Exemple #1
def main(
        img_filename=os.path.join('image', '2.jpg'),
        i_std=20  # std dev for color Gaussian
    if img_filename is None:
        raise ValueError("img_filename cannot be None")

    # img_filename = os.path.join(HOME,'Desktop','stairs2.jpg')

    # Part 1: Specify the parameters:
    prior_count_const = 5  # the weight of Inverse-Wishart prior of space covariance(ex:1,5,10)
    use_hex = True  # toggle between hexagons and squares (for the init)
    prior_weight = 0.5  # in the segmentation,
    # we do argmax w * log_prior + (1-w) *log_likelihood.
    # Keeping w (i.e., prior_weight) at 0.5 means we are trying
    # to maximize the true posterior.
    # We keep the paramter here in case the user will like
    # to tweak it.

    calc_s_cov = True  # If this is False, then we avoid estimating the spatial cov.
    num_EM_iters = nPixels_on_side
    num_inner_iters = 10

    # Part 2 : prepare for segmentation

    sp_size = nPixels_on_side * nPixels_on_side
    img = misc.imread(img_filename)

    dimx = img.shape[1]
    dimy = img.shape[0]

    tic = time.clock()
    sw = SuperpixelsWrapper(dimy=dimy,
                            prior_count=prior_count_const * sp_size,
    toc = time.clock()
    print('init time = ', toc - tic)
    print('nSuperpixels =', sw.nSuperpixels)
    # you can use the same SuperpixelsWrapper object with different imgs and/or,
    # i_std, s_std, prior_count.
    # Just call sw.set_img(new_img), sw.initialize_seg(), and/or
    # sw.set_superpixels(i_std=..., s_std = ..., prior_count = ...)
    # again and recompute the seg.
    # Please see demo_for_direc for an example

    # Part 3: Do the superpixel segmentation

    print("Actual works starts now")
    tic = time.clock()
    # actual work
    # Copy the parameters from gpu to cpu
    toc = time.clock()
    print('superpixel calculation time = ', toc - tic)

    # Part 4: Save the mean/boundary image and the resulting parameters

    # Results will be save in the /result directory. You can change it.
    root_slash_img_num = os.path.splitext(img_filename)[0]
    image_direc = os.path.split(root_slash_img_num)[0]
    img_num = os.path.split(root_slash_img_num)[1]

    save_path_root = os.path.join(image_direc, 'result')
    print("I am going to save results into", save_path_root)

    img_overlaid = sw.get_img_overlaid()  # get the boundary image

    img_cartoon = sw.get_cartoon()  # get the cartoon image
    grid = ['square', 'hex'][sw.use_hex]

    fname_res_border = os.path.join(
        save_path_root, '_'.join([
            img_num, 'n', '{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std',
            '{0:02}'.format(i_std), 'border', grid + '.png'
    fname_res_cartoon = os.path.join(
        save_path_root, '_'.join([
            img_num, 'n', '{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std',
            '{0:02}'.format(i_std), 'mean', grid + '.png'

    print('saving', fname_res_border)
    misc.imsave(fname_res_border, img_overlaid)
    print('saving', fname_res_cartoon)
    misc.imsave(fname_res_cartoon, img_cartoon)

    # save the resulting parameters to MATLAB .mat file
    mat_filename = os.path.join(
        save_path_root  # , img_num + '_std_'+str(i_std)+'.mat')
            img_num, 'n', '{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std',
            '{0:02}'.format(i_std) + '.mat'
    print('Saving params to ', mat_filename)

    pm = sw.superpixels.params

        mat_filename, {
            'pixel_to_super': sw.seg.cpu,
            'count': pm.counts.cpu,
            'mu_i': pm.mu_i.cpu,
            'mu_s': pm.mu_s.cpu,
            'sigma_s': pm.Sigma_s.cpu,
            'sigma_i': pm.Sigma_i.cpu
Exemple #2
def main(image_direc = 'image',
        nPixels_on_side = 15,
        i_std = 15, # std dev for color Gaussian
    if image_direc is None:
        raise ValueError("image_direc cannot be None")
    image_direc = os.path.expanduser(image_direc)
    image_direc = os.path.abspath(image_direc)
    imgs = get_list_of_all_imgs_dir(image_direc)     
    if not imgs:
        raise Exception("\n\nDirectory \n{}\ncontains no images.\n".format(image_direc))
    # Results will be saved in the /results folder under input directory. You can change it.
    save_path_root = os.path.join(image_direc , 'result')
    print "I am going to save results into",save_path_root
    # Part 1: Specify the parameters:
    prior_count_const = 5  # the weight of Inverse-Wishart prior of space covariance(ex:1,5,10)
    use_hex = True # toggle between hexagons and squares (for the init)
    prior_weight = 0.5 # in the segmentation, 
                       # we do argmax w * log_prior + (1-w) *log_likelihood.
                       # Keeping w (i.e., prior_weight) at 0.5 means we are trying 
                       # to maximize the true posterior. 
                       # We keep the paramter here in case the user will like 
                       # to tweak it. 
    calc_s_cov = True # If this is False, then we avoid estimating the spatial cov.
    num_EM_iters = nPixels_on_side
    num_inner_iters = 10
    sp_size = nPixels_on_side*nPixels_on_side 


