def riddle_room():
    print(""" Once you enter the room, you look around.
    It looks a lot like a forest, tall trees and various plants galore.
    You notice a troll napping on a tree stump in the middle of the room. 
    The door behind you slams shut and the troll wakes up.
    What do you do?""")

    while True:
        choice = input(" >")
        if "talk" in choice and "troll" in choice:
                """ "Welcome to my room of riddles!", says the troll. "I'll get straight to the point. I'm going to ask you
            a series of riddles. If you answer the first one correctly, I'll open the door from which you came.
            If you answer the second, I'll open the door that leads to the next room. If you feel you're not up to the task, 
            I might kill you right here! What do you say? Would you like to play?" """

            while True:
                choice = input(" >")
                if choice.lower() == "yes":
                elif choice.lower() == "no":
                        "The troll snaps his fingers, and you keel over in pain. Your last words were \" I don't feel so good\""
                    print("It's a simple Yes or No answer!")
            print("You can't do that right now. Maybe talk to the troll?")
Exemple #2
def bug_room():
    print("Bug Room")
        There's a bunch of spiderwebs
        in front of the door, blocked by a giant spider! 
        There is a torch and a spear on the wall.

    while True:
        choice = input('> ')
        if "fight" in choice.lower():
            dead("You punch the spider in the face, but it eats your hand. You lose.")
        elif "burn" in choice.lower():
            print("Bye spider. Also, gross by the way.")
            print("Now the door is clear and you enter the boss room.")

        elif "spear" in choice.lower():
            print("You take the spear and throw it at the spider. The spider runs away!")
            print("Now the door is clear and you enter the boss room.")
            print("I got no idea what that means.")
def first_riddle():
        """ "Let's begin! I have no mouth, but I still consume. Feed me well, and I will be strong. Get me to drink water, and I die.
    What am I?" """)
    choice = input(" >")
    if "fire" in choice.lower():
            """ "That's right, I'm fire! Talk to me when you want to try the next one. It won't be nearly as easy." """
            'Nope, you fail the riddle. The troll keeps you prisoner forever.')
def second_riddle():
        """ "You just received word that the princess is dead! In her room there's broken glass on the floor and a puddle of water. 
    Her window is open, and it's storming outside. The nightstand by her window is knocked over as well. If nobody was present when the princess
    died, then how did she die?" """)
    choice = input(" >")
    if "princess" in choice and "was" in choice and "fish" in choice:
        second_riddle_right = True
            """ "That's correct! The princess died because she was a fish! The wind from the storm broke her window
        and knocked down her nightstand, so her fish bowl broke and she suffocated as a result." *The door ahead opens*
        A shard of glass appears in your hand.
        "Good luck in the next room!" """)
            'Nope, you fail the riddle. The troll keeps you prisoner forever.')
Exemple #5
def choice_room():
    You are suddenly hit by an intense and godly light.
    then with no warning it is consumed by the black.
    feet, body, hands, head, eyes, mind all was black. 
    in what semmed like the longest second, small, soft, lights  flicked illuminated the black room.
    two floating orbs appear in front of you.
    a soft voice wispers "your choice to make"

    while True:
        choice = input("> ")

        if (choice == "choice"):
            dead("You chose wrong. You lose")
Exemple #6
def bomb_room():
    print("There is a bomb here,")
    print("It is sensetive so it will explode very easily if not careful.")
        "There are 2 wires to pull, one will disable the bomb, but the other one will instantly explode!"
    print("Which one do you choose?")
    bomb_detonated = False

    while True:
        choice = input('> ')

        if choice == "Wire 1" and bomb_detonated:
            dead("That was the wrong wire.")
        elif choice == "Wire 2" and not bomb_detonated:
            print("You've picked the right wire carefully.")
            print("You now have a bomb as an item!")
            print("Proceed to the final room.")
        elif choice == "Wire 2" and bomb_detonated:
            dead("You pulled it too hard.")
                "Are to going to type an actual choice or just stand there, because there's a standing fee."
def boss_room(item):
        "This room is cold and dim. Smells like rotten meat and dead bodies. You see a dead knight in front of your feet with an axe jamed into his ribs."
        "The door closes behind you and locks. You look around and see a 4 leged and 4 armed 39 feet tall Pop-Corn machine! With a mouth the size of a bear, with curnals for eyes."

    boss = True
    axe = False
    stabbed = False

    # ignis = True
    # spear = True
    # bomb = True
    # spark = True
    # sword = True
    # glasses = True
    # fire = True

    while boss:
        choice = input("> ")

        if "pick up axe" in choice:
            axe = True

        if "attack" in choice and item == 'pointy':
                "You swing the axe and chop of one of its arms. It kicks you to the wall with one of its legs. It takes your axe and swallows it. "
            axe = False

        elif "ignis" in choice and item == 'fire':
                "You throw the fire ball at the monster's eye. It's eye pops into a giant peice of popcorn."
            print("You no longer know the ignis spell")
            item = False
            choice = input(">")

        elif "ignis" in choice and item == 'fire':
                f"You throw the fire ball at the spot were the {item} had struck. The fire burns the monster's open wound, the monster screams in pain. The fire spreads though the monster's organs and..."
                "The monster explodes into giant popcorn peices and is now dead."
                "Congrats you WIN. Sadly you cant get out. Now you are the boss of this room."
            boss = False

        elif "spark" in choice and item == 'spark':
                "You electricute the monster but its not dead. You only stuned it for about 5 secounds."
            print("You no longer know the spark spell.")
            item = False
            choice = input(">")

        elif "sword" in choice or "spear" in choice and item == 'pointy':
                "You charge the monster with your spear, dodging each one of its arms and legs. You slide under it's belly and as you slide under you throw the spear into its belly."
                "The monster screams in pain and pulls out the spear and throws it at you. You some how dodge it. The spear crashes into the floor breaking it, and leaving a giant whole."
                "You look in the hole and you see a giant pit of lava at the bottom of the whole."
            item = False
            choice = input(">")

        elif "use bomb" in choice and item == 'bomb':
                "You throw the bomb at the monster with your perfect timing skills. Th bomb explodes in its face knocking it backwards into the pit of lava."
                "The monster falls into the lava and is now dead. You start to walk away. But as you are walking away you hear the pit of lava start to rumble."
                "You look back towards the big whole and hear a loud BOOM. Pop corn starts to fly out the whole and land on the floor. Congrats you WIN sadly you cant get out"
            bomb = False
            boss = False

            print("i dont know what that means")
            choice = input("> ")

        "You are stuck here. Now you are the boss. Moral of this story: Don't just go into random castles without an invitation."

# Boss_room()