def __init__(self, sunCalc_dict, save_location): self.sunCalc_dict = sunCalc_dict self.sunCalc_location = SC(location = sunCalc_dict)
def __init__(self, sunCalc_dict, save_location): self.sunCalc_dict = sunCalc_dict self.sunCalc_location = SC(location=sunCalc_dict)
class WeatherToCSV(object): def __init__(self, sunCalc_dict, save_location): self.sunCalc_dict = sunCalc_dict self.sunCalc_location = SC(location = sunCalc_dict) def serverConnect(self, user, password, server): #general function to connect to a server self.connection = pymssql.connect(server, user, password) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() def serverDisconnect(self): self.connection.close() def convertToUTC(self,timeString,sunCalc_object): #function that use the timezone in the sunCalc object to convert to UTC time converted_date = datetime.strptime(timeString, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') converted_date = converted_date + timedelta(hours = -sunCalc_object.TimeZone) return datetime.strftime(converted_date,'%m/%d/%y %H:%M') def pullMinuteData(self,date_start,date_end,database,DB_location): #function that pulls weather data from a database on the loaded server #you specify a location (a column in the database) and a date range to pull from #data will then be converted to hourly data and set a class attribute in lists #write the attributes self.date_start = date_start self.date_end = date_end self.database = database self.DB_location = DB_location date_start_UTC = self.convertToUTC(date_start,self.sunCalc_location) date_end_UTC = self.convertToUTC(date_end,self.sunCalc_location) sqlQuery = """select TimeStamp, GlobalSolar_Avg, DiffuseSolar_Avg, AirTemp_C_Avg, RH_Avg, WindSpd_ms_WVc1, WindSpd_ms_WVc2 from %s where Location ='%s' and TimeStamp >= '%s' and TimeStamp <= '%s' order by timestamp asc""" % (database, DB_location, date_start_UTC,date_end_UTC) self.cursor.execute(sqlQuery) #temp storage self.timestamp = [] self.GHI = [] self.Diff = [] self.Tamb = [] self.RH = [] self.Wspd = [] self.Wdir = [] #store from curson for row in self.cursor: self.timestamp.append(row[0] + timedelta(hours = self.sunCalc_location.TimeZone)) #convert back to local time self.GHI.append(row[1]) self.Diff.append(row[2]) self.Tamb.append(row[3]) self.RH.append(row[4]) self.Wspd.append(row[5]) self.Wdir.append(row[6]) def constructBetweenDates(self): #essentially a test function #makes a weather file between the dates you added to view data #will not work with SAM unless you give it a years worth of data #please use constructYear for data sets with less than a years worth of data #algorthim for converting 5 minute date to hourly averages #need numpy arrays in column format (need to transpose the list) #making sure not to modify self.timestamp timestamp = np.array(self.timestamp) timestamp = np.transpose(timestamp) #create a 2d array 6 columns by x rows min_matrix = np.array([self.GHI,self.Diff,self.Tamb,self.RH,self.Wspd,self.Wdir]) min_matrix = np.transpose(min_matrix) #create data fram and set my index to my time numpy array min_matrix = pd.DataFrame(min_matrix,index = timestamp, columns= ['GHI','Diff','Tamb','RH','Wspd','Wdir']) #average the 5 minute data by taking the mean over an hour (very flexible) hour_matrix = min_matrix.resample('H', how='mean') #pull data from pandas DataFrame Object datetime_list = hour_matrix.index.to_pydatetime() GHI_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['GHI'].get_values()] Diff_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['Diff'].get_values()] Tamb_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['Tamb'].get_values()] RH_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['RH'].get_values()] Wspd_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['Wspd'].get_values()] Wdir_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['Wdir'].get_values()] #storage for writing to csv file = [] pressure = 1013.25 #in mBar (sea-level) ###inputs for csv will be [Year, Month,Day,Hour,GHI,DNI,DHI,Tdry,Twet,RH,PRES,Wspd,Wdir,Albedo] for i in range(len(datetime_list)): info = self.sunCalc_location.point_calc(dt1 = ephem.Date(datetime_list[i])) #from Wet-Bulb Temperature from Relative Humidity