    for i,img_filename in enumerate(imgs): 

        # Part 2 : prepare for segmentation
        print img_filename
        fullfilename = os.path.join(image_direc,img_filename)
        img = misc.imread(fullfilename)
        if not((img.ndim in [1,3]) and (img.shape[2] in [1,3])):
            raise ValueError("\n\nProblem with {0}\n\nI was expecting 3 channels, but img.shape = {1}\n\n".format(fullfilename,img.shape))
        tic = time.clock()
        if (imgs_of_the_same_size and i !=0):
            # you can use the same SuperpixelsWrapper object with different imgs and/or, 
            # i_std, s_std, prior_count. 
            # Just call sw.set_img(new_img), sw.initialize_seg(), and/or
            # sw.set_superpixels(i_std=..., s_std = ..., prior_count = ...)
            # again and recompute the seg.
            sw = SuperpixelsWrapper(dimy=dimy,dimx=dimx, nPixels_in_square_side=nPixels_on_side,
                                 i_std = i_std , s_std = nPixels_on_side, 
                                 prior_count = prior_count_const*sp_size,
                                 use_hex = use_hex 
        toc = time.clock()
        print 'init time = ', toc-tic
        print 'nSuperpixels =', sw.nSuperpixels    

        # Part 3: Do the superpixel segmentation

        tic  = time.clock() 
        #actual work
        sw.calc_seg(nEMIters=num_EM_iters, nItersInner=num_inner_iters, calc_s_cov=calc_s_cov, prior_weight=prior_weight)
        # Copy the parameters from gpu to cpu
        toc  = time.clock()
        print 'superpixel calculation time = ',toc-tic

        # Part 4: Save the mean/boundary image and the resulting parameters

        img_overlaid = sw.get_img_overlaid()   # get the boundary image                      
        img_cartoon = sw.get_cartoon()         # get the cartoon image
        grid = ['square','hex'][sw.use_hex]

        root_slash_img_num = os.path.splitext(img_filename)[0]
        img_num = os.path.split(root_slash_img_num)[1]
        #fname_res_border = '_'.join([img_num , 'std', str(i_std), 'border', grid+'.png'])
        #fname_res_cartoon = '_'.join([img_num , 'std', str(i_std), 'mean', grid+'.png'])
        fname_res_border =  '_'.join([img_num,'n','{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std', '{0:02}'.format(i_std), 'border', grid+'.png'])
        fname_res_cartoon = '_'.join([img_num, 'n','{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std', '{0:02}'.format(i_std), 'mean', grid+'.png'])
        fname_res_border = os.path.join(save_path_root,fname_res_border)
        fname_res_cartoon = os.path.join(save_path_root,fname_res_cartoon)

        print 'saving',fname_res_border
        misc.imsave(fname_res_border, img_overlaid)
        print 'saving',fname_res_cartoon
        misc.imsave(fname_res_cartoon, img_cartoon)

        #save the resulting parameters to MATLAB .mat file 
        #mat_filename = os.path.join(save_path_root , img_num + '_std_'+str(i_std)+'.mat')
        mat_filename = os.path.join(save_path_root#, img_num + '_std_'+str(i_std)+'.mat')
                                              ,'_'.join([img_num,'n','{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std', '{0:02}'.format(i_std)+'.mat']))
        print 'Saving params to ',mat_filename 

        pm = sw.superpixels.params                  
        sio.savemat(mat_filename,{'pixel_to_super':sw.seg.cpu, 'count':pm.counts.cpu,
                                  'mu_i': pm.mu_i.cpu, 'mu_s':pm.mu_s.cpu, 
                                  'sigma_s':pm.Sigma_s.cpu, 'sigma_i':pm.Sigma_i.cpu})
        if (not imgs_of_the_same_size):
            del sw
Exemple #3
def main(img_filename = os.path.join('image','2.jpg'), 
        nPixels_on_side = 15,
        i_std = 20 # std dev for color Gaussian
    if img_filename is None:
        raise ValueError("img_filename cannot be None")

