Exemple #1
def test_array_as_explicit_call():

    assert ZeroArray(3, 2, 4).as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseNDimArray.zeros(
        3, 2, 4)
    assert OneArray(3, 2, 4).as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseNDimArray(
        [1 for i in range(3 * 2 * 4)]).reshape(3, 2, 4)

    k = Symbol("k")
    X = ArraySymbol("X", k, 3, 2)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: X.as_explicit())
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroArray(k, 2, 3).as_explicit())
    raises(ValueError, lambda: OneArray(2, k, 2).as_explicit())

    A = ArraySymbol("A", 3, 3)
    B = ArraySymbol("B", 3, 3)

    texpr = tensorproduct(A, B)
    assert isinstance(texpr, ArrayTensorProduct)
    assert texpr.as_explicit() == tensorproduct(A.as_explicit(),

    texpr = tensorcontraction(A, (0, 1))
    assert isinstance(texpr, ArrayContraction)
    assert texpr.as_explicit() == A[0, 0] + A[1, 1] + A[2, 2]

    texpr = tensordiagonal(A, (0, 1))
    assert isinstance(texpr, ArrayDiagonal)
    assert texpr.as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseNDimArray(
        [A[0, 0], A[1, 1], A[2, 2]])

    texpr = permutedims(A, [1, 0])
    assert isinstance(texpr, PermuteDims)
    assert texpr.as_explicit() == permutedims(A.as_explicit(), [1, 0])
def test_contraction_permutation_mix():

    Me = M.subs(k, 3).as_explicit()
    Ne = N.subs(k, 3).as_explicit()

    cg1 = CodegenArrayContraction(
        CodegenArrayPermuteDims(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N),
                                Permutation([0, 2, 1, 3])), (2, 3))
    cg2 = CodegenArrayContraction(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (1, 3))
    assert cg1 == cg2
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg2) == M * N.T
    cge1 = tensorcontraction(
        permutedims(tensorproduct(Me, Ne), Permutation([0, 2, 1, 3])), (2, 3))
    cge2 = tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(Me, Ne), (1, 3))
    assert cge1 == cge2

    cg1 = CodegenArrayPermuteDims(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N),
                                  Permutation([0, 1, 3, 2]))
    cg2 = CodegenArrayTensorProduct(
        M, CodegenArrayPermuteDims(N, Permutation([1, 0])))
    assert cg1 == cg2
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg1) == CodegenArrayTensorProduct(
        M, N.T)
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg2) == CodegenArrayTensorProduct(
        M, N.T)

    cg1 = CodegenArrayContraction(
        CodegenArrayPermuteDims(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q),
                                Permutation([0, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 7, 6])), (1, 2),
        (3, 5))
    cg2 = CodegenArrayContraction(
            M, N, P, CodegenArrayPermuteDims(Q, Permutation([1, 0]))), (1, 5),
        (2, 3))
    assert cg1 == cg2
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg1) == CodegenArrayTensorProduct(
        M * P.T * Trace(N), Q.T)
    assert recognize_matrix_expression(cg2) == CodegenArrayTensorProduct(
        M * P.T * Trace(N), Q.T)

    cg1 = CodegenArrayContraction(
        CodegenArrayPermuteDims(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q),
                                Permutation([1, 0, 4, 6, 2, 7, 5, 3])), (0, 1),
        (2, 6), (3, 7))
    cg2 = CodegenArrayPermuteDims(
        CodegenArrayContraction(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, P, Q, N), (0, 1),
                                (2, 3), (4, 7)), [1, 0])
    assert cg1 == cg2

    cg1 = CodegenArrayContraction(
        CodegenArrayPermuteDims(CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q),
                                Permutation([1, 0, 4, 6, 7, 2, 5, 3])), (0, 1),
        (2, 6), (3, 7))
    cg2 = CodegenArrayPermuteDims(
            CodegenArrayTensorProduct(CodegenArrayPermuteDims(M, [1, 0]), N, P,
                                      Q), (0, 1), (3, 6), (4, 5)),
        Permutation([1, 0]))
    assert cg1 == cg2
Exemple #3
def compute_Gamma(g_deriv, gUP):
    """Return Christoffel symbols
    g_derivT = Array([(g_deriv[:, :, i]).transpose() for i in range(4)])

    gUgd = tensorproduct(gUP, g_deriv)
    gUgdT = tensorproduct(gUP, g_derivT)

    return 1 / 2 * (tensorcontraction(gUgd, (1, 3)) + tensorcontraction(
        gUgdT, (1, 3)) - tensorcontraction(gUgd, (1, 2)))
def test_arrayexpr_contraction_permutation_mix():

