def generate_cases_2_qubits_exp_vals_with_angles(matrix, matrix_name, angles):
    for initial_matrix, initial_matrix_names in two_qubit_initial_states:
        for angle in angles:
            outputs = []
            operator_names = []
            for operator, operator_name in two_qubit_operators:
                circuit_ket = mul(matrix, initial_matrix) * sympy.Matrix(
                    [[1], [0], [0], [0]])
                circuit_ket = circuit_ket.subs("theta", angle)
                circuit_bra = sympy.conjugate(sympy.Transpose(circuit_ket))
                expectation_value = mul(circuit_bra,
                                        mul(operator, circuit_ket))[0]

            operator_names_string = "[" + ", ".join(operator_names) + "], "
            gate_names_string = '[["{}", "{}"], "{}", '.format(
                initial_matrix_names[0], initial_matrix_names[1], matrix_name)
            angle_string = "[{}], ".format(angle).replace("pi", "np.pi")
            exp_vals_string = "["
            for output in outputs:
                exp_vals_string += ("{},".format(output).replace(
                    "sqrt", "np.sqrt").replace("pi", "np.pi").replace(
                        "1.0*I", "1.0j").replace("*I", "*1.0j"))
            exp_vals_string += "]"

            print(gate_names_string + angle_string + operator_names_string +
                  exp_vals_string + "],")
Exemple #2
def _get_transpose(x):
    if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
        xT = x[1]
        x = x[0]
        xT = sp.Transpose(x)
    return x, xT
Exemple #3
    def getEquation(self):
        """Prints learned equation of a trained model."""

        # prepares lists for weights and biases
        weights = []
        bias = []

        # pulls/separates weights and biases from a model
        for i in range(1, self.numLayers+1):

        # creates generic input vector
        X = make_symbolic(1, self.inputSize)

        for i, _ in enumerate(weights):
            # computes the result of the next linear layer
            W = sympy.Matrix(weights[i])
            b = sympy.Transpose(sympy.Matrix(bias[i]))
            Y = sympy.zeros(1, b.cols)
            X = X*W + b

            # computes the result of the next nonlinear layer, if applicable
            if i != (len(weights) - 1):
                u, v = self.nonlinearInfo[i]

                # computes the result of the unary component of the nonlinear
                # layer
                # iterating over unary input
                for j in range(u):
                    Y[0, j] = self.hypothesisSet[1][self.unaryFunctions[i][j]](
                            X[0, j])

                # computes the result of the binary component of the nonlinear
                # layer
                # iterating over binary input
                for j in range(v):
                    Y[0, j+u] = X[0, j * 2 + u] * X[0, j * 2 + u + 1]

                # removes final v rows which are now outdated
                for j in range(u + v, Y.cols):
                    Y.col_del(u + v)

                X = Y

            if i == (len(weights) - 1):
                # computes the result of the binary component of the nonlinear
                # layer
                # iterating over binary input
                for j in range(int(X.cols/2)):
                    if sympy.Abs(X[0, j*2+1]) == 0:
                        Y[0, j] = 0
                        Y[0, j] = X[0, j*2] / X[0, j*2+1]
                for j in range(int(X.cols/2)):

                X = Y

        return X
Exemple #4
    def intersect(self, ray, world_state):
        # unpack the plane
        p0 = self.p
        n = self.n
        # unpack the ray
        l0 = np.squeeze(ray[0])
        l = np.squeeze(ray[1])
        l = l / np.linalg.norm(l)