    #img_filename = os.path.join(HOME,'Desktop','stairs2.jpg')
    # Part 1: Specify the parameters:
    prior_count_const = 5  # the weight of Inverse-Wishart prior of space covariance(ex:1,5,10)
    use_hex = True # toggle between hexagons and squares (for the init)
    prior_weight = 0.5 # in the segmentation, 
                       # we do argmax w * log_prior + (1-w) *log_likelihood.
                       # Keeping w (i.e., prior_weight) at 0.5 means we are trying 
                       # to maximize the true posterior. 
                       # We keep the paramter here in case the user will like 
                       # to tweak it. 
    calc_s_cov = True # If this is False, then we avoid estimating the spatial cov.
    num_EM_iters = nPixels_on_side
    num_inner_iters = 10

    # Part 2 : prepare for segmentation

    sp_size = nPixels_on_side*nPixels_on_side 
    img = misc.imread(img_filename)

    tic = time.clock()
    sw = SuperpixelsWrapper(dimy=dimy,dimx=dimx, nPixels_in_square_side=nPixels_on_side,
                             i_std = i_std , s_std = nPixels_on_side, 
                             prior_count = prior_count_const*sp_size,
                             use_hex = use_hex 
    toc = time.clock()
    print 'init time = ', toc-tic
    print 'nSuperpixels =', sw.nSuperpixels    
    # you can use the same SuperpixelsWrapper object with different imgs and/or, 
    # i_std, s_std, prior_count. 
    # Just call sw.set_img(new_img), sw.initialize_seg(), and/or
    # sw.set_superpixels(i_std=..., s_std = ..., prior_count = ...)
    # again and recompute the seg.
    # Please see demo_for_direc for an example

    # Part 3: Do the superpixel segmentation

    print "Actual works starts now"
    tic  = time.clock() 
    #actual work
    sw.calc_seg(nEMIters=num_EM_iters, nItersInner=num_inner_iters, calc_s_cov=calc_s_cov, prior_weight=prior_weight)
    # Copy the parameters from gpu to cpu
    toc  = time.clock()
    print 'superpixel calculation time = ',toc-tic

    # Part 4: Save the mean/boundary image and the resulting parameters

    # Results will be save in the /result directory. You can change it.
    root_slash_img_num = os.path.splitext(img_filename)[0]
    image_direc = os.path.split(root_slash_img_num)[0]  
    img_num = os.path.split(root_slash_img_num)[1]   

    save_path_root = os.path.join(image_direc , 'result')
    print "I am going to save results into",save_path_root

    img_overlaid = sw.get_img_overlaid()   # get the boundary image   
    img_cartoon = sw.get_cartoon()         # get the cartoon image
    grid = ['square','hex'][sw.use_hex]

    fname_res_border = os.path.join(save_path_root, '_'.join([img_num,'n','{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std', '{0:02}'.format(i_std), 'border', grid+'.png']))
    fname_res_cartoon = os.path.join(save_path_root, '_'.join([img_num, 'n','{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std', '{0:02}'.format(i_std), 'mean', grid+'.png']))

    print 'saving',fname_res_border
    misc.imsave(fname_res_border, img_overlaid)
    print 'saving',fname_res_cartoon
    misc.imsave(fname_res_cartoon, img_cartoon)

    #save the resulting parameters to MATLAB .mat file 
    mat_filename = os.path.join(save_path_root#, img_num + '_std_'+str(i_std)+'.mat')
                                              ,'_'.join([img_num,'n','{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std', '{0:02}'.format(i_std)+'.mat']))
    print 'Saving params to ',mat_filename
    pm = sw.superpixels.params    

    sio.savemat(mat_filename,{'pixel_to_super':sw.seg.cpu, 'count':pm.counts.cpu,
                              'mu_i': pm.mu_i.cpu, 'mu_s':pm.mu_s.cpu, 
                              'sigma_s':pm.Sigma_s.cpu, 'sigma_i':pm.Sigma_i.cpu})
Exemple #4
def main(
        i_std=15,  # std dev for color Gaussian
    if image_direc is None:
        raise ValueError("image_direc cannot be None")
    image_direc = os.path.expanduser(image_direc)
    image_direc = os.path.abspath(image_direc)
    imgs = get_list_of_all_imgs_dir(image_direc)
    if not imgs:
        raise Exception(
            "\n\nDirectory \n{}\ncontains no images.\n".format(image_direc))

