Exemple #1
def test_issue_2033():
    r, t = symbols("r,t")
    assert solve([r - x ** 2 - y ** 2, tan(t) - y / x], [x, y]) == [
        (-sqrt(r * sin(t) ** 2) / tan(t), -sqrt(r * sin(t) ** 2)),
        (sqrt(r * sin(t) ** 2) / tan(t), sqrt(r * sin(t) ** 2)),
    assert solve([exp(x) - sin(y), 1 / y - 3], [x, y]) == [(log(sin(S(1) / 3)), S(1) / 3)]
    assert solve([exp(x) - sin(y), 1 / exp(y) - 3], [x, y]) == [(log(-sin(log(3))), -log(3))]
    assert solve([exp(x) - sin(y), y ** 2 - 4], [x, y]) == [(log(-sin(2)), -2), (log(sin(2)), 2)]
    eqs = [exp(x) ** 2 - sin(y) + z ** 2, 1 / exp(y) - 3]
    assert solve(eqs) == [
        {x: log(-sqrt(-z ** 2 - sin(log(3)))), y: -log(3)},
        {x: log(sqrt(-z ** 2 - sin(log(3)))), y: -log(3)},
    assert solve(eqs, x, z) == [{x: log(-sqrt(-z ** 2 + sin(y)))}, {x: log(sqrt(-z ** 2 + sin(y)))}]
    assert solve(eqs, x, y) == [
        (log(-sqrt(-z ** 2 - sin(log(3)))), -log(3)),
        (log(sqrt(-z ** 2 - sin(log(3)))), -log(3)),
    assert solve(eqs, y, z) == [(-log(3), -sqrt(-exp(2 * x) - sin(log(3)))), (-log(3), sqrt(-exp(2 * x) - sin(log(3))))]
    eqs = [exp(x) ** 2 - sin(y) + z, 1 / exp(y) - 3]
    assert solve(eqs) == [{x: log(-sqrt(-z - sin(log(3)))), y: -log(3)}, {x: log(sqrt(-z - sin(log(3)))), y: -log(3)}]
    assert solve(eqs, x, z) == [{x: log(-sqrt(-z + sin(y)))}, {x: log(sqrt(-z + sin(y)))}]
    assert solve(eqs, x, y) == [(log(-sqrt(-z - sin(log(3)))), -log(3)), (log(sqrt(-z - sin(log(3)))), -log(3))]
    assert solve(eqs, z, y) == [(-exp(2 * x) - sin(log(3)), -log(3))]
    assert solve((sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) - sqrt(10), x + y - 4)) == [{x: 1, y: 3}, {x: 3, y: 1}]
    assert solve((sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) - sqrt(10), x + y - 4), x, y) == [(1, 3), (3, 1)]
Exemple #2
def test_maximum():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    assert maximum(sin(x), x) == S.One
    assert maximum(sin(x), x, Interval(0, 1)) == sin(1)
    assert maximum(tan(x), x) == oo
    assert maximum(tan(x), x, Interval(-pi/4, pi/4)) == S.One
    assert maximum(sin(x)*cos(x), x, S.Reals) == S.Half
    assert simplify(maximum(sin(x)*cos(x), x, Interval(3*pi/8, 5*pi/8))
        ) == sqrt(2)/4
    assert maximum((x+3)*(x-2), x) == oo
    assert maximum((x+3)*(x-2), x, Interval(-5, 0)) == S(14)
    assert maximum((x+3)/(x-2), x, Interval(-5, 0)) == S(2)/7
    assert simplify(maximum(-x**4-x**3+x**2+10, x)
        ) == 41*sqrt(41)/512 + S(5419)/512
    assert maximum(exp(x), x, Interval(-oo, 2)) == exp(2)
    assert maximum(log(x) - x, x, S.Reals) == -S.One
    assert maximum(cos(x), x, Union(Interval(0, 5), Interval(-6, -3))
        ) == S.One
    assert maximum(cos(x)-sin(x), x, S.Reals) == sqrt(2)
    assert maximum(y, x, S.Reals) == y

    raises(ValueError, lambda : maximum(sin(x), x, S.EmptySet))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : maximum(log(cos(x)), x, S.EmptySet))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : maximum(1/(x**2 + y**2 + 1), x, S.EmptySet))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : maximum(sin(x), sin(x)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : maximum(sin(x), x*y, S.EmptySet))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : maximum(sin(x), S(1)))
Exemple #3
def trig_rule(integral):
    integrand, symbol = integral
    if isinstance(integrand, sympy.sin) or isinstance(integrand, sympy.cos):
        arg = integrand.args[0]

        if not isinstance(arg, sympy.Symbol):
            return  # perhaps a substitution can deal with it

        if isinstance(integrand, sympy.sin):
            func = 'sin'
            func = 'cos'

        return TrigRule(func, arg, integrand, symbol)

    if isinstance(integrand, sympy.tan):
        rewritten = sympy.sin(*integrand.args) / sympy.cos(*integrand.args)
    elif isinstance(integrand, sympy.cot):
        rewritten = sympy.cos(*integrand.args) / sympy.sin(*integrand.args)
    elif isinstance(integrand, sympy.sec):
        arg = integrand.args[0]
        rewritten = ((sympy.sec(arg)**2 + sympy.tan(arg) * sympy.sec(arg)) /
                     (sympy.sec(arg) + sympy.tan(arg)))
    elif isinstance(integrand, sympy.csc):
        arg = integrand.args[0]
        rewritten = ((sympy.csc(arg)**2 + sympy.cot(arg) * sympy.csc(arg)) /
                     (sympy.csc(arg) + sympy.cot(arg)))
    return RewriteRule(
        integral_steps(rewritten, symbol),
        integrand, symbol
Exemple #4
def test_evalc():
    x = Symbol("x", real=True)
    y = Symbol("y", real=True)
    z = Symbol("z")
    assert ((x+I*y)**2).expand(complex=True) == x**2+2*I*x*y - y**2
    assert expand_complex(z**(2*I)) == I*im(z**(2*I)) + re(z**(2*I))

    assert exp(I*x) != cos(x)+I*sin(x)
    assert exp(I*x).expand(complex=True) == cos(x)+I*sin(x)
    assert exp(I*x+y).expand(complex=True) == exp(y)*cos(x)+I*sin(x)*exp(y)

    assert sin(I*x).expand(complex=True) == I * sinh(x)
    assert sin(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == sin(x)*cosh(y) + \
            I * sinh(y) * cos(x)

    assert cos(I*x).expand(complex=True) == cosh(x)
    assert cos(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == cos(x)*cosh(y) - \
            I * sinh(y) * sin(x)

    assert tan(I*x).expand(complex=True) == tanh(x) * I
    assert tan(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == \
            ((sin(x)*cos(x) + I*cosh(y)*sinh(y)) / (cos(x)**2 + sinh(y)**2)).expand()

    assert sinh(I*x).expand(complex=True) == I * sin(x)
    assert sinh(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == sinh(x)*cos(y) + \
            I * sin(y) * cosh(x)

    assert cosh(I*x).expand(complex=True) == cos(x)
    assert cosh(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == cosh(x)*cos(y) + \
            I * sin(y) * sinh(x)

    assert tanh(I*x).expand(complex=True) == tan(x) * I
    assert tanh(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == \
            ((sinh(x)*cosh(x) + I*cos(y)*sin(y)) / (sinh(x)**2 + cos(y)**2)).expand()
Exemple #5
def test_function_range():
    x, y, a, b = symbols('x y a b')
    assert function_range(sin(x), x, Interval(-pi/2, pi/2)
        ) == Interval(-1, 1)
    assert function_range(sin(x), x, Interval(0, pi)
        ) == Interval(0, 1)
    assert function_range(tan(x), x, Interval(0, pi)
        ) == Interval(-oo, oo)
    assert function_range(tan(x), x, Interval(pi/2, pi)
        ) == Interval(-oo, 0)
    assert function_range((x + 3)/(x - 2), x, Interval(-5, 5)
        ) == Union(Interval(-oo, 2/7), Interval(8/3, oo))
    assert function_range(1/(x**2), x, Interval(-1, 1)
        ) == Interval(1, oo)
    assert function_range(exp(x), x, Interval(-1, 1)
        ) == Interval(exp(-1), exp(1))
    assert function_range(log(x) - x, x, S.Reals
        ) == Interval(-oo, -1)
    assert function_range(sqrt(3*x - 1), x, Interval(0, 2)
        ) == Interval(0, sqrt(5))
    assert function_range(x*(x - 1) - (x**2 - x), x, S.Reals
        ) == FiniteSet(0)
    assert function_range(x*(x - 1) - (x**2 - x) + y, x, S.Reals
        ) == FiniteSet(y)
    assert function_range(sin(x), x, Union(Interval(-5, -3), FiniteSet(4))
        ) == Union(Interval(-sin(3), 1), FiniteSet(sin(4)))
    assert function_range(cos(x), x, Interval(-oo, -4)
        ) == Interval(-1, 1)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda : function_range(
        exp(x)*(sin(x) - cos(x))/2 - x, x, S.Reals))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda : function_range(
        log(x), x, S.Integers))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda : function_range(
        sin(x)/2, x, S.Naturals))
Exemple #6
def test_tan_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    neg_exp, pos_exp = exp(-x*I), exp(x*I)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(exp) == I*(neg_exp-pos_exp)/(neg_exp+pos_exp)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(sin) == 2*sin(x)**2/sin(2*x)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cos) == -cos(x + S.Pi/2)/cos(x)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cot) == 1/cot(x)
Exemple #7
def test_minimum():
    x, y = symbols('x y')

    assert minimum(sin(x), x) == -S.One
    assert minimum(sin(x), x, Interval(1, 4)) == sin(4)
    assert minimum(tan(x), x) == -oo
    assert minimum(tan(x), x, Interval(-pi/4, pi/4)) == -S.One
    assert minimum(sin(x)*cos(x), x, S.Reals) == -S.Half
    assert simplify(minimum(sin(x)*cos(x), x, Interval(3*pi/8, 5*pi/8))
        ) == -sqrt(2)/4
    assert minimum((x+3)*(x-2), x) == -S(25)/4
    assert minimum((x+3)/(x-2), x, Interval(-5, 0)) == -S(3)/2
    assert minimum(x**4-x**3+x**2+10, x) == S(10)
    assert minimum(exp(x), x, Interval(-2, oo)) == exp(-2)
    assert minimum(log(x) - x, x, S.Reals) == -oo
    assert minimum(cos(x), x, Union(Interval(0, 5), Interval(-6, -3))
        ) == -S.One
    assert minimum(cos(x)-sin(x), x, S.Reals) == -sqrt(2)
    assert minimum(y, x, S.Reals) == y

    raises(ValueError, lambda : minimum(sin(x), x, S.EmptySet))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : minimum(log(cos(x)), x, S.EmptySet))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : minimum(1/(x**2 + y**2 + 1), x, S.EmptySet))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : minimum(sin(x), sin(x)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : minimum(sin(x), x*y, S.EmptySet))
    raises(ValueError, lambda : minimum(sin(x), S(1)))
    def __init__(self, dt, wheelbase):
        EKF.__init__(self, 3, 2, 2)
        self.dt = dt
        self.wheelbase = wheelbase

        a, x, y, v, w, theta, time = symbols(
            'a, x, y, v, w, theta, t')

        d = v*time
        beta = (d/w)*sympy.tan(a)
        r = w/sympy.tan(a)

        self.fxu = Matrix([[x-r*sympy.sin(theta)+r*sympy.sin(theta+beta)],

        self.F_j = self.fxu.jacobian(Matrix([x, y, theta]))
        self.V_j = self.fxu.jacobian(Matrix([v, a]))

        self.subs = {x: 0, y: 0, v:0, a:0, time:dt, w:wheelbase, theta:0}
        self.x_x = x
        self.x_y = y
        self.v = v
        self.a = a
        self.theta = theta
Exemple #9
def test_ImageSet_simplification():
    from sympy.abc import n, m

    assert imageset(Lambda(n, n), S.Integers) == S.Integers
    assert imageset(Lambda(n, sin(n)), imageset(Lambda(m, tan(m)), S.Integers)) == imageset(
        Lambda(m, sin(tan(m))), S.Integers
Exemple #10
def newton():
    x1 = Symbol("x1")
    y1 = Symbol("y1")
    m = 0.2
    a = 0.7
    e = 0.0001
    f1 = tan(x1 * y1 + m) - x1
    f2 = a * x1 ** 2 + 2 * y1 ** 2 - 1
    y11 = diff(f1, x1)
    y12 = diff(f1, y1)
    y21 = diff(f2, x1)
    y22 = diff(f2, y1)
    j = Matrix([[y11, y12], [y21, y22]])
    j1 = j.inv()
    x0 = 0.75
    y0 = 0.4
    xn = x0 - j1[0, 0].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f1.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
    - j1[0, 1].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f2.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
    yn = y0 - j1[1, 0].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f1.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
    - j1[1, 1].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f2.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
    count2 = 0
    while (abs(xn - x0) > e) or (abs(yn - y0) > e):
        x0 = xn
        y0 = yn
        calcul = j1[0, 0].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f1.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) - j1[0, 1].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f2.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
        xn = x0 - calcul
        yn = y0 - j1[1, 0].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f1.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) - j1[1, 1].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f2.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)

