Exemple #1
    def new_tasks(self, extra):

        logger.info('entering new_tasks')

        # Adjust logging level for stream handler. Could be extracted into a general function.
        for handler in logger.handlers:
            if not isinstance(handler, logbook.FileHandler):
        mySH = logbook.StreamHandler(stream = sys.stdout, level = self.params.solverVerb.upper(), format_string = '{record.message}', bubble = True)

        baseDir = self.params.initial
        xVars    = self.params.xVars

        countryList = self.params.countryList.split()

        ctryIndices = getIndex(base = [len(countryList), len(countryList)], restr = 'lowerTr')
        for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
            logger.info(countryList[ctryIndex[0]] + countryList[ctryIndex[1]])

        # Compute domain
        xVarsDom = self.params.xVarsDom.split()
        lowerBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 0], dtype = 'float64')
        upperBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 1], dtype = 'float64')
        domain = zip(lowerBds, upperBds)

        # Make problem type specific adjustments.
        if self.params.problemType == 'one4all':
            gdpTable = tableDict.fromTextFile(fileIn = os.path.join(self.params.pathEmpirical, 'outputInput/momentTable/Gdp/gdpMoments.csv'),
                                              delim = ',', width = 20)

            jobname = 'one4all'

            logger.info('%s' % self.params.norm)
            norm = self.params.norm
                norm = int(norm)
            except ValueError:
                if norm == "np.inf" or norm == "inf":
                    norm = np.inf
                    pass # in particular custom norms

            logger.info('using norm %s' % (norm))

            path_to_stage_dir = os.getcwd()
            executable = os.path.basename(self.params.executable)
            analyzeResults = anaOne4all(len(list(ctryIndices)), norm = norm)
            nlc            = nlcOne4all(gdpTable = gdpTable, ctryList = countryList, domain = domain, logFile = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'nlc.log'))
            combOverviews  = combineOverviews.combineOverviews(overviewSimuFile = 'eSigmaTable', tableName = 'ag_eSigmaTable', sortKeys = ['norm'])
            plot3dTable    = combineOverviews.plotTable(tablePath =os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'ag_eSigmaTable'), savePath = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'scatter3d'))
            plot3dTable.columnNames = ['E', 'sigma', 'norm']
            for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
                Ctry1 = countryList[ctryIndex[0]]
                Ctry2 = countryList[ctryIndex[1]]
                # Set Ctry information for this run.
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovA.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry1,  'space-separated')
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovB.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry2,  'space-separated')
                # Get the correct Ctry Paras into base dir.
                self.getCtryParas(baseDir, Ctry1, Ctry2)
                # Copy base dir
                ctryBaseDir = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'base' + Ctry1 + Ctry2)
                    shutil.copytree(baseDir, ctryBaseDir)
                    logger.info('%s already exists' % baseDir)

            kwargs = extra.copy()
            kwargs['output_dir'] = path_to_stage_dir

            # yield job
            yield (jobname, gParaSearchDriver,
                   [ self.params.executable, path_to_stage_dir, self.params.architecture,
                     baseDir, self.params.xVars, self.params.initialPop,
                     self.params.nPopulation, domain, self.params.solverVerb, self.params.problemType,
                     self.params.pathEmpirical, self.params.itermax, self.params.xConvCrit, self.params.yConvCrit,
                     self.params.makePlots, self.params.optStrategy, self.params.fWeight, self.params.fCritical, self.params.countryList,
                     analyzeResults, nlc, plot3dTable, combOverviews
                   ], kwargs)

        elif self.params.problemType == 'one4eachPair':
            for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
                Ctry1 = countryList[ctryIndex[0]]
                Ctry2 = countryList[ctryIndex[1]]
                logger.info(Ctry1 + Ctry2)
                jobname = Ctry1 + '-' + Ctry2
                # set stage dir.
                path_to_stage_dir = self.make_directory_path(self.params.output, jobname)
                #path_to_stage_dir = os.path.join(iterationFolder, jobname)
                # Get moments table from empirical analysis
                gdpTable = tableDict.fromTextFile(fileIn = os.path.join(self.params.pathEmpirical, 'outputInput/momentTable/Gdp/gdpMoments.csv'),
                                                  delim = ',', width = 20)

                # Set Ctry information for this run.
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovA.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry1,  'space-separated')
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovB.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry2,  'space-separated')
                # Get the correct Ctry Paras into base dir.
                self.getCtryParas(baseDir, Ctry1, Ctry2)
                # Copy base dir
                ctryBaseDir = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'base')
                    shutil.copytree(baseDir, ctryBaseDir)
                    logger.info('%s already exists' % baseDir)
                EA = getParameter(fileIn = os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/parameters.in'), varIn = 'EA',
                                     regexIn = 'bar-separated')
                EB = getParameter(fileIn = os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/parameters.in'), varIn = 'EB',
                                     regexIn = 'bar-separated')
                sigmaA = getParameter(fileIn = os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/parameters.in'), varIn = 'sigmaA',
                                     regexIn = 'bar-separated')
                sigmaB = getParameter(fileIn = os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/parameters.in'), varIn = 'sigmaB',
                                     regexIn = 'bar-separated')
                # Pass ctry information to nlc
                analyzeResults = anaOne4eachPair
                nlc = nlcOne4eachPair(gdpTable = gdpTable, ctryPair = [Ctry1, Ctry2], domain = domain, logFile = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'nlc.log'))
                combOverviews = combineOverviews.combineOverviews(overviewSimuFile = 'overviewSimu', tableName = 'agTable', sortKeys = ['normDev'])
                plot3dTable    = combineOverviews.plotTable(tablePath =os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'agTable'), savePath = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'scatter3d'))
                plot3dTable.columnNames = ['EA', 'sigmaA', 'normDev']

                executable = os.path.basename(self.params.executable)
                kwargs = extra.copy()
                kwargs['output_dir'] = path_to_stage_dir

