Exemple #1
def generate_splitting_matrix_first(degree, splitpoint):
    matrix_form = generate_matrix_form(degree)
    _, M, P = matrix_form.args
    Z = sp.Matrix(degree + 1, degree + 1, lambda i, j: splitpoint**i
                  if i == j else 0)
    Q = sp.MatMul(M.inverse(), Z, M).doit().simplify()
    return sp.MatMul(Q, P)
Exemple #2
def convert_mp(mp):
    if hasattr(mp, 'mp'):
        mp_left = mp.mp(0)
        mp_right = mp.mp(1)
        mp_left = mp.mp_nofunc(0)
        mp_right = mp.mp_nofunc(1)

    if mp.MUL() or mp.CMD_TIMES() or mp.CMD_CDOT():
        lh = convert_mp(mp_left)
        rh = convert_mp(mp_right)

        if lh.is_Matrix or rh.is_Matrix:
            return sympy.MatMul(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
            return sympy.Mul(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
    elif mp.DIV() or mp.CMD_DIV() or mp.COLON():
        lh = convert_mp(mp_left)
        rh = convert_mp(mp_right)
        if lh.is_Matrix or rh.is_Matrix:
            return sympy.MatMul(lh,
                                sympy.Pow(rh, -1, evaluate=False),
            return Div(lh, rh, in_parsing=True, evaluate=False)
        if hasattr(mp, 'unary'):
            return convert_unary(mp.unary())
            return convert_unary(mp.unary_nofunc())
Exemple #3
    def state_equations(self):
        """System of first-order differential state equations:

        dotx = A x + B u

        where x is the state vector and u is the input vector.
        return expr(sym.Eq(self.dotx, sym.MatAdd(sym.MatMul(self.A, self.x),
                                                 sym.MatMul(self.B, self.u)),
Exemple #4
    def state_equations(self):
        """System of first-order differential state equations:

        x[n + 1] = A x[n] + B u[n]

        where x is the state vector and u is the input vector.

        return expr(sym.Eq(self.xnext, sym.MatAdd(sym.MatMul(self._A, self.x),
                                                  sym.MatMul(self._B, self.u)),
Exemple #5
    def state_equations(self):
        """System of first-order differential state equations:

        dotx(t) = A x(t) + B u(t)

        where x is the state vector and u is the input vector.

        return expr(
                   sym.MatAdd(sym.MatMul(self._A.sympy, self.x.sympy),
                              sym.MatMul(self._B.sympy, self.u.sympy)),
Exemple #6
    def output_equations(self):
        """System of output equations:

        y = C x + D u

        where y is the output vector, x is the state vector and u is
        the input vector.

        return expr(sym.Eq(self.y, sym.MatAdd(sym.MatMul(self.C, self.x),
                                              sym.MatMul(self.D, self.u)),
Exemple #7
def mat_mul_flat(lh, rh):
    if hasattr(lh, 'is_MatMul') and lh.is_MatMul or hasattr(
            rh, 'is_MatMul') and rh.is_MatMul:
        args = []
        if hasattr(lh, 'is_MatMul') and lh.is_MatMul:
            args += list(lh.args)
            args += [lh]
        if hasattr(rh, 'is_MatMul') and rh.is_MatMul:
            args = args + list(rh.args)
            args += [rh]
        return sympy.MatMul(*args, evaluate=False)
        return sympy.MatMul(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
Exemple #8
    def output_equations(self):
        """System of output equations:

        y(t) = C x(t) + D u(t)

        where y is the output vector, x is the state vector and u is
        the input vector.


        return expr(
                   sym.MatAdd(sym.MatMul(self._C.sympy, self.x.sympy),
                              sym.MatMul(self._D.sympy, self.u.sympy)),
    def map_lin_acc_in_world(self):
        r_mat = sp.Matrix([[(sp.cos(self.q_z)*sp.cos(self.q_y)) - (sp.sin(self.q_x)*sp.sin(self.q_z)*sp.sin(self.q_y)),
                  (sp.cos(self.q_z)*sp.sin(self.q_y)) + (sp.cos(self.q_y)*sp.sin(self.q_x)*sp.sin(self.q_z))],
                  [(sp.cos(self.q_y)*sp.sin(self.q_z)) - (sp.cos(self.q_z)*sp.sin(self.q_x)*sp.sin(self.q_y)),
                  (sp.sin(self.q_z)*sp.sin(self.q_y)) + (sp.cos(self.q_z)*sp.cos(self.q_y)*sp.sin(self.q_x))],
        a = sp.MatMul(r_mat, sp.Matrix([[self.a_x - self.ba_x - self.na_x],
                                        [self.a_y - self.ba_y - self.na_y],
                                        [self.a_z - self.ba_z - self.na_z]]))
        lin_acc_in_world = sp.Matrix([[0],[0],[-9.81]]) + a
        return lin_acc_in_world

# if __name__ == "__main__":
#     state = State()
#     f1 = state.x**2
#     f2 = state.y**2
#     f3 = state.z**2
#     f4 = state.q_x**2

