def UpdateFields(self): """Update document fields based on the currently selected document in the editor. @postcondition: encoding and lexer fields are updated @todo: update when readonly hooks are implemented """ nb = self.GetParent().GetNotebook() if nb is None: return try: cbuff = nb.GetCurrentCtrl() doc = cbuff.GetDocument() wx.CallAfter(self.__SetStatusText, doc.GetEncoding(), ed_glob.SB_ENCODING) wx.CallAfter(self.__SetStatusText, GetFtypeDisplayName(cbuff.GetLangId()), ed_glob.SB_LEXER) # pstatbar.ProgressStatusBar.SetStatusText(self, # , # ed_glob.SB_READONLY) except wx.PyDeadObjectError: # May be called asyncronasly after the control is already dead return
def UpdateFields(self): """Update document fields based on the currently selected document in the editor. @postcondition: encoding and lexer fields are updated @todo: update when readonly hooks are implemented """ nb = self.GetParent().GetNotebook() if nb is None: return try: cbuff = nb.GetCurrentCtrl() doc = cbuff.GetDocument() wx.CallAfter(self.__SetStatusText, doc.GetEncoding(), ed_glob.SB_ENCODING) wx.CallAfter(self.__SetStatusText, GetFtypeDisplayName(cbuff.GetLangId()), ed_glob.SB_LEXER) eol = { u"CR", u"LF", u"CRLF" } wx.CallAfter(self.__SetStatusText, eol[cbuff.GetEOLMode()], ed_glob.SB_EOL) except wx.PyDeadObjectError: # May be called asyncronasly after the control is already dead return
def UpdateFields(self): """Update document fields based on the currently selected document in the editor. @postcondition: encoding and lexer fields are updated @todo: update when readonly hooks are implemented """ nb = self.GetParent().GetNotebook() if nb is None: return cbuff = nb.GetCurrentCtrl() doc = cbuff.GetDocument() pstatbar.ProgressStatusBar.SetStatusText(self, doc.GetEncoding(), ed_glob.SB_ENCODING) pstatbar.ProgressStatusBar.SetStatusText( self, GetFtypeDisplayName(cbuff.GetLangId()), ed_glob.SB_LEXER) # pstatbar.ProgressStatusBar.SetStatusText(self, # , # ed_glob.SB_READONLY) self.AdjustFieldWidths()