Exemple #1
def init_ipython_session(shell=None, argv=[], auto_symbols=False, auto_int_to_Integer=False):
    """Construct new IPython session. """
    import IPython

    if version_tuple(IPython.__version__) >= version_tuple('0.11'):
        if not shell:
            # use an app to parse the command line, and init config
            # IPython 1.0 deprecates the frontend module, so we import directly
            # from the terminal module to prevent a deprecation message from being
            # shown.
            if version_tuple(IPython.__version__) >= version_tuple('1.0'):
                from IPython.terminal import ipapp
                from IPython.frontend.terminal import ipapp
            app = ipapp.TerminalIPythonApp()

            # don't draw IPython banner during initialization:
            app.display_banner = False

            shell = app.shell

        if auto_symbols:
        if auto_int_to_Integer:

        return shell
        from IPython.Shell import make_IPython
        return make_IPython(argv)
Exemple #2
 def _print_Transpose(self, expr):
     version = self.tensorflow_version
     if version and version_tuple(version) < version_tuple('1.14'):
         op = self._module_format('tensorflow.matrix_transpose')
         op = self._module_format('tensorflow.linalg.matrix_transpose')
     return "{}({})".format(op, self._print(expr.arg))
Exemple #3
def check_disabled(request):
    if getattr(request.module, 'disabled', False):
        pytest.skip("test requirements not met.")
    elif getattr(request.module, 'ipython', False):
        # need to check version and options for ipython tests
        if (version_tuple(pytest.__version__) < version_tuple('2.6.3')
                and pytest.config.getvalue('-s') != 'no'):
            pytest.skip("run py.test with -s or upgrade to newer version.")
Exemple #4
def check_git_version():
    # check git version
    minimal = ''
    git_ver = run(['git', '--version'], stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf-8').stdout[12:]
    if version_tuple(git_ver) < version_tuple(minimal):
        print(yellow("Please use a git version >= %s" % minimal))
        return False
        return True
Exemple #5
def test_lambdify():
    mpmath.mp.dps = 16
    sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.198669330795061215459412627")
    f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "numpy")
    prec = 1e-15
    assert -prec < f(0.2) - sin02 < prec

    # if this succeeds, it can't be a numpy function

    if version_tuple(numpy.__version__) >= version_tuple('1.17'):
        with raises(TypeError):
        with raises(AttributeError):
Exemple #6
    def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
        version = self.tensorflow_version
        if version and version_tuple(version) < version_tuple('1.0'):
            tensorflow_piecewise = "tensorflow.select"
            tensorflow_piecewise = "tensorflow.where"

        from sympy import Piecewise
        e, cond = expr.args[0].args
        if len(expr.args) == 1:
            return '{}({}, {}, {})'.format(
                self._module_format(tensorflow_piecewise), self._print(cond),
                self._print(e), 0)

        return '{}({}, {}, {})'.format(
            self._module_format(tensorflow_piecewise), self._print(cond),
            self._print(e), self._print(Piecewise(*expr.args[1:])))
Exemple #7
def init_printing(pretty_print=True,
    Initializes pretty-printer depending on the environment.


