Exemple #1
def test_harmonic_rewrite_sum():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert replace_dummy(harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum), _k) == Sum(1/_k, (_k, 1, n))
    assert replace_dummy(harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum), _k) == Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n))
Exemple #2
def test_Function():
    assert mcode(f(x, y, z)) == "f[x, y, z]"
    assert mcode(sin(x)**cos(x)) == "Sin[x]^Cos[x]"
    assert mcode(conjugate(x)) == "Conjugate[x]"
    assert mcode(Max(x, y, z) * Min(y, z)) == "Max[x, y, z]*Min[y, z]"
    assert mcode(fresnelc(x)) == "FresnelC[x]"
    assert mcode(fresnels(x)) == "FresnelS[x]"
    assert mcode(gamma(x)) == "Gamma[x]"
    assert mcode(uppergamma(x, y)) == "Gamma[x, y]"
    assert mcode(polygamma(x, y)) == "PolyGamma[x, y]"
    assert mcode(loggamma(x)) == "LogGamma[x]"
    assert mcode(erf(x)) == "Erf[x]"
    assert mcode(erfc(x)) == "Erfc[x]"
    assert mcode(erfi(x)) == "Erfi[x]"
    assert mcode(erf2(x, y)) == "Erf[x, y]"
    assert mcode(expint(x, y)) == "ExpIntegralE[x, y]"
    assert mcode(erfcinv(x)) == "InverseErfc[x]"
    assert mcode(erfinv(x)) == "InverseErf[x]"
    assert mcode(erf2inv(x, y)) == "InverseErf[x, y]"
    assert mcode(Ei(x)) == "ExpIntegralEi[x]"
    assert mcode(Ci(x)) == "CosIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(li(x)) == "LogIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(Si(x)) == "SinIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(Shi(x)) == "SinhIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(Chi(x)) == "CoshIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(beta(x, y)) == "Beta[x, y]"
    assert mcode(factorial(x)) == "Factorial[x]"
    assert mcode(factorial2(x)) == "Factorial2[x]"
    assert mcode(subfactorial(x)) == "Subfactorial[x]"
    assert mcode(FallingFactorial(x, y)) == "FactorialPower[x, y]"
    assert mcode(RisingFactorial(x, y)) == "Pochhammer[x, y]"
    assert mcode(catalan(x)) == "CatalanNumber[x]"
    assert mcode(harmonic(x)) == "HarmonicNumber[x]"
    assert mcode(harmonic(x, y)) == "HarmonicNumber[x, y]"
Exemple #3
def test_harmonic_rewrite_sum_fail():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum) == Sum(1/_k, (_k, 1, n))
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum) == Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n))
Exemple #4
def test_harmonic_rewrite_sum():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert replace_dummy(harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum), _k) == Sum(1/_k, (_k, 1, n))
    assert replace_dummy(harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum), _k) == Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n))
def test_harmonic_rewrite_sum_fail():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum) == Sum(1 / _k, (_k, 1, n))
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum) == Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n))
Exemple #6
def test_Function():
    assert mcode(sin(x) ** cos(x)) == "sin(x).^cos(x)"
    assert mcode(sign(x)) == "sign(x)"
    assert mcode(exp(x)) == "exp(x)"
    assert mcode(log(x)) == "log(x)"
    assert mcode(factorial(x)) == "factorial(x)"
    assert mcode(floor(x)) == "floor(x)"
    assert mcode(atan2(y, x)) == "atan2(y, x)"
    assert mcode(beta(x, y)) == 'beta(x, y)'
    assert mcode(polylog(x, y)) == 'polylog(x, y)'
    assert mcode(harmonic(x)) == 'harmonic(x)'
    assert mcode(bernoulli(x)) == "bernoulli(x)"
    assert mcode(bernoulli(x, y)) == "bernoulli(x, y)"
Exemple #7
def test_Function():
    assert mcode(sin(x)**cos(x)) == "sin(x).^cos(x)"
    assert mcode(sign(x)) == "sign(x)"
    assert mcode(exp(x)) == "exp(x)"
    assert mcode(log(x)) == "log(x)"
    assert mcode(factorial(x)) == "factorial(x)"
    assert mcode(floor(x)) == "floor(x)"
    assert mcode(atan2(y, x)) == "atan2(y, x)"
    assert mcode(beta(x, y)) == 'beta(x, y)'
    assert mcode(polylog(x, y)) == 'polylog(x, y)'
    assert mcode(harmonic(x)) == 'harmonic(x)'
    assert mcode(bernoulli(x)) == "bernoulli(x)"
    assert mcode(bernoulli(x, y)) == "bernoulli(x, y)"
def test_harmonic_evalf():
    assert str(harmonic(1.5).evalf(n=10)) == '1.280372306'
    assert str(harmonic(1.5, 2).evalf(n=10)) == '1.154576311'  # issue 7443
def test_harmonic_rational():
    ne = S(6)
    no = S(5)
    pe = S(8)
    po = S(9)
    qe = S(10)
    qo = S(13)