    Me = M.subs(k, 3).as_explicit()
    Ne = N.subs(k, 3).as_explicit()

    cg1 = ArrayContraction(PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), Permutation([0, 2, 1, 3])), (2, 3))
    cg2 = ArrayContraction(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), (1, 3))
    assert cg1 == cg2
    cge1 = tensorcontraction(permutedims(tensorproduct(Me, Ne), Permutation([0, 2, 1, 3])), (2, 3))
    cge2 = tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(Me, Ne), (1, 3))
    assert cge1 == cge2

    cg1 = PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(M, N), Permutation([0, 1, 3, 2]))
    cg2 = ArrayTensorProduct(M, PermuteDims(N, Permutation([1, 0])))
    assert cg1 == cg2

    cg1 = ArrayContraction(
            ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), Permutation([0, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 7, 6])),
        (1, 2), (3, 5)
    cg2 = ArrayContraction(
        ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, PermuteDims(Q, Permutation([1, 0]))),
        (1, 5), (2, 3)
    assert cg1 == cg2

    cg1 = ArrayContraction(
            ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), Permutation([1, 0, 4, 6, 2, 7, 5, 3])),
        (0, 1), (2, 6), (3, 7)
    cg2 = PermuteDims(
            ArrayTensorProduct(M, P, Q, N),
            (0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 7)),
        [1, 0]
    assert cg1 == cg2

    cg1 = ArrayContraction(
            ArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P, Q), Permutation([1, 0, 4, 6, 7, 2, 5, 3])),
        (0, 1), (2, 6), (3, 7)
    cg2 = PermuteDims(
            ArrayTensorProduct(PermuteDims(M, [1, 0]), N, P, Q),
            (0, 1), (3, 6), (4, 5)
        Permutation([1, 0])
    assert cg1 == cg2
Exemple #5
 def init_riemann(self):
     """ Riemann tensor of the metric, which is a 4-index tensor. """
     riemann = sp.MutableDenseNDimArray(np.zeros((self.dim,)*4)) # Inizializing 4-index tensor
     dchr = sp.MutableDenseNDimArray(np.zeros((self.dim,)*4)) # Derivative of Christoffel symbols
     if isinstance(self.chr, type(None)):
         self.init_chr() # Initialize Christoffel symbols (if not already done)
     for mu in range(self.dim):
         dchr[:,:,:,mu] = sp.diff(self.chr, self.variables[mu])
     for sigma in range(self.dim):
         for rho in range(self.dim):
             riemann[rho,sigma,:,:] = dchr[rho,:,sigma,:].transpose() - dchr[rho,:,sigma,:] \
                     + sp.tensorcontraction(sp.tensorproduct(self.chr[rho,:,:], self.chr[:,:,sigma]),(1,2)) \
                     - (sp.tensorcontraction(sp.tensorproduct(self.chr[rho,:,:], self.chr[:,:,sigma]),(1,2))).transpose()
     self.riemann = sp.simplify(riemann)
Exemple #6
def geodesic_ncurve(surface: ParametricSurface, ic_uv, ic_uv_t, t1=5, dt=0.05):
    from sympy import lambdify
    from scipy.integrate import ode as sciode
    import numpy as np
    from sympy import symbols, Function, Array, tensorproduct, tensorcontraction
    t = symbols('t', real=True)
    u = Function(surface.sym(0), real=True)(t)
    v = Function(surface.sym(1), real=True)(t)

    second_term_tensor = tensorproduct(
            {surface.sym(0):u, surface.sym(1):v}),
        Array([u, v]).diff(t), 
        Array([u, v]).diff(t))
    second_term_tensor = tensorcontraction(second_term_tensor, (1, 3), (2, 4))

    u_t = Function(str(u)+'^{\prime}', real=True)(t)
    v_t = Function(str(v)+'^{\prime}', real=True)(t)
    lambdify_sympy = lambdify((u, u_t, v, v_t), [
        -second_term_tensor[0].subs({u.diff(t):u_t, v.diff(t):v_t}), 
        -second_term_tensor[1].subs({u.diff(t):u_t, v.diff(t):v_t})])
    x0, t0 = [ic_uv[0], ic_uv_t[0], ic_uv[1], ic_uv_t[1]], 0.0
    scioder = sciode(lambda t,X: lambdify_sympy(*X)).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf')
    scioder.set_initial_value(x0, t0)
    num_of_t = int(t1 / dt); # num_of_t
    u_arr = np.empty((num_of_t, 4)); u_arr[0] = x0
    t_arr = np.arange(num_of_t) * dt
    i = 0
    while scioder.successful() and i < num_of_t-1:
        i += 1
        u_arr[i] = scioder.integrate(scioder.t+dt)
    return t_arr, (u_arr[:, 0], u_arr[:, 2])
Exemple #7
def tensordot(a, b):
    s1 = a.shape
    s2 = b.shape
    assert s1[-1] == s2[0]
    s3 = s1[:-1] + s2[1:]
    k = len(s1) - 1
    return tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(a, b), (k, k + 1))
Exemple #8
def compute_Upsilon(g_deriv, uUP):
    """Return Upsilon =

