Exemple #1
 def python_encode(self, obj, private_local):
     # Case of basic types
     if isinstance(obj, (int, float, str)) or obj is None:
         return obj
     elif isinstance(obj, type(...)):
         return "..."
     elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
         return obj.ser(private=private_local, to_json=False)
     # Dict
     elif isinstance(obj, dict):
         return {
             k: self.python_encode(v, private_local)
             for k, v in obj.items()
     # Variable
     elif torch_utils.is_variable(obj):
         tail_object = torch_utils.find_tail_of_chain(obj)
         if self.retrieve_pointers and isinstance(tail_object,
         return obj.ser(private=private_local, is_head=True)
     # Tensors
     elif torch_utils.is_tensor(obj):
         tail_object = torch_utils.find_tail_of_chain(obj)
         if self.retrieve_pointers and isinstance(tail_object,
         return obj.ser(private=private_local)
     # sy._SyftTensor (Pointer, Local)
     # [Note: shouldn't be called on regular chain with end=tensorvar]
     elif torch_utils.is_syft_tensor(obj):
         tail_object = torch_utils.find_tail_of_chain(obj)
         if self.retrieve_pointers and isinstance(tail_object,
         return obj.ser(private=private_local)
     # List
     elif isinstance(obj, list):
         return [self.python_encode(i, private_local) for i in obj]
     # np array
     elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
         return obj.ser(private=private_local, to_json=False)
     # Iterables non json-serializable
     elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, set, bytearray, range)):
         key = get_serialized_key(obj)
         return {key: [self.python_encode(i, private_local) for i in obj]}
     # Slice
     elif isinstance(obj, slice):
         key = get_serialized_key(obj)
         return {key: {'args': [obj.start, obj.stop, obj.step]}}
     # Generator
     elif isinstance(obj, types.GeneratorType):
         logging.warning("Generator args can't be transmitted")
         return []
     # worker
     elif isinstance(obj, (sy.SocketWorker, sy.VirtualWorker)):
         return {'__worker__': obj.id}
     # Else log the error
         raise ValueError('Unhandled type', type(obj))
Exemple #2
    def python_decode(self, dct):
            Is called on every dict found. We check if some keys correspond
            to special keywords referring to a type we need to re-cast
            (e.g. tuple, or torch Variable).


        # PLAN A: See if the dct object is not actually a dictionary and address
        # each case.

        if isinstance(dct, (int, str, float)):
            # a very strange special case
            if (dct == '...'):
                return ...
            return dct
        if isinstance(dct, (list, )):
            return [self.python_decode(o) for o in dct]
        if dct is None:
            return None
        if not isinstance(dct, dict):
            raise TypeError('Type not handled', dct)

        # PLAN B: If the dct object IS a dictionary, check to see if it has a "type" key

        if ('type' in dct):
            if dct['type'] == "numpy.array":

                # at first glance, the following if statement might seem a bit confusing
                # since the dct object is identical for both. Basically, the pointer object
                # is created here (on the receiving end of a message) as opposed to on the sending
                # side. We decide whether to use the dictionary to construct a pointer or the
                # actual tensor based on wehther self.acquire is true. Note that this changes
                # how dct['id'] is used. If creating an actual tensor, the tensor id is set to dct['id]
                # otherwise, id_at_location is set to be dct['id']. Similarly with dct['owner'].

                # if we intend to receive the tensor itself, construct an array
                if (self.acquire):
                    return array(dct['data'], id=dct['id'], owner=self.worker)

                # if we intend to create a pointer, construct a pointer. Note that
                    return array_ptr(dct['data'],
            elif dct['type'] == 'numpy.array_ptr':
                return self.worker.get_obj(dct['id_at_location'])

        # Plan C: As a last resort, use a Regex to try to find a type somewhere.
        # TODO: Plan C should never be called - but is used extensively in PySyft's PyTorch integratio

        pat = re.compile('__(.+)__')
        for key, obj in dct.items():
            if pat.search(key) is not None:
                obj_type = pat.search(key).group(1)
                # Case of a tensor
                if torch_utils.is_tensor(obj_type):
                    o = torch.guard['syft.' + obj_type].deser({key: obj},
                    return o
                # Case of a Variable
                elif torch_utils.is_variable(obj_type):
                    return sy.Variable.deser({key: obj},
                # Case of a Syft tensor
                elif torch_utils.is_syft_tensor(obj_type):
                    return sy._SyftTensor.deser_routing({key: obj},
                # Case of a iter type non json serializable
                elif obj_type in ('tuple', 'set', 'bytearray', 'range'):
                    return eval(obj_type)([self.python_decode(o) for o in obj])
                # Case of a slice
                elif obj_type == 'slice':
                    return slice(*obj['args'])
                # Case of a worker
                elif obj_type == 'worker':
                    return self.worker.get_worker(obj)
                    raise TypeError('The special object type', obj_type,
                                    'is not supported')
                dct[key] = self.python_decode(obj)
        return dct