Exemple #1
def magnetogram():
    arr_shape = [50, 50] * u.pixel
    obs = SkyCoord(lon=0. * u.deg,
                   lat=0. * u.deg,
    blc = SkyCoord(-150 * u.arcsec,
                   -150 * u.arcsec,
    trc = SkyCoord(150 * u.arcsec,
                   150 * u.arcsec,
    centers = SkyCoord(Tx=[65, -65] * u.arcsec,
                       Ty=[0, 0] * u.arcsec,
    sigmas = u.Quantity([[15, 15], [15, 15]], 'arcsec')
    amplitudes = u.Quantity([1e3, -1e3], 'Gauss')
    magnetogram = synthesizAR.extrapolate.synthetic_magnetogram(blc,
    return magnetogram
def test_no_observer():
    # Tests transformations to and from observer-based frames with no observer defined
    frames_in = [Heliocentric(0*u.km, 0*u.km, 0*u.km, observer=None),
                 Heliocentric(0*u.km, 0*u.km, 0*u.km, observer=None, obstime='2001-01-01'),
                 Helioprojective(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, observer=None),
                 Helioprojective(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, observer=None, obstime='2001-01-01')]
    frames_out = frames_in + [
        HeliographicStonyhurst(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, obstime=None),
        HeliographicStonyhurst(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, obstime='2001-01-01'),
        Heliocentric(0*u.km, 0*u.km, 0*u.km, observer=None, obstime='2012-12-12'),
        Heliocentric(0*u.km, 0*u.km, 0*u.km, observer="earth", obstime=None),
        Heliocentric(0*u.km, 0*u.km, 0*u.km, observer="earth", obstime='2001-01-01'),
        Helioprojective(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, observer=None, obstime='2012-12-12'),
        Helioprojective(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, observer="earth", obstime=None),
        Helioprojective(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, observer="earth", obstime='2001-01-01')]

    # Self-transformations should succeed
    for f in frames_in:

    # All other transformations should error
    for i, f1 in enumerate(frames_in):
        for f2 in frames_out[i + 1:]:
            with pytest.raises(ConvertError):
            with pytest.raises(ConvertError):
Exemple #3
def test_hpc_hpc():
    # Use some unphysical values for solar parameters for testing, to make it
    # easier to calculate expected results.
    rsun = 1 * u.m
    D0 = 1 * u.km
    L0 = 1 * u.deg
    observer_in = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0 * u.deg,
                                         lon=0 * u.deg,
    observer_out = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=L0, radius=D0)

    hpc_in = Helioprojective(0 * u.arcsec,
                             0 * u.arcsec,
    hpc_out = Helioprojective(observer=observer_out, rsun=rsun)

    hpc_new = hpc_in.transform_to(hpc_out)

    assert hpc_new.observer == hpc_out.observer

    # Calculate the distance subtended by an angle of L0 from the centre of the
    # Sun.
    dd = -1 * rsun * np.tan(L0)
    # Calculate the angle corresponding to that distance as seen by the new
    # observer.
    theta = np.arctan2(dd, (D0 - rsun))

    assert quantity_allclose(theta, hpc_new.Tx, rtol=1e-3)
Exemple #4
def test_hpc_hpc_null():
    hpc_in = Helioprojective(0 * u.arcsec, 0 * u.arcsec)
    hpc_out = Helioprojective()

    hpc_new = hpc_in.transform_to(hpc_out)

    assert hpc_new is not hpc_in
    assert quantity_allclose(hpc_new.Tx, hpc_in.Tx)
    assert quantity_allclose(hpc_new.Ty, hpc_in.Ty)
    assert hpc_out.observer == hpc_new.observer
Exemple #5
def test_hgs_cartesian_rep_to_hpc():
    # This test checks transformation HGS->HPC when the coordinate is in a Cartesian
    # representation and that it is the same as a transformation from an HGS frame with a
    # spherical representation

    obstime = "2011-01-01"
    hgscoord_cart = SkyCoord(x=1*u.km, y=0.*u.km, z=0.*u.km,
    hgscoord_sph = hgscoord_cart.copy()
    hgscoord_sph.representation_type = 'spherical'
    hpccoord_cart = hgscoord_cart.transform_to(Helioprojective(obstime=obstime))
    hpccoord_sph = hgscoord_sph.transform_to(Helioprojective(obstime=obstime))
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_cart.Tx, hpccoord_sph.Tx)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_cart.Ty, hpccoord_sph.Ty)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_cart.distance, hpccoord_sph.distance)
Exemple #6
    def calculate_cross_sections(self, field):
        Estimate loop cross-sectional area
        fps = heeq_to_hcc_coord(
            *u.Quantity([l.coordinates[-1] for l in field.loops]).T,
        range_x = (min(fps.Tx.min().value,
        range_y = (min(fps.Ty.min().value,
        fp_dist, x_edges, y_edges = np.histogram2d(
            range=(range_x, range_y),

