Exemple #1
def toLine(l):
    if isinstance(l, sympy.geometry.line.Line3D):
        return l
    if isinstance(l, np.ndarray):
        if l.shape == (2, 3):
            return Line3D(tuple(l[0]), tuple(l[1]))
        l = tuple(l)
    if isinstance(l, (list, tuple, sympy.geometry.point.Point3D,
        return Line3D((0, 0, 0), l)
def add_orthogonal_vertices(bpairs, coords, loc, outfolder, force):
    vertex_file = osp.join(outfolder, 'orthogonal_vertices.npy')
    pair_file = osp.join(outfolder, 'orthogonal_pairs.npy')
    if osp.isfile(vertex_file) and osp.isfile(pair_file) and not force:
        closest_ortho_verts = np.load(vertex_file).tolist()
        closest_ortho_pairs = np.load(pair_file).tolist()
        closest_ortho_pairs = []
        closest_ortho_verts = []
        vert_radius = 5
        for i in bpairs:
            if loc.get_contact_type(i[0]) in ['G', 'S']:
                c1 = np.array(
                c2 = np.array(
                b1 = (c1 + c2) / 2
                l1 = Line3D(c1, b1)
                verts_near_bipolar = []
                verts_distances = []
                for v in coords:
                    v1 = np.array(list(v))
                    vp_dist = np.linalg.norm(b1 - v1)
                    if vp_dist < vert_radius:
                if len(verts_near_bipolar) == 0:
                    for v in coords:
                        v1 = np.array(list(v))
                        vp_dist = np.linalg.norm(b1 - v1)
                        if vp_dist < 2 * vert_radius:
                print('Found', len(verts_near_bipolar),
                      'vertices within radius', vert_radius, 'of bipolar')
                closest_verts = [
                    x for _, x in sorted(
                        zip(verts_distances, verts_near_bipolar))
                closest_vert = [0, 0, 0]
                for vv1 in closest_verts:
                    l2 = Line3D(vv1, b1)
                    if abs(l1.angle_between(l2) - 1.5708) < 0.1:
                        closest_vert = vv1
        np.save(vertex_file, closest_ortho_verts)
        np.save(pair_file, closest_ortho_pairs)
    loc.set_pair_infos('closest_ortho_vertex_coordinate', closest_ortho_pairs,
Exemple #3
def distance(self, o):
    """ From https://github.com/sympy/sympy/blob/58e1e9abade7c38c66871fd06bf76ebac8c1df78/sympy/geometry/plane.py#L246-L298
        but returns signed Distance not absolut
    :param self: Plane
    :param o: Point
    :return: signed distance between Plane and Point
    if self.intersection(o) != []:
        return S.Zero

    if isinstance(o, (Segment3D, Ray3D)):
        a, b = o.p1, o.p2
        pi, = self.intersection(Line3D(a, b))
        if pi in o:
            return self.distance(pi)
        elif a in Segment3D(pi, b):
            return self.distance(a)
            assert isinstance(o, Segment3D) is True
            return self.distance(b)

    # following code handles `Point3D`, `LinearEntity3D`, `Plane`
    a = o if isinstance(o, Point3D) else o.p1
    n = Point3D(self.normal_vector).unit
    d = (a - self.p1).dot(n)
    return d
Exemple #4
    def move_tcp_to_plane(self, offset=0):
        # make line out of 0,0,0 and point
        b = Point3D(0, 0, 0)
        tcp_point = Point3D(self.getl()[0:3])
        line = Line3D(b, tcp_point)

        # project line onto plane
        plane_point = self.plane.intersection(line)
        plane_point = plane_point[0]
        # get distance between tcp point and base point
        dis_tcp = b.distance(tcp_point)