    pretty_print : boolean, default=True
        If True, use pretty_print to stringify or the provided pretty
        printer; if False, use sstrrepr to stringify or the provided string
    order : string or None, default='lex'
        There are a few different settings for this parameter:
        lex (default), which is lexographic order;
        grlex, which is graded lexographic order;
        grevlex, which is reversed graded lexographic order;
        old, which is used for compatibility reasons and for long expressions;
        None, which sets it to lex.
    use_unicode : boolean or None, default=None
        If True, use unicode characters;
        if False, do not use unicode characters;
        if None, make a guess based on the environment.
    use_latex : string, boolean, or None, default=None
        If True, use default LaTeX rendering in GUI interfaces (png and
        if False, do not use LaTeX rendering;
        if None, make a guess based on the environment;
        if 'png', enable latex rendering with an external latex compiler,
        falling back to matplotlib if external compilation fails;
        if 'matplotlib', enable LaTeX rendering with matplotlib;
        if 'mathjax', enable LaTeX text generation, for example MathJax
        rendering in IPython notebook or text rendering in LaTeX documents;
        if 'svg', enable LaTeX rendering with an external latex compiler,
        no fallback
    wrap_line : boolean
        If True, lines will wrap at the end; if False, they will not wrap
        but continue as one line. This is only relevant if ``pretty_print`` is
    num_columns : int or None, default=None
        If int, number of columns before wrapping is set to num_columns; if
        None, number of columns before wrapping is set to terminal width.
        This is only relevant if ``pretty_print`` is True.
    no_global : boolean, default=False
        If True, the settings become system wide;
        if False, use just for this console/session.
    ip : An interactive console
        This can either be an instance of IPython,
        or a class that derives from code.InteractiveConsole.
    euler : boolean, optional, default=False
        Loads the euler package in the LaTeX preamble for handwritten style
        fonts (http://www.ctan.org/pkg/euler).
    forecolor : string or None, optional, default=None
        DVI setting for foreground color. None means that either 'Black',
        'White', or 'Gray' will be selected based on a guess of the IPython
        terminal color setting. See notes.
    backcolor : string, optional, default='Transparent'
        DVI setting for background color. See notes.
    fontsize : string, optional, default='10pt'
        A font size to pass to the LaTeX documentclass function in the
        preamble. Note that the options are limited by the documentclass.
        Consider using scale instead.
    latex_mode : string, optional, default='plain'
        The mode used in the LaTeX printer. Can be one of:
    print_builtin : boolean, optional, default=True
        If ``True`` then floats and integers will be printed. If ``False`` the
        printer will only print SymPy types.
    str_printer : function, optional, default=None
        A custom string printer function. This should mimic
    pretty_printer : function, optional, default=None
        A custom pretty printer. This should mimic sympy.printing.pretty().
    latex_printer : function, optional, default=None
        A custom LaTeX printer. This should mimic sympy.printing.latex().
    scale : float, optional, default=1.0
        Scale the LaTeX output when using the ``png`` or ``svg`` backends.
        Useful for high dpi screens.
    settings :
        Any additional settings for the ``latex`` and ``pretty`` commands can
        be used to fine-tune the output.


    >>> from sympy.interactive import init_printing
    >>> from sympy import Symbol, sqrt
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> sqrt(5)
    >>> init_printing(pretty_print=True) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> sqrt(5) # doctest: +SKIP
    \/ 5
    >>> theta = Symbol('theta') # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> init_printing(use_unicode=True) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> theta # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> init_printing(use_unicode=False) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> theta # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> init_printing(order='lex') # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> str(y + x + y**2 + x**2) # doctest: +SKIP
    x**2 + x + y**2 + y
    >>> init_printing(order='grlex') # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> str(y + x + y**2 + x**2) # doctest: +SKIP
    x**2 + x + y**2 + y
    >>> init_printing(order='grevlex') # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> str(y * x**2 + x * y**2) # doctest: +SKIP
    x**2*y + x*y**2
    >>> init_printing(order='old') # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> str(x**2 + y**2 + x + y) # doctest: +SKIP
    x**2 + x + y**2 + y
    >>> init_printing(num_columns=10) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> x**2 + x + y**2 + y # doctest: +SKIP
    x + y +
    x**2 + y**2


    The foreground and background colors can be selected when using 'png' or
    'svg' LaTeX rendering. Note that before the ``init_printing`` command is
    executed, the LaTeX rendering is handled by the IPython console and not SymPy.

    The colors can be selected among the 68 standard colors known to ``dvips``,
    for a list see [1]_. In addition, the background color can be
    set to  'Transparent' (which is the default value).

    When using the 'Auto' foreground color, the guess is based on the
    ``colors`` variable in the IPython console, see [2]_. Hence, if
    that variable is set correctly in your IPython console, there is a high
    chance that the output will be readable, although manual settings may be


    .. [1] https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Colors#The_68_standard_colors_known_to_dvips

    .. [2] https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/details.html#terminal-colors

    See Also


    import sys
    from sympy.printing.printer import Printer

    if pretty_print:
        if pretty_printer is not None:
            stringify_func = pretty_printer
            from sympy.printing import pretty as stringify_func
        if str_printer is not None:
            stringify_func = str_printer
            from sympy.printing import sstrrepr as stringify_func