        d_surface = field.magnetogram.dsun - const.R_sun
        dx = (1. * u.pixel * field.magnetogram.scale.axis1).to(
            u.radian).value * d_surface
        dy = (1. * u.pixel * field.magnetogram.scale.axis2).to(
            u.radian).value * d_surface
        ix = np.digitize(fps.Tx.value, x_edges, right=False) - 1
        iy = np.digitize(fps.Ty.value, y_edges, right=False) - 1

        return ((dx * dy).to(u.cm**2) / fp_dist[ix, iy]).value
Exemple #7
    def make_spatial(self):
        Add a helioprojective spatial pair to the builder.

        .. note::
            This increments the counter by two.

        i = self._i
        name = self.header[f'DWNAME{self.n}']
        name = name.split(' ')[0]
        axes_names = [(self.header[f'DWNAME{nn}'].rsplit(' ')[1])
                      for nn in (self.n, self._n(i + 1))]

        obstime = Time(self.header['DATE-BGN'])
            cf.CelestialFrame(axes_order=(i, i + 1),
                              unit=self.get_units(self._i, self._i + 1)))


        self._i += 2
def test_hpc_hcc_different_observer_radius():
    # Tests HPC->HCC with a change in observer at different distances from the Sun
    observer1 = HeliographicStonyhurst(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, 1*u.AU)
    hpc = Helioprojective(0*u.arcsec, 0*u.arcsec, 0.5*u.AU, observer=observer1)

    observer2 = HeliographicStonyhurst(90*u.deg, 0*u.deg, 0.75*u.AU)
    hcc = hpc.transform_to(Heliocentric(observer=observer2))

    assert_quantity_allclose(hcc.x, -0.5*u.AU)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hcc.y, 0*u.AU, atol=1e-10*u.AU)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hcc.z, 0*u.AU, atol=1e-10*u.AU)
def test_rsun_preservation():
    # Check that rsun is preserved when transforming between any two frames with that attribute
    args_in = {'obstime': '2001-01-01', 'rsun': 690*u.Mm}
    args_out = {'obstime': '2001-02-01', 'rsun': 700*u.Mm}

    coords_in = [Helioprojective(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, 1*u.AU, observer='earth', **args_in),
                 HeliographicStonyhurst(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, 1*u.AU, **args_in),
                 HeliographicCarrington(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, 1*u.AU, observer='earth', **args_in)]

    for coord in coords_in:
        for frame in coords_in:
            out_coord = coord.transform_to(frame.replicate(**args_out))
            assert_quantity_allclose(out_coord.rsun, args_out['rsun'])
def test_array_obstime():
    # Validate that you can transform from an array of obstimes to no obstimes,
    # or different obstimes.
    a = SkyCoord([10]*2, [10]*2, unit=u.deg,
                 obstime=["2019-01-01", "2019-01-02"],

    t = a.transform_to(Helioprojective)
    assert isinstance(t.frame, Helioprojective)

    t2 = a.transform_to(Helioprojective(obstime=["2019-01-03", "2019-01-04"]))
    assert isinstance(t2.frame, Helioprojective)
def test_hpc_to_hcc_same_observer():
    # This test checks transformation HPC->HCC in the case of same observer

    rsun = 1*u.m
    D0 = 1 * u.km
    observer = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=0 * u.deg, radius=D0)
    hcc_frame = Heliocentric(observer=observer)
    hpc_frame = Helioprojective(observer=observer, rsun=rsun)
    hpccoord = SkyCoord(Tx=0 * u.arcsec, Ty=0 * u.arcsec, frame=hpc_frame)
    hcccoord_out = hpccoord.transform_to(hcc_frame)
    hcccoord_expected = hpccoord.transform_to(HeliographicStonyhurst).transform_to(hcc_frame)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hcccoord_out.x, hcccoord_expected.x)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hcccoord_out.y, hcccoord_expected.y)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hcccoord_out.z, hcccoord_expected.z)
def test_hcc_to_hpc_same_observer():
    # This test checks transformation HCC->HPC in the case of same observer

