Exemple #1
def test_deriv_sub_bug3():
    x = Symbol("x")
    y = Symbol("y")
    f = Function("f")
    pat = Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert pat.subs(y, y**2) == Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert pat.subs(y, y**2) != Derivative(f(x), x)
Exemple #2
def test_deriv_sub_bug3():
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    f = Function('f')
    pat = Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert pat.subs(y, y**2) == Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert pat.subs(y, y**2) != Derivative(f(x), x)
 def _main(expr):
     _new = []
     for a in expr.args:
         is_V = False
         if isinstance(a, V):
             is_V = True
             a = a.expr
         if a.is_Function:
             name = a.__class__.__name__
             for i in a.args:
                 if i.is_Function:
                     func = i
             if ',' in name:
                 variables = [eval(i) for i in name.split(',')[1]]
                 a = Derivative(func, *variables)
             if 'V' in name:
                 #TODO remove this V and use class
                 a = V(a)
                 a.function = func
         #TODO add more, maybe all that have args
         elif a.is_Add or a.is_Mul or a.is_Pow:
             a = _main(a)
         if is_V:
             a = V(a)
             a.function = func
         _new.append( a )
     return expr.func(*tuple(_new))
Exemple #4
def test_subs_in_derivative():
    expr = sin(x*exp(y))
    u = Function('u')
    v = Function('v')
    assert Derivative(expr, y).subs(expr, y) == Derivative(y, y)
    assert Derivative(expr, y).subs(y, x).doit() == \
        Derivative(expr, y).doit().subs(y, x)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(y, x) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y), y, x)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(x, y) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y), x, y)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(y, g(x, y)) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y), y, g(x, y)).doit()
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(x, g(x, y)) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y), x, g(x, y))
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), g(y)).subs(x, g(x, y)) == Derivative(f(g(x, y), y), g(y))
    assert Derivative(f(u(x), h(y)), h(y)).subs(h(y), g(x, y)) == \
        Subs(Derivative(f(u(x), h(y)), h(y)), h(y), g(x, y)).doit()
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(y, z) == Derivative(f(x, z), z)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(y, g(y)) == Derivative(f(x, g(y)), g(y))
    assert Derivative(f(g(x), h(y)), h(y)).subs(h(y), u(y)) == \
        Derivative(f(g(x), u(y)), u(y))
    assert Derivative(f(x, f(x, x)), f(x, x)).subs(
        f, Lambda((x, y), x + y)) == Subs(
        Derivative(z + x, z), z, 2*x)
    assert Subs(Derivative(f(f(x)), x), f, cos).doit() == sin(x)*sin(cos(x))
    assert Subs(Derivative(f(f(x)), f(x)), f, cos).doit() == -sin(cos(x))
    # Issue 13791. No comparison (it's a long formula) but this used to raise an exception.
    assert isinstance(v(x, y, u(x, y)).diff(y).diff(x).diff(y), Expr)
    # This is also related to issues 13791 and 13795; issue 15190
    F = Lambda((x, y), exp(2*x + 3*y))
    abstract = f(x, f(x, x)).diff(x, 2)
    concrete = F(x, F(x, x)).diff(x, 2)
    assert (abstract.subs(f, F).doit() - concrete).simplify() == 0
    # don't introduce a new symbol if not necessary
    assert x in f(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0).atoms()
    # case (4)
    assert Derivative(f(x,f(x,y)), x, y).subs(x, g(y)
        ) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, f(x, y)), x, y), x, g(y))

    assert Derivative(f(x, x), x).subs(x, 0
        ) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, x), x), x, 0)
    # issue 15194
    assert Derivative(f(y, g(x)), (x, z)).subs(z, x
        ) == Derivative(f(y, g(x)), (x, x))

    df = f(x).diff(x)
    assert df.subs(df, 1) is S.One
    assert df.diff(df) is S.One
    dxy = Derivative(f(x, y), x, y)
    dyx = Derivative(f(x, y), y, x)
    assert dxy.subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y, x), 1) is S.One
    assert dxy.diff(dyx) is S.One
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), x, 2, y, 3).subs(
        dyx, g(x, y)) == Derivative(g(x, y), x, 1, y, 2)
    assert Derivative(f(x, x - y), y).subs(x, x + y) == Subs(
        Derivative(f(x, x - y), y), x, x + y)
Exemple #5
def test_ODE_1():
    l = Function('l')
    r = Symbol('r')

    e = Derivative(l(r),r)/r+Derivative(l(r),r,r)/2- \
    sol = dsolve(e, [l(r)])
    assert (e.subs(l(r), sol)).expand() == 0

    e = e*exp(-l(r))/exp(l(r))
    sol = dsolve(e, [l(r)])
    assert (e.subs(l(r), sol)).expand() == 0
Exemple #6
def test_derivative1():
    x, y = map(Symbol, 'xy')
    p, q = map(Wild, 'pq')

    f = Function('f', nargs=1)
    fd = Derivative(f(x), x)

    assert fd.match(p) == {p: fd}
    assert (fd + 1).match(p + 1) == {p: fd}
    assert (fd).match(fd) == {}
    assert (3*fd).match(p*fd) is not None
    assert (3*fd - 1).match(p*fd + q) == {p: 3, q: -1}
Exemple #7
def test_derivative1():
    x,y = map(Symbol, 'xy')
    p,q = map(Wild, 'pq')

    f = Function('f',nargs=1)
    fd = Derivative(f(x), x)

    assert fd.match(p) == {p: fd}
    assert (fd+1).match(p+1) == {p: fd}
    assert (fd).match(fd) == {}
    assert (3*fd).match(p*fd) != None
    p = Wild("p", exclude=[x])
    q = Wild("q", exclude=[x])
    assert (3*fd-1).match(p*fd + q) == {p: 3, q: -1}
Exemple #8
def test_derivative_subs():
    f = Function('f')
    g = Function('g')
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(f(x), y) != 0
    # need xreplace to put the function back, see #13803
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(f(x), y).xreplace({y: f(x)}) == \
        Derivative(f(x), x)
    # issues 5085, 5037
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x), x) + f(x))[1][0].has(Derivative)
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x, y), x) +
               Derivative(f(x, y), y))[1][0].has(Derivative)
    eq = Derivative(g(x), g(x))
    assert eq.subs(g, f) == Derivative(f(x), f(x))
    assert eq.subs(g(x), f(x)) == Derivative(f(x), f(x))
    assert eq.subs(g, cos) == Subs(Derivative(y, y), y, cos(x))
Exemple #9
        class invalid_units_derivative(Equation):

            expr = Eq(demo_g, Derivative(demo_d, demo_fall.definition.t))
Exemple #10
def test_classify_ode_ics():
    # Dummy
    eq = f(x).diff(x, x) - f(x)

    # Not f(0) or f'(0)
    ics = {x: 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # f(0) type (AppliedUndef) #

    # Wrong function
    ics = {g(0): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Contains x
    ics = {f(x): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Too many args
    ics = {f(0, 0): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # point contains f
    # XXX: Should be NotImplementedError
    ics = {f(0): f(1)}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Does not raise
    ics = {f(0): 1}
    classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics)

    # f'(0) type (Subs) #

    # Wrong function
    ics = {g(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Contains x
    ics = {f(y).diff(y).subs(y, x): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Wrong variable
    ics = {f(y).diff(y).subs(y, 0): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Too many args
    ics = {f(x, y).diff(x).subs(x, 0): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Derivative wrt wrong vars
    ics = {Derivative(f(x), x, y).subs(x, 0): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # point contains f
    # XXX: Should be NotImplementedError
    ics = {f(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0): f(0)}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Does not raise
    ics = {f(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0): 1}
    classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics)

    # f'(y) type (Derivative) #

    # Wrong function
    ics = {g(x).diff(x).subs(x, y): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Contains x
    ics = {f(y).diff(y).subs(y, x): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Too many args
    ics = {f(x, y).diff(x).subs(x, y): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Derivative wrt wrong vars
    ics = {Derivative(f(x), x, z).subs(x, y): 1}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # point contains f
    # XXX: Should be NotImplementedError
    ics = {f(x).diff(x).subs(x, y): f(0)}
    raises(ValueError, lambda: classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics))