and Air Temperature by Roland Stull #valid for 101.325 kPa (doesnt account for elevation) wet_temp = Tamb_list[i]*np.arctan(0.151977*(RH_list[i]+8.313659)**(1/2)) + np.arctan(RH_list[i]+Tamb_list[i]) \ - np.arctan(RH_list[i]-1.6767331) + .00391838*(RH_list[i]**(3/2))*np.arctan(.023101*RH_list[i]) - 4.686035 if info[2]<0 or info[3]<-70 or info[3]>70:[datetime_list[i].year, datetime_list[i].month,datetime_list[i].day, \ datetime_list[i].hour,0,0,0,Tamb_list[i],wet_temp,RH_list[i], pressure, \ Wspd_list[i], Wdir_list[i],self.sunCalc_dict['Albedo']]) else: Ze = 90-info[2] DNI = (GHI_list[i]-Diff_list[i])/np.cos(np.radians(Ze))[datetime_list[i].year, datetime_list[i].month, datetime_list[i].day, \ datetime_list[i].hour, GHI_list[i], DNI, Diff_list[i], Tamb_list[i], wet_temp, \ RH_list[i], pressure, Wspd_list[i], Wdir_list[i], self.sunCalc_dict['Albedo']]) #open csv writer, write the headers save_date_start = datetime.strptime(self.date_start, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') save_date_start = datetime.strftime(save_date_start,'%m%d%y%H') save_date_end = datetime.strptime(self.date_end, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') save_date_end = datetime.strftime(save_date_end,'%m%d%y%H') file_name = r"%s(%s)_(%s - %s).csv" % (self.sunCalc_dict['Name'],self.DB_location,save_date_start,save_date_end) print file_name header1 = ['Source','Location ID', 'City','State','Country','Latitude','Longitude','Time Zone', 'Elevation'] header1data = [self.sunCalc_dict['Source'],self.sunCalc_dict['LocationID'],self.sunCalc_dict['Name'], \ self.sunCalc_dict['State'], self.sunCalc_dict['Country'],self.sunCalc_dict['latitude'], \ self.sunCalc_dict['longitude'], self.sunCalc_dict['TimeZone'], self.sunCalc_dict['Elevation']] header2 = ['Year', 'Month','Day','Hour','GHI','DNI','DHI','Tdry','Twet','RH','Pres','Wspd','Wdir','Albedo'] with open(file_name,'w') as f: csv_write = csv.writer(f,lineterminator = '\n',delimiter = ',') csv_write.writerow(header1) csv_write.writerow(header1data) csv_write.writerow(header2) for row in csv_write.writerow(row) def constructYear(self): #smartly constructs a yearly weather file for NREL SAM simulations #check to see if the data given exceeds a 1 year range (i.e. from 2013-2014) #this is maintain compliance with SAM upperBound = datetime.strptime(self.date_start, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') lowerBound = datetime.strptime(self.date_end, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') if upperBound.year == lowerBound.year: #algorthim for converting 5 minute date to hourly averages #need numpy arrays in column format (need to transpose the list) #making sure not to modify self.timestamp timestamp = np.array(self.timestamp) timestamp = np.transpose(timestamp) #create a 2d array 6 columns by x rows min_matrix = np.array([self.GHI,self.Diff,self.Tamb,self.RH,self.Wspd,self.Wdir]) min_matrix = np.transpose(min_matrix) #create data fram and set my index to my time numpy array min_matrix = pd.DataFrame(min_matrix,index = timestamp, columns= ['GHI','Diff','Tamb','RH','Wspd','Wdir']) #average the 5 minute data by taking the mean over an hour (very flexible) hour_matrix = min_matrix.resample('H', how='mean') #fill in empty data for the year from which you are collecting #doesn't matter which you choose and lower and upper are equal in this case year_value = upperBound.year stringLower = '%s-01-01 00:00:00' % (year_value) stringUpper = '%s-12-31 23:00:00' % (year_value) idx = pd.date_range(stringLower,stringUpper, freq = 'H') idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(idx) year_matrix = hour_matrix.reindex(index=idx, fill_value=0) #pull data from pandas DataFrame Object datetime_list = year_matrix.index.to_pydatetime() GHI_list = [float(item) for item in year_matrix['GHI'].get_values()] Diff_list = [float(item) for item in year_matrix['Diff'].get_values()] Tamb_list = [float(item) for item in year_matrix['Tamb'].get_values()] RH_list = [float(item) for item in year_matrix['RH'].get_values()] Wspd_list = [float(item) for item in year_matrix['Wspd'].get_values()] Wdir_list = [float(item) for item in year_matrix['Wdir'].get_values()] #storage for writing to