def train_surprise_model():
    # import reduced dataset:
    df = import_reduced_reviews(
    df = df[['user_key', 'game_key', 'rating']]

    # drop duplicates:
    df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['game_key', 'user_key'])

    ### Modelling part with Surprise:
    # get data in a format surprise can work with:
    reader = Reader(rating_scale=(1, 10))
    data = Dataset.load_from_df(df[['user_key', 'game_key', 'rating']], reader)

    # Build trainset from the whole dataset:
    trainsetfull = data.build_full_trainset()
    print('Number of users: ', trainsetfull.n_users, '\n')
    print('Number of items: ', trainsetfull.n_items, '\n')

    # Parameters:
    sim_option = {'name': 'cosine', 'user_based': False}
    k = 10
    min_k = 5

    algo = KNNWithMeans(k=k, min_k=min_k, sim_options=sim_option)

    # Run fit:
    start_time = time.time()
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

    ### Test: is it possible to exchange the sim matrix?
    sim_matrix_imported = pd.read_csv(
    sim_matrix_imported.columns = sim_matrix_imported.columns.astype(int)
    sim_matrix_imported = sim_matrix_imported.to_numpy()

    a = algo.predict(93681, 100007)
    algo.sim = sim_matrix_imported
    b = algo.predict(93681, 100007)

    # We now need to save the similarity matrix somewhere:
    sim_matrix = algo.sim

    # Save the precomputed model:
    dump.dump('../Data/Recommender/myKNNWithMeans_item_based_model', algo)
def collaborative_filtering_using_surprise():
    Predict games for user with user_key = 93681
    target_user_key = 93681

    # import reduced dataset:
    df = import_reduced_reviews()

    # check for duplicates:
    duplicates = len(df) - len(
        df.drop_duplicates(subset=['game_key', 'user_key']))

    # drop duplicates:
    df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['game_key', 'user_key'])
    print('duplicates removed: ' + str(duplicates))

    # check out our user:
    df_target_user = df[df['user_key'] == target_user_key]

    # build utility matrix:
    # data_pivot = df.pivot(index='user_key', columns='game_key', values='rating')

    # calculate sparsity
    # sparsity = data_pivot.isnull().sum().sum() / data_pivot.size
    # print('Sparcity of utility matrix: ' + str(sparsity))

    ### Modelling part with Surprise:
    # get data in a format surprise can work with:
    reader = Reader(rating_scale=(1, 10))
    data = Dataset.load_from_df(df[['user_key', 'game_key', 'rating']], reader)

    # Split in trainset and testset
    trainset, testset = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.2)

    print('Number of users: ', trainset.n_users, '\n')
    print('Number of items: ', trainset.n_items, '\n')

    # When surprise creates a Trainset or Testset object, it takes the raw_id’s (the ones that you used in the file
    # you imported), and converts them to so-called inner_id’s (basically a series of integers, starting from 0). You
    # might need to trace back to the original names. Using the items as an example (you can do the same approach
    # with users, just swap iid's with uid's in the code), to get the list of inner_iids, you can use the all_items
    # method. To convert from raw to inner id you can use the to_inner_iid method, and the to_raw_iid to convert back.

    # An example on how to save a list of inner and raw item id’s:
    trainset_iids = list(trainset.all_items())
    iid_converter = lambda x: trainset.to_raw_iid(x)
    trainset_raw_iids = list(map(iid_converter, trainset_iids))

    ## Model parameters: of kNN:
    # Two hyperparameters we can tune:
    # 1. k parameter
    # 2. similarity option
    #   a) user-user vs item-item
    #   b) similarity function (cosine, pearson, msd)

    sim_option = {'name': 'pearson', 'user_based': False}

    # 3 different KNN Models: KNNBasic, KNNWithMeans, KNNWithZScore
    k = 40
    min_k = 5

    algo = KNNWithMeans(k=k, min_k=min_k, sim_options=sim_option)

    ## Testing:
    predictions = algo.test(testset)


    # Own similarity matrix:
    sim_matrix_imported = pd.read_csv(
    sim_matrix_imported.columns = sim_matrix_imported.columns.astype(int)
    sim_matrix_imported = sim_matrix_imported.to_numpy()

    algo.sim = sim_matrix_imported

    predictions = algo.test(testset)


    # Cross validation:
    skip = True
    if not skip:
        results = cross_validate(algo=algo,
        results_mean = results['test_rmse'].mean()

    ## Predictions
    # Lets assume we are happy with the method and now want to apply it to the entire data set.

    # Estimate for a specific user a specific item:
    single_item_single_user_prediction = algo.predict(uid=target_user_key,

    # Estimate all items for a specific user:
    list_of_all_items = trainset_raw_iids
    target_predictions = []

    for item in list_of_all_items:
        single_prediction = algo.predict(uid=target_user_key, iid=item)
            (single_prediction.uid, single_prediction.iid,

    # Then sort the predictions for each user and retrieve the k highest ones:
    target_predictions.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
    n = 20
    top_n = target_predictions[:n]
    top_n = [row[1] for row in top_n]