        # get distance between plane point and base point
        dis_plane = b.distance(plane_point)

        # put negative or positive sign
        if dis_tcp > dis_plane:
            sign = -1
            sign = +1
        # get distance to plane

        distance = self.plane.distance(tcp_point).evalf()
        distance = sign * distance
        # move tcp
        # location = self.plane.projection( tcp_point )
        # print(self.plane.distance( tcp_point ))
        self.move_tcp((0, 0, distance - offset))
Exemple #5
def calc_gaze_points_dist(right_eye1, left_eye1, right_eye2, left_eye2,

    l1 = Line3D(Point3D(right_eye1[0], right_eye1[1], right_eye1[2]),
                Point3D(right_eye2[0], right_eye2[1], right_eye2[2]))
    l2 = Line3D(Point3D(left_eye1[0], left_eye1[1], left_eye1[2]),
                Point3D(left_eye2[0], left_eye2[1], left_eye2[2]))

    for p2 in points2:
        point = Point3D(p2[0], p2[1], p2[2])

        dist1 = l1.distance(point)
        dist2 = l2.distance(point)

        if (dist1 < 100 or dist2 < 100):
            return True
    return False
Exemple #6
def edge_param(edge, v1, v2, source, receiver):
    # source, receiver :: Point3D
    # edge :: Line3D(Point3D(), Point3D())
    # v1, v2: vectors describing the edge
    proj_src_edge = edge.projection(source)
    proj_rec_edge = edge.projection(receiver)

    ray_edge_src = Line3D(proj_src_edge, source)  #  Proj(S, edge) ---> S
    ray_edge_rec = Line3D(proj_rec_edge, receiver)  #  Proj(R, edge) ---> R

    x = float(v1.angle_between(v2))
    teta_w = max(2.0 * numpy.pi - x, x)

    teta_S = float(ray_edge_src.angle_between(v1))
    teta_R = float(ray_edge_rec.angle_between(v1))

    # print(raddeg(teta_S), raddeg(teta_R))
    return teta_w, teta_R, teta_S
Exemple #7
def create_particle_line(theta, phi):
    """ odredujemo dvije tocke
    jedna je ishodiste
    druga je usmjerena sa theta i phi,
    a nalazi se na proizvoljnoj udaljenosti 1
    p_0 = Point3D(0, 0, 0)
    p_1 = Point3D(spher_2_cart(1., theta, phi))

    return Line3D(p_0, p_1)
Exemple #8
    def Scan(self,
        Calculates in the BCRS the angle between the plane of the satellite and the line from the centre of the satellite to the star.
        This angle is - zeta_angle_star_plane.
        self.observations = []
        self.measurements = []
        self.times = []
        self.indexes = []

        for idx, star in enumerate(sky.elements):
            star_point = vector_to_point(star.vector)
            star_line = Line3D(self.xyplane.args[0], star_point)
            arc_angle_star_xyplane = self.xyplane.angle_between(star_line)
            if len(arc_angle_star_xyplane.args) == 2:
                zeta_angle_star_plane = -float(arc_angle_star_xyplane.args[1])
            if len(arc_angle_star_xyplane.args) == 1:
                zeta_angle_star_plane = float(arc_angle_star_xyplane.args[0])

            if -zeta / 2. < (zeta_angle_star_plane) < zeta / 2.:

                proy_star_point = self.xyplane.projection(star_point)
                proy_star_vector = point_to_vector(proy_star_point)
                proy_star_vector_srs = SRS(self, proy_star_vector)

                phi_angle_obs = np.arctan2(float(proy_star_vector_srs[1]),
                zeta_angle = np.arctan2(
                        np.sqrt((proy_star_vector_srs[0])**2 +

                if phi_angle_obs < 0.:
                    phi_angle_obs = phi_angle_obs + 2 * np.pi
                observation = Observation(phi_angle_obs, zeta_angle)
        Once observations are made, now we pass the scan to see at what times if the star in the detector's range
        #maybe change this to +- deltaphiphi/2 at some point? but careful that phi > 0
        for i in np.arange(0, phi, deltaphi):
            self.ViewLine(i, 0)
            axis1phi = self.phi % (2 * np.pi)
            axis2phi = (self.phi + deltaphi) % (2 * np.pi)

            for observation in self.observations:
                if axis1phi < observation.azimuth and observation.azimuth < axis2phi:
                    time = i % (np.pi * 2)
Exemple #9
def edge_quant(edge, source, receiver, res):
    # the apex point optimaziation is not implemented
    # source, receiver :: Point3D
    # edge :: Line3D(Point3D(), Point3D())
    edgelength = float(edge.p1.distance(edge.p2))
    zaxis = numpy.linspace(res * 0.5, edgelength - res * 0.5,
                           int(edgelength / (res)))

    rS, rR = float(edge.distance(source)), float(edge.distance(receiver))
    _p1, _p2 = edge.p1, edge.p2
    proj_src_edge = edge.projection(source)
    proj_rec_edge = edge.projection(receiver)