    Upsilon_ alpha beta = g_beta gamma, alpha uUP^gamma


    gdU = tensorproduct(g_deriv, uUP)

    return -Matrix(tensorcontraction(gdU, (1, 3)))
Exemple #9
def LineElement():
    print("Starting Test: Line Element...")
        t, x, y, z = sympy.symbols("t x y z")
        dt, dx, dy, dz = sympy.symbols('dt dx dy dz')
        eta = bt.GRMetric([t, x, y, z],
                          sympy.Matrix([[-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
        dx = bt.GRTensor([eta], sympy.Array([dt, dx, dy, dz]))
        rhs_ = sympy.tensorcontraction(
            sympy.tensorproduct(eta.lowered, dx.vals), (1, 2))
        rhs = sympy.tensorcontraction(sympy.tensorproduct(rhs_, dx.vals),
                                      (0, 1))
        assert rhs + dt**2 - dx**2 - dy**2 - dz**2 == 0
        print("Test: Line Element - Passed")
        return 1
        print("Test: Line Element - Failed")
        return 0
Exemple #10
def V(n):
    """Elimination theory vector of variables."""
    if n == 3:
        return []
        zs = punctures(n)[1:n - 3]
        elimination_vector = flatten(sympy.Matrix([1, zs[0]]))
        for i in range(1, len(zs)):
            elimination_vector = flatten(
                sympy.tensorproduct([zs[i]**j for j in range(i + 2)],
        return elimination_vector
Exemple #11
def test_array_as_explicit_matrix_symbol():

    A = MatrixSymbol("A", 3, 3)
    B = MatrixSymbol("B", 3, 3)

    texpr = tensorproduct(A, B)
    assert isinstance(texpr, ArrayTensorProduct)
    assert texpr.as_explicit() == tensorproduct(A.as_explicit(),

    texpr = tensorcontraction(A, (0, 1))
    assert isinstance(texpr, ArrayContraction)
    assert texpr.as_explicit() == A[0, 0] + A[1, 1] + A[2, 2]

    texpr = tensordiagonal(A, (0, 1))
    assert isinstance(texpr, ArrayDiagonal)
    assert texpr.as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseNDimArray(
        [A[0, 0], A[1, 1], A[2, 2]])

    texpr = permutedims(A, [1, 0])
    assert isinstance(texpr, PermuteDims)
    assert texpr.as_explicit() == permutedims(A.as_explicit(), [1, 0])
Exemple #12
    def lorentz_transform(self, transformation_matrix):
        Performs a Lorentz transform on the tensor.

            transformation_matrix : ~sympy.tensor.array.dense_ndim_array.ImmutableDenseNDimArray or list
                Sympy Array or multi-dimensional list containing Sympy Expressions

                lorentz transformed tensor(or vector)

        tm = sympy.Array(transformation_matrix)
        t = self.tensor()
        for i in range(self.order):
            if self.config[i] == "u":
                t = simplify(
                    tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(tm, t), (1, 2 + i)))
                t = simplify(
                    tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(tm, t), (0, 2 + i)))
            tmp = np.array(t.tolist()).reshape(t.shape)
            source, dest = list(range(len(t.shape))), list(range(len(t.shape)))
            dest.insert(0, i)
            tmp = np.moveaxis(tmp, source, dest)
            t = sympy.Array(tmp)

        return BaseRelativityTensor(
def tensor3_vector_product(T, v):
    """Implements a product of a rank-3 tensor (3D array) with a vector using
    tensor product and tensor contraction.


    T: sp.Array of dimensions n x m x k

    v: sp.Array of dimensions k x 1


    A: sp.Array of dimensions n x m


    >>>T = sp.Array([[[1, 4, 7, 10], [2, 5, 8, 11], [3, 6, 9, 12]],
                     [[13, 16, 19, 22], [14, 17, 20, 23], [15, 18, 21, 24]]])
    ⎡⎡1  4  7  10⎤  ⎡13  16  19  22⎤⎤
    ⎢⎢           ⎥  ⎢              ⎥⎥
    ⎢⎢2  5  8  11⎥  ⎢14  17  20  23⎥⎥
    ⎢⎢           ⎥  ⎢              ⎥⎥
    ⎣⎣3  6  9  12⎦  ⎣15  18  21  24⎦⎦
    >>>v = sp.Array([1, 2, 3, 4]).reshape(4, 1)
    ⎢ ⎥
    ⎢ ⎥
    ⎢ ⎥
    >>>tensor3_vector_product(T, v)
    ⎡⎡70⎤  ⎡190⎤⎤
    ⎢⎢  ⎥  ⎢   ⎥⎥
    ⎢⎢80⎥  ⎢200⎥⎥
    ⎢⎢  ⎥  ⎢   ⎥⎥
    ⎣⎣90⎦  ⎣210⎦⎦

