Exemple #1
    def smooth_time_scaling(Tend, N, phase_fraction=.5):
        :param Tend:
        :param N:
        :param phase_fraction:   fraction of Tend for smooth initial and end phase

        T0 = 0
        T1 = Tend * phase_fraction

        y0 = 0
        y1 = 1

        # for initial phase
        poly1 = st.condition_poly(t, (T0, y0, 0, 0), (T1, y1, 0, 0))

        # for end phase
        poly2 = poly1.subs(t, Tend - t)

        # there should be a phase in the middle with constant slope
        deriv_transition = st.piece_wise((y0, t < T0), (poly1, t < T1), (y1, t < Tend - T1),
                                         (poly2, t < Tend), (y0, True))

        scaling = sp.integrate(deriv_transition, (t, T0, Tend))

        time_transition = sp.integrate(deriv_transition * N / scaling, t)

        # deriv_transition_func = st.expr_to_func(t, full_transition)
        time_transition_func = st.expr_to_func(t, time_transition)
        deriv_func = st.expr_to_func(t, deriv_transition * N / scaling)
        deriv_func2 = st.expr_to_func(t, deriv_transition.diff(t) * N / scaling)

        C = ipydex.Container(fetch_locals=True)

        return C
    def calc_trajectory(self):
        calculate the polynomial trajectory
        :return: polynomial trajectory and it's derivatives
        # state transition
        poly = st.condition_poly(self.t, (self.t0, *self.YA),
                                 (self.tf, *self.YB))
        # full transition within the given period
        full_transition = st.piece_wise((self.YA[0], self.t < self.t0),
                                        (poly, self.t < self.tf),
                                        (self.YB[0], True))

        poly_d = []
        for i in range(len(self.YA)):
            poly_d.append(full_transition.diff(self.t, i))
        return poly_d
Exemple #3
    def test_num_trajectory_compatibility_test(self):
        x1, x2, x3, x4 = xx = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols("x1, x2, x3, x4"))
        u1, u2 = uu = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols("u1, u2"))  # inputs

        t = sp.Symbol('t')

        # we want to create a random but stable matrix

        diag = np.diag(np.random.random(len(xx)) * -10)
        T = sp.randMatrix(len(xx), len(xx), -10, 10, seed=704)
        Tinv = T.inv()

        A = Tinv * diag * T

        B = B0 = sp.randMatrix(len(xx), len(uu), -10, 10, seed=705)

        x0 = st.to_np(sp.randMatrix(len(xx), 1, -10, 10, seed=706)).squeeze()
        tt = np.linspace(0, 5, 2000)

        des_input = st.piece_wise((2 - t, t <= 1), (t, t < 2),
                                  (2 * t - 2, t < 3), (4, True))
        des_input_func_vec = st.expr_to_func(t,
                                             sp.Matrix([des_input, des_input]))

        mod2 = st.SimulationModel(A * xx, B, xx)
        rhs3 = mod2.create_simfunction(input_function=des_input_func_vec)
        XX = sc.integrate.odeint(rhs3, x0, tt)
        UU = des_input_func_vec(tt)

        res1 = mod2.num_trajectory_compatibility_test(tt, XX, UU)

        # slightly different input signal -> other results
        res2 = mod2.num_trajectory_compatibility_test(tt, XX, UU * 1.1)
Exemple #4
    def test_expr_to_func(self):

        x1, x2 = xx = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols("x1, x2"))
        t, = sp.symbols("t,")
        r_ = np.r_

        f1 = st.expr_to_func(x1, 2 * x1)
        self.assertEqual(f1(5.1), 10.2)

        XX1 = np.r_[1, 2, 3.7]
        res1 = f1(XX1) == 2 * XX1

        f2 = st.expr_to_func(x1, sp.Matrix([x1 * 2, x1 + 5, 4]))
        res2 = f2(3) == r_[6, 8, 4]

        res2b = f2(r_[3, 10, 0]) == np.array([[6, 8, 4], [20, 15, 4],
                                              [0, 5, 4]])

        f3 = st.expr_to_func(xx, sp.Matrix([x1 * 2, x2 + 5, 4]))
        res3 = np.allclose(f3(-3.1, 4), r_[-6.2, 9, 4])


        # test compatibility with Piecewise Expressions
        des_input = st.piece_wise((0, t <= 1), (t, t < 2), (0.5, t < 3),
                                  (1, True))
        f4s = st.expr_to_func(t, des_input)
        f4v = st.expr_to_func(t, sp.Matrix([des_input, des_input]))

        self.assertEqual(f4s(2.7), 0.5)

        sol = r_[0, 1.6, 0.5, 1, 1]
        res4a = f4s(r_[0.3, 1.6, 2.2, 3.1, 500]) == sol

        res4b = f4v(r_[0.3, 1.6, 2.2, 3.1, 500])
        col1, col2 = res4b.T
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(col1, sol))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(col2, sol))

        spmatrix = sp.Matrix([[x1, x1 * x2], [0, x2**2]])

        fnc1 = st.expr_to_func(xx, spmatrix, keep_shape=False)
        fnc2 = st.expr_to_func(xx, spmatrix, keep_shape=True)

        res1 = fnc1(1.0, 2.0)
        res2 = fnc2(1.0, 2.0)

        self.assertEqual(res1.shape, (4, ))
        self.assertEqual(res2.shape, (2, 2))

