def choose_dir(title, default): sel = gtk.FileSelection(title) sel.set_has_separator(False) sel.set_filename(default) while True: resp = if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: build_dir = sel.get_filename() if not os.path.exists(build_dir): sel.destroy() return build_dir alert(sel, _("'%s' already exists") % build_dir) else: sel.destroy() return None
def get_build_options(parent, message): box = gtk.MessageDialog(parent, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL, message) button = ButtonMixed(gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, 'Force') box.add_action_widget(button, 2) button = ButtonMixed(gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, 'Clean') button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) box.add_action_widget(button, 1) box.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) box.set_title(_('Confirm:')) box.set_default_response(1) resp = box.destroy() if resp == 1: return ['--clean'] elif resp == 2: return ['--force'] return None
def get_dir_callback(default_dir): compile_dir = gui_support.choose_dir( _('Create build directory'), default_dir) if compile_dir: return compile_dir raise SafeException("Cancelled at user's request")
def __init__(self, interface): assert interface gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, _("Compile '%s'") % interface.split('/')[-1]) # No rsplit on Python 2.3 self.set_has_separator(False) self.set_default_size(gtk.gdk.screen_width() / 2, gtk.gdk.screen_height() / 2) def add_action(stock, name, resp): if not hasattr(gtk, stock): stock = 'STOCK_YES' button = ButtonMixed(getattr(gtk, stock), name) button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) self.add_action_widget(button, resp) return button add_action('STOCK_PROPERTIES', '_Setup', RESPONSE_SETUP) add_action('STOCK_CONVERT', '_Build', RESPONSE_BUILD) add_action('STOCK_ADD', '_Register', RESPONSE_REGISTER) add_action('STOCK_NETWORK', '_Publish', RESPONSE_PUBLISH) self.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) self.set_default_response(RESPONSE_BUILD) self.buffer = gtk.TextBuffer() = gtk.TextView(self.buffer) swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow() swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS) swin.add( swin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) self.vscroll = swin.get_vadjustment() self.vbox.pack_start(swin, True, True, 0) self.vbox.show_all() self.connect('delete-event', lambda box, dev: True) def response(box, resp): if resp == RESPONSE_SETUP: def done_setup(): self.add_msg('Now use Build to compile the chosen source code.') self.run_command((sys.executable, main_path, 'setup'), done_setup) elif resp == RESPONSE_BUILD: def done_build(): self.add_msg('\nBuild successful. Now register or publish the build.') def build_failed(): self.add_msg('\nIf the messages displayed above indicate a missing dependency (e.g. no C compiler ' "or a library that isn't available through Zero Install) then install it using your " 'normal package manager and click on Build again. Note that for libraries you often ' 'need the -dev version of the package. ' '\nOtherwise, please notify the developers of this problem (this will transmit ' 'the contents of the build/build-failure.log file):') end = self.buffer.get_end_iter() anchor = self.buffer.create_child_anchor(end) align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) button = ButtonMixed(gtk.STOCK_YES, 'Notify developers') align.add(button) align.set_padding(8, 8, 8, 8) align.show_all(), anchor) self.add_msg('\n') def report_bug(button): def done_notify(): self.add_msg("\nReport sent. Thank you! (note: you won't get a reply, as " "no contact details were sent; write to the project's mailing " "list if you want to discuss the problem)") self.run_command((sys.executable, main_path, 'report-bug'), done_notify) button.connect('clicked', report_bug) buildenv = BuildEnv() changes = buildenv.get_build_changes() if changes: options = get_build_options(box, '\n'.join(changes) + '\n\nIt would be best to do a clean (full) build.') else: options = [] if options is not None: box.run_command([sys.executable, main_path, 'build'] + options, done_build, build_failed) elif resp == RESPONSE_REGISTER: buildenv = BuildEnv() iface = iface_cache.get_interface(interface) reader.update_from_cache(iface) # Register using the feed-for, if available real_iface = iface for uri in iface.feed_for or []: real_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri) self.add_msg("Registering as a feed for %s" % real_iface.uri) break else: if os.path.isabs(iface.uri): self.add_msg("Warning: no <feed-for> in local feed %s!" % iface.uri) feed = buildenv.local_iface_file for f in real_iface.feeds or []: if f.uri == feed: self.add_msg("Feed '%s' is already registered for interface '%s'!\n" % (feed, real_iface.uri)) return box.buffer.insert_at_cursor("Registering feed '%s'\n" % feed) real_iface.extra_feeds.append(model.Feed(feed, arch = None, user_override = True)) writer.save_interface(real_iface) box.buffer.insert_at_cursor("Done. You can now close this window.\n") elif resp == RESPONSE_PUBLISH: buildenv = BuildEnv() box = PublishBox(self, buildenv) resp = box.destroy() if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: def done_publish(): self.add_msg("\nYou can use '0publish --local' to add this " "into the main feed. If you don't have a main feed then this " "will create one. See " " for more information.") self.run_command((sys.executable, main_path, 'publish', box.archive_dir.get_text()), done_publish) elif resp == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL or resp == gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT: if self.kill_child(): return self.destroy() else: self.add_msg('Unknown response: %s' % resp) self.connect('response', response) self.system_tag = self.buffer.create_tag('system', foreground = 'blue', background = 'white') self.add_msg(instructions) self.set_responses_sensitive()
def get_dir_callback(default_dir): compile_dir = gui_support.choose_dir(_('Create build directory'), default_dir) if compile_dir: return compile_dir raise SafeException("Cancelled at user's request")