    import sympy as sp
    assert (T.rank() == 3)
    # reshape v to ensure 1D vector so that contraction do not contain x 1
    # dimension
    v.reshape(v.shape[0], )
    p = sp.tensorproduct(T, v)
    return sp.tensorcontraction(p, (2, 3))
Exemple #14
def tensor_product(tensor1, tensor2, i=None, j=None):
    """Tensor Product of ``tensor1`` and ``tensor2``

    tensor1 : ~einsteinpy.symbolic.BaseRelativityTensor
    tensor2 : ~einsteinpy.symbolic.BaseRelativityTensor
    i : int, optional
        contract ``i``th index of ``tensor1``
    j : int, optional
        contract ``j``th index of ``tensor2``

        tensor of appropriate rank

        Raised when ``i`` and ``j`` both indicate 'u' or 'l' indices
    product = tensorproduct(tensor1.arr, tensor2.arr)

    if (i or j) is None:
        newconfig = tensor1.config + tensor2.config
        if tensor1.config[i] == tensor2.config[j]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Index summation not allowed between %s and %s indices"
                % (tensor1.config[i], tensor2.config[j])

        product = simplify(tensorcontraction(product, (i, len(tensor1.config) + j)))

        con = tensor1.config[:i] + tensor1.config[i + 1 :]
        fig = tensor2.config[:j] + tensor2.config[j + 1 :]
        newconfig = con + fig

    return BaseRelativityTensor(
Exemple #15
 def chain_config_change():
     t = sympy.Array(tensor.tensor())
     difflist = _difference_list(newconfig, tensor.config)
     for i, action in enumerate(difflist):
         if action == 0:
             t = simplify(
                 tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(met_dict[action], t),
                                   (1, 2 + i)))
             # reshuffle the indices
             dest = list(range(len(t.shape)))
             dest.insert(i, 0)
             t = sympy.permutedims(t, dest)
     return t
Exemple #16
def test_nested_permutations():

    cg = CodegenArrayPermuteDims(CodegenArrayPermuteDims(M, (1, 0)), (1, 0))
    assert cg == M

    times = 3
    plist1 = [list(range(6)) for i in range(times)]
    plist2 = [list(range(6)) for i in range(times)]

    for i in range(times):

    plist1.append([2, 5, 4, 1, 0, 3])
    plist2.append([3, 5, 0, 4, 1, 2])

    plist1.append([2, 5, 4, 0, 3, 1])
    plist2.append([3, 0, 5, 1, 2, 4])

    plist1.append([5, 4, 2, 0, 3, 1])
    plist2.append([4, 5, 0, 2, 3, 1])

    Me = M.subs(k, 3).as_explicit()
    Ne = N.subs(k, 3).as_explicit()
    Pe = P.subs(k, 3).as_explicit()
    cge = tensorproduct(Me, Ne, Pe)

    for permutation_array1, permutation_array2 in zip(plist1, plist2):
        p1 = Permutation(permutation_array1)
        p2 = Permutation(permutation_array2)

        cg = CodegenArrayPermuteDims(
                CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P),
        result = CodegenArrayPermuteDims(
            CodegenArrayTensorProduct(M, N, P),
        assert cg == result

        # Check that `permutedims` behaves the same way with explicit-component arrays:
        result1 = permutedims(permutedims(cge, p1), p2)
        result2 = permutedims(cge, p2*p1)
        assert result1 == result2
def tensor_product(T1, T2, contraction=None):
    """Take the tensor product of two tensors.
    T1 (Tensor) --  The first tensor to be multiplied
    T2 (Tensor) --  The second tensor to be multiplied
    Keyword Arguments:
    contraction (tuple) -- Indices to contract, maximum length of 2 (default None)
    Return Type -- Tensor
    new_ind = T1.indices[:] + T2.indices[:]
    new_vals = sympy.tensorproduct(copy.deepcopy(T1.vals),
    Tf = objects.Tensor(new_ind, new_vals)
    if contraction:
        Tf = tensor_contract(Tf, contraction[0], contraction[1])
    return Tf
Exemple #18
 def chain_config_change():
     t = sympy.Array(tensor.tensor())
     difflist = _difference_list(newconfig, tensor.config)
     for i, action in enumerate(difflist):
         if action == 0:
             t = simplify(
                 tensorcontraction(tensorproduct(met_dict[action], t),
                                   (1, 2 + i)))
             # reshuffle the indices
             tmp = np.array(t.tolist()).reshape(t.shape)
             source, dest = list(range(len(t.shape))), list(
             dest.insert(0, i)
             tmp = np.moveaxis(tmp, source, dest)
             t = sympy.Array(tmp)
     return t
Exemple #19
    def weyl(self):
        Returns the Weyl conformal tensor using the formula:
        C_{\rho\sigma\mu\nu} =
        R_{\rho\sigma\mu\nu} - \frac{2}{(n - 2)} (g_{\rho[\mu} R_{\nu]\sigma} - g_{\sigma[\mu} R_{\nu]\rho})
        + \frac{2}{(n - 1)(n - 2)} g_{\rho[\mu} g_{\nu]\sigma} R