#     x = sp.Matrix([state.x,state.y,state.z, state.q_x])
#     f_x = sp.Matrix([f1,f2,f3, f4])
#     state.jacobian(f_x, x)
Exemple #10
def convert_add(add):
    if add.ADD():
        lh = convert_add(add.additive(0))
        rh = convert_add(add.additive(1))

        if lh.is_Matrix or rh.is_Matrix:
            return sympy.MatAdd(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
            return sympy.Add(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
    elif add.SUB():
        lh = convert_add(add.additive(0))
        rh = convert_add(add.additive(1))

        if lh.is_Matrix or rh.is_Matrix:
            return sympy.MatAdd(lh,
                                sympy.MatMul(-1, rh, evaluate=False),
            # If we want to force ordering for variables this should be:
            # return Sub(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
            if not rh.is_Matrix and rh.func.is_Number:
                rh = -rh
                rh = sympy.Mul(-1, rh, evaluate=False)
            return sympy.Add(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
        return convert_mp(add.mp())
Exemple #11
 def __buildProp(self, variables):
     diffs = [_sp.diff(self.__func, symb) for symb in self.__variables]
     tmp = diffs[0]**2
     for diff, deltas in zip(diffs, self.__errorSymbs):
         tmp = _sp.Add(tmp, _sp.MatMul(diff**2, deltas**2))
     return (tmp - diffs[0]**2)**(
         1 / 2)  # propagation assuming no correlations between errors
    def express_func(frame1, frame2, tree):
        Static Method of the class the serves as a helper to the 
        self.express(other) method definition and the reference_frame class
        express method.
        frame1, frame_2 : reference_frame_like
            An instance of  `global_frame` or `reference_frame` classes.
        tree : nx.DiGraph
            The directed reference tree that stores the information of the 
            relation between the given references.
        mat : sympy.MatMul
            A sequence of matrix multiplications that represents the 
            transformation between the given frame.
        child_name = frame1.name
        parent_name = frame2.name
        graph = tree

        path_nodes = nx.algorithms.shortest_path(graph, child_name,
        path_matrices = []
        for i in range(len(path_nodes) - 1):
            path_matrices.append(graph.edges[path_nodes[-i - 2],
                                             path_nodes[-i - 1]]['mat'])
        mat = sm.MatMul(*path_matrices)
        return mat
Exemple #13
def convert_unary(unary):
    if hasattr(unary, 'unary'):
        nested_unary = unary.unary()
        nested_unary = unary.unary_nofunc()
    if hasattr(unary, 'postfix_nofunc'):
        first = unary.postfix()
        tail = unary.postfix_nofunc()
        postfix = [first] + tail
        postfix = unary.postfix()

    if unary.ADD():
        return convert_unary(nested_unary)
    elif unary.SUB():
        tmp_convert_nested_unary = convert_unary(nested_unary)
        if tmp_convert_nested_unary.is_Matrix:
            return sympy.MatMul(-1, tmp_convert_nested_unary, evaluate=False)
            if tmp_convert_nested_unary.func.is_Number:
                return -tmp_convert_nested_unary
                return sympy.Mul(-1, tmp_convert_nested_unary, evaluate=False)
    elif postfix:
        return convert_postfix_list(postfix)
Exemple #14
 def matmul(other, hold=True):
     if hold:
         new = sympy.MatMul(mat, other)
         new = mat.multiply(other)
     return new
Exemple #15
    def equations(self, inverse=False):
        """System of equations used to find the unknowns.

        If inverse is True, evaluate the Matrix inverse."""


        if inverse:
            return expr(
                       sym.MatMul(self._A.inv(), self._Z),

        return expr(
                   sym.MatMul(sym.Pow(self._A, -1), self._Z),
Exemple #16
def generate_matrix_form(degree):
    # See https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#matrix
    bezier_without_points = eq_r_bezier.rhs.replace(s_p[s_i, s_k], 1)
    expanded = bezier_without_points.subs(s_K, degree).doit()
    coeffs = [sp.Poly(arg).coeffs() for arg in expanded.args]
    coeffs = sorted(coeffs, key=len)
    coeffs = [coeff + [0] * (len(coeffs) - len(coeff)) for coeff in coeffs]
    coeff_matrix = sp.Matrix(coeffs)
    t_matrix = sp.Matrix([s_t**i for i in range(degree + 1)]).T
    p_matrix = sp.Matrix([s_p[s_i, i] for i in range(degree + 1)])
    return sp.MatMul(t_matrix, coeff_matrix, p_matrix)
Exemple #17
def generate_splitting_matrix_second(degree, splitpoint):
    Q, P = generate_splitting_matrix_first(degree, splitpoint).args
    Q = Q.tolist()

    def rotate(l, n):
        return l[-n:] + l[:-n]

    Q = [rotate(r, len(r) - 1 - i) for i, r in enumerate(Q)]
    Q = sp.Matrix(Q)
    return sp.MatMul(Q, P)
Exemple #18
    def format(self, form='A y = b', invert=False):
        """Forms can be:
         A y = b
         b = A y
         Ainv b = y
         y = Ainv b

        If `invert` is True, the A matrix is inverted."""