        count2 += 1
    print("x = ", xn, " ", "y = ", yn, " - ", count2, " iterations")
    print("graph processing...")
    plot_implicit(Or(Eq(a * x1 ** 2 + 2 * y1 ** 2, 1), Eq(tan(x1 * y1 + m) - x1, 0)), (x1, -5, 5), (y1, -5, 5))
Exemple #11
def test_periodicity():
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')

    assert periodicity(sin(2*x), x) == pi
    assert periodicity((-2)*tan(4*x), x) == pi/4
    assert periodicity(sin(x)**2, x) == 2*pi
    assert periodicity(3**tan(3*x), x) == pi/3
    assert periodicity(tan(x)*cos(x), x) == 2*pi
    assert periodicity(sin(x)**(tan(x)), x) == 2*pi
    assert periodicity(tan(x)*sec(x), x) == 2*pi
    assert periodicity(sin(2*x)*cos(2*x) - y, x) == pi/2
    assert periodicity(tan(x) + cot(x), x) == pi
    assert periodicity(sin(x) - cos(2*x), x) == 2*pi
    assert periodicity(sin(x) - 1, x) == 2*pi
    assert periodicity(sin(4*x) + sin(x)*cos(x), x) == pi
    assert periodicity(exp(sin(x)), x) == 2*pi
    assert periodicity(log(cot(2*x)) - sin(cos(2*x)), x) == pi
    assert periodicity(sin(2*x)*exp(tan(x) - csc(2*x)), x) == pi
    assert periodicity(cos(sec(x) - csc(2*x)), x) == 2*pi
    assert periodicity(tan(sin(2*x)), x) == pi
    assert periodicity(2*tan(x)**2, x) == pi

    assert periodicity(sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2, x) == S.Zero
    assert periodicity(tan(x), y) == S.Zero

    assert periodicity(exp(x), x) is None
    assert periodicity(log(x), x) is None
    assert periodicity(exp(x)**sin(x), x) is None
    assert periodicity(sin(x)**y, y) is None
Exemple #12
def test_tanh():
    x, y = symbols('xy')

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)

    assert tanh(nan) == nan

    assert tanh(oo) == 1
    assert tanh(-oo) == -1

    assert tanh(0) == 0

    assert tanh(1) == tanh(1)
    assert tanh(-1) == -tanh(1)

    assert tanh(x) == tanh(x)
    assert tanh(-x) == -tanh(x)

    assert tanh(pi) == tanh(pi)
    assert tanh(-pi) == -tanh(pi)

    assert tanh(2**1024 * E) == tanh(2**1024 * E)
    assert tanh(-2**1024 * E) == -tanh(2**1024 * E)

    assert tanh(pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(-pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(2*pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(-2*pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(-3*10**73*pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(7*10**103*pi*I) == 0

    assert tanh(pi*I/2) == tanh(pi*I/2)
    assert tanh(-pi*I/2) == -tanh(pi*I/2)
    assert tanh(5*pi*I/2) == tanh(5*pi*I/2)
    assert tanh(7*pi*I/2) == tanh(7*pi*I/2)

    assert tanh(pi*I/3) == sqrt(3)*I
    assert tanh(-2*pi*I/3) == sqrt(3)*I

    assert tanh(pi*I/4) == I
    assert tanh(-pi*I/4) == -I
    assert tanh(17*pi*I/4) == I
    assert tanh(-3*pi*I/4) == I

    assert tanh(pi*I/6) == I/sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(-pi*I/6) == -I/sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(7*pi*I/6) == I/sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(-5*pi*I/6) == I/sqrt(3)

    assert tanh(pi*I/105) == tan(pi/105)*I
    assert tanh(-pi*I/105) == -tan(pi/105)*I

    assert tanh(2 + 3*I) == tanh(2 + 3*I)

    assert tanh(x*I) == tan(x)*I

    assert tanh(k*pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(17*k*pi*I) == 0

    assert tanh(k*pi*I/2) == tan(k*pi/2)*I
Exemple #13
def test_hyper_as_trig():
    from sympy.simplify.fu import _osborne as o, _osbornei as i, TR12

    eq = sinh(x)**2 + cosh(x)**2
    t, f = hyper_as_trig(eq)
    assert f(fu(t)) == cosh(2*x)
    e, f = hyper_as_trig(tanh(x + y))
    assert f(TR12(e)) == (tanh(x) + tanh(y))/(tanh(x)*tanh(y) + 1)

    d = Dummy()
    assert o(sinh(x), d) == I*sin(x*d)
    assert o(tanh(x), d) == I*tan(x*d)
    assert o(coth(x), d) == cot(x*d)/I
    assert o(cosh(x), d) == cos(x*d)
    for func in (sinh, cosh, tanh, coth):
        h = func(pi)
        assert i(o(h, d), d) == h
    # /!\ the _osborne functions are not meant to work
    # in the o(i(trig, d), d) direction so we just check
    # that they work as they are supposed to work
    assert i(cos(x*y), y) == cosh(x)
    assert i(sin(x*y), y) == sinh(x)/I
    assert i(tan(x*y), y) == tanh(x)/I
    assert i(cot(x*y), y) == coth(x)*I
    assert i(sec(x*y), y) == 1/cosh(x)
    assert i(csc(x*y), y) == I/sinh(x)
def test_heurisch_trigonometric():
    assert heurisch(sin(x), x) == -cos(x)
    assert heurisch(pi*sin(x) + 1, x) == x - pi*cos(x)

    assert heurisch(cos(x), x) == sin(x)
    assert heurisch(tan(x), x) in [
        log(1 + tan(x)**2)/2,
        log(tan(x) + I) + I*x,
        log(tan(x) - I) - I*x,

    assert heurisch(sin(x)*sin(y), x) == -cos(x)*sin(y)
    assert heurisch(sin(x)*sin(y), y) == -cos(y)*sin(x)

    # gives sin(x) in answer when run via setup.py and cos(x) when run via py.test
    assert heurisch(sin(x)*cos(x), x) in [sin(x)**2 / 2, -cos(x)**2 / 2]
    assert heurisch(cos(x)/sin(x), x) == log(sin(x))

    assert heurisch(x*sin(7*x), x) == sin(7*x) / 49 - x*cos(7*x) / 7
    assert heurisch(1/pi/4 * x**2*cos(x), x) == 1/pi/4*(x**2*sin(x) -
                    2*sin(x) + 2*x*cos(x))

    assert heurisch(acos(x/4) * asin(x/4), x) == 2*x - (sqrt(16 - x**2))*asin(x/4) \
        + (sqrt(16 - x**2))*acos(x/4) + x*asin(x/4)*acos(x/4)

    assert heurisch(sin(x)/(cos(x)**2+1), x) == -atan(cos(x)) #fixes issue 13723
    assert heurisch(1/(cos(x)+2), x) == 2*sqrt(3)*atan(sqrt(3)*tan(x/2)/3)/3
    assert heurisch(2*sin(x)*cos(x)/(sin(x)**4 + 1), x) == atan(sqrt(2)*sin(x)
        - 1) - atan(sqrt(2)*sin(x) + 1)

    assert heurisch(1/cosh(x), x) == 2*atan(tanh(x/2))
def sp_derive():

    import sympy as sp

    vars = 'G_s, s_n, s_p_n, w_n, dw_n, ds_n, G_s, G_w, c, phi'

    syms = sp.symbols(vars)

    for var, sym in zip(vars.split(','), syms):
        globals()[var.strip()] = sym

    s_n1 = s_n + ds_n
    w_n1 = w_n + dw_n

    tau_trial = G_s * (s_n1 - s_p_n)

    print 'diff', sp.diff(tau_trial, ds_n)

    print tau_trial

    sig_n1 = G_w * w_n1

    print sig_n1

    tau_fr = (c + sig_n1 * sp.tan(phi)) * sp.Heaviside(sig_n1 - c / sp.tan(phi))

    print tau_fr

    d_tau_fr = sp.diff(tau_fr, dw_n)

    print d_tau_fr

    f_trial = sp.abs(tau_trial) - tau_fr

    print f_trial

    d_gamma = f_trial / G_s

    print 'd_gamma'

    print 'd_gamma_s'
    sp.pretty_print(sp.diff(d_gamma, ds_n))

    print 'tau_n1'
    tau_n1 = sp.simplify(tau_trial - d_gamma * G_s * sp.sign(tau_trial))

    print 'dtau_n1_w'
    dtau_n1_w = sp.diff(tau_n1, dw_n)

    print 'dtau_n1_s'
    dtau_n1_s = sp.diff(d_gamma * sp.sign(tau_trial), ds_n)
    print dtau_n1_s

    s_p_n1 = s_p_n + d_gamma * sp.sign(tau_trial)

    print s_p_n1
Exemple #16
def test_basic1():
    assert limit(x, x, oo) == oo
    assert limit(x, x, -oo) == -oo
    assert limit(-x, x, oo) == -oo
    assert limit(x**2, x, -oo) == oo
    assert limit(-x**2, x, oo) == -oo
    assert limit(x*log(x), x, 0, dir="+") == 0
    assert limit(1/x, x, oo) == 0
    assert limit(exp(x), x, oo) == oo
    assert limit(-exp(x), x, oo) == -oo
    assert limit(exp(x)/x, x, oo) == oo
    assert limit(1/x - exp(-x), x, oo) == 0
    assert limit(x + 1/x, x, oo) == oo
    assert limit(x - x**2, x, oo) == -oo
    assert limit((1 + x)**(1 + sqrt(2)), x, 0) == 1
    assert limit((1 + x)**oo, x, 0) == oo
    assert limit((1 + x)**oo, x, 0, dir='-') == 0
    assert limit((1 + x + y)**oo, x, 0, dir='-') == (1 + y)**(oo)
    assert limit(y/x/log(x), x, 0) == -oo*sign(y)
    assert limit(cos(x + y)/x, x, 0) == sign(cos(y))*oo
    assert limit(gamma(1/x + 3), x, oo) == 2
    assert limit(S.NaN, x, -oo) == S.NaN
    assert limit(Order(2)*x, x, S.NaN) == S.NaN
    assert limit(1/(x - 1), x, 1, dir="+") == oo
    assert limit(1/(x - 1), x, 1, dir="-") == -oo
    assert limit(1/(5 - x)**3, x, 5, dir="+") == -oo
    assert limit(1/(5 - x)**3, x, 5, dir="-") == oo
    assert limit(1/sin(x), x, pi, dir="+") == -oo
    assert limit(1/sin(x), x, pi, dir="-") == oo
    assert limit(1/cos(x), x, pi/2, dir="+") == -oo
    assert limit(1/cos(x), x, pi/2, dir="-") == oo
    assert limit(1/tan(x**3), x, (2*pi)**(S(1)/3), dir="+") == oo
    assert limit(1/tan(x**3), x, (2*pi)**(S(1)/3), dir="-") == -oo
    assert limit(1/cot(x)**3, x, (3*pi/2), dir="+") == -oo
    assert limit(1/cot(x)**3, x, (3*pi/2), dir="-") == oo

    # test bi-directional limits
    assert limit(sin(x)/x, x, 0, dir="+-") == 1
    assert limit(x**2, x, 0, dir="+-") == 0
    assert limit(1/x**2, x, 0, dir="+-") == oo

