def generate_dataset_code(id):  # noqa: E501

    Generate sample code to use dataset in a pipeline.

    :param id:
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiGenerateCodeResponse
    api_datasets: [ApiDataset] = load_data(ApiDataset, filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_datasets:
        return f"Dataset with id '{id}' does not exist", 404

    api_dataset = api_datasets[0]

    # TODO: could there be multiple pipeline DSL scripts, how to choose
    source_code = retrieve_file_content(bucket_name="mlpipeline",

    if not source_code:
        api_template, _ = get_dataset_template(id)
        source_code = generate_dataset_run_script(api_dataset,

    if source_code:
        generate_code_response = ApiGenerateCodeResponse(script=source_code)
        return generate_code_response, 200

    return f"Could not generate source code for dataset {id}", 500
def generate_component_code(id):  # noqa: E501

    :param id:
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiGenerateCodeResponse
    api_components: [ApiComponent] = load_data(ApiComponent,
                                               filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_components:
        return f"Component with id '{id}' does not exist", 404

    api_component = api_components[0]

    # TODO: re-enable check for uploaded script, until then save time by not doing Minio lookup
    # source_code = retrieve_file_content(bucket_name="mlpipeline", prefix=f"components/{id}/",
    #                                     file_extensions=[".py"])
    source_code = None

    if not source_code:
        api_template, _ = get_component_template(id)
        source_code = generate_component_run_script(api_component,

    if source_code:
        generate_code_response = ApiGenerateCodeResponse(script=source_code)
        return generate_code_response, 200

        return f"Could not generate source code for component {id}", 500
Exemple #3
def generate_notebook_code(id):  # noqa: E501

    :param id: 
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiGenerateCodeResponse
    api_notebooks: [ApiNotebook] = load_data(ApiNotebook,
                                             filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_notebooks:
        return f"Notebook with id '{id}' does not exist", 404

    api_notebook = api_notebooks[0]

    source_code = retrieve_file_content(bucket_name="mlpipeline",

    if not source_code:
        source_code = generate_notebook_run_script(api_notebook)

    if source_code:
        generate_code_response = ApiGenerateCodeResponse(script=source_code)
        return generate_code_response, 200

        return f"Could not generate source code for notebook {id}", 500
def get_dataset(id):  # noqa: E501

    :param id:
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiDataset
    api_datasets: [ApiDataset] = load_data(ApiDataset, filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_datasets:
        return "Not found", 404

    return api_datasets[0], 200
def get_model(id):  # noqa: E501

    :param id: 
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiModel
    api_models: [ApiModel] = load_data(ApiModel, filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_models:
        return "Not found", 404

    return api_models[0], 200
Exemple #6
def get_notebook(id):  # noqa: E501

    :param id: 
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiNotebook
    api_notebooks: [ApiNotebook] = load_data(ApiNotebook,
                                             filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_notebooks:
        return "Not found", 404

    return api_notebooks[0], 200
def generate_model_code(id):  # noqa: E501

     # noqa: E501

    :param id: 
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiGenerateModelCodeResponse
    api_models: [ApiModel] = load_data(ApiModel, filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_models:
        return f"Model with id '{id}' does not exist", 404

    api_model = api_models[0]

    generate_code_response = ApiGenerateModelCodeResponse(scripts=[])

    source_combinations = []

    if api_model.trainable:
            ("train", p) for p in api_model.trainable_tested_platforms

    if api_model.servable:
            ("serve", p) for p in api_model.servable_tested_platforms

    for stage, platform in source_combinations:
        # TODO: re-enable check for uploaded script, until then save time by not doing Minio lookup
        # source_code = retrieve_file_content(bucket_name="mlpipeline", prefix=f"models/{id}/",
        #                                     file_extensions=[".py"],
        #                                     file_name_filter=f"{stage}_{platform}")
        source_code = None

        if not source_code:
            source_code = generate_model_run_script(api_model, stage, platform)

        api_model_script = ApiModelScript(pipeline_stage=stage,


    return generate_code_response, 200
def get_pipeline(id):  # noqa: E501

    :param id:
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiPipelineExtended
    api_pipelines: [ApiPipelineExtended] = load_data(ApiPipelineExtended, filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_pipelines:
        return "Not found", 404

    api_pipeline = api_pipelines[0]

    return api_pipeline, 200
Exemple #9
def list_credentials(page_token=None,
                     filter=None):  # noqa: E501

    :param page_token:
    :type page_token: str
    :param page_size:
    :type page_size: int
    :param sort_by: Can be format of \"field_name\", \"field_name asc\" or \"field_name des\" Ascending by default.
    :type sort_by: str
    :param filter: A string-serialized JSON dictionary containing key-value pairs with name of the object property to apply filter on and the value of the respective property.
    :type filter: str