    Heee = harmonic(ne + pe / qe)
    Aeee = (-log(10) + 2 *
            (-1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) +
            2 * (-sqrt(5) / 4 - 1 / S(4)) * log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) +
            pi * (1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) /
            (2 * sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) + 13944145 / S(4720968))

    Heeo = harmonic(ne + pe / qo)
    Aeeo = (-log(26) + 2 * log(sin(3 * pi / 13)) * cos(4 * pi / 13) +
            2 * log(sin(2 * pi / 13)) * cos(32 * pi / 13) +
            2 * log(sin(5 * pi / 13)) * cos(80 * pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(6 * pi / 13)) * cos(5 * pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(4 * pi / 13)) * cos(pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(5 * pi / 13) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(3 * pi / 13) +
            2422020029 / S(702257080))

    Heoe = harmonic(ne + po / qe)
    Aeoe = (-log(20) + 2 *
            (1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(-1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) + 2 *
            (-1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) +
            2 * (-sqrt(5) / 4 - 1 / S(4)) * log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) +
            2 * (-sqrt(5) / 4 + 1 / S(4)) * log(1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
            11818877030 / S(4286604231) + pi *
            (sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8)) / sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8)))

    Heoo = harmonic(ne + po / qo)
    Aeoo = (-log(26) + 2 * log(sin(3 * pi / 13)) * cos(54 * pi / 13) +
            2 * log(sin(4 * pi / 13)) * cos(6 * pi / 13) +
            2 * log(sin(6 * pi / 13)) * cos(108 * pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(5 * pi / 13)) * cos(pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(5 * pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(4 * pi / 13) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(2 * pi / 13)) * cos(3 * pi / 13) +
            11669332571 / S(3628714320))

    Hoee = harmonic(no + pe / qe)
    Aoee = (-log(10) + 2 *
            (-1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) +
            2 * (-sqrt(5) / 4 - 1 / S(4)) * log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) +
            pi * (1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) /
            (2 * sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) + 779405 / S(277704))

    Hoeo = harmonic(no + pe / qo)
    Aoeo = (-log(26) + 2 * log(sin(3 * pi / 13)) * cos(4 * pi / 13) +
            2 * log(sin(2 * pi / 13)) * cos(32 * pi / 13) +
            2 * log(sin(5 * pi / 13)) * cos(80 * pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(6 * pi / 13)) * cos(5 * pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(4 * pi / 13)) * cos(pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(5 * pi / 13) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(3 * pi / 13) + 53857323 / S(16331560))

    Hooe = harmonic(no + po / qe)
    Aooe = (-log(20) + 2 *
            (1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(-1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) + 2 *
            (-1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) +
            2 * (-sqrt(5) / 4 - 1 / S(4)) * log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8))) +
            2 * (-sqrt(5) / 4 + 1 / S(4)) * log(1 / S(4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
            486853480 / S(186374097) + pi *
            (sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8)) / sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / S(8)))

    Hooo = harmonic(no + po / qo)
    Aooo = (-log(26) + 2 * log(sin(3 * pi / 13)) * cos(54 * pi / 13) +
            2 * log(sin(4 * pi / 13)) * cos(6 * pi / 13) +
            2 * log(sin(6 * pi / 13)) * cos(108 * pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(5 * pi / 13)) * cos(pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(5 * pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(4 * pi / 13) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(2 * pi / 13)) * cos(3 * pi / 13) +
            383693479 / S(125128080))