    # Even if ip is not passed, double check that not in IPython shell
    in_ipython = False
    if ip is None:
            ip = get_ipython()
        except NameError:
            in_ipython = (ip is not None)

    if ip and not in_ipython:
        in_ipython = _is_ipython(ip)

    if in_ipython and pretty_print:
            import IPython
            # IPython 1.0 deprecates the frontend module, so we import directly
            # from the terminal module to prevent a deprecation message from being
            # shown.
            if version_tuple(IPython.__version__) >= version_tuple('1.0'):
                from IPython.terminal.interactiveshell import TerminalInteractiveShell
                from IPython.frontend.terminal.interactiveshell import TerminalInteractiveShell
            from code import InteractiveConsole
        except ImportError:
            # This will be True if we are in the qtconsole or notebook
            if not isinstance(ip, (InteractiveConsole, TerminalInteractiveShell)) \
                    and 'ipython-console' not in ''.join(sys.argv):
                if use_unicode is None:
                    debug("init_printing: Setting use_unicode to True")
                    use_unicode = True
                if use_latex is None:
                    debug("init_printing: Setting use_latex to True")
                    use_latex = True

    if not NO_GLOBAL and not no_global:
        _stringify_func = stringify_func

        if pretty_print:
            stringify_func = lambda expr, **settings: \
                             _stringify_func(expr, order=order,
            stringify_func = \
                lambda expr, **settings: _stringify_func(
                    expr, order=order, **settings)

    if in_ipython:
        mode_in_settings = settings.pop("mode", None)
        if mode_in_settings:
            debug("init_printing: Mode is not able to be set due to internals"
                  "of IPython printing")
        _init_ipython_printing(ip, stringify_func, use_latex, euler, forecolor,
                               backcolor, fontsize, latex_mode, print_builtin,
                               latex_printer, scale, **settings)
        _init_python_printing(stringify_func, **settings)
Exemple #8
def _init_ipython_printing(ip, stringify_func, use_latex, euler, forecolor,
                           backcolor, fontsize, latex_mode, print_builtin,
                           latex_printer, scale, **settings):
    """Setup printing in IPython interactive session. """
        from IPython.lib.latextools import latex_to_png
    except ImportError:

    # Guess best font color if none was given based on the ip.colors string.
    # From the IPython documentation:
    #   It has four case-insensitive values: 'nocolor', 'neutral', 'linux',
    #   'lightbg'. The default is neutral, which should be legible on either
    #   dark or light terminal backgrounds. linux is optimised for dark
    #   backgrounds and lightbg for light ones.
    if forecolor is None:
        color = ip.colors.lower()
        if color == 'lightbg':
            forecolor = 'Black'
        elif color == 'linux':
            forecolor = 'White'
            # No idea, go with gray.
            forecolor = 'Gray'
        debug("init_printing: Automatic foreground color:", forecolor)

    preamble = "\\documentclass[varwidth,%s]{standalone}\n" \
    if euler:
        addpackages = '\\usepackage{euler}'
        addpackages = ''
    if use_latex == "svg":
        addpackages = addpackages + "\n\\special{color %s}" % forecolor

    preamble = preamble % (fontsize, addpackages)

    imagesize = 'tight'
    offset = "0cm,0cm"
    resolution = round(150 * scale)
    dvi = r"-T %s -D %d -bg %s -fg %s -O %s" % (imagesize, resolution,
                                                backcolor, forecolor, offset)
    dvioptions = dvi.split()

    svg_scale = 150 / 72 * scale
    dvioptions_svg = ["--no-fonts", "--scale={}".format(svg_scale)]

    debug("init_printing: DVIOPTIONS:", dvioptions)
    debug("init_printing: DVIOPTIONS_SVG:", dvioptions_svg)
    debug("init_printing: PREAMBLE:", preamble)

    latex = latex_printer or default_latex

    def _print_plain(arg, p, cycle):
        """caller for pretty, for use in IPython 0.11"""
        if _can_print(arg):

    def _preview_wrapper(o):
        exprbuffer = BytesIO()
        except Exception as e:
            # IPython swallows exceptions
            debug("png printing:", "_preview_wrapper exception raised:",
        return exprbuffer.getvalue()

    def _svg_wrapper(o):
        exprbuffer = BytesIO()
        except Exception as e:
            # IPython swallows exceptions
            debug("svg printing:", "_preview_wrapper exception raised:",
        return exprbuffer.getvalue().decode('utf-8')

    def _matplotlib_wrapper(o):
        # mathtext does not understand certain latex flags, so we try to
        # replace them with suitable subs
        o = o.replace(r'\operatorname', '')
        o = o.replace(r'\overline', r'\bar')
        # mathtext can't render some LaTeX commands. For example, it can't
        # render any LaTeX environments such as array or matrix. So here we
        # ensure that if mathtext fails to render, we return None.
                return latex_to_png(o, color=forecolor, scale=scale)
            except TypeError:  #  Old IPython version without color and scale
                return latex_to_png(o)
        except ValueError as e:
            debug('matplotlib exception caught:', repr(e))
            return None