        if form == 'A y = b':
            return expr(sym.Eq(sym.MatMul(self.A, self.y), self.b), evaluate=False)

        elif form == 'b = A y':
            return expr(sym.Eq(self.b, sym.MatMul(self.A, self.y)), evaluate=False)

        elif form in ('y = Ainv b', 'default'):
            if invert:
                return expr(sym.Eq(self.y, sym.MatMul(self.Ainv, self.b),
            return expr(sym.Eq(self.y, sym.MatMul(sym.Pow(self.A, -1), self.b),

        elif form == 'Ainv b = y':
            if invert:
                return expr(sym.Eq(sym.MatMul(self.Ainv, self.b), self.y,
            return expr(sym.Eq(sym.MatMul(sym.Pow(self.A, -1), self.b), self.y,
            raise ValueError('Unknown form %s' % form)
Exemple #19
def mat_mul_flat(lh, rh):
    if hasattr(lh, 'is_MatMul') and lh.is_MatMul or hasattr(
            rh, 'is_MatMul') and rh.is_MatMul:
        args = []
        if hasattr(lh, 'is_MatMul') and lh.is_MatMul:
            args += list(lh.args)
            args += [lh]
        if hasattr(rh, 'is_MatMul') and rh.is_MatMul:
            args = args + list(rh.args)
            args += [rh]
        return sympy.MatMul(*[arg.doit() for arg in args], evaluate=False)
        if hasattr(lh, 'doit') and hasattr(rh, 'doit'):
            return sympy.MatMul(lh.doit(), rh.doit(), evaluate=False)
        elif hasattr(lh, 'doit') and not hasattr(rh, 'doit'):
            return sympy.MatMul(lh.doit(), rh, evaluate=False)
        elif not hasattr(lh, 'doit') and hasattr(rh, 'doit'):
            return sympy.MatMul(lh, rh.doit(), evaluate=False)
            return sympy.MatMul(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
Exemple #20
def hill(text, k):
    key = sy.Matrix([[k[0], k[1]], [k[2], k[3]]])
    key_adjugate = key.T.adjugate().applyfunc(mod)
    key_mod_inverse = (MMI(key.det() % MOD, MOD) * key_adjugate).applyfunc(mod)

    plaintext = ''

    for i, j in zip(text[0::2], text[1::2]):
        pair = sy.MatMul(key_mod_inverse,
                         sy.Matrix([[abc.index(i)], [abc.index(j)]]))
        plaintext += abc[pair[0, 0] % MOD] + abc[pair[1, 0] % MOD]

    return plaintext
 def map_ang_vel_in_world(self):
     g_mat = sp.Matrix([[sp.cos(self.q_y), 0, -(sp.cos(self.q_x)*sp.sin(self.q_y))],
                         [0,          1,  sp.sin(self.q_x)               ],  
                         [sp.sin(self.q_y),0,  (sp.cos(self.q_x)*sp.cos(self.q_y))]])
     inverse_g = g_mat.T
     ang_vel_in_world = sp.MatMul(inverse_g, sp.Matrix([[self.w_x - self.bg_x - self.ng_x],
                                                        [self.w_y - self.bg_y - self.ng_y],
                                                        [self.w_z - self.bg_z - self.ng_z]]))
     ang_vel_in_world = sp.Matrix(ang_vel_in_world)
     # print(ang_vel_in_world.shape)
     # a = ang_vel_in_world[0,:]
     # b = ang_vel_in_world[1,:]
     # c = sp.Matrix([a,b])
     # print(a.shape, b.shape, c.shape)
     return ang_vel_in_world
Exemple #22
def convert_frac(frac):
    diff_op = False
    partial_op = False
    lower_itv = frac.lower.getSourceInterval()
    lower_itv_len = lower_itv[1] - lower_itv[0] + 1
    if (frac.lower.start == frac.lower.stop
            and frac.lower.start.type == PSLexer.DIFFERENTIAL):
        wrt = get_differential_var_str(frac.lower.start.text)
        diff_op = True
    elif (lower_itv_len == 2 and frac.lower.start.type == PSLexer.SYMBOL
          and frac.lower.start.text == '\\partial'
          and (frac.lower.stop.type == PSLexer.LETTER_NO_E
               or frac.lower.stop.type == PSLexer.SYMBOL)):
        partial_op = True
        wrt = frac.lower.stop.text
        if frac.lower.stop.type == PSLexer.SYMBOL:
            wrt = wrt[1:]

    if diff_op or partial_op:
        wrt = sympy.Symbol(wrt, real=True, positive=True)
        if (diff_op and frac.upper.start == frac.upper.stop
                and frac.upper.start.type == PSLexer.LETTER_NO_E
                and frac.upper.start.text == 'd'):
            return [wrt]
        elif (partial_op and frac.upper.start == frac.upper.stop
              and frac.upper.start.type == PSLexer.SYMBOL
              and frac.upper.start.text == '\\partial'):
            return [wrt]
        upper_text = rule2text(frac.upper)

        expr_top = None
        if diff_op and upper_text.startswith('d'):
            expr_top = process_sympy(upper_text[1:])
        elif partial_op and frac.upper.start.text == '\\partial':
            expr_top = process_sympy(upper_text[len('\\partial'):])
        if expr_top:
            return sympy.Derivative(expr_top, wrt)

    expr_top = convert_expr(frac.upper)
    expr_bot = convert_expr(frac.lower)
    if expr_top.is_Matrix or expr_bot.is_Matrix:
        return sympy.MatMul(expr_top,
                            sympy.Pow(expr_bot, -1, evaluate=False),
        return sympy.Mul(expr_top,
                         sympy.Pow(expr_bot, -1, evaluate=False),
Exemple #23
def convert_mp(mp):
    if hasattr(mp, 'mp'):
        mp_left = mp.mp(0)
        mp_right = mp.mp(1)
        mp_left = mp.mp_nofunc(0)
        mp_right = mp.mp_nofunc(1)