    # >>> determine relative z position of the source: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    alpha = edge.angle_between(Line3D(_p1, proj_src_edge)).evalf()
    if abs(alpha) < 0.01:  #   0 degree
        z_shift = float(proj_src_edge.distance(_p1))
    elif abs(alpha - numpy.pi) < 0.01:  # 180 degree
        z_shift = -float(proj_src_edge.distance(_p1))
        raise ValueError('z_shift: alpha = %.3f  Should be 0 or pi.' % alpha)
    zaxis += -z_shift

    # >>> z(receiver): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    abs_zR = float(proj_src_edge.distance(proj_rec_edge))
    if abs_zR < 0.001:
        zR = 0.0
        alpha = edge.angle_between(Line3D(proj_src_edge,
        if abs(alpha) < 0.01:  #   0 degree
            zR = abs_zR
        elif abs(alpha - numpy.pi) < 0.01:  # 180 degree
            zR = -abs_zR
            raise ValueError('zR: alpha = %.3f  Should be 0 or pi.' % alpha)

    m, l = (zaxis**2.0 + rS**2.0)**0.5, (zaxis**2.0 + rR**2.0)**0.5
    return m, l, zaxis, rS, rR, zR
Exemple #10
def angle(e1, e2):
    tol = 0.001
    alpha = e1.angle_between(e2).evalf()
    if abs(alpha - 0.5 * numpy.pi) < tol:
        arrangement = 'perpendicular'
    elif abs(alpha - numpy.pi) < tol:  # 180 degree
        arrangement = 'paralell'
        e2 = Line3D(e2.p2, e2.p1)
    elif abs(alpha) < tol:  #   0 degree
        arrangement = 'paralell'
        arrangement = 'general'
    return arrangement, e1, e2
Exemple #11
def isHitYellowLine(ego, sim, init_degree):

	lane_center = sim.map_point_on_lane(ego.state.transform.position)
	ego_x = ego.state.transform.position.x 
	ego_y = ego.state.transform.position.y
	ego_z = ego.state.transform.position.z
	ego_point = Point3D(ego_x, ego_y, ego_z)

	mp_x = lane_center.position.x
	mp_y = lane_center.position.y
	mp_z = lane_center.position.z
	mp_point = Point3D(mp_x, mp_y, mp_z)

	# We do not know the correct values for Borregas Ave map and Lincoln2017MKZ (Apollo 5.0) vehicle
	x1, y1, z1 = 145.000030517578, 10.1931667327881, 4.20298147201538
	x_e_1, y_e_1, z_e_1 = 132.136016845703, 10.1280860900879, 4.20766830444336
	x6, y6, z6 = 24.9999923706055, 10.1931667327881, 0.026848778128624
	x_e_6, y_e_6, z_e_6 = 82.6629028320313, 10.1278924942017, 0.0420729108154774
	l1 = Line3D(Point3D(x1, y1, z1), Point3D(x_e_1, y_e_1, z_e_1))
	l6 = Line3D(Point3D(x6, y6, z6), Point3D(x_e_6, y_e_6, z_e_6))
	diagnal_length = pow(ego.bounding_box.size.z, 2) + pow(ego.bounding_box.size.x, 2)
	diagnal_length = math.sqrt(diagnal_length)
	rotate_degree = abs(ego.state.rotation.y - init_degree) + 23.86
	ego_size_z = (diagnal_length / 2.0)*math.sin(math.radians(rotate_degree))

