Exemple #1
 def list(self, request, company_id=None): #retrieve all data extract jobs across all companies
     if company_id != '0':
         return HttpResponse('Company is incorrect', status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) 
         page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
         items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
         offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
         jobs = SuperJobMonitor.objects().order_by('-started_date')
         totalCount = SuperJobMonitor.objects().count()
         totalCountSuccess = SuperJobMonitor.objects(status='Completed').count()
         totalCountFailure = SuperJobMonitor.objects(status='Failed').count()
         qlist = list(jobs)
         result = qlist[offset:offset+items_per_page]
         serializedList = SuperJobMonitorSerializer(result, many=True)
         initialCount = SuperJobMonitor.objects(type='initial').count()
         initialCountSuccess = SuperJobMonitor.objects(Q(type='initial') & Q(status='Completed')).count()
         initialCountFailure = SuperJobMonitor.objects(Q(type='initial') & Q(status='Failed')).count()
         deltaCount = SuperJobMonitor.objects(type='delta').count()
         deltaCountSuccess = SuperJobMonitor.objects(Q(type='delta') & Q(status='Completed')).count()
         deltaCountFailure = SuperJobMonitor.objects(Q(type='delta') & Q(status='Failed')).count()
         return JsonResponse({'totalCount': totalCount, 'totalCountSuccess': totalCountSuccess, \
                              'totalCountFailure': totalCountFailure, 'initialCount': initialCount, \
                              'initialCountSuccess': initialCountSuccess, 'initialCountFailure': initialCountFailure, \
                              'deltaCount': deltaCount, 'deltaCountSuccess': deltaCountSuccess, \
                              'deltaCountFailure': deltaCountFailure, 'results': serializedList.data})
     except Exception as e:
         return HttpResponse(str(e), status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) 
Exemple #2
def companyDataExtract(user_id=None, company_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None):
    superJobMonitor = None
    existingIntegration = None
    if run_type is None or company_id is None or sinceDateTime is None:
        sinceDateTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(sinceDateTime) / 1000)
        #sinceDateTime = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)
        print 'start date is ' + str(sinceDateTime)
        print 'run type is ' + run_type
        print 'company id is ' + str(company_id)

        #create an entry in the Job Monitor
        superJobMonitor = SuperJobMonitor(company_id=company_id, type=run_type, started_date=datetime.utcnow())
        #do pre-check
        _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Pre-check started") 
        # get the integration record
        existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id=company_id).first() 
        if existingIntegration is None:
            _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, None, 'Failed', 'No integration record found') 
            mail_admins('Could not find integration record for company ' + company_id , 'Check settings')
            return False 
        if run_type == 'initial':   
            existingIntegration['initial_run_in_process'] = True #set the flag
        else: #delta
            existingIntegration['delta_run_in_process'] = True #set the flag
        existingIntegration.save() # save the flag   
        # set up the Request and Cookie
        user = _get_superadmin()
        if user is None:
            _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, existingIntegration, 'Failed', 'No super admin found') 
            mail_admins('Could not find super admin!', 'Check settings')
            return False
        # remotely login the user
        host = settings.BASE_URL
        url = host + '/api/v1/auth/login/'
        creds = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'password':'******'}
        s = requests.Session()
        resp = s.post(url, data=json.dumps(creds))
        if not resp.status_code == 200:
            _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, existingIntegration, 'Failed', 'Could not login super admin!') 