    rsun = 1*u.m
    D0 = 1*u.km
    observer = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0*u.deg, lon=0*u.deg, radius=D0)
    hcc_frame = Heliocentric(observer=observer)
    hpc_frame = Helioprojective(observer=observer, rsun=rsun)
    hcccoord = SkyCoord(x=rsun, y=rsun, z=rsun, frame=hcc_frame)
    hpccoord_out = hcccoord.transform_to(hpc_frame)
    hpccoord_expected = hcccoord.transform_to(HeliographicStonyhurst).transform_to(hpc_frame)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_out.Tx, hpccoord_expected.Tx)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_out.Ty, hpccoord_expected.Ty)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_out.distance, hpccoord_expected.distance)
Exemple #13
def test_hpc_hpc():
    # Use some unphysical values for solar parameters for testing
    rsun = 1*u.m
    D0 = 1*u.km
    L0 = 1*u.deg

    hpc_in = Helioprojective(0*u.arcsec, 0*u.arcsec, rsun=rsun, D0=D0)
    hpc_out = Helioprojective(L0=L0, D0=D0, rsun=rsun)

    hpc_new = hpc_in.transform_to(hpc_out)

    assert hpc_new.L0 == hpc_out.L0
    assert hpc_new.B0 == hpc_out.B0
    assert hpc_new.D0 == hpc_out.D0

    # Calculate the distance subtended by an angle of L0 from the centre of the
    # Sun.
    dd = -1 * rsun * np.tan(L0)
    # Calculate the angle corresponding to that distance as seen by the new
    # observer.
    theta = np.arctan2(dd, (D0 - rsun))

    assert quantity_allclose(theta, hpc_new.Tx, rtol=1e-3)
def test_hpc_hgs_implicit_hcc():
    # An HPC->HGS transformation should give the same answer whether the transformation step
    #   through HCC is implicit or explicit
    start = SkyCoord(0*u.arcsec, 0*u.arcsec, 0.5*u.AU,
                     frame=Helioprojective(obstime='2019-06-01', observer='earth'))
    frame = HeliographicStonyhurst(obstime='2019-12-01')

    implicit = start.transform_to(frame)
    explicit1 = start.transform_to(Heliocentric(obstime=start.obstime, observer='earth')).\
    explicit2 = start.transform_to(Heliocentric(obstime=frame.obstime, observer='earth')).\

    assert_quantity_allclose(implicit.separation_3d(explicit1), 0*u.AU, atol=1e-10*u.AU)
    assert_quantity_allclose(implicit.separation_3d(explicit2), 0*u.AU, atol=1e-10*u.AU)
Exemple #15
def test_hpc_to_hcc_different_observer():
    # This test checks transformation HPC->HCC in the case where the HCC and HPC frames are
    # defined by different observers.
    # NOTE: This test is currently expected to fail because the HCC<->HPC transformation does
    # not account for observer location. It will be updated once this is fixed.
    D0 = 1 * u.km
    L0 = 1 * u.deg
    observer_1 = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0 * u.deg,
                                        lon=0 * u.deg,
    observer_2 = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=L0, radius=D0)
    hcc_frame = Heliocentric(observer=observer_1)
    hpc_frame = Helioprojective(observer=observer_2)
    hpccoord = SkyCoord(Tx=0 * u.arcsec, Ty=0 * u.arcsec, frame=hpc_frame)
    with pytest.raises(ConvertError):
def test_hcc_to_hpc_different_observer():
    # This test checks transformation HCC->HPC in the case where the HCC and HPC frames are
    # defined by different observers.

    rsun = 1*u.m
    D0 = 1*u.km
    L0 = 1*u.deg
    observer_1 = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0*u.deg, lon=0*u.deg, radius=D0)
    observer_2 = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0*u.deg, lon=L0, radius=D0)
    hcc_frame = Heliocentric(observer=observer_1)
    hpc_frame = Helioprojective(observer=observer_2)
    hcccoord = SkyCoord(x=rsun, y=rsun, z=rsun, frame=hcc_frame)
    hpccoord_out = hcccoord.transform_to(hpc_frame)
    hpccoord_expected = hcccoord.transform_to(HeliographicStonyhurst).transform_to(hpc_frame)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_out.Tx, hpccoord_expected.Tx)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_out.Ty, hpccoord_expected.Ty)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hpccoord_out.distance, hpccoord_expected.distance)
def test_hpc_to_hcc_different_observer():
    # This test checks transformation HPC->HCC in the case where the HCC and HPC frames are
    # defined by different observers.