    H = [Heee, Heeo, Heoe, Heoo, Hoee, Hoeo, Hooe, Hooo]
    A = [Aeee, Aeeo, Aeoe, Aeoo, Aoee, Aoeo, Aooe, Aooo]

    for h, a in zip(H, A):
        e = expand_func(h).doit()
        assert cancel(e / a) == 1
        assert abs(h.n() - a.n()) < 1e-12
Exemple #10
def test_harmonic():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    assert harmonic(n, 0) == n
    assert harmonic(n).evalf() == harmonic(n)
    assert harmonic(n, 1) == harmonic(n)
    assert harmonic(1, n).evalf() == harmonic(1, n)

    assert harmonic(0, 1) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 1) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 1) == Rational(3, 2)
    assert harmonic(3, 1) == Rational(11, 6)
    assert harmonic(4, 1) == Rational(25, 12)
    assert harmonic(0, 2) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 2) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 2) == Rational(5, 4)
    assert harmonic(3, 2) == Rational(49, 36)
    assert harmonic(4, 2) == Rational(205, 144)
    assert harmonic(0, 3) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 3) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 3) == Rational(9, 8)
    assert harmonic(3, 3) == Rational(251, 216)
    assert harmonic(4, 3) == Rational(2035, 1728)

    assert harmonic(oo, -1) == S.NaN
    assert harmonic(oo, 0) == oo
    assert harmonic(oo, S.Half) == oo
    assert harmonic(oo, 1) == oo
    assert harmonic(oo, 2) == (pi**2) / 6
    assert harmonic(oo, 3) == zeta(3)

    assert harmonic(0, m) == 0
Exemple #11
def eval_sum_symbolic(f, limits):
    from sympy.functions import harmonic, bernoulli

    f_orig = f
    (i, a, b) = limits
    if not f.has(i):
        return f*(b - a + 1)

    # Linearity
    if f.is_Mul:
        L, R = f.as_two_terms()

        if not L.has(i):
            sR = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))
            if sR:
                return L*sR

        if not R.has(i):
            sL = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
            if sL:
                return R*sL

            f = apart(f, i)  # see if it becomes an Add
        except PolynomialError:

    if f.is_Add:
        L, R = f.as_two_terms()
        lrsum = telescopic(L, R, (i, a, b))

        if lrsum:
            return lrsum

        lsum = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
        rsum = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))

        if None not in (lsum, rsum):
            r = lsum + rsum
            if not r is S.NaN:
                return r

    # Polynomial terms with Faulhaber's formula
    n = Wild('n')
    result = f.match(i**n)

    if result is not None:
        n = result[n]

        if n.is_Integer:
            if n >= 0:
                if (b is S.Infinity and not a is S.NegativeInfinity) or \
                   (a is S.NegativeInfinity and not b is S.Infinity):
                    return S.Infinity
                return ((bernoulli(n + 1, b + 1) - bernoulli(n + 1, a))/(n + 1)).expand()
            elif a.is_Integer and a >= 1:
                if n == -1:
                    return harmonic(b) - harmonic(a - 1)
                    return harmonic(b, abs(n)) - harmonic(a - 1, abs(n))

    if not (a.has(S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity) or
            b.has(S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity)):
        # Geometric terms
        c1 = Wild('c1', exclude=[i])
        c2 = Wild('c2', exclude=[i])
        c3 = Wild('c3', exclude=[i])
        wexp = Wild('wexp')

        # Here we first attempt powsimp on f for easier matching with the
        # exponential pattern, and attempt expansion on the exponent for easier
        # matching with the linear pattern.
        e = f.powsimp().match(c1 ** wexp)
        if e is not None:
            e_exp = e.pop(wexp).expand().match(c2*i + c3)
            if e_exp is not None:

        if e is not None:
            p = (c1**c3).subs(e)
            q = (c1**c2).subs(e)

            r = p*(q**a - q**(b + 1))/(1 - q)
            l = p*(b - a + 1)

            return Piecewise((l, Eq(q, S.One)), (r, True))

        r = gosper_sum(f, (i, a, b))

        if not r in (None, S.NaN):
            return r

    return eval_sum_hyper(f_orig, (i, a, b))
Exemple #12
def eval_sum_symbolic(f, limits):
    from sympy.functions import harmonic, bernoulli

    f_orig = f
    (i, a, b) = limits
    if not f.has(i):
        return f * (b - a + 1)

