def test_string(self):
     freq = '440'
     with pytest.raises(SPYTypeError):
                       lims=[10, 1000])
Exemple #2
    def samplerate(self, sr):
        if sr is None:
            self._samplerate = None

            scalar_parser(sr, varname="samplerate", lims=[1, np.inf])
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        self._samplerate = sr
    def test_integer_like(self):
        freq = 440.0
        scalar_parser(freq, varname="freq", ntype="int_like", lims=[10, 1000])

        # not integer-like
        freq = 440.5
        with pytest.raises(SPYValueError):
                          lims=[10, 1000])
    def test_within_limits(self):
        value = 440
                      lims=[10, 1000])

        freq = 2  # outside bounds
        with pytest.raises(SPYValueError):
                          lims=[10, 1000])
Exemple #5
def validate_padding(pad_to_length, lenTrials):
    Simplified padding
    # supported padding options
    not_valid = False
    if not isinstance(pad_to_length, (Number, str, type(None))):
        not_valid = True
    elif isinstance(pad_to_length,
                    str) and pad_to_length not in availablePaddingOpt:
        not_valid = True
    if isinstance(pad_to_length,
                  bool):  # bool is an int subclass, check for it separately...
        not_valid = True
    if not_valid:
        lgl = "`None`, 'nextpow2' or an integer like number"
        actual = f"{pad_to_length}"
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="pad_to_length", actual=actual)

    # here we check for equal lengths trials in case of no user specified absolute padding length
    # we do a rough 'maxlen' padding, nextpow2 will be overruled in this case
    if lenTrials.min() != lenTrials.max() and not isinstance(
            pad_to_length, Number):
        abs_pad = int(lenTrials.max())
        msg = f"Unequal trial lengths present, automatic padding to {abs_pad} samples"

    # zero padding of ALL trials the same way
    if isinstance(pad_to_length, Number):

                      lims=[lenTrials.max(), np.inf])
        abs_pad = pad_to_length

    # or pad to optimal FFT lengths
    # (not possible for unequal lengths trials)
    elif pad_to_length == 'nextpow2':
        # after padding
        abs_pad = _nextpow2(int(lenTrials.min()))
    # no padding, equal lengths trials
    elif pad_to_length is None:
        abs_pad = int(lenTrials.max())

    # `abs_pad` is now the (soon to be padded) signal length in samples

    return abs_pad
Exemple #6
def _layout_subplot_panels(npanels,
    Create space-optimal subplot grid given required number of panels
    npanels : int
        Number of required subplot panels in figure
    nrow : int or None
        Required number of panel rows. Note, if both `nrow` and `ncol` are not `None`,
        then ``nrow * ncol >= npanels`` has to be satisfied, otherwise a 
        :class:`~syncopy.shared.errors.SPYValueError` is raised. 
    ncol : int or None
        Required number of panel columns. Note, if both `nrow` and `ncol` are not `None`,
        then ``nrow * ncol >= npanels`` has to be satisfied, otherwise a 
        :class:`~syncopy.shared.errors.SPYValueError` is raised. 
    ndefault: int
        Default number of panel columns for grid construction (only relevant if 
        both `nrow` and `ncol` are `None`). 
    maxpanels : int
        Maximally allowed number of subplot panels for which a grid is constructed 
    nrow : int
        Number of rows of constructed subplot panel grid
    nrow : int
        Number of columns of constructed subplot panel grid
    If both `nrow` and `ncol` are `None`, the constructed grid will have the 
    dimension `N` x `ndefault`, where `N` is chosen "optimally", i.e., the smallest
    integer that satisfies ``ndefault * N >= npanels``. 
    Note further, that this is an auxiliary method that is intended purely for 
    internal use. Thus, error-checking is only performed on potentially user-provided 
    inputs (`nrow` and `ncol`). 
    See also
    :func:`._setup_figure` : create and prepare figures for Syncopy visualizations
    Create grid of default dimensions to hold eight panels
    >>> _layout_subplot_panels(8, ndefault=5)
    (2, 5)
    Create a grid that must have 4 rows
    >>> _layout_subplot_panels(8, nrow=4)
    (4, 2)
    Create a grid that must have 8 columns
    >>> _layout_subplot_panels(8, ncol=8)
    (1, 8)

    # Abort if requested panel count is less than one or exceeds provided maximum
                      lims=[1, np.inf])
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc
    if npanels > maxpanels:
        lgl = "a maximum of {} panels in total".format(maxpanels)
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=str(npanels), varname="npanels")

    # Row specifcation was provided, cols may or may not
    if nrow is not None:
                          lims=[1, np.inf])
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        if ncol is None:
            ncol = np.ceil(npanels / nrow).astype(np.intp)

    # Column specifcation was provided, rows may or may not
    if ncol is not None:
                          lims=[1, np.inf])
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        if nrow is None:
            nrow = np.ceil(npanels / ncol).astype(np.intp)

    # After the preparations above, this condition is *only* satisfied if both
    # `nrow` = `ncol` = `None` -> then use generic grid-layout
    if nrow is None:
        ncol = ndefault
        nrow = np.ceil(npanels / ncol).astype(np.intp)
        ncol = min(ncol, npanels)

    # Complain appropriately if requested no. of panels does not fit inside grid
    if nrow * ncol < npanels:
        lgl = "row- and column-specification of grid to fit all panels"
        act = "grid with {0} rows and {1} columns but {2} panels"
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl,
                            actual=act.format(nrow, ncol, npanels),

    # In case a grid was provided too big for the requested no. of panels (e.g.,
    # 8 panels in an 4 x 3 grid -> would fit in 3 x 3), just warn, don't crash
    if nrow * ncol - npanels >= ncol:
        msg = "Grid dimension ({0} rows x {1} columns) larger than necessary " +\
            "for {2} panels. "
        SPYWarning(msg.format(nrow, ncol, npanels))

    return nrow, ncol
Exemple #7
def definetrial(obj,
    """(Re-)define trials of a Syncopy data object
    Data can be structured into trials based on timestamps of a start, trigger
    and end events::

                    start    trigger    stop
        |---- pre ----|--------|---------|--- post----|

        obj : Syncopy data object (:class:`BaseData`-like)
        trialdefinition : :class:`EventData` object or Mx3 array 
            [start, stop, trigger_offset] sample indices for `M` trials
        pre : float
            offset time (s) before start event
        post : float 
            offset time (s) after end event
        start : int
            event code (id) to be used for start of trial
        stop : int
            event code (id) to be used for end of trial
        trigger : 
            event code (id) to be used center (t=0) of trial        
        clip_edges : bool
            trim trials to actual data-boundaries. 

        Syncopy data object (:class:`BaseData`-like))
    :func:`definetrial` supports the following argument combinations:
    >>> # define M trials based on [start, end, offset] indices
    >>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=[M x 3] array) 

    >>> # define trials based on event codes stored in <:class:`EventData` object>
    >>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=<EventData object>, 
                    pre=0, post=0, start=startCode, stop=stopCode, 

    >>> # apply same trial definition as defined in <:class:`EventData` object>
    >>> definetrial(<AnalogData object>, 
                    trialdefinition=<EventData object w/sampleinfo/t0/trialinfo>)

    >>> # define whole recording as single trial    
    >>> definetrial(obj, trialdefinition=None)

    # Start by vetting input object
        data_parser(obj, varname="obj")
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc
    if is None:
        lgl = "non-empty Syncopy data object"
        act = "empty Syncopy data object"
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="obj", actual=act)

    # Check array/object holding trial specifications
    if trialdefinition is not None:
        if trialdefinition.__class__.__name__ == "EventData":
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            evt = True
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc

            if any([
                    "ContinuousData" in str(base)
                    for base in obj.__class__.__mro__
                scount =[obj.dimord.index("time")]
                scount = np.inf
                array_parser(trialdefinition[:, :2],
                             dims=(None, 2),
                             lims=[0, scount])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc

            trl = np.array(trialdefinition, dtype="float")
            ref = obj
            tgt = obj
            evt = False
        # Construct object-class-specific `trl` arrays treating data-set as single trial
        if any(
            ["ContinuousData" in str(base) for base in obj.__class__.__mro__]):
            trl = np.array([[0,[obj.dimord.index("time")], 0]])
            sidx = obj.dimord.index("sample")
            trl = np.array([[
                np.nanmin([:, sidx]),
                np.nanmax([:, sidx]), 0
        ref = obj
        tgt = obj
        evt = False

    # AnalogData + EventData w/sampleinfo
    if obj.__class__.__name__ == "AnalogData" and evt and trialdefinition.sampleinfo is not None:
        if obj.samplerate is None or trialdefinition.samplerate is None:
            lgl = "non-`None` value - make sure `samplerate` is set before defining trials"
            act = "None"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="samplerate", actual=act)
        ref = trialdefinition
        tgt = obj
        trl = np.array(ref.trialinfo)
        t0 = np.array(ref._t0).reshape((ref._t0.size, 1))
        trl = np.hstack([ref.sampleinfo, t0, trl])
        trl = np.round((trl / ref.samplerate) * tgt.samplerate).astype(int)

    # AnalogData + EventData w/keywords or just EventData w/keywords
    if any([kw is not None for kw in [pre, post, start, trigger, stop]]):

        # Make sure we actually have valid data objects to work with
        if obj.__class__.__name__ == "EventData" and evt is False:
            ref = obj
            tgt = obj
        elif obj.__class__.__name__ == "AnalogData" and evt is True:
            ref = trialdefinition
            tgt = obj
            lgl = "AnalogData with associated EventData object"
            act = "{} and {}".format(obj.__class__.__name__,
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act, varname="input")

        # The only case we might actually need it: ensure `clip_edges` is valid
        if not isinstance(clip_edges, bool):
            raise SPYTypeError(clip_edges,

        # Ensure that objects have their sampling-rates set, otherwise break
        if ref.samplerate is None or tgt.samplerate is None:
            lgl = "non-`None` value - make sure `samplerate` is set before defining trials"
            act = "None"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="samplerate", actual=act)

        # Get input dimensions
        szin = []
        for var in [pre, post, start, trigger, stop]:
            if isinstance(var, (np.ndarray, list)):
        if np.unique(szin).size > 1:
            lgl = "all trial-related arrays to have the same length"
            act = "arrays with sizes {}".format(
                str(np.unique(szin)).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""))
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl,
        if len(szin):
            ntrials = szin[0]
            ninc = 1
            ntrials = 1
            ninc = 0

        # If both `pre` and `start` or `post` and `stop` are `None`, abort
        if (pre is None and start is None) or (post is None and stop is None):
            lgl = "`pre` or `start` and `post` or `stop` to be not `None`"
            act = "both `pre` and `start` and/or `post` and `stop` are simultaneously `None`"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act)
        if (trigger is None) and (pre is not None or post is not None):
            lgl = "non-None `trigger` with `pre`/`post` timing information"
            act = "`trigger` = `None`"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act)

        # If provided, ensure keywords make sense, otherwise allocate defaults
        kwrds = {}
        vdict = {
            "pre": {
                "var": pre,
                "hasnan": False,
                "ntype": None,
                "fillvalue": 0
            "post": {
                "var": post,
                "hasnan": False,
                "ntype": None,
                "fillvalue": 0
            "start": {
                "var": start,
                "hasnan": None,
                "ntype": "int_like",
                "fillvalue": np.nan
            "trigger": {
                "var": trigger,
                "hasnan": None,
                "ntype": "int_like",
                "fillvalue": np.nan
            "stop": {
                "var": stop,
                "hasnan": None,
                "ntype": "int_like",
                "fillvalue": np.nan
        for vname, opts in vdict.items():
            if opts["var"] is not None:
                if isinstance(opts["var"], numbers.Number):
                                      lims=[-np.inf, np.inf])
                    except Exception as exc:
                        raise exc
                    opts["var"] = np.full((ntrials, ), opts["var"])
                                     dims=(ntrials, ))
                    except Exception as exc:
                        raise exc
                kwrds[vname] = opts["var"]
                kwrds[vname] = np.full((ntrials, ), opts["fillvalue"])

        # Prepare `trl` and convert event-codes + sample-numbers to lists
        trl = []
        evtid = list([:, ref.dimord.index("eventid")])
        evtsp = list([:, ref.dimord.index("sample")])
        nevents = len(evtid)
        searching = True
        trialno = 0
        cnt = 0
        act = ""

        # Do this line-by-line: halt on error (if event-id is not found in `ref`)
        while searching:

            # Allocate begin and end of trial
            begin = None
            end = None
            t0 = 0
            idxl = []

            # First, try to assign `start`, then `t0`
            if not np.isnan(kwrds["start"][trialno]):
                    sidx = evtid.index(kwrds["start"][trialno])
                    act = str(kwrds["start"][trialno])
                    vname = "start"
                begin = evtsp[sidx] / ref.samplerate
                evtid[sidx] = -np.pi

            if not np.isnan(kwrds["trigger"][trialno]):
                    idx = evtid.index(kwrds["trigger"][trialno])
                    act = str(kwrds["trigger"][trialno])
                    vname = "trigger"
                t0 = evtsp[idx] / ref.samplerate
                evtid[idx] = -np.pi

            # Trial-begin is either `trigger - pre` or `start - pre`
            if begin is not None:
                begin -= kwrds["pre"][trialno]
                begin = t0 - kwrds["pre"][trialno]

            # Try to assign `stop`, if we got nothing, use `t0 + post`
            if not np.isnan(kwrds["stop"][trialno]):
                evtid[:sidx] = [np.pi] * sidx
                    idx = evtid.index(kwrds["stop"][trialno])
                    act = str(kwrds["stop"][trialno])
                    vname = "stop"
                end = evtsp[idx] / ref.samplerate + kwrds["post"][trialno]
                evtid[idx] = -np.pi
                end = t0 + kwrds["post"][trialno]

            # Off-set `t0`
            t0 -= begin

            # Make sure current trial setup makes (some) sense
            if begin >= end:
                lgl = "non-overlapping trial begin-/end-samples"
                act = "trial-begin at {}, trial-end at {}".format(
                    str(begin), str(end))
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act)

            # Finally, write line of `trl`
            trl.append([begin, end, t0])

            # Update counters and end this mess when we're done
            trialno += ninc
            cnt += 1
            evtsp = evtsp[max(idxl, default=-1) + 1:]
            evtid = evtid[max(idxl, default=-1) + 1:]
            if trialno == ntrials or cnt == nevents:
                searching = False

        # Abort if the above loop ran into troubles
        if len(trl) < ntrials:
            if len(act) > 0:
                raise SPYValueError(legal="existing event-id",

        # Make `trl` a NumPy array
        trl = np.round(np.array(trl) * tgt.samplerate).astype(int)

    # If appropriate, clip `trl` to AnalogData object's bounds (if wanted)
    if clip_edges and evt:
        msk = trl[:, 0] < 0
        trl[msk, 0] = 0
        dmax =[tgt.dimord.index("time")]
        msk = trl[:, 1] > dmax
        trl[msk, 1] = dmax
        if np.any(trl[:, 0] >= trl[:, 1]):
            lgl = "non-overlapping trials"
            act = "some trials are overlapping after clipping to AnalogData object range"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act)

    # The triplet `sampleinfo`, `t0` and `trialinfo` works identically for
    # all data genres
    if trl.shape[1] < 3:
        raise SPYValueError(
            "array of shape (no. of trials, 3+)",
            actual="shape = {shp:s}".format(shp=str(trl.shape)))

    # Finally: assign `sampleinfo`, `t0` and `trialinfo` (and potentially `trialid`)
    tgt._trialdefinition = trl

    # In the discrete case, we have some additinal work to do
    if any(["DiscreteData" in str(base) for base in tgt.__class__.__mro__]):

        # Compute trial-IDs by matching data samples with provided trial-bounds
        samples =[:, tgt.dimord.index("sample")]
        starts = tgt.sampleinfo[:, 0]
        ends = tgt.sampleinfo[:, 1]
        startids = np.searchsorted(starts, samples, side="right")
        endids = np.searchsorted(ends, samples, side="left")
        mask = startids == endids
        startids -= 1
        # Samples not belonging into any trial get a trial-ID of -1
        startids[mask] = int(startids.min() <= 0) * (-1)
        tgt.trialid = startids

    # Write log entry
    if ref == tgt:
        ref.log = "updated trial-definition with [" \
                  + " x ".join([str(numel) for numel in trl.shape]) \
                  + "] element array"
        ref_log = ref._log.replace("\n\n", "\n\t")
        tgt.log = "trial-definition extracted from EventData object: "
        tgt._log += ref_log
        tgt.cfg = {
            "method": sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,
            "EventData object": ref.cfg
        ref.log = "updated trial-defnition of {} object".format(

Exemple #8
def validate_taper(taper, tapsmofrq, nTaper, keeptapers, foimax, samplerate,
                   nSamples, output):
    General taper validation and Slepian/dpss input sanitization.
    The default is to max out `nTaper` to achieve the desired frequency
    smoothing bandwidth. For details about the Slepion settings see

    "The Effective Bandwidth of a Multitaper Spectral Estimator,
    A. T. Walden, E. J. McCoy and D. B. Percival"

    taper : str
        Windowing function, one of :data:`~syncopy.shared.const_def.availableTapers`
    tapsmofrq : float or None
        Taper smoothing bandwidth for `taper='dpss'`
    nTaper : int_like or None
        Number of tapers to use for multi-tapering (not recommended)

    Other Parameters
    keeptapers : bool
    foimax : float
        Maximum frequency for the analysis
    samplerate : float
        the samplerate in Hz
    nSamples : int
        Number of samples
    output : str, one of {'abs', 'pow', 'fourier'}
        Fourier transformation output type

    dpss_opt : dict
        For multi-tapering (`taper='dpss'`) contains the
        parameters `NW` and `Kmax` for ``.
        For all other tapers this is an empty dictionary.