        if self._weyl is None:
            n = self.dim
            if n < 3:
                raise ValueError(
                    "the Weyl tensor is only defined in dimensions of 3 or more. {} is of dimension {}"
                    .format(self, n))
            elif n == 3:
                res = tensorproduct(zeros(3, 3), zeros(3, 3))
                self._weyl = Tensor("C",
                                    symmetry=[[2, 2]],
                                    covar=(1, -1, -1, -1))
                return self._weyl
            c1 = Rational(1, n - 2)
            c2 = Rational(1, (n - 2) * (n - 1))
            mu, nu, si, rh = indices("mu nu sigma rho", self)
            R = self.riemann
            RR = self.ricci_tensor
            RRR = self.ricci_scalar
            g = self.metric
            C = (R(rh, -si, -mu, -nu) - c1 *
                 (g(rh, -mu) * RR(-nu, -si) - g(rh, -nu) * RR(-mu, -si) +
                  g(-si, -nu) * RR(-mu, rh) - g(-si, -mu) * RR(-nu, rh)) + c2 *
                 (g(rh, -mu) * g(-nu, -si) - g(rh, -nu) * g(-mu, -si)) * RRR)
            res = expand_tensor(C, [rh, -si, -mu, -nu])
            self._weyl = Tensor("C",
                                symmetry=[[2, 2]],
                                covar=(1, -1, -1, -1))
        return self._weyl
def test_array_symbol_and_element():
    A = ArraySymbol("A", 2)
    A0 = ArrayElement(A, (0,))
    A1 = ArrayElement(A, (1,))
    assert A.as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseNDimArray([A0, A1])

    A2 = tensorproduct(A, A)
    assert A2.shape == (2, 2)
    # TODO: not yet supported:
    # assert A2.as_explicit() == Array([[A[0]*A[0], A[1]*A[0]], [A[0]*A[1], A[1]*A[1]]])
    A3 = tensorcontraction(A2, (0, 1))
    assert A3.shape == ()
    # TODO: not yet supported:
    # assert A3.as_explicit() == Array([])

    A = ArraySymbol("A", 2, 3, 4)
    Ae = A.as_explicit()
    assert Ae == ImmutableDenseNDimArray(
        [[[ArrayElement(A, (i, j, k)) for k in range(4)] for j in range(3)] for i in range(2)])

    p = permutedims(A, Permutation(0, 2, 1))
    assert isinstance(p, PermuteDims)
Exemple #21
def test_Metric_weyl():
    x, y, z = symbols("x y z", real=True)
    I = Metric("I", (x, y, z), eye(3))
    zero_tensor = tensorproduct(zeros(3, 3), zeros(3, 3))
    assert I.weyl.as_array() == zero_tensor

    (coords, t, r, th, ph, schw, g, mu, nu) = _generate_schwarzschild()
    rh, si = indices("rho sigma", g)
    C = g.weyl

    def is_zero(arr):
        for comp in arr:
            yield comp.equals(0)

    expr = C(-rh, -si, -mu, -nu) + C(-si, -rh, -mu, -nu)
    assert all(is_zero(expand_tensor(expr)))
    expr = C(-rh, -si, -mu, -nu) + C(-rh, -si, -nu, -mu)
    assert all(is_zero(expand_tensor(expr)))
    expr = C(-rh, -si, -mu, -nu) - C(-mu, -nu, -rh, -si)
    assert all(is_zero(expand_tensor(expr)))
    expr = C(-rh, -si, -mu, -nu) + C(-rh, -mu, -nu, -si) + C(
        -rh, -nu, -si, -mu)
    assert all(is_zero(expand_tensor(expr)))
            exec('W.append(w' + str(FromLayer) + str(i) + str(j) + ')')
    W = sp.Array(W)
    W = W.reshape(outputNeurons, inputNeurons)
    return (W)