csv file = [] pressure = 1013.25 #in mBar (sea-level) ###inputs for csv will be [Year, Month,Day,Hour,GHI,DNI,DHI,Tdry,Twet,RH,PRES,Wspd,Wdir,Albedo] for i in range(len(datetime_list)): info = self.sunCalc_location.point_calc(dt1 = ephem.Date(datetime_list[i])) #from Wet-Bulb Temperature from Relative Humidity and Air Temperature by Roland Stull #valid for 101.325 kPa (doesnt account for elevation) wet_temp = Tamb_list[i]*np.arctan(0.151977*(RH_list[i]+8.313659)**(1/2)) + np.arctan(RH_list[i]+Tamb_list[i]) \ - np.arctan(RH_list[i]-1.6767331) + .00391838*(RH_list[i]**(3/2))*np.arctan(.023101*RH_list[i]) - 4.686035 if info[2]<0 or info[3]<-70 or info[3]>70:[datetime_list[i].year, datetime_list[i].month,datetime_list[i].day, \ datetime_list[i].hour,0,0,0,Tamb_list[i],wet_temp,RH_list[i], pressure, \ Wspd_list[i], Wdir_list[i],self.sunCalc_dict['Albedo']]) else: Ze = 90-info[2] DNI = (GHI_list[i]-Diff_list[i])/np.cos(np.radians(Ze))[datetime_list[i].year, datetime_list[i].month, datetime_list[i].day, \ datetime_list[i].hour, GHI_list[i], DNI, Diff_list[i], Tamb_list[i], wet_temp, \ RH_list[i], pressure, Wspd_list[i], Wdir_list[i], self.sunCalc_dict['Albedo']]) file_name = r"%s(%s)_%s.csv" % (self.sunCalc_dict['Name'],self.DB_location,year_value) print file_name header1 = ['Source','Location ID', 'City','State','Country','Latitude','Longitude','Time Zone', 'Elevation'] header1data = [self.sunCalc_dict['Source'],self.sunCalc_dict['LocationID'],self.sunCalc_dict['Name'], \ self.sunCalc_dict['State'], self.sunCalc_dict['Country'],self.sunCalc_dict['latitude'], \ self.sunCalc_dict['longitude'], self.sunCalc_dict['TimeZone'], self.sunCalc_dict['Elevation']] header2 = ['Year', 'Month','Day','Hour','GHI','DNI','DHI','Tdry','Twet','RH','Pres','Wspd','Wdir','Albedo'] with open(file_name,'w') as f: csv_write = csv.writer(f,lineterminator = '\n',delimiter = ',') csv_write.writerow(header1) csv_write.writerow(header1data) csv_write.writerow(header2) for row in csv_write.writerow(row) else: print "please enter a date range with the same calendar year" print "This is to insure compliance with NREL SAM weather files"
class WeatherToCSV(object): def __init__(self, sunCalc_dict, save_location): self.sunCalc_dict = sunCalc_dict self.sunCalc_location = SC(location=sunCalc_dict) def serverConnect(self, user, password, server): #general function to connect to a server self.connection = pymssql.connect(server, user, password) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() def serverDisconnect(self): self.connection.close() def convertToUTC(self, timeString, sunCalc_object): #function that use the timezone in the sunCalc object to convert to UTC time converted_date = datetime.strptime(timeString, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') converted_date = converted_date + timedelta( hours=-sunCalc_object.TimeZone) return datetime.strftime(converted_date, '%m/%d/%y %H:%M') def pullMinuteData(self, date_start, date_end, database, DB_location): #function that pulls weather data from a database on the loaded server #you specify a location (a column in the database) and a date range to pull from #data will then be converted to hourly data and set a class attribute in lists #write the attributes self.date_start = date_start self.date_end = date_end self.database = database self.DB_location = DB_location date_start_UTC = self.convertToUTC(date_start, self.sunCalc_location) date_end_UTC = self.convertToUTC(date_end, self.sunCalc_location) sqlQuery = """select TimeStamp, GlobalSolar_Avg, DiffuseSolar_Avg, AirTemp_C_Avg, RH_Avg, WindSpd_ms_WVc1, WindSpd_ms_WVc2 from %s where Location ='%s' and TimeStamp >= '%s' and TimeStamp <= '%s' order by timestamp asc""" % ( database, DB_location, date_start_UTC, date_end_UTC) self.cursor.execute(sqlQuery) #temp storage self.timestamp = [] self.GHI = [] self.Diff = [] self.Tamb = [] self.RH = [] self.Wspd = [] self.Wdir = [] #store from curson for row in self.cursor: self.timestamp.append( row[0] + timedelta(hours=self.sunCalc_location.TimeZone) ) #convert back to local time self.GHI.append(row[1]) self.Diff.append(row[2]) self.Tamb.append(row[3]) self.RH.append(row[4]) self.Wspd.append(row[5]) self.Wdir.append(row[6]) def