    # Does not raise
    ics = {f(x).diff(x).subs(x, y): 1}
    classify_ode(eq, f(x), ics=ics)
Exemple #11
def test_deriv_sub_bug3():
    f = Function('f')
    pat = Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert pat.subs(y, y**2) == Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert pat.subs(y, y**2) != Derivative(f(x), x)
Exemple #12
def test_issue_15893():
    f = Function('f', real=True)
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    eq = Derivative(Abs(f(x)), f(x))
    assert eq.doit() == sign(f(x))
def test_Subs():
    assert Subs(1, (), ()) is S.One
    # check null subs influence on hashing
    assert Subs(x, y, z) != Subs(x, y, 1)
    # neutral subs works
    assert Subs(x, x, 1).subs(x, y).has(y)
    # self mapping var/point
    assert Subs(Derivative(f(x), (x, 2)), x, x).doit() == f(x).diff(x, x)
    assert Subs(x, x, 0).has(x)  # it's a structural answer
    assert not Subs(x, x, 0).free_symbols
    assert Subs(Subs(x + y, x, 2), y, 1) == Subs(x + y, (x, y), (2, 1))
    assert Subs(x, (x, ), (0, )) == Subs(x, x, 0)
    assert Subs(x, x, 0) == Subs(y, y, 0)
    assert Subs(x, x, 0).subs(x, 1) == Subs(x, x, 0)
    assert Subs(y, x, 0).subs(y, 1) == Subs(1, x, 0)
    assert Subs(f(x), x, 0).doit() == f(0)
    assert Subs(f(x**2), x**2, 0).doit() == f(0)
    assert Subs(f(x, y, z), (x, y, z), (0, 1, 1)) != \
        Subs(f(x, y, z), (x, y, z), (0, 0, 1))
    assert Subs(x, y, 2).subs(x, y).doit() == 2
    assert Subs(f(x, y), (x, y, z), (0, 1, 1)) != \
        Subs(f(x, y) + z, (x, y, z), (0, 1, 0))
    assert Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, 1)).doit() == f(0, 1)
    assert Subs(Subs(f(x, y), x, 0), y, 1).doit() == f(0, 1)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, 0, 1)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Subs(f(x, y), (x, x, y), (0, 0, 1)))

    assert len(Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, 1)).variables) == 2
    assert Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, 1)).point == Tuple(0, 1)

    assert Subs(f(x), x, 0) == Subs(f(y), y, 0)
    assert Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, 1)) == Subs(f(x, y), (y, x), (1, 0))
    assert Subs(f(x) * y, (x, y), (0, 1)) == Subs(f(y) * x, (y, x), (0, 1))
    assert Subs(f(x) * y, (x, y), (1, 1)) == Subs(f(y) * x, (x, y), (1, 1))

    assert Subs(f(x), x, 0).subs(x, 1).doit() == f(0)
    assert Subs(f(x), x, y).subs(y, 0) == Subs(f(x), x, 0)
    assert Subs(y * f(x), x, y).subs(y, 2) == Subs(2 * f(x), x, 2)
    assert (2 * Subs(f(x), x, 0)).subs(Subs(f(x), x, 0), y) == 2 * y

    assert Subs(f(x), x, 0).free_symbols == set([])
    assert Subs(f(x, y), x, z).free_symbols == {y, z}

    assert Subs(f(x).diff(x), x, 0).doit(), Subs(f(x).diff(x), x, 0)
    assert Subs(1 + f(x).diff(x), x, 0).doit(), 1 + Subs(f(x).diff(x), x, 0)
    assert Subs(y*f(x, y).diff(x), (x, y), (0, 2)).doit() == \
        2*Subs(Derivative(f(x, 2), x), x, 0)
    assert Subs(y**2 * f(x), x, 0).diff(y) == 2 * y * f(0)

    e = Subs(y**2 * f(x), x, y)
    assert e.diff(y) == e.doit().diff(
        y) == y**2 * Derivative(f(y), y) + 2 * y * f(y)

    assert Subs(f(x), x, 0) + Subs(f(x), x, 0) == 2 * Subs(f(x), x, 0)
    e1 = Subs(z * f(x), x, 1)
    e2 = Subs(z * f(y), y, 1)
    assert e1 + e2 == 2 * e1
    assert e1.__hash__() == e2.__hash__()
    assert Subs(z * f(x + 1), x, 1) not in [e1, e2]
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(x, g(x)) == Derivative(f(g(x)), g(x))
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(x, x + y) == Subs(Derivative(f(x), x), x,
                                                      x + y)
    assert Subs(f(x)*cos(y) + z, (x, y), (0, pi/3)).n(2) == \
        Subs(f(x)*cos(y) + z, (x, y), (0, pi/3)).evalf(2) == \
        z + Rational('1/2').n(2)*f(0)

    assert f(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0).subs(x, y) == f(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0)
    assert (x * f(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0)).subs(
        x, y) == y * f(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0)
    assert Subs(Derivative(g(x)**2, g(x), x), g(x),
                exp(x)).doit() == 2 * exp(x)
    assert Subs(Derivative(g(x)**2, g(x), x), g(x),
                exp(x)).doit(deep=False) == 2 * Derivative(exp(x), x)
    assert Derivative(
        f(x, g(x)),
        x).doit() == Derivative(f(x, g(x)), g(x)) * Derivative(g(x), x) + Subs(
            Derivative(f(y, g(x)), y), y, x)
def test_issue_7027():
    for wrt in (cos(x), re(x), Derivative(cos(x), x)):
        raises(ValueError, lambda: diff(f(x), wrt))
def test_diff_symbols():
    assert diff(f(x, y, z), x, y, z) == Derivative(f(x, y, z), x, y, z)
    assert diff(f(x, y, z), x, x, x) == Derivative(f(
        x, y, z), x, x, x) == Derivative(f(x, y, z), (x, 3))
    assert diff(f(x, y, z), x, 3) == Derivative(f(x, y, z), x, 3)

    # issue 5028
    assert [diff(-z + x / y, sym)
            for sym in (z, x, y)] == [-1, 1 / y, -x / y**2]
    assert diff(f(x, y, z), x, y, z, 2) == Derivative(f(x, y, z), x, y, z, z)
    assert diff(f(x, y, z), x, y, z, 2, evaluate=False) == \
        Derivative(f(x, y, z), x, y, z, z)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y, z), x, y, z)._eval_derivative(z) == \
        Derivative(f(x, y, z), x, y, z, z)
    assert Derivative(Derivative(f(x, y, z), x), y)._eval_derivative(z) == \
        Derivative(f(x, y, z), x, y, z)

    raises(TypeError, lambda: cos(x).diff((x, y)).variables)
    assert cos(x).diff((x, y))._wrt_variables == [x]
Exemple #16
 def _visit_eval_derivative_array(self, x):
     if x.has(self):
         return _matrix_derivative(x, self)
         from sympy import Derivative
         return Derivative(x, self)
Exemple #17
def test_issue_15893():
    f = Function('f', real=True)
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    eq = Derivative(Abs(f(x)), f(x))
    assert eq.doit() == sign(f(x))
Exemple #18
def test_neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match():
    x, y, z, w = symbols('x, y, z, w', cls=Function)
    t = Symbol('t')
    x1 = diff(x(t), t)
    y1 = diff(y(t), t)
    z1 = diff(z(t), t)
    w1 = diff(w(t), t)
    x2 = diff(x(t), t, t)
    funcs = [x(t), y(t)]
    funcs_2 = funcs + [z(t), w(t)]

    eqs_1 = (5 * x1 + 12 * x(t) - 6 * (y(t)),
             (2 * y1 - 11 * t * x(t) + 3 * y(t) + t))
    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_1, funcs, t) is None

    # NOTE: Raises TypeError
    eqs_2 = (5 * (x1**2) + 12 * x(t) - 6 * (y(t)),
             (2 * y1 - 11 * t * x(t) + 3 * y(t) + t))
    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_2, funcs, t) is None

    eqs_3 = (5 * x1 + 12 * x(t) - 6 * (y(t)), (2 * y1 - 11 * x(t) + 3 * y(t)),
             (5 * w1 + z(t)), (z1 + w(t)))
    answer_3 = {
        'eq': (12 * x(t) - 6 * y(t) + 5 * Derivative(x(t), t),
               -11 * x(t) + 3 * y(t) + 2 * Derivative(y(t), t),
               z(t) + 5 * Derivative(w(t), t), w(t) + Derivative(z(t), t)),
        'func': [x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)],
        'order': {
            x(t): 1,
            y(t): 1,
            z(t): 1,
            w(t): 1
        Matrix([[Rational(12, 5), Rational(-6, 5), 0, 0],
                [Rational(-11, 2), Rational(3, 2), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1],
                [0, 0, Rational(1, 5), 0]]),
    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_3, funcs_2, t) == answer_3

    eqs_4 = (5 * x1 + 12 * x(t) - 6 * (y(t)), (2 * y1 - 11 * x(t) + 3 * y(t)),
             (z1 - w(t)), (w1 - z(t)))
    answer_4 = {
        'eq': (12 * x(t) - 6 * y(t) + 5 * Derivative(x(t), t),
               -11 * x(t) + 3 * y(t) + 2 * Derivative(y(t), t),
               -w(t) + Derivative(z(t), t), -z(t) + Derivative(w(t), t)),
        'func': [x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)],
        'order': {
            x(t): 1,
            y(t): 1,
            z(t): 1,
            w(t): 1
        Matrix([[Rational(12, 5), Rational(-6, 5), 0, 0],
                [Rational(-11, 2), Rational(3, 2), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1],
                [0, 0, -1, 0]]),
    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_4, funcs_2, t) == answer_4

    eqs_5 = (5 * x1 + 12 * x(t) - 6 * (y(t)) + x2,
             (2 * y1 - 11 * x(t) + 3 * y(t)), (z1 - w(t)), (w1 - z(t)))
    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_5, funcs_2, t) is None

    eqs_6 = (Eq(x1, 3 * y(t) - 11 * z(t)), Eq(y1, 7 * z(t) - 3 * x(t)),
             Eq(z1, 11 * x(t) - 7 * y(t)))
    answer_6 = {
        'eq': (Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), 3 * y(t) - 11 * z(t)),
               Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), -3 * x(t) + 7 * z(t)),
               Eq(Derivative(z(t), t), 11 * x(t) - 7 * y(t))),
        'func': [x(t), y(t), z(t)],
        'order': {
            x(t): 1,
            y(t): 1,
            z(t): 1
        Matrix([[0, -3, 11], [3, 0, -7], [-11, 7, 0]]),