W_l1tol2 = weights(1, 4, 4)
W_l2tol3 = weights(2, 4, 4)
W_l3tol4 = weights(3, 4, 2)
W_l4tol5 = weights(4, 2, 1)

f = lambda x: 1 / (1 + sp.exp(-x))
input = sp.Array([inp1, inp2, inp3, inp4])

o_l1 = [f(input[0]), f(input[1]), f(input[2]), f(input[3])]
o_l2 = sp.tensorcontraction(
    sp.tensorproduct([o_l1], W_l1tol2)[0, :, :, :].applyfunc(f), (0, 1))
o_l3 = sp.tensorcontraction(
    sp.tensorproduct([o_l2], W_l2tol3)[0, :, :, :].applyfunc(f), (0, 1))
o_l4 = sp.tensorcontraction(
    sp.tensorproduct([o_l3], W_l3tol4)[0, :, :, :].applyfunc(f), (0, 1))
o_l5 = sp.tensorcontraction(
    sp.tensorproduct([o_l4], W_l4tol5)[0, :, :, :].applyfunc(f), (0, 1))
Exemple #23
 def as_explicit(self):
     return tensorproduct(*[arg.as_explicit() if hasattr(arg, "as_explicit") else arg for arg in self.args])
Exemple #24
#Computes the determinant of the stokeslet.
import sympy as sy
from sympy import Q
import sympy.diffgeom as diffg
import numpy as np
import sympy.vector as sv
from sympy.diffgeom.rn import R3_r
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

x1, x2, x3 = sy.symbols('r_1 r_2 r_3', real=True)
y1, y2, y3 = sy.symbols('y_1 y_2 y_3', real=True)
mu = sy.symbols('mu', real=True)
a = sy.symbols('a', real=True)

r = sy.Array([y1 - x1, y2 - x2, y3 - x3])
rv = sy.Matrix([y1 - x1, y2 - x2, y3 - x3])
R = rv.norm()
rr = sy.tensorproduct(r, r)
G = (3 / 4) * a * (rr.tomatrix() / (R**3) + sy.eye(3) / R)
v11 = 1
v22 = 1

r11 = y1 - x11
r12 = y2 - x12
r21 = y1 - x21
r22 = y2 - x22

r1 = sy.Array([r11, r12])
r2 = sy.Array([r21, r22])
rr1 = sy.Matrix([r11, r12])
rr2 = sy.Matrix([r21, r22])
v1 = sy.Matrix([v11, v12])
v2 = sy.Matrix([v21, v22])

r1r1 = sy.tensorproduct(r1, r1).tomatrix()
r2r2 = sy.tensorproduct(r2, r2).tomatrix()

G1 = 0.01 * (3 / 4) * (r1r1 / (rr1.norm()**3) + sy.eye(2) / (rr1.norm()))
G2 = 0.01 * (3 / 4) * (r2r2 / (rr2.norm()**3) + sy.eye(2) / (rr2.norm()))

u1 = G1 * v1
u2 = G2 * v2

G = sy.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
G[:, 0] = u1
G[:, 1] = u2
# detG3=sy.det(G)
# print(sy.latex(detG3))

Exemple #26
def generate_geodesic_clcode(g_deriv, gUP, uUP, level):
    """Reduce RHS to 1 equation"""

    # TODO: This function is a little bit too complicated (cyclomatic complexity
    #       is 19...). It may be useful to break it down into smaller pieces, so
    #       that testing can also be improved.

    # in our template we have to insert:
    # - The CSE symbols
    # - Additional definitions/manipulations
    # - The RHS

    # To do this we initialize the variable clcode with the cse symbols, and we
    # append everything else to it

    if (level == 1):
        # Upsilon_ beta alpha = g_beta gamma, alpha uUP gamma
        Upsilon = compute_Upsilon(g_deriv, uUP)

        gUPuUPUpsilon = tensorproduct(tensorproduct(gUP, uUP), Upsilon)

        # Xi1^mu = g^mu alpha uUP beta Upsilon_beta alpha
        # Xi2^mu = - 1/2 g^mu alpha u^beta Upsilon_alpha beta
        Xi1UP = tensor_contractions(gUPuUPUpsilon, [(2, 3), (1, 4)])
        Xi2UP = tensor_contractions(-1 / 2 * gUPuUPUpsilon, [(1, 3), (2, 3)])

        # rhs^mu = -(Xi1^ mu + Xi2^ mu)
        rhsUP, clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols(list(Xi1UP + Xi2UP))
        clcode += assign_vector('rhs', rhsUP)
    elif (level == 2):
        Upsilon = compute_Upsilon(g_deriv, uUP)
        Xi = Upsilon.transpose() - Upsilon / 2

