Exemple #1
    def _get_auth_chain_difference_using_cover_index_txn(
            self, txn: Cursor, room_id: str,
            state_sets: List[Set[str]]) -> Set[str]:
        """Calculates the auth chain difference using the chain index.

        See docs/auth_chain_difference_algorithm.md for details

        # First we look up the chain ID/sequence numbers for all the events, and
        # work out the chain/sequence numbers reachable from each state set.

        initial_events = set(state_sets[0]).union(*state_sets[1:])

        # Map from event_id -> (chain ID, seq no)
        chain_info = {}  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]

        # Map from chain ID -> seq no -> event Id
        chain_to_event = {}  # type: Dict[int, Dict[int, str]]

        # All the chains that we've found that are reachable from the state
        # sets.
        seen_chains = set()  # type: Set[int]

        sql = """
            SELECT event_id, chain_id, sequence_number
            FROM event_auth_chains
            WHERE %s
        for batch in batch_iter(initial_events, 1000):
            clause, args = make_in_list_sql_clause(txn.database_engine,
                                                   "event_id", batch)
            txn.execute(sql % (clause, ), args)

            for event_id, chain_id, sequence_number in txn:
                chain_info[event_id] = (chain_id, sequence_number)
                                          {})[sequence_number] = event_id

        # Check that we actually have a chain ID for all the events.
        events_missing_chain_info = initial_events.difference(chain_info)
        if events_missing_chain_info:
            # This can happen due to e.g. downgrade/upgrade of the server. We
            # raise an exception and fall back to the previous algorithm.
                "Unexpectedly found that events don't have chain IDs in room %s: %s",
            raise _NoChainCoverIndex(room_id)

        # Corresponds to `state_sets`, except as a map from chain ID to max
        # sequence number reachable from the state set.
        set_to_chain = []  # type: List[Dict[int, int]]
        for state_set in state_sets:
            chains = {}  # type: Dict[int, int]

            for event_id in state_set:
                chain_id, seq_no = chain_info[event_id]

                chains[chain_id] = max(seq_no, chains.get(chain_id, 0))

        # Now we look up all links for the chains we have, adding chains to
        # set_to_chain that are reachable from each set.
        sql = """
                origin_chain_id, origin_sequence_number,
                target_chain_id, target_sequence_number
            FROM event_auth_chain_links
            WHERE %s

        # (We need to take a copy of `seen_chains` as we want to mutate it in
        # the loop)
        for batch in batch_iter(set(seen_chains), 1000):
            clause, args = make_in_list_sql_clause(txn.database_engine,
                                                   "origin_chain_id", batch)
            txn.execute(sql % (clause, ), args)

            for (
            ) in txn:
                for chains in set_to_chain:
                    # chains are only reachable if the origin sequence number of
                    # the link is less than the max sequence number in the
                    # origin chain.
                    if origin_sequence_number <= chains.get(
                            origin_chain_id, 0):
                        chains[target_chain_id] = max(
                            chains.get(target_chain_id, 0),


        # Now for each chain we figure out the maximum sequence number reachable
        # from *any* state set and the minimum sequence number reachable from
        # *all* state sets. Events in that range are in the auth chain
        # difference.
        result = set()

        # Mapping from chain ID to the range of sequence numbers that should be
        # pulled from the database.
        chain_to_gap = {}  # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]]

        for chain_id in seen_chains:
            min_seq_no = min(
                chains.get(chain_id, 0) for chains in set_to_chain)
            max_seq_no = max(
                chains.get(chain_id, 0) for chains in set_to_chain)

            if min_seq_no < max_seq_no:
                # We have a non empty gap, try and fill it from the events that
                # we have, otherwise add them to the list of gaps to pull out
                # from the DB.
                for seq_no in range(min_seq_no + 1, max_seq_no + 1):
                    event_id = chain_to_event.get(chain_id, {}).get(seq_no)
                    if event_id:
                        chain_to_gap[chain_id] = (min_seq_no, max_seq_no)

        if not chain_to_gap:
            # If there are no gaps to fetch, we're done!
            return result

        if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
            # We can use `execute_values` to efficiently fetch the gaps when
            # using postgres.
            sql = """
                SELECT event_id
                FROM event_auth_chains AS c, (VALUES ?) AS l(chain_id, min_seq, max_seq)
                    c.chain_id = l.chain_id
                    AND min_seq < sequence_number AND sequence_number <= max_seq