                # yield job
                yield (jobname, gParaSearchDriver,
                       [ self.params.executable, path_to_stage_dir, self.params.architecture,
                         ctryBaseDir, self.params.xVars, self.params.initialPop,
                         self.params.nPopulation, domain, self.params.solverVerb, self.params.problemType,
                         self.params.pathEmpirical, self.params.itermax, self.params.xConvCrit, self.params.yConvCrit,
                         self.params.makePlots, self.params.optStrategy, self.params.fWeight, self.params.fCritical, self.params.countryList,
                         analyzeResults, nlc, plot3dTable, combOverviews
                       ], kwargs)

        elif self.params.problemType == 'one4eachCtry':
            gdpTable = tableDict.fromTextFile(fileIn = os.path.join(self.params.pathEmpirical, 'outputInput/momentTable/Gdp/gdpMoments.csv'),
                                              delim = ',', width = 20)

            if len(countryList) > len(self.params.xVars.split()) / 2 and len(xVars.split()) == 2:
                if self.params.xVars[-1:] != " ":
                    xVars = ( self.params.xVars + ' ' ) * len(countryList)
                    xVars = xVars[:-1]
                    xVars = self.params.xVars * len(countryList)
                if self.params.xVarsDom[-1:] != " ":
                    xVarsDom = ( self.params.xVarsDom + ' ' ) * len(countryList)
                    xVarsDom = xVarsDom[:-1].split()
                    xVarsDom = self.params.xVarsDom * len(countryList)
                    xVarsDom = xVarsDom.split()
                xVars = self.params.xVars
                xVarsDom = self.params.xVarsDom[:-1].split()
            jobname = 'one4eachCtry'

            lowerBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 0], dtype = 'float64')
            upperBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 1], dtype = 'float64')
            domain = zip(lowerBds, upperBds)

            norm = self.params.norm
                norm = int(norm)
            except ValueError:
                if norm == "np.inf" or norm == "inf":
                    norm = np.inf
                    pass # in particular custom norms

            logger.info('using norm %s' % (norm))

            path_to_stage_dir = os.getcwd()
            executable = os.path.basename(self.params.executable)
            analyzeResults = anaOne4eachCtry(countryList, len(list(ctryIndices)), norm = norm)
            nlc            = nlcOne4eachCtry(gdpTable = gdpTable, ctryList = countryList, domain = domain, logFile = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'nlc.log'))
            combOverviews  = combineOverviews.combineOverviews(overviewSimuFile = 'eSigmaTable', tableName = 'ag_eSigmaTable', sortKeys = ['norm'])
            deKenPrice.plotPopulation = plotPopOne4eachCtry(countryList)

##            # Set solver variables
##            nXvars = len(xVars.split())
##            deKenPrice.I_NP         = int(self.params.nPopulation)
##            deKenPrice.F_weight     = float(self.params.fWeight)
##            deKenPrice.F_CR         = float(self.params.fCritical)
##            deKenPrice.I_D          = int(nXvars)
##            deKenPrice.lowerBds     = np.array([ element[0] for element in domain ], dtype = 'float64')
##            deKenPrice.upperBds     = np.array([ element[1] for element in domain ], dtype = 'float64')
##            deKenPrice.I_itermax    = int(self.params.itermax)
##            deKenPrice.F_VTR        = float(self.params.yConvCrit)
##            deKenPrice.I_strategy   = int(self.params.optStrategy)
##            deKenPrice.I_plotting   = int(self.params.makePlots)
##            deKenPrice.xConvCrit    = float(self.params.xConvCrit)
##            deKenPrice.workingDir   = path_to_stage_dir
##            deKenPrice.verbosity    = self.params.solverVerb

            plot3dTable    = emptyFun
#            plot3dTable    = combineOverviews.plotTable(tablePath =os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'ag_eSigmaTable'), savePath = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'scatter3d'))
#            plot3dTable.columnNames = ['E', 'sigma', 'norm']
            for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
                Ctry1 = countryList[ctryIndex[0]]
                Ctry2 = countryList[ctryIndex[1]]
                # Set Ctry information for this run.
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovA.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry1,  'space-separated')
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovB.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry2,  'space-separated')
                # Get the correct Ctry Paras into base dir.
                self.getCtryParas(baseDir, Ctry1, Ctry2)
                # Copy base dir
                ctryBaseDir = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'base' + Ctry1 + Ctry2)
                    shutil.copytree(baseDir, ctryBaseDir)
                    logger.info('%s already exists' % baseDir)

            kwargs = extra.copy()
            kwargs['output_dir'] = path_to_stage_dir

            # yield job

            yield (jobname, gParaSearchDriver,
                   [ self.params.executable, path_to_stage_dir, self.params.architecture,
                     baseDir, xVars, self.params.initialPop,
                     self.params.nPopulation, domain, self.params.solverVerb, self.params.problemType,
                     self.params.pathEmpirical, self.params.itermax, self.params.xConvCrit, self.params.yConvCrit,
                     self.params.makePlots, self.params.optStrategy, self.params.fWeight, self.params.fCritical, self.params.countryList,
                     analyzeResults, nlc, plot3dTable, combOverviews
                   ], kwargs)

        # Set solver variables
        nXvars = len(xVars.split())
        deKenPrice.I_NP         = int(self.params.nPopulation)
        deKenPrice.F_weight     = float(self.params.fWeight)
        deKenPrice.F_CR         = float(self.params.fCritical)
        deKenPrice.I_D          = int(nXvars)
        if self.params.problemType == 'one4eachCtry':
            deKenPrice.lowerBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 0], dtype = 'float64')
            deKenPrice.upperBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 1], dtype = 'float64')
            deKenPrice.lowerBds     = np.array([ element[0] for element in domain ], dtype = 'float64')
            deKenPrice.upperBds     = np.array([ element[1] for element in domain ], dtype = 'float64')
        deKenPrice.I_itermax    = int(self.params.itermax)
        deKenPrice.F_VTR        = float(self.params.yConvCrit)
        deKenPrice.I_strategy   = int(self.params.optStrategy)
        deKenPrice.I_plotting   = int(self.params.makePlots)
        deKenPrice.xConvCrit    = float(self.params.xConvCrit)
        deKenPrice.workingDir   = path_to_stage_dir
        deKenPrice.verbosity    = self.params.solverVerb

        logger.info('done with new_tasks')
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, inParaCombos, iteration, pathToExecutable, pathToStageDir, architecture, baseDir, xVars,
                 solverVerb, problemType, analyzeResults, ctryList, **extra_args):
          Generate a list of tasks and initialize a ParallelTaskCollection with them. 
          Uses paraLoop class to generate a list of (descriptions, substitutions for the input files). Descriptions are generated from
          variable names that are hard coded in this method right now. 
          Uses method generateTaskList to create a list of GPremiumApplication's which are invoked from a list of inputs (appropriately adjusted input files), 
          the output directory and some further settings for each run. 
          inParaCombos:      List of tuples defining the parameter combinations.
          iteration:         Current iteration number. 
          pathToExecutable:  Path to the executable (the external program to be called). 
          pathToStageDir:    Root path. Usually os.getcwd()
          architecture:      32 or 64 bit.
          baseDir:           Directory in which the input files are located. 
          xVars:             Names of the x variables. 
          solverVerb:        Logger verbosity. 
          problemType:       Forward premium specific flag to determine which case to look at. 
          analyzeResults:    Function to use to analyze the emerging output. 
          ctryList:          Forward premium specific list of ctrys to look at. 

        logger.debug('entering gParaSearchParalell.__init__')

        # Set up initial variables and set the correct methods.
        self.pathToStageDir = pathToStageDir
        self.problemType = problemType
        self.executable = pathToExecutable
        self.architecture = architecture
        self.baseDir = baseDir
        self.verbosity = solverVerb.upper()
        self.xVars = xVars
        self.n = len(self.xVars.split())
        self.analyzeResults = analyzeResults
        self.ctryList = ctryList
        self.iteration = iteration
        self.jobname = 'evalSolverGuess' + '-' + extra_args['jobname'] + '-' + str(self.iteration)
        self.extra_args = extra_args
        tasks = []

