Exemple #1
def test_TensorManager():
    Lorentz = TensorIndexType('Lorentz', dummy_fmt='L')
    LorentzH = TensorIndexType('LorentzH', dummy_fmt='LH')
    i, j = tensor_indices('i,j', Lorentz)
    ih, jh = tensor_indices('ih,jh', LorentzH)
    p, q = tensorhead('p q', [Lorentz], [[1]])
    ph, qh = tensorhead('ph qh', [LorentzH], [[1]])

    Gsymbol = Symbol('Gsymbol')
    GHsymbol = Symbol('GHsymbol')
    TensorManager.set_comm(Gsymbol, GHsymbol, 0)
    G = tensorhead('G', [Lorentz], [[1]], Gsymbol)
    assert TensorManager._comm_i2symbol[G.comm] == Gsymbol
    GH = tensorhead('GH', [LorentzH], [[1]], GHsymbol)
    ps = G(i) * p(-i)
    psh = GH(ih) * ph(-ih)
    t = ps + psh
    t1 = t * t
    assert t1 == ps * ps + 2 * ps * psh + psh * psh
    qs = G(i) * q(-i)
    qsh = GH(ih) * qh(-ih)
    assert ps * qsh == qsh * ps
    assert ps * qs != qs * ps
    n = TensorManager.comm_symbols2i(Gsymbol)
    assert TensorManager.comm_i2symbol(n) == Gsymbol

    assert GHsymbol in TensorManager._comm_symbols2i
    raises(ValueError, lambda: TensorManager.set_comm(GHsymbol, 1, 2))
    TensorManager.set_comms((Gsymbol, GHsymbol, 0), (Gsymbol, 1, 1))
    assert TensorManager.get_comm(n, 1) == TensorManager.get_comm(1, n) == 1
    assert TensorManager.comm == [{
        0: 0,
        1: 0,
        2: 0
    }, {
        0: 0,
        1: 1,
        2: None
    }, {
        0: 0,
        1: None
    assert GHsymbol not in TensorManager._comm_symbols2i
    nh = TensorManager.comm_symbols2i(GHsymbol)
    assert GHsymbol in TensorManager._comm_symbols2i
Exemple #2
def test_TensorManager():
    Lorentz = TensorIndexType('Lorentz', dummy_fmt='L')
    LorentzH = TensorIndexType('LorentzH', dummy_fmt='LH')
    i, j = tensor_indices('i,j', Lorentz)
    ih, jh = tensor_indices('ih,jh', LorentzH)
    p, q = tensorhead('p q', [Lorentz], [[1]])
    ph, qh = tensorhead('ph qh', [LorentzH], [[1]])

    Gsymbol = Symbol('Gsymbol')
    GHsymbol = Symbol('GHsymbol')
    TensorManager.set_comm(Gsymbol, GHsymbol, 0)
    G = tensorhead('G', [Lorentz], [[1]], Gsymbol)
    assert TensorManager._comm_i2symbol[G.comm] == Gsymbol
    GH = tensorhead('GH', [LorentzH], [[1]], GHsymbol)
    ps = G(i)*p(-i)
    psh = GH(ih)*ph(-ih)
    t = ps + psh
    t1 = t*t
    assert t1 == ps*ps + 2*ps*psh + psh*psh
    qs = G(i)*q(-i)
    qsh = GH(ih)*qh(-ih)
    assert ps*qsh == qsh*ps
    assert ps*qs != qs*ps
    n = TensorManager.comm_symbols2i(Gsymbol)
    assert TensorManager.comm_i2symbol(n) == Gsymbol

    assert GHsymbol in TensorManager._comm_symbols2i
    raises(ValueError, lambda: TensorManager.set_comm(GHsymbol, 1, 2))
    assert TensorManager.get_comm(n, 1) == TensorManager.get_comm(1, n) == 1
    assert TensorManager.comm == [{0:0, 1:0, 2:0}, {0:0, 1:1, 2:None}, {0:0, 1:None}]
    assert GHsymbol not in TensorManager._comm_symbols2i
    nh = TensorManager.comm_symbols2i(GHsymbol)
    assert GHsymbol in TensorManager._comm_symbols2i
Exemple #3
    expr : TensExpr
        Symbolic expression of tensors.
    idxs : TensorIndex
        Indices that encode the covariance and contravariance of the result.

    if idxs is None:
        idxs = TensMul(expr).get_free_indices()
    return expr.replace_with_arrays(ReplacementManager, idxs)

def indices(s, metric, is_up=True):
    Create indices using a method similar to ~sympy.symbols.
    if isinstance(s, string_types):
        a = [x.name for x in symbols(s, seq=True)]
        raise ValueError(
            "expected a string, received object of type {}".format(type(s)))
    idxs = [Index(idx, metric, is_up) for idx in a]
    if len(idxs) == 1:
        return idxs[0]
    return idxs

# metric tensors and general tensors commute with each other and themselves.
TensorManager.set_comm("general", "general", 0)
# partial derivatives only commute with themselves.
TensorManager.set_comm("partial", "partial", 0)