constructBetweenDates(self): #essentially a test function #makes a weather file between the dates you added to view data #will not work with SAM unless you give it a years worth of data #please use constructYear for data sets with less than a years worth of data #algorthim for converting 5 minute date to hourly averages #need numpy arrays in column format (need to transpose the list) #making sure not to modify self.timestamp timestamp = np.array(self.timestamp) timestamp = np.transpose(timestamp) #create a 2d array 6 columns by x rows min_matrix = np.array( [self.GHI, self.Diff, self.Tamb, self.RH, self.Wspd, self.Wdir]) min_matrix = np.transpose(min_matrix) #create data fram and set my index to my time numpy array min_matrix = pd.DataFrame( min_matrix, index=timestamp, columns=['GHI', 'Diff', 'Tamb', 'RH', 'Wspd', 'Wdir']) #average the 5 minute data by taking the mean over an hour (very flexible) hour_matrix = min_matrix.resample('H', how='mean') #pull data from pandas DataFrame Object datetime_list = hour_matrix.index.to_pydatetime() GHI_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['GHI'].get_values()] Diff_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['Diff'].get_values()] Tamb_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['Tamb'].get_values()] RH_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['RH'].get_values()] Wspd_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['Wspd'].get_values()] Wdir_list = [float(item) for item in hour_matrix['Wdir'].get_values()] #storage for writing to csv file = [] pressure = 1013.25 #in mBar (sea-level) ###inputs for csv will be [Year, Month,Day,Hour,GHI,DNI,DHI,Tdry,Twet,RH,PRES,Wspd,Wdir,Albedo] for i in range(len(datetime_list)): info = self.sunCalc_location.point_calc( dt1=ephem.Date(datetime_list[i])) #from Wet-Bulb Temperature from Relative Humidity and Air Temperature by Roland Stull #valid for 101.325 kPa (doesnt account for elevation) wet_temp = Tamb_list[i]*np.arctan(0.151977*(RH_list[i]+8.313659)**(1/2)) + np.arctan(RH_list[i]+Tamb_list[i]) \ - np.arctan(RH_list[i]-1.6767331) + .00391838*(RH_list[i]**(3/2))*np.arctan(.023101*RH_list[i]) - 4.686035 if info[2] < 0 or info[3] < -70 or info[3] > 70:[datetime_list[i].year, datetime_list[i].month,datetime_list[i].day, \ datetime_list[i].hour,0,0,0,Tamb_list[i],wet_temp,RH_list[i], pressure, \ Wspd_list[i], Wdir_list[i],self.sunCalc_dict['Albedo']]) else: Ze = 90 - info[2] DNI = (GHI_list[i] - Diff_list[i]) / np.cos(np.radians(Ze))[datetime_list[i].year, datetime_list[i].month, datetime_list[i].day, \ datetime_list[i].hour, GHI_list[i], DNI, Diff_list[i], Tamb_list[i], wet_temp, \ RH_list[i], pressure, Wspd_list[i], Wdir_list[i], self.sunCalc_dict['Albedo']]) #open csv writer, write the headers save_date_start = datetime.strptime(self.date_start, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') save_date_start = datetime.strftime(save_date_start, '%m%d%y%H') save_date_end = datetime.strptime(self.date_end, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') save_date_end = datetime.strftime(save_date_end, '%m%d%y%H') file_name = r"%s(%s)_(%s - %s).csv" % (self.sunCalc_dict['Name'], self.DB_location, save_date_start, save_date_end) print file_name header1 = [ 'Source', 'Location ID', 'City', 'State', 'Country', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Time Zone', 'Elevation' ] header1data = [self.sunCalc_dict['Source'],self.sunCalc_dict['LocationID'],self.sunCalc_dict['Name'], \ self.sunCalc_dict['State'], self.sunCalc_dict['Country'],self.sunCalc_dict['latitude'], \ self.sunCalc_dict['longitude'], self.sunCalc_dict['TimeZone'], self.sunCalc_dict['Elevation']] header2 = [ 'Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'GHI', 'DNI', 'DHI', 'Tdry', 'Twet', 'RH', 'Pres', 'Wspd', 'Wdir', 'Albedo' ] with open(file_name, 'w') as f: csv_write = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n', delimiter=',') csv_write.writerow(header1) csv_write.writerow(header1data) csv_write.writerow(header2) for row in csv_write.writerow(row) def constructYear(self): #smartly constructs a yearly weather file for NREL SAM simulations #check to see if the data given exceeds