        # --- createJobs_x ---

        # Log activity
        cDate = datetime.date.today()
        cTime = datetime.datetime.time(datetime.datetime.now())
        dateString = '{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}-{3:02d}-{4:02d}-{5:02d}'.format(cDate.year, cDate.month, cDate.day, cTime.hour, cTime.minute, cTime.second)
        logger.debug('Establishing parallel task on %s' % dateString)

        # Enter an iteration specific folder
        self.iterationFolder = os.path.join(self.pathToStageDir, 'Iteration-' + str(self.iteration))
        except OSError:
            print '%s already exists' % self.iterationFolder

        # save population to file
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.iterationFolder, 'curPopulation'), inParaCombos, delimiter = '  ')

        # Take the list of parameter combinations and translate them in a comma separated list of values for each variable to be fed into paraLoop file.
        # This can be done much more elegantly with ','.join() but it works...
        vals = []
        nVariables = range(len(inParaCombos[0]))
        for ixVar in nVariables:
            varValString = ''
            for ixParaCombo, paraCombo in enumerate(inParaCombos):
                ### Should make more precise string conversion.
                varValString += str(paraCombo[ixVar])
                if ixParaCombo < len(inParaCombos) - 1:
                    varValString += ', '
            vals.append( varValString )

        # Make problem specific adjustments to the paraLoop file.
        if self.problemType == 'one4all':
            print 'one4all'
            variables = ['Ctry', 'Ctry', 'EA', 'EB', 'sigmaA', 'sigmaB']
            groups    = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
            groupRestrs = [ 'lowerTr', 'lowerTr', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol' ]
            writeVals = [ ", ".join(self.ctryList), ", ".join(self.ctryList), vals[0], vals[0], vals[1], vals[1] ]
            self.variables = ['EA','sigmaA']
            self.paraCombos = inParaCombos
            paraFiles = [ 'input/markovA.in', 'input/markovB.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in' ]
            paraFileRegex = [ 'space-separated', 'space-separated', 'bar-separated', 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated'  ]
            self.analyzeResults.tablePath = self.iterationFolder

        elif self.problemType == 'one4eachPair':
            print 'one4eachPair'
            # Check if EA or sigmaA are alone in the specified parameters. If so make diagnol adjustments
            writeVals = []
            if 'EA' in self.xVars and not 'EB' in self.xVars:
                variables = [ 'EA', 'EB' ]
                groups = [ '0', '0' ]
                groupRestrs = [ 'diagnol', 'diagnol' ]

                paraCombosEA = [  np.append(ele[0], ele[0]) for ele in inParaCombos ]
            if 'sigmaA' in self.xVars and not 'sigmaB' in self.xVars:
                variables.append( 'sigmaA')
                groups.append( '0')
                groupRestrs.append( 'diagnol')
                groupRestrs.append( 'diagnol' )
                paraCombosSigmaA = [  np.append(ele[1], ele[1]) for ele in inParaCombos ]

            # match ctry with val
            ctryVals = {}
            for ixCtry, ctry in enumerate(ctryList):
                ctryVals[ctry] = vals

            self.variables = variables

            # Prepare paraCombos matching to resulting table. Used in analyzeOverviewTable
            # !!! This should be dependent on problem type or on missing variables in xvars. !!!
            paraCombos = []
            for EA,sA in zip(paraCombosEA, paraCombosSigmaA):
                paraCombo = np.append(EA, sA)
            self.paraCombos = paraCombos
            paraFiles = [ 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in' ]
            paraFileRegex = [  'bar-separated', 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated'  ]

        elif self.problemType == 'one4eachCtry':
            print 'one4eachCtry'

            ctry1List  = []
            ctry2List  = []
            EAList     = []
            EBList     = []
            sigmaAList = []
            sigmaBList = []
            self.paraCombos = []

            ctryIndices = getIndex([len(ctryList), len(ctryList)], 'lowerTr')
            for ixCombo in range(len(inParaCombos)):
                ctry1ListCombo = []
                ctry2ListCombo = []
                EAListCombo    = []
                EBListCombo    = []
                sigmaAListCombo = []
                sigmaBListCombo = []
                for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
                    EAListCombo.append(inParaCombos[ixCombo][0 + 2 * ctryIndex[0]])
                    sigmaAListCombo.append(inParaCombos[ixCombo][1 + 2 * ctryIndex[0]])
                    EBListCombo.append(inParaCombos[ixCombo][0 + 2 *ctryIndex[1]])
                    sigmaBListCombo.append(inParaCombos[ixCombo][1 + 2 * ctryIndex[1]])
                self.paraCombos.append(zip(ctry1ListCombo, ctry2ListCombo, EAListCombo, sigmaAListCombo, EBListCombo, sigmaBListCombo))
                EAList.extend(map(str, EAListCombo))
                EBList.extend(map(str, EBListCombo))
                sigmaAList.extend(map(str, sigmaAListCombo))
                sigmaBList.extend(map(str, sigmaBListCombo))

            variables = ['Ctry', 'Ctry', 'EA', 'EB', 'sigmaA', 'sigmaB']
            groups    = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
            groupRestrs = [ 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol' ]
            writeVals = [ ", ".join(ctry1List), ", ".join(ctry2List), ", ".join(EAList), ", ".join(EBList), ", ".join(sigmaAList),", ".join(sigmaBList)]
            paraFiles = [ 'input/markovA.in', 'input/markovB.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in' ]
            paraFileRegex = [ 'space-separated', 'space-separated', 'bar-separated', 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated'  ]
            #self.paraCombos = inParaCombos
            self.analyzeResults.tablePath = self.iterationFolder
            # variable list passed to analyzeOverviewTables
            self.variables = ['EA', 'sigmaA', 'EB', 'sigmaB']
            print 'Done setting up one4eachCtry. '

        # Write a para.loop file to generate grid jobs
        para_loop = self.writeParaLoop(variables = variables,
                                       groups = groups,
                                       groupRestrs = groupRestrs,
                                       vals = writeVals,
                                       desPath = os.path.join(self.iterationFolder, 'para.loopTmp'),
                                       paraFiles = paraFiles,
                                       paraFileRegex = paraFileRegex)

        paraLoop_fp.__init__(self, verbosity = self.verbosity)
        tasks = self.generateTaskList(para_loop, self.iterationFolder)
        ParallelTaskCollection.__init__(self, self.jobname, tasks)
Exemple #3
    def process_para_file(self, path_to_para_loop):
        Create sets of parameter substituions for the ``forwardPremium``
        input files and yield a unique identifier for each set.  The
        "recipe" for building such sets is given in the ``para.loop``
        file pointed to by argument `path_to_para_loop`.