	if(l1.distance(mp_point) <= 1):
		lane_bound = mp_z - 2.2
		if (ego.state.transform.position.z - ego_size_z <= lane_bound):
			util.print_debug(" --- Cross the yellow line")
			return True
	if(l6.distance(mp_point) <= 1):
		lane_bound = mp_z + 2.2
		if (ego.state.transform.position.z + ego_size_z >= lane_bound):
			util.print_debug(" --- Cross the yellow line")
			return True
	return False
Exemple #12
def isHitEdge(ego, sim, init_degree):
	# init_degree = ego.state.rotation.y
	lane_center = sim.map_point_on_lane(ego.state.transform.position)
	ego_x = ego.state.transform.position.x 
	ego_y = ego.state.transform.position.y
	ego_z = ego.state.transform.position.z
	ego_point = Point3D(ego_x, ego_y, ego_z)

	mp_x = lane_center.position.x
	mp_y = lane_center.position.y
	mp_z = lane_center.position.z
	mp_point = Point3D(mp_x, mp_y, mp_z)

	# We do not know the correct values for Borregas Ave map and Lincoln2017MKZ (Apollo 5.0) vehicle
	x1, y1, z1 = 160.809997558594, 10.1931667327881, 8.11004638671875
	x_e_1, y_e_1, z_e_1 = 101.646751403809, 10.1278858184814, 8.18318462371826
	x6, y6, z6 = 24.9999961853027, 10.1931667327881, -3.77267646789551
	x_e_6, y_e_6, z_e_6 = 84.163330078125, 10.1277523040771, -3.77213048934937
	l1 = Line3D(Point3D(x1, y1, z1), Point3D(x_e_1, y_e_1, z_e_1))
	l6 = Line3D(Point3D(x6, y6, z6), Point3D(x_e_6, y_e_6, z_e_6))
	diagnal_length = pow(ego.bounding_box.size.z, 2) + pow(ego.bounding_box.size.x, 2)
	diagnal_length = math.sqrt(diagnal_length)
	rotate_degree = abs(ego.state.rotation.y - init_degree) + 23.86
	ego_size_z = (diagnal_length / 2.0)*math.sin(math.radians(rotate_degree))

	if(l6.distance(mp_point) <= 1):
		lane_bound = mp_z - 2.2
		if (ego.state.transform.position.z - ego_size_z <= lane_bound):
			util.print_debug("--- Cross the boundary --- ")
			return True
	if(l1.distance(mp_point) <= 1):
		lane_bound = mp_z + 2.2
		if (ego.state.transform.position.z + ego_size_z >= lane_bound):
			util.print_debug("--- Cross the boundary --- ")
			return True
	return False
Exemple #13
def get_trajectory(tr2d, R, M, T, F, Z_start=1, Z_end = 0):
	compute 3D trajectory for 2D image points.
	:param tr2d: 2d trajectory [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],...]
	:param R: Rotation matrix
	:param M: Camera matrix
	:param T: Translation matrix
	:param F: [R^T|-R^T@T]
	:param Z_start: Hight of first point in 2D trajectory
	:param Z_end: Hight of last point in 2D trajectory
	:return: array of 3D world points
	start_im = tr2d[0][1:3]
	end_im = tr2d[-1][1:3]
	start_3D = get_3D_position(imgpoint=start_im,
							   R=R, M=M, T=T, F=F,
							   objpoint={'X': None, 'Y': None, 'Z': Z_start},
	end_3D = get_3D_position(imgpoint=end_im,
							 R=R, M=M, T=T, F=F,
							 objpoint={'X': None, 'Y': None, 'Z': Z_end},
	print(start_3D, end_3D)
	# Get plane through the two points where Z is known
	X_ws, Y_ws, Z_ws = start_3D[0], start_3D[1], start_3D[2]
	X_we, Y_we, Z_we = end_3D[0], end_3D[1], end_3D[2]
	start = np.array([X_ws, Y_ws, Z_ws])
	ende = np.array([X_we, Y_we, Z_we])
	rvec = ende - start
	# normal
	nv = np.cross((rvec), [0, 0, 1])
	plane = Plane(Point3D(X_ws, Y_ws, Z_ws), normal_vector=(nv[0], nv[1], nv[2]))

	# Get point on plane for each point on 2D trajectory
	tr3D = []
	for point in tr2d:
		imgpoint = point[1:3]
		lfa1, lfa2 = np.array(get_3D_position(imgpoint=imgpoint,
											  R=R, M=M, T=T, F=F,
											  objpoint={'X': None, 'Y': None, 'Z': None},

		line = Line3D(Point3D(lfa1[0], lfa1[1], lfa1[2]), Point3D(lfa2[0], lfa2[1], lfa2[2]))

