Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, factors=None):  # Factors
        """Initialize Factors from dict or expr.


        >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import I
        >>> e = 2*x**3
        >>> Factors(e)
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> Factors(e.as_powers_dict())
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> f = _
        >>> f.factors  # underlying dictionary
        {2: 1, x: 3}
        >>> f.gens  # base of each factor
        frozenset({2, x})
        >>> Factors(0)
        Factors({0: 1})
        >>> Factors(I)
        Factors({I: 1})


        Although a dictionary can be passed, only minimal checking is
        performed: powers of -1 and I are made canonical.

        if isinstance(factors, (SYMPY_INTS, float)):
            factors = S(factors)

        if isinstance(factors, Factors):
            factors = factors.factors.copy()
        elif factors is None or factors is S.One:
            factors = {}
        elif factors is S.Zero or factors == 0:
            factors = {S.Zero: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Number):
            n = factors
            factors = {}
            if n < 0:
                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
                n = -n
            if n is not S.One:
                if n.is_Float or n.is_Integer or n is S.Infinity:
                    factors[n] = S.One
                elif n.is_Rational:
                    # since we're processing Numbers, the denominator is
                    # stored with a negative exponent; all other factors
                    # are left .
                    if n.p != 1:
                        factors[Integer(n.p)] = S.One
                    factors[Integer(n.q)] = S.NegativeOne
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Expected Float|Rational|Integer, not %s' % n)
        elif isinstance(factors, Basic) and not factors.args:
            factors = {factors: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Expr):
            c, nc = factors.args_cnc()
            i = c.count(I)
            for _ in range(i):
            factors = dict(Mul._from_args(c).as_powers_dict())
            if i:
                factors[I] = S.One * i
            if nc:
                factors[Mul(*nc, evaluate=False)] = S.One
            factors = factors.copy()  # /!\ should be dict-like

            # tidy up -/+1 and I exponents if Rational

            handle = []
            for k in factors:
                if k is I or k in (-1, 1):
            if handle:
                i1 = S.One
                for k in handle:
                    if not _isnumber(factors[k]):
                    i1 *= k**factors.pop(k)
                if i1 is not S.One:
                    for a in i1.args if i1.is_Mul else [
                    ]:  # at worst, -1.0*I*(-1)**e
                        if a is S.NegativeOne:
                            factors[a] = S.One
                        elif a is I:
                            factors[I] = S.One
                        elif a.is_Pow:
                            if S.NegativeOne not in factors:
                                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.Zero
                            factors[S.NegativeOne] += a.exp
                        elif a == 1:
                            factors[a] = S.One
                        elif a == -1:
                            factors[-a] = S.One
                            factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
                            raise ValueError('unexpected factor in i1: %s' % a)

        self.factors = factors
            self.gens = frozenset(factors.keys())
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('expecting Expr or dictionary')
Exemple #2
def test_Integer():
    sT(Integer(4), "Integer(4)")
Exemple #3
def test_list():
    sT([x, Integer(4)], "[Symbol('x'), Integer(4)]")
Exemple #4
 def _eval_anticommutator_YGate(self, other, **hints):
     return Integer(2)*IdentityGate(self.targets[0])
Exemple #5
 def _eval_commutator_XGate(self, other, **hints):
     return Integer(2)*I*YGate(self.targets[0])
    def _eval_Mod(self, q):
        n, k = self.args

        if any(x.is_integer is False for x in (n, k, q)):
            raise ValueError("Integers expected for binomial Mod")

        if all(x.is_Integer for x in (n, k, q)):
            n, k = map(int, (n, k))
            aq, res = abs(q), 1

            # handle negative integers k or n
            if k < 0:
                return 0
            if n < 0:
                n = -n + k - 1
                res = -1 if k % 2 else 1