        In more detail, `process_para_file` is a generator function, that:
         1. parses the `para.loop` file;
         2. computes the distinct sets of substitutions that should be
            applied to ``forwardPremium`` input files; one such set of
            substitutions corresponds to a single ``forwardPremium`` run;
         3. creates and yields a "unique name" string that shall identify
            *this* particular combination of parameters and input files.

        Each generator iteration yields a pair `(jobname,
        substitutions)`, where `jobname` is a unique string and
        `substitutions` is a dictionary mapping file names (as
        specified in the ``paraFile`` column of the ``para.loop``
        file) to quadruples `(var, index, val, regex)`: into each
        input file, the variable `var` (corresponding to the group
        `paraIndex` in `regex`) is given value `val`.

        :param: `path_to_para_loop`: complete pathname of a file in
            ``para.loop`` format.

        params = self._read_para(path_to_para_loop)
        num_params = len(params)
        self.logger.debug("Read %d parameters from file '%s'" % (num_params, path_to_para_loop))

        variables     = params['variables']
        indices       = params['indices']
        paraFiles     = params['paraFiles']
        paraProps     = params['paraProps']
        groups        = np.array(params['groups'], dtype = np.int16)
        groupRestrs   = params['groupRestrs']
        paraFileRegex = params['paraFileRegex']

        # XXX: why not just use `vals = np.copy(params['vals'])` ??
        vals = np.copy(params['vals'])
        #vals = np.empty((num_params,), 'U100')
        #for ixVals, paraVals in enumerate(params['vals']):
            #vals[ixVals] = paraVals

        # remap group numbers so that they start at 0 and increase in
        # steps of 1
        groups = self._remap_groups(groups)
        num_groups = len(np.unique(groups))

        self.logger.debug("Number of groups: %d" % num_groups)
        self.logger.debug('variables: %s' % variables)
        self.logger.debug('indices: %s' % indices)
        self.logger.debug('vals: %s' % vals)
        self.logger.debug('paraFiles: %s' % paraFiles)
        self.logger.debug('groups: %s' % groups)
        self.logger.debug('groupRestrs: %s' % groupRestrs)  
        self.logger.debug('paraFileRegex: %s' % paraFileRegex)

        # check parameter files for consistency
        # NOTE: the weird use of booleans as array indices is a
        # feature of NumPy, see:
        # http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.indexing.html
        for group in groups:
            groupSelector = (groups == group)
            groupRestriction = np.unique(groupRestrs[groupSelector])
            nGroupRestriction = len(groupRestriction)
            nGroupVariables = sum(groupSelector)
            nSwIndicator = sum(paraProps[groupSelector] == 'swIndicator')
            nRelevGroupVariables = nGroupVariables - nSwIndicator
            if nGroupRestriction != 1:
                raise gc3libs.exceptions.InvalidUsage(
                    "Group restrictions '%s' are inconsistent for group '%s'"
                    % (groupRestriction, group))
            elif nRelevGroupVariables == 1 and groupRestriction[0].lower() == 'lowertr':
                raise gc3libs.exceptions.InvalidUsage(
                    "No sense in using 'lower triangular' restriction"
                    " with just one variable.")

        # Set up groups
        groupBase = []
        groupIndices = []
        metaBase = []
        for ixGroup, group in enumerate(np.unique(groups[groups >= 0])):
            # ixGroup is used as index for groups
            self.logger.debug('At gpremium L200, ixGroup=%s' % ixGroup)
            self.logger.debug('At gpremium L201, group=%s'% group)
            # Select vars belonging to group 'group'. Leave out switch indicator vars
            # --------------------------------
            relevGroups = (groups == group)
            swVars = (paraProps == 'swIndicator')
            groupSelector = relevGroups
            for ix in range(0, len(relevGroups)):
                if relevGroups[ix] and not swVars[ix]:
                    groupSelector[ix] = True
                    groupSelector[ix] = False
            #  -------------------------------
            groupRestr = np.unique(groupRestrs[groupSelector])
            self.logger.debug('At gpremium L%d, groupRestr=%s' % (492, groupRestr))
            self.logger.debug('At gpremium L%d, groupSelector=%s' % (493, groupSelector))
            if len(groupRestr) != 1:
                raise gc3libs.exceptions.InvalidUsage(
                    "Groups have different restrictions")
            for groupVals in vals[groupSelector]:
                values = str2vals(groupVals)
                self.logger.debug('At gpremium L%d, groupvals=%s' % (500, values))
            groupIndices.append(list(getIndex(groupBase[ixGroup], groupRestr)))
            self.logger.debug('At gpremium L%d, groupIndices=%s' % (503, groupIndices[ixGroup]))

        # Combine groups without restriction
        metaIndices = list(getIndex(metaBase, None))
        nMetaIndices = len(metaIndices)

        self.logger.debug('Summary after establishing groups:')
        self.logger.debug('  groupbase: %s' % groupBase)
        self.logger.debug('  groupindices: %s' % groupIndices)
        self.logger.debug('  metabase: %s' % metaBase)
        self.logger.debug('  metaind: %s' % metaIndices)

        self.logger.debug("Starting enumeration of independent runs...")
        for ixMeta, meta in enumerate(metaIndices):
            self.logger.debug("Loop iteration(ixMeta) %d of %d (%.2f%%)" %
                           (ixMeta+1, nMetaIndices,
                           100.0 * ((1+ixMeta) / nMetaIndices)))

            index = self.getFullIndex(ixMeta, metaIndices,
                                      groupIndices, groups, paraProps, vals)
            self.logger.debug("Index before flattening: %s" % index)
            index = list(flatten(index))
            self.logger.debug('Flattened index: %s' % index)

            for ixVar in range(0, len(variables)):
                self.logger.debug('variable #%d is %s' % (ixVar, variables[ixVar]))

            runDescription = 'para'# os.path.basename(path_to_para_loop)[:-5]
            substs = gc3libs.utils.defaultdict(list)
            for ixVar, var in enumerate(variables):
                self.logger.debug('variable: %s' % variables[ixVar])
                var = variables[ixVar]
                group = groups[ixVar]
                paraFile = paraFiles[ixVar]
                adjustIndex = indices[ixVar]
                val = format_newVal(extractVal(ixVar, vals, index))
                regex = paraFileRegex[ixVar]
                paraIndex = str2tuple(indices[ixVar])
                self.logger.debug('paraIndex: %s' % paraIndex)
                substs[paraFile].append((var, val, paraIndex, regex))
                if (group >= 0) and paraProps[ixVar] != 'swIndicator': 
                    if ixVar < len(variables):
                        runDescription += '_'
                    runDescription += '%s=%s' % (var, val)
            yield (runDescription, substs)
Exemple #4
    def process_para_file(self, path_to_para_loop):
        Create sets of parameter substituions for the ``forwardPremium``
        input files and yield a unique identifier for each set.  The
        "recipe" for building such sets is given in the ``para.loop``
        file pointed to by argument `path_to_para_loop`.