    if mp.MUL() or mp.CMD_TIMES() or mp.CMD_CDOT():
        lh = convert_mp(mp_left)
        rh = convert_mp(mp_right)

        if lh.is_Matrix or rh.is_Matrix:
            return mat_mul_flat(lh, rh)
            return mul_flat(lh, rh)
    elif mp.DIV() or mp.CMD_DIV() or mp.COLON():
        lh = convert_mp(mp_left)
        rh = convert_mp(mp_right)
        if lh.is_Matrix or rh.is_Matrix:
            return sympy.MatMul(lh,
                                sympy.Pow(rh, -1, evaluate=False),
            return sympy.Mul(lh,
                             sympy.Pow(rh, -1, evaluate=False),
    elif mp.CMD_MOD():
        lh = convert_mp(mp_left)
        rh = convert_mp(mp_right)
        if rh.is_Matrix:
            raise Exception(
                "Cannot perform modulo operation with a matrix as an operand")
            return sympy.Mod(lh, rh, evaluate=False)
        if hasattr(mp, 'unary'):
            return convert_unary(mp.unary())
            return convert_unary(mp.unary_nofunc())
Exemple #24
def convert_postfix_list(arr, i=0):
    if i >= len(arr):
        raise Exception("Index out of bounds")

    res = convert_postfix(arr[i])
    if isinstance(res, sympy.Expr) or isinstance(res, sympy.Matrix):
        if i == len(arr) - 1:
            return res  # nothing to multiply by
            # multiply by next
            rh = convert_postfix_list(arr, i + 1)
            if res.is_Matrix or rh.is_Matrix:
                return sympy.MatMul(res, rh, evaluate=False)
                return sympy.Mul(res, rh, evaluate=False)
    else:  # must be derivative
        wrt = res[0]
        if i == len(arr) - 1:
            raise Exception("Expected expression for derivative")
            expr = convert_postfix_list(arr, i + 1)
            return sympy.Derivative(expr, wrt)
    def matmuldiff(expr, symbol, order):
        if order > 1:
            # recursively reduce to order 1:
            tmp = matmuldiff(expr, symbol, order - 1)

            # last deriv step
            return matrix_time_deriv(tmp,

        args = expr.args
        res = 0 * expr

        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            first_factors = args[:i]
            last_factors = args[i + 1:]
            diff_factor = time_deriv(a, func_symbols, t_symbol=symbol)
            product_args = first_factors + (diff_factor, ) + last_factors
            res = res + sp.MatMul(*product_args)

        return res
# %% Programa para obtener K y f correspondientes al elemento de barra de 
# % 2 nodos unidimensional, utilizando funciones de forma globales

import sympy as sp
from sympy.matrices import Matrix

# Defino las variables simbolicas
x, L, E, A, b = sp.symbols('x L E A b')
N1 = sp.Function('N1')
N2 = sp.Function('N2')
N3 = sp.Function('N3')
N4 = sp.Function('N4')

# Defino las funciones de forma
N = Matrix([[N1(x), N2(x), N3(x), N4(x)]]) # matriz de funciones de forma
B = sp.diff(N,x)                           # matriz de deformación
D = E*A                                    # matriz constitutiva

# Matriz de rigidez (ecuación 2.83)
fc = A*E # factor común
K = sp.simplify(sp.integrate(B.T*D*B, (x, 0, L)))
K = sp.MatMul(fc, K/fc, evaluate = False)
print('K = '); sp.pprint(K, num_columns=150); print()

# Vector de fuerzas nodales equivalentes (ecuación 2.83)
fc = b
f = sp.simplify(sp.integrate(N.T*b, (x, 0, L)))
f = sp.MatMul(fc, f/fc, evaluate = False)
print('f = '); sp.pprint(f)
Exemple #27
x_n = sp.MatrixSymbol('x_n', 2, 1)
hessian = sp.MatrixSymbol('hessian', 2, 2)
d = sp.MatrixSymbol('d', 2, 1)
lamda = sp.symbols("lamda")

gamma = 100

f = -9 * x[0] - 10 * x[1] + \
    gamma * (-sp.log(100 - x[0] - x[1]) - sp.log(x[0]) - sp.log(x[1]) - sp.log(50 - x[0] + x[1]))  # function

# Gradient
f_grad = sp.Matrix([f.diff(var) for var in x])
# Hessian
f_hess = sp.Matrix([diff_rows(j, x) for j in f_grad])

dk = sp.MatMul(-1 * hessian * f_grad)

x00 = sp.Matrix([[8], [90]])
x01 = sp.Matrix([[1], [40]])
x02 = sp.Matrix([[15], [68.69]])
x03 = sp.Matrix([[10], [20]])

for x0 in [x00, x01, x02, x03]:
    k = 0
    while True:
        h = f_hess.subs({x: x0}).evalf()
        h = h.inv('LU')
        d_ = sp.Matrix(dk.subs({x: x0, hessian: h}))

        if k > 100 or d_ == 0:
Exemple #28
 def equations(self):
     """Return the equations in matrix form."""
     return expr(equation(sym.MatMul(self.A, self.y), self.b))
Exemple #29
def fitCij(crystSys, arguments):
    print "\n------------------------------------Fitted Results-------------------------------------"