            # non negative integers k and n
            if k > n:
                return 0

            isprime = aq.is_prime
            aq = int(aq)
            if isprime:
                if aq < n:
                    # use Lucas Theorem
                    N, K = n, k
                    while N or K:
                        res = res * binomial(N % aq, K % aq) % aq
                        N, K = N // aq, K // aq

                    # use Factorial Modulo
                    d = n - k
                    if k > d:
                        k, d = d, k
                    kf = 1
                    for i in range(2, k + 1):
                        kf = kf * i % aq
                    df = kf
                    for i in range(k + 1, d + 1):
                        df = df * i % aq
                    res *= df
                    for i in range(d + 1, n + 1):
                        res = res * i % aq

                    res *= pow(kf * df % aq, aq - 2, aq)
                    res %= aq

                # Binomial Factorization is performed by calculating the
                # exponents of primes <= n in `n! /(k! (n - k)!)`,
                # for non-negative integers n and k. As the exponent of
                # prime in n! is e_p(n) = [n/p] + [n/p**2] + ...
                # the exponent of prime in binomial(n, k) would be
                # e_p(n) - e_p(k) - e_p(n - k)
                M = int(_sqrt(n))
                for prime in sieve.primerange(2, n + 1):
                    if prime > n - k:
                        res = res * prime % aq
                    elif prime > n // 2:
                    elif prime > M:
                        if n % prime < k % prime:
                            res = res * prime % aq
                        N, K = n, k
                        exp = a = 0

                        while N > 0:
                            a = int((N % prime) < (K % prime + a))
                            N, K = N // prime, K // prime
                            exp += a

                        if exp > 0:
                            res *= pow(prime, exp, aq)
                            res %= aq

            return Integer(res % q)
Exemple #7
 def _eval_anticommutator(self, other, **hints):
     return Integer(2)*other
Exemple #8
def gate_simp(circuit):
    """Simplifies gates symbolically

    It first sorts gates using gate_sort. It then applies basic
    simplification rules to the circuit, e.g., XGate**2 = Identity

    # Bubble sort out gates that commute.
    circuit = gate_sort(circuit)

    # Do simplifications by subing a simplification into the first element
    # which can be simplified. We recursively call gate_simp with new circuit
    # as input more simplifications exist.
    if isinstance(circuit, Add):
        return sum(gate_simp(t) for t in circuit.args)
    elif isinstance(circuit, Mul):
        circuit_args = circuit.args
    elif isinstance(circuit, Pow):
        b, e = circuit.as_base_exp()
        circuit_args = (gate_simp(b)**e,)
        return circuit

    # Iterate through each element in circuit, simplify if possible.
    for i in range(len(circuit_args)):
        # H,X,Y or Z squared is 1.
        # T**2 = S, S**2 = Z
        if isinstance(circuit_args[i], Pow):
            if isinstance(circuit_args[i].base,
                (HadamardGate, XGate, YGate, ZGate)) \
                    and isinstance(circuit_args[i].exp, Number):
                # Build a new circuit taking replacing the
                # H,X,Y,Z squared with one.
                newargs = (circuit_args[:i] +
                          (circuit_args[i].base**(circuit_args[i].exp % 2),) +
                           circuit_args[i + 1:])
                # Recursively simplify the new circuit.
                circuit = gate_simp(Mul(*newargs))
            elif isinstance(circuit_args[i].base, PhaseGate):
                # Build a new circuit taking old circuit but splicing
                # in simplification.
                newargs = circuit_args[:i]
                # Replace PhaseGate**2 with ZGate.
                newargs = newargs + (ZGate(circuit_args[i].base.args[0])**
                (Integer(circuit_args[i].exp/2)), circuit_args[i].base**
                (circuit_args[i].exp % 2))
                # Append the last elements.
                newargs = newargs + circuit_args[i + 1:]
                # Recursively simplify the new circuit.
                circuit = gate_simp(Mul(*newargs))
            elif isinstance(circuit_args[i].base, TGate):
                # Build a new circuit taking all the old elements.
                newargs = circuit_args[:i]

