def on_activated(self, view): if view_is_widget(view): return def _func(): filename = view.file_name() or syntax = view.settings().get('syntax', 'unknown') if syntax: syntax = os.path.basename(syntax) syntax = os.path.splitext(syntax)[0] sublime.status_message('Current view: %s (%s)' % (filename, syntax)) sublime.set_timeout(_func, 10) # Workaround for wrong event order.
def on_deactivated(self, view): if view_is_widget(view): return # import os # print 'deactivated',, os.path.basename(view.file_name()) self.clock.del_view(view)
def on_post_save(self, view): if view_is_widget(view) and view.is_visible(): return # import os # print 'post_save', type(view),, os.path.basename(view.file_name()) self.clock.add_view(view)
def on_selection_modified(self, view): ''' Checks and eventually scrolls the view to keep the cursor in the middle of the view. @type view: sublime.View @param view: View to work with. @return: None ''' if getattr(self, 'paused', False): return if view_is_widget(view): return get = view.settings().get offset_top = get('scroll_offset_top', DEFAULT_OFFSET_TOP) offset_top_treshold = get('scroll_offset_top_treshold', DEFAULT_OFFSET_TOP_TRESHOLD) offset_bottom = get('scroll_offset_bottom', DEFAULT_OFFSET_BOTTOM) offset_bottom_treshold = get('scroll_offset_bottom_treshold', DEFAULT_OFFSET_BOTTOM_TRESHOLD) file_region = view.size() file_begin = 0 file_end = view.rowcol(file_region)[0] visible_region = view.visible_region() view_begin = view.rowcol(visible_region.begin())[0] view_end = view.rowcol(visible_region.end())[0] view_size = view_end - view_begin offset_sum = offset_top + offset_bottom while view_size <= offset_sum: # print view_size # print offset_sum offset_top /= 2 offset_bottom /= 2 offset_sum = offset_top + offset_bottom if offset_sum < 1: # print 'view is too small.' return selected_region = view.sel()[0] selection_end = view.rowcol(selected_region.b)[0] diff_top = (selection_end - view_begin) diff_bottom = (view_end - selection_end) # print 'file:', file_begin, file_end # print 'view:', view_begin, view_end # print 'selection:', selection_end # print 'diff:', diff_top, diff_bottom if diff_top < offset_top: amount = offset_top - diff_top amount_is_enough = amount >= offset_top_treshold if view_begin - amount >= file_begin and amount_is_enough: # print 'move up:', amount if amount > 1 and selected_region.size() > 0: self.paused = True def _move_up(): view.run_command('scroll_lines', {'amount': 1}) self.paused = False sublime.set_timeout(_move_up, 100) else: view.run_command('scroll_lines', {'amount': amount}) if diff_bottom < offset_bottom: amount = offset_bottom - diff_bottom amount_is_enough = amount >= offset_bottom_treshold if view_end + amount <= file_end + 1 and amount_is_enough: # print 'move down:', amount if amount > 1 and selected_region.size() > 0: self.paused = True def _move_down(): view.run_command('scroll_lines', {'amount': -1}) self.paused = False sublime.set_timeout(_move_down, 100) else: view.run_command('scroll_lines', {'amount': -amount})