        In more detail, `process_para_file` is a generator function, that:
         1. parses the `para.loop` file;
         2. computes the distinct sets of substitutions that should be
            applied to ``forwardPremium`` input files; one such set of
            substitutions corresponds to a single ``forwardPremium`` run;
         3. creates and yields a "unique name" string that shall identify
            *this* particular combination of parameters and input files.

        Each generator iteration yields a pair `(jobname,
        substitutions)`, where `jobname` is a unique string and
        `substitutions` is a dictionary mapping file names (as
        specified in the ``paraFile`` column of the ``para.loop``
        file) to quadruples `(var, index, val, regex)`: into each
        input file, the variable `var` (corresponding to the group
        `paraIndex` in `regex`) is given value `val`.

        :param: `path_to_para_loop`: complete pathname of a file in
            ``para.loop`` format.

        params = self._read_para(path_to_para_loop)
        num_params = len(params)
        self.logger.debug("Read %d parameters from file '%s'" % (num_params, path_to_para_loop))

        variables = params["variables"]
        indices = params["indices"]
        paraFiles = params["paraFiles"]
        paraProps = params["paraProps"]
        groups = np.array(params["groups"], dtype=np.int16)
        groupRestrs = params["groupRestrs"]
        paraFileRegex = params["paraFileRegex"]

        # XXX: why not just use `vals = np.copy(params['vals'])` ??
        vals = np.copy(params["vals"])
        # vals = np.empty((num_params,), 'U100')
        # for ixVals, paraVals in enumerate(params['vals']):
        # vals[ixVals] = paraVals

        # remap group numbers so that they start at 0 and increase in
        # steps of 1
        groups = self._remap_groups(groups)
        num_groups = len(np.unique(groups))

        self.logger.debug("Number of groups: %d" % num_groups)
        self.logger.debug("variables: %s" % variables)
        self.logger.debug("indices: %s" % indices)
        self.logger.debug("vals: %s" % vals)
        self.logger.debug("paraFiles: %s" % paraFiles)
        self.logger.debug("groups: %s" % groups)
        self.logger.debug("groupRestrs: %s" % groupRestrs)
        self.logger.debug("paraFileRegex: %s" % paraFileRegex)

        # check parameter files for consistency
        # NOTE: the weird use of booleans as array indices is a
        # feature of NumPy, see:
        # http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.indexing.html
        for group in groups:
            groupSelector = groups == group
            groupRestriction = np.unique(groupRestrs[groupSelector])
            nGroupRestriction = len(groupRestriction)
            nGroupVariables = sum(groupSelector)
            nSwIndicator = sum(paraProps[groupSelector] == "swIndicator")
            nRelevGroupVariables = nGroupVariables - nSwIndicator
            if nGroupRestriction != 1:
                raise gc3libs.exceptions.InvalidUsage(
                    "Group restrictions '%s' are inconsistent for group '%s'" % (groupRestriction, group)
            elif nRelevGroupVariables == 1 and groupRestriction[0].lower() == "lowertr":
                raise gc3libs.exceptions.InvalidUsage(
                    "No sense in using 'lower triangular' restriction" " with just one variable."

        # Set up groups
        groupBase = []
        groupIndices = []
        metaBase = []
        for ixGroup, group in enumerate(np.unique(groups[groups >= 0])):
            # ixGroup is used as index for groups
            self.logger.debug("At gpremium L200, ixGroup=%s" % ixGroup)
            self.logger.debug("At gpremium L201, group=%s" % group)
            # Select vars belonging to group 'group'. Leave out switch indicator vars
            # --------------------------------
            relevGroups = groups == group
            swVars = paraProps == "swIndicator"
            groupSelector = relevGroups
            for ix in range(0, len(relevGroups)):
                if relevGroups[ix] and not swVars[ix]:
                    groupSelector[ix] = True
                    groupSelector[ix] = False
            #  -------------------------------
            groupRestr = np.unique(groupRestrs[groupSelector])
            self.logger.debug("At gpremium L%d, groupRestr=%s" % (492, groupRestr))
            self.logger.debug("At gpremium L%d, groupSelector=%s" % (493, groupSelector))
            if len(groupRestr) != 1:
                raise gc3libs.exceptions.InvalidUsage("Groups have different restrictions")
            for groupVals in vals[groupSelector]:
                values = str2vals(groupVals)
                self.logger.debug("At gpremium L%d, groupvals=%s" % (500, values))
            groupIndices.append(list(getIndex(groupBase[ixGroup], groupRestr)))
            self.logger.debug("At gpremium L%d, groupIndices=%s" % (503, groupIndices[ixGroup]))

        # Combine groups without restriction
        metaIndices = list(getIndex(metaBase, None))
        nMetaIndices = len(metaIndices)

        self.logger.debug("Summary after establishing groups:")
        self.logger.debug("  groupbase: %s" % groupBase)
        self.logger.debug("  groupindices: %s" % groupIndices)
        self.logger.debug("  metabase: %s" % metaBase)
        self.logger.debug("  metaind: %s" % metaIndices)

        self.logger.debug("Starting enumeration of independent runs...")
        for ixMeta, meta in enumerate(metaIndices):
                "Loop iteration(ixMeta) %d of %d (%.2f%%)"
                % (ixMeta + 1, nMetaIndices, 100.0 * ((1 + ixMeta) / nMetaIndices))

            index = self.getFullIndex(ixMeta, metaIndices, groupIndices, groups, paraProps, vals)
            self.logger.debug("Index before flattening: %s" % index)
            index = list(flatten(index))
            self.logger.debug("Flattened index: %s" % index)

            for ixVar in range(0, len(variables)):
                self.logger.debug("variable #%d is %s" % (ixVar, variables[ixVar]))

            runDescription = "para"  # os.path.basename(path_to_para_loop)[:-5]
            substs = gc3libs.utils.defaultdict(list)
            for ixVar, var in enumerate(variables):
                self.logger.debug("variable: %s" % variables[ixVar])
                var = variables[ixVar]
                group = groups[ixVar]
                paraFile = paraFiles[ixVar]
                adjustIndex = indices[ixVar]
                val = format_newVal(extractVal(ixVar, vals, index))
                regex = paraFileRegex[ixVar]
                paraIndex = str2tuple(indices[ixVar])
                self.logger.debug("paraIndex: %s" % paraIndex)
                substs[paraFile].append((var, val, paraIndex, regex))
                if (group >= 0) and paraProps[ixVar] != "swIndicator":
                    if ixVar < len(variables):
                        runDescription += "_"
                    runDescription += "%s=%s" % (var, val)
            yield (runDescription, substs)
Exemple #5
    def new_tasks(self, extra):

        logger.info('entering new_tasks')

