Exemple #1
def getFairPartitioning(poly, n_partitions, display=False):
    polyg_coords = [tuple(e) for e in poly.vertices]
    if n_partitions < 1:
        raise ValueError
    elif n_partitions == 1:
        return [poly]
        polyg = Polygon(*polyg_coords)
        target_area = abs(polyg.area) / n_partitions
        chosen_vertex = polyg_coords[0]
        final_polygons = []
        original_polyg_coords = polyg_coords
        polyg_coords = orderCoords(polyg_coords)
        original_n_parition = n_partitions
        for i in range(original_n_parition - 1):
            sub_polygon, other = fin_sub_poly(not (i % 2 == 0), polyg_coords,
                                              chosen_vertex, target_area)

            if i == original_n_parition - 2:
                other = Polygon(
                    *orderCoords([tuple(v) for v in other.vertices]))
            polyg_coords = [tuple(e) for e in other.vertices]
            polyg_coords = orderCoords(polyg_coords)
            plotPoly(original_polyg_coords, 'black')
            plotPoly([tuple(e) for e in sub_polygon.vertices], 'black')
            n_partitions -= 1
            polyg = Polygon(*polyg_coords)
            target_area = abs(polyg.area) / n_partitions
            chosen_vertex = tuple(other.vertices[-1])
        if display:
        return final_polygons
def splitCPPpolygon(cell, cutline):
    i = 0
    uppoints = []
    downpoints = []
    for side in cell.sides:
        if (side.contains(cutline[0])):
            leftupindex = i
            leftdownindex = (i + 1) % len(cell.sides)
        if (side.contains(cutline[-1])):
            rightdownindex = i
            rightupindex = (i + 1) % len(cell.sides)
        i = i + 1
    if (leftupindex >= rightupindex):
        uppoints.extend(cell.vertices[rightupindex:leftupindex + 1])
        uppoints.extend(cell.vertices[0:leftupindex + 1])
    if (leftdownindex <= rightdownindex):
        downpoints.extend(cell.vertices[leftdownindex:rightdownindex + 1])
        downpoints.extend(cell.vertices[0:rightdownindex + 1])
    downpolygon = Polygon(*downpoints)
    uppolygon = Polygon(*uppoints)
    return downpolygon, uppolygon
Exemple #3
    def get_plot_data(self, x, y, subplot=0):
        'get the plot data at x, y, or None if not found'

        rv = None

        mode_to_obj = self.mode_to_obj_list[subplot]
        clicked = Point(x, y)

        for mode, obj_list in mode_to_obj.items():

            for obj in obj_list:
                verts = obj[0]

                if len(
                ) < 4:  # need at least 3 points (4 with wrap) to be clicked inside

                verts_2dp = [Point2D(x, y) for x, y in verts[1:]]

                poly = Polygon(*verts_2dp)

                if poly.encloses_point(clicked):
                    rv = obj

            if rv is not None:

        return rv
Exemple #4
def parse_county(lat, lng):
    poi = Point(lng, lat)
    for city_geo_data in city_geo_datas:
        polygons = city_geo_data['geometry']['coordinates']
        polygons = [polygons] if city_geo_data['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon' else polygons
        for polygon_coordinates in polygons:
            polygon = Polygon(*polygon_coordinates[0])
            if polygon.encloses_point(poi):
                return city_geo_data['properties']['name']

