Exemple #1
    def _expand_partial_derivative(self):
        args, indices, free, dum = self._contract_indices_for_derivative(
            self.expr, self.variables)

        obj = self.func(*args)
        obj._indices = indices
        obj._free = free
        obj._dum = dum

        result = obj

        if not args[0].free_symbols:
            return S.Zero
        elif isinstance(obj.expr, TensAdd):
            # take care of sums of multi PDs
            result = obj.expr.func(*[
                self.func(a, *obj.variables)._expand_partial_derivative()
                for a in result.expr.args
        elif isinstance(obj.expr, TensMul):
            # take care of products of multi PDs
            if len(obj.variables) == 1:
                # derivative with respect to single variable
                terms = []
                mulargs = list(obj.expr.args)
                for ind in range(len(mulargs)):
                    if not isinstance(sympify(mulargs[ind]), Number):
                        # a number coefficient is not considered for
                        # expansion of PartialDerivative
                        d = self.func(
                            TensMul(*(mulargs[:ind] + [d] +
                                      mulargs[(ind + 1):])))
                result = TensAdd.fromiter(terms)
                # derivative with respect to multiple variables
                # decompose:
                # partial(expr, (u, v))
                # = partial(partial(expr, u).doit(), v).doit()
                result = obj.expr  # init with expr
                for v in obj.variables:
                    result = self.func(result, v)._expand_partial_derivative()
                    # then throw PD on it

        return result