    :rtype: ApiListCredentialsResponse

    if page_size == 0:
        return {}, 200

    # TODO: do not misuse page_token as MySQL result offset
    offset = int(page_token) if page_token and page_token.isdigit() else 0

    filter_dict = json.loads(filter) if filter else None

    api_credentials: [ApiCredential] = load_data(ApiCredential,

    next_page_token = offset + page_size if len(
        api_credentials) == page_size else None

    total_size = num_rows(ApiCredential)

    if total_size == next_page_token:
        next_page_token = None

    secrets = list_secrets(name_prefix=secret_name_prefix)

    # TODO: consolidate kubernetes secrets with MLX registered credentials (i.e. add status field?)
    comp_list = ApiListCredentialsResponse(credentials=api_credentials,
    return comp_list, 200
def get_component(id):  # noqa: E501

    :param id:
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiComponent
    api_components: [ApiComponent] = load_data(ApiComponent,
                                               filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_components:
        return "Not found", 404

    api_component = api_components[0]

    return api_component, 200
Exemple #11
def get_credential(id):  # noqa: E501

    :param id: 
    :type id: str

    :rtype: ApiComponent
    api_credentials: [ApiCredential] = load_data(ApiCredential, filter_dict={"id": id})

    if not api_credentials:
        return "Not found", 404

    api_credential = api_credentials[0]

    secret = get_secret(id)

    return api_credential, 200
Exemple #12
def list_notebooks(page_token=None,
                   filter=None):  # noqa: E501

    :param page_token: 
    :type page_token: str
    :param page_size: 
    :type page_size: int
    :param sort_by: Can be format of \"field_name\", \"field_name asc\" or \"field_name des\" Ascending by default.
    :type sort_by: str
    :param filter: A string-serialized JSON dictionary containing key-value pairs with name of the object property to apply filter on and the value of the respective property.
    :type filter: str

    :rtype: ApiListNotebooksResponse

    if page_size == 0:
        return {}, 200

    # TODO: do not misuse page_token as MySQL result offset
    offset = int(page_token) if page_token and page_token.isdigit() else 0

    filter_dict = json.loads(filter) if filter else None

    api_notebooks: [ApiNotebook] = load_data(ApiNotebook,

    next_page_token = offset + page_size if len(
        api_notebooks) == page_size else None

    total_size = num_rows(ApiNotebook)

    if total_size == next_page_token:
        next_page_token = None

    notebooks = ApiListNotebooksResponse(notebooks=api_notebooks,
    return notebooks, 200
def list_pipelines(page_token=None, page_size=None, sort_by=None, filter=None):  # noqa: E501

    :param page_token: 
    :type page_token: str
    :param page_size: 
    :type page_size: int
    :param sort_by: Can be format of \"field_name\", \"field_name asc\" or \"field_name des\" Ascending by default.
    :type sort_by: str
    :param filter: A string-serialized JSON dictionary containing key-value pairs with name of the object property to apply filter on and the value of the respective property.
    :type filter: str

    :rtype: ApiListPipelinesResponse

    if page_size == 0:
        return {}, 200

    # TODO: do not misuse page_token as MySQL result offset
    offset = int(page_token) if page_token and page_token.isdigit() else 0

    filter_dict = json.loads(filter) if filter else {}

    # TODO: add filter_categories to ApiPipelineExtension (and give users a way
    #  to add category labels to pipelines) until then remove categories from filter
    if "filter_categories" in filter_dict:
        del filter_dict["filter_categories"]

    api_pipelines: [ApiPipeline] = load_data(ApiPipelineExtended, filter_dict=filter_dict,
                                             sort_by=sort_by, count=page_size, offset=offset)

    next_page_token = offset + page_size if len(api_pipelines) == page_size else None

    total_size = num_rows(ApiPipeline)

    if total_size == next_page_token:
        next_page_token = None

    pipeline_list = ApiListPipelinesResponse(pipelines=api_pipelines, total_size=total_size,
    return pipeline_list, 200
def approve_pipelines_for_publishing(pipeline_ids):  # noqa: E501

    :param pipeline_ids: Array of pipeline IDs to be approved for publishing.
    :type pipeline_ids: List[str]

    :rtype: None
    pipe_exts: [ApiPipelineExtension] = load_data(ApiPipelineExtension)
    pipe_ext_ids = { for p in pipe_exts}
    missing_pipe_ext_ids = set(pipeline_ids) - pipe_ext_ids

    for id in missing_pipe_ext_ids:

    update_multiple(ApiPipelineExtension, [], "publish_approved", False)

    if pipeline_ids:
        update_multiple(ApiPipelineExtension, pipeline_ids, "publish_approved", True)

    return None, 200
def set_featured_pipelines(pipeline_ids):  # noqa: E501

    :param pipeline_ids: Array of pipeline IDs to be featured.
    :type pipeline_ids: List[str]

    :rtype: None
    pipe_exts: [ApiPipelineExtension] = load_data(ApiPipelineExtension)
    pipe_ext_ids = { for p in pipe_exts}
    missing_pipe_ext_ids = set(pipeline_ids) - pipe_ext_ids

    for id in missing_pipe_ext_ids:

    update_multiple(ApiPipelineExtension, [], "featured", False)

    if pipeline_ids:
        update_multiple(ApiPipelineExtension, pipeline_ids, "featured", True)

    return None, 200