def test_generate_gate_rules_2():
    # Test with Muls
    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()
    ph = PhaseGate(0)
    cgate_t = CGate(0, TGate(1))

    # Note: 1 (type int) is not the same as 1 (type One)
    expected = {(x, Integer(1))}
    assert generate_gate_rules((x, ), return_as_muls=True) == expected

    expected = {(Integer(1), Integer(1))}
    assert generate_gate_rules(x * x, return_as_muls=True) == expected

    expected = {((), ())}
    assert generate_gate_rules(x * x, return_as_muls=False) == expected

    gate_rules = {(x * y * x, Integer(1)), (y, Integer(1)), (y * x, x),
                  (x * y, x)}
    assert generate_gate_rules(x * y * x, return_as_muls=True) == gate_rules

    gate_rules = {(x * y * z, Integer(1)), (y * z * x, Integer(1)),
                  (z * x * y, Integer(1)), (Integer(1), x * z * y),
                  (Integer(1), y * x * z), (Integer(1), z * y * x), (x, z * y),
                  (y * z, x), (y, x * z), (z * x, y), (z, y * x), (x * y, z)}
    actual = generate_gate_rules(x * y * z, return_as_muls=True)
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = {(Integer(1), h * z * y * x), (Integer(1), x * h * z * y),
                  (Integer(1), y * x * h * z), (Integer(1), z * y * x * h),
                  (h, z * y * x), (x, h * z * y), (y, x * h * z),
                  (z, y * x * h), (h * x, z * y), (z * h, y * x),
                  (x * y, h * z), (y * z, x * h), (h * x * y, z),
                  (x * y * z, h), (y * z * h, x), (z * h * x, y),
                  (h * x * y * z, Integer(1)), (x * y * z * h, Integer(1)),
                  (y * z * h * x, Integer(1)), (z * h * x * y, Integer(1))}
    actual = generate_gate_rules(x * y * z * h, return_as_muls=True)
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = {(Integer(1), cgate_t**(-1) * ph**(-1) * x),
                  (Integer(1), ph**(-1) * x * cgate_t**(-1)),
                  (Integer(1), x * cgate_t**(-1) * ph**(-1)),
                  (cgate_t, ph**(-1) * x), (ph, x * cgate_t**(-1)),
                  (x, cgate_t**(-1) * ph**(-1)), (cgate_t * x, ph**(-1)),
                  (ph * cgate_t, x), (x * ph, cgate_t**(-1)),
                  (cgate_t * x * ph, Integer(1)),
                  (ph * cgate_t * x, Integer(1)),
                  (x * ph * cgate_t, Integer(1))}
    actual = generate_gate_rules(x * ph * cgate_t, return_as_muls=True)
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = {((), (cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1), x)),
                  ((), (ph**(-1), x, cgate_t**(-1))),
                  ((), (x, cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1))),
                  ((cgate_t, ), (ph**(-1), x)), ((ph, ), (x, cgate_t**(-1))),
                  ((x, ), (cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1))),
                  ((cgate_t, x), (ph**(-1), )), ((ph, cgate_t), (x, )),
                  ((x, ph), (cgate_t**(-1), )), ((cgate_t, x, ph), ()),
                  ((ph, cgate_t, x), ()), ((x, ph, cgate_t), ())}
    actual = generate_gate_rules(x * ph * cgate_t)
    assert actual == gate_rules
def test_generate_gate_rules_1():
    # Test with tuples
    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()
    ph = PhaseGate(0)
    cgate_t = CGate(0, TGate(1))

