Exemple #1
def _config_check():
    from message import Messager

    from sys import path
    from copy import deepcopy
    from os.path import dirname
    # Reset the path to force config.py to be in the root (could be hacked
    #       using __init__.py, but we can be monkey-patched anyway)
    orig_path = deepcopy(path)
    # Can't you empty in O(1) instead of O(N)?
    while path:
    path.append(path_join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), '../..'))
    # Check if we have a config, otherwise whine
        import config
        del config
    except ImportError, e:
        # "Prettiest" way to check specific failure
        if e.message == 'No module named config':
            Messager.error(_miss_config_msg(), duration=-1)
            Messager.error(_get_stack_trace(), duration=-1)
        raise ConfigurationError
Exemple #2
def _build_mod_list(
        mod_path: list[str], suffix: str,
        blacklist: list[str]) -> Generator[tuple[str, str], None, None]:
    """Build a list of modules.

    Add all the paths in mod_path to sys.path and return a list of all modules
    in sys.path ending in suffix.
    from sys import path as sys_path

    mod_path = [mod_path] if type(mod_path) is str else mod_path
    blacklist = [blacklist] if type(blacklist) is str else blacklist

    # Add suffix to all names in blacklist.
        [f"{name}{suffix}" for name in blacklist if not name.endswith(suffix)])

    # Add the path of this file to the search path.

    # Add the path(s) in mod_path to sys.path so we can import from
    # them.
    for path in mod_path:
        if path not in sys_path:
            sys_path.extend((path, dirname(path.rstrip('/'))))

    def isdir_list(path: str) -> list[str]:
        """Return a list of files from path if path is a directory."""
        return listdir(path) if isdir(path) else []

    # Return a genorator list of modules ending in suffix in the mod_path(s).
    return ((path, name) for path in sys_path for name in isdir_list(path)
            if name not in blacklist and name.endswith(suffix))
Exemple #3
def _config_check():
    from message import Messager
    from sys import path
    from copy import deepcopy
    from os.path import dirname
    # Reset the path to force config.py to be in the root (could be hacked
    #       using __init__.py, but we can be monkey-patched anyway)
    orig_path = deepcopy(path)
    # Can't you empty in O(1) instead of O(N)?
    while path:
    path.append(path_join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), '../..'))
    # Check if we have a config, otherwise whine
        import config
        del config
    except ImportError, e:
        # "Prettiest" way to check specific failure
        if e.message == 'No module named config':
            Messager.error(_miss_config_msg(), duration=-1)
            Messager.error(_get_stack_trace(), duration=-1)
        raise ConfigurationError
def CT_Init():
    """creat a new calltips windows"""

    global helpBuffer
    vim.command('silent botright new Python_CallTips_Windows')
    vim.command('set buftype=nofile')
    vim.command('set nonumber')
    vim.command('resize 5')
    vim.command('set noswapfile')
    helpBuffer = vim.current.buffer
    vim.command('wincmd p')   #switch back window
    from sys import path
    path.extend(['.','..'])  #add current path and parent path
def CT_Init():
    """creat a new calltips windows"""

    global helpBuffer
    vim.command('silent botright new Python_CallTips')
    vim.command('set buftype=nofile')
    vim.command('set nonumber')
    vim.command('resize 5')
    vim.command('set noswapfile')
    helpBuffer = vim.current.buffer
    vim.command('wincmd p')   #switch back window
    vim.command('autocmd CursorHold *.py python CT_ImportObject()')
    vim.command('set updatetime=5000')
    from sys import path
    path.extend(['.','..'])  #add current path and parent path
Exemple #6
def _build_mod_list(mod_path: list, suffix: str, blacklist: list) -> list:
    """ _build_mod_list(mod_path, suffix) -> Add all the paths in mod_path to
    sys.path and return a list of all modules in sys.path ending in suffix.


    from sys import path as sys_path

    mod_path = [mod_path] if type(mod_path) is str else mod_path
    blacklist = [blacklist] if type(blacklist) is str else blacklist

    # Add suffix to all names in blacklist.
    blacklist.extend(["%s%s" % (name, suffix) for name in blacklist if not name.endswith(suffix)])

    # Add the path of this file to the search path.

    # Add the path(s) in mod_path to sys.path so we can import from
    # them.
    [sys_path.extend((path, os_dirname(path.rstrip("/")))) for path in mod_path if path not in sys_path]

    # Build the list of modules ending in suffix in the mod_path(s).
    mod_list = (
        (path, name)
        for path in sys_path
        if os_isdir(path)
        for name in os_listdir(path)
        if name.endswith(suffix) and name not in blacklist

    return mod_list
Exemple #7
def _build_mod_list(mod_path, suffix, blacklist):
    """ _build_mod_list(mod_path, suffix) -> Add all the paths in mod_path to
    sys.path and return a list of all modules in sys.path ending in suffix.