    # See if taper choice is supported
    if taper not in availableTapers:
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in availableTapers)
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="taper", actual=taper)

    # Warn user about DPSS only settings
    if taper != "dpss":
        if tapsmofrq is not None:
            msg = "`tapsmofrq` is only used if `taper` is `dpss`!"
        if nTaper is not None:
            msg = "`nTaper` is only used if `taper` is `dpss`!"
        if keeptapers:
            msg = "`keeptapers` is only used if `taper` is `dpss`!"

        # empty dpss_opt, only Slepians have options
        return {}

    # direct mtm estimate (averaging) only valid for spectral power
    if taper == "dpss" and not keeptapers and output != "pow":
        lgl = "'pow', the only valid option for taper averaging"
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="output", actual=output)

    # Set/get `tapsmofrq` if we're working w/Slepian tapers
    elif taper == "dpss":

        # --- minimal smoothing bandwidth ---
        # --- such that Kmax/nTaper is at least 1
        minBw = 2 * samplerate / nSamples
        # -----------------------------------

        # user set tapsmofrq directly
        if tapsmofrq is not None:
                scalar_parser(tapsmofrq, varname="tapsmofrq", lims=[0, np.inf])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc

            if tapsmofrq < minBw:
                msg = f'Setting tapsmofrq to the minimal attainable bandwidth of {minBw:.2f}Hz'
                tapsmofrq = minBw

        # we now enforce a user submitted smoothing bw
            lgl = "smoothing bandwidth in Hz, typical values are in the range 1-10Hz"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl,

            # Try to derive "sane" settings by using 3/4 octave
            # smoothing of highest `foi`
            # following Hill et al. "Oscillatory Synchronization in Large-Scale
            # Cortical Networks Predicts Perception", Neuron, 2011
            # FIX ME: This "sane setting" seems quite excessive (huuuge bwidths)

            # tapsmofrq = (foimax * 2**(3 / 4 / 2) - foimax * 2**(-3 / 4 / 2)) / 2
            # msg = f'Automatic setting of `tapsmofrq` to {tapsmofrq:.2f}'
            # SPYInfo(msg)

        # --------------------------------------------
        # set parameters for
        NW = tapsmofrq * nSamples / (2 * samplerate)
        # from the minBw setting NW always is at least 1
        Kmax = int(2 * NW - 1)  # optimal number of tapers
        # --------------------------------------------

        # the recommended way:
        # set nTaper automatically to achieve exact effective smoothing bandwidth
        if nTaper is None:
            msg = f'Using {Kmax} taper(s) for multi-tapering'
            dpss_opt = {'NW': NW, 'Kmax': Kmax}
            return dpss_opt

        elif nTaper is not None:
                              lims=[1, np.inf])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc

            if nTaper != Kmax:
                msg = f'''
                Manually setting the number of tapers is not recommended
                and may (strongly) distort the effective smoothing bandwidth!\n
                The optimal number of tapers is {Kmax}, you have chosen to use {nTaper}.

            dpss_opt = {'NW': NW, 'Kmax': nTaper}
            return dpss_opt
def freqanalysis(data, method='mtmfft', output='fourier',
                 keeptrials=True, foi=None, foilim=None,
                 pad_to_length=None, polyremoval=None,
                 taper="hann", tapsmofrq=None, nTaper=None, keeptapers=False,
                 toi="all", t_ftimwin=None, wavelet="Morlet", width=6, order=None,
                 order_max=None, order_min=1, c_1=3, adaptive=False,
                 out=None, **kwargs):
    Perform (time-)frequency analysis of Syncopy :class:`~syncopy.AnalogData` objects

    **Usage Summary**

    Options available in all analysis methods:

    * **output** : one of :data:`~syncopy.specest.const_def.availableOutputs`;
      return power spectra, complex Fourier spectra or absolute values.
    * **foi**/**foilim** : frequencies of interest; either array of frequencies or
      frequency window (not both)
    * **keeptrials** : return individual trials or grand average
    * **polyremoval** : de-trending method to use (0 = mean, 1 = linear or `None`)

    List of available analysis methods and respective distinct options:

    "mtmfft" : (Multi-)tapered Fourier transform
        Perform frequency analysis on time-series trial data using either a single
        taper window (Hanning) or many tapers based on the discrete prolate
        spheroidal sequence (DPSS) that maximize energy concentration in the main

        * **taper** : one of :data:`~syncopy.shared.const_def.availableTapers`
        * **tapsmofrq** : spectral smoothing box for slepian tapers (in Hz)
        * **nTaper** : number of orthogonal tapers for slepian tapers
        * **keeptapers** : return individual tapers or average
        * **pad_to_length**: either pad to an absolute length or set to `'nextpow2'`

    "mtmconvol" : (Multi-)tapered sliding window Fourier transform
        Perform time-frequency analysis on time-series trial data based on a sliding
        window short-time Fourier transform using either a single Hanning taper or
        multiple DPSS tapers.

        * **taper** : one of :data:`~syncopy.specest.const_def.availableTapers`
        * **tapsmofrq** : spectral smoothing box for slepian tapers (in Hz)
        * **nTaper** : number of orthogonal tapers for slepian tapers
        * **keeptapers** : return individual tapers or average
        * **toi** : time-points of interest; can be either an array representing
          analysis window centroids (in sec), a scalar between 0 and 1 encoding
          the percentage of overlap between adjacent windows or "all" to center
          a window on every sample in the data.
        * **t_ftimwin** : sliding window length (in sec)

    "wavelet" : (Continuous non-orthogonal) wavelet transform
        Perform time-frequency analysis on time-series trial data using a non-orthogonal
        continuous wavelet transform.

        * **wavelet** : one of :data:`~syncopy.specest.const_def.availableWavelets`
        * **toi** : time-points of interest; can be either an array representing
          time points (in sec) or "all"(pre-trimming and subsampling of results)
        * **width** : Nondimensional frequency constant of Morlet wavelet function (>= 6)
        * **order** : Order of Paul wavelet function (>= 4) or derivative order
          of real-valued DOG wavelets (2 = mexican hat)

    "superlet" : Superlet transform
        Perform time-frequency analysis on time-series trial data using
        the super-resolution superlet transform (SLT) from [Moca2021]_.

        * **order_max** : Maximal order of the superlet
        * **order_min** : Minimal order of the superlet
        * **c_1** : Number of cycles of the base Morlet wavelet
        * **adaptive** : If set to `True` perform fractional adaptive SLT,
          otherwise perform multiplicative SLT

    **Full documentation below**

    data : `~syncopy.AnalogData`
        A non-empty Syncopy :class:`~syncopy.datatype.AnalogData` object
    method : str
        Spectral estimation method, one of :data:`~syncopy.specest.const_def.availableMethods`
        (see below).
    output : str
        Output of spectral estimation. One of :data:`~syncopy.specest.const_def.availableOutputs` (see below);
        use `'pow'` for power spectrum (:obj:`numpy.float32`), `'fourier'` for complex
        Fourier coefficients (:obj:`numpy.complex64`) or `'abs'` for absolute
        values (:obj:`numpy.float32`).
    keeptrials : bool
        If `True` spectral estimates of individual trials are returned, otherwise
        results are averaged across trials.
    foi : array-like or None
        Frequencies of interest (Hz) for output. If desired frequencies cannot be
        matched exactly, the closest possible frequencies are used. If `foi` is `None`
        or ``foi = "all"``, all attainable frequencies (i.e., zero to Nyquist / 2)
        are selected.
    foilim : array-like (floats [fmin, fmax]) or None or "all"
        Frequency-window ``[fmin, fmax]`` (in Hz) of interest. Window
        specifications must be sorted (e.g., ``[90, 70]`` is invalid) and not NaN
        but may be unbounded (e.g., ``[-np.inf, 60.5]`` is valid). Edges `fmin`
        and `fmax` are included in the selection. If `foilim` is `None` or
        ``foilim = "all"``, all frequencies are selected.
    pad_to_length : int, None or 'nextpow2'
        Padding of the input data, if set to a number pads all trials
        to this absolute length. For instance ``pad_to_length = 2000`` pads all
        trials to an absolute length of 2000 samples, if and only if the longest
        trial contains at maximum 2000 samples.
        Alternatively if all trials have the same initial lengths
        setting `pad_to_length='nextpow2'` pads all trials to
        the next power of two.
        If `None` and trials have unequal lengths all trials are padded to match
        the longest trial.
    polyremoval : int or None
        Order of polynomial used for de-trending data in the time domain prior
        to spectral analysis. A value of 0 corresponds to subtracting the mean
        ("de-meaning"), ``polyremoval = 1`` removes linear trends (subtracting the
        least squares fit of a linear polynomial).
        If `polyremoval` is `None`, no de-trending is performed. Note that
        for spectral estimation de-meaning is very advisable and hence also the
    taper : str
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` or `'mtmconvol'`. Windowing function,
        one of :data:`~syncopy.specest.const_def.availableTapers` (see below).
    tapsmofrq : float
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` or `'mtmconvol'` and `taper` is `'dpss'`.
        The amount of spectral smoothing through  multi-tapering (Hz).
        Note that smoothing frequency specifications are one-sided,
        i.e., 4 Hz smoothing means plus-minus 4 Hz, i.e., a 8 Hz smoothing box.
    nTaper : int or None
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` or `'mtmconvol'` and `taper='dpss'`.
        Number of orthogonal tapers to use. It is not recommended to set the number
        of tapers manually! Leave at `None` for the optimal number to be set automatically.
    keeptapers : bool
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` or `'mtmconvol'`.
        If `True`, return spectral estimates for each taper.
        Otherwise power spectrum is averaged across tapers,
        if and only if `output` is `pow`.
    toi : float or array-like or "all"
        **Mandatory input** for time-frequency analysis methods (`method` is either
        `"mtmconvol"` or `"wavelet"` or `"superlet"`).
        If `toi` is scalar, it must be a value between 0 and 1 indicating the
        percentage of overlap between time-windows specified by `t_ftimwin` (only
        valid if `method` is `'mtmconvol'`).
        If `toi` is an array it explicitly selects the centroids of analysis
        windows (in seconds), if `toi` is `"all"`, analysis windows are centered
        on all samples in the data for `method="mtmconvol"`. For wavelet based
        methods (`"wavelet"` or `"superlet"`) toi needs to be either an
        equidistant array of time points or "all".
    t_ftimwin : positive float
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmconvol'`. Sliding window length (in seconds).
    wavelet : str
        Only valid if `method` is `'wavelet'`. Wavelet function to use, one of
        :data:`~syncopy.specest.const_def.availableWavelets` (see below).
    width : positive float
        Only valid if `method` is `'wavelet'` and `wavelet` is `'Morlet'`. Nondimensional
        frequency constant of Morlet wavelet function. This number should be >= 6,
        which corresponds to 6 cycles within the analysis window to ensure sufficient
        spectral sampling.
    order : positive int
        Only valid if `method` is `'wavelet'` and `wavelet` is `'Paul'` or `'DOG'`. Order
        of the wavelet function. If `wavelet` is `'Paul'`, `order` should be chosen
        >= 4 to ensure that the analysis window contains at least a single oscillation.
        At an order of 40, the Paul wavelet  exhibits about the same number of cycles
        as the Morlet wavelet with a `width` of 6.
        All other supported wavelets functions are *real-valued* derivatives of
        Gaussians (DOGs). Hence, if `wavelet` is `'DOG'`, `order` represents the derivative order.
        The special case of a second order DOG yields a function known as "Mexican Hat",
        "Marr" or "Ricker" wavelet, which can be selected alternatively by setting
        `wavelet` to `'Mexican_hat'`, `'Marr'` or `'Ricker'`. **Note**: A real-valued
        wavelet function encodes *only* information about peaks and discontinuities
        in the signal and does *not* provide any information about amplitude or phase.
    order_max : int
        Only valid if `method` is `'superlet'`.
        Maximal order of the superlet set. Controls the maximum
        number of cycles within a SL together
        with the `c_1` parameter: c_max = c_1 * order_max
    order_min : int
        Only valid if `method` is `'superlet'`.
        Minimal order of the superlet set. Controls
        the minimal number of cycles within a SL together
        with the `c_1` parameter: c_min = c_1 * order_min
        Note that for admissability reasons c_min should be at least 3!
    c_1 : int
        Only valid if `method` is `'superlet'`.
        Number of cycles of the base Morlet wavelet. If set to lower
        than 3 increase `order_min` as to never have less than 3 cycles
        in a wavelet!
    adaptive : bool
        Only valid if `method` is `'superlet'`.
        Wether to perform multiplicative SLT or fractional adaptive SLT.
        If set to True, the order of the wavelet set will increase
        linearly with the frequencies of interest from `order_min`
        to `order_max`. If set to False the same SL will be used for
        all frequencies.
    out : None or :class:`SpectralData` object
        None if a new :class:`SpectralData` object is to be created, or an empty :class:`SpectralData` object

    spec : :class:`~syncopy.SpectralData`
        (Time-)frequency spectrum of input data

    .. [Moca2021] Moca, Vasile V., et al. "Time-frequency super-resolution with superlets."
       Nature communications 12.1 (2021): 1-18.


    .. autodata:: syncopy.specest.const_def.availableMethods

    .. autodata:: syncopy.specest.const_def.availableOutputs

    .. autodata:: syncopy.specest.const_def.availableTapers

    .. autodata:: syncopy.specest.const_def.availableWavelets

    Coming soon...