    # test failing bi-directional limits
    raises(ValueError, lambda: limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="+-"))
    # approaching 0
    # from dir="+"
    assert limit(1 + 1/x, x, 0) == oo
    # from dir='-'
    # Add
    assert limit(1 + 1/x, x, 0, dir='-') == -oo
    # Pow
    assert limit(x**(-2), x, 0, dir='-') == oo
    assert limit(x**(-3), x, 0, dir='-') == -oo
    assert limit(1/sqrt(x), x, 0, dir='-') == (-oo)*I
    assert limit(x**2, x, 0, dir='-') == 0
    assert limit(sqrt(x), x, 0, dir='-') == 0
    assert limit(x**-pi, x, 0, dir='-') == oo*sign((-1)**(-pi))
    assert limit((1 + cos(x))**oo, x, 0) == oo
Exemple #17
def test_basic1():
    assert limit(x, x, oo) == oo
    assert limit(x, x, -oo) == -oo
    assert limit(-x, x, oo) == -oo
    assert limit(x**2, x, -oo) == oo
    assert limit(-x**2, x, oo) == -oo
    assert limit(x*log(x), x, 0, dir="+") == 0
    assert limit(1/x, x, oo) == 0
    assert limit(exp(x), x, oo) == oo
    assert limit(-exp(x), x, oo) == -oo
    assert limit(exp(x)/x, x, oo) == oo
    assert limit(1/x - exp(-x), x, oo) == 0
    assert limit(x + 1/x, x, oo) == oo
    assert limit(x - x**2, x, oo) == -oo
    assert limit((1 + x)**(1 + sqrt(2)), x, 0) == 1
    assert limit((1 + x)**oo, x, 0) == oo
    assert limit((1 + x)**oo, x, 0, dir='-') == 0
    assert limit((1 + x + y)**oo, x, 0, dir='-') == (1 + y)**(oo)
    assert limit(y/x/log(x), x, 0) == -y*oo
    assert limit(cos(x + y)/x, x, 0) == sign(cos(y))*oo
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: limit(Sum(1/x, (x, 1, y)) -
           log(y), y, oo))
    assert limit(Sum(1/x, (x, 1, y)) - 1/y, y, oo) == Sum(1/x, (x, 1, oo))
    assert limit(gamma(1/x + 3), x, oo) == 2
    assert limit(S.NaN, x, -oo) == S.NaN
    assert limit(Order(2)*x, x, S.NaN) == S.NaN
    assert limit(Sum(1/x, (x, 1, y)) - 1/y, y, oo) == Sum(1/x, (x, 1, oo))
    assert limit(gamma(1/x + 3), x, oo) == 2
    assert limit(S.NaN, x, -oo) == S.NaN
    assert limit(Order(2)*x, x, S.NaN) == S.NaN
    assert limit(1/(x - 1), x, 1, dir="+") == oo
    assert limit(1/(x - 1), x, 1, dir="-") == -oo
    assert limit(1/(5 - x)**3, x, 5, dir="+") == -oo
    assert limit(1/(5 - x)**3, x, 5, dir="-") == oo
    assert limit(1/sin(x), x, pi, dir="+") == -oo
    assert limit(1/sin(x), x, pi, dir="-") == oo
    assert limit(1/cos(x), x, pi/2, dir="+") == -oo
    assert limit(1/cos(x), x, pi/2, dir="-") == oo
    assert limit(1/tan(x**3), x, (2*pi)**(S(1)/3), dir="+") == oo
    assert limit(1/tan(x**3), x, (2*pi)**(S(1)/3), dir="-") == -oo
    assert limit(1/cot(x)**3, x, (3*pi/2), dir="+") == -oo
    assert limit(1/cot(x)**3, x, (3*pi/2), dir="-") == oo

    # approaching 0
    # from dir="+"
    assert limit(1 + 1/x, x, 0) == oo
    # from dir='-'
    # Add
    assert limit(1 + 1/x, x, 0, dir='-') == -oo
    # Pow
    assert limit(x**(-2), x, 0, dir='-') == oo
    assert limit(x**(-3), x, 0, dir='-') == -oo
    assert limit(1/sqrt(x), x, 0, dir='-') == (-oo)*I
    assert limit(x**2, x, 0, dir='-') == 0
    assert limit(sqrt(x), x, 0, dir='-') == 0
    assert limit(x**-pi, x, 0, dir='-') == zoo
    assert limit((1 + cos(x))**oo, x, 0) == oo
Exemple #18
def test_csc():
    x = symbols('x', real=True)
    z = symbols('z')

    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/6707
    cosecant = csc('x')
    alternate = 1/sin('x')
    assert cosecant.equals(alternate) == True
    assert alternate.equals(cosecant) == True

    assert csc.nargs == FiniteSet(1)

    assert csc(0) == zoo
    assert csc(pi) == zoo

    assert csc(pi/2) == 1
    assert csc(-pi/2) == -1
    assert csc(pi/6) == 2
    assert csc(pi/3) == 2*sqrt(3)/3
    assert csc(5*pi/2) == 1
    assert csc(9*pi/7) == -csc(2*pi/7)
    assert csc(I) == -I/sinh(1)
    assert csc(x*I) == -I/sinh(x)
    assert csc(-x) == -csc(x)

    assert csc(x).rewrite(exp) == 2*I/(exp(I*x) - exp(-I*x))
    assert csc(x).rewrite(sin) == 1/sin(x)
    assert csc(x).rewrite(cos) == csc(x)
    assert csc(x).rewrite(tan) == (tan(x/2)**2 + 1)/(2*tan(x/2))

    assert csc(z).conjugate() == csc(conjugate(z))

    assert (csc(z).as_real_imag() ==
            (sin(re(z))*cosh(im(z))/(sin(re(z))**2*cosh(im(z))**2 +
             -cos(re(z))*sinh(im(z))/(sin(re(z))**2*cosh(im(z))**2 +

    assert csc(x).expand(trig=True) == 1/sin(x)
    assert csc(2*x).expand(trig=True) == 1/(2*sin(x)*cos(x))

    assert csc(x).is_real == True
    assert csc(z).is_real == None

    assert csc(x).as_leading_term() == csc(x)

    assert csc(0).is_bounded == False
    assert csc(x).is_bounded == None
    assert csc(pi/2).is_bounded == True

    assert series(csc(x), x, x0=pi/2, n=6) == \
        1 + (x - pi/2)**2/2 + 5*(x - pi/2)**4/24 + O((x - pi/2)**6, (x, pi/2))
    assert series(csc(x), x, x0=0, n=6) == \
            1/x + x/6 + 7*x**3/360 + 31*x**5/15120 + O(x**6)

    assert csc(x).diff(x) == -cot(x)*csc(x)
Exemple #19
def test_sec():
    x = symbols('x', real=True)
    z = symbols('z')

    assert sec.nargs == FiniteSet(1)

    assert sec(0) == 1
    assert sec(pi) == -1
    assert sec(pi/2) == zoo
    assert sec(-pi/2) == zoo
    assert sec(pi/6) == 2*sqrt(3)/3
    assert sec(pi/3) == 2
    assert sec(5*pi/2) == zoo
    assert sec(9*pi/7) == -sec(2*pi/7)
    assert sec(I) == 1/cosh(1)
    assert sec(x*I) == 1/cosh(x)
    assert sec(-x) == sec(x)

    assert sec(x).rewrite(exp) == 1/(exp(I*x)/2 + exp(-I*x)/2)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(sin) == sec(x)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(cos) == 1/cos(x)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(tan) == (tan(x/2)**2 + 1)/(-tan(x/2)**2 + 1)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(pow) == sec(x)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(sqrt) == sec(x)

    assert sec(z).conjugate() == sec(conjugate(z))

    assert (sec(z).as_real_imag() ==
    (cos(re(z))*cosh(im(z))/(sin(re(z))**2*sinh(im(z))**2 +
     sin(re(z))*sinh(im(z))/(sin(re(z))**2*sinh(im(z))**2 +

    assert sec(x).expand(trig=True) == 1/cos(x)
    assert sec(2*x).expand(trig=True) == 1/(2*cos(x)**2 - 1)

    assert sec(x).is_real == True
    assert sec(z).is_real == None

    assert sec(x).as_leading_term() == sec(x)

    assert sec(0).is_bounded == True
    assert sec(x).is_bounded == None
    assert sec(pi/2).is_bounded == False

    assert series(sec(x), x, x0=0, n=6) == 1 + x**2/2 + 5*x**4/24 + O(x**6)

    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/7166
    assert series(sqrt(sec(x))) == 1 + x**2/4 + 7*x**4/96 + O(x**6)

    assert sec(x).diff(x) == tan(x)*sec(x)

    # Taylor Term checks
    assert sec(z).taylor_term(4, z) == 5*z**4/24
    assert sec(z).taylor_term(6, z) == 61*z**6/720
    assert sec(z).taylor_term(5, z) == 0
Exemple #20
def test_manualintegrate_trigonometry():
    assert manualintegrate(sin(x), x) == -cos(x)
    assert manualintegrate(tan(x), x) == -log(cos(x))

    assert manualintegrate(sec(x), x) == log(sec(x) + tan(x))
    assert manualintegrate(csc(x), x) == -log(csc(x) + cot(x))

    assert manualintegrate(sin(x) * cos(x), x) in [sin(x) ** 2 / 2, -cos(x)**2 / 2]
    assert manualintegrate(-sec(x) * tan(x), x) == -sec(x)
    assert manualintegrate(csc(x) * cot(x), x) == -csc(x)
Exemple #21
def test_RootSum_independent():
    f = (x**3 - a)**2*(x**4 - b)**3

    g = Lambda(x, 5*tan(x) + 7)
    h = Lambda(x, tan(x))

    r0 = RootSum(x**3 - a, h, x)
    r1 = RootSum(x**4 - b, h, x)

    assert RootSum(f, g, x).as_ordered_terms() == [10*r0, 15*r1, 126]
Exemple #22
def test_invert_real():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    x = Dummy(real=True)
    n = Symbol('n')
    d = Dummy()
    assert solveset(abs(x) - n, x) == solveset(abs(x) - d, x) == EmptySet()

    n = Symbol('n', real=True)
    assert invert_real(x + 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y - 3))
    assert invert_real(x*3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y / 3))

    assert invert_real(exp(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y)))
    assert invert_real(exp(3*x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y) / 3))
    assert invert_real(exp(x + 3), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y) - 3))

    assert invert_real(exp(x) + 3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y - 3)))
    assert invert_real(exp(x)*3, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y / 3)))

    assert invert_real(log(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y)))
    assert invert_real(log(3*x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y) / 3))
    assert invert_real(log(x + 3), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(exp(y) - 3))

    assert invert_real(Abs(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(-y, y))

    assert invert_real(2**x, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(y)/log(2)))
    assert invert_real(2**exp(x), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(log(log(y)/log(2))))

    assert invert_real(x**2, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(sqrt(y), -sqrt(y)))
    assert invert_real(x**Rational(1, 2), y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y**2))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(x, x, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(x**pi, y, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: invert_real(S.One, y, x))

    assert invert_real(x**31 + x, y, x) == (x**31 + x, FiniteSet(y))

    assert invert_real(Abs(x**31 + x + 1), y, x) == (x**31 + x,
                                                     FiniteSet(-y - 1, y - 1))

    assert invert_real(tan(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + atan(y)), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(tan(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log(n*pi + atan(y))), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(cot(x), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + acot(y)), S.Integers))
    assert invert_real(cot(exp(x)), y, x) == \
        (x, imageset(Lambda(n, log(n*pi + acot(y))), S.Integers))

    assert invert_real(tan(tan(x)), y, x) == \
        (tan(x), imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + atan(y)), S.Integers))

    x = Symbol('x', positive=True)
    assert invert_real(x**pi, y, x) == (x, FiniteSet(y**(1/pi)))
def test_sec():
    x = symbols('x', real=True)
    z = symbols('z')

    assert sec.nargs == 1

    assert sec(0) == 1
    assert sec(pi) == -1
    assert sec(pi/2) == oo
    assert sec(-pi/2) == oo
    assert sec(pi/6) == 2*sqrt(3)/3
    assert sec(pi/3) == 2
    assert sec(5*pi/2) == oo
    assert sec(9*pi/7) == -sec(2*pi/7)
    assert sec(I) == 1/cosh(1)
    assert sec(x*I) == 1/cosh(x)
    assert sec(-x) == sec(x)

    assert sec(x).rewrite(exp) == 1/(exp(I*x)/2 + exp(-I*x)/2)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(sin) == sec(x)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(cos) == 1/cos(x)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(tan) == (tan(x/2)**2 + 1)/(-tan(x/2)**2 + 1)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(pow) == sec(x)
    assert sec(x).rewrite(sqrt) == sec(x)

    assert sec(z).conjugate() == sec(conjugate(z))

    assert (sec(z).as_real_imag() ==
    (cos(re(z))*cosh(im(z))/(sin(re(z))**2*sinh(im(z))**2 +
     sin(re(z))*sinh(im(z))/(sin(re(z))**2*sinh(im(z))**2 +

    assert sec(x).expand(trig=True) == 1/cos(x)
    assert sec(2*x).expand(trig=True) == 1/(2*cos(x)**2 - 1)

    assert sec(x).is_real == True
    assert sec(z).is_real == None

    assert sec(x).as_leading_term() == sec(x)

    assert sec(0).is_bounded == True
    assert sec(x).is_bounded == None
    assert sec(pi/2).is_bounded == False

    assert series(sec(x), x, x0=0, n=6) == 1 + x**2/2 + 5*x**4/24 + O(x**6)