    assert generate_gate_rules((x, )) == {((x, ), ())}

    gate_rules = set([((x, x), ()), ((x, ), (x, ))])
    assert generate_gate_rules((x, x)) == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([((x, y, x), ()), ((y, x, x), ()), ((x, x, y), ()),
                      ((y, x), (x, )), ((x, y), (x, )), ((y, ), (x, x))])
    assert generate_gate_rules((x, y, x)) == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([((x, y, z), ()), ((y, z, x), ()), ((z, x, y), ()),
                      ((), (x, z, y)), ((), (y, x, z)), ((), (z, y, x)),
                      ((x, ), (z, y)), ((y, z), (x, )), ((y, ), (x, z)),
                      ((z, x), (y, )), ((z, ), (y, x)), ((x, y), (z, ))])
    actual = generate_gate_rules((x, y, z))
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([
        ((), (h, z, y, x)), ((), (x, h, z, y)), ((), (y, x, h, z)),
        ((), (z, y, x, h)), ((h, ), (z, y, x)), ((x, ), (h, z, y)),
        ((y, ), (x, h, z)), ((z, ), (y, x, h)), ((h, x), (z, y)),
        ((x, y), (h, z)), ((y, z), (x, h)), ((z, h), (y, x)),
        ((h, x, y), (z, )), ((x, y, z), (h, )), ((y, z, h), (x, )),
        ((z, h, x), (y, )), ((h, x, y, z), ()), ((x, y, z, h), ()),
        ((y, z, h, x), ()), ((z, h, x, y), ())
    actual = generate_gate_rules((x, y, z, h))
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([((), (cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1), x)),
                      ((), (ph**(-1), x, cgate_t**(-1))),
                      ((), (x, cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1))),
                      ((cgate_t, ), (ph**(-1), x)),
                      ((ph, ), (x, cgate_t**(-1))),
                      ((x, ), (cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1))),
                      ((cgate_t, x), (ph**(-1), )), ((ph, cgate_t), (x, )),
                      ((x, ph), (cgate_t**(-1), )), ((cgate_t, x, ph), ()),
                      ((ph, cgate_t, x), ()), ((x, ph, cgate_t), ())])
    actual = generate_gate_rules((x, ph, cgate_t))
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([(Integer(1), cgate_t**(-1) * ph**(-1) * x),
                      (Integer(1), ph**(-1) * x * cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (Integer(1), x * cgate_t**(-1) * ph**(-1)),
                      (cgate_t, ph**(-1) * x), (ph, x * cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (x, cgate_t**(-1) * ph**(-1)), (cgate_t * x, ph**(-1)),
                      (ph * cgate_t, x), (x * ph, cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (cgate_t * x * ph, Integer(1)),
                      (ph * cgate_t * x, Integer(1)),
                      (x * ph * cgate_t, Integer(1))])
    actual = generate_gate_rules((x, ph, cgate_t), return_as_muls=True)
    assert actual == gate_rules
Exemple #3
def test_generate_gate_rules_2():
    # Test with Muls
    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()
    ph = PhaseGate(0)
    cgate_t = CGate(0, TGate(1))

    # Note: 1 (type int) is not the same as 1 (type One)
    expected = set([(x, Integer(1))])
    assert generate_gate_rules((x,), return_as_muls=True) == expected

    expected = set([(Integer(1), Integer(1))])
    assert generate_gate_rules(x*x, return_as_muls=True) == expected

    expected = set([((), ())])
    assert generate_gate_rules(x*x, return_as_muls=False) == expected

    gate_rules = set([(x*y*x, Integer(1)),
                      (y, Integer(1)),
                      (y*x, x),
                      (x*y, x)])
    assert generate_gate_rules(x*y*x, return_as_muls=True) == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([(x*y*z, Integer(1)),
                      (y*z*x, Integer(1)),
                      (z*x*y, Integer(1)),
                      (Integer(1), x*z*y),
                      (Integer(1), y*x*z),
                      (Integer(1), z*y*x),
                      (x, z*y),
                      (y*z, x),
                      (y, x*z),
                      (z*x, y),
                      (z, y*x),
                      (x*y, z)])
    actual = generate_gate_rules(x*y*z, return_as_muls=True)
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([(Integer(1), h*z*y*x),
                      (Integer(1), x*h*z*y),
                      (Integer(1), y*x*h*z),
                      (Integer(1), z*y*x*h),
                      (h, z*y*x), (x, h*z*y),
                      (y, x*h*z), (z, y*x*h),
                      (h*x, z*y), (z*h, y*x),
                      (x*y, h*z), (y*z, x*h),
                      (h*x*y, z), (x*y*z, h),
                      (y*z*h, x), (z*h*x, y),
                      (h*x*y*z, Integer(1)),
                      (x*y*z*h, Integer(1)),
                      (y*z*h*x, Integer(1)),
                      (z*h*x*y, Integer(1))])
    actual = generate_gate_rules(x*y*z*h, return_as_muls=True)
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([(Integer(1), cgate_t**(-1)*ph**(-1)*x),
                      (Integer(1), ph**(-1)*x*cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (Integer(1), x*cgate_t**(-1)*ph**(-1)),
                      (cgate_t, ph**(-1)*x),
                      (ph, x*cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (x, cgate_t**(-1)*ph**(-1)),
                      (cgate_t*x, ph**(-1)),
                      (ph*cgate_t, x),
                      (x*ph, cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (cgate_t*x*ph, Integer(1)),
                      (ph*cgate_t*x, Integer(1)),
                      (x*ph*cgate_t, Integer(1))])
    actual = generate_gate_rules(x*ph*cgate_t, return_as_muls=True)
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([((), (cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1), x)),
                      ((), (ph**(-1), x, cgate_t**(-1))),
                      ((), (x, cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1))),
                      ((cgate_t,), (ph**(-1), x)),
                      ((ph,), (x, cgate_t**(-1))),
                      ((x,), (cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1))),
                      ((cgate_t, x), (ph**(-1),)),
                      ((ph, cgate_t), (x,)),
                      ((x, ph), (cgate_t**(-1),)),
                      ((cgate_t, x, ph), ()),
                      ((ph, cgate_t, x), ()),
                      ((x, ph, cgate_t), ())])
    actual = generate_gate_rules(x*ph*cgate_t)
    assert actual == gate_rules
Exemple #4
def test_generate_gate_rules_1():
    # Test with tuples
    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()
    ph = PhaseGate(0)
    cgate_t = CGate(0, TGate(1))