                # Put an Phasegate in place of any TGate**2.
                newargs = newargs + (PhaseGate(circuit_args[i].base.args[0])**
                Integer(circuit_args[i].exp/2), circuit_args[i].base**
                    (circuit_args[i].exp % 2))

                # Append the last elements.
                newargs = newargs + circuit_args[i + 1:]
                # Recursively simplify the new circuit.
                circuit = gate_simp(Mul(*newargs))
    return circuit
Exemple #9
 def _eval_anticommutator(self, other, **hints):
     if isinstance(other, OneQubitGate):
         if self.targets != other.targets or self.__class__ == other.__class__:
             return Integer(2)*self*other
     return Operator._eval_anticommutator(self, other, **hints)
def continued_fraction(a):
    """Return the continued fraction representation of a Rational or
    quadratic irrational.


    >>> from sympy.ntheory.continued_fraction import continued_fraction
    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> continued_fraction((1 + 2*sqrt(3))/5)
    [0, 1, [8, 3, 34, 3]]

    See Also
    continued_fraction_periodic, continued_fraction_reduce, continued_fraction_convergents
    e = _sympify(a)
    if all(i.is_Rational for i in e.atoms()):
        if e.is_Integer:
            return continued_fraction_periodic(e, 1, 0)
        elif e.is_Rational:
            return continued_fraction_periodic(e.p, e.q, 0)
        elif e.is_Pow and e.exp is S.Half and e.base.is_Integer:
            return continued_fraction_periodic(0, 1, e.base)
        elif e.is_Mul and len(
                e.args) == 2 and (e.args[0].is_Rational and e.args[1].is_Pow
                                  and e.args[1].base.is_Integer
                                  and e.args[1].exp is S.Half):
            a, b = e.args
            return continued_fraction_periodic(0, a.q, b.base, a.p)
            # this should not have to work very hard- no
            # simplification, cancel, etc... which should be
            # done by the user.  e.g. This is a fancy 1 but
            # the user should simplify it first:
            # sqrt(2)*(1 + sqrt(2))/(sqrt(2) + 2)
            p, d = e.expand().as_numer_denom()
            if d.is_Integer:
                if p.is_Rational:
                    return continued_fraction_periodic(p, d)
                # look for a + b*c
                # with c = sqrt(s)
                if p.is_Add and len(p.args) == 2:
                    a, bc = p.args
                    a = S.Zero
                    bc = p
                if a.is_Integer:
                    b = S.NaN
                    if bc.is_Mul and len(bc.args) == 2:
                        b, c = bc.args
                    elif bc.is_Pow:
                        b = Integer(1)
                        c = bc
                    if b.is_Integer and (c.is_Pow and c.exp is S.Half
                                         and c.base.is_Integer):
                        # (a + b*sqrt(c))/d
                        c = c.base
                        return continued_fraction_periodic(a, d, c, b)
    raise ValueError('expecting a rational or quadratic irrational, not %s' %
Exemple #11
def _real_to_rational(expr, tolerance=None, rational_conversion='base10'):
    Replace all reals in expr with rationals.

    >>> from sympy import Rational
    >>> from sympy.simplify.simplify import _real_to_rational
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    >>> _real_to_rational(.76 + .1*x**.5)
    sqrt(x)/10 + 19/25

    If rational_conversion='base10', this uses the base-10 string. If
    rational_conversion='exact', the exact, base-2 representation is used.

