Exemple #1
def print_type(thy, T):
    def helper(T):
        if T.ty == HOLType.TVAR:
            return TV("'" + T.name)
        elif T.ty == HOLType.TYPE:
            if len(T.args) == 0:
                return N(T.name)
            elif len(T.args) == 1:
                # Insert parenthesis if the single argument is a function.
                if HOLType.is_fun(T.args[0]):
                    return N("(") + helper(T.args[0]) + N(") " + T.name)
                    return helper(T.args[0]) + N(" " + T.name)
            elif HOLType.is_fun(T):
                # 'a => 'b => 'c associates to the right. So parenthesis is
                # needed to express ('a => 'b) => 'c.
                fun_str = N(" ⇒ ") if settings.unicode() else N(" => ")
                if HOLType.is_fun(T.args[0]):
                    return N("(") + helper(
                        T.args[0]) + N(")") + fun_str + helper(T.args[1])
                    return helper(T.args[0]) + fun_str + helper(T.args[1])
                return N("(") + commas_join(helper(t)
                                            for t in T.args) + N(") " + T.name)
            raise TypeError()

    res = helper(T)
    if settings.highlight():
        res = optimize_highlight(res)
    return res
Exemple #2
def commas_join(strs):
    """Given a list of output (with or without highlight), join them with
    commas, adding commas with normal color in the highlight case.

    strs = list(strs)  # convert possible generator to concrete list
    if settings.highlight():
        if strs:
            res = strs[0]
            for s in strs[1:]:
                res.append((', ', 0))
                res = res + s
            return res
            return []
        return ', '.join(strs)
Exemple #3
def export_proof_item(thy, item):
    """Export the given proof item as a dictionary."""
    str_th = print_term(thy, item.th.prop) if item.th else ""
    str_args = print_str_args(thy, item.rule, item.args)
    res = {
        'id': proof.print_id(item.id),
        'th': str_th,
        'rule': item.rule,
        'args': str_args,
        'prevs': [proof.print_id(prev) for prev in item.prevs]
    if settings.highlight():
        res['th_raw'] = print_thm(thy, item.th,
                                  highlight=False) if item.th else ""
        res['args_raw'] = print_str_args(thy, '', item.args, highlight=False)
    if item.subproof:
        return [res] + sum(
            [export_proof_item(thy, i) for i in item.subproof.items], [])
        return [res]
Exemple #4
def print_str_args(thy, rule, args):
    def str_val(val):
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            items = sorted(val.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[0])
            return N('{') + commas_join(
                N(key + ': ') + str_val(val) for key, val in items) + N('}')
        elif isinstance(val, Term):
            return print_term(thy, val)
        elif isinstance(val, HOLType):
            return print_type(thy, val)
            return N(str(val))

    # Print var :: T for variables
    if rule == 'variable':
        return N(args[0] + ' :: ') + str_val(args[1])

    if isinstance(args, tuple):
        return commas_join(str_val(val) for val in args)
    elif args:
        return str_val(args)
        return [] if settings.highlight() else ""
Exemple #5
def TV(s):
    return [(s, 3)] if settings.highlight() else s
Exemple #6
def V(s):
    return [(s, 2)] if settings.highlight() else s
Exemple #7
def B(s):
    return [(s, 1)] if settings.highlight() else s
Exemple #8
def N(s):
    return [(s, 0)] if settings.highlight() else s
Exemple #9
def print_term(thy, t):
    """More sophisticated printing function for terms. Handles printing
    of operators.
    Note we do not yet handle name collisions in lambda terms.

    def get_info_for_operator(t):
        return thy.get_data("operator").get_info_for_fun(t.head)

    def get_priority(t):
        if nat.is_binary(t) or hol_list.is_literal_list(t):
            return 100  # Nat atom case
        elif t.is_comb():
            op_data = get_info_for_operator(t)
            if op_data is not None:
                return op_data.priority
            elif t.is_all() or logic.is_exists(t) or logic.is_if(t):
                return 10
                return 95  # Function application
        elif t.is_abs():
            return 10
            return 100  # Atom case

    def helper(t, bd_vars):
        LEFT, RIGHT = OperatorData.LEFT_ASSOC, OperatorData.RIGHT_ASSOC