    def fit(i, j):
        from scipy import stats, sqrt, square
        stress_fit = np.array(stress[i, j])
        slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = stats.linregress(delta, stress_fit)
        print '\n'
        print 'Fitted result ', Stress_string[i, j], '          :    ', slope
        print 'Error            	:    ', stderr
        if abs(r) > 0.9:
            print 'Correlation coefficient (r) :    ', r
            print 'Correlation coefficient (r) :    ', r, '     <----- WARNING: BAD FIT'

        return slope, stderr

    def createCij():
        CijMatrix = np.zeros((6, 6))
        CijErrorMatrix = np.zeros((6, 6))
        c = np.array(get_cij_pattern(crystSys))
        for i in range(0, 6):
            for j in range(0, 6):
                index = int(c[i, j])
                if index > 0:
                    CijMatrix[i, j] = Cij_list[index - 1]
                    CijErrorMatrix[i, j] = abs(Cij_errors_list[index - 1])
                elif index < 0:
                    CijMatrix[i, j] = -Cij_list[-index - 1]
                    CijErrorMatrix[i, j] = abs(Cij_errors_list[-index - 1])
        return CijMatrix, CijErrorMatrix

    # get stress from OUTCAR
    command = (
        "grep 'in kB' outcar.2 | tail -1 | awk '{print -$3/10.0, -$4/10.0, -$5/10.0, -$7/10.0, -$8/10.0, -$6/10.0}'"
    stress = []
    strain = []
    delta_list = []
    str_list = os.listdir("./")
    str_list = [int(elem[3:]) for elem in str_list if "str" in elem]
    process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    stress0 = [float(elem) for elem in process.stdout.read().strip().split()]
    for this_stress in str_list:
        stress_str = []
        delta_list_in = []
        os.chdir("./str" + str(this_stress))
        delta_string = os.listdir("./")
        delta = [float(elem[1:]) for elem in delta_string if "d" in elem]
        for this_delta in delta:
            os.chdir("./d" + str(this_delta))
            process = subprocess.Popen(command,
                float(elem) for elem in process.stdout.read().strip().split()
    delta = np.array(delta)

    stress = (np.array(stress) - np.array(stress0)).tolist()
    c = np.zeros((6, 6))
    re_stress = np.zeros((6, 6))
    r_value = np.zeros((6, 6))
    p_value = np.zeros((6, 6))
    std_err = np.zeros((6, 6))
    stress = np.array([np.array(stress_elem).T for stress_elem in stress])

    # Start fitting Cijs
    Stress_string = np.chararray((6, 6), itemsize=15)
    Cij_list = np.zeros(21)
    Cij_errors_list = np.zeros(21)

    print "This code is trying to evaluate: "
    stress_sym = (get_stress_pattern_sym(arguments.crystSys) / d)
    strain_sym = get_strain_pattern_sym(arguments.crystSys)
    cij_sym = get_cij_pattern_sym(arguments.crystSys)
        sympy.relational.Eq((stress_sym * d).T,
                            sympy.MatMul(cij_sym, strain_sym.T)))

    # Initialize string for Stresses using symbolic notation e.g. C11+C12
    stress_sym = np.array(stress_sym)
    for i in range(stress_sym.shape[0]):
        for j in range(stress_sym.shape[1]):
            Stress_string[i][j] = stress_sym[i][j]

    # Fitting results stored in Fit_results and error in Fit_errors
    Fit_results = np.zeros((stress_sym.shape))
    Fit_errors = np.zeros((stress_sym.shape))

    for i in range(stress_sym.shape[0]):
        for j in range(stress_sym.shape[1]):
            if stress_sym[i][j] != 0:
                Fit_results[i][j], Fit_errors[i][j] = fit(i, j)

    # Solve symbolic equations to get values for each Cijs

    # if crystSys == 1:  # cubic
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 3] = "C44"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(0, 3)  # c44
    #     fit01, error01 = fit(0, 1)  # 12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 12
    #     Cij_list[6] = (fit01+fit02)/2  # c12
    #     Cij_errors_list[6] = (error01+error02)/2

    # elif crystSys == 2:  # tetragonal high 4mm,-42m,422,4/mmm e1+e4, e3+e6
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[0, 3] = "C44"
    #     Stress_string[1, 0] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[1, 1] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[1, 2] = "C33"
    #     Stress_string[1, 5] = "C66"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     Cij_list[6], Cij_errors_list[6] = fit(0, 1)  # c12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 13
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(0, 3)  # c44
    #     fit10, error10 = fit(1, 0)  # 13
    #     fit11, error11 = fit(1, 1)  # 13
    #     Cij_list[2], Cij_errors_list[2] = fit(1, 2)  # c33
    #     Cij_list[5], Cij_errors_list[5] = fit(1, 5)  # c66
    #     Cij_list[7] = (fit02+fit10+fit11)/3  # c13
    #     Cij_errors_list[7] = (error02+error10+error11)/3