		# Calculate intersect
		res = plane.intersection(line)
		res = [float(x) for x in res[0]]
		tr3D += [res]

	return tr3D
Exemple #14
def check_intersect(p1, p3, p4):
    p1 = Point3D(p1)
    p2 = Point3D(999, 999, 999)
    p3 = Point3D(p3)
    p4 = Point3D(p4)

    print(p1, p2, p3, p4)

    l1 = Line3D(p1, p2)
    l2 = Line3D(p3, p4)

    print(l1, l2)

    x = l1.intersection(l2)
    if len(x) == 0:
        return {"result": "false"}
        x = x[0]

        if x in [p1]:
            return {"result": "boundary"}
            return {"result": "true", "point": [x.x, x.y, x.z]}
def estimateCoordinate(A, alpha, beta, h, W, ximg, yimg):
	B = Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	C = Point3D(20.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	Z = Point3D(10.0, 10.0, 0.0)
	# pABC = CG3dPlanePN(A, B, C)
	scale = (2 * tan (beta/2) * h / sin(alpha)) / W
	# scale = 1
	xL = (ximg*scale*sin(alpha))
	yL = (yimg*scale)
	zL = (ximg*scale*cos(alpha))
	L = Point3D(xL, yL, zL)
	LineAL = Line3D(A, L)
	planeOxy = Plane(B, C, Z)
	result = LineAL.intersection(planeOxy)
	return result
Exemple #16
    def _calculate_ray_origin(self):
        theta = np.deg2rad(90.0 - self._point_source.lat.value)
        phi = np.deg2rad(self._point_source.lon.value)

        x = Ray._R * np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta)
        y = Ray._R * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta)
        z = Ray._R * np.cos(theta)

        # this is the "distant orgin of the ray"
        self._origin = np.array([x, y, z])

        self._sympy_line = Line3D(Point3D(self._detector.mount_point),

        self._plot_origin = self.point_on_ray(Ray._scale)
Exemple #17
def lineplane_intersection(line, plane, la=0):
    bbox = ((min([x[0] for x in plane]), min([x[1] for x in plane]), min([x[2] for x in plane])),
                  (max([x[0] for x in plane]), max([x[1] for x in plane]), max([x[2] for x in plane])))
    if bbox[0][la-1]<=line[0][la-1]<=bbox[1][la-1] and bbox[0][la-2]<=line[0][la-2]<=bbox[1][la-2]:
        s_line = Line3D(Point3D(line[0]), Point3D(line[1]))
        s_plane = Plane(Point3D(plane[0]), Point3D(plane[1]), Point3D(plane[2]))
        itp = s_plane.intersection(s_line)
        in_range = False
        if len(itp) > 0:
            intpoint = itp[0]
            if min([x[la] for x in line])<=intpoint[la]<=max([x[la] for x in line]):
                if bbox[0][0]<=intpoint[0]<=bbox[1][0]:
                    if bbox[0][1] <= intpoint[1] <= bbox[1][1]:
                        if bbox[0][2] <= intpoint[2] <= bbox[1][2]:
                            in_range = True
        if in_range:
            return [float(x) for x in intpoint]
            return None
        return None
Exemple #18
# === rectangle model =====================================
h = 60.0
w = 45.0
th = 2.0

R1 = Point3D(-w * 0.5, -h * 0.5, 0.0, evaluate=geomeval)
R2 = Point3D(+w * 0.5, -h * 0.5, 0.0, evaluate=geomeval)
R3 = Point3D(+w * 0.5, +h * 0.5, 0.0, evaluate=geomeval)
R4 = Point3D(-w * 0.5, +h * 0.5, 0.0, evaluate=geomeval)
R10 = Point3D(-w * 0.5, -h * 0.5, -th, evaluate=geomeval)
R20 = Point3D(+w * 0.5, -h * 0.5, -th, evaluate=geomeval)
R30 = Point3D(+w * 0.5, +h * 0.5, -th, evaluate=geomeval)
R40 = Point3D(-w * 0.5, +h * 0.5, -th, evaluate=geomeval)
# edges [edge, v1, v2]:
e1 = [Line3D(R1, R2), Ray3D(R2, R3), Ray3D(R1, R10)]
e2 = [Line3D(R2, R3), Ray3D(R3, R4), Ray3D(R2, R20)]
e3 = [Line3D(R3, R4), Ray3D(R4, R1), Ray3D(R3, R30)]
e4 = [Line3D(R4, R1), Ray3D(R1, R2), Ray3D(R4, R40)]
edges = [e1, e2, e3, e4]