    # https://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=4067
    assert series(sqrt(sec(x))) == 1 + x**2/4 + 7*x**4/96 + O(x**6)

    # https://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=4068
    assert (series(sqrt(sec(x)), x, x0=pi*3/2, n=4) ==
            1/sqrt(x) +x**(S(3)/2)/12 + x**(S(7)/2)/160 + O(x**4))

    assert sec(x).diff(x) == tan(x)*sec(x)
Exemple #24
def test_hyperbolic_simp():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**2 + 1) == cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 - 1) == sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 - sinh(x)**2) == 1
    assert trigsimp(1 - tanh(x)**2) == 1/cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1 - 1/cosh(x)**2) == tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(tanh(x)**2 + 1/cosh(x)**2) == 1
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**2 - 1) == 1/sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1/sinh(x)**2 + 1) == 1/tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**2 - 1/sinh(x)**2) == 1

    assert trigsimp(5*cosh(x)**2 - 5*sinh(x)**2) == 5
    assert trigsimp(5*cosh(x/2)**2 - 2*sinh(x/2)**2) == 3*cosh(x)/2 + S(7)/2

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)/cosh(x)) == tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(x)) == trigsimp(sinh(x)/cosh(x))
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)/sinh(x)) == 1/tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(2*tanh(x)*cosh(x)) == 2*sinh(x)
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**3*sinh(x)**3) == cosh(x)**3
    assert trigsimp(y*tanh(x)**2/sinh(x)**2) == y/cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)/cosh(x)) == 1/sinh(x)

    for a in (pi/6*I, pi/4*I, pi/3*I):
        assert trigsimp(sinh(a)*cosh(x) + cosh(a)*sinh(x)) == sinh(x + a)
        assert trigsimp(-sinh(a)*cosh(x) + cosh(a)*sinh(x)) == sinh(x - a)

    e = 2*cosh(x)**2 - 2*sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(log(e)) == log(2)

    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2*cosh(y)**2 - cosh(x)**2*sinh(y)**2 - sinh(x)**2,
            recursive=True) == 1
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**2*sinh(y)**2 - sinh(x)**2*cosh(y)**2 + cosh(x)**2,
            recursive=True) == 1

    assert abs(trigsimp(2.0*cosh(x)**2 - 2.0*sinh(x)**2) - 2.0) < 1e-10

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**2/cosh(x)**2) == tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**3/cosh(x)**3) == tanh(x)**3
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**10/cosh(x)**10) == tanh(x)**10
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**3/sinh(x)**3) == 1/tanh(x)**3

    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)/sinh(x)) == 1/tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2/sinh(x)**2) == 1/tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**10/sinh(x)**10) == 1/tanh(x)**10

    assert trigsimp(x*cosh(x)*tanh(x)) == x*sinh(x)
    assert trigsimp(-sinh(x) + cosh(x)*tanh(x)) == 0

    assert tan(x) != 1/cot(x)  # cot doesn't auto-simplify

    assert trigsimp(tan(x) - 1/cot(x)) == 0
    assert trigsimp(3*tanh(x)**7 - 2/coth(x)**7) == tanh(x)**7
Exemple #25
def test_function_range():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert function_range(sin(x), x, Interval(-pi/2, pi/2)) == Interval(-1, 1)
    assert function_range(sin(x), x, Interval(0, pi)) == Interval(0, 1)
    assert function_range(tan(x), x, Interval(0, pi)) == Interval(-oo, oo)
    assert function_range(tan(x), x, Interval(pi/2, pi)) == Interval(-oo, 0)
    assert function_range((x + 3)/(x - 2), x, Interval(-5, 5)) == Interval(-oo, oo)
    assert function_range(1/(x**2), x, Interval(-1, 1)) == Interval(1, oo)
    assert function_range(exp(x), x, Interval(-1, 1)) == Interval(exp(-1), exp(1))
    assert function_range(log(x) - x, x, S.Reals) == Interval(-oo, -1)
    assert function_range(sqrt(3*x - 1), x, Interval(0, 2)) == Interval(0, sqrt(5))
def test_real_imag():
    a,b = symbols('a,b', real=True)
    z = a+b*I
    for deep in [True, False]:
        assert sin(z).as_real_imag(deep=deep) == (sin(a)*cosh(b), cos(a)*sinh(b))
        assert cos(z).as_real_imag(deep=deep) == (cos(a)*cosh(b), -sin(a)*sinh(b))
        assert tan(z).as_real_imag(deep=deep) == (sin(a)*cos(a)/(cos(a)**2+sinh(b)**2), sinh(b)*cosh(b)/(cos(a)**2+sinh(b)**2))
        assert cot(z).as_real_imag(deep=deep) == (sin(a)*cos(a)/(sin(a)**2+sinh(b)**2), -sinh(b)*cosh(b)/(sin(a)**2+sinh(b)**2))
        assert sin(a).as_real_imag(deep=deep) == (sin(a), 0)
        assert cos(a).as_real_imag(deep=deep) == (cos(a), 0)
        assert tan(a).as_real_imag(deep=deep) == (tan(a), 0)
        assert cot(a).as_real_imag(deep=deep) == (cot(a), 0)
Exemple #27
def test_function_range():
    x, y, a, b = symbols('x y a b')
    assert function_range(sin(x), x, Interval(-pi/2, pi/2)) == Interval(-1, 1)
    assert function_range(sin(x), x, Interval(0, pi)) == Interval(0, 1)
    assert function_range(tan(x), x, Interval(0, pi)) == Interval(-oo, oo)
    assert function_range(tan(x), x, Interval(pi/2, pi)) == Interval(-oo, 0)
    assert function_range((x + 3)/(x - 2), x, Interval(-5, 5)) == Interval(-oo, oo)
    assert function_range(1/(x**2), x, Interval(-1, 1)) == Interval(1, oo)
    assert function_range(exp(x), x, Interval(-1, 1)) == Interval(exp(-1), exp(1))
    assert function_range(log(x) - x, x, S.Reals) == Interval(-oo, -1)
    assert function_range(sqrt(3*x - 1), x, Interval(0, 2)) == Interval(0, sqrt(5))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda : function_range(exp(x)*(sin(x)-cos(x))/2 - x, x, S.Reals))
Exemple #28
def test_cos_rewrite():
    assert cos(x).rewrite(exp) == exp(I * x) / 2 + exp(-I * x) / 2
    assert cos(x).rewrite(tan) == (1 - tan(x / 2) ** 2) / (1 + tan(x / 2) ** 2)
    assert cos(x).rewrite(cot) == -(1 - cot(x / 2) ** 2) / (1 + cot(x / 2) ** 2)
    assert cos(sinh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sinh(3)).n()
    assert cos(cosh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cosh(3)).n()
    assert cos(tanh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tanh(3)).n()
    assert cos(coth(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, coth(3)).n()
    assert cos(sin(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sin(3)).n()
    assert cos(cos(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cos(3)).n()
    assert cos(tan(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tan(3)).n()
    assert cos(cot(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cot(3)).n()
    assert cos(log(x)).rewrite(Pow) == x ** I / 2 + x ** -I / 2
Exemple #29
def test_sin_rewrite():
    assert sin(x).rewrite(exp) == -I * (exp(I * x) - exp(-I * x)) / 2
    assert sin(x).rewrite(tan) == 2 * tan(x / 2) / (1 + tan(x / 2) ** 2)
    assert sin(x).rewrite(cot) == 2 * cot(x / 2) / (1 + cot(x / 2) ** 2)
    assert sin(sinh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sinh(3)).n()
    assert sin(cosh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cosh(3)).n()
    assert sin(tanh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tanh(3)).n()
    assert sin(coth(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, coth(3)).n()
    assert sin(sin(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sin(3)).n()
    assert sin(cos(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cos(3)).n()
    assert sin(tan(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tan(3)).n()
    assert sin(cot(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cot(3)).n()
    assert sin(log(x)).rewrite(Pow) == I * x ** -I / 2 - I * x ** I / 2
Exemple #30
def test_trigsimp1a():
    assert trigsimp(sin(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)**2) == tan(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tan(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)*cos(2)**2) == sin(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*sin(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)*cos(2)
    assert trigsimp(tan(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/sin(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/sin(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*tan(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(sinh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)) == tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*cosh(2)) == sinh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*sinh(2)) == cosh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/sinh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/sinh(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*tanh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)
Exemple #31
def test_issue_4234():
    assert integrate(1 / sqrt(1 + tan(x)**2)) == tan(x) / sqrt(1 + tan(x)**2)
Exemple #32
def test_inverse_mellin_transform():
    from sympy import (sin, simplify, expand_func, powsimp, Max, Min, expand,
                       powdenest, powsimp, exp_polar, combsimp, cos, cot)
    IMT = inverse_mellin_transform

    assert IMT(gamma(s), s, x, (0, oo)) == exp(-x)
    assert IMT(gamma(-s), s, x, (-oo, 0)) == exp(-1 / x)
    assert simplify(IMT(s/(2*s**2 - 2), s, x, (2, oo))) \
           == (x**2 + 1)*Heaviside(1 - x)/(4*x)

    # test passing "None"
    assert IMT(1/(s**2 - 1), s, x, (-1, None)) \
           == -x*Heaviside(-x + 1)/2 - Heaviside(x - 1)/(2*x)
    assert IMT(1/(s**2 - 1), s, x, (None, 1)) \
           == -x*Heaviside(-x + 1)/2 - Heaviside(x - 1)/(2*x)

    # test expansion of sums
    assert IMT(gamma(s) + gamma(s - 1), s, x, (1, oo)) == (x + 1) * exp(-x) / x

    # test factorisation of polys
    r = symbols('r', real=True)
    assert IMT(1/(s**2 + 1), s, exp(-x), (None, oo)
              ).subs(x, r).rewrite(sin).simplify() \
           == sin(r)*Heaviside(1 - exp(-r))

    # test multiplicative substitution
    a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True)
    c, d = symbols('c d')
    assert IMT(b**(-s / a) * factorial(s / a) / s, s, x,
               (0, oo)) == exp(-b * x**a)
    assert IMT(factorial(a / b + s / b) / (a + s), s, x,
               (-a, oo)) == x**a * exp(-x**b)

    from sympy import expand_mul

    def simp_pows(expr):
        return expand_mul(simplify(powsimp(expr, force=True)),
                          deep=True).replace(exp_polar, exp)  # XXX ?

    # Now test the inverses of all direct transforms tested above

    # Section 8.4.2
    assert IMT(-1 / (nu + s), s, x, (-oo, None)) == x**nu * Heaviside(x - 1)
    assert IMT(1 / (nu + s), s, x, (None, oo)) == x**nu * Heaviside(1 - x)
    assert simp_pows(IMT(gamma(beta)*gamma(s)/gamma(s + beta), s, x, (0, oo))) \
           == (1 - x)**(beta - 1)*Heaviside(1 - x)
    assert simp_pows(IMT(gamma(beta)*gamma(1-beta-s)/gamma(1-s),
                         s, x, (-oo, None))) \
           == (x - 1)**(beta - 1)*Heaviside(x - 1)
    assert simp_pows(IMT(gamma(s)*gamma(rho-s)/gamma(rho), s, x, (0, None))) \
           == (1/(x + 1))**rho
    # TODO should this simplify further?
    assert simp_pows(IMT(d**c*d**(s-1)*sin(pi*c) \
                         s, x, (Max(-re(c), 0), Min(1 - re(c), 1)))) \
           == d**c/(d - x) - x**c/(d - x)

    # TODO is calling simplify twice a bug?
    assert simplify(simplify(IMT(1/sqrt(pi)*(-c/2)*gamma(s)*gamma((1-c)/2 - s) \
                                 s, x, (0, -re(c)/2)))) == \
           (1 + sqrt(x + 1))**c
    assert simplify(IMT(2**(a + 2*s)*b**(a + 2*s - 1)*gamma(s)*gamma(1 - a - 2*s) \
                        /gamma(1 - a - s), s, x, (0, (-re(a) + 1)/2))) == \
           (b + sqrt(b**2 + x))**(a - 1)*(b**2 + b*sqrt(b**2 + x) + x)/(b**2 + x)
    assert simplify(IMT(-2**(c + 2*s)*c*b**(c + 2*s)*gamma(s)*gamma(-c - 2*s) \
                          / gamma(-c - s + 1), s, x, (0, -re(c)/2))) == \
           (b + sqrt(b**2 + x))**c