    # elif crystSys == 21:  # tetragonal low 4, -4, 4/m e1+e4, e3+e6
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[0, 3] = "C44"
    #     Stress_string[0, 5] = "C16"
    #     Stress_string[1, 0] = "C13 + C16"
    #     Stress_string[1, 1] = "C13 - C16"
    #     Stress_string[1, 2] = "C33"
    #     Stress_string[1, 5] = "C66"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     Cij_list[6], Cij_errors_list[6] = fit(0, 1)  # c12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 13
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(0, 3)  # c44
    #     fit05, error05 = fit(0, 5)  # 16
    #     fit10, error10 = fit(1, 0)  # 13+16
    #     fit11, error11 = fit(1, 1)  # 13-16
    #     Cij_list[2], Cij_errors_list[2] = fit(1, 2)  # c33
    #     Cij_list[5], Cij_errors_list[5] = fit(1, 5)  # c66
    #     Cij_list[7] = (fit02+fit10+fit11)/3  # c13
    #     Cij_errors_list[7] = (error02+error10+error11)/3
    #     Cij_list[10] = (fit10-fit11+fit05)/3  # c16
    #     Cij_errors_list[10] = (error10-error11+error05)/3

    # elif crystSys == 3:  # orthohombic
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[0, 3] = "C44"
    #     Stress_string[1, 0] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[1, 1] = "C22"
    #     Stress_string[1, 2] = "C23"
    #     Stress_string[1, 4] = "C55"
    #     Stress_string[2, 0] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[2, 1] = "C23"
    #     Stress_string[2, 2] = "C33"
    #     Stress_string[2, 5] = "C66"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     fit01, error01 = fit(0, 1)  # 12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 13
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(0, 3)  # c44
    #     fit10, error10 = fit(1, 0)  # 12
    #     Cij_list[1], Cij_errors_list[1] = fit(1, 1)  # c22
    #     fit12, error12 = fit(1, 2)  # 23
    #     Cij_list[4], Cij_errors_list[4] = fit(1, 4)  # c55
    #     fit20, error20 = fit(2, 0)  # 13
    #     fit21, error21 = fit(2, 1)  # 23
    #     Cij_list[2], Cij_errors_list[2] = fit(2, 2)  # c33
    #     Cij_list[5], Cij_errors_list[5] = fit(2, 5)  # c66
    #     Cij_list[6] = (fit10+fit01)/2  # c12
    #     Cij_errors_list[6] = (error10+error01)/2
    #     Cij_list[7] = (fit02+fit20)/2  # c13
    #     Cij_errors_list[7] = (error02+error20)/2
    #     Cij_list[11] = (fit12+fit21)/2  # c23
    #     Cij_errors_list[11] = (error12+error21)/2

    # elif crystSys == 4:  # monoclinic
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[0, 3] = "C44"
    #     Stress_string[0, 4] = "C15"
    #     Stress_string[0, 5] = "C46"
    #     Stress_string[1, 0] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[1, 1] = "C23"
    #     Stress_string[1, 2] = "C33"
    #     Stress_string[1, 3] = "C46"
    #     Stress_string[1, 4] = "C53"
    #     Stress_string[1, 5] = "C66"
    #     Stress_string[2, 0] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[2, 1] = "C22"
    #     Stress_string[2, 2] = "C23"
    #     Stress_string[2, 4] = "C25"
    #     Stress_string[3, 0] = "C15"
    #     Stress_string[3, 1] = "C25"
    #     Stress_string[3, 2] = "C35"
    #     Stress_string[3, 4] = "C55"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     fit01, error01 = fit(0, 1)  # 12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 13
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(0, 3)  # c44
    #     fit04, error04 = fit(0, 4)  # 15
    #     fit05, error05 = fit(0, 5)  # 46
    #     fit10, error10 = fit(1, 0)  # 13
    #     fit11, error11 = fit(1, 1)  # 23
    #     Cij_list[2], Cij_errors_list[2] = fit(1, 2)  # c33
    #     fit13, error13 = fit(1, 3)  # 46
    #     fit14, error14 = fit(1, 4)  # 35
    #     Cij_list[5], Cij_errors_list[5] = fit(1, 5)  # c66
    #     fit20, error20 = fit(2, 0)  # 12
    #     Cij_list[1], Cij_errors_list[1] = fit(2, 1)  # c22
    #     fit22, error22 = fit(2, 2)  # 23
    #     fit24, error24 = fit(2, 4)  # 25
    #     fit30, error30 = fit(3, 0)  # 15
    #     fit31, error31 = fit(3, 1)  # 25
    #     fit32, error32 = fit(3, 2)  # 35
    #     Cij_list[4], Cij_errors_list[4] = fit(3, 4)  # c55
    #     Cij_list[6] = (fit20+fit01)/2  # c12
    #     Cij_errors_list[6] = (error20+error01)/2
    #     Cij_list[7] = (fit02+fit10)/2  # c13
    #     Cij_errors_list[7] = (error02+error10)/2
    #     Cij_list[11] = (fit11+fit22)/2  # c23
    #     Cij_errors_list[11] = (error11+error22)/2
    #     Cij_list[9] = (fit04+fit30)/2  # c15
    #     Cij_errors_list[9] = (error04+error30)/2
    #     Cij_list[13] = (fit24+fit31)/2  # c25
    #     Cij_errors_list[13] = (error24+error31)/2
    #     Cij_list[16] = (fit14+fit32)/2  # c35
    #     Cij_errors_list[16] = (error14+error32)/2
    #     Cij_list[19] = (fit13+fit05)/2  # c46
    #     Cij_errors_list[19] = (error13+error05)/2