a 1 year range (i.e. from 2013-2014) #this is maintain compliance with SAM upperBound = datetime.strptime(self.date_start, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') lowerBound = datetime.strptime(self.date_end, '%m/%d/%y %I:%M') if upperBound.year == lowerBound.year: #algorthim for converting 5 minute date to hourly averages #need numpy arrays in column format (need to transpose the list) #making sure not to modify self.timestamp timestamp = np.array(self.timestamp) timestamp = np.transpose(timestamp) #create a 2d array 6 columns by x rows min_matrix = np.array([ self.GHI, self.Diff, self.Tamb, self.RH, self.Wspd, self.Wdir ]) min_matrix = np.transpose(min_matrix) #create data fram and set my index to my time numpy array min_matrix = pd.DataFrame( min_matrix, index=timestamp, columns=['GHI', 'Diff', 'Tamb', 'RH', 'Wspd', 'Wdir']) #average the 5 minute data by taking the mean over an hour (very flexible) hour_matrix = min_matrix.resample('H', how='mean') #fill in empty data for the year from which you are collecting #doesn't matter which you choose and lower and upper are equal in this case year_value = upperBound.year stringLower = '%s-01-01 00:00:00' % (year_value) stringUpper = '%s-12-31 23:00:00' % (year_value) idx = pd.date_range(stringLower, stringUpper, freq='H') idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(idx) year_matrix = hour_matrix.reindex(index=idx, fill_value=0) #pull data from pandas DataFrame Object datetime_list = year_matrix.index.to_pydatetime() GHI_list = [ float(item) for item in year_matrix['GHI'].get_values() ] Diff_list = [ float(item) for item in year_matrix['Diff'].get_values() ] Tamb_list = [ float(item) for item in year_matrix['Tamb'].get_values() ] RH_list = [float(item) for item in year_matrix['RH'].get_values()] Wspd_list = [ float(item) for item in year_matrix['Wspd'].get_values() ] Wdir_list = [ float(item) for item in year_matrix['Wdir'].get_values() ] #storage for writing to csv file = [] pressure = 1013.25 #in mBar (sea-level) ###inputs for csv will be [Year, Month,Day,Hour,GHI,DNI,DHI,Tdry,Twet,RH,PRES,Wspd,Wdir,Albedo] for i in range(len(datetime_list)): info = self.sunCalc_location.point_calc( dt1=ephem.Date(datetime_list[i])) #from Wet-Bulb Temperature from Relative Humidity and Air Temperature by Roland Stull #valid for 101.325 kPa (doesnt account for elevation) wet_temp = Tamb_list[i]*np.arctan(0.151977*(RH_list[i]+8.313659)**(1/2)) + np.arctan(RH_list[i]+Tamb_list[i]) \ - np.arctan(RH_list[i]-1.6767331) + .00391838*(RH_list[i]**(3/2))*np.arctan(.023101*RH_list[i]) - 4.686035 if info[2] < 0 or info[3] < -70 or info[3] > 70:[datetime_list[i].year, datetime_list[i].month,datetime_list[i].day, \ datetime_list[i].hour,0,0,0,Tamb_list[i],wet_temp,RH_list[i], pressure, \ Wspd_list[i], Wdir_list[i],self.sunCalc_dict['Albedo']]) else: Ze = 90 - info[2] DNI = (GHI_list[i] - Diff_list[i]) / np.cos(np.radians(Ze))[datetime_list[i].year, datetime_list[i].month, datetime_list[i].day, \ datetime_list[i].hour, GHI_list[i], DNI, Diff_list[i], Tamb_list[i], wet_temp, \ RH_list[i], pressure, Wspd_list[i], Wdir_list[i], self.sunCalc_dict['Albedo']]) file_name = r"%s(%s)_%s.csv" % (self.sunCalc_dict['Name'], self.DB_location, year_value) print file_name header1 = [ 'Source', 'Location ID', 'City', 'State', 'Country', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Time Zone', 'Elevation' ] header1data = [self.sunCalc_dict['Source'],self.sunCalc_dict['LocationID'],self.sunCalc_dict['Name'], \ self.sunCalc_dict['State'], self.sunCalc_dict['Country'],self.sunCalc_dict['latitude'], \ self.sunCalc_dict['longitude'], self.sunCalc_dict['TimeZone'], self.sunCalc_dict['Elevation']] header2 = [ 'Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'GHI', 'DNI', 'DHI', 'Tdry', 'Twet', 'RH', 'Pres', 'Wspd', 'Wdir', 'Albedo' ] with open(file_name, 'w') as f: csv_write = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n', delimiter=',') csv_write.writerow(header1) csv_write.writerow(header1data) csv_write.writerow(header2) for row in csv_write.writerow(row) else: print "please enter a date range with the same calendar year" print "This is to insure compliance with NREL SAM weather files"