    # Linearity
    if f.is_Mul:
        L, R = f.as_two_terms()

        if not L.has(i):
            sR = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))
            if sR:
                return L * sR

        if not R.has(i):
            sL = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
            if sL:
                return R * sL

            f = apart(f, i)  # see if it becomes an Add
        except PolynomialError:

    if f.is_Add:
        L, R = f.as_two_terms()
        lrsum = telescopic(L, R, (i, a, b))

        if lrsum:
            return lrsum

        lsum = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
        rsum = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))

        if None not in (lsum, rsum):
            r = lsum + rsum
            if not r is S.NaN:
                return r

    # Polynomial terms with Faulhaber's formula
    n = Wild('n')
    result = f.match(i**n)

    if result is not None:
        n = result[n]

        if n.is_Integer:
            if n >= 0:
                if (b is S.Infinity and not a is S.NegativeInfinity) or \
                   (a is S.NegativeInfinity and not b is S.Infinity):
                    return S.Infinity
                return ((bernoulli(n + 1, b + 1) - bernoulli(n + 1, a)) /
                        (n + 1)).expand()
            elif a.is_Integer and a >= 1:
                if n == -1:
                    return harmonic(b) - harmonic(a - 1)
                    return harmonic(b, abs(n)) - harmonic(a - 1, abs(n))

    if not (a.has(S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity)
            or b.has(S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity)):
        # Geometric terms
        c1 = Wild('c1', exclude=[i])
        c2 = Wild('c2', exclude=[i])
        c3 = Wild('c3', exclude=[i])
        wexp = Wild('wexp')

        # Here we first attempt powsimp on f for easier matching with the
        # exponential pattern, and attempt expansion on the exponent for easier
        # matching with the linear pattern.
        e = f.powsimp().match(c1**wexp)
        if e is not None:
            e_exp = e.pop(wexp).expand().match(c2 * i + c3)
            if e_exp is not None:

        if e is not None:
            p = (c1**c3).subs(e)
            q = (c1**c2).subs(e)

            r = p * (q**a - q**(b + 1)) / (1 - q)
            l = p * (b - a + 1)

            return Piecewise((l, Eq(q, S.One)), (r, True))

        r = gosper_sum(f, (i, a, b))

        if not r in (None, S.NaN):
            return r

    return eval_sum_hyper(f_orig, (i, a, b))
Exemple #13
def test_harmonic_rewrite():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(digamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(trigamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(polygamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma

    assert harmonic(
        3).rewrite(polygamma) == polygamma(2, n + 1) / 2 - polygamma(2, 1) / 2
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(polygamma) == (-1)**m * (
        polygamma(m - 1, 1) - polygamma(m - 1, n + 1)) / factorial(m - 1)

    assert expand_func(
        harmonic(n + 4)
    ) == harmonic(n) + 1 / (n + 4) + 1 / (n + 3) + 1 / (n + 2) + 1 / (n + 1)
    assert expand_func(harmonic(
        n -
        4)) == harmonic(n) - 1 / (n - 1) - 1 / (n - 2) - 1 / (n - 3) - 1 / n

    assert harmonic(n,
                    m).rewrite("tractable") == harmonic(n,

    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum).dummy_eq(Sum(1 / _k, (_k, 1, n)))
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum).dummy_eq(Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n)))
Exemple #14
def test_harmonic_rational():
    ne = S(6)
    no = S(5)
    pe = S(8)
    po = S(9)
    qe = S(10)
    qo = S(13)

    Heee = harmonic(ne + pe / qe)
    Aeee = (-log(10) + 2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
            log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
            (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
            log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) +
            pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) / 5 + 1) / 2 + Rational(13944145, 4720968))

    Heeo = harmonic(ne + pe / qo)
    Aeeo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(4, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(32, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(80, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(5, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(2422020029, 702257080))

    Heoe = harmonic(ne + po / qe)
    Aeoe = (
        -log(20) + 2 *
        (Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
        log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
        log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 + Rational(1, 4)) * log(Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        Rational(11818877030, 4286604231) + pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) + 5) / 2)