    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_6, funcs_2[:-1],
                                               t) == answer_6

    eqs_7 = (Eq(x1, y(t)), Eq(y1, x(t)))
    answer_7 = {
        'no_of_equation': 2,
        'eq': (Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), y(t)), Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), x(t))),
        'func': [x(t), y(t)],
        'order': {
            x(t): 1,
            y(t): 1
        'is_linear': True,
        'is_constant': True,
        'is_homogeneous': True,
        'func_coeff': Matrix([[0, -1], [-1, 0]]),
        'type_of_equation': 'type1'
    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_7, funcs, t) == answer_7

    eqs_8 = (Eq(x1, 21 * x(t)), Eq(y1, 17 * x(t) + 3 * y(t)),
             Eq(z1, 5 * x(t) + 7 * y(t) + 9 * z(t)))
    answer_8 = {
        'eq': (Eq(Derivative(x(t), t),
                  21 * x(t)), Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), 17 * x(t) + 3 * y(t)),
               Eq(Derivative(z(t), t), 5 * x(t) + 7 * y(t) + 9 * z(t))),
        'func': [x(t), y(t), z(t)],
        'order': {
            x(t): 1,
            y(t): 1,
            z(t): 1
        Matrix([[-21, 0, 0], [-17, -3, 0], [-5, -7, -9]]),

    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_8, funcs_2[:-1],
                                               t) == answer_8

    eqs_9 = (Eq(x1, 4 * x(t) + 5 * y(t) + 2 * z(t)),
                x(t) + 13 * y(t) + 9 * z(t)),
             Eq(z1, 32 * x(t) + 41 * y(t) + 11 * z(t)))
    answer_9 = {
        'eq': (Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), 4 * x(t) + 5 * y(t) + 2 * z(t)),
               Eq(Derivative(y(t), t),
                  x(t) + 13 * y(t) + 9 * z(t)),
               Eq(Derivative(z(t), t), 32 * x(t) + 41 * y(t) + 11 * z(t))),
        'func': [x(t), y(t), z(t)],
        'order': {
            x(t): 1,
            y(t): 1,
            z(t): 1
        Matrix([[-4, -5, -2], [-1, -13, -9], [-32, -41, -11]]),
    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_9, funcs_2[:-1],
                                               t) == answer_9

    eqs_10 = (Eq(3 * x1,
                 4 * 5 * (y(t) - z(t))), Eq(4 * y1, 3 * 5 * (z(t) - x(t))),
              Eq(5 * z1, 3 * 4 * (x(t) - y(t))))
    answer_10 = {
        'eq': (Eq(3 * Derivative(x(t), t), 20 * y(t) - 20 * z(t)),
               Eq(4 * Derivative(y(t), t), -15 * x(t) + 15 * z(t)),
               Eq(5 * Derivative(z(t), t), 12 * x(t) - 12 * y(t))),
        'func': [x(t), y(t), z(t)],
        'order': {
            x(t): 1,
            y(t): 1,
            z(t): 1
        Matrix([[0, Rational(-20, 3), Rational(20, 3)],
                [Rational(15, 4), 0, Rational(-15, 4)],
                [Rational(-12, 5), Rational(12, 5), 0]]),
    assert neq_nth_linear_constant_coeff_match(eqs_10, funcs_2[:-1],
                                               t) == answer_10
Exemple #19
def test_sysode_linear_neq_order1():

    f, g, x, y, h = symbols('f g x y h', cls=Function)
    a, b, c, t = symbols('a b c t')

    eq1 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), x(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), y(t))]
    sol1 = [Eq(x(t), C1 * exp(t)), Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(t))]
    assert dsolve(eq1) == sol1
    assert checksysodesol(eq1, sol1) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq2 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), 2 * x(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), 3 * y(t))]
    #sol2 = [Eq(x(t), C1*exp(2*t)), Eq(y(t), C2*exp(3*t))]
    sol2 = [Eq(x(t), C1 * exp(2 * t)), Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(3 * t))]
    assert dsolve(eq2) == sol2
    assert checksysodesol(eq2, sol2) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq3 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), a * x(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), a * y(t))]
    sol3 = [Eq(x(t), C1 * exp(a * t)), Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(a * t))]
    assert dsolve(eq3) == sol3
    assert checksysodesol(eq3, sol3) == (True, [0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #15474
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/15474
    eq4 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), a * x(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), b * y(t))]
    sol4 = [Eq(x(t), C1 * exp(a * t)), Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(b * t))]
    assert dsolve(eq4) == sol4
    assert checksysodesol(eq4, sol4) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq5 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), -y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), x(t))]
    sol5 = [
        Eq(x(t), -C1 * sin(t) - C2 * cos(t)),
           C1 * cos(t) - C2 * sin(t))
    assert dsolve(eq5) == sol5
    assert checksysodesol(eq5, sol5) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq6 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), -2 * y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), 2 * x(t))]
    sol6 = [
        Eq(x(t), -C1 * sin(2 * t) - C2 * cos(2 * t)),
           C1 * cos(2 * t) - C2 * sin(2 * t))
    assert dsolve(eq6) == sol6
    assert checksysodesol(eq6, sol6) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq7 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), I * y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), I * x(t))]
    sol7 = [
        Eq(x(t), -C1 * exp(-I * t) + C2 * exp(I * t)),
           C1 * exp(-I * t) + C2 * exp(I * t))
    assert dsolve(eq7) == sol7
    assert checksysodesol(eq7, sol7) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq8 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), -a * y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), a * x(t))]
    sol8 = [
        Eq(x(t), -I * C1 * exp(-I * a * t) + I * C2 * exp(I * a * t)),
           C1 * exp(-I * a * t) + C2 * exp(I * a * t))
    assert dsolve(eq8) == sol8
    assert checksysodesol(eq8, sol8) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq9 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), x(t) + y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), x(t) - y(t))]
    sol9 = [
            C1 * (1 - sqrt(2)) * exp(-sqrt(2) * t) + C2 *
            (1 + sqrt(2)) * exp(sqrt(2) * t)),
           C1 * exp(-sqrt(2) * t) + C2 * exp(sqrt(2) * t))
    assert dsolve(eq9) == sol9
    assert checksysodesol(eq9, sol9) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq10 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), x(t) + y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), x(t) + y(t))]
    sol10 = [Eq(x(t), -C1 + C2 * exp(2 * t)), Eq(y(t), C1 + C2 * exp(2 * t))]
    assert dsolve(eq10) == sol10
    assert checksysodesol(eq10, sol10) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq11 = [
        Eq(x(t).diff(t), 2 * x(t) + y(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), -x(t) + 2 * y(t))
    sol11 = [
        Eq(x(t), (C1 * sin(t) + C2 * cos(t)) * exp(2 * t)),
        Eq(y(t), (C1 * cos(t) - C2 * sin(t)) * exp(2 * t))
    assert dsolve(eq11) == sol11
    assert checksysodesol(eq11, sol11) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq12 = [
           x(t) + 2 * y(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), 2 * x(t) + y(t))
    sol12 = [
        Eq(x(t), -C1 * exp(-t) + C2 * exp(3 * t)),
           C1 * exp(-t) + C2 * exp(3 * t))
    assert dsolve(eq12) == sol12
    assert checksysodesol(eq12, sol12) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq13 = [
        Eq(x(t).diff(t), 4 * x(t) + y(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), -x(t) + 2 * y(t))
    sol13 = [
        Eq(x(t), (C1 + C2 * t + C2) * exp(3 * t)),
        Eq(y(t), (-C1 - C2 * t) * exp(3 * t))
    assert dsolve(eq13) == sol13
    assert checksysodesol(eq13, sol13) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq14 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), a * y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), a * x(t))]
    sol14 = [
        Eq(x(t), -C1 * exp(-a * t) + C2 * exp(a * t)),
           C1 * exp(-a * t) + C2 * exp(a * t))
    assert dsolve(eq14) == sol14
    assert checksysodesol(eq14, sol14) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq15 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), a * y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), b * x(t))]
    sol15 = [
            x(t), -C1 * a * exp(-t * sqrt(a * b)) / sqrt(a * b) +
            C2 * a * exp(t * sqrt(a * b)) / sqrt(a * b)),
           C1 * exp(-t * sqrt(a * b)) + C2 * exp(t * sqrt(a * b)))
    assert dsolve(eq15) == sol15
    assert checksysodesol(eq15, sol15) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq16 = [Eq(x(t).diff(t), a * x(t) + b * y(t)), Eq(y(t).diff(t), c * x(t))]
    sol16 = [
            x(t), -2 * C1 * b * exp(t * (a / 2 - sqrt(a**2 + 4 * b * c) / 2)) /
            (a + sqrt(a**2 + 4 * b * c)) -
            2 * C2 * b * exp(t * (a / 2 + sqrt(a**2 + 4 * b * c) / 2)) /
            (a - sqrt(a**2 + 4 * b * c))),
            C1 * exp(t * (a / 2 - sqrt(a**2 + 4 * b * c) / 2)) +
            C2 * exp(t * (a / 2 + sqrt(a**2 + 4 * b * c) / 2)))
    assert dsolve(eq16) == sol16
    assert checksysodesol(eq16, sol16) == (True, [0, 0])