    # Section 8.4.5
    assert IMT(24 / s**5, s, x, (0, oo)) == log(x)**4 * Heaviside(1 - x)
    assert expand(IMT(6/s**4, s, x, (-oo, 0)), force=True) == \
           log(x)**3*Heaviside(x - 1)
    assert IMT(pi / (s * sin(pi * s)), s, x, (-1, 0)) == log(x + 1)
    assert IMT(pi / (s * sin(pi * s / 2)), s, x, (-2, 0)) == log(x**2 + 1)
    assert IMT(pi / (s * sin(2 * pi * s)), s, x,
               (-S(1) / 2, 0)) == log(sqrt(x) + 1)
    assert IMT(pi / (s * sin(pi * s)), s, x, (0, 1)) == log(1 + 1 / x)

    # TODO
    def mysimp(expr):
        from sympy import expand, logcombine, powsimp
        return expand(powsimp(logcombine(expr, force=True),
                      force=True).replace(exp_polar, exp)
    assert mysimp(mysimp(IMT(pi/(s*tan(pi*s)), s, x, (-1, 0)))) == \
           log(1-x)*Heaviside(1-x) + log(x-1)*Heaviside(x-1)
    # test passing cot
    assert mysimp(IMT(pi*cot(pi*s)/s, s, x, (0, 1))) == \
           log(1/x - 1)*Heaviside(1-x) + log(1 - 1/x)*Heaviside(x-1)

    # 8.4.14
    assert IMT(-gamma(s + S(1)/2)/(sqrt(pi)*s), s, x, (-S(1)/2, 0)) == \

    # 8.4.19
    # TODO these come out ugly
    def mysimp(expr):
        return powsimp(
    assert mysimp(IMT(gamma(a/2 + s)/gamma(a/2 - s + 1), s, x, (-re(a)/2, S(3)/4))) \
           == besselj(a, 2*sqrt(x)*polar_lift(-1))*exp(-I*pi*a)
    assert mysimp(IMT(2**a*gamma(S(1)/2 - 2*s)*gamma(s + (a + 1)/2) \
                      / (gamma(1 - s - a/2)*gamma(1 - 2*s + a)),
                      s, x, (-(re(a) + 1)/2, S(1)/4))) == \
           exp(-I*pi*a)*sin(sqrt(x))*besselj(a, sqrt(x)*polar_lift(-1))
    assert mysimp(IMT(2**a*gamma(a/2 + s)*gamma(S(1)/2 - 2*s) \
                      / (gamma(S(1)/2 - s - a/2)*gamma(1 - 2*s + a)),
                      s, x, (-re(a)/2, S(1)/4))) == \
           exp(-I*pi*a)*cos(sqrt(x))*besselj(a, sqrt(x)*polar_lift(-1))

    # TODO this comes out as an amazing mess, but surprisingly enough mysimp is
    #      effective ...
    assert powsimp(powdenest(mysimp(IMT(gamma(a + s)*gamma(S(1)/2 - s) \
                      / (sqrt(pi)*gamma(1 - s)*gamma(1 + a - s)),
                      s, x, (-re(a), S(1)/2))), polar=True)) == \
           exp(-2*I*pi*a)*besselj(a, sqrt(x)*polar_lift(-1))**2
    # NOTE the next is indeed an even function of sqrt(x), so the result is
    #      correct
    assert mysimp(IMT(gamma(s)*gamma(S(1)/2 - s) \
                      / (sqrt(pi)*gamma(1 - s - a)*gamma(1 + a - s)),
                      s, x, (0, S(1)/2))) == \
           besselj(-a, polar_lift(-1)*sqrt(x))*besselj(a, polar_lift(-1)*sqrt(x))
    assert mysimp(IMT(4**s*gamma(-2*s + 1)*gamma(a/2 + b/2 + s) \
                      / (gamma(-a/2 + b/2 - s + 1)*gamma(a/2 - b/2 - s + 1) \
                         *gamma(a/2 + b/2 - s + 1)),
                      s, x, (-(re(a) + re(b))/2, S(1)/2))) == \
            exp(-I*pi*a -I*pi*b)*besselj(a, sqrt(x)*polar_lift(-1)) \
            *besselj(b, sqrt(x)*polar_lift(-1))

    # Section 8.4.20
    # TODO these come out even messier, not worth testing for now

    # TODO the other bessel functions, when simplification is there

    # for coverage

    assert IMT(pi / cos(pi * s), s, x, (0, S(1) / 2)) == sqrt(x) / (x + 1)
Exemple #33
def test_mellin_transform():
    from sympy import Max, Min, Ne
    MT = mellin_transform

    bpos = symbols('b', positive=True)

    # 8.4.2
    assert MT(x**nu*Heaviside(x - 1), x, s) \
           == (1/(-nu - s), (-oo, -re(nu)), True)
    assert MT(x**nu*Heaviside(1 - x), x, s) \
           == (1/(nu + s), (-re(nu), oo), True)

    assert MT((1-x)**(beta - 1)*Heaviside(1-x), x, s) \
           == (gamma(beta)*gamma(s)/gamma(beta + s),
               (0, oo), re(-beta) < 0)
    assert MT((x-1)**(beta - 1)*Heaviside(x-1), x, s) \
           == (gamma(beta)*gamma(1 - beta - s)/gamma(1 - s),
               (-oo, -re(beta) + 1), re(-beta) < 0)

    assert MT(
        (1 + x)**(-rho), x,
        s) == (gamma(s) * gamma(rho - s) / gamma(rho), (0, re(rho)), True)

    # TODO also the conditions should be simplified
    assert MT(abs(1-x)**(-rho), x, s) == \
        (cos(pi*rho/2 - pi*s)*gamma(s)*gamma(rho-s)/(cos(pi*rho/2)*gamma(rho)),\
         (0, re(rho)), And(re(rho) - 1 < 0, re(rho) < 1))

    mt = MT((1 - x)**(beta - 1) * Heaviside(1 - x) + a *
            (x - 1)**(beta - 1) * Heaviside(x - 1), x, s)
    assert mt[1], mt[2] == ((0, -re(beta) + 1), True)

    assert MT((x**a-b**a)/(x-b), x, s)[0] == \
           pi*b**(a+s-1)*sin(pi*a)/(sin(pi*s)*sin(pi*(a + s)))
    assert MT((x**a-bpos**a)/(x-bpos), x, s) == \
           (pi*bpos**(a+s-1)*sin(pi*a)/(sin(pi*s)*sin(pi*(a + s))),
            (Max(-re(a), 0), Min(1 - re(a), 1)), True)

    expr = (sqrt(x + b**2) + b)**a
    assert MT(expr.subs(b, bpos), x, s) == \
           (-2**(a + 2*s)*a*bpos**(a + 2*s)*gamma(s)*gamma(-a - 2*s)/gamma(-a - s + 1),
            (0, -re(a)/2), True)

    expr = (sqrt(x + b**2) + b)**a / sqrt(x + b**2)
    assert MT(expr.subs(b, bpos), x, s) == \
           (2**(a + 2*s)*bpos**(a + 2*s - 1)*gamma(s) \
                                         *gamma(1 - a - 2*s)/gamma(1 - a - s),
            (0, -re(a)/2 + S(1)/2), True)

    # 8.4.2
    assert MT(exp(-x), x, s) == (gamma(s), (0, oo), True)
    assert MT(exp(-1 / x), x, s) == (gamma(-s), (-oo, 0), True)

    # 8.4.5
    assert MT(log(x)**4 * Heaviside(1 - x), x, s) == (24 / s**5, (0, oo), True)
    assert MT(log(x)**3 * Heaviside(x - 1), x, s) == (6 / s**4, (-oo, 0), True)
    assert MT(log(x + 1), x, s) == (pi / (s * sin(pi * s)), (-1, 0), True)
    assert MT(log(1 / x + 1), x, s) == (pi / (s * sin(pi * s)), (0, 1), True)
    assert MT(log(abs(1 - x)), x, s) == (pi / (s * tan(pi * s)), (-1, 0), True)
    assert MT(log(abs(1 - 1 / x)), x,
              s) == (pi / (s * tan(pi * s)), (0, 1), True)

    # TODO we cannot currently do these (needs summation of 3F2(-1))
    #      this also implies that they cannot be written as a single g-function
    #      (although this is possible)
    mt = MT(log(x) / (x + 1), x, s)
    assert mt[1:] == ((0, 1), True)
    assert not hyperexpand(mt[0], allow_hyper=True).has(meijerg)
    mt = MT(log(x)**2 / (x + 1), x, s)
    assert mt[1:] == ((0, 1), True)
    assert not hyperexpand(mt[0], allow_hyper=True).has(meijerg)
    mt = MT(log(x) / (x + 1)**2, x, s)
    assert mt[1:] == ((0, 2), True)
    assert not hyperexpand(mt[0], allow_hyper=True).has(meijerg)

    # 8.4.14
    assert MT(erf(sqrt(x)), x, s) == \
           (-gamma(s + S(1)/2)/(sqrt(pi)*s), (-S(1)/2, 0), True)
Exemple #34
def fresnel_coefficients(angle_of_incidence, medium1, medium2):
    This function uses Fresnel equations to calculate reflection and
    transmission coefficients. Those are obtained for both polarisations
    when the electric field vector is in the plane of incidence (labelled 'p')
    and when the electric field vector is perpendicular to the plane of
    incidence (labelled 's'). There are four real coefficients unless the
    incident ray reflects in total internal in which case there are two complex
    ones. Angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the
    surface normal. ``medium1`` and ``medium2`` can be ``Medium`` or any
    sympifiable object.


    angle_of_incidence : sympifiable

    medium1 : Medium or sympifiable
        Medium 1 or its refractive index

    medium2 : Medium or sympifiable
        Medium 2 or its refractive index

    Returns a list with four real Fresnel coefficients:
    [reflection p (TM), reflection s (TE),
    transmission p (TM), transmission s (TE)]
    If the ray is undergoes total internal reflection then returns a
    list of two complex Fresnel coefficients:
    [reflection p (TM), reflection s (TE)]


    >>> from sympy.physics.optics import fresnel_coefficients
    >>> fresnel_coefficients(0.3, 1, 2)
    [0.317843553417859, -0.348645229818821,
            0.658921776708929, 0.651354770181179]
    >>> fresnel_coefficients(0.6, 2, 1)
    [-0.235625382192159 - 0.971843958291041*I,
             0.816477005968898 - 0.577377951366403*I]


    if not 0 <= 2*angle_of_incidence < pi:
        raise ValueError('Angle of incidence not in range [0:pi/2)')

    n1 = refractive_index_of_medium(medium1)
    n2 = refractive_index_of_medium(medium2)

    angle_of_refraction = asin(n1*sin(angle_of_incidence)/n2)
        angle_of_total_internal_reflection_onset = critical_angle(n1, n2)
    except ValueError:
        angle_of_total_internal_reflection_onset = None

    if angle_of_total_internal_reflection_onset == None or\
    angle_of_total_internal_reflection_onset > angle_of_incidence:
        R_s = -sin(angle_of_incidence - angle_of_refraction)\
                /sin(angle_of_incidence + angle_of_refraction)
        R_p = tan(angle_of_incidence - angle_of_refraction)\
                /tan(angle_of_incidence + angle_of_refraction)
        T_s = 2*sin(angle_of_refraction)*cos(angle_of_incidence)\
                /sin(angle_of_incidence + angle_of_refraction)
        T_p = 2*sin(angle_of_refraction)*cos(angle_of_incidence)\
                /(sin(angle_of_incidence + angle_of_refraction)\
                *cos(angle_of_incidence - angle_of_refraction))
        return [R_p, R_s, T_p, T_s]
        n = n2/n1
        R_s = cancel((cos(angle_of_incidence)-\
                I*sqrt(sin(angle_of_incidence)**2 - n**2))\
                I*sqrt(sin(angle_of_incidence)**2 - n**2)))
        R_p = cancel((n**2*cos(angle_of_incidence)-\
                I*sqrt(sin(angle_of_incidence)**2 - n**2))\
                I*sqrt(sin(angle_of_incidence)**2 - n**2)))
        return [R_p, R_s]
Exemple #35
def test_objective():
    assert fu(sin(x)/cos(x), measure=lambda x: x.count_ops()) == \
    assert fu(sin(x)/cos(x), measure=lambda x: -x.count_ops()) == \
Exemple #36
              ("\\sum^{3}_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
              ("\\sum^3_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
              ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{10} k^2", Sum(k**2, (k, 1, 10))),
              ("\\sum_{n = 0}^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{n!}",
               Sum(_Pow(_factorial(n), -1), (n, 0, oo))),
              ("\\prod_{a = b}^{c} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
              ("\\prod_{a = b}^c x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
              ("\\prod^{c}_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
              ("\\prod^c_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
              ("\\ln x", _log(x, E)), ("\\ln xy", _log(x * y, E)),
              ("\\log x", _log(x, 10)), ("\\log xy", _log(x * y, 10)),
              ("\\log_{2} x", _log(x, 2)), ("\\log_{a} x", _log(x, a)),
              ("\\log_{11} x", _log(x, 11)),
              ("\\log_{a^2} x", _log(x, _Pow(a, 2))), ("[x]", x),
              ("[a + b]", _Add(a, b)),
              ("\\frac{d}{dx} [ \\tan x ]", Derivative(tan(x), x))]

def test_parseable():
    from sympy.parsing.latex import parse_latex
    for latex_str, sympy_expr in GOOD_PAIRS:
        assert parse_latex(latex_str) == sympy_expr