    assert generate_gate_rules((x,)) == set([((x,), ())])

    gate_rules = set([((x, x), ()),
                      ((x,), (x,))])
    assert generate_gate_rules((x, x)) == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([((x, y, x), ()),
                      ((y, x, x), ()),
                      ((x, x, y), ()),
                      ((y, x), (x,)),
                      ((x, y), (x,)),
                      ((y,), (x, x))])
    assert generate_gate_rules((x, y, x)) == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([((x, y, z), ()), ((y, z, x), ()), ((z, x, y), ()),
                      ((), (x, z, y)), ((), (y, x, z)), ((), (z, y, x)),
                      ((x,), (z, y)), ((y, z), (x,)), ((y,), (x, z)),
                      ((z, x), (y,)), ((z,), (y, x)), ((x, y), (z,))])
    actual = generate_gate_rules((x, y, z))
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set(
        [((), (h, z, y, x)), ((), (x, h, z, y)), ((), (y, x, h, z)),
         ((), (z, y, x, h)), ((h,), (z, y, x)), ((x,), (h, z, y)),
         ((y,), (x, h, z)), ((z,), (y, x, h)), ((h, x), (z, y)),
         ((x, y), (h, z)), ((y, z), (x, h)), ((z, h), (y, x)),
         ((h, x, y), (z,)), ((x, y, z), (h,)), ((y, z, h), (x,)),
         ((z, h, x), (y,)), ((h, x, y, z), ()), ((x, y, z, h), ()),
         ((y, z, h, x), ()), ((z, h, x, y), ())])
    actual = generate_gate_rules((x, y, z, h))
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([((), (cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1), x)),
                      ((), (ph**(-1), x, cgate_t**(-1))),
                      ((), (x, cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1))),
                      ((cgate_t,), (ph**(-1), x)),
                      ((ph,), (x, cgate_t**(-1))),
                      ((x,), (cgate_t**(-1), ph**(-1))),
                      ((cgate_t, x), (ph**(-1),)),
                      ((ph, cgate_t), (x,)),
                      ((x, ph), (cgate_t**(-1),)),
                      ((cgate_t, x, ph), ()),
                      ((ph, cgate_t, x), ()),
                      ((x, ph, cgate_t), ())])
    actual = generate_gate_rules((x, ph, cgate_t))
    assert actual == gate_rules

    gate_rules = set([(Integer(1), cgate_t**(-1)*ph**(-1)*x),
                      (Integer(1), ph**(-1)*x*cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (Integer(1), x*cgate_t**(-1)*ph**(-1)),
                      (cgate_t, ph**(-1)*x),
                      (ph, x*cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (x, cgate_t**(-1)*ph**(-1)),
                      (cgate_t*x, ph**(-1)),
                      (ph*cgate_t, x),
                      (x*ph, cgate_t**(-1)),
                      (cgate_t*x*ph, Integer(1)),
                      (ph*cgate_t*x, Integer(1)),
                      (x*ph*cgate_t, Integer(1))])
    actual = generate_gate_rules((x, ph, cgate_t), return_as_muls=True)
    assert actual == gate_rules