    # Hook methods for builtin sympy printers
    printing_hooks = ('_latex', '_sympystr', '_pretty', '_sympyrepr')

    def _can_print(o):
        """Return True if type o can be printed with one of the sympy printers.

        If o is a container type, this is True if and only if every element of
        o can be printed in this way.

            # If you're adding another type, make sure you add it to printable_types
            # later in this file as well

            builtin_types = (list, tuple, set, frozenset)
            if isinstance(o, builtin_types):
                # If the object is a custom subclass with a custom str or
                # repr, use that instead.
                if (type(o).__str__ not in (i.__str__ for i in builtin_types)
                        or type(o).__repr__ not in (i.__repr__
                                                    for i in builtin_types)):
                    return False
                return all(_can_print(i) for i in o)
            elif isinstance(o, dict):
                return all(_can_print(i) and _can_print(o[i]) for i in o)
            elif isinstance(o, bool):
                return False
            elif isinstance(o, Printable):
                # types known to sympy
                return True
            elif any(hasattr(o, hook) for hook in printing_hooks):
                # types which add support themselves
                return True
            elif isinstance(o, (float, int)) and print_builtin:
                return True
            return False
        except RuntimeError:
            return False
            # This is in case maximum recursion depth is reached.
            # Since RecursionError is for versions of Python 3.5+
            # so this is to guard against RecursionError for older versions.

    def _print_latex_png(o):
        A function that returns a png rendered by an external latex
        distribution, falling back to matplotlib rendering
        if _can_print(o):
            s = latex(o, mode=latex_mode, **settings)
            if latex_mode == 'plain':
                s = '$\\displaystyle %s$' % s
                return _preview_wrapper(s)
            except RuntimeError as e:
                debug('preview failed with:', repr(e),
                      ' Falling back to matplotlib backend')
                if latex_mode != 'inline':
                    s = latex(o, mode='inline', **settings)
                return _matplotlib_wrapper(s)

    def _print_latex_svg(o):
        A function that returns a svg rendered by an external latex
        distribution, no fallback available.
        if _can_print(o):
            s = latex(o, mode=latex_mode, **settings)
            if latex_mode == 'plain':
                s = '$\\displaystyle %s$' % s
                return _svg_wrapper(s)
            except RuntimeError as e:
                debug('preview failed with:', repr(e),
                      ' No fallback available.')

    def _print_latex_matplotlib(o):
        A function that returns a png rendered by mathtext
        if _can_print(o):
            s = latex(o, mode='inline', **settings)
            return _matplotlib_wrapper(s)

    def _print_latex_text(o):
        A function to generate the latex representation of sympy expressions.
        if _can_print(o):
            s = latex(o, mode=latex_mode, **settings)
            if latex_mode == 'plain':
                return '$\\displaystyle %s$' % s
            return s

    def _result_display(self, arg):
        """IPython's pretty-printer display hook, for use in IPython 0.10

           This function was adapted from:


        if self.rc.pprint:
            out = stringify_func(arg)

            if '\n' in out:


    import IPython
    if version_tuple(IPython.__version__) >= version_tuple('0.11'):

        # Printable is our own type, so we handle it with methods instead of
        # the approach required by builtin types. This allows downstream
        # packages to override the methods in their own subclasses of Printable,
        # which avoids the effects of gh-16002.
        printable_types = [float, tuple, list, set, frozenset, dict, int]

        plaintext_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain']