    raise 'not in taiwan'
def isInRoom(roomBlob, lat, lon, alt):
    roomJson = json.loads(roomBlob)
    if (alt - roomJson['alt'] > 10 or alt < roomJson['alt']):
        return False
    p1 = Point(roomJson['corner1'][1], roomJson['corner1'][0])
    p2 = Point(roomJson['corner2'][1], roomJson['corner2'][0])
    p3 = Point(roomJson['corner3'][1], roomJson['corner3'][0])
    p4 = Point(roomJson['corner4'][1], roomJson['corner4'][0])
    pn = Point(lon, lat)
    poly = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4)
    return poly.encloses_point(pn)
Exemple #6
def create_polygon(position_sensor):
    s = str(position_sensor)
    x = float(s.split("{'x': ")[1].split(", 'y':")[0])
    y = float(s.split("'y': ")[1].split(", '")[0])
    theta = math.atan2(y, x)
    if sensor_type(s) == "fence":
        length = float(s.split("'length': ")[1].split("}")[0])
        width = 0.5
        center = np.array([x, y])
        center_norm = norm(center)
        # print("normed center: " + str(center_norm))
        # print("perpendicular = " + str(perpendicular_vector(center)))
        # print("center = " + str(center))
        a = center + (center / center_norm
                      ) * width / 2 + perpendicular_vector(center) * length / 2
        # print("a = " + str(a))
        b = center + (center / center_norm
                      ) * width / 2 - perpendicular_vector(center) * length / 2
        # print("b = " + str(b))
        c = center - (center / center_norm
                      ) * width / 2 - perpendicular_vector(center) * length / 2
        # print("c = " + str(c))
        d = center - (center / center_norm
                      ) * width / 2 + perpendicular_vector(center) * length / 2
        # print("d = " + str(d))
        poly = Polygon([a, b, c, d])
        return poly
    if sensor_type(s) == "mat":
        width = float(s.split("'width': ")[1].split(", 'length':")[0])
        length = float(s.split("'length': ")[1].split("}")[0])
        center = np.array([x, y])
        center_norm = norm(center)
        a = center + (center / center_norm
                      ) * width / 2 + perpendicular_vector(center) * length / 2
        b = center - (center / center_norm
                      ) * width / 2 + perpendicular_vector(center) * length / 2
        c = center - (center / center_norm
                      ) * width / 2 - perpendicular_vector(center) * length / 2
        d = center + (center / center_norm
                      ) * width / 2 - perpendicular_vector(center) * length / 2
        poly = Polygon([a, b, c, d])
        return poly
    if sensor_type(s) == "lidar":
        r = float(s.split("'lidar_range': ")[1].split(", 'angle_res':")[0])
        angle = float(s.split("'max_angle': ")[1].split(", 'rate':")[0])
        center = np.array([x, y])
        theta1 = theta - angle / 2
        theta2 = theta + angle / 2
        wedge_patch = Wedge(center, r, theta1, theta2)
        wedge_path = wedge_patch.get_path()
        wedge_polygon = asPolygon(wedge_path.vertices).buffer(0)
        return wedge_polygon
Exemple #7
def parse_county(lat, lng):
    poi = Point(lng, lat)
    for city_geo_data in city_geo_datas:
        polygons = city_geo_data['geometry']['coordinates']
        polygons = [
        ] if city_geo_data['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon' else polygons
        for polygon_coordinates in polygons:
            polygon = Polygon(*polygon_coordinates[0])
            if polygon.encloses_point(poi):
                return city_geo_data['properties']['name']

    raise 'not in taiwan'
Exemple #8
 def check_selected_polygon(self):
     valid_polygon = False
     if(len(self.points)> 2):
         if Polygon(*self.points).is_convex():
             valid_polygon = True
         elif Polygon(*(self.points[::-1])).is_convex():  # check anticlockwise
             valid_polygon = True
             self.points = self.points[::-1]
             valid_polygon = False
         valid_polygon = False
     return valid_polygon
Exemple #9
def check_overlap(gmap_a, gmap_b):

    gmap_a = [(x, y) for x, y in gmap_a.reshape(-1, 2)]
    gmap_b = [(x, y) for x, y in gmap_b.reshape(-1, 2)]

    poly_a = Polygon(*gmap_a)
    poly_b = Polygon(*gmap_b)

    for point in poly_a.vertices:
        if poly_b.encloses(point):
            return 1

    return -1
 def __init__(self, d, t):
     sqrt3 = sympy.sqrt(3)
     lp = (-d, -sqrt3 * d / 2)
     self.outter = Polygon(
         *map(Point, ((-d, 0), (-d / 2, -sqrt3 * d / 2),
                      (d / 2, -sqrt3 * d / 2), (d / 2, sqrt3 * d / 2),
                      (d, 0), (-d / 2, sqrt3 * d / 2)))).translate(x=-lp[0],
     d -= t * 2 / sqrt3
     self.inner = Polygon(*map(Point, ((-d, 0), (-d / 2, -sqrt3 * d / 2),
                                       (d / 2, -sqrt3 * d / 2),
                                       (d / 2, sqrt3 * d / 2), (d, 0),
                                       (-d / 2, sqrt3 * d / 2)))).translate(
                                           x=-lp[0], y=-lp[1])
Exemple #11
def within_state(latidute, longitude, border_array):
    print("debug:\n    lat:: %s\n    lon:: %s\n    borders:: %s" %
          (latidute, longitude, border_array))

    test_point = Point(latidute, longitude)
    print("Point used successfully")