    Z0 = Function('Z0')
    Z1 = Function('Z1')
    Z2 = Function('Z2')
    Z3 = Function('Z3')

    k01, k10, k20, k21, k23, k30 = symbols('k01 k10 k20 k21 k23 k30')

    eq1 = (Eq(Derivative(Z0(t), t),
              -k01 * Z0(t) + k10 * Z1(t) + k20 * Z2(t) + k30 * Z3(t)),
           Eq(Derivative(Z1(t), t),
              k01 * Z0(t) - k10 * Z1(t) + k21 * Z2(t)),
           Eq(Derivative(Z2(t), t), -(k20 + k21 + k23) * Z2(t)),
           Eq(Derivative(Z3(t), t),
              k23 * Z2(t) - k30 * Z3(t)))

    sol1 = [
            Z0(t), C1 * k10 / k01 + C2 * (-k10 + k30) * exp(-k30 * t) /
            (k01 + k10 - k30) - C3 * exp(t * (-k01 - k10)) + C4 *
            (-k10 * k20 - k10 * k21 + k10 * k30 + k20**2 + k20 * k21 +
             k20 * k23 - k20 * k30 - k23 * k30) * exp(t * (-k20 - k21 - k23)) /
            (k23 * (-k01 - k10 + k20 + k21 + k23))),
            Z1(t), C1 - C2 * k01 * exp(-k30 * t) / (k01 + k10 - k30) +
            C3 * exp(t * (-k01 - k10)) + C4 *
            (-k01 * k20 - k01 * k21 + k01 * k30 + k20 * k21 + k21**2 +
             k21 * k23 - k21 * k30) * exp(t * (-k20 - k21 - k23)) /
            (k23 * (-k01 - k10 + k20 + k21 + k23))),
           C4 * (-k20 - k21 - k23 + k30) * exp(t * (-k20 - k21 - k23)) / k23),
           C2 * exp(-k30 * t) + C4 * exp(t * (-k20 - k21 - k23)))

    assert dsolve(eq1, simplify=False) == sol1
    assert checksysodesol(eq1, sol1) == (True, [0, 0, 0, 0])

    x, y, z = symbols('x y z', cls=Function)
    k2, k3 = symbols('k2 k3')
    eq2 = (Eq(Derivative(z(t), t),
              k2 * y(t)), Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), k3 * y(t)),
           Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), (-k2 - k3) * y(t)))
    sol2 = {
        Eq(z(t), C1 - C3 * k2 * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)) / (k2 + k3)),
        Eq(x(t), C2 - C3 * k3 * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)) / (k2 + k3)),
        Eq(y(t), C3 * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)))
    assert set(dsolve(eq2)) == sol2
    assert checksysodesol(eq2, sol2) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    u, v, w = symbols('u v w', cls=Function)
    eq3 = [
        4 * u(t) - v(t) - 2 * w(t) + Derivative(u(t), t),
        2 * u(t) + v(t) - 2 * w(t) + Derivative(v(t), t),
        5 * u(t) + v(t) - 3 * w(t) + Derivative(w(t), t)
    sol3 = [
            C1 * exp(-2 * t) + C2 * cos(sqrt(3) * t) / 2 -
            C3 * sin(sqrt(3) * t) / 2 + sqrt(3) *
            (C2 * sin(sqrt(3) * t) + C3 * cos(sqrt(3) * t)) / 6),
            C2 * cos(sqrt(3) * t) / 2 - C3 * sin(sqrt(3) * t) / 2 + sqrt(3) *
            (C2 * sin(sqrt(3) * t) + C3 * cos(sqrt(3) * t)) / 6),
           C1 * exp(-2 * t) + C2 * cos(sqrt(3) * t) - C3 * sin(sqrt(3) * t))
    assert dsolve(eq3) == sol3
    assert checksysodesol(eq3, sol3) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    tw = Rational(2, 9)
    eq4 = [
        Eq(x(t).diff(t), 2 * x(t) + y(t) - tw * 4 * z(t) - tw * w(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), 2 * y(t) + 8 * tw * z(t) + 2 * tw * w(t)),
           Rational(37, 9) * z(t) - tw * w(t)),
        Eq(w(t).diff(t), 22 * tw * w(t) - 2 * tw * z(t))

    sol4 = [
        Eq(x(t), (C1 + C2 * t) * exp(2 * t)),
           C2 * exp(2 * t) + 2 * C3 * exp(4 * t)),
        Eq(z(t), 2 * C3 * exp(4 * t) - C4 * exp(5 * t) / 4),
           C3 * exp(4 * t) + C4 * exp(5 * t))

    assert dsolve(eq4) == sol4
    assert checksysodesol(eq4, sol4) == (True, [0, 0, 0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #15574
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/15574
    eq5 = [
        Eq(x(t).diff(t), x(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), y(t)),
        Eq(z(t).diff(t), z(t)),
        Eq(w(t).diff(t), w(t))
    sol5 = [
        Eq(x(t), C1 * exp(t)),
        Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(t)),
        Eq(z(t), C3 * exp(t)),
        Eq(w(t), C4 * exp(t))
    assert dsolve(eq5) == sol5
    assert checksysodesol(eq5, sol5) == (True, [0, 0, 0, 0])

    eq6 = [
           x(t) + y(t)),
           y(t) + z(t)),
           z(t) + Rational(-1, 8) * w(t)),
           Rational(1, 2) * (w(t) + z(t)))

    sol6 = [
        Eq(x(t), (C3 + C4 * t) * exp(t) +
           (4 * C1 + 4 * C2 * t + 48 * C2) * exp(3 * t / 4)),
           C4 * exp(t) + (-C1 - C2 * t - 8 * C2) * exp(3 * t / 4)),
        Eq(z(t), (C1 / 4 + C2 * t / 4 + C2) * exp(3 * t / 4)),
        Eq(w(t), (C1 / 2 + C2 * t / 2) * exp(3 * t / 4))

    assert dsolve(eq6) == sol6
    assert checksysodesol(eq6, sol6) == (True, [0, 0, 0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #15574
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/15574
    eq7 = [
        Eq(x(t).diff(t), x(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), y(t)),
        Eq(z(t).diff(t), z(t)),
        Eq(w(t).diff(t), w(t)),
        Eq(u(t).diff(t), u(t))

    sol7 = [
        Eq(x(t), C1 * exp(t)),
        Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(t)),
        Eq(z(t), C3 * exp(t)),
        Eq(w(t), C4 * exp(t)),
        Eq(u(t), C5 * exp(t))

    assert dsolve(eq7) == sol7
    assert checksysodesol(eq7, sol7) == (True, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    eq8 = [
        Eq(x(t).diff(t), 2 * x(t) + y(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), 2 * y(t)),
        Eq(z(t).diff(t), 4 * z(t)),
        Eq(w(t).diff(t), 5 * w(t) + u(t)),
        Eq(u(t).diff(t), 5 * u(t))

    sol8 = [
        Eq(x(t), (C1 + C2 * t) * exp(2 * t)),
        Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(2 * t)),
        Eq(z(t), C3 * exp(4 * t)),
        Eq(w(t), (C4 + C5 * t) * exp(5 * t)),
        Eq(u(t), C5 * exp(5 * t))

    assert dsolve(eq8) == sol8
    assert checksysodesol(eq8, sol8) == (True, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #15574
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/15574
    eq9 = [
        Eq(x(t).diff(t), x(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), y(t)),
        Eq(z(t).diff(t), z(t))
    sol9 = [
        Eq(x(t), C1 * exp(t)),
        Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(t)),
        Eq(z(t), C3 * exp(t))
    assert dsolve(eq9) == sol9
    assert checksysodesol(eq9, sol9) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #15407
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/15407
    a_b, a_c = symbols('a_b a_c', real=True)

    eq10 = [
        Eq(x(t).diff(t), (-a_b - a_c) * x(t)),
        Eq(y(t).diff(t), a_b * y(t)),
        Eq(z(t).diff(t), a_c * x(t))
    sol10 = [
        Eq(x(t), -C3 * (a_b + a_c) * exp(t * (-a_b - a_c)) / a_c),
        Eq(y(t), C2 * exp(a_b * t)),
        Eq(z(t), C1 + C3 * exp(t * (-a_b - a_c)))
    assert dsolve(eq10) == sol10
    assert checksysodesol(eq10, sol10) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #14312
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/14312
    eq11 = (Eq(Derivative(x(t), t),
               k3 * y(t)), Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), -(k3 + k2) * y(t)),
            Eq(Derivative(z(t), t), k2 * y(t)))
    sol11 = [
        Eq(x(t), C1 + C3 * k3 * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)) / k2),
        Eq(y(t), -C3 * (k2 + k3) * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)) / k2),
        Eq(z(t), C2 + C3 * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)))
    assert dsolve(eq11) == sol11
    assert checksysodesol(eq11, sol11) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #14312
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/14312
    eq12 = (Eq(Derivative(z(t), t),
               k2 * y(t)), Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), k3 * y(t)),
            Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), -(k3 + k2) * y(t)))
    sol12 = [
        Eq(z(t), C1 - C3 * k2 * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)) / (k2 + k3)),
        Eq(x(t), C2 - C3 * k3 * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)) / (k2 + k3)),
        Eq(y(t), C3 * exp(t * (-k2 - k3)))
    assert dsolve(eq12) == sol12
    assert checksysodesol(eq12, sol12) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #15474
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/15474
    eq13 = [Eq(diff(f(t), t), 2 * f(t) + g(t)), Eq(diff(g(t), t), a * f(t))]
    sol13 = [
            f(t), -C1 * exp(t * (1 - sqrt(a + 1))) / (sqrt(a + 1) + 1) +
            C2 * exp(t * (sqrt(a + 1) + 1)) / (sqrt(a + 1) - 1)),
           C1 * exp(t * (1 - sqrt(a + 1))) + C2 * exp(t * (sqrt(a + 1) + 1)))