    See also
    syncopy.specest.mtmfft.mtmfft : (multi-)tapered Fourier transform of multi-channel time series data
    syncopy.specest.mtmconvol.mtmconvol : time-frequency analysis of multi-channel time series data with a sliding window FFT
    syncopy.specest.wavelet.wavelet : time-frequency analysis of multi-channel time series data using a wavelet transform
    numpy.fft.fft : NumPy's reference FFT implementation
    scipy.signal.stft : SciPy's Short Time Fourier Transform

    # Make sure our one mandatory input object can be processed
        data_parser(data, varname="data", dataclass="AnalogData",
                    writable=None, empty=False)
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc
    timeAxis = data.dimord.index("time")

    # Get everything of interest in local namespace
    defaults = get_defaults(freqanalysis)
    lcls = locals()
    # check for ineffective additional kwargs
    check_passed_kwargs(lcls, defaults, frontend_name="freqanalysis")

    # Ensure a valid computational method was selected
    if method not in availableMethods:
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in availableMethods)
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="method", actual=method)

    # Ensure a valid output format was selected
    if output not in spectralConversions.keys():
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in spectralConversions.keys())
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="output", actual=output)

    # Parse all Boolean keyword arguments
    for vname in ["keeptrials", "keeptapers"]:
        if not isinstance(lcls[vname], bool):
            raise SPYTypeError(lcls[vname], varname=vname, expected="Bool")

    # If only a subset of `data` is to be processed, make some necessary adjustments
    # of the sampleinfo and trial lengths
    if data._selection is not None:
        sinfo = data._selection.trialdefinition[:, :2]
        trialList = data._selection.trials
        trialList = list(range(len(data.trials)))
        sinfo = data.sampleinfo
    lenTrials = np.diff(sinfo).squeeze()
    if not lenTrials.shape:
        lenTrials = lenTrials[None]
    numTrials = len(trialList)

    # check polyremoval
    if polyremoval is not None:
        scalar_parser(polyremoval, varname="polyremoval", ntype="int_like", lims=[0, 1])

    # --- Padding ---

    # Sliding window FFT does not support "fancy" padding
    if method == "mtmconvol" and isinstance(pad_to_length, str):
        msg = "method 'mtmconvol' only supports in-place padding for windows " +\
            "exceeding trial boundaries. Your choice of `pad_to_length = '{}'` will be ignored. "

    if method == 'mtmfft':
        # the actual number of samples in case of later padding
        minSampleNum = validate_padding(pad_to_length, lenTrials)
        minSampleNum = lenTrials.min()

    # Compute length (in samples) of shortest trial
    minTrialLength = minSampleNum / data.samplerate

    # Shortcut to data sampling interval
    dt = 1 / data.samplerate

    foi, foilim = validate_foi(foi, foilim, data.samplerate)

    # see also
    if polyremoval is not None:
            scalar_parser(polyremoval, varname="polyremoval", lims=[0, 1], ntype="int_like")
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc

    # Prepare keyword dict for logging (use `lcls` to get actually provided
    # keyword values, not defaults set above)
    log_dct = {"method": method,
               "output": output,
               "keeptapers": keeptapers,
               "keeptrials": keeptrials,
               "polyremoval": polyremoval,
               "pad_to_length": pad_to_length}

    # --------------------------------
    # 1st: Check time-frequency inputs
    # to prepare/sanitize `toi`
    # --------------------------------

    if method in ["mtmconvol", "wavelet", "superlet"]:

        # Get start/end timing info respecting potential in-place selection
        if toi is None:
            raise SPYTypeError(toi, varname="toi", expected="scalar or array-like or 'all'")
        if data._selection is not None:
            tStart = data._selection.trialdefinition[:, 2] / data.samplerate
            tStart = data._t0 / data.samplerate
        tEnd = tStart + lenTrials / data.samplerate

    # for these methods only 'all' or an equidistant array
    # of time points (sub-sampling, trimming) are valid
    if method in ["wavelet", "superlet"]:

        valid = True
        if isinstance(toi, Number):
            valid = False

        elif isinstance(toi, str):
            if toi != "all":
                valid = False
                # take everything
                preSelect = [slice(None)] * numTrials
                postSelect = [slice(None)] * numTrials

        elif not iter(toi):
            valid = False

        # this is the sequence type - can only be an interval!
                array_parser(toi, varname="toi", hasinf=False, hasnan=False,
                             lims=[tStart.min(), tEnd.max()], dims=(None,))
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            toi = np.array(toi)
            # check for equidistancy
            if not np.allclose(np.diff(toi, 2), np.zeros(len(toi) - 2)):
                valid = False
            # trim (preSelect) and subsample output (postSelect)
                preSelect = []
                postSelect = []
                # get sample intervals and relative indices from toi
                for tk in range(numTrials):
                    start = int(data.samplerate * (toi[0] - tStart[tk]))
                    stop = int(data.samplerate * (toi[-1] - tStart[tk]) + 1)
                    preSelect.append(slice(max(0, start), max(stop, stop - start)))
                    smpIdx = np.minimum(lenTrials[tk] - 1,
                                        data.samplerate * (toi - tStart[tk]) - start)

        # get out if sth wasn't right
        if not valid:
            lgl = "array of equidistant time-points or 'all' for wavelet based methods"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="toi", actual=toi)

        # Update `log_dct` w/method-specific options (use `lcls` to get actually
        # provided keyword values, not defaults set in here)
        log_dct["toi"] = lcls["toi"]

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Check options specific to mtm*-methods
    # (particularly tapers and foi/freqs alignment)
    # --------------------------------------------

    if "mtm" in method:

        if method == "mtmconvol":
            # get the sliding window size
                scalar_parser(t_ftimwin, varname="t_ftimwin",
                              lims=[dt, minTrialLength])
            except Exception as exc:
                SPYInfo("Please specify 't_ftimwin' parameter.. exiting!")
                raise exc

            # this is the effective sliding window FFT sample size
            minSampleNum = int(t_ftimwin * data.samplerate)

        # Construct array of maximally attainable frequencies
        freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(minSampleNum, dt)

        # Match desired frequencies as close as possible to
        # actually attainable freqs
        # these are the frequencies attached to the SpectralData by the CR!
        if foi is not None:
            foi, _ = best_match(freqs, foi, squash_duplicates=True)
        elif foilim is not None:
            foi, _ = best_match(freqs, foilim, span=True, squash_duplicates=True)
            msg = (f"Automatic FFT frequency selection from {freqs[0]:.1f}Hz to "
            foi = freqs
        log_dct["foi"] = foi

        # Abort if desired frequency selection is empty
        if foi.size == 0:
            lgl = "non-empty frequency specification"
            act = "empty frequency selection"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="foi/foilim", actual=act)

        # sanitize taper selection and retrieve dpss settings
        taper_opt = validate_taper(taper,

        # Update `log_dct` w/method-specific options
        log_dct["taper"] = taper
        # only dpss returns non-empty taper_opt dict
        if taper_opt:
            log_dct["nTaper"] = taper_opt["Kmax"]
            log_dct["tapsmofrq"] = tapsmofrq

    # -------------------------------------------------------
    # Now, prepare explicit compute-classes for chosen method
    # -------------------------------------------------------

    if method == "mtmfft":

        check_effective_parameters(MultiTaperFFT, defaults, lcls)

        # method specific parameters
        method_kwargs = {
            'samplerate': data.samplerate,
            'taper': taper,
            'taper_opt': taper_opt,
            'nSamples': minSampleNum

        # Set up compute-class
        specestMethod = MultiTaperFFT(

    elif method == "mtmconvol":

        check_effective_parameters(MultiTaperFFTConvol, defaults, lcls)

        # Process `toi` for sliding window multi taper fft,
        # we have to account for three scenarios: (1) center sliding
        # windows on all samples in (selected) trials (2) `toi` was provided as
        # percentage indicating the degree of overlap b/w time-windows and (3) a set
        # of discrete time points was provided. These three cases are encoded in
        # `overlap, i.e., ``overlap > 1` => all, `0 < overlap < 1` => percentage,
        # `overlap < 0` => discrete `toi`

        # overlap = None
        if isinstance(toi, str):
            if toi != "all":
                lgl = "`toi = 'all'` to center analysis windows on all time-points"
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="toi", actual=toi)
            equidistant = True
            overlap = np.inf

        elif isinstance(toi, Number):
                scalar_parser(toi, varname="toi", lims=[0, 1])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            overlap = toi
            equidistant = True
        # this captures all other cases, e.i. toi is of sequence type
            overlap = -1
                array_parser(toi, varname="toi", hasinf=False, hasnan=False,
                             lims=[tStart.min(), tEnd.max()], dims=(None,))
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            toi = np.array(toi)
            tSteps = np.diff(toi)
            if (tSteps < 0).any():
                lgl = "ordered list/array of time-points"
                act = "unsorted list/array"
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="toi", actual=act)
            # Account for round-off errors: if toi spacing is almost at sample interval
            # manually correct it
            if np.isclose(tSteps.min(), dt):
                tSteps[np.isclose(tSteps, dt)] = dt
            if tSteps.min() < dt:
                msg = f"`toi` selection too fine, max. time resolution is {dt}s"
            # This is imho a bug in NumPy - even `arange` and `linspace` may produce
            # arrays that are numerically not exactly equidistant - `unique` will
            # show several entries here - use `allclose` to identify "even" spacings
            equidistant = np.allclose(tSteps, [tSteps[0]] * tSteps.size)

        # If `toi` was 'all' or a percentage, use entire time interval of (selected)
        # trials and check if those trials have *approximately* equal length
        if toi is None:
            if not np.allclose(lenTrials, [minSampleNum] * lenTrials.size):
                msg = "processing trials of different lengths (min = {}; max = {} samples)" +\
                    " with `toi = 'all'`"
                SPYWarning(msg.format(int(minSampleNum), int(lenTrials.max())))

        # number of samples per window
        nperseg = int(t_ftimwin * data.samplerate)
        halfWin = int(nperseg / 2)
        postSelect = slice(None) # select all is the default

        if 0 <= overlap <= 1: # `toi` is percentage
            noverlap = min(nperseg - 1, int(overlap * nperseg))
        # windows get shifted exactly 1 sample
        # to get a spectral estimate at each sample
            noverlap = nperseg - 1

        # `toi` is array
        if overlap < 0:
            # Compute necessary padding at begin/end of trials to fit sliding windows
            offStart = ((toi[0] - tStart) * data.samplerate).astype(np.intp)
            padBegin = halfWin - offStart
            padBegin = ((padBegin > 0) * padBegin).astype(np.intp)
            offEnd = ((tEnd - toi[-1]) * data.samplerate).astype(np.intp)
            padEnd = halfWin - offEnd
            padEnd = ((padEnd > 0) * padEnd).astype(np.intp)

            # Compute sample-indices (one slice/list per trial) from time-selections
            soi = []
            if equidistant:
                # soi just trims the input data to the [toi[0], toi[-1]] interval
                # postSelect then subsamples the spectral esimate to the user given toi
                postSelect = []
                for tk in range(numTrials):
                    start = max(0, int(round(data.samplerate * (toi[0] - tStart[tk]) - halfWin)))
                    stop = int(round(data.samplerate * (toi[-1] - tStart[tk]) + halfWin + 1))
                    soi.append(slice(start, max(stop, stop - start)))

                # chosen toi subsampling interval in sample units, min. is 1;
                # compute `delta_idx` s.t. stop - start / delta_idx == toi.size
                delta_idx = int(round((soi[0].stop - soi[0].start) / toi.size))
                delta_idx = delta_idx if delta_idx > 1 else 1
                postSelect = slice(None, None, delta_idx)

                for tk in range(numTrials):
                    starts = (data.samplerate * (toi - tStart[tk]) - halfWin).astype(np.intp)
                    starts += padBegin[tk]
                    stops = (data.samplerate * (toi - tStart[tk]) + halfWin + 1).astype(np.intp)
                    stops += padBegin[tk]
                    stops = np.maximum(stops, stops - starts, dtype=np.intp)
                    soi.append([slice(start, stop) for start, stop in zip(starts, stops)])
                    # postSelect here remains slice(None), as resulting spectrum
                    # has exactly one entry for each soi

        # `toi` is percentage or "all"
            soi = [slice(None)] * numTrials

        # Collect keyword args for `mtmconvol` in dictionary
        method_kwargs = {"samplerate": data.samplerate,
                         "nperseg": nperseg,
                         "noverlap": noverlap,
                         "taper" : taper,
                         "taper_opt" : taper_opt}

        # Set up compute-class
        specestMethod = MultiTaperFFTConvol(

    elif method == "wavelet":

        check_effective_parameters(WaveletTransform, defaults, lcls)

        # Check wavelet selection
        if wavelet not in availableWavelets:
            lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in availableWavelets)
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="wavelet", actual=wavelet)
        if wavelet not in ["Morlet", "Paul"]:
            msg = "the chosen wavelet '{}' is real-valued and does not provide " +\
                "any information about amplitude or phase of the data. This wavelet function " +\
                "may be used to isolate peaks or discontinuities in the signal. "

        # Check for consistency of `width`, `order` and `wavelet`
        if wavelet == "Morlet":
                scalar_parser(width, varname="width", lims=[1, np.inf])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            wfun = getattr(spywave, wavelet)(w0=width)
            if width != lcls["width"]:
                msg = "option `width` has no effect for wavelet '{}'"

        if wavelet == "Paul":
                scalar_parser(order, varname="order", lims=[4, np.inf], ntype="int_like")
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            wfun = getattr(spywave, wavelet)(m=order)
        elif wavelet == "DOG":
                scalar_parser(order, varname="order", lims=[1, np.inf], ntype="int_like")
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            wfun = getattr(spywave, wavelet)(m=order)
            if order is not None:
                msg = "option `order` has no effect for wavelet '{}'"
            wfun = getattr(spywave, wavelet)()

        # automatic frequency selection
        if foi is None and foilim is None:
            scales = get_optimal_wavelet_scales(
                wfun.scale_from_period, # all availableWavelets sport one!
                int(minTrialLength * data.samplerate),
            foi = 1 / wfun.fourier_period(scales)
            msg = (f"Setting frequencies of interest to {foi[0]:.1f}-"
            if foilim is not None:
                foi = np.arange(foilim[0], foilim[1] + 1, dtype=float)
            # 0 frequency is not valid
            foi[foi < 0.01] = 0.01
            scales = wfun.scale_from_period(1 / foi)

        # Update `log_dct` w/method-specific options (use `lcls` to get actually
        # provided keyword values, not defaults set in here)
        log_dct["foi"] = foi
        log_dct["wavelet"] = lcls["wavelet"]
        log_dct["width"] = lcls["width"]
        log_dct["order"] = lcls["order"]

        # method specific parameters
        method_kwargs = {
            'samplerate' : data.samplerate,
            'scales' : scales,
            'wavelet' : wfun

        # Set up compute-class
        specestMethod = WaveletTransform(

    elif method == "superlet":

        check_effective_parameters(SuperletTransform, defaults, lcls)

        # check and parse superlet specific arguments
        if order_max is None:
            lgl = "Positive integer needed for order_max"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="order_max",
                lims=[1, np.inf],

            order_min, varname="order_min",
            lims=[1, order_max],
        scalar_parser(c_1, varname="c_1", lims=[1, np.inf], ntype="int_like")

        # if no frequencies are user selected, take a sensitive default
        if foi is None and foilim is None:
            scales = get_optimal_wavelet_scales(
                int(minTrialLength * data.samplerate),
            foi = 1 / superlet.fourier_period(scales)
            msg = (f"Setting frequencies of interest to {foi[0]:.1f}-"
            if foilim is not None:
                # frequency range in 1Hz steps
                foi = np.arange(foilim[0], foilim[1] + 1, dtype=float)
            # 0 frequency is not valid
            foi[foi < 0.01] = 0.01
            scales = superlet.scale_from_period(1. / foi)

        # FASLT needs ordered frequencies low - high
        # meaning the scales have to go high - low
        if adaptive:
            if len(scales) < 2:
                lgl = "A range of frequencies"
                act = "Single frequency"
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="foi", actual=act)
            if np.any(np.diff(scales) > 0):
                msg = "Sorting frequencies low to high for adaptive SLT.."
                scales = np.sort(scales)[::-1]

        log_dct["foi"] = foi
        log_dct["c_1"] = lcls["c_1"]
        log_dct["order_max"] = lcls["order_max"]
        log_dct["order_min"] = lcls["order_min"]

        # method specific parameters
        method_kwargs = {
            'samplerate' : data.samplerate,
            'scales' : scales,
            'order_max' : order_max,
            'order_min' : order_min,
            'c_1' : c_1,
            'adaptive' : adaptive

        # Set up compute-class
        specestMethod = SuperletTransform(

    # -------------------------------------------------
    # Sanitize output and call the ComputationalRoutine
    # -------------------------------------------------

    # If provided, make sure output object is appropriate
    if out is not None:
            data_parser(out, varname="out", writable=True, empty=True,
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        new_out = False
        out = SpectralData(dimord=SpectralData._defaultDimord)
        new_out = True

    # Perform actual computation
    specestMethod.compute(data, out, parallel=kwargs.get("parallel"), log_dict=log_dct)

    # Either return newly created output object or simply quit
    return out if new_out else None
Exemple #10
def cleanup(older_than=24, **kwargs):
    Delete old files in temporary Syncopy folder
    The location of the temporary folder is stored in `syncopy.__storage__`.
    older_than : int
        Files older than `older_than` hours will be removed
    >>> spy.cleanup()

    # Make sure age-cutoff is valid
        scalar_parser(older_than, varname="older_than", ntype="int_like",
                      lims=[0, np.inf])
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc
    older_than = int(older_than)

    # For clarification: show location of storage folder that is scanned here
    funcName = "Syncopy <{}>".format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
    dirInfo = \
        "\n{name:s} Analyzing temporary storage folder {dir:s}...\n"
    print(dirInfo.format(name=funcName, dir=__storage__))

    # Parse "hidden" interactive keyword: if `False`, don't ask, just delete    
    interactive = kwargs.get("interactive", True)
    if not isinstance(interactive, bool):
        raise SPYTypeError(interactive, varname="interactive", expected="bool")

    # Get current date + time and scan package's temp directory for session files
    now =
    sessions = glob(os.path.join(__storage__, "session*"))
    allIds = []
    for sess in sessions:

    # Also check for dangling data (not associated to any session)
    data = glob(os.path.join(__storage__, "spy_*"))
    dangling = []
    for dat in data:
        sessid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dat))[0].split("_")[1]
        if sessid not in allIds:

    # Cycle through session-logs and identify stuff older than `older_than` hrs
    sesList = []       # full path to session files
    ageList = []       # session age in days
    usrList = []       # session users
    sizList = []       # raw session sizes in bytes
    ownList = []       # session owners (user@machine)
    flsList = []       # files/directories associated to session
    for sk, sess in enumerate(sessions):
        sessid = allIds[sk]
        if sessid != __sessionid__:
            with open(sess, "r") as fid:
                sesslog =
            timestr = sesslog[sesslog.find("<") + 1:sesslog.find(">")]
            timeobj = datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            age = round((now - timeobj).total_seconds()/3600)   # age in hrs
            if age >= older_than:
                files = glob(os.path.join(__storage__, "*_{}_*".format(sessid)))
                ageList.append(round(age/24))                  # age in days
                sizList.append(sum(os.path.getsize(file) if os.path.isfile(file) else 
                                   sum(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirpth, fname)) \
                                       for dirpth, _, fnames in os.walk(file) 
                                       for fname in fnames) for file in files))