    Heoo = harmonic(ne + po / qo)
    Aeoo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(54, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(6, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(108, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(4, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(11669332571, 3628714320))

    Hoee = harmonic(no + pe / qe)
    Aoee = (-log(10) + 2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
            log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
            (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
            log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) +
            pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) / 5 + 1) / 2 + Rational(779405, 277704))

    Hoeo = harmonic(no + pe / qo)
    Aoeo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(4, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(32, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(80, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(5, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(53857323, 16331560))

    Hooe = harmonic(no + po / qe)
    Aooe = (
        -log(20) + 2 *
        (Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
        log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
        log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 + Rational(1, 4)) * log(Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        Rational(486853480, 186374097) + pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) + 5) / 2)

    Hooo = harmonic(no + po / qo)
    Aooo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(54, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(6, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(108, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(4, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(3 * pi / 13) +
            Rational(383693479, 125128080))

    H = [Heee, Heeo, Heoe, Heoo, Hoee, Hoeo, Hooe, Hooo]
    A = [Aeee, Aeeo, Aeoe, Aeoo, Aoee, Aoeo, Aooe, Aooo]
    for h, a in zip(H, A):
        e = expand_func(h).doit()
        assert cancel(e / a) == 1
        assert abs(h.n() - a.n()) < 1e-12
Exemple #15
def test_harmonic_rewrite_polygamma():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(digamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(trigamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(polygamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma

    assert harmonic(
        3).rewrite(polygamma) == polygamma(2, n + 1) / 2 - polygamma(2, 1) / 2
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(polygamma) == (-1)**m * (
        polygamma(m - 1, 1) - polygamma(m - 1, n + 1)) / factorial(m - 1)

    assert expand_func(
        harmonic(n + 4)
    ) == harmonic(n) + 1 / (n + 4) + 1 / (n + 3) + 1 / (n + 2) + 1 / (n + 1)
    assert expand_func(harmonic(
        n -
        4)) == harmonic(n) - 1 / (n - 1) - 1 / (n - 2) - 1 / (n - 3) - 1 / n

    assert harmonic(n,
                    m).rewrite("tractable") == harmonic(n,
Exemple #16
def test_harmonic_limit_fail():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")
    # For m > 1:
    assert limit(harmonic(n, m), n, oo) == zeta(m)
Exemple #17
def test_harmonic_rewrite_polygamma():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(digamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(trigamma) ==  polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(polygamma) ==  polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma

    assert harmonic(n,3).rewrite(polygamma) == polygamma(2, n + 1)/2 - polygamma(2, 1)/2
    assert harmonic(n,m).rewrite(polygamma) == (-1)**m*(polygamma(m - 1, 1) - polygamma(m - 1, n + 1))/factorial(m - 1)

    assert expand_func(harmonic(n+4)) == harmonic(n) + 1/(n + 4) + 1/(n + 3) + 1/(n + 2) + 1/(n + 1)
    assert expand_func(harmonic(n-4)) == harmonic(n) - 1/(n - 1) - 1/(n - 2) - 1/(n - 3) - 1/n

    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite("tractable") == harmonic(n, m).rewrite(polygamma)
Exemple #18
def test_harmonic_evalf():
    assert str(harmonic(1.5).evalf(n=10)) == '1.280372306'
    assert str(harmonic(1.5, 2).evalf(n=10)) == '1.154576311'  # issue 7443
Exemple #19
def test_harmonic_rational():
    ne = S(6)
    no = S(5)
    pe = S(8)
    po = S(9)
    qe = S(10)
    qo = S(13)

    Heee = harmonic(ne + pe/qe)
    Aeee = (-log(10) + 2*(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 - 1/S(4))*log(sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + pi*(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)/(2*sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 13944145/S(4720968))

    Heeo = harmonic(ne + pe/qo)
    Aeeo = (-log(26) + 2*log(sin(3*pi/13))*cos(4*pi/13) + 2*log(sin(2*pi/13))*cos(32*pi/13)
             + 2*log(sin(5*pi/13))*cos(80*pi/13) - 2*log(sin(6*pi/13))*cos(5*pi/13)
             - 2*log(sin(4*pi/13))*cos(pi/13) + pi*cot(5*pi/13)/2 - 2*log(sin(pi/13))*cos(3*pi/13)
             + 2422020029/S(702257080))