# At time of migration from latex2sympy, should work but doesn't
    ("\\log_2 x", _log(x, 2)),
    ("\\log_a x", _log(x, a)),

Exemple #37
def test_TR12i():
    ta, tb, tc = [tan(i) for i in (a, b, c)]
    assert TR12i((ta + tb) / (-ta * tb + 1)) == tan(a + b)
    assert TR12i((ta + tb) / (ta * tb - 1)) == -tan(a + b)
    assert TR12i((-ta - tb) / (ta * tb - 1)) == tan(a + b)
    eq = (ta + tb) / (-ta * tb + 1)**2 * (-3 * ta - 3 * tc) / (2 *
                                                               (ta * tc - 1))
    assert TR12i(eq.expand()) == \
        -3*tan(a + b)*tan(a + c)/(tan(a) + tan(b) - 1)/2
    assert TR12i(tan(x) / sin(x)) == tan(x) / sin(x)
    eq = (ta + cos(2)) / (-ta * tb + 1)
    assert TR12i(eq) == eq
    eq = (ta + tb + 2)**2 / (-ta * tb + 1)
    assert TR12i(eq) == eq
    eq = ta / (-ta * tb + 1)
    assert TR12i(eq) == eq
    eq = (((ta + tb) * (a + 1)).expand())**2 / (ta * tb - 1)
    assert TR12i(eq) == -(a + 1)**2 * tan(a + b)
Exemple #38
def test_tan_series():
    assert tan(x).series(x, 0, 9) == \
        x + x**3/3 + 2*x**5/15 + 17*x**7/315 + O(x**9)
Exemple #39
def test_tan_rewrite():
    neg_exp, pos_exp = exp(-x*I), exp(x*I)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(exp) == I*(neg_exp - pos_exp)/(neg_exp + pos_exp)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(sin) == 2*sin(x)**2/sin(2*x)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cos) == -cos(x + S.Pi/2)/cos(x)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cot) == 1/cot(x)
    assert tan(sinh(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sinh(3)).n()
    assert tan(cosh(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cosh(3)).n()
    assert tan(tanh(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tanh(3)).n()
    assert tan(coth(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, coth(3)).n()
    assert tan(sin(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sin(3)).n()
    assert tan(cos(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cos(3)).n()
    assert tan(tan(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tan(3)).n()
    assert tan(cot(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cot(3)).n()
    assert tan(log(x)).rewrite(Pow) == I*(x**-I - x**I)/(x**-I + x**I)
    assert 0 == (cos(pi/15)*tan(pi/15) - sin(pi/15)).rewrite(pow)
    assert tan(pi/19).rewrite(pow) == tan(pi/19)
    assert tan(8*pi/19).rewrite(sqrt) == tan(8*pi/19)
Exemple #40
def test_tan_subs():
    assert tan(x).subs(tan(x), y) == y
    assert tan(x).subs(x, y) == tan(y)
    assert tan(x).subs(x, S.Pi/2) == zoo
    assert tan(x).subs(x, 3*S.Pi/2) == zoo
Exemple #41
def test_tan_expansion():
    assert tan(x + y).expand(trig=True) == ((tan(x) + tan(y))/(1 - tan(x)*tan(y))).expand()
    assert tan(x - y).expand(trig=True) == ((tan(x) - tan(y))/(1 + tan(x)*tan(y))).expand()
    assert tan(x + y + z).expand(trig=True) == (
        (tan(x) + tan(y) + tan(z) - tan(x)*tan(y)*tan(z))/
        (1 - tan(x)*tan(y) - tan(x)*tan(z) - tan(y)*tan(z))).expand()
    assert 0 == tan(2*x).expand(trig=True).rewrite(tan).subs([(tan(x), Rational(1, 7))])*24 - 7
    assert 0 == tan(3*x).expand(trig=True).rewrite(tan).subs([(tan(x), Rational(1, 5))])*55 - 37
    assert 0 == tan(4*x - pi/4).expand(trig=True).rewrite(tan).subs([(tan(x), Rational(1, 5))])*239 - 1
Exemple #42
t = theta + pi
r_1 =  0.7512+0.0124*sym.cos(t)+0.0414*sym.cos(2*t)+0.0120*sym.cos(3*t)+0.0111*sym.cos(4*t)-0.0061*sym.cos(5*t)-0.0008*sym.cos(6*t)-0.00001*sym.cos(7*t)+0.0033*sym.cos(8*t)+ 0.0217*sym.sin(t)-0.0197*sym.sin(2*t)-0.0027*sym.sin(3*t)-0.0084*sym.sin(4*t)-0.0135*sym.sin(5*t)-0.0034*sym.sin(6*t)-0.0001*sym.sin(7*t)-0.0048*sym.sin(8*t)
r_2 = 1.0284+0.0362*sym.cos(t)-0.0557*sym.cos(2*t)+0.0190*sym.cos(3*t)-0.0185*sym.cos(4*t)+0.0038*sym.cos(5*t)+0.0045*sym.cos(6*t)-0.0002*sym.cos(7*t)+0.0006*sym.cos(8*t)-0.1984*sym.sin(t)-0.0173*sym.sin(2*t)-0.0008*sym.sin(3*t)-0.0133*sym.sin(4*t)-0.0026*sym.sin(5*t)-0.0066*sym.sin(6*t)-0.0029*sym.sin(7*t)+0.0064*sym.sin(8*t)
f_1_x = (r_1)*sym.cos(t)
f_1_y = (r_1)*sym.sin(t)
f_2_x = (r_2)*sym.cos(t)
f_2_y = (r_2)*sym.sin(t)
w_A_x = sym.diff(f_1_x,theta)
w_A_y = sym.diff(f_1_y,theta)
w_C_x = sym.diff(f_2_x,theta)
w_C_y = sym.diff(f_2_y,theta)
AE = ((x-f_1_x)**2+(y-f_1_y)**2)**0.5
EC = ((x-f_2_x)**2+(y-f_2_y)**2)**0.5
u_s = (AE*w_A_x+EC*w_C_x)/(AE+EC)
v_s = (AE*w_A_y+EC*w_C_y)/(AE+EC)
w_s = (sym.tan(phi_i)*(u_s**2+v_s**2)**0.5)
M_0 = 1/((u_s**2+v_s**2)*(1+sym.tan(phi_i)**2))**0.5
U_s = M_0*u_s
V_s = M_0*v_s
W_s = M_0*w_s
THETA_s = sym.atan2(V_s,U_s)
SinT_0 = sym.sin(THETA_s)
nSinT_0= -sym.sin(THETA_s)
CosT_0 = sym.cos(THETA_s)
u_s_code= sym.printing.ccode(U_s)
v_s_code= sym.printing.ccode(V_s)
w_s_code= sym.printing.ccode(W_s)
CosT_0_code = sym.printing.ccode(CosT_0)
b_i=Expression((u_s_code,v_s_code,w_s_code), degree=0)
sint_i = Expression(SinT_0_code,degree=0)
Exemple #43
def test_ImageSet_simplification():
    from sympy.abc import n, m
    assert imageset(Lambda(n, n), S.Integers) == S.Integers
    assert imageset(Lambda(n, sin(n)),
                    imageset(Lambda(m, tan(m)), S.Integers)) == \
            imageset(Lambda(m, sin(tan(m))), S.Integers)
Exemple #44
def test_TR15_16_17():
    assert TR15(1 - 1 / sin(x)**2) == -cot(x)**2
    assert TR16(1 - 1 / cos(x)**2) == -tan(x)**2
    assert TR111(1 - 1 / tan(x)**2) == 1 - cot(x)**2
Exemple #45
def test_TR12():
    assert TR12(tan(x + y)) == (tan(x) + tan(y)) / (-tan(x) * tan(y) + 1)
    assert TR12(tan(x + y + z)) ==\
        (tan(z) + (tan(x) + tan(y))/(-tan(x)*tan(y) + 1))/(
        1 - (tan(x) + tan(y))*tan(z)/(-tan(x)*tan(y) + 1))
    assert TR12(tan(x * y)) == tan(x * y)
alternate_hankels = n * sph_hankel2.subs({
    'n': n - 1,
    'z': k * r1
}) - (n + 1) * sph_hankel2.subs({
    'n': n + 1,
    'z': k * r1
pt1_postterm = legendre(n, cos(theta)) * cos(theta)
Imn_pt1 = alternate_hankels * pt1_postterm

pt2_preterm = n * (n + 1) * sph_hankel2.subs({'z': k * r1})
alternate_legendres = (legendre(n - 1, cos(theta)) -
                       legendre(n + 1, cos(theta))) / (k * r1)
Imn_pt2 = pt2_preterm * alternate_legendres

whole_postterm = legendre(m, cos(theta)) * (r1**2 / R**2) * tan(theta)

Imn_term = (Imn_pt1 + Imn_pt2) * whole_postterm
Imn = Integral(Imn_term, (theta, 0, alpha))
Imn_term_func = lambdify([m, n, k, R, alpha, theta], Imn_term, 'mpmath')

# Imn_func = lambdify([m,n,k,R,alpha],Imn,'mpmath')

def Imn_func(mv, nv, kv, Rv, alphav):
    eqn. 12.106
    The 'gauss-legendre' quadrature method is used here as it provides 
    more accurate output, even with increasing m&n indices. 
Exemple #47
def test_TR2():
    assert TR2(tan(x)) == sin(x) / cos(x)
    assert TR2(cot(x)) == cos(x) / sin(x)
    assert TR2(tan(tan(x) - sin(x) / cos(x))) == 0
         sympy.Mul(sympy.Symbol("y"), (2 + 3j), evaluate=False),
     quil.Parameter("x") + quil.Parameter("y") * (2 + 3j),
     sympy.Symbol("x") / sympy.Symbol("y"),
     quil.Parameter("x") / quil.Parameter("y"),
     quilatom.quil_sin(quil.Parameter("theta")) /
 (2**sympy.Symbol("x"), 2**quil.Parameter("x")),
 (sympy.Symbol("x")**2, quil.Parameter("x")**2),
     sympy.sqrt(sympy.Symbol("x") - sympy.Symbol("y")),
     quilatom.quil_sqrt(quil.Parameter("x") - quil.Parameter("y")),
     -5 * sympy.Symbol("x") * sympy.Symbol("y"),
Exemple #49
    _CustomQuirkOperationToken(unary_action=lambda e: sympy.sin(e)
                               if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic) else cmath.sin(e),
    _CustomQuirkOperationToken(unary_action=lambda e: sympy.asin(e)
                               if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic) else np.arcsin(e),
    _CustomQuirkOperationToken(unary_action=lambda e: sympy.acos(e)
                               if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic) else np.arccos(e),
    _CustomQuirkOperationToken(unary_action=lambda e: sympy.tan(e)
                               if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic) else np.tan(e),
    _CustomQuirkOperationToken(unary_action=lambda e: sympy.atan(e)
                               if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic) else np.arctan(e),

def parse_matrix(text: str) -> np.ndarray:
    """Attempts to parse a complex matrix in exactly the same way as Quirk."""
    text = re.sub(r'\s', '', text)
    if len(text) < 4 or text[:2] != "{{" or text[-2:] != "}}":
Exemple #50
def test_TR13():
    assert TR13(tan(3) * tan(2)) == -tan(2) / tan(5) - tan(3) / tan(5) + 1
    assert TR13(cot(3) * cot(2)) == 1 + cot(3) * cot(5) + cot(2) * cot(5)
    assert TR13(tan(1)*tan(2)*tan(3)) == \
        (-tan(2)/tan(5) - tan(3)/tan(5) + 1)*tan(1)
    assert TR13(tan(1)*tan(2)*cot(3)) == \
        (-tan(2)/tan(3) + 1 - tan(1)/tan(3))*cot(3)
Exemple #51
def test_issue_4547():
    assert sin(x).rewrite(cot) == 2*cot(x/2)/(1 + cot(x/2)**2)
    assert cos(x).rewrite(cot) == -(1 - cot(x/2)**2)/(1 + cot(x/2)**2)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cot) == 1/cot(x)
    assert cot(x).fdiff() == -1 - cot(x)**2
Exemple #52
def test_TR2i():
    # just a reminder that ratios of powers only simplify if both
    # numerator and denominator satisfy the condition that each
    # has a positive base or an integer exponent; e.g. the following,
    # at y=-1, x=1/2 gives sqrt(2)*I != -sqrt(2)*I
    assert powsimp(2**x / y**x) != (2 / y)**x

