def to_lp(self): self.update() with TemporaryFilename(suffix=".lp") as tmp_file_name: glp_write_lp(self.problem, None, tmp_file_name) with open(tmp_file_name) as tmp_file: lp_form = return lp_form
def __str__(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".lp", delete=True) as tmp_file: tmp_file_name = glp_write_lp(self.problem, None, tmp_file_name) with open(tmp_file_name) as tmp_file: cplex_form = return cplex_form
def solve_with_glpsol(glp_prob): """Solve glpk problem with glpsol commandline solver. Mainly for testing purposes. # Examples # -------- # >>> problem = glp_create_prob() # ... glp_read_lp(problem, None, "../tests/data/model.lp") # ... solution = solve_with_glpsol(problem) # ... print 'asdf' # 'asdf' # >>> print solution # 0.839784 # Returns # ------- # dict # A dictionary containing the objective value (key ='objval') # and variable primals. """ from swiglpk import glp_get_row_name, glp_get_col_name, glp_write_lp, glp_get_num_rows, glp_get_num_cols row_ids = [glp_get_row_name(glp_prob, i) for i in range(1, glp_get_num_rows(glp_prob) + 1)] col_ids = [glp_get_col_name(glp_prob, i) for i in range(1, glp_get_num_cols(glp_prob) + 1)] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".lp", delete=True) as tmp_file: tmp_file_name = glp_write_lp(glp_prob, None, tmp_file_name) cmd = ['glpsol', '--lp', tmp_file_name, '-w', tmp_file_name + '.sol', '--log', '/dev/null'] term = check_output(cmd) try: with open(tmp_file_name + '.sol') as sol_handle: # print solution = dict() for i, line in enumerate(sol_handle.readlines()): if i <= 1 or line == '\n': pass elif i <= len(row_ids): solution[row_ids[i - 2]] = line.strip().split(' ') elif i <= len(row_ids) + len(col_ids) + 1: solution[col_ids[i - 2 - len(row_ids)]] = line.strip().split(' ') else: print(i) print(line) raise Exception("Argggh!") finally: os.remove(tmp_file_name + ".sol") return solution
def to_lp(self): self.update() with TemporaryFilename(suffix=".lp") as tmp_file_name: code = glp_write_lp(self.problem, None, tmp_file_name) if code != 0: raise Exception("GLPK could not successfully create the LP.") with open(tmp_file_name) as tmp_file: lp_form = return lp_form
def __str__(self): tmp_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".lp") glp_write_lp(self.problem, None, tmp_file) cplex_form = open(tmp_file).read() return cplex_form
def write_lp_cplex(self, filename): '''write the lp in CPLEX format''' if glpk.glp_write_lp(self.lp, None, filename) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Error saving CLPEX-format LP to {}'.format(filename))