Exemple #1
    def test_get_next_time(self):
        n = 100
        ps = 100 * q.mm
        psm = ps.simplified.magnitude
        p = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
        sin = np.sin(p) * 1e-3
        cos = np.cos(p) * 1e-3
        zeros = np.zeros(n)

        traj_m_0 = Trajectory(zip(p * 1e-3, zeros, zeros) * q.m,
                              velocity=1 * q.mm / q.s)
        traj_m_1 = Trajectory([(0, 0, 0)] * q.m)
        ball_0 = MetaBall(traj_m_0, .5 * q.m)
        ball_1 = MetaBall(traj_m_1, .5 * q.m)
        traj = Trajectory(zip(cos, sin, zeros) * q.m, velocity=1 * q.mm / q.s)
        comp = CompositeBody(traj, bodies=[ball_0, ball_1])
        dt = comp.get_maximum_dt(ps)

        # Normal trajectories
        # Test the beginning, middle and end because of time complexity
        for t_0 in [0 * q.s, comp.time / 2, comp.time - 10 * dt]:
            t_1 = comp.get_next_time(t_0, ps)

            d = comp.get_distance(t_0, t_1).simplified.magnitude
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(psm, d)

        # Trajectories which sum up to no movement
        traj_m = Trajectory(zip(zeros, -p, zeros) * q.m,
                            velocity=1 * q.mm / q.s)
        ball = MetaBall(traj_m, .5 * q.m)
        traj = Trajectory(zip(p, zeros, zeros) * q.m, velocity=1 * q.mm / q.s)
        comp = CompositeBody(traj, bodies=[ball])

        self.assertEqual(np.inf * q.s, comp.get_next_time(0 * q.s, ps))
Exemple #2
 def test_static_composite(self):
     ps = 1 * q.um
     traj = Trajectory([(0, 0, 0)] * q.m)
     mb_0 = MetaBall(traj, 10 * q.um)
     mb_1 = MetaBall(traj, 10 * q.um)
     comp = CompositeBody(traj, bodies=[mb_0, mb_1])
     self.assertEqual(np.inf * q.s, comp.get_next_time(0 * q.s, ps))
Exemple #3
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    n = 256
    shape = (n, n)
    ps = 1 * q.um
    num_projections = None
    cube_edge = n / 4 * ps
    fmt = os.path.join(args.output, "projection_{:04}.tif")

    x = np.linspace(n // 4 + n // 8, 3 * n // 4 + n // 8, num=10)
    y = z = np.zeros(x.shape)
    cube_0 = make_cube_body(n, ps, cube_edge)
    cube_1 = make_cube_body(n, ps, cube_edge, phase_shift=np.pi * q.rad)
    # Vertical motion component has such velocity that the cubes are displaced by their edge length
    # 1 pixel for making sure we have one "complete" sinogram
    velocity = (cube_edge - ps) / cube_0.trajectory.time
    traj_y = geom.Trajectory(list(zip(y, x, z)) * ps,
    composite = CompositeBody(traj_y, bodies=[cube_0, cube_1])
    # Total time is the rotation time because we want one tomographic data set
    total_time = cube_0.trajectory.time

    dt = composite.get_next_time(0 * q.s, ps)
    if num_projections is None:
        num_projections = int(np.ceil((total_time / dt).simplified.magnitude))

    print("              num_projs:", num_projections)
    print("          rotation time:", cube_0.trajectory.time)
    print("   vertical motion time:", traj_y.time)
    print("        simulation time:", total_time)

    for i in range(num_projections):
        t = total_time / num_projections * i
        projection = composite.project(shape, ps).get()
        imageio.imwrite(fmt.format(i), projection)

Exemple #4
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    n = 256
    shape = (n, n)
    ps = 1 * q.um
    num_projections = None
    cube_edge = n / 4 * ps
    fmt = os.path.join(args.output, 'projection_{:04}.tif')

    x = np.linspace(n / 4 + n / 8, 3 * n / 4 + n / 8, num=10)
    y = z = np.zeros(x.shape)
    cube_0 = make_cube_body(n, ps, cube_edge)
    cube_1 = make_cube_body(n, ps, cube_edge, phase_shift=np.pi * q.rad)
    # Vertical motion component has such velocity that the cubes are displaced by their edge length
    # 1 pixel for making sure we have one "complete" sinogram
    velocity = (cube_edge - ps) / cube_0.trajectory.time
    traj_y = geom.Trajectory(zip(y, x, z) * ps, pixel_size=ps, velocity=velocity)
    composite = CompositeBody(traj_y, bodies=[cube_0, cube_1])
    # Total time is the rotation time because we want one tomographic data set
    total_time = cube_0.trajectory.time

    dt = composite.get_next_time(0 * q.s, ps)
    if num_projections is None:
        num_projections = int(np.ceil((total_time / dt).simplified.magnitude))

    print '              num_projs:', num_projections
    print '          rotation time:', cube_0.trajectory.time
    print '   vertical motion time:', traj_y.time
    print '        simulation time:', total_time

    for i in range(num_projections):
        t = total_time / num_projections * i
        projection = composite.project(shape, ps).get()
        tifffile.imsave(fmt.format(i), projection)