# === plot the geometry of the setup =======================

quiveropts = dict(headlength=0,
if rec_model == 'pointsource':
    draw_xy([source], edges, receiver, quiveropts, DS)
elif rec_model == 'pointarray':
Exemple #19
    return float(ag)

toArray = lambda x: np.array(x).astype(float)

def degreeOfVictor(p1, p2):
    p1, p2 = map(toArray, (p1, p2))
    dotProduct = (p1 * p2).sum()
    norm = lambda p: (p**2).sum()**0.5
    angle = dotProduct / (norm(p1) * norm(p2))
    arccosDegree = lambda x: np.degrees(np.arccos(x))
    degree = arccosDegree(angle)
    return degree

if __name__ == '__main__':
    po = Point3D(0, 0, 0)
    #    print fitPointsToPlane(points)

    l = Line3D((0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0))
    l2 = Line3D((0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1))

    a = Plane(Point3D(1, 1, 1), normal_vector=(1, 1, 1))
    b = a.perpendicular_line(Point3D(0, 0, 0))
    points = (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)

    a.distance(Point3D(0, 0, 0))
 P1t = P1.subs(x == Lparam[_sage_const_0].right(),
               y == Lparam[_sage_const_1].right(),
               z == Lparam[_sage_const_2].right())
 tt = solve(P1t, t)[_sage_const_0].right()
 xLP1 = Lparam[_sage_const_0].subs(t=tt)
 yLP1 = Lparam[_sage_const_1].subs(t=tt)
 zLP1 = Lparam[_sage_const_2].subs(t=tt)
 # запишем наши объекты через sympy
 from sympy import Plane, Point, Point3D, Line3D
 Psp = Plane(Point3D(pointP), normal_vector=n)
 M1sp = Point3D(M1)
 prtemp = Psp.projection(M1sp)
 # проекция M1 на P
 prM1P = vector([prtemp.x._sage_(), prtemp.y._sage_(), prtemp.z._sage_()])
 # наша L через sympy
 Lsp = Line3D(pointL, point2L)
 prtemp = Lsp.projection(M1sp)
 # проекция M1 на L
 prM1L = vector([prtemp.x._sage_(), prtemp.y._sage_(), prtemp.z._sage_()])
 # расстояние от M2 до P2
 P2sp = Plane(Point3D(M1), normal_vector=n2)
 dM2P2 = P2sp.distance(Point3D(M2))
 # плоскость через M1 и L
 P6 = Simp_Plane(Make_Plane(M1, pointL - M1, sL))
 # проекция L1 на P
 # уравнение L1 в параметрическом виде
 pointL1 = vector([
     M2[_sage_const_0] + a[_sage_const_0],
     M2[_sage_const_1] + a[_sage_const_1],
     M2[_sage_const_2] + a[_sage_const_2]
Exemple #21
def edge_quant2(edge1, edge2, source, receiver, res):
    # source, receiver :: Point3D
    # edge :: Line3D(Point3D(), Point3D())
    arrangement, edge1, edge2 = angle(edge1, edge2)
    rS, rR = float(edge1.distance(source)), float(edge2.distance(receiver))

    edge1length = float(edge1.p1.distance(edge1.p2))
    edge2length = float(edge2.p1.distance(edge2.p2))

    if arrangement == 'paralell':
        # z axis: edge1 p1 -> p2
        # z(source) = 0
        P1 = edge1.projection(source)
        P2 = edge2.projection(source)
        P3 = edge2.projection(receiver)
        r12 = float(edge1.distance(edge2.p1))
        Dz1 = float(P1.distance(edge1.p1))
        Dz2 = float(P2.distance(edge2.p1))
        Dz3 = float(P3.distance(P2))
        al1 = edge1.angle_between(Line3D(edge1.p1, P1)).evalf()
        al2 = edge2.angle_between(Line3D(edge2.p1, P2)).evalf()
        al3 = edge2.angle_between(Line3D(P1, P2)).evalf()