            mail_admins('Could not login super admin!', 'Check credentials')
            return False
        #do cookie thing - refer to SuperAdmin Cron Job Task for details
        cookies = dict(sessionid = resp.cookies['sessionid'])
        url = host + '/api/v1/users/'
        resp = s.get(url, cookies=cookies)
        _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Pre-check completed") 

#         #delete data in Lead Master
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of Leads, Contacts, Opportunities and Activities started") 
#             count = Lead.objects(company_id=company_id).count()
#             Lead.objects(company_id=company_id).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " Leads, Contacts, Opportunities and Activities deleted")
#         #delete data in Campaign Master
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of Campaigns started") 
#             count = Campaign.objects(company_id=company_id).count()
#             Campaign.objects(company_id=company_id).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " Campaigns deleted")
#         #delete data in Account Master
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of Accounts started") 
#             count = Account.objects(company_id=company_id).count()
#             Account.objects(company_id=company_id).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " Accounts deleted")
        # find out which systems are integrated and therefore which  tasks should be run
        task_map = {
                    #"mkto" : [retrieveMktoCampaigns, retrieveMktoLeadsByProgram], #retrieveMktoLeadCreatedActivities, retrieveMktoLeads, retrieveMktoActivities, retrieveMktoCampaigns, retrieveMktoLeadsByProgram], #IMPORTANT - Lead Created Activities has to be before Leads
                    #"hspt" : [retrieveHsptCampaigns], # , ], # retrieveHsptLeads, retrieveHsptOpportunities, retrieveHsptWebsiteTraffic, ,   
                     "prdt" : [retrievePrdtLeads],
#                    "sfdc" : [retrieveSfdcCampaigns] #retrieveSfdcLeads, retrieveSfdcContacts, retrieveSfdcCampaigns, retrieveSfdcAccounts, retrieveSfdcOpportunities, retrieveSfdcLeadHistory, retrieveSfdcContactHistory, retrieveSfdcOppHistory, retrieveSfdcOppStageHistory],
                    #  "sugr" : [retrieveSugrLeads],                    
#                    "bufr" : [retrieveBufrTwInteractions], 
#                    "goog" : [retrieveGoogWebsiteTraffic], \
#                    "fbok" : [retrieveFbokPageStats, retrieveFbokAdStats]#, retrieveFbokPostStats] # , ]
#         # for future use - retrieveMktoContacts, retrieveMktoOpportunities, retrieveSfdcActivities, 
        final_task_map = {
#                     "mkto" : [saveMktoCampaignsToMaster, saveMktoLeadsByProgramToMaster], #saveMktoLeadsToMaster, saveMktoActivitiesToMaster, saveMktoCampaignsToMaster, saveMktoLeadsByProgramToMaster],#mergeMktoSfdcLeads, deleteLeads, deleteDuplicateMktoIdLeads #
                    #"hspt" : [saveHsptCampaignsToMaster ], #saveHsptLeadsToMaster, saveHsptOpportunitiesToMaster, saveHsptWebsiteTrafficToMaster, , ], # ,
#                     "sfdc" : [saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster], #saveSfdcLeadsToMaster, saveSfdcContactsToMaster, saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster, saveSfdcAccountsToMaster, saveSfdcOpportunitiesToMaster, saveSfdcLeadHistoryToMaster, saveSfdcContactHistoryToMaster, saveSfdcOppHistoryToMaster, saveSfdcOppStageHistoryToMaster],  # 
                    # "sugr" : [saveSugrLeadsToMaster], 
#                     "bufr" : [saveBufrTwInteractionsToMaster], 
#                     "goog": [saveGoogleWebsiteTrafficToMaster], 
#                     "fbok": [saveFbokPageStatsToMaster, saveFbokAdStatsToMaster]#, saveFbokPostStatsToMaster] #
#         #
# #         #saveSfdcLeadsToMaster, saveSfdcContactsToMaster, saveSfdcOpportunitiesToMaster, saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster, 
# #         # saveSfdcLeadsToMaster, saveSfdcContactsToMaster, saveSfdcOpportunitiesToMaster, saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster, saveSfdcAccountsToMaster
# #         #collect all relevant tasks in one list and retrieve metadata as well
        for source in existingIntegration.integrations.keys():
            #change metadata depending on source system
            if source == 'sfdc':
                metadata_objects = ['user', 'lead', 'contact', 'campaign', 'opportunity', 'task', 'account'] #[] #objects for which metadata should be collected
            elif source == 'mkto':
                metadata_objects = ['lead', 'activity', 'campaign'] #[] #objects for which metadata should be collected
            elif source == 'hspt':
                metadata_objects = ['lead'] #objects for which metadata should be collected
                metadata_objects = [] #objects for which metadata should be collected
            # if sfdc, explicitly refresh the access token
            if source == 'sfdc':
                sfdc = Salesforce()
            #collect meta data
            url = host + '/api/v1/company/' + str(company_id) + '/integrations/metadata/'
#             for object in metadata_objects:
#                 _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, "Retrieval of metadata for " + object + " started")
#                 params = {'code': source, 'object': object}
#                 resp = s.get(url, params=params)  # get metadata about activities
#                 if not resp.status_code == 200:
#                     _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, "Retrieval of metadata for " + object + " failed")
#                     continue
#                 else:
#                     _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, "Retrieval of metadata for " + object + " completed")
            #collect retrieval tasks
            print 'starting retrieval tasks'
            tasks = []
            if source in task_map:
            #now run the tasks
            for task in tasks:
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, task.__name__ + " started to store temp data")
                print 'starting task ' + str(task)
                task(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, job_id=superJobMonitor.id, run_type=run_type, sinceDateTime=sinceDateTime)
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, task.__name__ + " completed")
            print 'starting save tasks'    
            #collect save tasks
            tasks = []
            if source in final_task_map:
            #now run the tasks
            for task in tasks:
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, task.__name__ + " started to save master data")
                print 'starting task ' + str(task)
