Exemple #1
def process_lmat(infile,  mat, filename=None):
    """Processes an lmat so that it returns as an imat"""

    if filename:
        util.tic("reading '%s'" % filename)

    rows, cols, vals = matrixlib.transpose(list(matrixlib.iter_lmat(infile)))
    # determine labels
    rowlabels = util.unique(rows)
    collabels = util.unique(cols)

    nrows = len(rowlabels)
    ncols = len(collabels)
    nnz = len(vals)
    # determine order
    if mat.order is not None:
        order = util.read_strings(mat.order)
        rowlookup = util.list2lookup(order)
        collookup = util.list2lookup(order)

        rowlabels.sort(key=lambda x: rowlookup[x])
        collabels.sort(key=lambda x: collookup[x])
        rowlookup = util.list2lookup(rowlabels)
        collookup = util.list2lookup(collabels)            
    mat.rowlabels = rowlabels
    mat.collabels = collabels

    # iterate with an imat, then post process
    def func():
        ilmat = itertools.izip(rows, cols, vals)
        imat = matrixlib.ilmat2imat(ilmat, rowlabels, collabels)
        for entry in imat:
            yield entry

        # also store entries by label
        for i, j, v in itertools.izip(mat.rows, mat.cols, mat.vals):
            mat[rowlabels[i]][collabels[j]] = v

    if filename:
    return nrows, ncols, nnz, func()
Exemple #2
def load_matrix(nrows, ncols, nnz, imat, mat,
                loadvals=False, minval=-util.INF,
                sample=False, rowsample=False, colsample=False,
    """Load matrix from an index matrix iterator"""
    mat.setup(nrows, ncols, nnz, rowsample=rowsample, colsample=colsample)
    rows, cols, vals = (mat.rows, mat.cols, mat.vals)

    # clear matrix
    rows[:] = []
    cols[:] = []
    vals[:] = []

    if filename:
        util.tic("reading '%s'" % filename)
        util.log("%s: %d nrows, %d ncols, %d non-zeros" %
                 (filename, nrows, ncols, nnz))
        for i, j, v in imat:
            # filtering: 1. random sample sample
            #            2. row/col filtering
            #            3. value cutoff
            if (sample and random.random() > sample) or \
               i not in mat.rshow or j not in mat.cshow or \
               v < minval:
            if loadvals:
                mat[i][j] = v
    except Exception, e:
        if filename:
        raise e
#!/usr/bin/env python-i
# a very large hierarchical clustering of all human and dog genes

print """
NOTE: use Ctrl+right drag and Shift+right drag to zoom the 
      x- and y-axis independently

# import necessary libraries
from summon import sumtree, util, treelib

# read tree in parent tree format
util.tic("read tree")
tree = treelib.Tree()
tree.read_parent_tree("dog-human-genes.ptree", "dog-human-genes.label")

# read colormap
colormap = treelib.read_tree_color_map("dog-human.colormap")

# Provide a customization of the node labels.
# To view node labels, press "L"
def nodelabel(node):
    if isinstance(node.name, str):
        if node.name.startswith("ENS"):
            return ""
    return node.name

Exemple #4
win = summon.Window("11_fractal")

def fractal(depth, offset):
    if depth == 0:
        return group()
    branches = 5
    shrink = .38
    step = 2 * pi / 10
    c = 1 - depth / 7.0
    c2 = 1 - (depth - 1) / 7.0
    vis = []
    for i in xrange(branches):
        angle = i * 2 * pi / branches + offset
            lines(color(1, c, 0), 0,0, color(1, c2, 0), cos(angle), sin(angle)),
            translate(cos(angle), sin(angle),
                      scale(shrink, shrink, fractal(depth - 1, offset + step)))))
    return group(*vis)

win.add_group(fractal(6, 0))