    Heoe = harmonic(ne + po/qe)
    Aeoe = (-log(20) + 2*(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)
             + 2*(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 - 1/S(4))*log(sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 + 1/S(4))*log(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)
             + 11818877030/S(4286604231) - pi*sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8))/(-sqrt(5)/2 + 1/S(2)) )

    Heoo = harmonic(ne + po/qo)
    Aeoo = (-log(26) + 2*log(sin(3*pi/13))*cos(54*pi/13) + 2*log(sin(4*pi/13))*cos(6*pi/13)
             + 2*log(sin(6*pi/13))*cos(108*pi/13) - 2*log(sin(5*pi/13))*cos(pi/13)
             - 2*log(sin(pi/13))*cos(5*pi/13) + pi*cot(4*pi/13)/2
             - 2*log(sin(2*pi/13))*cos(3*pi/13) + 11669332571/S(3628714320))

    Hoee = harmonic(no + pe/qe)
    Aoee = (-log(10) + 2*(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 - 1/S(4))*log(sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + pi*(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)/(2*sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 779405/S(277704))

    Hoeo = harmonic(no + pe/qo)
    Aoeo = (-log(26) + 2*log(sin(3*pi/13))*cos(4*pi/13) + 2*log(sin(2*pi/13))*cos(32*pi/13)
             + 2*log(sin(5*pi/13))*cos(80*pi/13) - 2*log(sin(6*pi/13))*cos(5*pi/13)
             - 2*log(sin(4*pi/13))*cos(pi/13) + pi*cot(5*pi/13)/2
             - 2*log(sin(pi/13))*cos(3*pi/13) + 53857323/S(16331560))

    Hooe = harmonic(no + po/qe)
    Aooe = (-log(20) + 2*(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)
             + 2*(-1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)*log(sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 - 1/S(4))*log(sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8)))
             + 2*(-sqrt(5)/4 + 1/S(4))*log(1/S(4) + sqrt(5)/4)
             + 486853480/S(186374097) - pi*sqrt(sqrt(5)/8 + 5/S(8))/(2*(-sqrt(5)/4 + 1/S(4))))

    Hooo = harmonic(no + po/qo)
    Aooo = (-log(26) + 2*log(sin(3*pi/13))*cos(54*pi/13) + 2*log(sin(4*pi/13))*cos(6*pi/13)
             + 2*log(sin(6*pi/13))*cos(108*pi/13) - 2*log(sin(5*pi/13))*cos(pi/13)
             - 2*log(sin(pi/13))*cos(5*pi/13) + pi*cot(4*pi/13)/2
             - 2*log(sin(2*pi/13))*cos(3*pi/13) + 383693479/S(125128080))

    H = [Heee, Heeo, Heoe, Heoo, Hoee, Hoeo, Hooe, Hooo]
    A = [Aeee, Aeeo, Aeoe, Aeoo, Aoee, Aoeo, Aooe, Aooo]

    for h, a in zip(H, A):
        e = expand_func(h).doit()
        assert cancel(e/a) == 1
        assert h.n() == a.n()
Exemple #20
def eval_sum_symbolic(f, limits):
    from sympy.functions import harmonic, bernoulli

    f_orig = f
    (i, a, b) = limits
    if not f.has(i):
        return f*(b - a + 1)

    # Linearity
    if f.is_Mul:
        L, R = f.as_two_terms()

        if not L.has(i):
            sR = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))
            if sR:
                return L*sR

        if not R.has(i):
            sL = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
            if sL:
                return R*sL

            f = apart(f, i)  # see if it becomes an Add
        except PolynomialError:

    if f.is_Add:
        L, R = f.as_two_terms()
        lrsum = telescopic(L, R, (i, a, b))

        if lrsum:
            return lrsum

        lsum = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
        rsum = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))

        if None not in (lsum, rsum):
            r = lsum + rsum
            if not r is S.NaN:
                return r