        # Adjust logging level for stream handler. Could be extracted into a general function.
        for handler in logger.handlers:
            if not isinstance(handler, logbook.FileHandler):
        mySH = logbook.StreamHandler(stream = sys.stdout, level = self.params.solverVerb.upper(), format_string = '{record.message}', bubble = True)

        baseDir = self.params.initial
        xVars    = self.params.xVars

        countryList = self.params.countryList.split()

        ctryIndices = getIndex(base = [len(countryList), len(countryList)], restr = 'lowerTr')
        for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
            logger.info(countryList[ctryIndex[0]] + countryList[ctryIndex[1]])

        # Compute domain
        xVarsDom = self.params.xVarsDom.split()
        lowerBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 0], dtype = 'float64')
        upperBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 1], dtype = 'float64')
        domain = zip(lowerBds, upperBds)

        # Make problem type specific adjustments.
        if self.params.problemType == 'one4all':
            gdpTable = tableDict.fromTextFile(fileIn = os.path.join(self.params.pathEmpirical, 'outputInput/momentTable/Gdp/gdpMoments.csv'),
                                              delim = ',', width = 20)

            jobname = 'one4all'

            logger.info('%s' % self.params.norm)
            norm = self.params.norm
                norm = int(norm)
            except ValueError:
                if norm == "np.inf" or norm == "inf":
                    norm = np.inf
                    pass # in particular custom norms

            logger.info('using norm %s' % (norm))

            path_to_stage_dir = os.getcwd()
            executable = os.path.basename(self.params.executable)
            analyzeResults = anaOne4all(len(list(ctryIndices)), norm = norm)
            nlc            = nlcOne4all(gdpTable = gdpTable, ctryList = countryList, domain = domain, logFile = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'nlc.log'))
            combOverviews  = combineOverviews.combineOverviews(overviewSimuFile = 'eSigmaTable', tableName = 'ag_eSigmaTable', sortKeys = ['norm'])
            plot3dTable    = combineOverviews.plotTable(tablePath =os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'ag_eSigmaTable'), savePath = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'scatter3d'))
            plot3dTable.columnNames = ['E', 'sigma', 'norm']
            for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
                Ctry1 = countryList[ctryIndex[0]]
                Ctry2 = countryList[ctryIndex[1]]
                # Set Ctry information for this run.
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovA.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry1,  'space-separated')
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovB.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry2,  'space-separated')
                # Get the correct Ctry Paras into base dir.
                self.getCtryParas(baseDir, Ctry1, Ctry2)
                # Copy base dir
                ctryBaseDir = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'base' + Ctry1 + Ctry2)
                    shutil.copytree(baseDir, ctryBaseDir)
                    logger.info('%s already exists' % baseDir)

            kwargs = extra.copy()
            kwargs['output_dir'] = path_to_stage_dir

            # yield job
            yield (jobname, gParaSearchDriver,
                   [ self.params.executable, path_to_stage_dir, self.params.architecture,
                     baseDir, self.params.xVars, self.params.initialPop,
                     self.params.nPopulation, domain, self.params.solverVerb, self.params.problemType,
                     self.params.pathEmpirical, self.params.itermax, self.params.xConvCrit, self.params.yConvCrit,
                     self.params.makePlots, self.params.optStrategy, self.params.fWeight, self.params.fCritical, self.params.countryList,
                     analyzeResults, nlc, plot3dTable, combOverviews
                   ], kwargs)

        elif self.params.problemType == 'one4eachPair':
            for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
                Ctry1 = countryList[ctryIndex[0]]
                Ctry2 = countryList[ctryIndex[1]]
                logger.info(Ctry1 + Ctry2)
                jobname = Ctry1 + '-' + Ctry2
                # set stage dir.
                path_to_stage_dir = self.make_directory_path(self.params.output, jobname)
                #path_to_stage_dir = os.path.join(iterationFolder, jobname)
                # Get moments table from empirical analysis
                gdpTable = tableDict.fromTextFile(fileIn = os.path.join(self.params.pathEmpirical, 'outputInput/momentTable/Gdp/gdpMoments.csv'),
                                                  delim = ',', width = 20)

                # Set Ctry information for this run.
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovA.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry1,  'space-separated')
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovB.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry2,  'space-separated')
                # Get the correct Ctry Paras into base dir.
                self.getCtryParas(baseDir, Ctry1, Ctry2)
                # Copy base dir
                ctryBaseDir = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'base')
                    shutil.copytree(baseDir, ctryBaseDir)
                    logger.info('%s already exists' % baseDir)
                EA = getParameter(fileIn = os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/parameters.in'), varIn = 'EA',
                                     regexIn = 'bar-separated')
                EB = getParameter(fileIn = os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/parameters.in'), varIn = 'EB',
                                     regexIn = 'bar-separated')
                sigmaA = getParameter(fileIn = os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/parameters.in'), varIn = 'sigmaA',
                                     regexIn = 'bar-separated')
                sigmaB = getParameter(fileIn = os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/parameters.in'), varIn = 'sigmaB',
                                     regexIn = 'bar-separated')
                # Pass ctry information to nlc
                analyzeResults = anaOne4eachPair
                nlc = nlcOne4eachPair(gdpTable = gdpTable, ctryPair = [Ctry1, Ctry2], domain = domain, logFile = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'nlc.log'))
                combOverviews = combineOverviews.combineOverviews(overviewSimuFile = 'overviewSimu', tableName = 'agTable', sortKeys = ['normDev'])
                plot3dTable    = combineOverviews.plotTable(tablePath =os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'agTable'), savePath = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'scatter3d'))
                plot3dTable.columnNames = ['EA', 'sigmaA', 'normDev']

                executable = os.path.basename(self.params.executable)
                kwargs = extra.copy()
                kwargs['output_dir'] = path_to_stage_dir

                # yield job
                yield (jobname, gParaSearchDriver,
                       [ self.params.executable, path_to_stage_dir, self.params.architecture,
                         ctryBaseDir, self.params.xVars, self.params.initialPop,
                         self.params.nPopulation, domain, self.params.solverVerb, self.params.problemType,
                         self.params.pathEmpirical, self.params.itermax, self.params.xConvCrit, self.params.yConvCrit,
                         self.params.makePlots, self.params.optStrategy, self.params.fWeight, self.params.fCritical, self.params.countryList,
                         analyzeResults, nlc, plot3dTable, combOverviews
                       ], kwargs)

        elif self.params.problemType == 'one4eachCtry':
            gdpTable = tableDict.fromTextFile(fileIn = os.path.join(self.params.pathEmpirical, 'outputInput/momentTable/Gdp/gdpMoments.csv'),
                                              delim = ',', width = 20)