        # Exception to the rule above: IPython has better dispatching rules
        # for plaintext printing (xref ipython/ipython#8938), and we can't
        # use `_repr_pretty_` without hitting a recursion error in _print_plain.
        for cls in printable_types + [Printable]:
            plaintext_formatter.for_type(cls, _print_plain)

        svg_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['image/svg+xml']
        if use_latex in ('svg', ):
            debug("init_printing: using svg formatter")
            for cls in printable_types:
                svg_formatter.for_type(cls, _print_latex_svg)
            Printable._repr_svg_ = _print_latex_svg
            debug("init_printing: not using any svg formatter")
            for cls in printable_types:
                # Better way to set this, but currently does not work in IPython
                #png_formatter.for_type(cls, None)
                if cls in svg_formatter.type_printers:
            Printable._repr_svg_ = Printable._repr_disabled

        png_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['image/png']
        if use_latex in (True, 'png'):
            debug("init_printing: using png formatter")
            for cls in printable_types:
                png_formatter.for_type(cls, _print_latex_png)
            Printable._repr_png_ = _print_latex_png
        elif use_latex == 'matplotlib':
            debug("init_printing: using matplotlib formatter")
            for cls in printable_types:
                png_formatter.for_type(cls, _print_latex_matplotlib)
            Printable._repr_png_ = _print_latex_matplotlib
            debug("init_printing: not using any png formatter")
            for cls in printable_types:
                # Better way to set this, but currently does not work in IPython
                #png_formatter.for_type(cls, None)
                if cls in png_formatter.type_printers:
            Printable._repr_png_ = Printable._repr_disabled

        latex_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['text/latex']
        if use_latex in (True, 'mathjax'):
            debug("init_printing: using mathjax formatter")
            for cls in printable_types:
                latex_formatter.for_type(cls, _print_latex_text)
            Printable._repr_latex_ = _print_latex_text
            debug("init_printing: not using text/latex formatter")
            for cls in printable_types:
                # Better way to set this, but currently does not work in IPython
                #latex_formatter.for_type(cls, None)
                if cls in latex_formatter.type_printers:
            Printable._repr_latex_ = Printable._repr_disabled

        ip.set_hook('result_display', _result_display)
Exemple #9

# put sympy on the path
mailmap_update_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
mailmap_update_dir = os.path.dirname(mailmap_update_path)
sympy_top = os.path.split(mailmap_update_dir)[0]
sympy_dir = os.path.join(sympy_top, 'sympy')
if os.path.isdir(sympy_dir):
    sys.path.insert(0, sympy_top)

from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent

# check git version
minimal = ''
git_ver = run(['git', '--version'], stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf-8').stdout[12:]
if version_tuple(git_ver) < version_tuple(minimal):
    print(yellow("Please use a git version >= %s" % minimal))

def author_name(line):
    assert line.count("<") == line.count(">") == 1
    assert line.endswith(">")
    return line.split("<", 1)[0].strip()

def move(l, i1, i2, who):
    x = l.pop(i1)
    # this will fail if the .mailmap is not right
    assert who == author_name(x), \
        '%s was not found at line %i' % (who, i1)
    l.insert(i2, x)
Exemple #10
    extra_kwargs['zip_safe'] = False
    extra_kwargs['entry_points'] = {
        'console_scripts': [
            'isympy = isympy:main',
except ImportError:
    from distutils.core import setup, Command

    extra_kwargs['scripts'] = ['bin/isympy']

    # handle mpmath deps in the hard way:
    from sympy.external.importtools import version_tuple
        import mpmath
        if version_tuple(mpmath.__version__) < version_tuple(min_mpmath_version):
            raise ImportError
    except ImportError:
        print("Please install the mpmath package with a version >= %s"
              % min_mpmath_version)

if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
    print("SymPy requires Python 3.7 or newer. Python %d.%d detected"
          % sys.version_info[:2])

# Check that this list is uptodate against the result of the command:
# python bin/generate_module_list.py
modules = [
Exemple #11
def init_session(ipython=None, pretty_print=True, order=None,
                 use_unicode=None, use_latex=None, quiet=False, auto_symbols=False,
                 auto_int_to_Integer=False, str_printer=None, pretty_printer=None,
                 latex_printer=None, argv=[]):
    Initialize an embedded IPython or Python session. The IPython session is
    initiated with the --pylab option, without the numpy imports, so that
    matplotlib plotting can be interactive.