        # Lambda = gUP * Xi
        Lambda, clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols(gUP * Xi)
        clcode += assign_matrix('Lambda', Lambda[0])
        clcode += "real4 rhs = matrix_vector_product(Lambda, u);\n"
    elif (level == 3):
        Upsilon = compute_Upsilon(g_deriv, uUP)
        Xi = Upsilon.transpose() - Upsilon / 2
        (Xi, gUP), clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols([Xi, gUP])

        clcode += assign_matrices({'Xi': Xi, 'gUP': gUP})
        clcode += "real4 rhs = matrix_vector_product(gUP, matrix_vector_product(Xi, u));\n"
    elif (level == 4):
        Upsilon = compute_Upsilon(g_deriv, uUP)
        (Upsilon, gUP), clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols([Upsilon, gUP])

        clcode += assign_matrices({'Upsilon': Upsilon, 'gUP': gUP})
        clcode += assign_transposed_matrix('Upsilon')
        clcode += "real16 Xi = UpsilonT - Upsilon/2;\n"
        clcode += "real4 rhs = matrix_vector_product(gUP, matrix_vector_product(Xi, u));\n"
    elif (level == 5):
        Phi = compute_Phi(g_deriv)
        (*Phi, gUP), clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols([*Phi, gUP])
        clcode += assign_matrices({
            'Phi_t': Phi[0],
            'Phi_x': Phi[1],
            'Phi_y': Phi[2],
            'Phi_z': Phi[3],
            'gUP': gUP

        clcode += "real16 Upsilon = -uUPt * Phi_t - uUPx * Phi_x"
        clcode += " - uUPy * Phi_y - uUPz * Phi_z;\n"
        clcode += assign_transposed_matrix('Upsilon')
        clcode += "real16 Xi = UpsilonT - Upsilon/2;\n"
        clcode += "real4 rhs = matrix_vector_product(gUP, matrix_vector_product(Xi, u));\n"
    elif (level == 6):
        # Typically this level is very slow because it has to parse a lot of
        # long sympy expressions

        # CSE does not handle very well g_deriv, so we split it
        g_deriv = restructure_derivatives_to_list(g_deriv)

        (*g_deriv, gUP), clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols([*g_deriv, gUP])

        d = {0: 't', 1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'}

        # Write derivatives
        for a in range(4):
            for b in range(4):
                for c in range(4):
                    clcode += assign_scalar("g_" + d[a] + d[b] + d[c],
                                            g_deriv[c][a, b])

        for c in range(4):
            clcode += "real16 Phi_" + d[c] + " = {" + \
                ", ".join(["g_" + d[b] + d[c] + d[a] for a in range(4)
                           for b in range(4)]) + "};\n"

        clcode += "real16 Upsilon = -uUPt * Phi_t - uUPx * Phi_x"
        clcode += " - uUPy * Phi_y - uUPz * Phi_z;\n"
        clcode += assign_transposed_matrix('Upsilon')
        clcode += assign_matrix('gUP', gUP)
        clcode += "real16 Xi = UpsilonT - Upsilon/2;\n"
        clcode += "real4 rhs = matrix_vector_product(gUP, matrix_vector_product(Xi, u));\n"
    elif (level == 7):
        Gamma = compute_Gamma(g_deriv, gUP)
        GammauUPuUP = tensorproduct(tensorproduct(Gamma, uUP), uUP)
        rhsUP = -tensor_contractions(GammauUPuUP, [(1, 3), (2, 4)])
        rhsUP, clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols(list(rhsUP))
        clcode += assign_vector('rhs', rhsUP)
    elif (level == 8):
        Gamma = [Matrix(G) for G in compute_Gamma(g_deriv, gUP)]
        GammaUP, clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols(Gamma)

        d = {0: 't', 1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'}

        clcode += assign_matrices(
            {"GammaUP" + d[i]: GammaUP[i]
             for i in range(4)})

        clcode += "real4 rhs = {-dot(u, matrix_vector_product(GammaUPt, u)),"
        clcode += "-dot(u, matrix_vector_product(GammaUPx, u)),"
        clcode += "-dot(u, matrix_vector_product(GammaUPy, u)),"
        clcode += "-dot(u, matrix_vector_product(GammaUPz, u))};\n"
    elif (level == 9):
        # CSE does not handle very well g_deriv, so we split it
        # and we make a list with all the derivatives
        # g_deriv[0] is derivative with respect to t, and so on
        g_deriv = restructure_derivatives_to_list(g_deriv)