            args = [(chain_id, min_no, max_no)
                    for chain_id, (min_no, max_no) in chain_to_gap.items()]

            rows = txn.execute_values(sql, args)
            result.update(r for r, in rows)
            # For SQLite we just fall back to doing a noddy for loop.
            sql = """
                SELECT event_id FROM event_auth_chains
                WHERE chain_id = ? AND ? < sequence_number AND sequence_number <= ?
            for chain_id, (min_no, max_no) in chain_to_gap.items():
                txn.execute(sql, (chain_id, min_no, max_no))
                result.update(r for r, in txn)

        return result
Exemple #2
    def _get_auth_chain_ids_using_cover_index_txn(
            self, txn: Cursor, room_id: str, event_ids: Collection[str],
            include_given: bool) -> List[str]:
        """Calculates the auth chain IDs using the chain index."""

        # First we look up the chain ID/sequence numbers for the given events.

        initial_events = set(event_ids)

        # All the events that we've found that are reachable from the events.
        seen_events = set()  # type: Set[str]

        # A map from chain ID to max sequence number of the given events.
        event_chains = {}  # type: Dict[int, int]

        sql = """
            SELECT event_id, chain_id, sequence_number
            FROM event_auth_chains
            WHERE %s
        for batch in batch_iter(initial_events, 1000):
            clause, args = make_in_list_sql_clause(txn.database_engine,
                                                   "event_id", batch)
            txn.execute(sql % (clause, ), args)

            for event_id, chain_id, sequence_number in txn:
                event_chains[chain_id] = max(sequence_number,
                                             event_chains.get(chain_id, 0))

        # Check that we actually have a chain ID for all the events.
        events_missing_chain_info = initial_events.difference(seen_events)
        if events_missing_chain_info:
            # This can happen due to e.g. downgrade/upgrade of the server. We
            # raise an exception and fall back to the previous algorithm.
                "Unexpectedly found that events don't have chain IDs in room %s: %s",
            raise _NoChainCoverIndex(room_id)

        # Now we look up all links for the chains we have, adding chains that
        # are reachable from any event.
        sql = """
                origin_chain_id, origin_sequence_number,
                target_chain_id, target_sequence_number
            FROM event_auth_chain_links
            WHERE %s

        # A map from chain ID to max sequence number *reachable* from any event ID.
        chains = {}  # type: Dict[int, int]

        # Add all linked chains reachable from initial set of chains.
        for batch in batch_iter(event_chains, 1000):
            clause, args = make_in_list_sql_clause(txn.database_engine,
                                                   "origin_chain_id", batch)
            txn.execute(sql % (clause, ), args)

            for (
            ) in txn:
                # chains are only reachable if the origin sequence number of
                # the link is less than the max sequence number in the
                # origin chain.
                if origin_sequence_number <= event_chains.get(
                        origin_chain_id, 0):
                    chains[target_chain_id] = max(
                        chains.get(target_chain_id, 0),

        # Add the initial set of chains, excluding the sequence corresponding to
        # initial event.
        for chain_id, seq_no in event_chains.items():
            chains[chain_id] = max(seq_no - 1, chains.get(chain_id, 0))

        # Now for each chain we figure out the maximum sequence number reachable
        # from *any* event ID. Events with a sequence less than that are in the
        # auth chain.
        if include_given:
            results = initial_events
            results = set()

        if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
            # We can use `execute_values` to efficiently fetch the gaps when
            # using postgres.
            sql = """
                SELECT event_id
                FROM event_auth_chains AS c, (VALUES ?) AS l(chain_id, max_seq)
                    c.chain_id = l.chain_id
                    AND sequence_number <= max_seq

            rows = txn.execute_values(sql, chains.items())
            results.update(r for r, in rows)
            # For SQLite we just fall back to doing a noddy for loop.
            sql = """
                SELECT event_id FROM event_auth_chains
                WHERE chain_id = ? AND sequence_number <= ?
            for chain_id, max_no in chains.items():
                txn.execute(sql, (chain_id, max_no))
                results.update(r for r, in txn)

        return list(results)