    # Farewell if nothing's to do here
    if not sesList and not dangling:
        ext = \
        "Did not find any dangling data or Syncopy session remains " +\
        "older than {age:d} hours."
        print(ext.format(name=funcName, age=older_than))

    # Prepare session-related info prompt
    if sesList:
        usrList = list(set(usrList))
        gbList = [sz/1024**3 for sz in sizList]
        sesInfo = \
            "Found data of {numsess:d} syncopy sessions {ageinfo:s} " +\
            "created by user{users:s}'\ntaking up {gbinfo:s} of disk space. \n"
        sesInfo = sesInfo.format(numsess=len(sesList),
                                 ageinfo="between {agemin:d} and {agemax:d} days old".format(agemin=min(ageList),
                                                                                             agemax=max(ageList)) \
                                     if min(ageList) < max(ageList) else "from {} days ago".format(ageList[0]),
                                 users="(s) '" + ",".join(usr + ", " for usr in usrList)[:-2] \
                                     if len(usrList) > 1 else " '" + usrList[0],
                                 gbinfo="a total of {gbsz:4.1f} GB".format(gbsz=sum(gbList)) \
                                     if sum(gbList) > 1 else "less than 1 GB")
        sesOptions = \
            "[I]NTERACTIVE walkthrough to decide which session to remove \n" +\
            "[S]ESSION removal to delete all sessions at once " +\
            "(you will not be prompted for confirmation) \n"
        sesValid = ["I", "S"]
        promptInfo = sesInfo
        promptOptions = sesOptions
        promptValid = sesValid
    # Prepare info prompt for dangling files
    if dangling:
        dangInfo = \
            "Found {numdang:d} dangling files not associated to any session " +\
            "using {szdang:4.1f} GB of disk space. \n"
        dangInfo = dangInfo.format(numdang=len(dangling),
                                   szdang=sum(os.path.getsize(file)/1024**3 if os.path.isfile(file) else \
                                       sum(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirpth, fname))/1024**3 \
                                           for dirpth, _, fnames in os.walk(file) \
                                               for fname in fnames) for file in dangling))
        dangOptions = \
            "[D]ANGLING FILE removal to delete anything not associated to sessions " +\
            "(you will not be prompted for confirmation) \n"
        dangValid = ["D"]
        promptInfo = dangInfo
        promptOptions = dangOptions
        promptValid = dangValid

    # Put together actual prompt message message
    promptChoice = "\nPlease choose one of the following options:\n" 
    abortOption = "[C]ANCEL\n"
    abortValid = ["C"]

    if sesList and dangling:
        rmAllOption = \
            "[R]EMOVE all (sessions and dangling files) at once " +\
            "(you will not be prompted for confirmation)\n"
        rmAllValid = ["R"]
        promptInfo = sesInfo + dangInfo
        promptOptions = sesOptions + dangOptions + rmAllOption
        promptValid = sesValid + dangValid + rmAllValid

    # By default, ask what to do; if `interactive` is `False`, remove everything    
    if interactive:
        choice = user_input(promptInfo + promptChoice + promptOptions + abortOption, 
                            valid=promptValid + abortValid)
        choice = "R"
    # Query removal of data session by session    
    if choice == "I":
        promptYesNo = \
            "Found{numf:s} files created by session {sess:s} {age:d} " +\
            "days ago{sizeinfo:s} Do you want to permanently delete these files?"
        for sk in range(len(sesList)):
            if user_yesno(promptYesNo.format(numf=" " + str(len(flsList[sk])),
                                             sizeinfo=" using " + \
                                                 str(round(sizList[sk]/1024**2)) + \
                                                     " MB of disk space.")):
    # Delete all session-remains at once
    elif choice == "S":
        for fls in tqdm(flsList, desc="Deleting session data..."):
    # Deleate all dangling files at once
    elif choice == "D":
        for dat in tqdm(dangling, desc="Deleting dangling data..."):
    # Delete everything
    elif choice == "R":
        for contents in tqdm(flsList + [[dat] for dat in dangling], 
                        desc="Deleting temporary data..."):

    # Don't do anything for now, continue w/dangling data

Exemple #11
def connectivityanalysis(data,
    Perform connectivity analysis of Syncopy :class:`~syncopy.AnalogData` objects

    **Usage Summary**

    Options available in all analysis methods:

    * **foi**/**foilim** : frequencies of interest; either array of frequencies or
      frequency window (not both)
    * **polyremoval** : de-trending method to use (0 = mean, 1 = linear or `None`)

    List of available analysis methods and respective distinct options:

    "coh" : (Multi-) tapered coherency estimate
        Compute the normalized cross spectral densities
        between all channel combinations

        * **output** : one of ('abs', 'pow', 'fourier')
        * **taper** : one of :data:`~syncopy.shared.const_def.availableTapers`
        * **tapsmofrq** : spectral smoothing box for slepian tapers (in Hz)
        * **nTaper** : (optional) number of orthogonal tapers for slepian tapers
        * **pad_to_length**: either pad to an absolute length or set to `'nextpow2'`

    "corr" : Cross-correlations
        Computes the one sided (positive lags) cross-correlations
        between all channel combinations. The maximal lag is half
        the trial lengths.

        * **keeptrials** : set to `True` for single trial cross-correlations

    "granger" : Spectral Granger-Geweke causality
        Computes linear causality estimates between
        all channel combinations. The intermediate cross-spectral
        densities can be computed via multi-tapering.

        * **taper** : one of :data:`~syncopy.shared.const_def.availableTapers`
        * **tapsmofrq** : spectral smoothing box for slepian tapers (in Hz)
        * **nTaper** : (optional, not recommended) number of slepian tapers
        * **pad_to_length**: either pad to an absolute length or set to `'nextpow2'`

    data : `~syncopy.AnalogData`
        A non-empty Syncopy :class:`~syncopy.datatype.AnalogData` object
    method : str
        Connectivity estimation method, one of 'coh', 'corr', 'granger'
    output : str
        Relevant for cross-spectral density estimation (`method='coh'`)
        Use `'pow'` for absolute squared coherence, `'abs'` for absolute value of coherence
        and`'fourier'` for the complex valued coherency.
    keeptrials : bool
        Relevant for cross-correlations (`method='corr'`).
        If `True` single-trial cross-correlations are returned.
    foi : array-like or None
        Frequencies of interest (Hz) for output. If desired frequencies cannot be
        matched exactly, the closest possible frequencies are used. If `foi` is `None`
        or ``foi = "all"``, all attainable frequencies (i.e., zero to Nyquist / 2)
        are selected.
    foilim : array-like (floats [fmin, fmax]) or None or "all"
        Frequency-window ``[fmin, fmax]`` (in Hz) of interest. The
        `foi` array will be constructed in 1Hz steps from `fmin` to
        `fmax` (inclusive).
    pad_to_length : int, None or 'nextpow2'
        Padding of the (tapered) signal, if set to a number pads all trials
        to this absolute length. E.g. `pad_to_length=2000` pads all
        trials to 2000 samples, if and only if the longest trial is
        at maximum 2000 samples.

        Alternatively if all trials have the same initial lengths
        setting `pad_to_length='nextpow2'` pads all trials to
        the next power of two.
        If `None` and trials have unequal lengths all trials are padded to match
        the longest trial.
    taper : str
        Only valid if `method` is `'coh'` or `'granger'`. Windowing function,
        one of :data:`~syncopy.specest.const_def.availableTapers`
    tapsmofrq : float
        Only valid if `method` is `'coh'` or `'granger'` and `taper` is `'dpss'`.
        The amount of spectral smoothing through  multi-tapering (Hz).
        Note that smoothing frequency specifications are one-sided,
        i.e., 4 Hz smoothing means plus-minus 4 Hz, i.e., a 8 Hz smoothing box.
    nTaper : int or None
        Only valid if `method` is `'coh'` or `'granger'` and ``taper = 'dpss'``.
        Number of orthogonal tapers to use. It is not recommended to set the number
        of tapers manually! Leave at `None` for the optimal number to be set automatically.

    Coming soon...

    # Make sure our one mandatory input object can be processed
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc
    timeAxis = data.dimord.index("time")

    # Get everything of interest in local namespace
    defaults = get_defaults(connectivityanalysis)
    lcls = locals()
    # check for ineffective additional kwargs
    check_passed_kwargs(lcls, defaults, frontend_name="connectivity")
    # Ensure a valid computational method was selected

    if method not in availableMethods:
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in availableMethods)
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="method", actual=method)

    # if a subset selection is present
    # get sampleinfo and check for equidistancy
    if data._selection is not None:
        sinfo = data._selection.trialdefinition[:, :2]
        trialList = data._selection.trials
        # user picked discrete set of time points
        if isinstance(data._selection.time[0], list):
            lgl = "equidistant time points (toi) or time slice (toilim)"
            actual = "non-equidistant set of time points"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="select", actual=actual)
        trialList = list(range(len(data.trials)))
        sinfo = data.sampleinfo
    lenTrials = np.diff(sinfo).squeeze()

    # check polyremoval
    if polyremoval is not None:
                      lims=[0, 1])

    # --- Padding ---

    if method == "corr" and pad_to_length:
        lgl = "`None`, no padding needed/allowed for cross-correlations"
        actual = f"{pad_to_length}"
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="pad_to_length", actual=actual)

    # the actual number of samples in case of later padding
    nSamples = validate_padding(pad_to_length, lenTrials)

    # --- Basic foi sanitization ---

    foi, foilim = validate_foi(foi, foilim, data.samplerate)

    # only now set foi array for foilim in 1Hz steps
    if foilim is not None:
        foi = np.arange(foilim[0], foilim[1] + 1, dtype=float)

    # Prepare keyword dict for logging (use `lcls` to get actually provided
    # keyword values, not defaults set above)
    log_dict = {
        "method": method,
        "output": output,
        "keeptrials": keeptrials,
        "polyremoval": polyremoval,
        "pad_to_length": pad_to_length

    # --- Setting up specific Methods ---

    if method in ['coh', 'granger']:

        # --- set up computation of the single trial CSDs ---

        if keeptrials is not False:
            lgl = "False, trial averaging needed!"
            act = keeptrials
            raise SPYValueError(lgl, varname="keeptrials", actual=act)

        # Construct array of maximally attainable frequencies
        freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(nSamples, 1 / data.samplerate)

        # Match desired frequencies as close as possible to
        # actually attainable freqs
        # these are the frequencies attached to the SpectralData by the CR!
        if foi is not None:
            foi, _ = best_match(freqs, foi, squash_duplicates=True)
        elif foilim is not None:
            foi, _ = best_match(freqs,
        elif foi is None and foilim is None:
            # Construct array of maximally attainable frequencies
            msg = (f"Setting frequencies of interest to {freqs[0]:.1f}-"
            foi = freqs

        # sanitize taper selection and retrieve dpss settings
        taper_opt = validate_taper(
            keeptapers=False,  # ST_CSD's always average tapers
            output="pow")  # ST_CSD's always have this unit/norm

        log_dict["foi"] = foi
        log_dict["taper"] = taper
        # only dpss returns non-empty taper_opt dict
        if taper_opt:
            log_dict["nTaper"] = taper_opt["Kmax"]
            log_dict["tapsmofrq"] = tapsmofrq

        check_effective_parameters(ST_CrossSpectra, defaults, lcls)
        # parallel computation over trials
        st_compRoutine = ST_CrossSpectra(samplerate=data.samplerate,
        # hard coded as class attribute
        st_dimord = ST_CrossSpectra.dimord

    if method == 'coh':
        # final normalization after trial averaging
        av_compRoutine = NormalizeCrossSpectra(output=output)

    if method == 'granger':
        # after trial averaging
        # hardcoded numerical parameters
        av_compRoutine = GrangerCausality(rtol=1e-8, nIter=100, cond_max=1e4)

    if method == 'corr':
        if lcls['foi'] is not None:
            msg = 'Parameter `foi` has no effect for `corr`'
        check_effective_parameters(ST_CrossCovariance, defaults, lcls)

        # single trial cross-correlations
        if keeptrials:
            av_compRoutine = None  # no trial average
            norm = True  # normalize individual trials within the ST CR
            av_compRoutine = NormalizeCrossCov()
            norm = False

        # parallel computation over trials
        st_compRoutine = ST_CrossCovariance(samplerate=data.samplerate,
        # hard coded as class attribute
        st_dimord = ST_CrossCovariance.dimord

    # -------------------------------------------------
    # Call the chosen single trial ComputationalRoutine
    # -------------------------------------------------

    # the single trial results need a new DataSet
    st_out = CrossSpectralData(dimord=st_dimord)

    # Perform the trial-parallelized computation of the matrix quantity
        chan_per_worker=None,  # no parallelisation over channels possible
        keeptrials=keeptrials)  # we most likely need trial averaging!

    # if ever needed..
    # for single trial cross-corr results <-> keeptrials is True
    if keeptrials and av_compRoutine is None:
        if out is not None:
            msg = "Single trial processing does not support `out` argument but directly returns the results"
        return st_out

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Sanitize output and call the chosen ComputationalRoutine on the averaged ST output
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # If provided, make sure output object is appropriate
    if out is not None:
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        new_out = False
        out = CrossSpectralData(dimord=st_dimord)
        new_out = True

    # now take the trial average from the single trial CR as input
    av_compRoutine.initialize(st_out, out._stackingDim, chan_per_worker=None)
    av_compRoutine.pre_check()  # make sure we got a trial_average
    av_compRoutine.compute(st_out, out, parallel=False, log_dict=log_dict)

    # Either return newly created output object or simply quit
    return out if new_out else None
Exemple #12
def esi_cluster_setup(partition="8GBS", n_jobs=2, mem_per_job=None,
                      timeout=180, interactive=True, start_client=True,
    Start a distributed Dask cluster of parallel processing workers using SLURM 
    (or local multi-processing)
    partition : str
        Name of SLURM partition/queue to use
    n_jobs : int
        Number of jobs to spawn
    mem_per_job : None or str
        Memory booking for each job. Can be specified either in megabytes 
        (e.g., ``mem_per_job = 1500MB``) or gigabytes (e.g., ``mem_per_job = "2GB"``). 
        If `mem_per_job` is `None`, it is attempted to infer a sane default value
        from the chosen queue, e.g., for ``partition = "8GBS"`` `mem_per_job` is 
        automatically set to the allowed maximum of `'8GB'`. However, even in
        queues with guaranted memory bookings, it is possible to allocate less
        memory than the allowed maximum per job to spawn numerous low-memory 
        jobs. See Examples for details. 
    timeout : int
        Number of seconds to wait for requested jobs to start up. 
    interactive : bool
        If `True`, user input is required in case not all jobs could 
        be started in the provided waiting period (determined by `timeout`). 
        If `interactive` is `False` and the jobs could not be started
        within `timeout` seconds, a `TimeoutError` is raised. 
    start_client : bool
        If `True`, a distributed computing client is launched and attached to
        the workers. If `start_client` is `False`, only a distributed 
        computing cluster is started to which compute-clients can connect. 
    **kwargs : dict
        Additional keyword arguments can be used to control job-submission details. 
    proc : object
        A distributed computing client (if ``start_client = True``) or 
        a distributed computing cluster (otherwise). 