        # We unpack to avoid nested lists
        (*g_deriv, gUP), clcode = apply_cse_and_assign_symbols([*g_deriv, gUP])

        d = {0: 't', 1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'}

        # Write derivatives
        for a in range(4):
            for b in range(4):
                for c in range(4):
                    clcode += assign_scalar("g_" + d[a] + d[b] + d[c],
                                            g_deriv[c][a, b])

        clcode += assign_vectors(
            {'gUP' + d[i]: list(gUP.row(i))
             for i in range(4)})

        for c in range(4):
            clcode += "real16 A_" + d[c] + " = {" + \
                ", ".join(["g_" + d[c] + d[a] + d[b] for a in range(4)
                           for b in range(4)]) + "};\n"
            clcode += "real16 B_" + d[c] + " = {" + \
                ", ".join(["g_" + d[c] + d[b] + d[a] for a in range(4)
                           for b in range(4)]) + "};\n"
            clcode += "real16 C_" + d[c] + " = {" + \
                ", ".join(["g_" + d[a] + d[b] + d[c] for a in range(4)
                           for b in range(4)]) + "};\n"
        for c in range(4):
            clcode += "real16 GammaUP" + d[c] + " = 0.5 * (" + \
                "gUP" + d[c] + ".s0 * (A_t + B_t - C_t) + " \
                "gUP" + d[c] + ".s1 * (A_x + B_x - C_x) + " \
                "gUP" + d[c] + ".s2 * (A_y + B_y - C_y) + " \
                "gUP" + d[c] + ".s3 * (A_z + B_z - C_z));\n"

        clcode += "real4 rhs = {-dot(u, matrix_vector_product(GammaUPt, u)),"
        clcode += "-dot(u, matrix_vector_product(GammaUPx, u)),"
        clcode += "-dot(u, matrix_vector_product(GammaUPy, u)),"
        clcode += "-dot(u, matrix_vector_product(GammaUPz, u))};\n"
        raise ValueError("Level {} not implemented".format(level))

    return clcode
Exemple #27
y1, y2, y3 = sy.symbols('y_1 y_2 y_3', real=True)
mu, eta = sy.symbols('mu eta', real=True)
theta_1, theta_2, theta_3, a = sy.symbols('theta_1,theta_2,theta_3, a',

r1 = sy.Array([y1 - a * sy.cos(theta_1), y2 - a * sy.sin(theta_1), 0])
r1vec = sy.Matrix([y1 - a * sy.cos(theta_1), y2 - a * sy.sin(theta_1), 0])

r2 = sy.Array([y1 - a * sy.cos(theta_2), y2 - a * sy.sin(theta_2), 0])
r2vec = sy.Matrix([y1 - a * sy.cos(theta_2), y2 - a * sy.sin(theta_2), 0])

r3 = sy.Array([y1 - a * sy.cos(theta_3), y2 - a * sy.sin(theta_3), 0])
r3vec = sy.Matrix([y1 - a * sy.cos(theta_3), y2 - a * sy.sin(theta_3), 0])

R1 = r1vec.norm()
rr1 = sy.tensorproduct(r1, r1)
G1 = (3 / 4) * eta * (rr1.tomatrix() / (R1**3) + sy.eye(3) / R1)
# +(1/8)*(eta**3)*(2*sy.eye(3)/(R**3)-6*rr.tomatrix()/(R**5))

R2 = r2vec.norm()
rr2 = sy.tensorproduct(r2, r2)

G2 = (3 / 4) * eta * (rr2.tomatrix() / (R2**3) + sy.eye(3) / R2)
# +(1/8)*(eta**3)*(2*sy.eye(3)/(R**3)-6*rr.tomatrix()/(R**5))

R3 = r3vec.norm()
rr3 = sy.tensorproduct(r3, r3)

G3 = (3 / 4) * eta * (rr3.tomatrix() / (R3**2) + sy.eye(3) / R3)
# +(1/8)*(eta**3)*(2*sy.eye(3)/(R**3)-6*rr.tomatrix()/(R**5))
Exemple #28
from sympy import Array, tensorproduct, init_printing, symbols, pprint, eye
x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t')
A = Array([x, y, z, t])
B = Array([1, 2, 3, 4])
pprint(tensorproduct(A, B))
W_l2tol3 = weights(2, 4, 4)
W_l3tol4 = weights(3, 4, 2)
W_l4tol5 = weights(4, 2, 1)

f = lambda x: 1 / (1 + sp.exp(-x))
input = sp.Array([inp1, inp2, inp3, inp4])

o_l1 = sp.Array([[f(input[0]), f(input[1]), f(input[2]), f(input[3])]])
o_l2 = sp.Array([
        sp.tensorproduct(o_l1, W_l1tol2)[0, :, :, :].applyfunc(f), (0, 1))
o_l3 = sp.Array([
        sp.tensorproduct(o_l2, W_l2tol3)[0, :, :, :].applyfunc(f), (0, 1))
o_l4 = sp.Array([
        sp.tensorproduct(o_l3, W_l3tol4)[0, :, :, :].applyfunc(f), (0, 1))
o_l5 = sp.Array([
        sp.tensorproduct(o_l4, W_l4tol5)[0, :, :, :].applyfunc(f), (0, 1))