        # #d = (p0 - l0).dot(n)/(
        num = sp.Transpose(sp.Matrix(p0[0:3] - l0)) * (sp.Matrix(n[0:3]))
        den = sp.Transpose(sp.Matrix(l)) * (sp.Matrix(n[0:3]))
        num = num.as_explicit()
        den = den.as_explicit()
        d = num[0] / den[0]
        return d
Exemple #5
	def procNoiseCovar(self, delD, delTheta):
		M = sympy.Matrix([[self.stdTheta ** 2, 0, 0],
						  [0, self.stdD ** 2, 0],
						  [0, 0, self.stdD ** 2]])
		print("M 2")
		Fu = self.stateTransUJacob(delD, delTheta)
		Q = Fu * M * sympy.Transpose(Fu)
		return Q
Exemple #6
    def intersect(self, ray, world_state):
        # unpack the ray
        l0 = np.squeeze(ray[0])
        l = np.squeeze(ray[1])
        l = l / np.linalg.norm(l)

        # project ray to plane
        t = self.plane.intersect(ray, world_state)
        #p = t * l + l0
        p = t * sp.Transpose(sp.Matrix(l)) + sp.Transpose(sp.Matrix(l0))

        #if np.linalg.norm(p - self.p) < self.radius:
        #    return t
        #    return float('inf')
        d = (p - sp.Transpose(sp.Matrix(self.p[0:3])))
        dt = sp.Transpose(d)
        d = sp.sqrt((d.as_mutable() * dt).as_explicit()[0])
        return Piecewise((t, d < self.radius), (float('inf'), True))
def generate_cases_1_qubit_exp_vals(matrix, matrix_name):
    for initial_matrix, initial_matrix_name in single_qubit_initial_states:
        outputs = []
        for operator in single_qubit_operators:
            circuit_ket = mul(matrix, initial_matrix) * sympy.Matrix([[1], [0]
            circuit_bra = sympy.conjugate(sympy.Transpose(circuit_ket))
            expectation_value = mul(circuit_bra, mul(operator, circuit_ket))[0]