    Point_arr = [Point(x[0], x[1]) for x in border_array]

    Pennsylvania_Polygon = Polygon(*Point_arr)

    print("Pennsylvania area: %s" % Pennsylvania_Polygon)

    return Pennsylvania_Polygon.encloses_point(test_point)
def roundpolygon(polygon):
    newvertices = []
    for vertice in polygon.vertices:
        newvertice = Point(round(vertice.x, 6), round(vertice.y, 6))
    newpolygon = Polygon(*newvertices)
    return newpolygon
Exemple #13
    def metric_intragroup_distance(self, subjects: dict):
        subjects_distance = dict()
        neck_keypoint = None
        for subject_id, subject in subjects.items():
            subject_pose = subject.current_pose
            for camera, keypoints in subject_pose.items():
                if camera not in subjects_distance:
                    subjects_distance[camera] = dict()
                neck_keypoint = tuple(
                subjects_distance[camera][subject_id] = neck_keypoint[:2]

        intragroup_distance = dict()
        for camera, subjects in subjects_distance.items():
            points = list(subjects.values())
            polygon = Polygon(*points)
            polygon_area = None
                polygon_area = float(abs(polygon.area))
            except AttributeError:
                print(self.current_frame, camera, polygon, polygon_area)
            centroid = (sum([point[0] for point in points]) / len(points),
                        sum([point[1] for point in points]) / len(points))
            polygon_center = [float(centroid[0]), float(centroid[1])]
            intragroup_distance[camera] = {'polygon': points,
                                           'area': polygon_area,
                                           'center': polygon_center}
        return intragroup_distance
Exemple #14
    def test_2(self):

        graph = utils.Graph()

        # Make two overlapping polygons
        p0 = Polygon((0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 2), (2, 0))
        p1 = Polygon((1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 3), (3, 1))
        # Show nodes
        print("Node points:", [n.point for n in graph.nodes])
        ext_nodes = graph.get_exterior_nodes()
        print("Exterior points:", [n.point for n in ext_nodes])
        self.assertEqual(8, len(ext_nodes))
        print("Exterior segments:", graph.get_exterior_segments())
def poligon(sez):
    sez1 = sez[::-1]
    for tocka in naredi_points(sez1):
    t = tuple(points)
    p = Polygon(*t)
    return p
Exemple #16
def p102():
    with open("../data/p102-triangles.txt") as f:
        num = 0
        for line in f:
            it = map(int, line.split(","))
            if Polygon(*zip(it, it)).encloses_point((0, 0)):
                num += 1
        return num
Exemple #17
def compareValueinStruct(cell0, lpos0, cell1, lpos1, centroids, x0, x1, z0, z1,
                         n0, n1):
    vertices = findPointsofRect(x0, x1, z0, z1)

    rect = Polygon(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[3], vertices[2])
    points = []

    for point in centroids:
        if (rect.encloses_point(point)):

    cell0V = findValueofcell(cell0, points, lpos0)
    cell1V = findValueofcell(cell1, points, lpos1)

    if ((n1 / n0) > 0.65 and cell1V > cell0V):
        return cell1[0], lpos1
        return cell0[0], lpos0
    def __init__(self, l, h, b1, b2, t1, t2, t3):

        self.outter = Polygon(
            *map(Point, ((0, 0), (b1, 0), (b1, t1), (b1 / 2 + t3 / 2, t1),
                         (b1 / 2 + t3 / 2, h - t2), (b1 / 2 + b2 / 2, h - t2),
                         (b1 / 2 + b2 / 2, h), (b1 / 2 - b2 / 2, h),
                         (b1 / 2 - b2 / 2, h - t2), (b1 / 2 - t3 / 2, h - t2),
                         (b1 / 2 - t3 / 2, t1), (0, t1))))
        self.inner = None
Exemple #19
def find_pixels_in_structure(
        array):  #passed 1d array of coordinates on the form (x,y,z)
    points = array3D_to_points(
        array)  # sorts array into a list of 2d points [(x0,y0), (x1,y1), ...]