    pretty_print: boolean
        If True, use pretty_print to stringify;
        if False, use sstrrepr to stringify.
    order: string or None
        There are a few different settings for this parameter:
        lex (default), which is lexographic order;
        grlex, which is graded lexographic order;
        grevlex, which is reversed graded lexographic order;
        old, which is used for compatibility reasons and for long expressions;
        None, which sets it to lex.
    use_unicode: boolean or None
        If True, use unicode characters;
        if False, do not use unicode characters.
    use_latex: boolean or None
        If True, use latex rendering if IPython GUI's;
        if False, do not use latex rendering.
    quiet: boolean
        If True, init_session will not print messages regarding its status;
        if False, init_session will print messages regarding its status.
    auto_symbols: boolean
        If True, IPython will automatically create symbols for you.
        If False, it will not.
        The default is False.
    auto_int_to_Integer: boolean
        If True, IPython will automatically wrap int literals with Integer, so
        that things like 1/2 give Rational(1, 2).
        If False, it will not.
        The default is False.
    ipython: boolean or None
        If True, printing will initialize for an IPython console;
        if False, printing will initialize for a normal console;
        The default is None, which automatically determines whether we are in
        an ipython instance or not.
    str_printer: function, optional, default=None
        A custom string printer function. This should mimic
    pretty_printer: function, optional, default=None
        A custom pretty printer. This should mimic sympy.printing.pretty().
    latex_printer: function, optional, default=None
        A custom LaTeX printer. This should mimic sympy.printing.latex()
        This should mimic sympy.printing.latex().
    argv: list of arguments for IPython
        See sympy.bin.isympy for options that can be used to initialize IPython.

    See Also

    sympy.interactive.printing.init_printing: for examples and the rest of the parameters.


    >>> from sympy import init_session, Symbol, sin, sqrt
    >>> sin(x) #doctest: +SKIP
    NameError: name 'x' is not defined
    >>> init_session() #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> sin(x) #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> sqrt(5) #doctest: +SKIP
    \\/ 5
    >>> init_session(pretty_print=False) #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> sqrt(5) #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> y + x + y**2 + x**2 #doctest: +SKIP
    x**2 + x + y**2 + y
    >>> init_session(order='grlex') #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> y + x + y**2 + x**2 #doctest: +SKIP
    x**2 + y**2 + x + y
    >>> init_session(order='grevlex') #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> y * x**2 + x * y**2 #doctest: +SKIP
    x**2*y + x*y**2
    >>> init_session(order='old') #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> x**2 + y**2 + x + y #doctest: +SKIP
    x + y + x**2 + y**2
    >>> theta = Symbol('theta') #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> theta #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> init_session(use_unicode=True) #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> theta # doctest: +SKIP
    import sys

    in_ipython = False

    if ipython is not False:
            import IPython
        except ImportError:
            if ipython is True:
                raise RuntimeError("IPython is not available on this system")
            ip = None
                from IPython import get_ipython
                ip = get_ipython()
            except ImportError:
                ip = None
        in_ipython = bool(ip)
        if ipython is None:
            ipython = in_ipython

    if ipython is False:
        ip = init_python_session()
        mainloop = ip.interact
        ip = init_ipython_session(ip, argv=argv, auto_symbols=auto_symbols,

        if version_tuple(IPython.__version__) >= version_tuple('0.11'):
            # runsource is gone, use run_cell instead, which doesn't
            # take a symbol arg.  The second arg is `store_history`,
            # and False means don't add the line to IPython's history.
            ip.runsource = lambda src, symbol='exec': ip.run_cell(src, False)

            # Enable interactive plotting using pylab.
            except Exception:
                # Causes an import error if matplotlib is not installed.
                # Causes other errors (depending on the backend) if there
                # is no display, or if there is some problem in the
                # backend, so we have a bare "except Exception" here
        if not in_ipython:
            mainloop = ip.mainloop

    if auto_symbols and (not ipython or version_tuple(IPython.__version__) < version_tuple('0.11')):
        raise RuntimeError("automatic construction of symbols is possible only in IPython 0.11 or above")
    if auto_int_to_Integer and (not ipython or version_tuple(IPython.__version__) < version_tuple('0.11')):
        raise RuntimeError("automatic int to Integer transformation is possible only in IPython 0.11 or above")

    _preexec_source = preexec_source

    ip.runsource(_preexec_source, symbol='exec')
    init_printing(pretty_print=pretty_print, order=order,
                  use_unicode=use_unicode, use_latex=use_latex, ip=ip,
                  str_printer=str_printer, pretty_printer=pretty_printer,

    message = _make_message(ipython, quiet, _preexec_source)

    if not in_ipython:
        sys.exit('Exiting ...')
        import atexit
        atexit.register(lambda: print("Exiting ...\n"))