def _remove_copied_views(self): """ Remove the copies of the views installed by the modules in `self`. Those copies do not have an external id so they will not be cleaned by `_module_data_uninstall`. This is why we rely on `key` instead. It is important to remove these copies because using them will crash if they rely on data that don't exist anymore if the module is removed. """ domain = expression.OR([[('key', '=like', + '.%')] for m in self]) orphans = self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(**{'active_test': False, MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG: True}).search(domain) orphans.unlink()
def _compute_debit_credit_balance(self): Curr = self.env['res.currency'] analytic_line_obj = self.env['account.analytic.line'] domain = [('account_id', 'in', self.ids)] if self._context.get('from_date', False): domain.append(('date', '>=', self._context['from_date'])) if self._context.get('to_date', False): domain.append(('date', '<=', self._context['to_date'])) if self._context.get('tag_ids'): tag_domain = expression.OR([[('tag_ids', 'in', [tag])] for tag in self._context['tag_ids']]) domain = expression.AND([domain, tag_domain]) if self._context.get('company_ids'): domain.append(('company_id', 'in', self._context['company_ids'])) user_currency = self.env.user.company_id.currency_id credit_groups = analytic_line_obj.read_group( domain=domain + [('amount', '>=', 0.0)], fields=['account_id', 'currency_id', 'amount'], groupby=['account_id', 'currency_id'], lazy=False, ) data_credit = defaultdict(float) for l in credit_groups: data_credit[l['account_id'][0]] += Curr.browse( l['currency_id'][0])._convert(l['amount'], user_currency, self.env.user.company_id, debit_groups = analytic_line_obj.read_group( domain=domain + [('amount', '<', 0.0)], fields=['account_id', 'currency_id', 'amount'], groupby=['account_id', 'currency_id'], lazy=False, ) data_debit = defaultdict(float) for l in debit_groups: data_debit[l['account_id'][0]] += Curr.browse( l['currency_id'][0])._convert(l['amount'], user_currency, self.env.user.company_id, for account in self: account.debit = abs(data_debit.get(, 0.0)) = data_credit.get(, 0.0) account.balance = - account.debit
def _compute_domain(self, model_name, mode="read"): if mode not in self._MODES: raise ValueError('Invalid mode: %r' % (mode, )) if self._uid == SUPERUSER_ID: return None query = """ SELECT FROM ir_rule r JOIN ir_model m ON ( WHERE m.model=%s AND AND r.perm_{mode} AND ( IN (SELECT rule_group_id FROM rule_group_rel rg JOIN res_groups_users_rel gu ON (rg.group_id=gu.gid) WHERE gu.uid=%s) OR """.format(mode=mode) self._cr.execute(query, (model_name, self._uid)) rule_ids = [row[0] for row in self._cr.fetchall()] if not rule_ids: return [] # browse user and rules as SUPERUSER_ID to avoid access errors! eval_context = self._eval_context() user_groups = self.env.user.groups_id global_domains = [] # list of domains group_domains = [] # list of domains for rule in self.browse(rule_ids).sudo(): # evaluate the domain for the current user dom = safe_eval(rule.domain_force, eval_context) if rule.domain_force else [] dom = expression.normalize_domain(dom) if not rule.groups: global_domains.append(dom) elif rule.groups & user_groups: group_domains.append(dom) # combine global domains and group domains if not group_domains: return expression.AND(global_domains) return expression.AND(global_domains + [expression.OR(group_domains)])
def get_mention_suggestions(self, search, limit=8): """ Return 'limit'-first partners' id, name and email such that the name or email matches a 'search' string. Prioritize users, and then extend the research to all partners. """ search_dom = expression.OR([[('name', 'ilike', search)], [('email', 'ilike', search)]]) search_dom = expression.AND([[('active', '=', True)], search_dom]) fields = ['id', 'name', 'email'] # Search users domain = expression.AND([[('', '!=', False), ('', '=', True)], search_dom]) users = self.search_read(domain, fields, limit=limit) # Search partners if less than 'limit' users found partners = [] if len(users) < limit: partners = self.search_read(search_dom, fields, limit=limit) # Remove duplicates partners = [ p for p in partners if not len([u for u in users if u['id'] == p['id']]) ] return [users, partners]
def _default_sale_line_domain(self): domain = super(AccountAnalyticLine, self)._default_sale_line_domain() return expression.OR( [domain, [('qty_delivered_method', '=', 'timesheet')]])
def _get_translation_frontend_modules_domain(cls): domain = super(IrHttp, cls)._get_translation_frontend_modules_domain() return expression.OR([domain, [('name', '=', 'portal')]])