        # Some special cases:
        # Natural numbers:
        if nat.is_binary(t):
            return N(str(nat.from_binary(t)))

        if hol_list.is_literal_list(t):
            items = hol_list.dest_literal_list(t)
            res = N('[') + commas_join(
                helper(item, bd_vars) for item in items) + N(']')
            if hasattr(t, "print_type"):
                return N("(") + res + N("::") + print_type(thy, t.T) + N(")")
                return res

        if set.is_literal_set(t):
            empty_set = "∅" if settings.unicode() else "{}"
            if hasattr(t, "print_type"):
                return N("(") + N(empty_set) + N("::") + print_type(
                    thy, t.T) + N(")")
                return N(empty_set)

        if logic.is_if(t):
            P, x, y = t.args
            return N("if ") + helper(P, bd_vars) + N(" then ") + helper(x, bd_vars) + \
                   N(" else ") + helper(y, bd_vars)

        if t.is_var():
            return V(t.name)

        elif t.is_const():
            if hasattr(t, "print_type") and t.print_type:
                return N("(" + t.name + "::") + print_type(thy, t.T) + N(")")
                return N(t.name)

        elif t.is_comb():
            op_data = get_info_for_operator(t)
            # First, we take care of the case of operators
            if op_data and op_data.arity == OperatorData.BINARY and t.is_binop(
                arg1, arg2 = t.args

                # Obtain output for first argument, enclose in parenthesis
                # if necessary.
                if (op_data.assoc == LEFT
                        and get_priority(arg1) < op_data.priority
                        or op_data.assoc == RIGHT
                        and get_priority(arg1) <= op_data.priority):
                    str_arg1 = N("(") + helper(arg1, bd_vars) + N(")")
                    str_arg1 = helper(arg1, bd_vars)

                if settings.unicode() and op_data.unicode_op:
                    str_op = N(' ' + op_data.unicode_op + ' ')
                    str_op = N(' ' + op_data.ascii_op + ' ')

                # Obtain output for second argument, enclose in parenthesis
                # if necessary.
                if (op_data.assoc == LEFT
                        and get_priority(arg2) <= op_data.priority
                        or op_data.assoc == RIGHT
                        and get_priority(arg2) < op_data.priority):
                    str_arg2 = N("(") + helper(arg2, bd_vars) + N(")")
                    str_arg2 = helper(arg2, bd_vars)

                return str_arg1 + str_op + str_arg2

            # Unary case
            elif op_data and op_data.arity == OperatorData.UNARY:
                if settings.unicode() and op_data.unicode_op:
                    str_op = N(op_data.unicode_op)
                    str_op = N(op_data.ascii_op)

                if get_priority(t.arg) < op_data.priority:
                    str_arg = N("(") + helper(t.arg, bd_vars) + N(")")
                    str_arg = helper(t.arg, bd_vars)

                return str_op + str_arg

            # Next, the case of binders
            elif t.is_all():
                all_str = "!" if not settings.unicode() else "∀"
                if hasattr(t.arg, "print_type"):
                    var_str = B(t.arg.var_name) + N("::") + print_type(
                        thy, t.arg.var_T)
                    var_str = B(t.arg.var_name)
                body_repr = helper(t.arg.body, [t.arg.var_name] + bd_vars)

                return N(all_str) + var_str + N(". ") + body_repr

            elif logic.is_exists(t):
                exists_str = "?" if not settings.unicode() else "∃"
                if hasattr(t.arg, "print_type"):
                    var_str = B(t.arg.var_name) + N("::") + print_type(
                        thy, t.arg.var_T)
                    var_str = B(t.arg.var_name)
                body_repr = helper(t.arg.body, [t.arg.var_name] + bd_vars)

                return N(exists_str) + var_str + N(". ") + body_repr

            # Function update
            elif function.is_fun_upd(t):
                f, upds = function.strip_fun_upd(t)
                upd_strs = [
                    helper(a, bd_vars) + N(" := ") + helper(b, bd_vars)
                    for a, b in upds
                return N("(") + helper(
                    f, bd_vars) + N(")(") + commas_join(upd_strs) + N(")")

            # Finally, usual function application
                if get_priority(t.fun) < 95:
                    str_fun = N("(") + helper(t.fun, bd_vars) + N(")")
                    str_fun = helper(t.fun, bd_vars)
                if get_priority(t.arg) <= 95:
                    str_arg = N("(") + helper(t.arg, bd_vars) + N(")")
                    str_arg = helper(t.arg, bd_vars)
                return str_fun + N(" ") + str_arg

        elif t.is_abs():
            lambda_str = "%" if not settings.unicode() else "λ"
            if hasattr(t, "print_type"):
                var_str = B(t.var_name) + N("::") + print_type(thy, t.var_T)
                var_str = B(t.var_name)
            body_repr = helper(t.body, [t.var_name] + bd_vars)
            return N(lambda_str) + var_str + N(". ") + body_repr

        elif t.is_bound():
            if t.n >= len(bd_vars):
                raise OpenTermException
                return B(bd_vars[t.n])
            raise TypeError()

    t = copy(t)  # make copy here, because infer_printed_type may change t.
    infertype.infer_printed_type(thy, t)

    res = helper(t, [])
    if settings.highlight():
        res = optimize_highlight(res)
    return res