                task(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, job_id=superJobMonitor.id, run_type=run_type)
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, task.__name__ + " completed")
        #return #REMOVE THIS IN PRODUCTION  
        #if initial run, delete all analytics data
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', "Deletion of analytics data started")
#             count1 = AnalyticsData.objects(company_id=company_id).count() #ensure that website_traffic chart data is not deleted
#             AnalyticsData.objects(company_id=company_id).delete() #ensure that website_traffic chart data is not deleted
#             count2 = AnalyticsIds.objects(company_id=company_id).count()
#             AnalyticsIds.objects(company_id=company_id).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', str(count1 + count2) + " records deleted from analytics tables")
        # call chart calculate tasks
        charts = [\
#                     {'chart_name': 'sources_bar', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Timeline', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     #{'chart_name': 'pipeline_duration', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Pipeline Duration', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     #{'chart_name': 'contacts_distr', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Contacts Distribution', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'source_pie', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Source Distribution', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'revenue_source_pie', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Revenue by Source', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     #{'chart_name': 'multichannel_leads', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Multichannel Leads', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'tw_performance', 'system_type': 'SO', 'chart_title':'Twitter Performance', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'fb_performance', 'system_type': 'SO', 'chart_title':'Facebook_Performance', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'google_analytics', 'system_type': 'AD', 'chart_title':'Google Analytics', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                      {'chart_name': 'campaign_email_performance', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Campaign Performance by Email', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                      {'chart_name': 'email_cta_performance', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Email Performance by CTA', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
        url = host + '/api/v1/company/' + str(company_id) + '/analytics/calculate/'
        for chart in charts:
            print 'starting chart ' + str(chart['chart_title'])
            _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', "Started calculating " + str(chart['chart_title']))
            resp = s.get(url, params=chart)
            if not resp.status_code == 200:
                print 'incorrect status code was ' + str(resp.status_code)
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', 'Could not retrieve data for ' + chart['chart_title'])
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', 'Retrieved data for ' + chart['chart_title'])    
        # call dashboard calculate tasks
        dashboards = [\
#                     {'chart_name': 'social_roi', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Social Performance', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'funnel', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Funnel', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'opp_funnel', 'system_type': 'CRM', 'chart_title':'Opportunity Funnel', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'waterfall_chart', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Waterfall Chart', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'form_fills', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Form Fills', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
        url = host + '/api/v1/company/' + str(company_id) + '/dashboards/calculate/'
        for dashboard in dashboards:
            print 'starting dashboard ' + str(dashboard['chart_title'])
            _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', "Started calculating " + str(dashboard['chart_title']))
            resp = s.get(url, params=dashboard)
            if not resp.status_code == 200:
                print 'incorrect status code was ' + str(resp.status_code)
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', 'Could not retrieve data for ' + dashboard['chart_title'])
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', 'Retrieved data for ' + dashboard['chart_title'])    
        #delete all data from past successful initial runs in Temp Table
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of temp data table started") 
#             successfulJobs = SuperJobMonitor.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(type='initial') & Q(status='Completed'))
#             successfulJobsListTemp = list(successfulJobs)
#             print 'found job ids ' + str(len(successfulJobsListTemp))
#             successfulJobsList = [i.id for i in successfulJobsListTemp]
#             count = TempData.objects(job_id__in=successfulJobsList).count()
#             TempData.objects(job_id__in=successfulJobsList).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " records deleted from temp data table")
        #delete all data from past successful delta runs in Temp Table
        if run_type == 'delta':
            _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of temp data delta table started") 
            successfulJobs = SuperJobMonitor.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(type='delta') & Q(status='Completed'))
            successfulJobsListTemp = list(successfulJobs)
            print 'found delta job ids ' + str(len(successfulJobsListTemp))
            successfulJobsList = [i.id for i in successfulJobsListTemp]
            count = TempDataDelta.objects(job_id__in=successfulJobsList).count()
            _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " records deleted from temp data delta table")
        #update last run date for initial run in Company Integration record
        _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, existingIntegration, run_type, 'Completed', 'All tasks completed successfully') 
        return True

    except Exception as e:
        if superJobMonitor is not None and existingIntegration is not None:
            _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, existingIntegration, run_type, 'Failed', str(e)) 
        print str(e)
        return False