Exemple #1
def get_config_option(res_id, option, config_path):
    Retrieves an option in a configuration file.

    @param res_id: the hypervisor's id corresponding to a section in the
                    configuration file
    @type res_id: str

    @param option: the option to retrieve the value
    @type option: str

    @param config_path: the path to the configuration file
    @type config_path: str
    # Retrive the configuration file
    config = read_config_file(config_path)

    # If the section exists in the configuration file
    if config.has_section(res_id):
            # Return the value of the given option
            return config.get(res_id, option)
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
            raise ResourceException("The option '%s' doesn't exist in "
                                    "libvirt configuration file." % option)
        raise ResourceException("The cloud manager '%s' doesn't exist in the "
                                "configuration file." % res_id)
Exemple #2
    def delete(self, res_id=None, attributes=None):
        status = {}
        error = None

        required_keys = ["name"]

        # Check if the name of the virtual machine to delete exists in the
        # attributes
        self._check_keys_in_dict(attributes, required_keys)

        # Retrieve the good module
        cm_type = self._get_cloudmanager_type(res_id)
        module = self._load_driver_module(cm_type)

        # Initialize mandatory attributes depending on cloud manager's type
        module._init_cloudmanager_attributes(res_id, attributes)

        # Check if the virtual machine exists
        if module._exists(attributes):
            status['vm_name'] = attributes['name']

            num_status = module._get_status(attributes)

            # If the machine is running and the attribute 'force' is not
            #specified, then the machine can't be removed
            if (("force" not in attributes or attributes['force'] == False)
                    and module._get_readable_status(num_status)
                    == cm_util.VM_STATE_RUNNING):
                status['vm_status'] = module._get_readable_status(num_status)
                status['deleted'] = False
                raise ResourceException("The VM is "
                                        "currently running. Use the option "
                                        "force or shutdown the VM.")

            # Otherwise, we can remove the virtual machine
                state = module._delete_VM(attributes)
                status['vm_status'] = module._get_readable_status(state)
                status['deleted'] = True

        # If the machine doesn't exist
            status['vm_name'] = attributes['name']
            status['vm_status'] = cm_util.VM_STATE_UNKNOWN
            status['deleted'] = False
            raise ResourceException("The specified VM doesn't exist")

        status['cloudmanager'] = res_id
        return status
Exemple #3
def _get_vcpus(attributes):
    vm = _get_VM(attributes)
    if not vm['status'] == 'ACTIVE':
        raise ResourceException("The CPUs info can't be retrieved while the VM is not running")
    vm_id = vm['id']
    flavor = _get_flavor(attributes, vm_id)
    return flavor['vcpus']
Exemple #4
def _resume(attributes):
    Pauses a VM.

    @param attributes: the dictionary of the attributes that will be used to
                        pause a virtual machine
    @type attributes: dict
    vm = _get_VM(attributes)

    if _get_status(attributes) == "PAUSED":
        conn = Connection(attributes["cm_nova_url"], username="", password="")
        tenant_id, x_auth_token = _get_keystone_tokens(attributes)
        body = '{"unpause": null}'
        headers = {"Content-type": "application/json", "x-auth-token": x_auth_token.encode()}
        uri = tenant_id + "/servers/" + vm['id'] + "/action"
        resp = conn.request_post(uri, body=body, headers=headers)
        status = resp[u'headers']['status']
        if status == '200' or status == '304' or status == '202':
            log.info("VM is unpaused and status is %s" % _get_status(attributes))
            log.error("_resume: Bad HTTP return code: %s" % status)

        raise ResourceException("The VM must be paused")

    return _get_status(attributes)
Exemple #5
    def _check_keys_in_dict(self, dictionary, keys):
        Checks if keys exist in a dict.