    >>> _real_to_rational(0.333333333333333, rational_conversion='exact')
    >>> _real_to_rational(0.333333333333333)

    expr = _sympify(expr)
    inf = Float('inf')
    p = expr
    reps = {}
    reduce_num = None
    if tolerance is not None and tolerance < 1:
        reduce_num = ceiling(1/tolerance)
    for fl in p.atoms(Float):
        key = fl
        if reduce_num is not None:
            r = Rational(fl).limit_denominator(reduce_num)
        elif (tolerance is not None and tolerance >= 1 and
                fl.is_Integer is False):
            r = Rational(tolerance*round(fl/tolerance)
            if rational_conversion == 'exact':
                r = Rational(fl)
                reps[key] = r
            elif rational_conversion != 'base10':
                raise ValueError("rational_conversion must be 'base10' or 'exact'")

            r = nsimplify(fl, rational=False)
            # e.g. log(3).n() -> log(3) instead of a Rational
            if fl and not r:
                r = Rational(fl)
            elif not r.is_Rational:
                if fl == inf or fl == -inf:
                    r = S.ComplexInfinity
                elif fl < 0:
                    fl = -fl
                    d = Pow(10, int((mpmath.log(fl)/mpmath.log(10))))
                    r = -Rational(str(fl/d))*d
                elif fl > 0:
                    d = Pow(10, int((mpmath.log(fl)/mpmath.log(10))))
                    r = Rational(str(fl/d))*d
                    r = Integer(0)
        reps[key] = r
    return p.subs(reps, simultaneous=True)
def continued_fraction_reduce(cf):
    Reduce a continued fraction to a rational or quadratic irrational.

    Compute the rational or quadratic irrational number from its
    terminating or periodic continued fraction expansion.  The
    continued fraction expansion (cf) should be supplied as a
    terminating iterator supplying the terms of the expansion.  For
    terminating continued fractions, this is equivalent to
    ``list(continued_fraction_convergents(cf))[-1]``, only a little more
    efficient.  If the expansion has a repeating part, a list of the
    repeating terms should be returned as the last element from the
    iterator.  This is the format returned by

    For quadratic irrationals, returns the largest solution found,
    which is generally the one sought, if the fraction is in canonical
    form (all terms positive except possibly the first).


    >>> from sympy.ntheory.continued_fraction import continued_fraction_reduce
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([-2, 1, 9, 7, 1, 2])
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8]).n(10)
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([1, 4, 2, [3, 1]])
    (sqrt(21) + 287)/238
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([[1]])
    (1 + sqrt(5))/2
    >>> from sympy.ntheory.continued_fraction import continued_fraction_periodic
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce(continued_fraction_periodic(8, 5, 13))
    (sqrt(13) + 8)/5

    See Also


    from sympy.core.exprtools import factor_terms
    from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy
    from sympy.solvers import solve

    period = []
    x = Dummy('x')

    def untillist(cf):
        for nxt in cf:
            if isinstance(nxt, list):
                yield x
            yield nxt

    a = Integer(0)
    for a in continued_fraction_convergents(untillist(cf)):

    if period:
        y = Dummy('y')
        solns = solve(continued_fraction_reduce(period + [y]) - y, y)
        pure = solns[-1]
        rv = a.subs(x, pure).radsimp()
        rv = a
    if rv.is_Add:
        rv = factor_terms(rv)
        if rv.is_Mul and rv.args[0] == -1:
            rv = rv.func(*rv.args)
    return rv
Exemple #13
def test_MarginalDistribution():
    a1, p1, p2 = symbols('a1 p1 p2', positive=True)
    C = Multinomial('C', 2, p1, p2)
    B = MultivariateBeta('B', a1, C[0])
    MGR = MarginalDistribution(B, (C[0], ))
    mgrc = Mul(
                    Pow(Symbol('p1', positive=True),
                        Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0))),
                    Pow(Symbol('p2', positive=True),
                        Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(1))),
                                          Integer(0))), Integer(-1)),
                                          Integer(1))), Integer(-1))),
                    Add(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0)),
                        Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(1))),
                    Integer(2))), ExprCondPair(Integer(0), True)),
        Pow(gamma(Symbol('a1', positive=True)), Integer(-1)),
            Add(Symbol('a1', positive=True),
                Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0)))),
        Pow(gamma(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0))), Integer(-1)),
        Pow(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('B')), Integer(0)),
            Add(Symbol('a1', positive=True), Integer(-1))),
        Pow(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('B')), Integer(1)),
            Add(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('C')), Integer(0)), Integer(-1))))
    assert MGR(C) == mgrc
Exemple #14
def test_core_numbers():
    for c in (Integer(2), Rational(2, 3), Float("1.2")):
Exemple #15
def wigner_3j(j_1, j_2, j_3, m_1, m_2, m_3):
    Calculate the Wigner 3j symbol `\operatorname{Wigner3j}(j_1,j_2,j_3,m_1,m_2,m_3)`.