    The following command launches 10 SLURM jobs with 2 gigabytes memory each 
    in the `8GBS` partition
    >>> spy.esi_cluster_setup(n_jobs=10, partition="8GBS", mem_per_job="2GB") 
    If you want to access properties of the created distributed computing client, 
    assign an explicit return quantity, i.e., 
    >>> client = spy.esi_cluster_setup(n_jobs=10, partition="8GBS", mem_per_job="2GB") 
    The underlying distributed computing cluster can be accessed using
    >>> client.cluster
    Syncopy's parallel computing engine relies on the concurrent processing library
    `Dask <>`_. Thus, the distributed computing
    clients used by Syncopy are in fact instances of :class:`dask.distributed.Client`. 
    This function specifically acts  as a wrapper for :class:`dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster`. 
    Users familiar with Dask in general and its distributed scheduler and cluster 
    objects in particular, may leverage Dask's entire API to fine-tune parallel 
    processing jobs to their liking (if wanted). 
    See also
    cluster_cleanup : remove dangling parallel processing job-clusters
    # For later reference: dynamically fetch name of current function
    funcName = "Syncopy <{}>".format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
    # Be optimistic: prepare success message
    successMsg = "{name:s} Cluster dashboard accessible at {dash:s}"

    # Retrieve all partitions currently available in SLURM
    out, err = subprocess.Popen("sinfo -h -o %P",
                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
                                text=True, shell=True).communicate()
    if len(err) > 0:
        # SLURM is not installed, either allocate `LocalCluster` or just leave
        if "sinfo: not found" in err:
            if interactive:
                msg = "{name:s} SLURM does not seem to be installed on this machine " +\
                    "({host:s}). Do you want to start a local multi-processing " +\
                    "computing client instead? "
                startLocal = user_yesno(msg.format(name=funcName, host=socket.gethostname()), 
                startLocal = True
            if startLocal:
                client = Client()
                successMsg = "{name:s} Local parallel computing client ready. \n" + successMsg
                print(successMsg.format(name=funcName, dash=client.cluster.dashboard_link))
                if start_client:
                    return client
                return client.cluster

        # SLURM is installed, but something's wrong        
        msg = "SLURM queuing system from node {node:s}. " +\
              "Original error message below:\n{error:s}"
        raise SPYIOError(msg.format(node=socket.gethostname(), error=err))
    options = out.split()

    # Make sure we're in a valid partition (exclude IT partitions from output message)
    if partition not in options:
        valid = list(set(options).difference(["DEV", "PPC"]))
        raise SPYValueError(legal="'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in valid),
                            varname="partition", actual=partition)

    # Parse job count
        scalar_parser(n_jobs, varname="n_jobs", ntype="int_like", lims=[1, np.inf])
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc

    # Get requested memory per job
    if mem_per_job is not None:
        if not isinstance(mem_per_job, str):
            raise SPYTypeError(mem_per_job, varname="mem_per_job", expected="string")
        if not any(szstr in mem_per_job for szstr in ["MB", "GB"]):
            lgl = "string representation of requested memory (e.g., '8GB', '12000MB')"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="mem_per_job", actual=mem_per_job)

    # Query memory limit of chosen partition and ensure that `mem_per_job` is
    # set for partitions w/o limit
    idx = partition.find("GB")
    if idx > 0:
        mem_lim = int(partition[:idx]) * 1000
        if partition == "PREPO":
            mem_lim = 16000
            if mem_per_job is None:
                lgl = "explicit memory amount as required by partition '{}'"
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl.format(partition),
                                    varname="mem_per_job", actual=mem_per_job)
        mem_lim = np.inf

    # Consolidate requested memory with chosen partition (or assign default memory)
    if mem_per_job is None:
        mem_per_job = str(mem_lim) + "MB"
        if "MB" in mem_per_job:
            mem_req = int(mem_per_job[:mem_per_job.find("MB")])
            mem_req = int(round(float(mem_per_job[:mem_per_job.find("GB")]) * 1000))
        if mem_req > mem_lim:
            msg = "`mem_per_job` exceeds limit of {lim:d}GB for partition {par:s}. " +\
                "Capping memory at partition limit. "
            SPYWarning(msg.format(lim=mem_lim, par=partition))
            mem_per_job = str(int(mem_lim)) + "GB"

    # Parse requested timeout period
        scalar_parser(timeout, varname="timeout", ntype="int_like", lims=[1, np.inf])
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc

    # Determine if cluster allocation is happening interactively
    if not isinstance(interactive, bool):
        raise SPYTypeError(interactive, varname="interactive", expected="bool")

    # Determine if a dask client was requested
    if not isinstance(start_client, bool):
        raise SPYTypeError(start_client, varname="start_client", expected="bool")

    # Set/get "hidden" kwargs
    workers_per_job = kwargs.get("workers_per_job", 1)
        scalar_parser(workers_per_job, varname="workers_per_job",
                      ntype="int_like", lims=[1, 8])
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc

    n_cores = kwargs.get("n_cores", 1)
        scalar_parser(n_cores, varname="n_cores",
                      ntype="int_like", lims=[1, np.inf])
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc

    slurm_wdir = kwargs.get("slurmWorkingDirectory", None)
    if slurm_wdir is None:
        usr = getpass.getuser()
        slurm_wdir = "/mnt/hpx/slurm/{usr:s}/{usr:s}_{date:s}"
        slurm_wdir = slurm_wdir.format(usr=usr,
        os.makedirs(slurm_wdir, exist_ok=True)
            io_parser(slurm_wdir, varname="slurmWorkingDirectory", isfile=False)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
    # Hotfix for upgraded cluster-nodes: point to correct Python executable if working from /home
    pyExec = sys.executable
    if sys.executable.startswith("/home"):
        pyExec = "/mnt/gs" + sys.executable
    # Create `SLURMCluster` object using provided parameters
    out_files = os.path.join(slurm_wdir, "slurm-%j.out")
    cluster = SLURMCluster(cores=n_cores,
                           header_skip=["-t", "--mem"],
                           # interface="asdf", # interface is set via `psutil.net_if_addrs()`
                           # job_extra=["--hint=nomultithread",
                           #            "--threads-per-core=1"]
    # Compute total no. of workers and up-scale cluster accordingly
    total_workers = n_jobs * workers_per_job

    # Fire up waiting routine to avoid premature cluster setups
    if _cluster_waiter(cluster, funcName, total_workers, timeout, interactive):
    # Kill a zombie cluster in non-interactive mode
    if not interactive and _count_running_workers(cluster) == 0:
        err = "SLURM jobs could not be started within given time-out " +\
              "interval of {0:d} seconds"
        raise TimeoutError(err.format(timeout))
    # Highlight how to connect to dask performance monitor
    print(successMsg.format(name=funcName, dash=cluster.dashboard_link))

    # If client was requested, return that instead of the created cluster
    if start_client:
        return Client(cluster)
    return cluster
Exemple #13
def freqanalysis(data,
    Perform (time-)frequency analysis of Syncopy :class:`~syncopy.AnalogData` objects
    **Usage Summary**
    Options available in all analysis methods:
    * **output** : one of :data:`~.availableOutputs`; return power spectra, complex 
      Fourier spectra or absolute values. 
    * **foi**/**foilim** : frequencies of interest; either array of frequencies or 
      frequency window (not both)
    * **keeptrials** : return individual trials or grand average
    * **polyremoval** : de-trending method to use (0 = mean, 1 = linear, 2 = quadratic, 
      3 = cubic, etc.)
    List of available analysis methods and respective distinct options:
    :func:`~syncopy.specest.mtmfft.mtmfft` : (Multi-)tapered Fourier transform
        Perform frequency analysis on time-series trial data using either a single 
        taper window (Hanning) or many tapers based on the discrete prolate 
        spheroidal sequence (DPSS) that maximize energy concentration in the main
        * **taper** : one of :data:`~.availableTapers`
        * **tapsmofrq** : spectral smoothing box for tapers (in Hz)
        * **keeptapers** : return individual tapers or average
        * **pad** : padding method to use (`None`, `True`, `False`, `'absolute'`, 
          `'relative'`, `'maxlen'` or `'nextpow2'`). If `None`, then `'nextpow2'`
          is selected by default. 
        * **padtype** : values to pad data with (`'zero'`, `'nan'`, `'mean'`, `'localmean'`, 
          `'edge'` or `'mirror'`)
        * **padlength** : number of samples to pre-pend and/or append to each trial 
        * **prepadlength** : number of samples to pre-pend to each trial 
        * **postpadlength** : number of samples to append to each trial 

    :func:`~syncopy.specest.mtmconvol.mtmconvol` : (Multi-)tapered sliding window Fourier transform
        Perform time-frequency analysis on time-series trial data based on a sliding 
        window short-time Fourier transform using either a single Hanning taper or 
        multiple DPSS tapers. 
        * **taper** : one of :data:`~.availableTapers`
        * **tapsmofrq** : spectral smoothing box for tapers (in Hz)
        * **keeptapers** : return individual tapers or average
        * **pad** : flag indicating, whether or not to pad trials. If `None`, 
          trials are padded only if sliding window centroids are too close
          to trial boundaries for the entire window to cover available data-points. 
        * **toi** : time-points of interest; can be either an array representing 
          analysis window centroids (in sec), a scalar between 0 and 1 encoding 
          the percentage of overlap between adjacent windows or "all" to center 
          a window on every sample in the data. 
        * **t_ftimwin** : sliding window length (in sec)

    :func:`~syncopy.specest.wavelet.wavelet` : (Continuous non-orthogonal) wavelet transform
        Perform time-frequency analysis on time-series trial data using a non-orthogonal
        continuous wavelet transform. 
        * **wav** : one of :data:`~.availableWavelets`
        * **toi** : time-points of interest; can be either an array representing 
          time points (in sec) to center wavelets on or "all" to center a wavelet 
          on every sample in the data. 
        * **width** : Nondimensional frequency constant of Morlet wavelet function (>= 6)
        * **order** : Order of Paul wavelet function (>= 4) or derivative order
          of real-valued DOG wavelets (2 = mexican hat)

    **Full documentation below** 
    data : `~syncopy.AnalogData`
        A non-empty Syncopy :class:`~syncopy.datatype.AnalogData` object
    method : str
        Spectral estimation method, one of :data:`~.availableMethods` 
        (see below).
    output : str
        Output of spectral estimation. One of :data:`~.availableOutputs` (see below); 
        use `'pow'` for power spectrum (:obj:`numpy.float32`), `'fourier'` for complex 
        Fourier coefficients (:obj:`numpy.complex128`) or `'abs'` for absolute 
        values (:obj:`numpy.float32`).
    keeptrials : bool
        If `True` spectral estimates of individual trials are returned, otherwise
        results are averaged across trials. 
    foi : array-like or None
        Frequencies of interest (Hz) for output. If desired frequencies cannot be 
        matched exactly, the closest possible frequencies are used. If `foi` is `None`
        or ``foi = "all"``, all attainable frequencies (i.e., zero to Nyquist / 2) 
        are selected. 
    foilim : array-like (floats [fmin, fmax]) or None or "all"
        Frequency-window ``[fmin, fmax]`` (in Hz) of interest. Window 
        specifications must be sorted (e.g., ``[90, 70]`` is invalid) and not NaN 
        but may be unbounded (e.g., ``[-np.inf, 60.5]`` is valid). Edges `fmin` 
        and `fmax` are included in the selection. If `foilim` is `None` or 
        ``foilim = "all"``, all frequencies are selected. 
    pad : str or None or bool
        One of `None`, `True`, `False`, `'absolute'`, `'relative'`, `'maxlen'` or
        If `pad` is `None` or ``pad = True``, then method-specific defaults are 
        chosen. Specifically, if `method` is `'mtmfft'` then `pad` is set to 
        `'nextpow2'` so that all trials in `data` are padded to the next power of 
        two higher than the sample-count of the longest (selected) trial in `data`. Conversely, 
        time-frequency analysis methods (`'mtmconvol'` and `'wavelet'`), only perform
        padding if necessary, i.e., if time-window centroids are chosen too close
        to trial boundaries for the entire window to cover available data-points. 
        If `pad` is `False`, then no padding is performed. Then in case of 
        ``method = 'mtmfft'`` all trials have to have approximately the same 
        length (up to the next even sample-count), if ``method = 'mtmconvol'`` or 
        ``method = 'wavelet'``, window-centroids have to keep sufficient
        distance from trial boundaries. For more details on the padding methods 
        `'absolute'`, `'relative'`, `'maxlen'` and `'nextpow2'` see :func:`syncopy.padding`. 
    padtype : str
        Values to be used for padding. Can be `'zero'`, `'nan'`, `'mean'`, 
        `'localmean'`, `'edge'` or `'mirror'`. See :func:`syncopy.padding` for 
        more information.
    padlength : None, bool or positive int
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` and `pad` is `'absolute'` or `'relative'`. 
        Number of samples to pad data with. See :func:`syncopy.padding` for more 
    prepadlength : None or bool or int
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` and `pad` is `'relative'`. Number of 
        samples to pre-pend to each trial. See :func:`syncopy.padding` for more 
    postpadlength : None or bool or int
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` and `pad` is `'relative'`. Number of 
        samples to append to each trial. See :func:`syncopy.padding` for more 
    polyremoval : int or None
        **FIXME: Not implemented yet**
        Order of polynomial used for de-trending data in the time domain prior 
        to spectral analysis. A value of 0 corresponds to subtracting the mean 
        ("de-meaning"), ``polyremoval = 1`` removes linear trends (subtracting the 
        least squares fit of a linear polynomial), ``polyremoval = N`` for `N > 1` 
        subtracts a polynomial of order `N` (``N = 2`` quadratic, ``N = 3`` cubic 
        etc.). If `polyremoval` is `None`, no de-trending is performed. 
    taper : str
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` or `'mtmconvol'`. Windowing function, 
        one of :data:`~.availableTapers` (see below).
    tapsmofrq : float
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` or `'mtmconvol'`. The amount of spectral 
        smoothing through  multi-tapering (Hz). Note that smoothing frequency 
        specifications are one-sided, i.e., 4 Hz smoothing means plus-minus 4 Hz, 
        i.e., a 8 Hz smoothing box.
    keeptapers : bool
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmfft'` or `'mtmconvol'`. If `True`, return 
        spectral estimates for each taper, otherwise results are averaged across
    toi : float or array-like or "all"
        **Mandatory input** for time-frequency analysis methods (`method` is either 
        `"mtmconvol"` or `"wavelet"`). 
        If `toi` is scalar, it must be a value between 0 and 1 indicating the 
        percentage of overlap between time-windows specified by `t_ftimwin` (only
        valid if `method` is `'mtmconvol'`, invalid for `'wavelet'`). 
        If `toi` is an array it explicitly selects the centroids of analysis 
        windows (in seconds). If `toi` is `"all"`, analysis windows are centered
        on all samples in the data. 
    t_ftimwin : positive float
        Only valid if `method` is `'mtmconvol'`. Sliding window length (in seconds). 
    wav : str
        Only valid if `method` is `'wavelet'`. Wavelet function to use, one of 
        :data:`~.availableWavelets` (see below).
    width : positive float
        Only valid if `method` is `'wavelet'` and `wav` is `'Morlet'`. Nondimensional 
        frequency constant of Morlet wavelet function. This number should be >= 6, 
        which corresponds to 6 cycles within the analysis window to ensure sufficient 
        spectral sampling. 
    order : positive int
        Only valid if `method` is `'wavelet'` and `wav` is `'Paul'` or `'DOG'`. Order 
        of the wavelet function. If `wav` is `'Paul'`, `order` should be chosen
        >= 4 to ensure that the analysis window contains at least a single oscillation. 
        At an order of 40, the Paul wavelet  exhibits about the same number of cycles 
        as the Morlet wavelet with a `width` of 6. 
        All other supported wavelets functions are *real-valued* derivatives of 
        Gaussians (DOGs). Hence, if `wav` is `'DOG'`, `order` represents the derivative order. 
        The special case of a second order DOG yields a function known as "Mexican Hat", 
        "Marr" or "Ricker" wavelet, which can be selected alternatively by setting
        `wav` to `'Mexican_hat'`, `'Marr'` or `'Ricker'`. **Note**: A real-valued
        wavelet function encodes *only* information about peaks and discontinuities 
        in the signal and does *not* provide any information about amplitude or phase. 
    out : None or :class:`SpectralData` object
        None if a new :class:`SpectralData` object is to be created, or an empty :class:`SpectralData` object

    spec : :class:`~syncopy.SpectralData`
        (Time-)frequency spectrum of input data
    Coming soon...
    Coming soon...