    assert dsolve(eq13) == sol13
    assert checksysodesol(eq13, sol13) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq14 = [
        Eq(f(t).diff(t), 2 * g(t) - 3 * h(t)),
        Eq(g(t).diff(t), 4 * h(t) - 2 * f(t)),
        Eq(h(t).diff(t), 3 * f(t) - 4 * g(t))
    sol14 = [
            f(t), 2 * C1 - 8 * C2 * cos(sqrt(29) * t) / 25 +
            8 * C3 * sin(sqrt(29) * t) / 25 - 3 * sqrt(29) *
            (C2 * sin(sqrt(29) * t) + C3 * cos(sqrt(29) * t)) / 25),
            g(t), 3 * C1 / 2 - 6 * C2 * cos(sqrt(29) * t) / 25 +
            6 * C3 * sin(sqrt(29) * t) / 25 + 4 * sqrt(29) *
            (C2 * sin(sqrt(29) * t) + C3 * cos(sqrt(29) * t)) / 25),
        Eq(h(t), C1 + C2 * cos(sqrt(29) * t) - C3 * sin(sqrt(29) * t))

    assert dsolve(eq14) == sol14
    assert checksysodesol(eq14, sol14) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    eq15 = [
        Eq(2 * f(t).diff(t), 3 * 4 * (g(t) - h(t))),
        Eq(3 * g(t).diff(t), 2 * 4 * (h(t) - f(t))),
        Eq(4 * h(t).diff(t), 2 * 3 * (f(t) - g(t)))
    sol15 = [
            f(t), C1 - 16 * C2 * cos(sqrt(29) * t) / 13 +
            16 * C3 * sin(sqrt(29) * t) / 13 - 6 * sqrt(29) *
            (C2 * sin(sqrt(29) * t) + C3 * cos(sqrt(29) * t)) / 13),
            g(t), C1 - 16 * C2 * cos(sqrt(29) * t) / 13 +
            16 * C3 * sin(sqrt(29) * t) / 13 + 8 * sqrt(29) *
            (C2 * sin(sqrt(29) * t) + C3 * cos(sqrt(29) * t)) / 39),
        Eq(h(t), C1 + C2 * cos(sqrt(29) * t) - C3 * sin(sqrt(29) * t))

    assert dsolve(eq15) == sol15
    assert checksysodesol(eq15, sol15) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    eq16 = (Eq(diff(x(t), t),
               21 * x(t)), Eq(diff(y(t), t), 17 * x(t) + 3 * y(t)),
            Eq(diff(z(t), t), 5 * x(t) + 7 * y(t) + 9 * z(t)))
    sol16 = [
        Eq(x(t), 216 * C3 * exp(21 * t) / 209),
        Eq(y(t), -6 * C1 * exp(3 * t) / 7 + 204 * C3 * exp(21 * t) / 209),
           C1 * exp(3 * t) + C2 * exp(9 * t) + C3 * exp(21 * t))

    assert dsolve(eq16) == sol16
    assert checksysodesol(eq16, sol16) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    eq17 = (Eq(diff(x(t), t),
               3 * y(t) - 11 * z(t)), Eq(diff(y(t), t), 7 * z(t) - 3 * x(t)),
            Eq(diff(z(t), t), 11 * x(t) - 7 * y(t)))
    sol17 = [
            x(t), 7 * C1 / 3 - 21 * C2 * cos(sqrt(179) * t) / 170 +
            21 * C3 * sin(sqrt(179) * t) / 170 - 11 * sqrt(179) *
            (C2 * sin(sqrt(179) * t) + C3 * cos(sqrt(179) * t)) / 170),
            y(t), 11 * C1 / 3 - 33 * C2 * cos(sqrt(179) * t) / 170 +
            33 * C3 * sin(sqrt(179) * t) / 170 + 7 * sqrt(179) *
            (C2 * sin(sqrt(179) * t) + C3 * cos(sqrt(179) * t)) / 170),
        Eq(z(t), C1 + C2 * cos(sqrt(179) * t) - C3 * sin(sqrt(179) * t))

    assert dsolve(eq17) == sol17
    assert checksysodesol(eq17, sol17) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    eq18 = (Eq(3 * diff(x(t), t), 4 * 5 * (y(t) - z(t))),
            Eq(4 * diff(y(t), t), 3 * 5 * (z(t) - x(t))),
            Eq(5 * diff(z(t), t), 3 * 4 * (x(t) - y(t))))
    sol18 = [
            x(t), C1 - C2 * cos(5 * sqrt(2) * t) + C3 * sin(5 * sqrt(2) * t) -
            4 * sqrt(2) *
            (C2 * sin(5 * sqrt(2) * t) + C3 * cos(5 * sqrt(2) * t)) / 3),
            y(t), C1 - C2 * cos(5 * sqrt(2) * t) + C3 * sin(5 * sqrt(2) * t) +
            3 * sqrt(2) *
            (C2 * sin(5 * sqrt(2) * t) + C3 * cos(5 * sqrt(2) * t)) / 4),
        Eq(z(t), C1 + C2 * cos(5 * sqrt(2) * t) - C3 * sin(5 * sqrt(2) * t))

    assert dsolve(eq18) == sol18
    assert checksysodesol(eq18, sol18) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    eq19 = (Eq(diff(x(t), t),
               4 * x(t) - z(t)), Eq(diff(y(t), t), 2 * x(t) + 2 * y(t) - z(t)),
            Eq(diff(z(t), t), 3 * x(t) + y(t)))
    sol19 = [
        Eq(x(t), (C1 + C2 * t + 2 * C2 + C3 * t**2 / 2 + 2 * C3 * t + C3) *
           exp(2 * t)),
           (C1 + C2 * t + 2 * C2 + C3 * t**2 / 2 + 2 * C3 * t) * exp(2 * t)),
        Eq(z(t), (2 * C1 + 2 * C2 * t + 3 * C2 + C3 * t**2 + 3 * C3 * t) *
           exp(2 * t))

    assert dsolve(eq19) == sol19
    assert checksysodesol(eq19, sol19) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    eq20 = (Eq(diff(x(t), t), 4 * x(t) - y(t) - 2 * z(t)),
            Eq(diff(y(t), t), 2 * x(t) + y(t) - 2 * z(t)),
            Eq(diff(z(t), t), 5 * x(t) - 3 * z(t)))
    sol20 = [
            C1 * exp(2 * t) - C2 * sin(t) / 5 + 3 * C2 * cos(t) / 5 -
            3 * C3 * sin(t) / 5 - C3 * cos(t) / 5),
            y(t), -C2 * sin(t) / 5 + 3 * C2 * cos(t) / 5 -
            3 * C3 * sin(t) / 5 - C3 * cos(t) / 5),
           C1 * exp(2 * t) + C2 * cos(t) - C3 * sin(t))

    assert dsolve(eq20) == sol20
    assert checksysodesol(eq20, sol20) == (True, [0, 0, 0])

    eq21 = (Eq(diff(x(t), t), 9 * y(t)), Eq(diff(y(t), t), 12 * x(t)))
    sol21 = [
            x(t), -sqrt(3) * C1 * exp(-6 * sqrt(3) * t) / 2 +
            sqrt(3) * C2 * exp(6 * sqrt(3) * t) / 2),
           C1 * exp(-6 * sqrt(3) * t) + C2 * exp(6 * sqrt(3) * t))

    assert dsolve(eq21) == sol21
    assert checksysodesol(eq21, sol21) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq22 = (Eq(diff(x(t), t),
               2 * x(t) + 4 * y(t)), Eq(diff(y(t), t), 12 * x(t) + 41 * y(t)))
    sol22 = [Eq(x(t), C1*(-sqrt(1713)/24 + Rational(-13, 8))*exp(t*(Rational(43, 2) - sqrt(1713)/2)) \
            + C2*(Rational(-13, 8) + sqrt(1713)/24)*exp(t*(sqrt(1713)/2 + Rational(43, 2)))),
            Eq(y(t), C1*exp(t*(Rational(43, 2) - sqrt(1713)/2)) + C2*exp(t*(sqrt(1713)/2 + Rational(43, 2))))]

    assert dsolve(eq22) == sol22
    assert checksysodesol(eq22, sol22) == (True, [0, 0])

    eq23 = (Eq(diff(x(t), t),
               x(t) + y(t)), Eq(diff(y(t), t), -2 * x(t) + 2 * y(t)))
    sol23 = [
           (C1 * cos(sqrt(7) * t / 2) / 4 - C2 * sin(sqrt(7) * t / 2) / 4 +
            sqrt(7) *
            (C1 * sin(sqrt(7) * t / 2) + C2 * cos(sqrt(7) * t / 2)) / 4) *
           exp(3 * t / 2)),
        Eq(y(t), (C1 * cos(sqrt(7) * t / 2) - C2 * sin(sqrt(7) * t / 2)) *
           exp(3 * t / 2))

    assert dsolve(eq23) == sol23
    assert checksysodesol(eq23, sol23) == (True, [0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #15474
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/15474
    a = Symbol("a", real=True)
    eq24 = [x(t).diff(t) - a * y(t), y(t).diff(t) + a * x(t)]
    sol24 = [
           C1 * sin(a * t) + C2 * cos(a * t)),
           C1 * cos(a * t) - C2 * sin(a * t))

    assert dsolve(eq24) == sol24
    assert checksysodesol(eq24, sol24) == (True, [0, 0])