    # Results will be saved in the /results folder under input directory. You can change it.
    save_path_root = os.path.join(image_direc, 'result')
    print("I am going to save results into", save_path_root)

    # Part 1: Specify the parameters:
    prior_count_const = 5  # the weight of Inverse-Wishart prior of space covariance(ex:1,5,10)
    use_hex = True  # toggle between hexagons and squares (for the init)
    prior_weight = 0.5  # in the segmentation,
    # we do argmax w * log_prior + (1-w) *log_likelihood.
    # Keeping w (i.e., prior_weight) at 0.5 means we are trying
    # to maximize the true posterior.
    # We keep the paramter here in case the user will like
    # to tweak it.

    calc_s_cov = True  # If this is False, then we avoid estimating the spatial cov.
    num_EM_iters = nPixels_on_side
    num_inner_iters = 10
    sp_size = nPixels_on_side * nPixels_on_side

    for i, img_filename in enumerate(imgs):

        # Part 2 : prepare for segmentation
        fullfilename = os.path.join(image_direc, img_filename)
        img = misc.imread(fullfilename)

        dimx = img.shape[1]
        dimy = img.shape[0]

        if not ((img.ndim in [1, 3]) and (img.shape[2] in [1, 3])):
            raise ValueError(
                "\n\nProblem with {0}\n\nI was expecting 3 channels, but img.shape = {1}\n\n"
                .format(fullfilename, img.shape))

        tic = time.clock()
        if (imgs_of_the_same_size and i != 0):
            # you can use the same SuperpixelsWrapper object with different imgs and/or,
            # i_std, s_std, prior_count.
            # Just call sw.set_img(new_img), sw.initialize_seg(), and/or
            # sw.set_superpixels(i_std=..., s_std = ..., prior_count = ...)
            # again and recompute the seg.
            sw = SuperpixelsWrapper(dimy=dimy,
                                    prior_count=prior_count_const * sp_size,

        toc = time.clock()
        print('init time = ', toc - tic)
        print('nSuperpixels =', sw.nSuperpixels)


        # Part 3: Do the superpixel segmentation

        tic = time.clock()
        # actual work
        # Copy the parameters from gpu to cpu
        toc = time.clock()
        print('superpixel calculation time = ', toc - tic)

        # Part 4: Save the mean/boundary image and the resulting parameters

        img_overlaid = sw.get_img_overlaid()  # get the boundary image
        img_cartoon = sw.get_cartoon()  # get the cartoon image
        grid = ['square', 'hex'][sw.use_hex]

        root_slash_img_num = os.path.splitext(img_filename)[0]
        img_num = os.path.split(root_slash_img_num)[1]
        # fname_res_border = '_'.join([img_num , 'std', str(i_std), 'border', grid+'.png'])
        # fname_res_cartoon = '_'.join([img_num , 'std', str(i_std), 'mean', grid+'.png'])

        fname_res_border = '_'.join([
            img_num, 'n', '{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std',
            '{0:02}'.format(i_std), 'border', grid + '.png'
        fname_res_cartoon = '_'.join([
            img_num, 'n', '{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std',
            '{0:02}'.format(i_std), 'mean', grid + '.png'

        fname_res_border = os.path.join(save_path_root, fname_res_border)
        fname_res_cartoon = os.path.join(save_path_root, fname_res_cartoon)

        print('saving', fname_res_border)
        misc.imsave(fname_res_border, img_overlaid)
        print('saving', fname_res_cartoon)
        misc.imsave(fname_res_cartoon, img_cartoon)

        # save the resulting parameters to MATLAB .mat file
        # mat_filename = os.path.join(save_path_root , img_num + '_std_'+str(i_std)+'.mat')
        mat_filename = os.path.join(
            save_path_root  # , img_num + '_std_'+str(i_std)+'.mat')
                img_num, 'n', '{0:03}'.format(nPixels_on_side), 'std',
                '{0:02}'.format(i_std) + '.mat'
        print('Saving params to ', mat_filename)

        pm = sw.superpixels.params
            mat_filename, {
                'pixel_to_super': sw.seg.cpu,
                'count': pm.counts.cpu,
                'mu_i': pm.mu_i.cpu,
                'mu_s': pm.mu_s.cpu,
                'sigma_s': pm.Sigma_s.cpu,
                'sigma_i': pm.Sigma_i.cpu
        if (not imgs_of_the_same_size):
            del sw