def compute_nudging_term(self, date, model_state): # Get model SSH state ssh = model_state.getvar(0) # 1st variable (ssh) # Get observations and nudging parameters obs_ssh, nudging_coeff_ssh, sigma_ssh =\ bfn_get_data_at_t(date, self.dict_proj_ssh) obs_rv, nudging_coeff_rv, sigma_rv =\ bfn_get_data_at_t(date, self.dict_proj_rv) # Compute nudging term N = {'ssh':np.zeros_like(ssh), 'rv':np.zeros_like(ssh)} if obs_rv is not None and np.any(np.isfinite(obs_rv)): # Nudging towards relative vorticity rv = switchvar.ssh2rv( ssh, self.lon2d, self.lat2d, name_grd=self.name_grd) nobs = len(obs_rv) for iobs in range(nobs): indNoNan = ~np.isnan(obs_rv[iobs]) if np.any(indNoNan): # Filter model state for spectral nudging rv_ls = rv.copy() if sigma_rv[iobs] is not None and sigma_rv[iobs]>0: rv_ls = gaussian_filter(rv_ls,sigma=sigma_rv[iobs]) N['rv'][indNoNan] += nudging_coeff_rv[iobs,indNoNan] *\ (obs_rv[iobs,indNoNan]-rv_ls[indNoNan]) if obs_ssh is not None and np.any(np.isfinite(obs_ssh)): # Nudging towards ssh nobs = len(obs_ssh) for iobs in range(nobs): indNoNan = ~np.isnan(obs_ssh[iobs]) if np.any(indNoNan): # Filter model state for spectral nudging ssh_ls = ssh.copy() if sigma_ssh[iobs] is not None and sigma_ssh[iobs]>0: ssh_ls = gaussian_filter(ssh_ls,sigma=sigma_ssh[iobs]) N['ssh'][indNoNan] += nudging_coeff_ssh[iobs,indNoNan] *\ (obs_ssh[iobs,indNoNan]-ssh_ls[indNoNan]) # Mask pixels that are not influenced by observations N['ssh'] = N['ssh'] * self.scalenudg[0] N['rv'] = N['rv'] * self.scalenudg[1] N['ssh'][N['ssh']==0] = np.nan N['rv'][N['rv']==0] = np.nan if self.flag_plot>3: plt.figure() plt.suptitle('Nudging coefficient') plt.pcolormesh(self.lon2d,self.lat2d,N['ssh']) plt.colorbar() return N
def bfn_merge_projections(varname, sat_info_list, obs_file_list, lon2d, lat2d, flag_plot=None, nudging_coeff_list=None, dist_scale=None): if len(sat_info_list)==1 and sat_info_list[0].kind in ['fullSSH','fullRV']: # Full fields is provided, no need to compute tapering with xr.open_dataset(obs_file_list[0]) as ncin: lonobs = ncin[sat_info_list[0].name_obs_lon].values % 360 latobs = ncin[sat_info_list[0].name_obs_lat].values varobs = ncin[sat_info_list[0].name_obs_var[0]].values if len(varobs.shape)==3: if varobs.shape[0]>1: print('Warning: the full field provided has several\ timestep, we take the first one') varobs = varobs[0] if varname == 'relvort' and sat_info_list[0].kind=='fullSSH': proj_var = switchvar.ssh2rv(varobs, lonobs, latobs) else: proj_var = varobs if np.any(lonobs!=lon2d) or np.any(latobs!=lat2d): print('ERROR: When providing ' + sat_info_list[0].kind +\ ' observations, grid has to be the same as the model one') sys.exit() proj_nudging_coeff = nudging_coeff_list[0] * np.ones_like(proj_var) else: # Construct KD tree for projection grnd_pix_tree, dist_threshold =\ bfn_construct_ground_pixel_tree(lon2d, lat2d) if nudging_coeff_list is None: nudging_coeff_list = [1 for _ in range(len(sat_info_list))] dist_scale = 2*dist_threshold # Initialization lonobs, latobs, varobs, nudging_coeff = [np.array([]) for _ in range(4)] # Merge observations for iobs, (sat_info, obs_file, K) in\ enumerate(zip(sat_info_list, obs_file_list, nudging_coeff_list)): # Open observation file with xr.open_dataset(obs_file) as ncin: lon = ncin[sat_info.name_obs_lon].values lat = ncin[sat_info.name_obs_lat].values var = [ncin[var_].values for var_ in sat_info.name_obs_var] K = K * np.ones_like(lon) # Merging lonobs = np.append(lonobs, lon.ravel()) latobs = np.append(latobs, lat.ravel()) nudging_coeff = np.append(nudging_coeff, K) # Check if we need to compute relative vorticity if varname == 'relvort' and sat_info.name_obs_xac is not None: # Only for 2D data (need 'xac' variable) xac = ncin[sat_info.name_obs_xac].values rv = switchvar.ssh2rv(var[0], lon, lat, xac=xac) varobs = np.append(varobs, rv.ravel()) elif varname == 'ssh': if sat_info.kind == 'CMEMS': var = var[0] + var[1] # SLA + MDT else: var = var[0] # SSH varobs = np.append(varobs, var.ravel()) else: print('Warning: name of nudging variable not recongnized!!') # Create mask mask = varobs.copy() mask[np.isnan(mask)] = 1e19 varobs = > 50, varobs) # Clean memory del var, mask, lon, lat # Perform projection proj_var, proj_nudging_coeff =\ bfn_project_obsvar_to_state_grid(varobs, nudging_coeff, lonobs, latobs, grnd_pix_tree, dist_threshold, lon2d.shape[0], lon2d.shape[1], dist_scale) # Debug if flag_plot is not None and flag_plot > 1: params = { 'font.size': 20, 'axes.labelsize': 15, 'axes.titlesize': 20, 'xtick.labelsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'legend.fontsize': 20, 'legend.handlelength': 2, 'lines.linewidth': 4 } plt.rcParams.update(params) fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20, 7)) if len(lonobs.shape) == 2: im0 = ax0.pcolormesh(lonobs, latobs, varobs,shading='auto') else: im0 = ax0.scatter(lonobs, latobs, c=varobs) ax0.set_xlim(lon2d.min(), lon2d.max()) ax0.set_ylim(lat2d.min(), lat2d.max()) cbar = plt.colorbar(im0, ax=ax0)"m") ax0.set_title('Available observations') im1 = ax1.pcolormesh(lon2d, lat2d, proj_var,shading='auto') cbar = plt.colorbar(im1, ax=ax1)"m") ax1.set_title('Projected observations') im2 = ax2.pcolormesh(lon2d, lat2d, proj_nudging_coeff, cmap='Spectral_r',shading='auto') cbar = plt.colorbar(im2, ax=ax2) ax2.set_title('Nudging term') return proj_var, proj_nudging_coeff