    # Regression test case for issue #19150
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/19150
    eq25 = [
        Eq(Derivative(f(t), t), 0),
        Eq(Derivative(g(t), t), 1 / (c * b) * (-2 * g(t) + x(t) + f(t))),
        Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), 1 / (c * b) * (-2 * x(t) + g(t) + y(t))),
        Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), 1 / (c * b) * (-2 * y(t) + x(t) + h(t))),
        Eq(Derivative(h(t), t), 0)

    sol25 = [
        Eq(f(t), 4 * C1 - 3 * C2),
            g(t), 3 * C1 - 2 * C2 - C3 * exp(-2 * t / (b * c)) +
            C4 * exp(t * (-2 - sqrt(2)) /
                     (b * c)) + C5 * exp(t * (-2 + sqrt(2)) / (b * c))),
            2 * C1 - C2 - sqrt(2) * C4 * exp(t * (-2 - sqrt(2)) / (b * c)) +
            sqrt(2) * C5 * exp(t * (-2 + sqrt(2)) / (b * c))),
            y(t), C1 + C3 * exp(-2 * t / (b * c)) +
            C4 * exp(t * (-2 - sqrt(2)) /
                     (b * c)) + C5 * exp(t * (-2 + sqrt(2)) / (b * c))),
        Eq(h(t), C2)

    assert dsolve(eq25) == sol25
    assert checksysodesol(eq25, sol25)
Exemple #20
 def _eval_rewrite_as_pde(self, *args):
     from sympy import Function
     mu, epsilon, x, t = symbols('mu, epsilon, x, t')
     E = Function('E')
     return Derivative(E(x, t), x,
                       2) + mu * epsilon * Derivative(E(x, t), t, 2)
Exemple #21
    return out    

def make_derivatives(derivatives):
    return np.array([[eval(str(d))] for d in derivatives])

function = raw_input("\nEscribe tu funcion: ")

matched_variable = re.findall(r"x\d", function)
variables = sorted(list(set(matched_variable)))

derivatives = []
for var in variables:
    x = Symbol(var)
    partialderiv= Derivative(function, x)
    exec('{} = 0.1'.format(var))

f2 = 1
alfa = 0
gradient = None
S = [[0] for d in derivatives]

counter = 0
while not (sqrt(f2) <= 0.0001):
    counter += 1
    for i in range(len(variables)):
        exec("x{} += alfa * S[{}][0]".format(i+1, i))
Exemple #22
 def _eval_derivative(self, symbol):
     new_expr = Derivative(self.expr, symbol)
     return DifferentialOperator(new_expr, self.args[-1])
Exemple #23
def test_euler_high_order():
    # an example from hep-th/0309038
    m = Symbol('m')
    k = Symbol('k')
    x = Function('x')
    y = Function('y')
    t = Symbol('t')
    L = m*Derivative(x(t), t)**2/2 + m*Derivative(y(t), t)**2/2 - \
        k*Derivative(x(t), t)*Derivative(y(t), t, t) + \
        k*Derivative(y(t), t)*Derivative(x(t), t, t)
    assert euler_equations(L, [x(t), y(t)]) == \
        set([Eq(-2*k*Derivative(x(t), t, t, t) - \
        m*Derivative(y(t), t, t), 0), Eq(2*k*Derivative(y(t), t, t, t) - \
        m*Derivative(x(t), t, t), 0)])

    w = Symbol('w')
    L = x(t, w).diff(t, w)**2 / 2
    assert euler_equations(L) == \
        set([Eq(Derivative(x(t, w), t, t, w, w), 0)])
Exemple #24
def test_big_expr():
    f = Function('f')
    x = symbols('x')
    e1 = Dagger(
            Operator('A') + Operator('B'),
            Pow(DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x), f(x)), 3)) *
                      Operator('A') + Operator('B'))) * (JzBra(1, 0) + JzBra(
                          1, 1)) * (JzKet(0, 0) + JzKet(1, -1))
    e2 = Commutator(Jz**2,
                    Operator('A') + Operator('B')) * AntiCommutator(
                        Dagger(Operator('C') * Operator('D')),
                        Operator('E').inv()**2) * Dagger(Commutator(Jz, J2))
    e3 = Wigner3j(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) * TensorProduct(
            Operator('A') + Dagger(Operator('B')),
            Operator('C') + Operator('D')), Jz - J2) * Dagger(
                OuterProduct(Dagger(JzBra(1, 1)), JzBra(
                    1, 0))) * TensorProduct(
                        JzKetCoupled(1, 1,
                                     (1, 1)) + JzKetCoupled(1, 0, (1, 1)),
                        JzKetCoupled(1, -1, (1, 1)))
    e4 = (ComplexSpace(1) * ComplexSpace(2) +
          FockSpace()**2) * (L2(Interval(0, oo)) + HilbertSpace())
    assert str(
    ) == '(Jz**2)x(Dagger(A) + Dagger(B))*{Dagger(DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x),f(x)))**3,Dagger(A) + Dagger(B)}*(<1,0| + <1,1|)*(|0,0> + |1,-1>)'
    ascii_str = \
                 /                                      3        \\                                 \n\
                 |/                                   +\\         |                                 \n\
    2  / +    +\\ <|                    /d            \\ |   +    +>                                 \n\
/J \\ x \\A  + B /*||DifferentialOperator|--(f(x)),f(x)| | ,A  + B |*(<1,0| + <1,1|)*(|0,0> + |1,-1>)\n\
\\ z/             \\\\                    \\dx           / /         /                                 \
    ucode_str = \
                 ⎧                                      3        ⎫                                 \n\
                 ⎪⎛                                   †⎞         ⎪                                 \n\
    2  ⎛ †    †⎞ ⎨⎜                    ⎛d            ⎞ ⎟   †    †⎬                                 \n\
⎛J ⎞ ⨂ ⎝A  + B ⎠⋅⎪⎜DifferentialOperator⎜──(f(x)),f(x)⎟ ⎟ ,A  + B ⎪⋅(⟨1,0❘ + ⟨1,1❘)⋅(❘0,0⟩ + ❘1,-1⟩)\n\
⎝ z⎠             ⎩⎝                    ⎝dx           ⎠ ⎠         ⎭                                 \
    assert pretty(e1) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(e1) == ucode_str
    assert latex(e1) == \
        r'{J_z^{2}}\otimes \left({A^{\dagger} + B^{\dagger}}\right) \left\{\left(DifferentialOperator\left(\frac{d}{d x} f{\left(x \right)},f{\left(x \right)}\right)^{\dagger}\right)^{3},A^{\dagger} + B^{\dagger}\right\} \left({\left\langle 1,0\right|} + {\left\langle 1,1\right|}\right) \left({\left|0,0\right\rangle } + {\left|1,-1\right\rangle }\right)'
        "Mul(TensorProduct(Pow(JzOp(Symbol('J')), Integer(2)), Add(Dagger(Operator(Symbol('A'))), Dagger(Operator(Symbol('B'))))), AntiCommutator(Pow(Dagger(DifferentialOperator(Derivative(Function('f')(Symbol('x')), Tuple(Symbol('x'), Integer(1))),Function('f')(Symbol('x')))), Integer(3)),Add(Dagger(Operator(Symbol('A'))), Dagger(Operator(Symbol('B'))))), Add(JzBra(Integer(1),Integer(0)), JzBra(Integer(1),Integer(1))), Add(JzKet(Integer(0),Integer(0)), JzKet(Integer(1),Integer(-1))))"
    assert str(e2) == '[Jz**2,A + B]*{E**(-2),Dagger(D)*Dagger(C)}*[J2,Jz]'
    ascii_str = \
[    2      ] / -2  +  +\\ [ 2   ]\n\
[/J \\ ,A + B]*<E  ,D *C >*[J ,J ]\n\
[\\ z/       ] \\         / [    z]\
    ucode_str = \
⎡    2      ⎤ ⎧ -2  †  †⎫ ⎡ 2   ⎤\n\
⎢⎛J ⎞ ,A + B⎥⋅⎨E  ,D ⋅C ⎬⋅⎢J ,J ⎥\n\
⎣⎝ z⎠       ⎦ ⎩         ⎭ ⎣    z⎦\
    assert pretty(e2) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(e2) == ucode_str
    assert latex(e2) == \
        r'\left[J_z^{2},A + B\right] \left\{E^{-2},D^{\dagger} C^{\dagger}\right\} \left[J^2,J_z\right]'
        "Mul(Commutator(Pow(JzOp(Symbol('J')), Integer(2)),Add(Operator(Symbol('A')), Operator(Symbol('B')))), AntiCommutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('E')), Integer(-2)),Mul(Dagger(Operator(Symbol('D'))), Dagger(Operator(Symbol('C'))))), Commutator(J2Op(Symbol('J')),JzOp(Symbol('J'))))"
    assert str(e3) == \
        "Wigner3j(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)*[Dagger(B) + A,C + D]x(-J2 + Jz)*|1,0><1,1|*(|1,0,j1=1,j2=1> + |1,1,j1=1,j2=1>)x|1,-1,j1=1,j2=1>"
    ascii_str = \
          [ +          ]  /   2     \\                                                                 \n\
/1  3  5\\*[B  + A,C + D]x |- J  + J |*|1,0><1,1|*(|1,0,j1=1,j2=1> + |1,1,j1=1,j2=1>)x |1,-1,j1=1,j2=1>\n\
|       |                 \\        z/                                                                 \n\
\\2  4  6/                                                                                             \
    ucode_str = \
          ⎡ †          ⎤  ⎛   2     ⎞                                                                 \n\
⎛1  3  5⎞⋅⎣B  + A,C + D⎦⨂ ⎜- J  + J ⎟⋅❘1,0⟩⟨1,1❘⋅(❘1,0,j₁=1,j₂=1⟩ + ❘1,1,j₁=1,j₂=1⟩)⨂ ❘1,-1,j₁=1,j₂=1⟩\n\
⎜       ⎟                 ⎝        z⎠                                                                 \n\
⎝2  4  6⎠                                                                                             \
    assert pretty(e3) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(e3) == ucode_str
    assert latex(e3) == \
        r'\left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 3 & 5 \\ 2 & 4 & 6 \end{array}\right) {\left[B^{\dagger} + A,C + D\right]}\otimes \left({- J^2 + J_z}\right) {\left|1,0\right\rangle }{\left\langle 1,1\right|} \left({{\left|1,0,j_{1}=1,j_{2}=1\right\rangle } + {\left|1,1,j_{1}=1,j_{2}=1\right\rangle }}\right)\otimes {{\left|1,-1,j_{1}=1,j_{2}=1\right\rangle }}'
        "Mul(Wigner3j(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4), Integer(5), Integer(6)), TensorProduct(Commutator(Add(Dagger(Operator(Symbol('B'))), Operator(Symbol('A'))),Add(Operator(Symbol('C')), Operator(Symbol('D')))), Add(Mul(Integer(-1), J2Op(Symbol('J'))), JzOp(Symbol('J')))), OuterProduct(JzKet(Integer(1),Integer(0)),JzBra(Integer(1),Integer(1))), TensorProduct(Add(JzKetCoupled(Integer(1),Integer(0),Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(1)),Tuple(Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(1)))), JzKetCoupled(Integer(1),Integer(1),Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(1)),Tuple(Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(1))))), JzKetCoupled(Integer(1),Integer(-1),Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(1)),Tuple(Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(1))))))"
    assert str(e4) == '(C(1)*C(2)+F**2)*(L2(Interval(0, oo))+H)'
    ascii_str = \
// 1    2\\    x2\\   / 2    \\\n\
\\\\C  x C / + F  / x \\L  + H/\
    ucode_str = \
⎛⎛ 1    2⎞    ⨂2⎞   ⎛ 2    ⎞\n\
⎝⎝C  ⨂ C ⎠ ⊕ F  ⎠ ⨂ ⎝L  ⊕ H⎠\
    assert pretty(e4) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(e4) == ucode_str
    assert latex(e4) == \
        r'\left(\left(\mathcal{C}^{1}\otimes \mathcal{C}^{2}\right)\oplus {\mathcal{F}}^{\otimes 2}\right)\otimes \left({\mathcal{L}^2}\left( \left[0, \infty\right) \right)\oplus \mathcal{H}\right)'
        "TensorProductHilbertSpace((DirectSumHilbertSpace(TensorProductHilbertSpace(ComplexSpace(Integer(1)),ComplexSpace(Integer(2))),TensorPowerHilbertSpace(FockSpace(),Integer(2)))),(DirectSumHilbertSpace(L2(Interval(Integer(0), oo, false, true)),HilbertSpace())))"
def test_issue_15226():
    assert Subs(Derivative(f(y), x, y), y, g(x)).doit() != 0
Exemple #26