    # Polynomial terms with Faulhaber's formula
    n = Wild('n')
    result = f.match(i**n)

    if result is not None:
        n = result[n]

        if n.is_Integer:
            if n >= 0:
                if (b is S.Infinity and not a is S.NegativeInfinity) or \
                   (a is S.NegativeInfinity and not b is S.Infinity):
                    return S.Infinity
                return ((bernoulli(n + 1, b + 1) - bernoulli(n + 1, a))/(n + 1)).expand()
            elif a.is_Integer and a >= 1:
                if n == -1:
                    return harmonic(b) - harmonic(a - 1)
                    return harmonic(b, abs(n)) - harmonic(a - 1, abs(n))

    if not (a.has(S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity) or
            b.has(S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity)):
        # Geometric terms
        c1 = Wild('c1', exclude=[i])
        c2 = Wild('c2', exclude=[i])
        c3 = Wild('c3', exclude=[i])
        wexp = Wild('wexp')

        # Here we first attempt powsimp on f for easier matching with the
        # exponential pattern, and attempt expansion on the exponent for easier
        # matching with the linear pattern.
        e = f.powsimp().match(c1 ** wexp)
        if e is not None:
            e_exp = e.pop(wexp).expand().match(c2*i + c3)
            if e_exp is not None:

        if e is not None:
            p = (c1**c3).subs(e)
            q = (c1**c2).subs(e)

            r = p*(q**a - q**(b + 1))/(1 - q)
            l = p*(b - a + 1)

            return Piecewise((l, Eq(q, S.One)), (r, True))

        r = gosper_sum(f, (i, a, b))

        if isinstance(r, (Mul,Add)):
            from sympy import ordered, Tuple
            non_limit = r.free_symbols - Tuple(*limits[1:]).free_symbols
            den = denom(together(r))
            den_sym = non_limit & den.free_symbols
            args = []
            for v in ordered(den_sym):
                    s = solve(den, v)
                    m = Eq(v, s[0]) if s else S.false
                    if m != False:
                        args.append((Sum(f_orig.subs(*m.args), limits).doit(), m))
                except NotImplementedError:

            args.append((r, True))
            return Piecewise(*args)

        if not r in (None, S.NaN):
            return r

    h = eval_sum_hyper(f_orig, (i, a, b))
    if h is not None:
        return h

    factored = f_orig.factor()
    if factored != f_orig:
        return eval_sum_symbolic(factored, (i, a, b))
Exemple #21
def test_harmonic_limit_fail():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")
    # For m > 1:
    assert limit(harmonic(n, m), n, oo) == zeta(m)
Exemple #22
def test_harmonic():
    n = Symbol("n")

    assert harmonic(n, 0) == n
    assert harmonic(n, 1) == harmonic(n)

    assert harmonic(0, 1) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 1) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 1) == Rational(3, 2)
    assert harmonic(3, 1) == Rational(11, 6)
    assert harmonic(4, 1) == Rational(25, 12)
    assert harmonic(0, 2) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 2) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 2) == Rational(5, 4)
    assert harmonic(3, 2) == Rational(49, 36)
    assert harmonic(4, 2) == Rational(205, 144)
    assert harmonic(0, 3) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 3) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 3) == Rational(9, 8)
    assert harmonic(3, 3) == Rational(251, 216)
    assert harmonic(4, 3) == Rational(2035, 1728)

    assert harmonic(oo, -1) == S.NaN
    assert harmonic(oo, 0) == oo
    assert harmonic(oo, S.Half) == oo
    assert harmonic(oo, 1) == oo
    assert harmonic(oo, 2) == (pi**2)/6
    assert harmonic(oo, 3) == zeta(3)
def eval_sum_symbolic(f, limits):
    from sympy.functions import harmonic, bernoulli

    f_orig = f
    (i, a, b) = limits
    if not f.has(i):
        return f*(b - a + 1)

    # Linearity
    if f.is_Mul:
        L, R = f.as_two_terms()

        if not L.has(i):
            sR = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))
            if sR:
                return L*sR

        if not R.has(i):
            sL = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
            if sL:
                return R*sL

            f = apart(f, i)  # see if it becomes an Add
        except PolynomialError:

    if f.is_Add:
        L, R = f.as_two_terms()
        lrsum = telescopic(L, R, (i, a, b))

        if lrsum:
            return lrsum

        lsum = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
        rsum = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))

        if None not in (lsum, rsum):
            r = lsum + rsum
            if not r is S.NaN:
                return r