        @param dictionary: the dictionary on which the keys will be checked
        @type dictionary: dict

        @param keys: the keys to check in the given dictionary
        @type keys: list
        for key in keys:
            if key not in dictionary:
                raise ResourceException("Mandatory attribute '%s' is missing" %
            elif key is None:
                raise ResourceException("Mandatory attribute '%s' is None" %
Exemple #6
    def _check_attributes_values(self, attributes):
        Checks values of the attributes dictionary in terms of semantic

        @param attributes: the dictionary of attributes
        @type attributes: dict
        if "name" in attributes:
            if attributes['name'] == "":
                raise ResourceException("The VM name must not be empty.")

        if "flavor" in attributes:
            if attributes['flavor'] == "":
                raise ResourceException("The flavor must be specified.")

        if "image" in attributes:
            if attributes['image'] == "":
                raise ResourceException("The image must be specified")
Exemple #7
def read_config_file(file_name):
    Returns a parsed configuration file.

    @param file_name: the path to the configuration file
    @type file_name: str
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        ret = config.read(file_name)
        if not ret:
            raise ResourceException(
                "The configuration file '%s' doesn't exist" % file_name)
    except ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError:
        raise ResourceException("Couldn't parse configuration file '%s'" %

    return config
    def read(self, res_id=None, attributes=None):
        status = {}

        if res_id is None or res_id == '':
            status['docks'] = self.config.keys()
        elif res_id in self.docks:
                client = self.docks[res_id]
                if attributes.get('container'):
                    status = client.inspect_container(attributes['container'])
                    status = client.containers()
            except Exception as e:
                raise ResourceException(e)
            raise ResourceException("%s not found." % res_id)

        return status
Exemple #9
    def _check_int_attributes(self, attributes, keys):
        Checks integer values in a dictionary

        @param attributes: the dictionary on which the integer keys will be
        @type attributes: dict

        @param keys: the keys of the integer attributes
        @type keys: list
        for key in keys:
            if key in attributes:
                except ValueError:
                    raise ResourceException("Attribute '%s' must be integer" %
                except TypeError:
                    raise ResourceException("Attribute '%s' is None" % key)
    def create(self, res_id, attributes):
            collection: docks
            id: Antwerp
                image: ....
                name: hostname
                memory (MB): ...
                cpu_share: ...
                command: ...
        status = {}

            client = self.docks[res_id]
            ports = []
            volumes = {}
            binds = {}
            if attributes.get('ports'):
                for port in attributes['ports']:
                    ports.append("%s:%s" % (port['local'], port['remote']))

            if attributes.get('volumes'):
                for vol in attributes['volumes']:
                    volumes[vol['remote']] = {}
                    binds[vol['local']] = vol['remote']

            container_id = client.create_container(attributes['image'],
            client.start(container_id, binds=binds)
                status = self.read(res_id, {'container': container_id})
            except ResourceException:
                raise ResourceException("The container does not exist or is "
        except KeyError as e:
            raise ResourceException("%s attribute missing." % e)

        return status
    def delete(self, res_id, attributes):
        status = {}

            client = self.docks[res_id]
            status['Id'] = attributes['container']
        except KeyError as e:
            raise ResourceException("%s attribute missing." % e)

        return status
Exemple #12
def _get_VM(attributes):
    conn = Connection(attributes["cm_nova_url"], username="", password="")
    tenant_id, x_auth_token = _get_keystone_tokens(attributes)
    resp = conn.request_get("/" + tenant_id +"/servers/detail", args={}, headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'accept':'application/json', 'x-auth-token':x_auth_token})
    status = resp[u'headers']['status']
    found = 0
    if status == '200' or status == '304':
        servers = json.loads(resp['body'])
        for vm in servers['servers']:
            if attributes['name'] == vm['name']:
                found = 1
                return vm
        if found == 0:
            #return False
            raise ResourceException("vm %s not found" % attributes['name'])
        log.error("_get_VM: Bad HTTP return code: %s" % status)
Exemple #13
    def listimages(self, res_id=None, attributes=None):
        status = {}
        error = None
        if (attributes is None):
            status['cloudmanagers'] = res_id
            status['url'] = cm_util.get_config_option(
                res_id, "url", self.CLOUDMANAGERS_CONFIG_FILE)

            # Retrieve the good module
            cm_type = self._get_cloudmanager_type(res_id)
            module = self._load_driver_module(cm_type)

            # Initialize mandatory attributes depending on cloud manager's type
            module._init_cloudmanager_attributes(res_id, attributes)

            status['images'] = module._get_images(attributes)

            raise ResourceException(
                "No arguments are yet allowed for this method")

        return status
Exemple #14
    def _set_status(self, res_id, attributes):
        Retrieves the status number and executes the corresponding action.