    #creating polygon
    polyList = []
    for i in range(len(points)):
    t = tuple(polyList)
    poly = Polygon(*t)  #unpacking list elements to make a sequence of points

    DVH_points = []
    #iterating through passed array and checking if points are insie polygon
    for i in range(len(array)):
        if (poly.encloses_point(array[i])):

    return DVH_points  #returning list of points that are inside the polygon
Exemple #20
def pass_coordinates(list_coordinates):
        Returns a dictionary of polygons with the coordinates

    polygons = {}
    for key, value in list_coordinates.items():
        polygons[key] = Polygon(*value)
        time_poly = time()
        print("Time of create the polygon: ", key, " : ", time_poly - start)
    return polygons
Exemple #21
def compute_iou_using_sympy(gmap_a, gmap_b):

    gmap_a = [(x, y) for x, y in gmap_a.reshape(-1, 2)]
    gmap_b = [(x, y) for x, y in gmap_b.reshape(-1, 2)]

    poly_a = Polygon(*gmap_a)
    poly_b = Polygon(*gmap_b)

    #print([map(sympy.Float, p) for p in poly_a.vertices])
    #print([map(sumpy.Float, p) for p in poly_b.vertices])

    intersection_ = intersection(poly_a, poly_b)
    #print([tuple(p) for p in intersection_.vertices])
    area_int = np.abs(np.float(intersection(poly_a, poly_b)))
    area_un = np.abs(np.float(poly_a.area)) + np.abs(np.float(
        poly_b.area)) + area_int + 10e-6
    iou = area_int / area_un

    return iou
Exemple #22
 def coordinate_iwf(self, H, B, tw, tf):
     # Generate coordinate of points of IWF profile
     # But its still to slow using SymPy
     P = [(0, 0), (B, 0), (B, tf), (B / 2. + tw, tf), (B / 2. + tw, H - tf),
          (B, H - tf), (B, H), (0, H), (0, H - tf), (B / 2. - tw, H - tf),
          (B / 2. - tw, tf), (0, tf)]
     poly = Polygon(*P)
     x, y = poly.centroid.x, poly.centroid.y
     for i, e in enumerate(P):
         P[i] = (e[0] - x, e[1] - y)
     return P
def randomCheck(polygonJSONfn, pubFacilityJSONfn):  
    from sympy import Polygon
    from sympy.geometry import Point
    import random
    totalMatch = 0
    #read json file
    json_data = open(polygonJSONfn)
    data = json.load(json_data)

    CACoords = {}

    # for each features
    numOfFeatures = len(data['features'])
    #get a random number
    idx = random.randint(0, numOfFeatures-1)

    ca = data['features'][idx]['properties']['CACODE']  
    #print ca
    coords =  data['features'][idx]['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
    #form polygon
    polygon = Polygon(*coords)

    pub_facility_json_data = open(pubFacilityJSONfn)
    pub_facility_data = json.load(pub_facility_json_data)

    numOfPubFacility = len(pub_facility_data['features'])
    print "Please wait for a while... It takes some time..."
    #for each public facility   
    for i in range(numOfPubFacility):       
        location = pub_facility_data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']
        point = Point(location)
        #check if it is in or out           
        if polygon.encloses_point(point):
            print pub_facility_data['features'][i]['properties']['ENGLISH CATEGORY'], 
            print pub_facility_data['features'][i]['properties']['ENGLISH NAME']                                                
            totalMatch = totalMatch + 1

    print "Total number of public facility in ", ca, ":", totalMatch
Exemple #24
 def load(self, file_name):
     f = open(file_name, "r")
     polygons = []
     for l in f:
         point_pairs = l.split(";")
         points = []
         for p in point_pairs:
             p = p.split(",")
             points.append(Point(int(p[0]), int(p[1])))
     self.polygons = polygons
Exemple #25
def get_polygon(left, right, top, bottom):
    # convert rays to lines
    left = Line(left.p1, left.p2)
    right = Line(right.p1, right.p2)
    top = Line(top.p1, top.p2)
    bottom = Line(bottom.p1, bottom.p2)