assert 10**10 < oo

x, y = symbols('x, y')
f = Integral(x**2, x)
assert f.doit() == x**3 / 3

assert limit(x**2, x, 2) == 4

print(sin(1) / cos(1))

assert integrate(x, (x, 0, 2)) == 2
z = Integral(x**2, (x, 0, 2))
assert z.doit() == 8 / 3

assert diff(x**2, x) == 2 * x
assert diff(x**3, x, 2) == 6 * x

assert diff(x * y, x) == y
z = Derivative((x**2) * y, x)
assert z.doit() == 2 * x * y

if __name__ == '__main__':
def test_issue_15084_13166():
    eq = f(x, g(x))
    assert eq.diff((g(x), y)) == Derivative(f(x, g(x)), (g(x), y))
    # issue 13166
    assert eq.diff(
        2).doit() == ((Derivative(f(x, g(x)),
                                  (g(x), 2)) * Derivative(g(x), x) +
                       Subs(Derivative(f(x, _xi_2), _xi_2, x), _xi_2, g(x))) *
                      Derivative(g(x), x) +
                      Derivative(f(x, g(x)), g(x)) * Derivative(g(x), (x, 2)) +
                      Derivative(g(x), x) *
                      Subs(Derivative(f(_xi_1, g(x)), _xi_1, g(x)), _xi_1, x) +
                      Subs(Derivative(f(_xi_1, g(x)), (_xi_1, 2)), _xi_1, x))
    # issue 6681
    assert diff(f(x, t, g(x, t)), x).doit() == (
        Derivative(f(x, t, g(x, t)), g(x, t)) * Derivative(g(x, t), x) +
        Subs(Derivative(f(_xi_1, t, g(x, t)), _xi_1), _xi_1, x))
    # make sure the order doesn't matter when using diff
    assert eq.diff(x, g(x)) == eq.diff(g(x), x)
Exemple #28
def test_meijer():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: meijerg(1, z))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: meijerg(((1, ), (2, )), (3, ), (4, ), z))

    assert meijerg(((1, 2), (3,)), ((4,), (5,)), z) == \
        meijerg(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(3), Tuple(4), Tuple(5), z)

    g = meijerg((1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8, 9), (10, 11, 12, 13, 14), z)
    assert g.an == Tuple(1, 2)
    assert g.ap == Tuple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    assert g.aother == Tuple(3, 4, 5)
    assert g.bm == Tuple(6, 7, 8, 9)
    assert g.bq == Tuple(6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
    assert g.bother == Tuple(10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
    assert g.argument == z
    assert g.nu == 75
    assert g.delta == -1
    assert g.is_commutative is True
    assert g.is_number is False
    #issue 13071
    assert meijerg([[], []], [[S(1) / 2], [0]], 1).is_number is True

    assert meijerg([1, 2], [3], [4], [5], z).delta == S(1) / 2

    # just a few checks to make sure that all arguments go where they should
    assert tn(meijerg(Tuple(), Tuple(), Tuple(0), Tuple(), -z), exp(z), z)
    assert tn(
        sqrt(pi) *
        meijerg(Tuple(), Tuple(), Tuple(0), Tuple(S(1) / 2), z**2 / 4), cos(z),
    assert tn(meijerg(Tuple(1, 1), Tuple(), Tuple(1), Tuple(0), z), log(1 + z),

    # test exceptions
    raises(ValueError, lambda: meijerg(((3, 1), (2, )), ((oo, ), (2, 0)), x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: meijerg(((3, 1), (2, )), ((1, ), (2, 0)), x))

    # differentiation
    g = meijerg((randcplx(), ), (randcplx() + 2 * I, ), Tuple(),
                (randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(g, z)

    g = meijerg(Tuple(), (randcplx(), ), Tuple(), (randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(g, z)

    g = meijerg(Tuple(), Tuple(), Tuple(randcplx()),
                Tuple(randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(g, z)

    a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, d1, d2 = symbols('a1:3, b1:3, c1:3, d1:3')
    assert meijerg((a1, a2), (b1, b2), (c1, c2), (d1, d2), z).diff(z) == \
        (meijerg((a1 - 1, a2), (b1, b2), (c1, c2), (d1, d2), z)
         + (a1 - 1)*meijerg((a1, a2), (b1, b2), (c1, c2), (d1, d2), z))/z

    assert meijerg([z, z], [], [], [], z).diff(z) == \
        Derivative(meijerg([z, z], [], [], [], z), z)

    # meijerg is unbranched wrt parameters
    from sympy import polar_lift as pl
    assert meijerg([pl(a1)], [pl(a2)], [pl(b1)], [pl(b2)], pl(z)) == \
        meijerg([a1], [a2], [b1], [b2], pl(z))