        @param res_id: cloud manager's id
        @type res_id: str

        @param attributes: the different attributes which will be used to
                            update the status of a virtual machine
        @type attributes: dict
        # Retrieve the good module
        cm_type = self._get_cloudmanager_type(res_id)
        module = self._load_driver_module(cm_type)

        # If the virtual machine is already in the given state, then this state
        # is returned
        if attributes['status'] == module._get_status(attributes):
            return module._get_status(attributes)

            # Retrieve a reference to the method of the module to call to
            # update the status of a virtual machine
            status_action = {
                cm_util.VM_STATE_RUNNING: self._run_vm(res_id, attributes),
                cm_util.VM_STATE_PAUSED: module._pause,
                cm_util.VM_STATE_SHUTDOWN: module._shutdown,
                cm_util.VM_STATE_REBOOTING: module._reboot,
                cm_util.VM_STATE_RESUME: module._resume

        except KeyError:
            raise ResourceException("The given status is unknown")

        # Call the method and return the final status of the virtual machine
        return status_action(attributes)
Exemple #15
    def update(self, res_id=None, attributes={}):
        status = {}
        error = None

        keys_upd_status = ["status"]
        keys_upd_flavor = ["flavor"]
        cmd_mandatory_keys = [keys_upd_status, keys_upd_flavor]

        # Check if there is at least one update command with all required
        # attributes
        cpt = 0
        for keys in cmd_mandatory_keys:
                self._check_keys_in_dict(attributes, keys)
                cpt += 1
            except ResourceException:

        # Retrieve the good module and the corresponding connection
        cm_type = self._get_cloudmanager_type(res_id)
        module = self._load_driver_module(cm_type)

        # Initialize mandatory attributes depending on cloud manager's type
        module._init_cloudmanager_attributes(res_id, attributes)

        # If none of the tests has passed, an error message is appended
        if cpt == 0:
            raise ResourceException("There must be at least "
                                    "one command to do an update")

        # If the virtual machine exists
        elif module._exists(attributes):
            # Check the semantic values of some attributes

            status['vm_name'] = attributes['name']

            # Update the status
            if "status" in attributes:
                num_status = module._get_status(attributes)
                str_status = module._get_readable_status(num_status)

                # Check if the virtual machine is not in the required
                # state
                if (attributes['status'] != str_status):
                    num_status = self._set_status(res_id, attributes)
                    status['vm_status'] = module._get_readable_status(
                    status['vm_status'] = str_status

            # Update the flavor
            if ("flavor" in attributes):

                vm = module._get_VM(attributes)
                vm_id = vm['id']
                current_flavor = module._get_flavor(attributes, vm_id)
                new_flavor = attributes["flavor"]

                flavor_dict = module._set_flavor(attributes, vm_id,
                status['vm_flavor'] = flavor_dict["id"]

        # If the virtual machine doesn't exist
            raise ResourceException("The specified VM doesn't " "exist")

        status['cloudmanager'] = res_id

        return status
Exemple #16
                    vm = module._get_VM(attributes)
                    vm_id = vm['id']
                    flavor = module._get_flavor(attributes, vm['id'])
                    status['vm_flavor'] = flavor['id']
                except ResourceException, ex:
                    status['vm_flavor'] = str(ex)

                status['vm_vnc_port'] = module._get_vnc_port(attributes)

                # Verifies if this is a vnx request
                # TODO: the vnc part should come here

                raise ResourceException("The specified VM doesn't exist")

            num_status = module._get_status(attributes)
            status['vm_status'] = module._get_readable_status(num_status)

        return status

    def create(self, res_id=None, attributes={}):
        status = {}
        error = ''

        passed = True

        cm_type = None
        module = None