        gate_names_string = '["{}", "{}", '.format(initial_matrix_name,
        exp_vals_string = ("[{}, {}, {}, {}]".format(*outputs).replace(
                                                "1.0j").replace("*I", "*1.0j"))
        print(gate_names_string + exp_vals_string + "],")
Exemple #8
def f1(x, xT, P, A):
    :param x: matrix
    :param xT: transpose of x
    :param P: matrix
    :param A: matrix
    :return: x^T (A^T P + P A) x
    AT = sp.Transpose(A)
    e0 = sp.Mul(AT, P, evaluate=False)
    e1 = sp.Mul(P, A, evaluate=False)
    e2 = sp.Add(e0, e1, evaluate=False)
    e = sp.Mul(xT, e2, evaluate=False)
    e = sp.Mul(e, x, evaluate=False)
    m = {
        str(P[r, c]): P[r, c]
        for r in range(P.shape[0]) for c in range(P.shape[0])
    m.update({str(x): x for x in x})
    e = parse_expr(str(e), local_dict=m)
    # res = sp.expand((xT * (AT * P + P * A) * x)[0])
    return sp.expand(e[0])
Exemple #9
def padeDiretoPrecisaoFinita(objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador, prec):
    # Fixar precisão de 'prec' algarismos significativos
    mp.dps = prec
    # Matriz dos coeficientes do sistema Ab = a
    A = matrizDosCoeficientes(objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador, prec)
    # erro
    if (A is None): return ("A = None")
    if (type(A) is str): return (A)
    # Se a matriz é nula
    if (A == 0): return ("A matriz dos coeficientes não é invertível. ")
    # Se a matriz A é invertível
    if (A.det() != 0):
        ##-- Construção do denominador --##
        # Cálculo dos coeficientes do denominador do aproximante de Padé
        B = sp.transpose(
            matrizDosTermosIndependentes(objeto, grauDoNumerador,
                                         grauDoDenominador, prec))
        Bn = A.LUsolve(B)
        # Potências de x do denominador
        Dx = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((grauDoDenominador + 1, 1)))
        for linha in range(0, grauDoDenominador + 1):
            Dx[linha] = x**(linha)
        # Vetor para os coeficientes do denominador
        bn = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((1, grauDoDenominador + 1)))
        #  Definir b_0 = 1 para a função racional em x = 0 tomar o valor N(0) = c_0
        bn[0] = 1
        # Matriz transposta dos coeficientes do denominador
        for coluna in range(1, grauDoDenominador + 1):
            bn[coluna] = Bn[-coluna]
        # Denominador do aproximante de Padé
        Denominador = sp.Function('Denominador')
        Denominador = bn * Dx
        ##-- Construção do numerador --##
        # Vetor para os coeficientes do numerador
        cn = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((1, grauDoNumerador + 1)))
        # Potências do numerador
        Nx = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((grauDoNumerador + 1, 1)))
        for linha in range(0, grauDoNumerador + 1):
            Nx[linha] = x**(linha)
        # Se o grau do numerador é menor do que o grau do denominador
        if (grauDoNumerador < grauDoDenominador):
            coluna = 1
            while (coluna <= grauDoNumerador + 1):
                An = sp.Matrix(
                        objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador,
                Bn = sp.Matrix(bn[0:coluna])
                cn[coluna - 1] = sp.Transpose(An) * Bn
                coluna += 1
            # Numerador do aproximante de Padé
            Numerador = sp.Function('Numerador')
            Numerador = cn * Nx
            # Função racional
            R = sp.Function('R')
            R = Numerador[0] / Denominador[0]
            # Aproximante de Padé
            Pade = sp.Function('Pade')
            Pade = R
            return (Pade)
        # Se o grau do mumerador é maior do que o grau do denominador
            # Cálculo dos coeficientes c_n até n = grau do denominador
            coluna = 1
            while (coluna <= grauDoDenominador + 1):
                An = sp.Matrix(
                        objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador,
                Bn = sp.Matrix(bn[0:coluna])
                cn[coluna - 1] = sp.Transpose(An) * Bn
                coluna += 1
            # Cálculo dos coeficiente c_n para n > grau do denominador
            j = -1
            while (coluna <= grauDoNumerador + 1):
                An = sp.Matrix(
                        objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador,
                Bn = sp.Matrix(bn[0:])
                cn[coluna - 1] = sp.Transpose(An) * Bn
                coluna += 1
                j -= 1
            # Numerador do aproximante de Padé
            Numerador = sp.Function('Numerador')
            Numerador = cn * Nx
            # Função racional
            R = sp.Function('R')
            R = Numerador[0] / Denominador[0]
            # Aproximante de Padé
            Pade = sp.Function('Pade')
            Pade = R
        return (Pade)
    # Se a matriz não é invertível
        return ("A matriz dos coeficientes não é invertível. ")
Exemple #10
theta_pitch, phi_yaw = symbols('theta_pitch phi_yaw')

RO_L = RotationSym(theta_pitch, 'Y') * RotationSym(phi_yaw, 'Z') * RotationSym(
    -pi / 2, 'Z') * RotationSym(pi / 2 - l3, 'X') * RotationSym(alpha, 'Z')
VL = (RO_L[:3, :3])[:, 1]
UL = ((RotationSym(theta_L, 'Y') * RotationSym(l1, 'X'))[:3, :3])[:, 1]


RO_R = RotationSym(theta_pitch, 'Y') * RotationSym(phi_yaw, 'Z') * RotationSym(
    -pi / 2, 'Z') * RotationSym(pi / 2 - l3, 'X') * RotationSym(-alpha, 'Z')
VR = (RO_R[:3, :3])[:, 1]
UR = ((RotationSym(pi, 'Z') * RotationSym(theta_R, 'Y') *
       RotationSym(l1, 'X'))[:3, :3])[:, 1]

fL = (sy.Transpose(VL) * UL)[0] - cos(l2)
fR = (sy.Transpose(VR) * UR)[0] - cos(l2)

fL = sy.collect(sy.trigsimp(fL, deep='True'), sin(theta_L - theta_pitch))
fR = sy.collect(sy.trigsimp(fR, deep='True'), cos(theta_R + theta_pitch))
f3 = (sy.Transpose(VL) * VR)[0] - cos(2 * alpha)

dataL = (theta_pitch, phi_yaw, theta_L, theta_R, l1, l2, l3, alpha)