        if Dz1 < 0.001:  # --- zaxis1 shift -----------------------------------
            z_shift1 = 0.0
            if al1 < 0.01:  #   0 degree
                z_shift1 = Dz1
            elif abs(al1 - numpy.pi) < 0.01:  # 180 degree
                z_shift1 = -Dz1
                raise ValueError('z_shift1: alpha = %.3f  Should be 0 or pi.' %
        if Dz2 < 0.001:  # --- zaxis2 shift -----------------------------------
            z_shift2 = 0.0
            if al2 < 0.01:  #   0 degree
                z_shift2 = Dz2
            elif abs(al2 - numpy.pi) < 0.01:  # 180 degree
                z_shift2 = -Dz2
                raise ValueError('z_shift2: alpha = %.3f  Should be 0 or pi.' %
        if Dz3 < 0.001:  # --- z(receiver) _-----------------------------------
            zrec = 0.0
            if al3 < 0.01:  #   0 degree
                zrec = Dz3
            elif abs(al3 - numpy.pi) < 0.01:  # 180 degree
                zrec = -Dz3
                raise ValueError('z_shift3: alpha = %.3f  Should be 0 or pi.' %

        zaxis1 = numpy.linspace(res * 0.5 - z_shift1,
                                edge1length - res * 0.5 - z_shift1,
                                int(edge1length / (res)))
        zaxis2 = numpy.linspace(res * 0.5 - z_shift2,
                                edge2length - res * 0.5 - z_shift2,
                                int(edge2length / (res)))

        # >>> l1(n x 1), l2(n x m), l3(1 x m) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        l1 = (zaxis1**2.0 + rS**2.0)**0.5
        l2 = ((zaxis1[:, numpy.newaxis] - zaxis2[numpy.newaxis, :])**2.0 +
        l3 = ((zaxis2 - zrec)**2.0 + rS**2.0)**0.5
    elif arrangement == 'perpendicular':

        raise ValueError(
            'Only paralell and 90degree configurations are supported.')
    return l1, l2, l3, zaxis1, zaxis2, rS, rR, r12, zrec
Exemple #22
def alignChain(entry,
    Align a 2D material such that the 'c' vector is perpendicular to the
    in-plane lattice vectors
       entry (list): A set of components necessary for the TSA.
                      Makes it easier to parallelize with this as
                      the input
                      --structure (Structure): pymatgen Structure object
                      --tol (float): The scaling for the atomic bonds
                      --mp_id (str): The label for the entry, commonly
                                     the MaterialsProject ID

        prec (float):       The precision to compare magnitude of vectors
                            representing the bonds in the system     
        seed_index (int):   The site to use as the starting point for the
                            TSA. Typically does not impact the results, but
                            will if the structure is a bipartide or has
                            mixed dimensionality    
        supercell (int):    The supercell size to generate for 
                            periodic networks
        c_mag (float):      The magnitude to make the non-periodic vectors
        dist_from_line (float):  Maximum distance an atom can be from the
                                 line parallel to the nanowire. Is relevant 
                                 when the atoms in the nanowire are spread 
                                 across periodic boundary conditions in the 
                                 unit cell
        list (list): -fractional coordinates in new lattice
                     -new lattice (a,b,c)
                     -species associated with each site

    new_struct = copy.deepcopy(entry[0])

    new_latt = getNewLattice(entry, 1, prec, seed_index, supercell, c_mag)
    v1, v2, perp = new_latt
    new_latt = np.array(new_latt)
    line1 = Line3D(new_latt[0], [0, 0, 0])
    line = line1.parallel_line(new_struct.sites[0].coords)
    trans = list(itertools.product([1, -1, 0], repeat=3))
    lat = np.array(new_struct.lattice.as_dict()['matrix'])
    final_sites = []
    i = 0
    i = -1
    for site in [x.coords for x in new_struct.sites]:
        print(i, new_struct.num_sites)
        i += 1
        point = Point3D(site)
        if line.distance(point) < dist_from_line:
            news = []
            for t in trans:
                point = Point3D(site + np.dot(lat.T, t))
                news.append([float(line.distance(point)), t])
            news.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
            final_sites.append(site + np.dot(lat.T, news[0][1]))

