Exemple #1
def factor(f, var=None, order=None):
    """Factorization of polynomials over the rationals.

    A thin wrapper that returns a SymPy expression by multiplying the
    different factors coming from L{factor_.factor}


    # Re-assemble factors:
    return Mul(*[ff.sympy_expr for ff in factor_.factor(f, var, order)])
Exemple #2
def factorization(poly, linear=False):
    """Returns a list with polynomial factors over rationals or, if
       'linear' flag is set over Q(i). This simple handler should
       be merged with original factor() method.

       >>> from sympy import *
       >>> x, y = symbols('xy')

       >>> factorization(x**2 - y**2)
       set([1, x - y, x + y])

       >>> factorization(x**2 + 1)
       set([1, 1 + x**2])

       >>> factorization(x**2 + 1, linear=True)
       set([1, x - I, I + x])

    factored = set([ q.as_basic() for q in factor_.factor(poly) ])

    if not linear:
        return factored
        factors = []

        for factor in factored:
            symbols = factor.atoms(Symbol)

            if len(symbols) == 1:
                x = symbols.pop()
                factors += [ factor ]

            linearities = [ x - r for r in roots(factor, x) ]

            if not linearities:
                factors += [ factor ]
                unfactorable = quo(factor, Basic.Mul(*linearities))

                if not isinstance(unfactorable, Basic.Number):
                    factors += [ unfactorable ]

                factors += linearities

        return set(factors)
Exemple #3
def roots(f, var=None):
    """Compute the roots of a univariate polynomial.

        The input f is assumed to be a univariate polynomial, either
        as SymPy expression or as instance of Polynomial. In the
        latter case, you can optionally specify the variable with

        The output is a list of all found roots with multiplicity.

        >>> x, y = symbols('xy')
        >>> roots(x**2 - 1)
        [1, -1]
        >>> roots(x - y, x)

    Also see L{factor_.factor}, L{quadratic}, L{cubic}. L{n-poly},


    from sympy.polynomials import factor_

    if not isinstance(f, Polynomial):
        f = Polynomial(f, var=var, order=None)
    if len(f.var) == 0:
        return []
    if len(f.var) > 1:
        raise PolynomialException('Multivariate polynomials not supported.')

    # Determine type of coeffs (for factorization purposes)
    symbols = f.sympy_expr.atoms(type=Symbol)
    symbols = filter(lambda a: not a in f.var, symbols)
    if symbols:
        coeff = 'sym'
        coeff = coeff_ring(get_numbers(f.sympy_expr))

    if coeff == 'rat':
        denom, f = f.as_integer()
        coeff = 'int'
    if coeff == 'int':
        content, f = f.as_primitive()
        # Hack to get some additional cases right:
        result = n_poly(f)
        if result is not None:
            return result
        factors = factor_.factor(f)
    else: # It's not possible to factorize.
        factors = [f]

    # Now check for roots in each factor.
    result = []
    for p in factors:
        n = p.coeffs[0][1] # Degree of the factor.
        if n == 0: # We have a constant factor.
        elif n == 1:
            if len(p.coeffs) == 2:
                result += [-(p.coeffs[1][0] / p.coeffs[0][0])]
                result += [S.Zero]
        elif n == 2:
            result += quadratic(p)
        elif n == 3:
            result += cubic(p)
            res = n_poly(p)
            if res is not None:
                result += res

    # With symbols, __nonzero__ returns a StrictInequality, Exception.
    try: result.sort()
    except: pass

    return result