UL_, VL_ = sy.lambdify(dataL, UL), sy.lambdify(dataL, VL)
UR_, VR_ = sy.lambdify(dataL, UR), sy.lambdify(dataL, VR)

FL_ = sy.lambdify(dataL, fL)
FR_ = sy.lambdify(dataL, fR)
F3_ = sy.lambdify(dataL, f3)
Exemple #11
                   ], [0, 0]])
JO_L1 = sp.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0]])
JO_L2 = sp.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]])
JP_M1 = sp.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])
JP_M2 = sp.Matrix([[-a1 * sp.sin(theta1), 0], [a1 * sp.cos(theta1), 0], [0,
JO_M1 = sp.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0], [kr1, 0]])
JO_M2 = sp.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, kr2]])

R0_1 = sp.Matrix([[sp.cos(theta1), -1 * sp.sin(theta1), 0],
                  [sp.sin(theta1), sp.cos(theta1), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
R1_2 = sp.Matrix([[sp.cos(theta2), -1 * sp.sin(theta2), 0],
                  [sp.sin(theta2), sp.cos(theta2), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
R0_2 = R0_1 * R1_2

term1 = ml1 * sp.Transpose(JP_L1) * JP_L1 + sp.Transpose(
    JO_L1) * R0_1 * Il1 * sp.Transpose(R0_1) * JO_L1
term2 = mm1 * sp.Transpose(JP_M1) * JP_M1 + sp.Transpose(
    JO_M1) * R0_1 * Im1 * sp.Transpose(R0_1) * JO_M1
term3 = ml2 * sp.Transpose(JP_L2) * JP_L2 + sp.Transpose(
    JO_L2) * R0_2 * Il2 * sp.Transpose(R0_2) * JO_L2
term4 = mm2 * sp.Transpose(JP_M2) * JP_M2 + sp.Transpose(
    JO_M2) * R0_2 * Im2 * sp.Transpose(R0_2) * JO_M2

B = term1 + term2 + term3 + term4



#B11 = [Il1 + Il2 + Im1*kr1**2 + Im2 + ml1*(l1**2*sin(theta1)**2 + l1**2*cos(theta1)**2) + ml2*((-a1*sin(theta1) - l2*sin(theta1 + theta2))**2 + (a1*cos(theta1) + l2*cos(theta1 + theta2))**2) + mm2*(a1**2*sin(theta1)**2 + a1**2*cos(theta1)**2),
def proc_error_covar(Fx, Q, P_old):
    P = Fx * P_old * sympy.Transpose(Fx) + Q
    return P
def proc_noise_covar(std_theta, std_V, std_D, Fu):
    M = sympy.Matrix([[std_theta**2, 0, 0], [0, std_V**2, 0], [0, 0,
    Q = Fu * M * sympy.Transpose(Fu)
    return Q
Exemple #14
    interacoes = interacoes + 1
    n = 0
    matrix_X = Matrix(n_exp, 1, lambda i, j: i + j)
    for x in range(0, n_exp):
        matrix_X[n] = Symbol("x" + str(n + 1))
        n = n + 1

    Jac = Matrix([matrix_X])

    if (flag == 0):
        matriz_um = jcb_direct_diff(M, Jac, x_zero)

    matriz_dois = matrix_z(M, Jac, x_zero, matriz_um)
    res = np.array(
        [list(matriz_dois.values()) for item in matriz_dois.values()])
    res = sympy.Matrix(res)
    maz2_true = res.row(0)
    maz2_true = sympy.Transpose(maz2_true)
    maz = (maz2_true - maz2_true) + maz2_true
    matriz_dois = maz
    var = check_diff(matriz_dois)

    if var > 0:
        x_zero = (x_zero + matriz_dois)
        flag = flag + 1