    from sys import path as sys_path

    mod_path = [mod_path] if type(mod_path) is str else mod_path
    blacklist = [blacklist] if type(blacklist) is str else blacklist

    # Add suffix to all names in blacklist.
        '%s%s' % (name, suffix) for name in blacklist
        if not name.endswith(suffix)

    # Add the path of this file to the search path.

    # Add the path(s) in mod_path to sys.path so we can import from
    # them.
        sys_path.extend((path, os_dirname(path.rstrip('/'))))
        for path in mod_path if path not in sys_path

    # Build the list of modules ending in suffix in the mod_path(s).
    mod_list = ((path, name) for path in sys_path if os_isdir(path)
                for name in os_listdir(path)
                if name.endswith(suffix) and name not in blacklist)

    return mod_list
Exemple #8
def _config_check():
    from message import Messager

    from sys import path
    from copy import deepcopy
    from os.path import dirname
    # Reset the path to force config.py to be in the root (could be hacked
    #       using __init__.py, but we can be monkey-patched anyway)
    orig_path = deepcopy(path)

        # Can't you empty in O(1) instead of O(N)?
        while path:
        path.append(path_join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), '../..'))
        # Check if we have a config, otherwise whine
            import config
            del config
        except ImportError as e:
            # "Prettiest" way to check specific failure
            if e.message == 'No module named config':
                Messager.error(_miss_config_msg(), duration=-1)
                Messager.error(_get_stack_trace(), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
        # Try importing the config entries we need
            from config import DEBUG
        except ImportError:
            Messager.error(_miss_var_msg('DEBUG'), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
            from config import ADMIN_CONTACT_EMAIL
        except ImportError:
            Messager.error(_miss_var_msg('ADMIN_CONTACT_EMAIL'), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
        # Remove our entry to the path
        while path:
        # Then restore it
Exemple #9
def _config_check():
    from message import Messager

    from sys import path
    from copy import deepcopy
    from os.path import dirname
    # Reset the path to force config.py to be in the root (could be hacked
    #       using __init__.py, but we can be monkey-patched anyway)
    orig_path = deepcopy(path)

        # Can't you empty in O(1) instead of O(N)?
        while path:
        path.append(path_join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), '../..'))
        # Check if we have a config, otherwise whine
            import config
            del config
        except ImportError as e:
            # "Prettiest" way to check specific failure
            if e.message == 'No module named config':
                Messager.error(_miss_config_msg(), duration=-1)
                Messager.error(_get_stack_trace(), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
        # Try importing the config entries we need
            from config import DEBUG
        except ImportError:
            Messager.error(_miss_var_msg('DEBUG'), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
            from config import ADMIN_CONTACT_EMAIL
        except ImportError:
            Messager.error(_miss_var_msg('ADMIN_CONTACT_EMAIL'), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
        # Remove our entry to the path
        while path:
        # Then restore it
Exemple #10
Example solution for
batch processing LVIS

# set up path to packages
from sys import path
from os import getenv
homeDir = getenv("HOME")
path.extend(["%s/src/pprs_lvis/lvis" % homeDir])

# import functions
from lvisHandler import *

# get a list of all LVIS data using the os package
import os

direc = '/geos/netdata/avtrain/data/3d/pprs_waveform/lvis/'
fileList = os.listdir(direc)

# read first file to set up arrays
filename = direc + fileList[0]
waves, lon, lat, nWaves, nBins, z, lfid, lShot = readLVIS(filename)

# loop over all files and use the appendLVIS function.
for namen in fileList[1:]:
    filename = direc + namen
    waves, lon, lat, nWaves, nBins, z, lfid, lShot = appendLVIS(
        filename, waves, lon, lat, nWaves, nBins, z, lfid, lShot)

# the waves array now contains all the data from all files
Exemple #11
    assert abs(a.ediff - 2e-5) < 1e-8
    assert abs(a.ediffg - 2e-4) < 1e-8
    assert a.lorbit == 0
    assert abs(a.nupdown + 1.0) < 1e-8
    assert a.lmaxmix == 4
    assert abs(a.valence - 8.0) < 1e-8
    assert a.nonscf == False
    assert a.lwave == False
    assert a.lcharg
    assert a.lvtot == False
    assert a.nelm == 60
    assert a.nelmin == 2
    assert a.nelmdl == -5
    assert all(abs(a.kpoints - array([[0.25, 0.25, 0.25], [0.75, -0.25, -0.25]])) < 1e-8)
    assert all(abs(a.multiplicity - [96.0, 288.0]) < 1e-8)
    pylada.verbose_representation = True