    # integrand
    from sympy.abc import a, b, c, d, s
    assert meijerg([a], [b], [c], [d], z).integrand(s) == \
        z**s*gamma(c - s)*gamma(-a + s + 1)/(gamma(b - s)*gamma(-d + s + 1))
def test_doitdoit():
    done = Derivative(f(x, g(x)), x, g(x)).doit()
    assert done == done.doit()
 def calc_cumulant(self, _fun, direction, order):
     cgf = ln(_fun)
     deriv = Derivative(cgf, (direction, order))
     all_terms = deriv.doit()
     all_terms = simplify(all_terms)
     return all_terms
Exemple #31
def test_ode_order():
    f = Function('f')
    g = Function('g')
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert ode_order(3 * x * exp(f(x)), f(x)) == 0
    assert ode_order(x * diff(f(x), x) + 3 * x * f(x) - sin(x) / x, f(x)) == 1
    assert ode_order(x**2 * f(x).diff(x, x) + x * diff(f(x), x) - f(x),
                     f(x)) == 2
    assert ode_order(diff(x * exp(f(x)), x, x), f(x)) == 2
    assert ode_order(diff(x * diff(x * exp(f(x)), x, x), x), f(x)) == 3
    assert ode_order(diff(f(x), x, x), g(x)) == 0
    assert ode_order(diff(f(x), x, x) * diff(g(x), x), f(x)) == 2
    assert ode_order(diff(f(x), x, x) * diff(g(x), x), g(x)) == 1
    assert ode_order(diff(x * diff(x * exp(f(x)), x, x), x), g(x)) == 0
    # issue 5835: ode_order has to also work for unevaluated derivatives
    # (ie, without using doit()).
    assert ode_order(Derivative(x * f(x), x), f(x)) == 1
    assert ode_order(x * sin(Derivative(x * f(x)**2, x, x)), f(x)) == 2
    assert ode_order(Derivative(x * Derivative(x * exp(f(x)), x, x), x),
                     g(x)) == 0
    assert ode_order(Derivative(f(x), x, x), g(x)) == 0
    assert ode_order(Derivative(x * exp(f(x)), x, x), f(x)) == 2
    assert ode_order(Derivative(f(x), x, x) * Derivative(g(x), x), g(x)) == 1
    assert ode_order(Derivative(x * Derivative(f(x), x, x), x), f(x)) == 3
    assert ode_order(x * sin(Derivative(x * Derivative(f(x), x)**2, x, x)),
                     f(x)) == 3
Exemple #32
def test_integrate_derivatives():
    assert integrate(Derivative(f(x), x), x) == f(x)
    assert integrate(Derivative(f(y), y), x) == x*Derivative(f(y), y)
Exemple #33
def test_differential_operator():
    x = Symbol('x')
    f = Function('f')
    d = DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x), f(x))
    g = Wavefunction(x**2, x)
    assert qapply(d * g) == Wavefunction(2 * x, x)
    assert d.expr == Derivative(f(x), x)
    assert d.function == f(x)
    assert d.variables == (x, )
    assert diff(d, x) == DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x, 2), f(x))

    d = DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x, 2), f(x))
    g = Wavefunction(x**3, x)
    assert qapply(d * g) == Wavefunction(6 * x, x)
    assert d.expr == Derivative(f(x), x, 2)
    assert d.function == f(x)
    assert d.variables == (x, )
    assert diff(d, x) == DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x, 3), f(x))

    d = DifferentialOperator(1 / x * Derivative(f(x), x), f(x))
    assert d.expr == 1 / x * Derivative(f(x), x)
    assert d.function == f(x)
    assert d.variables == (x, )
    assert diff(d, x) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(1/x*Derivative(f(x), x), x), f(x))
    assert qapply(d * g) == Wavefunction(3 * x, x)

    # 2D cartesian Laplacian
    y = Symbol('y')
    d = DifferentialOperator(
        Derivative(f(x, y), x, 2) + Derivative(f(x, y), y, 2), f(x, y))
    w = Wavefunction(x**3 * y**2 + y**3 * x**2, x, y)
    assert d.expr == Derivative(f(x, y), x, 2) + Derivative(f(x, y), y, 2)
    assert d.function == f(x, y)
    assert d.variables == (x, y)
    assert diff(d, x) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(d.expr, x), f(x, y))
    assert diff(d, y) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(d.expr, y), f(x, y))
    assert qapply(d * w) == Wavefunction(
        2 * x**3 + 6 * x * y**2 + 6 * x**2 * y + 2 * y**3, x, y)

    # 2D polar Laplacian (th = theta)
    r, th = symbols('r th')
    d = DifferentialOperator(
        1 / r * Derivative(r * Derivative(f(r, th), r), r) + 1 /
        (r**2) * Derivative(f(r, th), th, 2), f(r, th))
    w = Wavefunction(r**2 * sin(th), r, (th, 0, pi))
    assert d.expr == \
        1/r*Derivative(r*Derivative(f(r, th), r), r) + \
        1/(r**2)*Derivative(f(r, th), th, 2)
    assert d.function == f(r, th)
    assert d.variables == (r, th)
    assert diff(d, r) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(d.expr, r), f(r, th))
    assert diff(d, th) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(d.expr, th), f(r, th))
    assert qapply(d * w) == Wavefunction(3 * sin(th), r, (th, 0, pi))
Exemple #34
def test_derivative2():
    f = Function("f")
    x = Symbol("x")
    a = Wild("a", exclude=[f, x])
    b = Wild("b", exclude=[f])
    e = Derivative(f(x), x)
    assert e.match(Derivative(f(x), x)) == {}
    assert e.match(Derivative(f(x), x, x)) == None
    e = Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert e.match(Derivative(f(x), x)) == None
    assert e.match(Derivative(f(x), x, x)) == {}
    e = Derivative(f(x), x)+x**2
    assert e.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x) + b) == {a: 1, b: x**2}
    assert e.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x, x) + b) == None
    e = Derivative(f(x), x, x)+x**2
    assert e.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x) + b) == None
    assert e.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x, x) + b) == {a: 1, b: x**2}
Exemple #35
def test_deriv_sub_bug3():
    f = Function('f')
    pat = Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert pat.subs(y, y**2) == Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert pat.subs(y, y**2) != Derivative(f(x), x)
Exemple #36
    class valid_units(Equation):

        expr = Eq(demo_v, Derivative(demo_d, demo_fall.definition.t))
Exemple #37
def test_derivative_subs3():
    x = Symbol('x')
    dex = Derivative(exp(x), x)
    assert Derivative(dex, x).subs(dex, exp(x)) == dex
    assert dex.subs(exp(x), dex) == Derivative(exp(x), x, x)
Exemple #38
def test_derivative_subs():
    f = Function('f')
    g = Function('g')
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(f(x), y) != 0
    # need xreplace to put the function back, see #13803
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(f(x), y).xreplace({y: f(x)}) == \
        Derivative(f(x), x)
    # issues 5085, 5037
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x), x) + f(x))[1][0].has(Derivative)
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x, y), x) +
               Derivative(f(x, y), y))[1][0].has(Derivative)
    eq = Derivative(g(x), g(x))
    assert eq.subs(g, f) == Derivative(f(x), f(x))
    assert eq.subs(g(x), f(x)) == Derivative(f(x), f(x))
    assert eq.subs(g, cos) == Subs(Derivative(y, y), y, cos(x))
Exemple #39
def test_doitdoit():
    done = Derivative(f(x, g(x)), x, g(x)).doit()
    assert done == done.doit()
Exemple #40
def test_derivative_subs2():
    f_func, g_func = symbols('f g', cls=Function)
    f, g = f_func(x, y, z), g_func(x, y, z)
    assert Derivative(f, x, y).subs(Derivative(f, x, y), g) == g
    assert Derivative(f, y, x).subs(Derivative(f, x, y), g) == g
    assert Derivative(f, x, y).subs(Derivative(f, x), g) == Derivative(g, y)
    assert Derivative(f, x, y).subs(Derivative(f, y), g) == Derivative(g, x)
    assert (Derivative(f, x, y, z).subs(Derivative(f, x, z),
                                        g) == Derivative(g, y))
    assert (Derivative(f, x, y, z).subs(Derivative(f, z, y),
                                        g) == Derivative(g, x))
    assert (Derivative(f, x, y, z).subs(Derivative(f, z, y, x), g) == g)

    # Issue 9135
    assert (Derivative(f, x, x, y).subs(Derivative(f, y, y),
                                        g) == Derivative(f, x, x, y))
    assert (Derivative(f, x, y, y, z).subs(Derivative(f, x, y, y, y),
                                           g) == Derivative(f, x, y, y, z))

    assert Derivative(f, x, y).subs(Derivative(f_func(x), x, y),
                                    g) == Derivative(f, x, y)
Exemple #41
def test_derivative_subs3():
    dex = Derivative(exp(x), x)
    assert Derivative(dex, x).subs(dex, exp(x)) == dex
    assert dex.subs(exp(x), dex) == Derivative(exp(x), x, x)
Exemple #42
def test_euler_pendulum():
    x = Function('x')
    t = Symbol('t')
    L = (x(t).diff(t))**2 / 2 + cos(x(t))
    assert euler_equations(L, x(t), t) == \
        set([Eq(-sin(x(t)) - Derivative(x(t), t, t), 0)])
Exemple #43
def test_doit():
    n = Symbol('n', integer = True)
    f = Sum(2 * n * x, (n, 1, 3))
    d = Derivative(f, x)
    assert d.doit() == 12
    assert d.doit(deep = False) == Sum(2*n, (n, 1, 3))
Exemple #44
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

from sympy import init_printing, symbols, Integral, Derivative, sin, exp, Eq
from IPython.display import display
init_printing(use_latex=True, latex_mode='equation*') 

x = symbols('x')

# In[2]:

int_x = Integral(sin(x)*exp(x), x)
display(Eq(int_x, int_x.doit()))

derv_x = Derivative(sin(x)*exp(x), x)
display(Eq(derv_x, derv_x.doit()))