'proc_path' : '\\progra~1\\wireshark\\tshark-crash.exe', #a modded version of tshark to crash on improper pcap major ver
    'proc_args' : '-r %s', #%s will be replaced with the filepath/name to audit
    'file_path' : 'c:\\work\\audit\\files\\', #where to store the testcase files
    #'finish_bp' : 0x01004a0d, #you may set this to 0 if you wish to rely on max_lifetime/process termination
    'finish_bp' : 0,
    'max_lifetime' : 3.0, #ttl
    'show_window' : False,

sess.connect(sess.root, s_get('pcap'))