    assert TR2i(sin(x) / cos(x)) == tan(x)
    assert TR2i(sin(x) * sin(y) / cos(x)) == tan(x) * sin(y)
    assert TR2i(1 / (sin(x) / cos(x))) == 1 / tan(x)
    assert TR2i(1 / (sin(x) * sin(y) / cos(x))) == 1 / tan(x) / sin(y)
    assert TR2i(sin(x) / 2 / (cos(x) + 1)) == sin(x) / (cos(x) + 1) / 2

    assert TR2i(sin(x) / 2 / (cos(x) + 1), half=True) == tan(x / 2) / 2
    assert TR2i(sin(1) / (cos(1) + 1), half=True) == tan(S.Half)
    assert TR2i(sin(2) / (cos(2) + 1), half=True) == tan(1)
    assert TR2i(sin(4) / (cos(4) + 1), half=True) == tan(2)
    assert TR2i(sin(5) / (cos(5) + 1), half=True) == tan(5 * S.Half)
    assert TR2i((cos(1) + 1) / sin(1), half=True) == 1 / tan(S.Half)
    assert TR2i((cos(2) + 1) / sin(2), half=True) == 1 / tan(1)
    assert TR2i((cos(4) + 1) / sin(4), half=True) == 1 / tan(2)
    assert TR2i((cos(5) + 1) / sin(5), half=True) == 1 / tan(5 * S.Half)
    assert TR2i((cos(1) + 1)**(-a) * sin(1)**a, half=True) == tan(S.Half)**a
    assert TR2i((cos(2) + 1)**(-a) * sin(2)**a, half=True) == tan(1)**a
    assert TR2i((cos(4) + 1)**(-a) * sin(4)**a,
                half=True) == (cos(4) + 1)**(-a) * sin(4)**a
    assert TR2i((cos(5) + 1)**(-a) * sin(5)**a,
                half=True) == (cos(5) + 1)**(-a) * sin(5)**a
    assert TR2i((cos(1) + 1)**a * sin(1)**(-a), half=True) == tan(S.Half)**(-a)
    assert TR2i((cos(2) + 1)**a * sin(2)**(-a), half=True) == tan(1)**(-a)
    assert TR2i((cos(4) + 1)**a * sin(4)**(-a),
                half=True) == (cos(4) + 1)**a * sin(4)**(-a)
    assert TR2i((cos(5) + 1)**a * sin(5)**(-a),
                half=True) == (cos(5) + 1)**a * sin(5)**(-a)

    i = symbols('i', integer=True)
    assert TR2i(((cos(5) + 1)**i * sin(5)**(-i)),
                half=True) == tan(5 * S.Half)**(-i)
    assert TR2i(1 / ((cos(5) + 1)**i * sin(5)**(-i)),
                half=True) == tan(5 * S.Half)**i
Exemple #53
def test_tan():
    assert tan(nan) == nan

    assert tan.nargs == FiniteSet(1)
    assert tan(oo*I) == I
    assert tan(-oo*I) == -I

    assert tan(0) == 0

    assert tan(atan(x)) == x
    assert tan(asin(x)) == x / sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert tan(acos(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2) / x
    assert tan(acot(x)) == 1 / x
    assert tan(atan2(y, x)) == y/x

    assert tan(pi*I) == tanh(pi)*I
    assert tan(-pi*I) == -tanh(pi)*I
    assert tan(-2*I) == -tanh(2)*I

    assert tan(pi) == 0
    assert tan(-pi) == 0
    assert tan(2*pi) == 0
    assert tan(-2*pi) == 0
    assert tan(-3*10**73*pi) == 0

    assert tan(pi/2) == zoo
    assert tan(3*pi/2) == zoo

    assert tan(pi/3) == sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-2*pi/3) == sqrt(3)

    assert tan(pi/4) == S.One
    assert tan(-pi/4) == -S.One
    assert tan(17*pi/4) == S.One
    assert tan(-3*pi/4) == S.One

    assert tan(pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-pi/6) == -1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(7*pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-5*pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)

    assert tan(x*I) == tanh(x)*I

    assert tan(k*pi) == 0
    assert tan(17*k*pi) == 0

    assert tan(k*pi*I) == tanh(k*pi)*I

    assert tan(r).is_real is True

    assert tan(10*pi/7) == tan(3*pi/7)
    assert tan(11*pi/7) == -tan(3*pi/7)
    assert tan(-11*pi/7) == tan(3*pi/7)
Exemple #54
def test_undetermined_coefficients_match():
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(g(x), x) == {'test': False}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(2*x + sqrt(5)), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset':
            {cos(2*x + sqrt(5)), sin(2*x + sqrt(5))}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(x)*cos(x), x) == \
        {'test': False}
    s = {cos(x), x*cos(x), x**2*cos(x), x**2*sin(x), x*sin(x), sin(x)}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(x)*(x**2 + x + 1), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': s}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(
        sin(x)*x**2 + sin(x)*x + sin(x), x) == {'test': True, 'trialset': s}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(
        exp(2*x)*sin(x)*(x**2 + x + 1), x
    ) == {
        'test': True, 'trialset': {exp(2*x)*sin(x), x**2*exp(2*x)*sin(x),
        cos(x)*exp(2*x), x**2*cos(x)*exp(2*x), x*cos(x)*exp(2*x),
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(1/sin(x), x) == {'test': False}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(log(x), x) == {'test': False}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(2**(x)*(x**2 + x + 1), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {2**x, x*2**x, x**2*2**x}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(x**y, x) == {'test': False}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(exp(x)*exp(2*x + 1), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {exp(1 + 3*x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(x)*(x**2 + x + 1), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {x*cos(x), x*sin(x), x**2*cos(x),
        x**2*sin(x), cos(x), sin(x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(x)*(x + sin(x)), x) == \
        {'test': False}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(x)*(x + sin(2*x)), x) == \
        {'test': False}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(x)*tan(x), x) == \
        {'test': False}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(
        x**2*sin(x)*exp(x) + x*sin(x) + x, x
    ) == {
        'test': True, 'trialset': {x**2*cos(x)*exp(x), x, cos(x), S.One,
        exp(x)*sin(x), sin(x), x*exp(x)*sin(x), x*cos(x), x*cos(x)*exp(x),
        x*sin(x), cos(x)*exp(x), x**2*exp(x)*sin(x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(4*x*sin(x - 2), x) == {
        'trialset': {x*cos(x - 2), x*sin(x - 2), cos(x - 2), sin(x - 2)},
        'test': True,
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(2**x*x, x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {2**x, x*2**x}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(2**x*exp(2*x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {2**x*exp(2*x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(exp(-x)/x, x) == \
        {'test': False}
    # Below are from Ordinary Differential Equations,
    #                Tenenbaum and Pollard, pg. 231
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(S(4), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(12*exp(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {exp(x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(exp(I*x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {exp(I*x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {cos(x), sin(x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(cos(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {cos(x), sin(x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(8 + 6*exp(x) + 2*sin(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One, cos(x), sin(x), exp(x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(x**2, x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One, x, x**2}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(9*x*exp(x) + exp(-x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {x*exp(x), exp(x), exp(-x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(2*exp(2*x)*sin(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {exp(2*x)*sin(x), cos(x)*exp(2*x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(x - sin(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One, x, cos(x), sin(x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(x**2 + 2*x, x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One, x, x**2}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(4*x*sin(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {x*cos(x), x*sin(x), cos(x), sin(x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(x*sin(2*x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset':
            {x*cos(2*x), x*sin(2*x), cos(2*x), sin(2*x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(x**2*exp(-x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {x*exp(-x), x**2*exp(-x), exp(-x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(2*exp(-x) - x**2*exp(-x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {x*exp(-x), x**2*exp(-x), exp(-x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(exp(-2*x) + x**2, x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One, x, x**2, exp(-2*x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(x*exp(-x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {x*exp(-x), exp(-x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(x + exp(2*x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One, x, exp(2*x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(sin(x) + exp(-x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {cos(x), sin(x), exp(-x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(exp(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {exp(x)}}
    # converted from sin(x)**2
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(S.Half - cos(2*x)/2, x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One, cos(2*x), sin(2*x)}}
    # converted from exp(2*x)*sin(x)**2
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(
        exp(2*x)*(S.Half + cos(2*x)/2), x
    ) == {
        'test': True, 'trialset': {exp(2*x)*sin(2*x), cos(2*x)*exp(2*x),
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(2*x + sin(x) + cos(x), x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {S.One, x, cos(x), sin(x)}}
    # converted from sin(2*x)*sin(x)
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(cos(x)/2 - cos(3*x)/2, x) == \
        {'test': True, 'trialset': {cos(x), cos(3*x), sin(x), sin(3*x)}}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(cos(x**2), x) == {'test': False}
    assert _undetermined_coefficients_match(2**(x**2), x) == {'test': False}
Exemple #55
def test_trig_symmetry():
    assert sin(-x) == -sin(x)
    assert cos(-x) == cos(x)
    assert tan(-x) == -tan(x)
    assert cot(-x) == -cot(x)
    assert sin(x + pi) == -sin(x)
    assert sin(x + 2*pi) == sin(x)
    assert sin(x + 3*pi) == -sin(x)
    assert sin(x + 4*pi) == sin(x)
    assert sin(x - 5*pi) == -sin(x)
    assert cos(x + pi) == -cos(x)
    assert cos(x + 2*pi) == cos(x)
    assert cos(x + 3*pi) == -cos(x)
    assert cos(x + 4*pi) == cos(x)
    assert cos(x - 5*pi) == -cos(x)
    assert tan(x + pi) == tan(x)
    assert tan(x - 3*pi) == tan(x)
    assert cot(x + pi) == cot(x)
    assert cot(x - 3*pi) == cot(x)
    assert sin(pi/2 - x) == cos(x)
    assert sin(3*pi/2 - x) == -cos(x)
    assert sin(5*pi/2 - x) == cos(x)
    assert cos(pi/2 - x) == sin(x)
    assert cos(3*pi/2 - x) == -sin(x)
    assert cos(5*pi/2 - x) == sin(x)
    assert tan(pi/2 - x) == cot(x)
    assert tan(3*pi/2 - x) == cot(x)
    assert tan(5*pi/2 - x) == cot(x)
    assert cot(pi/2 - x) == tan(x)
    assert cot(3*pi/2 - x) == tan(x)
    assert cot(5*pi/2 - x) == tan(x)
    assert sin(pi/2 + x) == cos(x)
    assert cos(pi/2 + x) == -sin(x)
    assert tan(pi/2 + x) == -cot(x)
    assert cot(pi/2 + x) == -tan(x)
Exemple #56
     'a': 0.1, 'b': 2
 # 9.1.14
    {'f1': lambda x:3*cos(x)-sin(x),
     'a': 0, 'b': 5
 # 9.1.15
    {'f1': lambda x:x**4-exp(x),
     'a': 0, 'b': 2
 # 9.1.16
    {'f1': lambda x: 3*(cos(x))**2-sqrt(x),
     'a': 0, 'b': 3
 # 9.1.17
    {'f1': lambda x:4*sqrt(x)-tan(x),
     'a': 0, 'b': 1.5
 # 9.1.18
    {'f1': lambda x:(sin(x))**3+(cos(x))**2,
     'a': 0, 'b': 1.5
 # 9.1.19
    {'f1': lambda x:cos(x)*x**2,
     'a': 0, 'b': 2
 # 9.1.20
    {'f1': lambda x: 4**x-8*x,
     'a': 0, 'b': 2
 # 9.1.21
Exemple #57
def test_issue_4420():
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    e = Symbol('e', even=True)
    o = Symbol('o', odd=True)