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        self.assertTrue(np.all(res1 == [1, 2, 0, 4]))
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        self.assertTrue(np.all(res1 == res2.flatten()))

        fnc = st.expr_to_func(xx, x1 + x2)
        self.assertEqual(fnc(1, 3), 4)

        xx_res = np.array([1, 3, 1.1, 3, 1.2, 3.0]).reshape(3, -1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(fnc(*xx_res.T), np.array([4, 4.1, 4.2])))

        fnc1 = st.expr_to_func(xx, 3 * xx)
        fnc2 = st.expr_to_func(xx, 3 * xx, allow_kwargs=True)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(fnc1(10, 100), fnc2(x2=100, x1=10)))
Exemple #5
    def test_create_simfunction(self):
        x1, x2, x3, x4 = xx = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols("x1, x2, x3, x4"))
        u1, u2 = uu = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols("u1, u2"))  # inputs
        p1, p2, p3, p4 = pp = sp.Matrix(
            sp.symbols("p1, p2, p3, p4"))  # parameter
        t = sp.Symbol('t')

        A = A0 = sp.randMatrix(len(xx), len(xx), -10, 10, seed=704)
        B = B0 = sp.randMatrix(len(xx), len(uu), -10, 10, seed=705)

        v1 = A[0, 0]
        A[0, 0] = p1
        v2 = A[2, -1]
        A[2, -1] = p2
        v3 = B[3, 0]
        B[3, 0] = p3
        v4 = B[2, 1]
        B[2, 1] = p4

        par_vals = lzip(pp, [v1, v2, v3, v4])

        f = A * xx
        G = B

        fxu = (f + G * uu).subs(par_vals)

        # some random initial values
        x0 = st.to_np(sp.randMatrix(len(xx), 1, -10, 10, seed=706)).squeeze()

        # Test handling of unsubstituted parameters
        mod = st.SimulationModel(f, G, xx, model_parameters=par_vals[1:])
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            rhs0 = mod.create_simfunction()

        self.assertTrue("unexpected symbols" in cm.exception.args[0])

        # create the model and the rhs-function
        mod = st.SimulationModel(f, G, xx, par_vals)
        rhs0 = mod.create_simfunction()

        res0_1 = rhs0(x0, 0)
        dres0_1 = st.to_np(fxu.subs(lzip(xx, x0) + st.zip0(uu))).squeeze()

        bin_res01 = np.isclose(res0_1, dres0_1)  # binary array

        # difference should be [0, 0, ..., 0]
        self.assertFalse(np.any(rhs0(x0, 0) - rhs0(x0, 3.7)))

        # simulate
        tt = np.linspace(0, 0.5,
                         100)  # simulation should be short due to instability
        res1 = sc.integrate.odeint(rhs0, x0, tt)

        # create and try sympy_to_c bridge (currently only works on linux
        # and if sympy_to_c is installed (e.g. with `pip install sympy_to_c`))
        # until it is not available for windows we do not want it as a requirement
        # see also https://stackoverflow.com/a/10572833/333403

            import sympy_to_c
        except ImportError:
            # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
            sympy_to_c = None
            sp2c_available = False
            sp2c_available = True

        if sp2c_available:

            rhs0_c = mod.create_simfunction(use_sp2c=True)
            res1_c = sc.integrate.odeint(rhs0_c, x0, tt)
            self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isclose(res1_c, res1)))

            mod.compiler_called = None
            rhs0_c = mod.create_simfunction(use_sp2c=True)
            self.assertTrue(mod.compiler_called is None)

        # proof calculation
        # x(t) = x0*exp(A*t)
        Anum = st.to_np(A.subs(par_vals))
        Bnum = st.to_np(G.subs(par_vals))
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        xt = [np.dot(sc.linalg.expm(Anum * T), x0) for T in tt]
        xt = np.array(xt)

        # test whether numeric results are close within given tolerance
        bin_res1 = np.isclose(res1, xt, rtol=2e-5)  # binary array


        # test handling of parameter free models:

        mod2 = st.SimulationModel(Anum * xx, Bnum, xx)
        rhs2 = mod2.create_simfunction()
        res2 = sc.integrate.odeint(rhs2, x0, tt)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res1, res2))

        # test input functions
        des_input = st.piece_wise((0, t <= 1), (t, t < 2), (0.5, t < 3),
                                  (1, True))
        des_input_func_scalar = st.expr_to_func(t, des_input)
        des_input_func_vec = st.expr_to_func(t,
                                             sp.Matrix([des_input, des_input]))

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:

        rhs3 = mod2.create_simfunction(input_function=des_input_func_vec)
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        res3_0 = rhs3(x0, 0)

        rhs4 = mod2.create_simfunction(input_function=des_input_func_vec,
        res4_0 = rhs4(x0, 0)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res3_0, np.array([119., -18., -36.,
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res4_0, -res3_0))