    # elif crystSys == 41:  # monoclinic
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[0, 3] = "C44"
    #     Stress_string[0, 4] = "C45"
    #     Stress_string[0, 5] = "C16"
    #     Stress_string[1, 0] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[1, 1] = "C23"
    #     Stress_string[1, 2] = "C33"
    #     Stress_string[1, 3] = "C45"
    #     Stress_string[1, 4] = "C55"
    #     Stress_string[1, 5] = "C36"
    #     Stress_string[2, 0] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[2, 1] = "C22"
    #     Stress_string[2, 2] = "C23"
    #     Stress_string[2, 5] = "C26"
    #     Stress_string[3, 0] = "C16"
    #     Stress_string[3, 1] = "C26"
    #     Stress_string[3, 2] = "C36"
    #     Stress_string[3, 5] = "C66"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     fit01, error01 = fit(0, 1)  # 12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 13
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(0, 3)  # c44
    #     fit04, error04 = fit(0, 4)  # 45
    #     fit05, error05 = fit(0, 5)  # 16
    #     fit10, error10 = fit(1, 0)  # 13
    #     fit11, error11 = fit(1, 1)  # 23
    #     Cij_list[2], Cij_errors_list[2] = fit(1, 2)  # c33
    #     fit13, error13 = fit(1, 3)  # 45
    #     Cij_list[4], Cij_errors_list[4] = fit(1, 4)  # c55
    #     fit15, error15 = fit(1, 5)  # 36
    #     fit20, error20 = fit(2, 0)  # 12
    #     Cij_list[1], Cij_errors_list[1] = fit(2, 1)  # c22
    #     fit22, error22 = fit(2, 2)  # 23
    #     fit25, error25 = fit(2, 5)  # 26
    #     fit30, error30 = fit(3, 0)  # 16
    #     fit31, error31 = fit(3, 1)  # 26
    #     fit32, error32 = fit(3, 2)  # 36
    #     Cij_list[5], Cij_errors_list[5] = fit(3, 5)  # c66
    #     Cij_list[6] = (fit20+fit01)/2  # c12
    #     Cij_errors_list[6] = (error20+error01)/2
    #     Cij_list[7] = (fit02+fit10)/2  # c13
    #     Cij_errors_list[7] = (error02+error10)/2
    #     Cij_list[11] = (fit22+fit11)/2  # c23
    #     Cij_errors_list[11] = (error22+error11)/2
    #     Cij_list[10] = (fit05+fit30)/2  # c16
    #     Cij_errors_list[10] = (error05+error30)/2
    #     Cij_list[14] = (fit25+fit31)/2  # c26
    #     Cij_errors_list[14] = (error25+error31)/2
    #     Cij_list[17] = (fit15+fit15)/2  # c36
    #     Cij_errors_list[17] = (error32+error32)/2
    #     Cij_list[18] = (fit13+fit04)/2  # c45
    #     Cij_errors_list[18] = (error13+error04)/2

    # elif crystSys == 5:  # triclinic
    #     index = 0
    #     c = np.array(get_cij_pattern(crystSys))
    #     temp = np.zeros((6, 6))
    #     temp_err = np.zeros((6, 6))
    #     for i in range(6):
    #         for j in range(6):
    #             Stress_string[i, j] = "C"+str(i+1)+str(j+1)
    #             temp[i, j], temp_err[i, j] = fit(i, j)
    #     temp = (temp+temp.T)/2
    #     temp_err = (temp_err+temp_err.T)/2
    #     for i in range(6):
    #         for j in range(i, 6):
    #             Cij_list[c[i, j]-1] = temp[i, j]
    #             Cij_errors_list[c[i, j]-1] = temp_err[i, j]
    #             index += 1

    # elif crystSys == 6:  # hexagonal
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[1, 0] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[1, 1] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[1, 2] = "C33"
    #     Stress_string[1, 3] = "C44"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     Cij_list[6], Cij_errors_list[6] = fit(0, 1)  # c12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 13
    #     fit10, error10 = fit(1, 0)  # 13
    #     fit11, error11 = fit(1, 1)  # 13
    #     Cij_list[2], Cij_errors_list[2] = fit(1, 2)  # c33
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(1, 3)  # c44
    #     Cij_list[7] = (fit02+fit10+fit11)/3  # c13
    #     Cij_errors_list[7] = (error02+error10+error11)/3
    #     Cij_list[5] = 0.5*(Cij_list[0]-Cij_list[6])  # c66
    #     Cij_errors_list[5] = 0.5*(Cij_errors_list[0]-Cij_errors_list[6])

    # elif crystSys == 7:  # trignoal high
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[0, 3] = "C14"
    #     Stress_string[1, 0] = "C13 + C14"
    #     Stress_string[1, 1] = "C13 - C14"
    #     Stress_string[1, 2] = "C33"
    #     Stress_string[1, 3] = "C44"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     Cij_list[6], Cij_errors_list[6] = fit(0, 1)  # c12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 13
    #     fit03, error03 = fit(0, 3)  # 14
    #     fit10, error10 = fit(1, 0)  # 13+14
    #     fit11, error11 = fit(1, 1)  # 13-14
    #     Cij_list[2], Cij_errors_list[2] = fit(1, 2)  # c33
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(1, 3)  # c44
    #     Cij_list[7] = (fit02+fit10+fit11)/3  # c13
    #     Cij_errors_list[7] = (error02+error10+error11)/3
    #     Cij_list[8] = (fit03+fit10-fit11)/3  # c14
    #     Cij_errors_list[8] = (error03+error10-error11)/3
    #     Cij_list[5] = 0.5*(Cij_list[0]-Cij_list[6])  # c66
    #     Cij_errors_list[5] = 0.5*(Cij_errors_list[0]-Cij_errors_list[6])