    top_left = left.intersection(top)[0]
    top_right = right.intersection(top)[0]
    bottom_left = left.intersection(bottom)[0]
    bottom_right = right.intersection(bottom)[0]
    return Polygon(top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left)
Exemple #26
def poligon(sez):
    points = []
    sez1 = sez[::-1]
    for tocka in naredi_points(sez1):
        #print ("Tocka: ", tocka)
    t = tuple(points)
    #print ("Points: ", points)
    p = Polygon(*t)
    #print ("Polygon: ", p)
    return p
def mergecell(cell0, cell1, index0, index1):
    vertice0 = cell0.vertices
    vertice1 = cell1.vertices
    if (index0 == 0):
        vertice = vertice0[0:len(vertice0) - 1]
        vertice = vertice0[index0:len(cell0.vertices)] + vertice0[0:index0 - 1]
    if (index1 == 0):
        vertice += vertice1[0:len(vertice1) - 1]
        vertice += vertice1[index1:len(cell1.vertices)] + vertice1[0:index1 -
    return Polygon(*vertice)
Exemple #28
    def update_bound(current, other):
        if current.bound is None:
            return other.bound
            current_xmin, current_ymin, current_xmax, current_ymax = current.bound.bounds
            other_xmin, other_ymin, other_xmax, other_ymax = other.bound.bounds
            current_xmin = other_xmin if other_xmin < current_xmin else current_xmin
            current_ymin = other_ymin if other_ymin < current_ymin else current_ymin
            current_xmax = other_xmax if other_xmax > current_xmax else current_xmax
            current_ymax = other_ymax if other_ymax > current_ymax else current_ymax

            return Polygon((current_xmin, current_ymin), (current_xmax, current_ymin), (current_xmax, current_ymax), (current_xmin, current_ymax))
Exemple #29
def is_i(g1, g2):
    """Judges if the two components could consist a character i"""
    if not (is_circle(g1) or is_circle(g2)): return False

    if is_circle(g1):
        poly = Polygon(*get_points_from_segment(g1))
        lines = g2
        poly = Polygon(*get_points_from_segment(g2))
        lines = g1

    centriod_of_poly = poly.centroid

    points = get_points_from_segment(lines)

    lines_with_centriod = [centriod_of_poly, points[0]
                           ] + get_points_from_segment(lines)

    __is_straight = points_consist_straight_line(lines_with_centriod)

    if __is_straight: return True
        return False
Exemple #30
def partitionCC(stats, aw):
    centroids = []
    mapP = []
    for pos in range(len(stats)):
        stat = stats[pos]
        l = stat[cv.CC_STAT_LEFT]
        t = stat[cv.CC_STAT_TOP]
        h = stat[cv.CC_STAT_HEIGHT]
        for i in range(1, int(math.ceil(stat[cv.CC_STAT_WIDTH] / aw)) + 1):
            end = i * aw if i * aw < stat[cv.CC_STAT_WIDTH] else stat[
            polyCen = Polygon((l, t), (l + end, t), (l + end, t + h),
                              (l, t + h)).centroid
            centroids.append((polyCen.x, polyCen.y))
    return centroids, mapP
    def build_graph(self, obstacles: List[Obstacle]):
        graph = nx.Graph()

        polygons = []
        visited_lines = []

        for obst_coords in obstacles:
            poly = Polygon(*obst_coords)

            coors_len = len(obst_coords)
            i = 0
            while i < coors_len:
                c1 = obst_coords[i]
                    c2 = obst_coords[i + 1]
                except IndexError:
                    c2 = obst_coords[-1]

                if c1 != c2:
                    visited_lines.append(Line(c1, c2))
                    graph.add_edge(c1, c2)

                i += 1

        coordinates = []

        # brute force the rest
        for obst_coords in obstacles:

        for coord1 in coordinates:
            for coord2 in coordinates:
                if coord1 == coord2:

                l = Line(coord1, coord2)
                if l in visited_lines:

                for poly in polygons:
                    intersect = l.intersection(poly)
                    if len(intersect) > 1:
def minuspolygon(polygon, obs, pt):
    verticesp = polygon.vertices
    sides = polygon.sides
    for side in sides:
        if (side.contains(Point(pt))):
    indexp1 = findpoint(verticesp, side.p1)
    indexp2 = findpoint(verticesp, side.p2)
    if (indexp1 > indexp2):
        indexp = indexp1
        indexp = indexp2
    verticeso = obs.vertices
    indexo = findpoint(verticeso, Point(pt))
    verticesp[indexp:indexp] = iter(verticeso[0:indexo + 1])
    verticesp[indexp:indexp] = iter(verticeso[indexo:len(verticeso)])
    polygon = Polygon(*verticesp)
    return polygon