            if len(countryList) > len(self.params.xVars.split()) / 2 and len(xVars.split()) == 2:
                if self.params.xVars[-1:] != " ":
                    xVars = ( self.params.xVars + ' ' ) * len(countryList)
                    xVars = xVars[:-1]
                    xVars = self.params.xVars * len(countryList)
                if self.params.xVarsDom[-1:] != " ":
                    xVarsDom = ( self.params.xVarsDom + ' ' ) * len(countryList)
                    xVarsDom = xVarsDom[:-1].split()
                    xVarsDom = self.params.xVarsDom * len(countryList)
                    xVarsDom = xVarsDom.split()
                xVars = self.params.xVars
                xVarsDom = self.params.xVarsDom[:-1].split()
            jobname = 'one4eachCtry'

            lowerBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 0], dtype = 'float64')
            upperBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 1], dtype = 'float64')
            domain = zip(lowerBds, upperBds)

            norm = self.params.norm
                norm = int(norm)
            except ValueError:
                if norm == "np.inf" or norm == "inf":
                    norm = np.inf
                    pass # in particular custom norms

            logger.info('using norm %s' % (norm))

            path_to_stage_dir = os.getcwd()
            executable = os.path.basename(self.params.executable)
            analyzeResults = anaOne4eachCtry(countryList, len(list(ctryIndices)), norm = norm)
            nlc            = nlcOne4eachCtry(gdpTable = gdpTable, ctryList = countryList, domain = domain, logFile = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'nlc.log'))
            combOverviews  = combineOverviews.combineOverviews(overviewSimuFile = 'eSigmaTable', tableName = 'ag_eSigmaTable', sortKeys = ['norm'])
            deKenPrice.plotPopulation = plotPopOne4eachCtry(countryList)

##            # Set solver variables
##            nXvars = len(xVars.split())
##            deKenPrice.I_NP         = int(self.params.nPopulation)
##            deKenPrice.F_weight     = float(self.params.fWeight)
##            deKenPrice.F_CR         = float(self.params.fCritical)
##            deKenPrice.I_D          = int(nXvars)
##            deKenPrice.lowerBds     = np.array([ element[0] for element in domain ], dtype = 'float64')
##            deKenPrice.upperBds     = np.array([ element[1] for element in domain ], dtype = 'float64')
##            deKenPrice.I_itermax    = int(self.params.itermax)
##            deKenPrice.F_VTR        = float(self.params.yConvCrit)
##            deKenPrice.I_strategy   = int(self.params.optStrategy)
##            deKenPrice.I_plotting   = int(self.params.makePlots)
##            deKenPrice.xConvCrit    = float(self.params.xConvCrit)
##            deKenPrice.workingDir   = path_to_stage_dir
##            deKenPrice.verbosity    = self.params.solverVerb

            plot3dTable    = emptyFun
#            plot3dTable    = combineOverviews.plotTable(tablePath =os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'ag_eSigmaTable'), savePath = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'scatter3d'))
#            plot3dTable.columnNames = ['E', 'sigma', 'norm']
            for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
                Ctry1 = countryList[ctryIndex[0]]
                Ctry2 = countryList[ctryIndex[1]]
                # Set Ctry information for this run.
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovA.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry1,  'space-separated')
                update_parameter_in_file(os.path.join(baseDir, 'input/markovB.in'), 'Ctry',
                                          0,  Ctry2,  'space-separated')
                # Get the correct Ctry Paras into base dir.
                self.getCtryParas(baseDir, Ctry1, Ctry2)
                # Copy base dir
                ctryBaseDir = os.path.join(path_to_stage_dir, 'base' + Ctry1 + Ctry2)
                    shutil.copytree(baseDir, ctryBaseDir)
                    logger.info('%s already exists' % baseDir)

            kwargs = extra.copy()
            kwargs['output_dir'] = path_to_stage_dir

            # yield job

            yield (jobname, gParaSearchDriver,
                   [ self.params.executable, path_to_stage_dir, self.params.architecture,
                     baseDir, xVars, self.params.initialPop,
                     self.params.nPopulation, domain, self.params.solverVerb, self.params.problemType,
                     self.params.pathEmpirical, self.params.itermax, self.params.xConvCrit, self.params.yConvCrit,
                     self.params.makePlots, self.params.optStrategy, self.params.fWeight, self.params.fCritical, self.params.countryList,
                     analyzeResults, nlc, plot3dTable, combOverviews
                   ], kwargs)

        # Set solver variables
        nXvars = len(xVars.split())
        deKenPrice.I_NP         = int(self.params.nPopulation)
        deKenPrice.F_weight     = float(self.params.fWeight)
        deKenPrice.F_CR         = float(self.params.fCritical)
        deKenPrice.I_D          = int(nXvars)
        if self.params.problemType == 'one4eachCtry':
            deKenPrice.lowerBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 0], dtype = 'float64')
            deKenPrice.upperBds = np.array([xVarsDom[i] for i in range(len(xVarsDom)) if i % 2 == 1], dtype = 'float64')
            deKenPrice.lowerBds     = np.array([ element[0] for element in domain ], dtype = 'float64')
            deKenPrice.upperBds     = np.array([ element[1] for element in domain ], dtype = 'float64')
        deKenPrice.I_itermax    = int(self.params.itermax)
        deKenPrice.F_VTR        = float(self.params.yConvCrit)
        deKenPrice.I_strategy   = int(self.params.optStrategy)
        deKenPrice.I_plotting   = int(self.params.makePlots)
        deKenPrice.xConvCrit    = float(self.params.xConvCrit)
        deKenPrice.workingDir   = path_to_stage_dir
        deKenPrice.verbosity    = self.params.solverVerb

        logger.info('done with new_tasks')
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, inParaCombos, iteration, pathToExecutable, pathToStageDir, architecture, baseDir, xVars,
                 solverVerb, problemType, analyzeResults, ctryList, **extra_args):
          Generate a list of tasks and initialize a ParallelTaskCollection with them. 
          Uses paraLoop class to generate a list of (descriptions, substitutions for the input files). Descriptions are generated from
          variable names that are hard coded in this method right now. 
          Uses method generateTaskList to create a list of GPremiumApplication's which are invoked from a list of inputs (appropriately adjusted input files), 
          the output directory and some further settings for each run. 
          inParaCombos:      List of tuples defining the parameter combinations.
          iteration:         Current iteration number. 
          pathToExecutable:  Path to the executable (the external program to be called). 
          pathToStageDir:    Root path. Usually os.getcwd()
          architecture:      32 or 64 bit.
          baseDir:           Directory in which the input files are located. 
          xVars:             Names of the x variables. 
          solverVerb:        Logger verbosity. 
          problemType:       Forward premium specific flag to determine which case to look at. 
          analyzeResults:    Function to use to analyze the emerging output. 
          ctryList:          Forward premium specific list of ctrys to look at. 

        logger.debug('entering gParaSearchParalell.__init__')