    # unknown parity for variable
    assert cos(4*i*pi) == 1
    assert sin(4*i*pi) == 0
    assert tan(4*i*pi) == 0
    assert cot(4*i*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(3*i*pi) == cos(pi*i)  # +/-1
    assert sin(3*i*pi) == 0
    assert tan(3*i*pi) == 0
    assert cot(3*i*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(4.0*i*pi) == 1
    assert sin(4.0*i*pi) == 0
    assert tan(4.0*i*pi) == 0
    assert cot(4.0*i*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(3.0*i*pi) == cos(pi*i)  # +/-1
    assert sin(3.0*i*pi) == 0
    assert tan(3.0*i*pi) == 0
    assert cot(3.0*i*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(4.5*i*pi) == cos(0.5*pi*i)
    assert sin(4.5*i*pi) == sin(0.5*pi*i)
    assert tan(4.5*i*pi) == tan(0.5*pi*i)
    assert cot(4.5*i*pi) == cot(0.5*pi*i)

    # parity of variable is known
    assert cos(4*e*pi) == 1
    assert sin(4*e*pi) == 0
    assert tan(4*e*pi) == 0
    assert cot(4*e*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(3*e*pi) == 1
    assert sin(3*e*pi) == 0
    assert tan(3*e*pi) == 0
    assert cot(3*e*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(4.0*e*pi) == 1
    assert sin(4.0*e*pi) == 0
    assert tan(4.0*e*pi) == 0
    assert cot(4.0*e*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(3.0*e*pi) == 1
    assert sin(3.0*e*pi) == 0
    assert tan(3.0*e*pi) == 0
    assert cot(3.0*e*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(4.5*e*pi) == cos(0.5*pi*e)
    assert sin(4.5*e*pi) == sin(0.5*pi*e)
    assert tan(4.5*e*pi) == tan(0.5*pi*e)
    assert cot(4.5*e*pi) == cot(0.5*pi*e)

    assert cos(4*o*pi) == 1
    assert sin(4*o*pi) == 0
    assert tan(4*o*pi) == 0
    assert cot(4*o*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(3*o*pi) == -1
    assert sin(3*o*pi) == 0
    assert tan(3*o*pi) == 0
    assert cot(3*o*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(4.0*o*pi) == 1
    assert sin(4.0*o*pi) == 0
    assert tan(4.0*o*pi) == 0
    assert cot(4.0*o*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(3.0*o*pi) == -1
    assert sin(3.0*o*pi) == 0
    assert tan(3.0*o*pi) == 0
    assert cot(3.0*o*pi) == zoo

    assert cos(4.5*o*pi) == cos(0.5*pi*o)
    assert sin(4.5*o*pi) == sin(0.5*pi*o)
    assert tan(4.5*o*pi) == tan(0.5*pi*o)
    assert cot(4.5*o*pi) == cot(0.5*pi*o)

    # x could be imaginary
    assert cos(4*x*pi) == cos(4*pi*x)
    assert sin(4*x*pi) == sin(4*pi*x)
    assert tan(4*x*pi) == tan(4*pi*x)
    assert cot(4*x*pi) == cot(4*pi*x)

    assert cos(3*x*pi) == cos(3*pi*x)
    assert sin(3*x*pi) == sin(3*pi*x)
    assert tan(3*x*pi) == tan(3*pi*x)
    assert cot(3*x*pi) == cot(3*pi*x)

    assert cos(4.0*x*pi) == cos(4.0*pi*x)
    assert sin(4.0*x*pi) == sin(4.0*pi*x)
    assert tan(4.0*x*pi) == tan(4.0*pi*x)
    assert cot(4.0*x*pi) == cot(4.0*pi*x)

    assert cos(3.0*x*pi) == cos(3.0*pi*x)
    assert sin(3.0*x*pi) == sin(3.0*pi*x)
    assert tan(3.0*x*pi) == tan(3.0*pi*x)
    assert cot(3.0*x*pi) == cot(3.0*pi*x)

    assert cos(4.5*x*pi) == cos(4.5*pi*x)
    assert sin(4.5*x*pi) == sin(4.5*pi*x)
    assert tan(4.5*x*pi) == tan(4.5*pi*x)
    assert cot(4.5*x*pi) == cot(4.5*pi*x)
Exemple #58
def test_inverse_mellin_transform():
    from sympy import (sin, simplify, expand_func, powsimp, Max, Min, expand,
                       powdenest, powsimp, exp_polar, combsimp, cos, cot)
    IMT = inverse_mellin_transform

    assert IMT(gamma(s), s, x, (0, oo)) == exp(-x)
    assert IMT(gamma(-s), s, x, (-oo, 0)) == exp(-1/x)
    assert simplify(IMT(s/(2*s**2 - 2), s, x, (2, oo))) == \
        (x**2 + 1)*Heaviside(1 - x)/(4*x)

    # test passing "None"
    assert IMT(1/(s**2 - 1), s, x, (-1, None)) == \
        -x*Heaviside(-x + 1)/2 - Heaviside(x - 1)/(2*x)
    assert IMT(1/(s**2 - 1), s, x, (None, 1)) == \
        -x*Heaviside(-x + 1)/2 - Heaviside(x - 1)/(2*x)

    # test expansion of sums
    assert IMT(gamma(s) + gamma(s - 1), s, x, (1, oo)) == (x + 1)*exp(-x)/x

    # test factorisation of polys
    r = symbols('r', real=True)
    assert IMT(1/(s**2 + 1), s, exp(-x), (None, oo)
              ).subs(x, r).rewrite(sin).simplify() \
        == sin(r)*Heaviside(1 - exp(-r))

    # test multiplicative substitution
    a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True)
    c, d = symbols('c d')
    assert IMT(b**(-s/a)*factorial(s/a)/s, s, x, (0, oo)) == exp(-b*x**a)
    assert IMT(factorial(a/b + s/b)/(a + s), s, x, (-a, oo)) == x**a*exp(-x**b)

    from sympy import expand_mul

    def simp_pows(expr):
        return simplify(powsimp(expand_mul(expr, deep=False), force=True)).replace(exp_polar, exp)

    # Now test the inverses of all direct transforms tested above

    # Section 8.4.2
    assert IMT(-1/(nu + s), s, x, (-oo, None)) == x**nu*Heaviside(x - 1)
    assert IMT(1/(nu + s), s, x, (None, oo)) == x**nu*Heaviside(1 - x)
    assert simp_pows(IMT(gamma(beta)*gamma(s)/gamma(s + beta), s, x, (0, oo))) \
        == (1 - x)**(beta - 1)*Heaviside(1 - x)
    assert simp_pows(IMT(gamma(beta)*gamma(1 - beta - s)/gamma(1 - s),
                         s, x, (-oo, None))) \
        == (x - 1)**(beta - 1)*Heaviside(x - 1)
    assert simp_pows(IMT(gamma(s)*gamma(rho - s)/gamma(rho), s, x, (0, None))) \
        == (1/(x + 1))**rho
    assert simp_pows(IMT(d**c*d**(s - 1)*sin(pi*c)
                         *gamma(s)*gamma(s + c)*gamma(1 - s)*gamma(1 - s - c)/pi,
                         s, x, (Max(-re(c), 0), Min(1 - re(c), 1)))) \
        == (x**c - d**c)/(x - d)

    assert simplify(IMT(1/sqrt(pi)*(-c/2)*gamma(s)*gamma((1 - c)/2 - s)
                        *gamma(-c/2 - s)/gamma(1 - c - s),
                        s, x, (0, -re(c)/2))) == \
        (1 + sqrt(x + 1))**c
    assert simplify(IMT(2**(a + 2*s)*b**(a + 2*s - 1)*gamma(s)*gamma(1 - a - 2*s)
                        /gamma(1 - a - s), s, x, (0, (-re(a) + 1)/2))) == \
        (b + sqrt(
         b**2 + x))**(a - 1)*(b**2 + b*sqrt(b**2 + x) + x)/(b**2 + x)
    assert simplify(IMT(-2**(c + 2*s)*c*b**(c + 2*s)*gamma(s)*gamma(-c - 2*s)
                        / gamma(-c - s + 1), s, x, (0, -re(c)/2))) == \
        (b + sqrt(b**2 + x))**c

    # Section 8.4.5
    assert IMT(24/s**5, s, x, (0, oo)) == log(x)**4*Heaviside(1 - x)
    assert expand(IMT(6/s**4, s, x, (-oo, 0)), force=True) == \
        log(x)**3*Heaviside(x - 1)
    assert IMT(pi/(s*sin(pi*s)), s, x, (-1, 0)) == log(x + 1)
    assert IMT(pi/(s*sin(pi*s/2)), s, x, (-2, 0)) == log(x**2 + 1)
    assert IMT(pi/(s*sin(2*pi*s)), s, x, (-S(1)/2, 0)) == log(sqrt(x) + 1)
    assert IMT(pi/(s*sin(pi*s)), s, x, (0, 1)) == log(1 + 1/x)

    # TODO
    def mysimp(expr):
        from sympy import expand, logcombine, powsimp
        return expand(
            powsimp(logcombine(expr, force=True), force=True, deep=True),
            force=True).replace(exp_polar, exp)
    assert mysimp(mysimp(IMT(pi/(s*tan(pi*s)), s, x, (-1, 0)))) in [
        log(1 - x)*Heaviside(1 - x) + log(x - 1)*Heaviside(x - 1),
        log(x)*Heaviside(x - 1) + log(1 - 1/x)*Heaviside(x - 1) + log(-x +
        1)*Heaviside(-x + 1)]
    # test passing cot
    assert mysimp(IMT(pi*cot(pi*s)/s, s, x, (0, 1))) in [
        log(1/x - 1)*Heaviside(1 - x) + log(1 - 1/x)*Heaviside(x - 1),
        -log(x)*Heaviside(-x + 1) + log(1 - 1/x)*Heaviside(x - 1) + log(-x +
        1)*Heaviside(-x + 1), ]

    # 8.4.14
    assert IMT(-gamma(s + S(1)/2)/(sqrt(pi)*s), s, x, (-S(1)/2, 0)) == \

    # 8.4.19
    assert simplify(IMT(gamma(a/2 + s)/gamma(a/2 - s + 1), s, x, (-re(a)/2, S(3)/4))) \
        == besselj(a, 2*sqrt(x))
    assert simplify(IMT(2**a*gamma(S(1)/2 - 2*s)*gamma(s + (a + 1)/2)
                      / (gamma(1 - s - a/2)*gamma(1 - 2*s + a)),
                      s, x, (-(re(a) + 1)/2, S(1)/4))) == \
        sin(sqrt(x))*besselj(a, sqrt(x))
    assert simplify(IMT(2**a*gamma(a/2 + s)*gamma(S(1)/2 - 2*s)
                      / (gamma(S(1)/2 - s - a/2)*gamma(1 - 2*s + a)),
                      s, x, (-re(a)/2, S(1)/4))) == \
        cos(sqrt(x))*besselj(a, sqrt(x))
    # TODO this comes out as an amazing mess, but simplifies nicely
    assert simplify(IMT(gamma(a + s)*gamma(S(1)/2 - s)
                      / (sqrt(pi)*gamma(1 - s)*gamma(1 + a - s)),
                      s, x, (-re(a), S(1)/2))) == \
        besselj(a, sqrt(x))**2
    assert simplify(IMT(gamma(s)*gamma(S(1)/2 - s)
                      / (sqrt(pi)*gamma(1 - s - a)*gamma(1 + a - s)),
                      s, x, (0, S(1)/2))) == \
        besselj(-a, sqrt(x))*besselj(a, sqrt(x))
    assert simplify(IMT(4**s*gamma(-2*s + 1)*gamma(a/2 + b/2 + s)
                      / (gamma(-a/2 + b/2 - s + 1)*gamma(a/2 - b/2 - s + 1)
                         *gamma(a/2 + b/2 - s + 1)),
                      s, x, (-(re(a) + re(b))/2, S(1)/2))) == \
        besselj(a, sqrt(x))*besselj(b, sqrt(x))

    # Section 8.4.20
    # TODO this can be further simplified!
    assert simplify(IMT(-2**(2*s)*cos(pi*a/2 - pi*b/2 + pi*s)*gamma(-2*s + 1) *
                      gamma(a/2 - b/2 + s)*gamma(a/2 + b/2 + s) /
                      (pi*gamma(a/2 - b/2 - s + 1)*gamma(a/2 + b/2 - s + 1)),
                    s, x,
                      (Max(-re(a)/2 - re(b)/2, -re(a)/2 + re(b)/2), S(1)/2))) == \
        (-cos(pi*b)*besselj(b, sqrt(x)) + besselj(-b, sqrt(x))) * \
        besselj(a, sqrt(x))/sin(pi*b)*(-1)
    # TODO more

    # for coverage

    assert IMT(pi/cos(pi*s), s, x, (0, S(1)/2)) == sqrt(x)/(x + 1)
Exemple #59
def test_issue_18442():
    assert limit(tan(x)**(2**(sqrt(pi))), x, oo,
                 dir='-') == AccumBounds(-oo, oo)