    rsun = 1*u.m
    D0 = 1*u.km
    L0 = 1*u.deg
    observer_1 = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0*u.deg, lon=0*u.deg, radius=D0)
    observer_2 = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0*u.deg, lon=L0, radius=D0)
    hcc_frame = Heliocentric(observer=observer_1)
    hpc_frame = Helioprojective(observer=observer_2, rsun=rsun)
    hpccoord = SkyCoord(Tx=0*u.arcsec, Ty=0*u.arcsec, frame=hpc_frame)
    hcccoord_out = hpccoord.transform_to(hcc_frame)
    hcccoord_expected = hpccoord.transform_to(HeliographicStonyhurst).transform_to(hcc_frame)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hcccoord_out.x, hcccoord_expected.x)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hcccoord_out.y, hcccoord_expected.y)
    assert_quantity_allclose(hcccoord_out.z, hcccoord_expected.z)
def test_hpc_hpc_sc():
    # Use some unphysical values for solar parameters for testing, to make it
    # easier to calculate expected results.
    rsun = 1*u.m
    D0 = 1*u.km
    L0 = 1*u.deg
    observer_in = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0*u.deg, lon=0*u.deg, radius=D0)
    observer_out = HeliographicStonyhurst(lat=0*u.deg, lon=L0, radius=D0)

    sc_in = SkyCoord(0*u.arcsec, 0*u.arcsec, rsun=rsun, observer=observer_in,
    hpc_out = Helioprojective(observer=observer_out, rsun=rsun)

    hpc_new = sc_in.transform_to(hpc_out)

    assert hpc_new.observer.lat == hpc_out.observer.lat
    assert hpc_new.observer.lon == hpc_out.observer.lon
    assert hpc_new.observer.radius == hpc_out.observer.radius
Exemple #19
from sunpy.coordinates import Helioprojective, propagate_with_solar_surface
from sunpy.data.sample import AIA_171_IMAGE

# First, load an AIA observation.

aiamap = sunpy.map.Map(AIA_171_IMAGE)
in_time = aiamap.date

# Let's define the output frame to be five days in the future for an observer
# at Earth (i.e., about five degrees offset in heliographic longitude compared
# to the location of AIA in the original observation).

out_time = in_time + 5*u.day
out_frame = Helioprojective(observer='earth', obstime=out_time,

# Construct a WCS object for the output map.  If one has an actual ``Map``
# object at the desired output time (e.g., the actual AIA observation at the
# output time), one can use the WCS object from that ``Map`` object (e.g.,
# ``mymap.wcs``) instead of constructing a custom WCS.

out_center = SkyCoord(0*u.arcsec, 0*u.arcsec, frame=out_frame)
header = sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header(aiamap.data.shape,
out_wcs = WCS(header)

# Reproject the map from the input frame to the output frame.  We use the
Exemple #20
from sunpy.coordinates import Helioprojective, RotatedSunFrame, transform_with_sun_center
from sunpy.data.sample import AIA_171_IMAGE

# First, load an AIA observation.

aiamap = sunpy.map.Map(AIA_171_IMAGE)
in_time = aiamap.date

# Let's define the output frame to be five days in the future for an observer
# at Earth (i.e., about five degrees offset in heliographic longitude compared
# to the location of AIA in the original observation).

out_time = in_time + 5 * u.day
out_frame = Helioprojective(observer='earth', obstime=out_time)

# For the reprojection, the definition of the target frame can be
# counter-intuitive.  We will be transforming from the original frame to the
# `~sunpy.coordinates.metaframes.RotatedSunFrame` version of the output frame
# with ``rotated_time`` set to the time of the original frame.

rot_frame = RotatedSunFrame(base=out_frame, rotated_time=in_time)

# Construct a WCS object for the output map with the target
# ``RotatedSunHelioprojective`` frame specified instead of the regular
# `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` frame.
# If one has an actual ``Map`` object at the desired output
Exemple #21
def corners(observer):
    hpc_frame = Helioprojective(observer=observer, obstime=observer.obstime)
    blc = SkyCoord(-150 * u.arcsec, -150 * u.arcsec, frame=hpc_frame)
    trc = SkyCoord(150 * u.arcsec, 150 * u.arcsec, frame=hpc_frame)
    return blc, trc