    #new_latt = np.array([,perp2])
    new_fracs = np.linalg.solve(new_latt.T, np.array(final_sites).T).T
    species = new_struct.species
    return ([species, new_fracs, new_latt])
def intersect_cube(starting_point, direction_x, direction_y, direction_z, cube_info):
    top_point_x = cube_info['cube_origin']['x_origin']
    top_point_y = cube_info['cube_origin']['y_origin']
    top_point_z = cube_info['cube_origin']['z_origin']
    bottom_point_x = cube_info['cube_origin']['x_origin'] + cube_info['size']
    bottom_point_y = cube_info['cube_origin']['y_origin'] + cube_info['size']
    bottom_point_z = cube_info['cube_origin']['z_origin'] + cube_info['size']

    bottom_plane = Plane(Point3D(top_point_x, top_point_y, top_point_z), normal_vector=(0, 0, -1))
    back_plane = Plane(Point3D(top_point_x, top_point_y, top_point_z), normal_vector=(0, -1, 0))
    side_plane1 = Plane(Point3D(top_point_x, top_point_y, top_point_z), normal_vector=(-1, 0, 0))

    top_plane = Plane(Point3D(bottom_point_x, bottom_point_y, bottom_point_z), normal_vector=(0, 0, 1))
    front_plane = Plane(Point3D(bottom_point_x, bottom_point_y, bottom_point_z), normal_vector=(0, 1, 0))
    side_plane2 = Plane(Point3D(bottom_point_x, bottom_point_y, bottom_point_z), normal_vector=(1, 0, 0))

    vector = Line3D(Point3D(starting_point['x'], starting_point['y'], starting_point['z']),
            Point3D(starting_point['x'] + direction_x , starting_point['y'] + direction_y , starting_point['z'] + direction_z))

    top_intersection = top_plane.intersection(vector)
    bottom_intersection = bottom_plane.intersection(vector)
    side1_intersection = side_plane1.intersection(vector)
    side2_intersection = side_plane2.intersection(vector)
    front_intersection = front_plane.intersection(vector)
    back_intersection = back_plane.intersection(vector)

    if len(top_intersection) > 0 and type(top_intersection[0]) is Point3D:
        point = top_intersection[0]
        if point.x < bottom_point_x and point.x > top_point_x and point.y < bottom_point_y and point.y > top_point_y:
            print cube_info
            print "top intersected intersectiont point : " + str(float(point.x)) + ', ' + str(float(point.y)) + '\n\n\n'
            return True

    if len(bottom_intersection) > 0 and type(bottom_intersection[0]) is Point3D:
        point = bottom_intersection[0]
        if point.x < bottom_point_x and point.x > top_point_x and point.y < bottom_point_y and point.y > top_point_y:
            print "bottom intersected"
            return True

    if len(side1_intersection) > 0 and type(side1_intersection[0]) is Point3D:
        point = side1_intersection[0]
        if point.z < bottom_point_z and point.z > top_point_z and point.y < bottom_point_y and point.y > top_point_y:
            print "side1 intersected"
            return True

    if len(side2_intersection) > 0 and type(side2_intersection[0]) is Point3D:
        point = side2_intersection[0]
        if point.z < bottom_point_z and point.z > top_point_z and point.y < bottom_point_y and point.y > top_point_y:
            print "side2 intersected"
            return True

    if len(front_intersection) > 0 and type(front_intersection[0]) is Point3D:
        point = front_intersection[0]
        if point.x < bottom_point_x and point.x > top_point_x and point.z < bottom_point_z and point.z > top_point_z:
            print "front intersected"
            return True

    if len(back_intersection) > 0 and type(back_intersection[0]) is Point3D:
        point = back_intersection[0]
        if point.x < bottom_point_x and point.x > top_point_x and point.z < bottom_point_z and point.z > top_point_z:
            print "back intersected"
            return True

    print "no intersection found returning false!"
    return False