def calculate_2d_bbox(row, view_matrix, proj_matrix, width, height):
    pos = np.array(row['pos'])
    rot = np.array(row['rot'])
    model_sizes = np.array(row['model_sizes'])
    points_3dbbox = get_model_3dbbox(model_sizes)
    # calculating model_coords_to_ndc, so we have both anc and viewed points
    point_homo = np.array([
        points_3dbbox[:, 0], points_3dbbox[:, 1], points_3dbbox[:, 2],
        np.ones_like(points_3dbbox[:, 0])
    model_matrix = construct_model_matrix(pos, rot)
    point_homo = model_matrix @ point_homo
    viewed = view_matrix @ point_homo
    projected = proj_matrix @ viewed
    projected /= projected[3, :]
    bbox_3d = projected.T[:, 0:3]

    bbox_2d_points = bbox_3d[:, 0:2]
    is_3d_bbox_partially_outside = (bbox_2d_points <
                                    -1).any() or (bbox_2d_points > 1).any()
    bbox_2d_points = bbox_2d_points[((bbox_2d_points <= 1) &
                                     (bbox_2d_points >= -1)).all(axis=1)]
    if is_3d_bbox_partially_outside:
        bbox_2d = model_coords_to_pixel(pos, rot, points_3dbbox, view_matrix,
                                        proj_matrix, width, height).T
        # now we need to compute intersections between end of image and points
        # now we build 12 lines for 3d bounding box
        lines = list()
        lines.append([bbox_2d[0, :], bbox_2d[1, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[1, :], bbox_2d[3, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[3, :], bbox_2d[2, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[2, :], bbox_2d[0, :]])

        lines.append([bbox_2d[4, :], bbox_2d[5, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[5, :], bbox_2d[7, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[7, :], bbox_2d[6, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[6, :], bbox_2d[4, :]])

        lines.append([bbox_2d[4, :], bbox_2d[0, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[5, :], bbox_2d[1, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[6, :], bbox_2d[2, :]])
        lines.append([bbox_2d[7, :], bbox_2d[3, :]])

        borders = list()
        borders.append([[0, 0], [0, height]])
        borders.append([[0, height], [width, height]])
        borders.append([[0, 0], [width, 0]])
        borders.append([[width, 0], [width, height]])

        for line in lines:
            for border in borders:
                if are_intersecting(line, border):
                    l1 = Line(Point(line[0][0], line[0][1]),
                              Point(line[1][0], line[1][1]))
                    l2 = Line(Point(border[0][0], border[0][1]),
                              Point(border[1][0], border[1][1]))
                    x, y = np.array(next(iter(l1.intersect(l2))),
                    ndc_y, ndc_x = pixel_to_ndc((y, x), (height, width))
                    bbox_2d_points = np.vstack((bbox_2d_points, [ndc_x,

    bbox_2d = np.array([
        [bbox_2d_points[:, 0].max(), -bbox_2d_points[:, 1].min()],
        [bbox_2d_points[:, 0].min(), -bbox_2d_points[:, 1].max()],
    # rescale from [-1, 1] to [0, 1]
    bbox_2d = (bbox_2d / 2) + 0.5
    return bbox_2d.tolist()