    j_1, j_2, j_3, m_1, m_2, m_3 :
        Integer or half integer.


    Rational number times the square root of a rational number.


    >>> from sympy.physics.wigner import wigner_3j
    >>> wigner_3j(2, 6, 4, 0, 0, 0)
    >>> wigner_3j(2, 6, 4, 0, 0, 1)

    It is an error to have arguments that are not integer or half
    integer values::

        sage: wigner_3j(2.1, 6, 4, 0, 0, 0)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: j values must be integer or half integer
        sage: wigner_3j(2, 6, 4, 1, 0, -1.1)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: m values must be integer or half integer


    The Wigner 3j symbol obeys the following symmetry rules:

    - invariant under any permutation of the columns (with the
      exception of a sign change where `J:=j_1+j_2+j_3`):

      .. math::

          &=\operatorname{Wigner3j}(j_3,j_1,j_2,m_3,m_1,m_2) \\
          &=\operatorname{Wigner3j}(j_2,j_3,j_1,m_2,m_3,m_1) \\
          &=(-1)^J \operatorname{Wigner3j}(j_3,j_2,j_1,m_3,m_2,m_1) \\
          &=(-1)^J \operatorname{Wigner3j}(j_1,j_3,j_2,m_1,m_3,m_2) \\
          &=(-1)^J \operatorname{Wigner3j}(j_2,j_1,j_3,m_2,m_1,m_3)

    - invariant under space inflection, i.e.

      .. math::

         =(-1)^J \operatorname{Wigner3j}(j_1,j_2,j_3,-m_1,-m_2,-m_3)

    - symmetric with respect to the 72 additional symmetries based on
      the work by [Regge58]_

    - zero for `j_1`, `j_2`, `j_3` not fulfilling triangle relation

    - zero for `m_1 + m_2 + m_3 \neq 0`

    - zero for violating any one of the conditions
      `j_1 \ge |m_1|`,  `j_2 \ge |m_2|`,  `j_3 \ge |m_3|`


    This function uses the algorithm of [Edmonds74]_ to calculate the
    value of the 3j symbol exactly. Note that the formula contains
    alternating sums over large factorials and is therefore unsuitable
    for finite precision arithmetic and only useful for a computer
    algebra system [Rasch03]_.


    - Jens Rasch (2009-03-24): initial version
    if int(j_1 * 2) != j_1 * 2 or int(j_2 * 2) != j_2 * 2 or \
            int(j_3 * 2) != j_3 * 2:
        raise ValueError("j values must be integer or half integer")
    if int(m_1 * 2) != m_1 * 2 or int(m_2 * 2) != m_2 * 2 or \
            int(m_3 * 2) != m_3 * 2:
        raise ValueError("m values must be integer or half integer")
    if m_1 + m_2 + m_3 != 0:
        return S.Zero
    prefid = Integer((-1)**int(j_1 - j_2 - m_3))
    m_3 = -m_3
    a1 = j_1 + j_2 - j_3
    if a1 < 0:
        return S.Zero
    a2 = j_1 - j_2 + j_3
    if a2 < 0:
        return S.Zero
    a3 = -j_1 + j_2 + j_3
    if a3 < 0:
        return S.Zero
    if (abs(m_1) > j_1) or (abs(m_2) > j_2) or (abs(m_3) > j_3):
        return S.Zero