    .. autodata:: syncopy.specest.freqanalysis.availableMethods

    .. autodata:: syncopy.specest.freqanalysis.availableOutputs

    .. autodata:: syncopy.specest.freqanalysis.availableTapers

    .. autodata:: syncopy.specest.freqanalysis.availableWavelets
    See also
    syncopy.specest.mtmfft.mtmfft : (multi-)tapered Fourier transform of multi-channel time series data
    syncopy.specest.mtmconvol.mtmconvol : time-frequency analysis of multi-channel time series data with a sliding window FFT
    syncopy.specest.wavelet.wavelet : time-frequency analysis of multi-channel time series data using a wavelet transform
    numpy.fft.fft : NumPy's reference FFT implementation
    scipy.signal.stft : SciPy's Short Time Fourier Transform

    # Make sure our one mandatory input object can be processed
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc
    timeAxis = data.dimord.index("time")

    # Get everything of interest in local namespace
    defaults = get_defaults(freqanalysis)
    lcls = locals()

    # Ensure a valid computational method was selected
    if method not in availableMethods:
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in availableMethods)
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="method", actual=method)

    # Ensure a valid output format was selected
    if output not in spectralConversions.keys():
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' "
                                for opt in spectralConversions.keys())
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="output", actual=output)

    # Parse all Boolean keyword arguments
    for vname in ["keeptrials", "keeptapers"]:
        if not isinstance(lcls[vname], bool):
            raise SPYTypeError(lcls[vname], varname=vname, expected="Bool")

    # If only a subset of `data` is to be processed, make some necessary adjustments
    # and compute minimal sample-count across (selected) trials
    if data._selection is not None:
        trialList = data._selection.trials
        sinfo = np.zeros((len(trialList), 2))
        for tk, trlno in enumerate(trialList):
            trl = data._preview_trial(trlno)
            tsel = trl.idx[timeAxis]
            if isinstance(tsel, list):
                sinfo[tk, :] = [0, len(tsel)]
                sinfo[tk, :] = [
                    trl.idx[timeAxis].start, trl.idx[timeAxis].stop
        trialList = list(range(len(data.trials)))
        sinfo = data.sampleinfo
    lenTrials = np.diff(sinfo).squeeze()
    numTrials = len(trialList)

    # Set default padding options: after this, `pad` is either `None`, `False` or `str`
    defaultPadding = {"mtmfft": "nextpow2", "mtmconvol": None, "wavelet": None}
    if pad is None or pad is True:
        pad = defaultPadding[method]

    # Sliding window FFT does not support "fancy" padding
    if method == "mtmconvol" and isinstance(pad, str):
        msg = "method 'mtmconvol' only supports in-place padding for windows " +\
            "exceeding trial boundaries. Your choice of `pad = '{}'` will be ignored. "
        pad = None

    # Ensure padding selection makes sense: do not pad on a by-trial basis but
    # use the longest trial as reference and compute `padlength` from there
    # (only relevant for "global" padding options such as `maxlen` or `nextpow2`)
    if pad:
        if not isinstance(pad, str):
            raise SPYTypeError(pad, varname="pad", expected="str or None")
        if pad == "maxlen":
            padlength = lenTrials.max()
            prepadlength = True
            postpadlength = False
        elif pad == "nextpow2":
            padlength = 0
            for ltrl in lenTrials:
                padlength = max(padlength, _nextpow2(ltrl))
            pad = "absolute"
            prepadlength = True
            postpadlength = False

        # Compute `minSampleNum` accounting for padding
        minSamplePos = lenTrials.argmin()
        minSampleNum = padding(data._preview_trial(trialList[minSamplePos]),
        if method == "mtmfft" and np.unique(
            (np.floor(lenTrials / 2))).size > 1:
            lgl = "trials of approximately equal length for method 'mtmfft'"
            act = "trials of unequal length"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="data", actual=act)
        minSampleNum = lenTrials.min()

    # Compute length (in samples) of shortest trial
    minTrialLength = minSampleNum / data.samplerate

    # Basic sanitization of frequency specifications
    if foi is not None:
        if isinstance(foi, str):
            if foi == "all":
                foi = None
                raise SPYValueError(legal="'all' or `None` or list/array",
                             lims=[0, data.samplerate / 2],
                             dims=(None, ))
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            foi = np.array(foi, dtype="float")
    if foilim is not None:
        if isinstance(foilim, str):
            if foilim == "all":
                foilim = None
                raise SPYValueError(legal="'all' or `None` or `[fmin, fmax]`",
                             lims=[0, data.samplerate / 2],
                             dims=(2, ))
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
    if foi is not None and foilim is not None:
        lgl = "either `foi` or `foilim` specification"
        act = "both"
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="foi/foilim", actual=act)

    # FIXME: implement detrending
    # see also
    if polyremoval is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Detrending has not been implemented yet.")
                          lims=[0, 8],
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc

    # Prepare keyword dict for logging (use `lcls` to get actually provided
    # keyword values, not defaults set above)
    log_dct = {
        "method": method,
        "output": output,
        "keeptapers": keeptapers,
        "keeptrials": keeptrials,
        "polyremoval": polyremoval,
        "pad": lcls["pad"],
        "padtype": lcls["padtype"],
        "padlength": lcls["padlength"],
        "foi": lcls["foi"]

    # 1st: Check time-frequency inputs to prepare/sanitize `toi`
    if method in ["mtmconvol", "wavelet"]:

        # Get start/end timing info respecting potential in-place selection
        if toi is None:
            raise SPYTypeError(toi,
                               expected="scalar or array-like or 'all'")
        if data._selection is not None:
            tStart = data._selection.trialdefinition[:, 2] / data.samplerate
            tStart = data._t0 / data.samplerate
        tEnd = tStart + lenTrials / data.samplerate

        # Process `toi`: we have to account for three scenarios: (1) center sliding
        # windows on all samples in (selected) trials (2) `toi` was provided as
        # percentage indicating the degree of overlap b/w time-windows and (3) a set
        # of discrete time points was provided. These three cases are encoded in
        # `overlap, i.e., ``overlap > 1` => all, `0 < overlap < 1` => percentage,
        # `overlap < 0` => discrete `toi`
        if isinstance(toi, str):
            if toi != "all":
                lgl = "`toi = 'all'` to center analysis windows on all time-points"
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="toi", actual=toi)
            overlap = 1.1
            toi = None
            equidistant = True
        elif isinstance(toi, Number):
            if method == "wavelet":
                lgl = "array of time-points wavelets are to be centered on"
                act = "scalar value"
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="toi", actual=act)
                scalar_parser(toi, varname="toi", lims=[0, 1])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            overlap = toi
            equidistant = True
            overlap = -1
                             lims=[tStart.min(), tEnd.max()],
                             dims=(None, ))
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            toi = np.array(toi)
            tSteps = np.diff(toi)
            if (tSteps < 0).any():
                lgl = "ordered list/array of time-points"
                act = "unsorted list/array"
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="toi", actual=act)
            # This is imho a bug in NumPy - even `arange` and `linspace` may produce
            # arrays that are numerically not exactly equidistant - `unique` will
            # show several entries here - use `allclose` to identify "even" spacings
            equidistant = np.allclose(tSteps, [tSteps[0]] * tSteps.size)

        # If `toi` was 'all' or a percentage, use entire time interval of (selected)
        # trials and check if those trials have *approximately* equal length
        if toi is None:
            if not np.allclose(lenTrials, [minSampleNum] * lenTrials.size):
                msg = "processing trials of different lengths (min = {}; max = {} samples)" +\
                    " with `toi = 'all'`"
                SPYWarning(msg.format(int(minSampleNum), int(lenTrials.max())))
            if pad is False:
                lgl = "`pad` to be `None` or `True` to permit zero-padding " +\
                    "at trial boundaries to accommodate windows if `0 < toi < 1` " +\
                    "or if `toi` is 'all'"
                act = "False"
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, actual=act, varname="pad")

        # Code recycling: `overlap`, `equidistant` etc. are really only relevant
        # for `mtmconvol`, but we use padding calc below for `wavelet` as well
        if method == "mtmconvol":
                              lims=[1 / data.samplerate, minTrialLength])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            t_ftimwin = 0
        nperseg = int(t_ftimwin * data.samplerate)
        minSampleNum = nperseg
        halfWin = int(nperseg / 2)

        # `mtmconvol`: compute no. of samples overlapping across adjacent windows
        if overlap < 0:  # `toi` is equidistant range or disjoint points
            noverlap = nperseg - max(1, int(tSteps[0] * data.samplerate))
        elif 0 <= overlap <= 1:  # `toi` is percentage
            noverlap = min(nperseg - 1, int(overlap * nperseg))
        else:  # `toi` is "all"
            noverlap = nperseg - 1

        # `toi` is array
        if overlap < 0:

            # Compute necessary padding at begin/end of trials to fit sliding windows
            offStart = ((toi[0] - tStart) * data.samplerate).astype(np.intp)
            padBegin = halfWin - offStart
            padBegin = ((padBegin > 0) * padBegin).astype(np.intp)

            offEnd = ((tEnd - toi[-1]) * data.samplerate).astype(np.intp)
            padEnd = halfWin - offEnd
            padEnd = ((padEnd > 0) * padEnd).astype(np.intp)

            # Abort if padding was explicitly forbidden
            if pad is False and (np.any(padBegin) or np.any(padBegin)):
                lgl = "windows within trial bounds"
                act = "windows exceeding trials no. " +\
                    "".join(str(trlno) + ", "\
                        for trlno in np.array(trialList)[(padBegin + padEnd) > 0])[:-2]
                raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="pad", actual=act)

            # Compute sample-indices (one slice/list per trial) from time-selections
            soi = []
            if not equidistant:
                for tk in range(numTrials):
                    starts = (data.samplerate * (toi - tStart[tk]) -
                    starts += padBegin[tk]
                    stops = (data.samplerate * (toi - tStart[tk]) + halfWin +
                    stops += padBegin[tk]
                    stops = np.maximum(stops, stops - starts, dtype=np.intp)
                        slice(start, stop)
                        for start, stop in zip(starts, stops)
                for tk in range(numTrials):
                    start = int(data.samplerate * (toi[0] - tStart[tk]) -
                    stop = int(data.samplerate * (toi[-1] - tStart[tk]) +
                               halfWin + 1)
                    soi.append(slice(max(0, start), max(stop, stop - start)))

        # `toi` is percentage or "all"

            padBegin = np.zeros((numTrials, ))
            padEnd = np.zeros((numTrials, ))
            soi = [slice(None)] * numTrials

        # For wavelets, we need to first trim the data (via `preSelect`), then
        # extract the wanted time-points (`postSelect`)
        if method == "wavelet":

            # Simply recycle the indexing work done for `mtmconvol` (i.e., `soi`)
            preSelect = []
            if not equidistant:
                for tk in range(numTrials):
                    preSelect.append(slice(soi[tk][0].start, soi[tk][-1].stop))
                preSelect = soi

            # If `toi` is an array, convert "global" indices to "local" ones
            # (select within `preSelect`'s selection), otherwise just take all
            if overlap < 0:
                postSelect = []
                for tk in range(numTrials):
                    smpIdx = np.minimum(
                        lenTrials[tk] - 1,
                        data.samplerate * (toi - tStart[tk]) - offStart[tk] +
                postSelect = [slice(None)] * numTrials

        # Update `log_dct` w/method-specific options (use `lcls` to get actually
        # provided keyword values, not defaults set in here)
        if toi is None:
            toi = "all"
        log_dct["toi"] = lcls["toi"]

    # Check options specific to mtm*-methods (particularly tapers and foi/freqs alignment)
    if "mtm" in method:

        # See if taper choice is supported
        if taper not in availableTapers:
            lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in availableTapers)
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="taper", actual=taper)
        taper = getattr(spwin, taper)

        # Advanced usage: see if `taperopt` was provided - if not, leave it empty
        taperopt = kwargs.get("taperopt", {})
        if not isinstance(taperopt, dict):
            raise SPYTypeError(taperopt,

        # Construct array of maximally attainable frequencies
        nFreq = int(np.floor(minSampleNum / 2) + 1)
        freqs = np.linspace(0, data.samplerate / 2, nFreq)

        # Match desired frequencies as close as possible to actually attainable freqs
        if foi is not None:
            foi, _ = best_match(freqs, foi, squash_duplicates=True)
        elif foilim is not None:
            foi, _ = best_match(freqs,
            foi = freqs

        # Abort if desired frequency selection is empty
        if foi.size == 0:
            lgl = "non-empty frequency specification"
            act = "empty frequency selection"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="foi/foilim", actual=act)

        # Set/get `tapsmofrq` if we're working w/Slepian tapers
        if taper.__name__ == "dpss":

            # Try to derive "sane" settings by using 3/4 octave smoothing of highest `foi`
            # following Hipp et al. "Oscillatory Synchronization in Large-Scale
            # Cortical Networks Predicts Perception", Neuron, 2011
            if tapsmofrq is None:
                foimax = foi.max()
                tapsmofrq = (foimax * 2**(3 / 4 / 2) -
                             foimax * 2**(-3 / 4 / 2)) / 2
                                  lims=[1, np.inf])
                except Exception as exc:
                    raise exc

            # Get/compute number of tapers to use (at least 1 and max. 50)
            nTaper = taperopt.get("Kmax", 1)
            if not taperopt:
                nTaper = int(
                            np.floor(tapsmofrq * minSampleNum * 1 /
                taperopt = {"NW": tapsmofrq, "Kmax": nTaper}

            nTaper = 1

        # Warn the user in case `tapsmofrq` has no effect
        if tapsmofrq is not None and taper.__name__ != "dpss":
            msg = "`tapsmofrq` is only used if `taper` is `dpss`!"

        # Update `log_dct` w/method-specific options (use `lcls` to get actually
        # provided keyword values, not defaults set in here)
        log_dct["taper"] = lcls["taper"]
        log_dct["tapsmofrq"] = lcls["tapsmofrq"]
        log_dct["nTaper"] = nTaper

        # Check for non-default values of options not supported by chosen method
        kwdict = {"wav": wav, "width": width}
        for name, kwarg in kwdict.items():
            if kwarg is not lcls[name]:
                msg = "option `{}` has no effect in methods `mtmfft` and `mtmconvol`!"

    # Now, prepare explicit compute-classes for chosen method
    if method == "mtmfft":

        # Check for non-default values of options not supported by chosen method
        kwdict = {"t_ftimwin": t_ftimwin, "toi": toi}
        for name, kwarg in kwdict.items():
            if kwarg is not lcls[name]:
                msg = "option `{}` has no effect in method `mtmfft`!"

        # Set up compute-class
        specestMethod = MultiTaperFFT(samplerate=data.samplerate,

    elif method == "mtmconvol":

        # Set up compute-class
        specestMethod = MultiTaperFFTConvol(soi,

    elif method == "wavelet":

        # Check for non-default values of `taper`, `tapsmofrq`, `keeptapers` and
        # `t_ftimwin` (set to 0 above)
        kwdict = {
            "taper": taper,
            "tapsmofrq": tapsmofrq,
            "keeptapers": keeptapers
        for name, kwarg in kwdict.items():
            if kwarg is not lcls[name]:
                msg = "option `{}` has no effect in method `wavelet`!"
        if t_ftimwin != 0:
            msg = "option `t_ftimwin` has no effect in method `wavelet`!"

        # Check wavelet selection
        if wav not in availableWavelets:
            lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in availableWavelets)
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="wav", actual=wav)
        if wav not in ["Morlet", "Paul"]:
            msg = "the chosen wavelet '{}' is real-valued and does not provide " +\
                "any information about amplitude or phase of the data. This wavelet function " +\
                "may be used to isolate peaks or discontinuities in the signal. "

        # Check for consistency of `width`, `order` and `wav`
        if wav == "Morlet":
                scalar_parser(width, varname="width", lims=[1, np.inf])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            wfun = getattr(spywave, wav)(w0=width)
            if width != lcls["width"]:
                msg = "option `width` has no effect for wavelet '{}'"

        if wav == "Paul":
                              lims=[4, np.inf],
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            wfun = getattr(spywave, wav)(m=order)
        elif wav == "DOG":
                              lims=[1, np.inf],
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            wfun = getattr(spywave, wav)(m=order)
            if order is not None:
                msg = "option `order` has no effect for wavelet '{}'"
            wfun = getattr(spywave, wav)()

        # Process frequency selection (`toi` was taken care of above): `foilim`
        # selections are wrapped into `foi` thus the seemingly weird if construct
        # Note: SLURM workers don't like monkey-patching, so let's pretend
        # `get_optimal_wavelet_scales` is a class method by passing `wfun` as its
        # first argument
        if foi is None:
            scales = _get_optimal_wavelet_scales(
                wfun, int(minTrialLength * data.samplerate),
                1 / data.samplerate)
        if foilim is not None:
            foi = np.arange(foilim[0], foilim[1] + 1)
        if foi is not None:
            foi[foi < 0.01] = 0.01
            scales = wfun.scale_from_period(1 / foi)
            scales = scales[::
                            -1]  # FIXME: this only makes sense if `foi` was sorted -> cf Issue #94

        # Update `log_dct` w/method-specific options (use `lcls` to get actually
        # provided keyword values, not defaults set in here)
        log_dct["wav"] = lcls["wav"]
        log_dct["width"] = lcls["width"]
        log_dct["order"] = lcls["order"]

        # Set up compute-class
        specestMethod = WaveletTransform(preSelect,

    # If provided, make sure output object is appropriate
    if out is not None:
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        new_out = False
        out = SpectralData(dimord=SpectralData._defaultDimord)
        new_out = True

    # Perform actual computation

    # Either return newly created output object or simply quit
    return out if new_out else None
Exemple #14
def save(out,
    r"""Save Syncopy data object to disk

    The underlying array data object is stored in a HDF5 file, the metadata in
    a JSON file. Both can be placed inside a Syncopy container, which is a
    regular directory with the extension '.spy'. 