        # Set up initial variables and set the correct methods.
        self.pathToStageDir = pathToStageDir
        self.problemType = problemType
        self.executable = pathToExecutable
        self.architecture = architecture
        self.baseDir = baseDir
        self.verbosity = solverVerb.upper()
        self.xVars = xVars
        self.n = len(self.xVars.split())
        self.analyzeResults = analyzeResults
        self.ctryList = ctryList
        self.iteration = iteration
        self.jobname = 'evalSolverGuess' + '-' + extra_args['jobname'] + '-' + str(self.iteration)
        self.extra_args = extra_args
        tasks = []

        # --- createJobs_x ---

        # Log activity
        cDate = datetime.date.today()
        cTime = datetime.datetime.time(datetime.datetime.now())
        dateString = '{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}-{3:02d}-{4:02d}-{5:02d}'.format(cDate.year, cDate.month, cDate.day, cTime.hour, cTime.minute, cTime.second)
        logger.debug('Establishing parallel task on %s' % dateString)

        # Enter an iteration specific folder
        self.iterationFolder = os.path.join(self.pathToStageDir, 'Iteration-' + str(self.iteration))
        except OSError:
            print '%s already exists' % self.iterationFolder

        # save population to file
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.iterationFolder, 'curPopulation'), inParaCombos, delimiter = '  ')

        # Take the list of parameter combinations and translate them in a comma separated list of values for each variable to be fed into paraLoop file.
        # This can be done much more elegantly with ','.join() but it works...
        vals = []
        nVariables = range(len(inParaCombos[0]))
        for ixVar in nVariables:
            varValString = ''
            for ixParaCombo, paraCombo in enumerate(inParaCombos):
                ### Should make more precise string conversion.
                varValString += str(paraCombo[ixVar])
                if ixParaCombo < len(inParaCombos) - 1:
                    varValString += ', '
            vals.append( varValString )

        # Make problem specific adjustments to the paraLoop file.
        if self.problemType == 'one4all':
            print 'one4all'
            variables = ['Ctry', 'Ctry', 'EA', 'EB', 'sigmaA', 'sigmaB']
            groups    = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
            groupRestrs = [ 'lowerTr', 'lowerTr', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol' ]
            writeVals = [ ", ".join(self.ctryList), ", ".join(self.ctryList), vals[0], vals[0], vals[1], vals[1] ]
            self.variables = ['EA','sigmaA']
            self.paraCombos = inParaCombos
            paraFiles = [ 'input/markovA.in', 'input/markovB.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in' ]
            paraFileRegex = [ 'space-separated', 'space-separated', 'bar-separated', 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated'  ]
            self.analyzeResults.tablePath = self.iterationFolder

        elif self.problemType == 'one4eachPair':
            print 'one4eachPair'
            # Check if EA or sigmaA are alone in the specified parameters. If so make diagnol adjustments
            writeVals = []
            if 'EA' in self.xVars and not 'EB' in self.xVars:
                variables = [ 'EA', 'EB' ]
                groups = [ '0', '0' ]
                groupRestrs = [ 'diagnol', 'diagnol' ]

                paraCombosEA = [  np.append(ele[0], ele[0]) for ele in inParaCombos ]
            if 'sigmaA' in self.xVars and not 'sigmaB' in self.xVars:
                variables.append( 'sigmaA')
                groups.append( '0')
                groupRestrs.append( 'diagnol')
                groupRestrs.append( 'diagnol' )
                paraCombosSigmaA = [  np.append(ele[1], ele[1]) for ele in inParaCombos ]

            # match ctry with val
            ctryVals = {}
            for ixCtry, ctry in enumerate(ctryList):
                ctryVals[ctry] = vals

            self.variables = variables

            # Prepare paraCombos matching to resulting table. Used in analyzeOverviewTable
            # !!! This should be dependent on problem type or on missing variables in xvars. !!!
            paraCombos = []
            for EA,sA in zip(paraCombosEA, paraCombosSigmaA):
                paraCombo = np.append(EA, sA)
            self.paraCombos = paraCombos
            paraFiles = [ 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in' ]
            paraFileRegex = [  'bar-separated', 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated'  ]

        elif self.problemType == 'one4eachCtry':
            print 'one4eachCtry'

            ctry1List  = []
            ctry2List  = []
            EAList     = []
            EBList     = []
            sigmaAList = []
            sigmaBList = []
            self.paraCombos = []

            ctryIndices = getIndex([len(ctryList), len(ctryList)], 'lowerTr')
            for ixCombo in range(len(inParaCombos)):
                ctry1ListCombo = []
                ctry2ListCombo = []
                EAListCombo    = []
                EBListCombo    = []
                sigmaAListCombo = []
                sigmaBListCombo = []
                for ctryIndex in ctryIndices:
                    EAListCombo.append(inParaCombos[ixCombo][0 + 2 * ctryIndex[0]])
                    sigmaAListCombo.append(inParaCombos[ixCombo][1 + 2 * ctryIndex[0]])
                    EBListCombo.append(inParaCombos[ixCombo][0 + 2 *ctryIndex[1]])
                    sigmaBListCombo.append(inParaCombos[ixCombo][1 + 2 * ctryIndex[1]])
                self.paraCombos.append(zip(ctry1ListCombo, ctry2ListCombo, EAListCombo, sigmaAListCombo, EBListCombo, sigmaBListCombo))
                EAList.extend(map(str, EAListCombo))
                EBList.extend(map(str, EBListCombo))
                sigmaAList.extend(map(str, sigmaAListCombo))
                sigmaBList.extend(map(str, sigmaBListCombo))

            variables = ['Ctry', 'Ctry', 'EA', 'EB', 'sigmaA', 'sigmaB']
            groups    = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
            groupRestrs = [ 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol', 'diagnol' ]
            writeVals = [ ", ".join(ctry1List), ", ".join(ctry2List), ", ".join(EAList), ", ".join(EBList), ", ".join(sigmaAList),", ".join(sigmaBList)]
            paraFiles = [ 'input/markovA.in', 'input/markovB.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in', 'input/parameters.in' ]
            paraFileRegex = [ 'space-separated', 'space-separated', 'bar-separated', 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated' , 'bar-separated'  ]
            #self.paraCombos = inParaCombos
            self.analyzeResults.tablePath = self.iterationFolder
            # variable list passed to analyzeOverviewTables
            self.variables = ['EA', 'sigmaA', 'EB', 'sigmaB']
            print 'Done setting up one4eachCtry. '

        # Write a para.loop file to generate grid jobs
        para_loop = self.writeParaLoop(variables = variables,
                                       groups = groups,
                                       groupRestrs = groupRestrs,
                                       vals = writeVals,
                                       desPath = os.path.join(self.iterationFolder, 'para.loopTmp'),
                                       paraFiles = paraFiles,
                                       paraFileRegex = paraFileRegex)

        paraLoop_fp.__init__(self, verbosity = self.verbosity)
        tasks = self.generateTaskList(para_loop, self.iterationFolder)
        ParallelTaskCollection.__init__(self, self.jobname, tasks)