    maxfact = max(j_1 + j_2 + j_3 + 1, j_1 + abs(m_1), j_2 + abs(m_2),
                  j_3 + abs(m_3))

    argsqrt = Integer(_Factlist[int(j_1 + j_2 - j_3)] *
                     _Factlist[int(j_1 - j_2 + j_3)] *
                     _Factlist[int(-j_1 + j_2 + j_3)] *
                     _Factlist[int(j_1 - m_1)] *
                     _Factlist[int(j_1 + m_1)] *
                     _Factlist[int(j_2 - m_2)] *
                     _Factlist[int(j_2 + m_2)] *
                     _Factlist[int(j_3 - m_3)] *
                     _Factlist[int(j_3 + m_3)]) / \
        _Factlist[int(j_1 + j_2 + j_3 + 1)]

    ressqrt = sqrt(argsqrt)
    if ressqrt.is_complex or ressqrt.is_infinite:
        ressqrt = ressqrt.as_real_imag()[0]

    imin = max(-j_3 + j_1 + m_2, -j_3 + j_2 - m_1, 0)
    imax = min(j_2 + m_2, j_1 - m_1, j_1 + j_2 - j_3)
    sumres = 0
    for ii in range(int(imin), int(imax) + 1):
        den = _Factlist[ii] * \
            _Factlist[int(ii + j_3 - j_1 - m_2)] * \
            _Factlist[int(j_2 + m_2 - ii)] * \
            _Factlist[int(j_1 - ii - m_1)] * \
            _Factlist[int(ii + j_3 - j_2 + m_1)] * \
            _Factlist[int(j_1 + j_2 - j_3 - ii)]
        sumres = sumres + Integer((-1)**ii) / den

    res = ressqrt * sumres * prefid
    return res
Exemple #16
class TwoQubitGate(Gate):
    """A two qubit unitary gate base class."""

    nqubits = Integer(2)
def continued_fraction_reduce(cf):
    Reduce a continued fraction to a rational or quadratic irrational.

    Compute the rational or quadratic irrational number from its
    terminating or periodic continued fraction expansion.  The
    continued fraction expansion (cf) should be supplied as a
    terminating iterator supplying the terms of the expansion.  For
    terminating continued fractions, this is equivalent to
    ``list(continued_fraction_convergents(cf))[-1]``, only a little more
    efficient.  If the expansion has a repeating part, a list of the
    repeating terms should be returned as the last element from the
    iterator.  This is the format returned by

    For quadratic irrationals, returns the largest solution found,
    which is generally the one sought, if the fraction is in canonical
    form (all terms positive except possibly the first).


    >>> from sympy.ntheory.continued_fraction import continued_fraction_reduce
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([-2, 1, 9, 7, 1, 2])
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8]).n(10)
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([1, 4, 2, [3, 1]])
    (sqrt(21) + 287)/238
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce([[1]])
    1/2 + sqrt(5)/2
    >>> from sympy.ntheory.continued_fraction import continued_fraction_periodic
    >>> continued_fraction_reduce(continued_fraction_periodic(8, 5, 13))
    (sqrt(13) + 8)/5

    See Also


    from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy
    from sympy.solvers import solve

    period = []
    x = Dummy('x')

    def untillist(cf):
        for nxt in cf:
            if isinstance(nxt, list):
                yield x
            yield nxt

    a = Integer(0)
    for a in continued_fraction_convergents(untillist(cf)):

    if period:
        y = Dummy('y')
        solns = solve(continued_fraction_reduce(period + [y]) - y, y)
        pure = solns[-1]
        return a.subs(x, pure).radsimp()
        return a
Exemple #18
def test_issue_6981():
    S = set(divisors(4)).union(set(divisors(Integer(2))))
    assert S == {1, 2, 4}