    out : Syncopy data object
        Object to be stored on disk.    
    container : str
        Path to Syncopy container folder (\*.spy) to be used for saving. If 
        omitted, the extension '.spy' will be added to the folder name.
    tag : str
        Tag to be appended to container basename
    filename :  str
        Explicit path to data file. This is only necessary if the data should
        not be part of a container folder. An extension (\*.<dataclass>) is
        added if omitted. The `tag` argument is ignored.      
    overwrite : bool
        If `True` an existing HDF5 file and its accompanying JSON file is 
        overwritten (without prompt). 
    memuse : scalar 
        Approximate in-memory cache size (in MB) for writing data to disk
        (only relevant for :class:`syncopy.VirtualData` or memory map data sources)
    Nothing : None
    Syncopy objects may also be saved using the class method ``.save`` that 
    acts as a wrapper for :func:``, e.g., 
    >>> save(obj, container="new_spy_container")
    is equivalent to
    However, once a Syncopy object has been saved, the class method ``.save``
    can be used as a shortcut to quick-save recent changes, e.g., 
    writes the current state of `obj` to the data/meta-data files on-disk 
    associated with `obj` (overwriting both in the process). Similarly, 
    saves `obj` in the current container 'new_spy_container' under a different 

    Save the Syncopy data object `obj` on disk in the current working directory
    without creating a spy-container
    >>>, filename="session1")
    >>> # --> os.getcwd()/session1.<dataclass>
    >>> # --> os.getcwd()/session1.<dataclass>.info
    Save `obj` without creating a spy-container using an absolute path

    >>>, filename="/tmp/session1")
    >>> # --> /tmp/session1.<dataclass>
    >>> # --> /tmp/session1.<dataclass>.info
    Save `obj` in a new spy-container created in the current working directory

    >>>, container="container.spy")
    >>> # --> os.getcwd()/container.spy/container.<dataclass>
    >>> # --> os.getcwd()/container.spy/container.<dataclass>.info

    Save `obj` in a new spy-container created by providing an absolute path

    >>>, container="/tmp/container.spy")
    >>> # --> /tmp/container.spy/container.<dataclass>
    >>> # --> /tmp/container.spy/container.<dataclass>.info

    Save `obj` in a new (or existing) spy-container under a different tag
    >>>, container="session1.spy", tag="someTag")
    >>> # --> os.getcwd()/session1.spy/session1_someTag.<dataclass>
    >>> # --> os.getcwd()/session1.spy/session1_someTag.<dataclass>.info

    See also
    syncopy.load : load data created with :func:``

    # Make sure `out` is a valid Syncopy data object
    data_parser(out, varname="out", writable=None, empty=False)

    if filename is None and container is None:
        raise SPYError('filename and container cannot both be `None`')

    if container is not None and filename is None:
        # construct filename from container name
        if not isinstance(container, str):
            raise SPYTypeError(container, varname="container", expected="str")
        if not os.path.splitext(container)[1] == ".spy":
            container += ".spy"
        fileInfo = filename_parser(container)
        filename = os.path.join(fileInfo["folder"], fileInfo["container"],
        # handle tag
        if tag is not None:
            if not isinstance(tag, str):
                raise SPYTypeError(tag, varname="tag", expected="str")
            filename += '_' + tag

    elif container is not None and filename is not None:
        raise SPYError(
            "container and filename cannot be used at the same time")

    if not isinstance(filename, str):
        raise SPYTypeError(filename, varname="filename", expected="str")

    # add extension if not part of the filename
    if "." not in os.path.splitext(filename)[1]:
        filename += out._classname_to_extension()

        scalar_parser(memuse, varname="memuse", lims=[0, np.inf])
    except Exception as exc:
        raise exc

    if not isinstance(overwrite, bool):
        raise SPYTypeError(overwrite, varname="overwrite", expected="bool")

    # Parse filename for validity and construct full path to HDF5 file
    fileInfo = filename_parser(filename)
    if fileInfo["extension"] != out._classname_to_extension():
        raise SPYError("""Extension in filename ({ext}) does not match data 
                    class ({dclass})""".format(ext=fileInfo["extension"],
    dataFile = os.path.join(fileInfo["folder"], fileInfo["filename"])

    # If `out` is to replace its own on-disk representation, be more careful
    if overwrite and dataFile == out.filename:
        replace = True
        replace = False

    # Prevent `out` from trying to re-create its own data file
    if replace:
        h5f =
        dat =
        trl = h5f["trialdefinition"]
        if not os.path.exists(fileInfo["folder"]):
            except IOError:
                raise SPYIOError(fileInfo["folder"])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            if os.path.exists(dataFile):
                if not os.path.isfile(dataFile):
                    raise SPYIOError(dataFile)
                if overwrite:
                        h5f = h5py.File(dataFile, mode="w")
                    except Exception as exc:
                        msg = "Cannot overwrite {} - file may still be open. "
                        msg += "Original error message below\n{}"
                        raise SPYError(msg.format(dataFile, str(exc)))
                    raise SPYIOError(dataFile, exists=True)
        h5f = h5py.File(dataFile, mode="w")

        # Save each member of `_hdfFileDatasetProperties` in target HDF file
        for datasetName in out._hdfFileDatasetProperties:
            dataset = getattr(out, datasetName)

            # Member is a memory map
            if isinstance(dataset, np.memmap):
                # Given memory cap, compute how many data blocks can be grabbed
                # per swipe (divide by 2 since we're working with an add'l tmp array)
                memuse *= 1024**2 / 2
                nrow = int(
                    memuse /
                    ([1:]) * dataset.dtype.itemsize))
                rem = int(dataset.shape[0] % nrow)
                n_blocks = [nrow] * int(
                    dataset.shape[0] // nrow) + [rem] * int(rem > 0)

                # Write data block-wise to dataset (use `clear` to wipe blocks of
                # mem-maps from memory)
                dat = h5f.create_dataset(datasetName,
                for m, M in enumerate(n_blocks):
                    dat[m * nrow:m * nrow +
                        M, :] =[m * nrow:m * nrow + M, :]

            # Member is a HDF5 dataset
                dat = h5f.create_dataset(datasetName, data=dataset)

    # Now write trial-related information
    trl_arr = np.array(out.trialdefinition)
    if replace:
        trl[()] = trl_arr
        trl = h5f.create_dataset("trialdefinition",
                                 maxshape=(None, trl_arr.shape[1]))

    # Write to log already here so that the entry can be exported to json
    infoFile = dataFile + FILE_EXT["info"]
    out.log = "Wrote files " + dataFile + "\n\t\t\t" + 2 * " " + infoFile

    # While we're at it, write cfg entries
    out.cfg = {
        "method": sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,
        "files": [dataFile, infoFile]

    # Assemble dict for JSON output: order things by their "readability"
    outDict = OrderedDict(startInfoDict)
    outDict["filename"] = fileInfo["filename"]
    outDict["dataclass"] = out.__class__.__name__
    outDict["data_dtype"] =
    outDict["data_shape"] = dat.shape
    outDict["data_offset"] =
    outDict["trl_dtype"] =
    outDict["trl_shape"] = trl.shape
    outDict["trl_offset"] =
    if isinstance(, np.ndarray):
        if np.isfortran(
            outDict["order"] = "F"
        outDict["order"] = "C"

    for key in out._infoFileProperties:
        value = getattr(out, key)
        if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
            value = value.tolist()
        # potentially nested dicts
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            value = dict(value)
        outDict[key] = value

    # Save relevant stuff as HDF5 attributes
    for key in out._hdfFileAttributeProperties:
        if outDict[key] is None:
            h5f.attrs[key] = "None"
                h5f.attrs[key] = outDict[key]
            except RuntimeError:
                msg = "Too many entries in `{}` - truncating HDF5 attribute. " +\
                    "Please refer to {} for complete listing."
                info_fle = os.path.split(
                info_fle = os.path.join(
                SPYWarning(msg.format(key, info_fle))
                h5f.attrs[key] = [outDict[key][0], "...", outDict[key][-1]]

    # Re-assign filename after saving (and remove source in case it came from `__storage__`)
    if not replace:
        if __storage__ in out.filename:
            os.unlink(out.filename) = dataFile

    # Compute checksum and finally write JSON (automatically overwrites existing)
    outDict["file_checksum"] = hash_file(dataFile)

    with open(infoFile, 'w') as out_json:
        json.dump(outDict, out_json, indent=4)

Exemple #15
def _prep_spectral_plots(self, name, **inputArgs):
    Local helper that performs sanity checks and sets up data selection
    self : :class:`~syncopy.SpectralData` object
        Syncopy :class:`~syncopy.SpectralData` object that is being processed by 
        the respective :meth:`.singlepanelplot` or :meth:`.multipanelplot` class methods
        defined in this module. 
    name : str
        Name of caller (i.e., "singlepanelplot" or "multipanelplot")
    inputArgs : dict
        Input arguments of caller (i.e., :meth:`.singlepanelplot` or :meth:`.multipanelplot`)
        collected in dictionary
    dimArrs : tuple
        Four-element tuple containing (in this order): `trList`, list of (selected) 
        trials to visualize, `chArr`, 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` of channel specifiers
        based on provided user selection, `freqArr`, 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` of 
        frequency specifiers based on provided user selection, `tpArr`, 
        1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` of taper specifiers based on provided user selection. 
        Note that `"all"` and `None` selections are converted to arrays ready for
    dimCounts : tuple
        Four-element tuple holding sizes of corresponding selection arrays comprised
        in `dimArrs`. Elements are (in this order): number of (selected) trials 
        `nTrials`, number of (selected) channels `nChan`, number of (selected) 
        frequencies `nFreq`, number of (selected) tapers `nTap`. 
    isTimeFrequency : bool
        If `True`, input object contains time-frequency data, `False` otherwise
    complexConversion : callable
        Lambda function that performs complex-to-float conversion of Fourier 
        coefficients (if necessary). 
    pltDtype : str or :class:`numpy.dtype`
        Numeric type of (potentially converted) complex Fourier coefficients. 
    dataLbl : str
        Caption for y-axis or colorbar (depending on value of `isTimeFrequency`). 
    This is an auxiliary method that is intended purely for internal use. Please
    refer to the user-exposed methods :func:`~syncopy.singlepanelplot` and/or
    :func:`~syncopy.multipanelplot` to actually generate plots of Syncopy data objects. 
    See also
    :meth:`syncopy.plotting.spy_plotting._prep_plots` : General basic input parsing for all Syncopy plotting routines

    # Basic sanity checks for all plotting routines w/any Syncopy object
    _prep_plots(self, name, **inputArgs)

    # Ensure our binary flags are actually binary
    if not isinstance(inputArgs["avg_channels"], bool):
        raise SPYTypeError(inputArgs["avg_channels"],
    if not isinstance(inputArgs["avg_tapers"], bool):
        raise SPYTypeError(inputArgs["avg_tapers"],
    if not isinstance(inputArgs.get("avg_trials", True), bool):
        raise SPYTypeError(inputArgs["avg_trials"],

    # Pass provided selections on to `Selector` class which performs error
    # checking and generates required indexing arrays
    self._selection = {
        "trials": inputArgs["trials"],
        "channels": inputArgs["channels"],
        "tapers": inputArgs["tapers"],
        "toilim": inputArgs["toilim"],
        "foilim": inputArgs["foilim"]

    # Ensure any optional keywords controlling plotting appearance make sense
    if inputArgs["title"] is not None:
        if not isinstance(inputArgs["title"], str):
            raise SPYTypeError(inputArgs["title"],
    if inputArgs["grid"] is not None:
        if not isinstance(inputArgs["grid"], bool):
            raise SPYTypeError(inputArgs["grid"],

    # Get trial/channel/taper count and collect quantities in tuple
    trList = self._selection.trials
    nTrials = len(trList)
    chArr =[]
    nChan = chArr.size
    freqArr = self.freq[self._selection.freq]
    nFreq = freqArr.size
    tpArr = np.arange(self.taper.size)[self._selection.taper]
    nTap = tpArr.size
    dimCounts = (nTrials, nChan, nFreq, nTap)
    dimArrs = (trList, chArr, freqArr, tpArr)

    # Determine whether we're dealing w/tf data
    isTimeFrequency = False
    if any([t.size > 1 for t in self.time]):
        isTimeFrequency = True

    # Ensure provided min/max range for plotting TF data makes sense
    vminmax = False
    if inputArgs.get("vmin", None) is not None:
            scalar_parser(inputArgs["vmin"], varname="vmin")
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        vminmax = True
    if inputArgs.get("vmax", None) is not None:
            scalar_parser(inputArgs["vmax"], varname="vmax")
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        vminmax = True
    if inputArgs.get("vmin", None) and inputArgs.get("vmax", None):
        if inputArgs["vmin"] >= inputArgs["vmax"]:
            lgl = "minimal data range bound to be less than provided maximum "
            act = "vmax < vmin"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="vmin/vamx", actual=act)
    if vminmax and not isTimeFrequency:
        msg = "`vmin` and `vmax` is only used for time-frequency visualizations"

    # Check for complex entries in data and set datatype for plotting arrays
    # constructed below (always use floats w/same precision as data)
    if "complex" in
        msg = "Found complex Fourier coefficients - visualization will use absolute values."
        complexConversion = lambda x: np.absolute(x).real
        pltDtype = "f{}".format(
        dataLbl = "Absolute Frequency [dB]"
        complexConversion = lambda x: x
        pltDtype =
        dataLbl = "Power [dB]"

    return dimArrs, dimCounts, isTimeFrequency, complexConversion, pltDtype, dataLbl
Exemple #16
def padding(data,
    Perform data padding on Syncopy object or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    **Usage Summary**
    Depending on the value of `pad` the following padding length specifications
    are supported:
    | `pad`      | `data`               | `padlength`   | `prepadlength`       | `postpadlength`      |
    | 'absolute' | Syncopy object/array | number        | `None`/`bool`        | `None`/`bool`        |
    | 'relative' | Syncopy object/array | number/`None` | number/`None`/`bool` | number/`None`/`bool` |
    | 'maxlen'   | Syncopy object       | `None`/`bool` | `None`/`bool`        | `None`/`bool`        |
    | 'nextpow2' | Syncopy object/array | `None`/`bool` | `None`/`bool`        | `None`/`bool`        |
    * `data` can be either a Syncopy object containing multiple trials or a
      :class:`numpy.ndarray` representing a single trial
    * (pre/post)padlength: can be either `None`, `True`/`False` or a positive
      number: if `True` indicates where to pad, e.g., by using ``pad =
      'maxlen'`` and  ``prepadlength = True``, `data` is padded at the beginning
      of each trial. **Only** if `pad` is 'relative' are scalar values supported
      for `prepadlength` and `postpadlength`
    * ``pad = 'absolute'``: pad to desired absolute length, e.g., by using ``pad
      = 5`` and ``unit = 'time'`` all trials are (if necessary) padded to 5s
      length. Here, `padlength` **has** to be provided, `prepadlength` and
      `postpadlength` can be `None` or `True`/`False`
    * ``pad = 'relative'``: pad by provided `padlength`, e.g., by using
      ``padlength = 20`` and ``unit = 'samples'``, 20 samples are padded
      symmetrically around (before and after) each trial. Use ``padlength = 20``
      and ``prepadlength = True`` **or** directly ``prepadlength = 20`` to pad
      before each trial. Here, at least one of `padlength`, `prepadlength` or
      `postpadlength` **has** to be provided. 
    * ``pad = 'maxlen'``: (only valid for **Syncopy objects**) pad up to maximal
      trial length found in `data`. All lengths have to be either Boolean
      indicating padding location or `None` (if all are `None`, symmetric
      padding is performed)
    * ``pad = 'nextpow2'``: pad each trial up to closest power of two. All
      lengths have to be either Boolean indicating padding location or `None`
      (if all are `None`, symmetric padding is performed)
    Full documentation below. 
    data : Syncopy object or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Non-empty Syncopy data object or array representing numeric data to be
        padded. **NOTE**: if `data` is a :class:`numpy.ndarray`, it is assumed
        that it represents recordings from only a single trial, where its first
        axis corresponds to time. In other words, `data` is a
        'time'-by-'channel' array such that its rows reflect samples and its
        columns represent channels. If `data` is a Syncopy object, trial
        information and dimensional order are fetched from `data.trials` and
        `data.dimord`, respectively. 
    padtype : str
        Padding value(s) to be used. Available options are:

        * 'zero' : pad using zeros
        * 'nan' : pad using `np.nan`'s
        * 'mean' : pad with by-channel mean value across each trial
        * 'localmean' : pad with by-channel mean value using only `padlength` or
          `prepadlength`/`postpadlength` number of boundary-entries for averaging
        * 'edge' : pad with trial-boundary values
        * 'mirror' : pad with reflections of trial-boundary values
    pad : str
        Padding mode to be used. Available options are:
        * 'absolute' : pad each trial to achieve a desired absolute length such
          that all trials have identical length post padding. If `pad` is `absolute`
          a `padlength` **has** to be provided, `prepadlength` and `postpadlength`
          may be `True` or `False`, respectively (see Examples for details).
        * 'relative' : pad each trial by provided `padlength` such that all trials
          are extended by the same amount regardless of their original lengths.
          If `pad` is `relative`, `prepadlength` and `postpadlength` can either 
          be specified directly (using numerical values) or implicitly by only
          providing `padlength` and setting `prepadlength` and `postpadlength`
          to `True` or `False`, respectively (see Examples for details). If `pad`
          is `relative` at least one of `padlength`, `prepadlength` or `postpadlength`
          **has** to be provided. 
        * 'maxlen' : only usable if `data` is a Syncopy object. If `pad` is
          'maxlen' all trials are padded to achieve the length of the longest
          trial in `data`, i.e., post padding, all trials have the same length, 
          which equals the size of the longest trial pre-padding. For 
          ``pad = 'maxlen'``, `padlength`, `prepadlength` as well as `postpadlength` 
          have to be either Boolean or `None` indicating the preferred padding 
          location (pre-trial, post-trial or symmetrically pre- and post-trial). 
          If all are `None`, symmetric padding is performed (see Examples for 
        * 'nextpow2' : pad each trial to achieve a length equals the closest power
          of two of its original length. For ``pad = 'nextpow2'``, `padlength`, 
          `prepadlength` as well as `postpadlength` have to be either Boolean
          or `None` indicating the preferred padding location (pre-trial, post-trial 
          or symmetrically pre- and post-trial). If all are `None`, symmetric 
          padding is performed (see Examples for details). 

    padlength : None, bool or positive scalar
        Length to be padded to `data` (if `padlength` is scalar-valued) or
        padding location (if `padlength` is Boolean). Depending on the value of
        `pad`, `padlength` can be used to pre-pend (if `padlength` is a positive
        number and `prepadlength` is `True`) or append trials (if `padlength` is
        a positive number and `postpadlength` is `True`). If neither
        `prepadlength` nor `postpadlength` are specified (i.e, both are `None`),
        symmetric pre- and post-trial padding is performed (i.e., ``0.5 * padlength``
        before and after each trial - note that odd sample counts are rounded downward
        to the nearest even integer). If ``unit = 'time'``, `padlength` is assumed 
        to be given in seconds, otherwise (``unit = 'samples'``), `padlength` is 
        interpreted as sample-count. Note that only ``pad = 'relative'`` and 
        ``pad = 'absolute'`` support numeric values of `padlength`. 
    prepadlength : None, bool or positive scalar
        Length to be pre-pended before each trial (if `prepadlength` is
        scalar-valued) or pre-padding flag (if `prepadlength` is `True`). If
        `prepadlength` is `True`, pre-padding length is either directly inferred
        from `padlength` or implicitly derived from chosen padding mode defined
        by `pad`. If ``unit = 'time'``, `prepadlength` is assumed to be given in
        seconds, otherwise (``unit = 'samples'``), `prepadlength` is interpreted
        as sample-count. Note that only ``pad = 'relative'`` supports numeric
        values of `prepadlength`. 
    postpadlength : None, bool or positive scalar
        Length to be appended after each trial (if `postpadlength` is
        scalar-valued) or post-padding flag (if `postpadlength` is `True`). If
        `postpadlength` is `True`, post-padding length is either directly inferred
        from `padlength` or implicitly derived from chosen padding mode defined
        by `pad`. If ``unit = 'time'``, `postpadlength` is assumed to be given in
        seconds, otherwise (``unit = 'samples'``), `postpadlength` is interpreted
        as sample-count. Note that only ``pad = 'relative'`` supports numeric
        values of `postpadlength`. 
    unit : str
        Unit of numerical values given by `padlength` and/or `prepadlength`
        and/or `postpadlength`. If ``unit = 'time'``, `padlength`,
        `prepadlength`, and `postpadlength` are assumed to be given in seconds,
        otherwise (``unit = 'samples'``), `padlength`, `prepadlength`, and
        `postpadlength` are interpreted as sample-counts. **Note** Providing
        padding lengths in seconds (i.e., ``unit = 'time'``) is only supported
        if `data` is a Syncopy object. 
    create_new : bool
        If `True`, a padded copy of the same type as `data` is returned (a
        :class:`numpy.ndarray` or Syncopy object). If `create_new` is `False`,
        either a single dictionary (if `data` is a :class:`numpy.ndarray`) or a
        ``len(data.trials)``-long list of dictionaries (if `data` is a Syncopy
        object) with all necessary options for performing the actual padding
        operation with :func:`numpy.pad` is returned.  
    pad_dict : dict, if `data` is a :class:`numpy.ndarray` and ``create_new = False``
        Dictionary whose items contain all necessary parameters for calling
        :func:`numpy.pad` to perform the desired padding operation on `data`. 
    pad_dicts : list, if `data` is a Syncopy object and ``create_new = False``
        List of dictionaries for calling :func:`numpy.pad` to perform the
        desired padding operation on all trials found in `data`. 
    out : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, if `data` is a :class:`numpy.ndarray` and ``create_new = True``
        Padded version (deep copy) of `data`
    out : Syncopy object, if `data` is a Syncopy object and ``create_new = True``
        Padded version (deep copy) of `data`
    This method emulates (and extends) FieldTrip's `ft_preproc_padding` by
    providing a convenience wrapper for NumPy's :func:`numpy.pad` that performs
    the actual heavy lifting. 
    Consider the following small array representing a toy-problem-trial of `ns` 
    samples across `nc` channels:
    >>> nc = 7; ns = 30
    >>> trl = np.random.randn(ns, nc)
    We start by padding a total of 10 zeros symmetrically to `trl`
    >>> padded = spy.padding(trl, 'zero', pad='relative', padlength=10)
    >>> padded[:6, :]
    array([[ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [-1.0866,  2.3358,  0.8758,  0.5196,  0.8049, -0.659 , -0.9173]])
    >>> padded[-6:, :]
    array([[ 0.027 ,  1.8069,  1.5249, -0.7953, -0.8933,  1.0202, -0.6862],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ]])
    >>> padded.shape
    (40, 7)
    Note that the above call is equivalent to
    >>> padded_ident = spy.padding(trl, 'zero', pad='relative', padlength=10, prepadlength=True, postpadlength=True)
    >>> np.array_equal(padded_ident, padded)
    >>> padded_ident = spy.padding(trl, 'zero', pad='relative', prepadlength=5, postpadlength=5)
    >>> np.array_equal(padded_ident, padded)
    >>> prepad = spy.padding(trl, 'nan', pad='relative', prepadlength=10)
    is the same as
    >>> prepad_ident = spy.padding(trl, 'nan', pad='relative', padlength=10, prepadlength=True)
    >>> np.allclose(prepad, prepad_ident, equal_nan=True)
    Define bogus trials on `trl` and create a dummy object with unit samplerate
    >>> tdf = np.vstack([np.arange(0, ns, 5),
                         np.arange(5, ns + 5, 5),
                         np.ones((int(ns / 5), )),
                         np.ones((int(ns / 5), )) * np.pi]).T
    >>> adata = spy.AnalogData(trl, trialdefinition=tdf, samplerate=1)

    Pad each trial to the closest power of two by appending by-trial channel 
    averages. However, do not perform actual padding, but only prepare dictionaries
    of parameters to be passed on to :func:`numpy.pad`
    >>> pad_dicts = spy.padding(adata, 'mean', pad='nextpow2', postpadlength=True, create_new=False)
    >>> len(pad_dicts) == len(adata.trials) 
    >>> pad_dicts[0]
    {'pad_width': array([[0, 3],
        [0, 0]]), 'mode': 'mean'}
    Similarly, the following call generates a list of dictionaries preparing 
    absolute padding by prepending zeros with :func:`numpy.pad`
    >>> pad_dicts = spy.padding(adata, 'zero', pad='absolute', padlength=10, prepadlength=True, create_new=False)
    >>> pad_dicts[0]
    {'pad_width': array([[5, 0],
        [0, 0]]), 'mode': 'constant', 'constant_values': 0}
    See also
    numpy.pad : fast array padding in NumPy

    # Detect whether input is data object or array-like
    if any(["BaseData" in str(base) for base in data.__class__.__mro__]):
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        timeAxis = data.dimord.index("time")
        spydata = True
    elif data.__class__.__name__ == "FauxTrial":
        if len(data.shape) != 2:
            lgl = "two-dimensional AnalogData trial segment"
            act = "{}-dimensional trial segment"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl,
        timeAxis = data.dimord.index("time")
        spydata = False
            array_parser(data, varname="data", dims=2)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exc
        timeAxis = 0
        spydata = False

    # FIXME: Creation of new spy-object currently not supported
    if not isinstance(create_new, bool):
        raise SPYTypeError(create_new, varname="create_new", expected="bool")
    if spydata and create_new:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Creation of padded spy objects currently not supported. ")

    # Use FT-compatible options (sans FT option 'remove')
    if not isinstance(padtype, str):
        raise SPYTypeError(padtype, varname="padtype", expected="string")
    options = ["zero", "nan", "mean", "localmean", "edge", "mirror"]
    if padtype not in options:
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in options)
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="padtype", actual=padtype)

    # Check `pad` and ensure we can actually perform the requested operation
    if not isinstance(pad, str):
        raise SPYTypeError(pad, varname="pad", expected="string")
    options = ["absolute", "relative", "maxlen", "nextpow2"]
    if pad not in options:
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in options)
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="pad", actual=pad)
    if pad == "maxlen" and not spydata:
        lgl = "syncopy data object when using option 'maxlen'"
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="pad", actual="maxlen")

    # Make sure a data object was provided if we're working with time values
    if not isinstance(unit, str):
        raise SPYTypeError(unit, varname="unit", expected="string")
    options = ["samples", "time"]
    if unit not in options:
        lgl = "'" + "or '".join(opt + "' " for opt in options)
        raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl, varname="unit", actual=unit)
    if unit == "time" and not spydata:
        raise SPYValueError(
            legal="syncopy data object when using option 'time'",

    # Set up dictionary for type-checking of provided padding lengths
    nt_dict = {"samples": "int_like", "time": None}

    # If we're padding up to an absolute bound or the max. length across
    # trials, compute lower bound for padding (in samples or seconds)
    if pad in ["absolute", "maxlen"]:
        if spydata:
            maxTrialLen = np.diff(data.sampleinfo).max()
            maxTrialLen = data.shape[
                timeAxis]  # if `pad="absolute" and data is array
        maxTrialLen = np.inf
    if unit == "time":
        padlim = maxTrialLen / data.samplerate
        padlim = maxTrialLen

    # To ease option processing, collect padding length keywords in dict
    plengths = {
        "padlength": padlength,
        "prepadlength": prepadlength,
        "postpadlength": postpadlength

    # In case of relative padding, we need at least one scalar value to proceed
    if pad == "relative":

        # If `padlength = None`, pre- or post- need to be set; if `padlength`
        # is set, both pre- and post- need to be `None` or `True`/`False`.
        # After this code block, pre- and post- are guaranteed to be numeric.
        if padlength is None:
            for key in ["prepadlength", "postpadlength"]:
                if plengths[key] is not None:
                                      lims=[0, np.inf])
                    except Exception as exc:
                        raise exc
                    plengths[key] = 0
                              lims=[0, np.inf])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            for key in ["prepadlength", "postpadlength"]:
                if not isinstance(plengths[key], (bool, type(None))):
                    raise SPYTypeError(plengths[key],
                                       expected="bool or None")

            if prepadlength is None and postpadlength is None:
                prepadlength = True
                postpadlength = True
                prepadlength = prepadlength is not None
                postpadlength = postpadlength is not None

            if prepadlength and postpadlength:
                plengths["prepadlength"] = padlength / 2
                plengths["postpadlength"] = padlength / 2
                plengths["prepadlength"] = prepadlength * padlength
                plengths["postpadlength"] = postpadlength * padlength

        # Under-determined: abort if requested padding length is 0
        if all(value == 0 for value in plengths.values() if value is not None):
            lgl = "either non-zero value of `padlength` or `prepadlength` " + \
                  "and/or `postpadlength` to be set"
            raise SPYValueError(legal=lgl,


        # For absolute padding, the desired length has to be >= max. trial length
        if pad == "absolute":
                              lims=[padlim, np.inf])
            except Exception as exc:
                raise exc
            for key in ["prepadlength", "postpadlength"]:
                if not isinstance(plengths[key], (bool, type(None))):
                    raise SPYTypeError(plengths[key],
                                       expected="bool or None")

        # For `maxlen` or `nextpow2` we don't want any numeric entries at all
            for key, value in plengths.items():
                if not isinstance(value, (bool, type(None))):
                    raise SPYTypeError(value,
                                       expected="bool or None")

            # Warn of potential conflicts
            if padlength and (prepadlength or postpadlength):
                msg = "Found `padlength` and `prepadlength` and/or " +\
                    "`postpadlength`. Symmetric padding is performed. "

        # If both pre-/post- are `None`, set them to `True` to use symmetric
        # padding, otherwise convert `None` entries to `False`
        if prepadlength is None and postpadlength is None:
            plengths["prepadlength"] = True
            plengths["postpadlength"] = True
            plengths["prepadlength"] = plengths["prepadlength"] is not None
            plengths["postpadlength"] = plengths["postpadlength"] is not None

    # Update pre-/post-padding and (if required) convert time to samples
    prepadlength = plengths["prepadlength"]
    postpadlength = plengths["postpadlength"]
    if unit == "time":
        if pad == "relative":
            prepadlength = int(prepadlength * data.samplerate)
            postpadlength = int(postpadlength * data.samplerate)
        elif pad == "absolute":
            padlength = int(padlength * data.samplerate)

    # Construct dict of keywords for ``np.pad`` depending on chosen `padtype`
    kws = {
        "zero": {
            "mode": "constant",
            "constant_values": 0
        "nan": {
            "mode": "constant",
            "constant_values": np.nan
        "localmean": {
            "mode": "mean",
            "stat_length": -1
        "mean": {
            "mode": "mean"
        "edge": {
            "mode": "edge"
        "mirror": {
            "mode": "reflect"

    # If in put was syncopy data object, padding is done on a per-trial basis
    if spydata:

        # A list of input keywords for ``np.pad`` is constructed, no matter if
        # we actually want to build a new object or not
        pad_opts = []
        for trl in data.trials:
            nSamples = trl.shape[timeAxis]
            if pad == "absolute":
                padding = (padlength - nSamples) / (prepadlength +
            elif pad == "relative":
                padding = True
            elif pad == "maxlen":
                padding = (maxTrialLen - nSamples) / (prepadlength +
            elif pad == "nextpow2":
                padding = (_nextpow2(nSamples) - nSamples) / (prepadlength +
            pw = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=int)
            pw[timeAxis, :] = [prepadlength * padding, postpadlength * padding]
            pad_opts.append(dict({"pad_width": pw}, **kws[padtype]))
            if padtype == "localmean":
                pad_opts[-1]["stat_length"] = pw[timeAxis, :]

        if create_new:
            return pad_opts

    # Input was a array/FauxTrial (i.e., single trial) - we have to do the padding just once

        nSamples = data.shape[timeAxis]
        if pad == "absolute":
            padding = (padlength - nSamples) / (prepadlength + postpadlength)
        elif pad == "relative":
            padding = True
        elif pad == "nextpow2":
            padding = (_nextpow2(nSamples) - nSamples) / (prepadlength +
        pw = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=int)
        pw[timeAxis, :] = [prepadlength * padding, postpadlength * padding]
        pad_opts = dict({"pad_width": pw}, **kws[padtype])
        if padtype == "localmean":
            pad_opts["stat_length"] = pw[timeAxis, :]

        if create_new:
            if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                return np.pad(data, **pad_opts)
            else:  # FIXME: currently only supports FauxTrial
                shp = list(data.shape)
                shp[timeAxis] += pw[timeAxis, :].sum()
                idx = list(data.idx)
                if isinstance(idx[timeAxis], slice):
                    idx[timeAxis] = slice(idx[timeAxis].start,
                                          idx[timeAxis].start + shp[timeAxis])
                    idx[timeAxis] = pw[timeAxis, 0] * [idx[timeAxis][0]] + idx[timeAxis] \
                                    + pw[timeAxis, 1] * [idx[timeAxis][-1]]
                return data.__class__(shp, idx, data.dtype, data.dimord)
            return pad_opts
 def test_none(self):
     with pytest.raises(SPYTypeError):
                       lims=[10, 1000])
 def test_complex_invalid(self):
     value = complex(2, -1)
     with pytest.raises(SPYValueError):
         scalar_parser(value, lims=[-3, 1])
 def test_complex_valid(self):
     value = complex(2, -1)
     scalar_parser(value, lims=[-3, 5])  # valid