    # Polynomial terms with Faulhaber's formula
    n = Wild('n')
    result = f.match(i**n)

    if result is not None:
        n = result[n]

        if n.is_Integer:
            if n >= 0:
                if (b is S.Infinity and not a is S.NegativeInfinity) or \
                   (a is S.NegativeInfinity and not b is S.Infinity):
                    return S.Infinity
                return ((bernoulli(n + 1, b + 1) - bernoulli(n + 1, a))/(n + 1)).expand()
            elif a.is_Integer and a >= 1:
                if n == -1:
                    return harmonic(b) - harmonic(a - 1)
                    return harmonic(b, abs(n)) - harmonic(a - 1, abs(n))

    if not (a.has(S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity) or
            b.has(S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity)):
        # Geometric terms
        c1 = Wild('c1', exclude=[i])
        c2 = Wild('c2', exclude=[i])
        c3 = Wild('c3', exclude=[i])
        wexp = Wild('wexp')

        # Here we first attempt powsimp on f for easier matching with the
        # exponential pattern, and attempt expansion on the exponent for easier
        # matching with the linear pattern.
        e = f.powsimp().match(c1 ** wexp)
        if e is not None:
            e_exp = e.pop(wexp).expand().match(c2*i + c3)
            if e_exp is not None:

        if e is not None:
            p = (c1**c3).subs(e)
            q = (c1**c2).subs(e)

            r = p*(q**a - q**(b + 1))/(1 - q)
            l = p*(b - a + 1)

            return Piecewise((l, Eq(q, S.One)), (r, True))

        r = gosper_sum(f, (i, a, b))

        if isinstance(r, (Mul,Add)):
            from sympy import ordered, Tuple
            non_limit = r.free_symbols - Tuple(*limits[1:]).free_symbols
            den = denom(together(r))
            den_sym = non_limit & den.free_symbols
            args = []
            for v in ordered(den_sym):
                    s = solve(den, v)
                    m = Eq(v, s[0]) if s else S.false
                    if m != False:
                        args.append((Sum(f_orig.subs(*m.args), limits).doit(), m))
                except NotImplementedError:

            args.append((r, True))
            return Piecewise(*args)

        if not r in (None, S.NaN):
            return r

    h = eval_sum_hyper(f_orig, (i, a, b))
    if h is not None:
        return h

    factored = f_orig.factor()
    if factored != f_orig:
        return eval_sum_symbolic(factored, (i, a, b))
Exemple #24
def test_harmonic():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    assert harmonic(n, 0) == n
    assert harmonic(n).evalf() == harmonic(n)
    assert harmonic(n, 1) == harmonic(n)
    assert harmonic(1, n).evalf() == harmonic(1, n)

    assert harmonic(0, 1) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 1) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 1) == Rational(3, 2)
    assert harmonic(3, 1) == Rational(11, 6)
    assert harmonic(4, 1) == Rational(25, 12)
    assert harmonic(0, 2) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 2) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 2) == Rational(5, 4)
    assert harmonic(3, 2) == Rational(49, 36)
    assert harmonic(4, 2) == Rational(205, 144)
    assert harmonic(0, 3) == 0
    assert harmonic(1, 3) == 1
    assert harmonic(2, 3) == Rational(9, 8)
    assert harmonic(3, 3) == Rational(251, 216)
    assert harmonic(4, 3) == Rational(2035, 1728)

    assert harmonic(oo, -1) is S.NaN
    assert harmonic(oo, 0) is oo
    assert harmonic(oo, S.Half) is oo
    assert harmonic(oo, 1) is oo
    assert harmonic(oo, 2) == (pi**2) / 6
    assert harmonic(oo, 3) == zeta(3)
    assert harmonic(oo, Dummy(negative=True)) is S.NaN
    ip = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
    if (1 / ip <= 1) is True:  #---------------------------------+
        assert None, 'delete this if-block and the next line'  #|
    ip = Dummy(even=True, positive=True)  #--------------------+
    assert harmonic(oo, 1 / ip) is oo
    assert harmonic(oo, 1 + ip) is zeta(1 + ip)

    assert harmonic(0, m) == 0