    # elif crystSys == 71:  # trignoal low
    #     Stress_string[0, 0] = "C11"
    #     Stress_string[0, 1] = "C12"
    #     Stress_string[0, 2] = "C13"
    #     Stress_string[0, 3] = "C14"
    #     Stress_string[0, 4] = "-C25"
    #     Stress_string[1, 0] = "C13 + C14"
    #     Stress_string[1, 1] = "C13 - C14"
    #     Stress_string[1, 2] = "C33"
    #     Stress_string[1, 3] = "C44"
    #     Stress_string[1, 5] = "C25"
    #     Cij_list[0], Cij_errors_list[0] = fit(0, 0)  # c11
    #     Cij_list[6], Cij_errors_list[6] = fit(0, 1)  # c12
    #     fit02, error02 = fit(0, 2)  # 13
    #     fit03, error03 = fit(0, 3)  # 14
    #     fit04, error04 = fit(0, 4)  # -25
    #     fit10, error10 = fit(1, 0)  # 13+14
    #     fit11, error11 = fit(1, 1)  # 13-14
    #     Cij_list[2], Cij_errors_list[2] = fit(1, 2)  # c33
    #     Cij_list[3], Cij_errors_list[3] = fit(1, 3)  # c44
    #     fit15, error15 = fit(1, 5)  # 25
    #     Cij_list[7] = (fit02+fit10+fit11)/3  # c13
    #     Cij_errors_list[7] = (error02+error10+error11)/3
    #     Cij_list[8] = (fit03+fit10-fit11)/3  # c14
    #     Cij_errors_list[8] = (error03+error10-error11)/3
    #     Cij_list[13] = (-fit04+fit15)/2  # c25
    #     Cij_errors_list[13] = (-error04+error15)/2
    #     Cij_list[5] = 0.5*(Cij_list[0]-Cij_list[6])  # c66
    #     Cij_errors_list[5] = 0.5*(Cij_errors_list[0]-Cij_errors_list[6])

    c, std_err = createCij()
    return c, std_err
Exemple #30
    def LMDI_expression(self):
        """Calculate the LMDI equation in
        symbolic Matrix terms

            expressions (Symbolic Matrix): Matrix where each element contains
                                           a symbolic expression representing
                                           the appropriate calculation of the 

            - describe the expression more accurately
        print('self.variables:', self.variables)
        num_years = self.end_year - self.base_year
        num_columns = self.subscripts['i']['count']

        # variable_dict = {var:
        #                  self.create_symbolic_var(var,
        #                                           num_years,
        #                                           num_columns)
        #                  for var in self.variables}
        activity = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/irabidea/Desktop/yamls/residential_activity.csv', index_col=0)
        activity = activity.loc[self.base_year:self.end_year, :]
        activity = sp.Matrix(activity.values)
        # sp.pprint(activity)
        # print(type(activity))
        # exit()
        energy = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/irabidea/Desktop/yamls/residential_energy.csv', index_col=0)
        energy = energy.loc[self.base_year:self.end_year, :]
        energy = sp.Matrix(energy.values)

        variable_dict = {'A_i': activity, 'E_i': energy}
        print('input data A:\n', variable_dict['A_i'])
        for t, s in self.totals.items():
            to_sum = variable_dict[s]
            variable_dict[t] = to_sum * sp.ones(to_sum.shape[1], 1)

        lhs_matrix = variable_dict[self.LHS_var]
        # lhs_matrix = self.eval_expression(lhs_matrix)
        print('lhs_matrix done')
        # lhs_matrix = lhs_matrix.as_explicit()
        print('lhs_matrix term literal')
        print('type(lhs_matrix):', type(lhs_matrix))

        weights = self.calc_weights(lhs_matrix, num_columns)
        print('type(weights):', type(weights))
        symbolic_terms = []

        for term in self.terms:
            print('term:', term)
            if '/' in term:
                parts = term.split('/')
                numerator = parts[0]
                numerator = variable_dict[numerator]
                denominator = parts[1]
                denominator = variable_dict[denominator]

                matrix_term = self.create_symbolic_term(numerator, denominator)

                matrix_term = variable_dict[term]
            # matrix_term = self.eval_expression(matrix_term)
            print('matrix_term done')
            # matrix_term = matrix_term.as_explicit()
            print('matrix term literal')
            weighted_term = self.weighted_term(weights, matrix_term)
        decomposition_pieces = self.decomposition.split('*')
        not_weighted = [t for t in decomposition_pieces
                        if t not in self.terms]

        for n in not_weighted:  # need to add capability for more complicated unweighted terms

        # symbolic_terms = [self.eval_expression(s) for s in symbolic_terms]

        # print('done')
        # symbolic_terms = [s.as_explicit() for s in symbolic_terms]
        # print('well done')
        print("symbolic_terms:\n", symbolic_terms)
        if self.model == 'additive':
            expression = sp.MatAdd(*symbolic_terms).doit().as_explicit()
        elif self.model == 'multiplicative':
            expression = sp.MatMul(*symbolic_terms).doit().as_explicit()
        print('expression done')
        # expression = expression.as_explicit()
        print('expression literal')
        return expression