# assert repr(a.functional) == "from pylada.vasp.functional import Vasp\nfrom pylada.vasp.specie import Specie\nfunctional = Vasp()\nfunctional.addgrid              = None\nfunctional.algo                 = 'Fast'\nfunctional.ediff                = 1e-05\nfunctional.ediffg               = None\nfunctional.encut                = 1\nfunctional.encutgw              = None\nfunctional.extraelectron        = 0\nfunctional.fftgrid              = None\nfunctional.ispin                = 1\nfunctional.istart               = None\nfunctional.isym                 = None\nfunctional.kpoints              = 'Automatic generation\\n0\\nMonkhorst\\n2 2 2\\n0 0 0'\nfunctional.lcharg               = True\nfunctional.lmaxfockae           = None\nfunctional.lmaxmix              = 4\nfunctional.loptics              = False\nfunctional.lorbit               = None\nfunctional.lpead                = False\nfunctional.lrpa                 = False\nfunctional.lvtot                = False\nfunctional.lwave                = False\nfunctional.magmom               = True\nfunctional.nbands               = None\nfunctional.nelm                 = None\nfunctional.nelmdl               = None\nfunctional.nelmin               = None\nfunctional.nomega               = None\nfunctional.nonscf               = False\nfunctional.npar                 = None\nfunctional.nupdown              = None\nfunctional.precfock             = None\nfunctional.precision            = 'Accurate'\nfunctional.relaxation           = 'volume'\nfunctional.restart              = None\nfunctional.restart_from_contcar = True\nfunctional.smearing             = None\nfunctional.symprec              = None\nfunctional.system               = True\nfunctional.U_verbosity          = 1\nfunctional.species['Si'] = Specie('~/usr/src/Pylada/revamped/vasp/tests/pseudos/Si')\n"
# pylada.verbose_representation = False
# assert repr(a.functional) == "from pylada.vasp.functional import Vasp\nfrom pylada.vasp.specie import Specie\nfunctional = Vasp()\nfunctional.ediff      = 1e-05\nfunctional.encut      = 1\nfunctional.kpoints    = 'Automatic generation\\n0\\nMonkhorst\\n2 2 2\\n0 0 0'\nfunctional.relaxation = 'volume'\nfunctional.species['Si'] = Specie('~/usr/src/Pylada/revamped/vasp/tests/pseudos/Si')\n"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from sys import argv, path
    from os.path import join

    if len(argv) > 2:

    test(join(argv[1], "COMMON"))
from copy import copy
from sys import path

import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

path.extend([path[0][:path[0].rindex("src") - 1]])
from bin.Coordinators.gym_coordinator import Coordinator
from bin.Environment.simple_env import Env

with open('E:/ETSI/Proyecto/data/Databases/numpy_files/nans.npy', 'rb') as g:
    nans = np.load(g)

def get_clean(_file):
    for nnan in nans:
        _file[nnan[0], nnan[1]] = -1
    return np.ma.array(_file, mask=(_file == -1))

# _bo_xs = np.array([[563, 375],
#                    [559, 410],
#                    [604, 368],
#                    [647, 327],
#                    [704, 362],
#                    [690, 430],
#                    [671, 504],
#                    [676, 581],
#                    [649, 650],
#                    [611, 716],
        except ImportError:
            Messager.error(_miss_var_msg('DEBUG'), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
            from config import ADMIN_CONTACT_EMAIL
        except ImportError:
            Messager.error(_miss_var_msg('ADMIN_CONTACT_EMAIL'), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
        # Remove our entry to the path
        while path:
        # Then restore it

# Convert internal log level to `logging` log level
def _convert_log_level(log_level):
    import config
    import logging
    if log_level == config.LL_DEBUG:
        return logging.DEBUG
    elif log_level == config.LL_INFO:
        return logging.INFO
    elif log_level == config.LL_WARNING:
        return logging.WARNING
    elif log_level == config.LL_ERROR:
        return logging.ERROR
    elif log_level == config.LL_CRITICAL:
        return logging.CRITICAL
Exemple #14
# 1. Add the assembly reference to the clr system
# 2. Import the assembly
# 3. Expose the assembly via the RFmxService (rpyc)

import clr
import colorama
import os
import rpyc
import importlib
from sys import path

# Add search paths for .NET assemblies to system path
    os.environ["ProgramFiles(x86)"] +
    r"\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2010\DotNET\Assemblies\Current",  # RFmx personalities
    os.environ["ProgramFiles"] +
    r"\National Instruments\RFmxWC\DotNET",  # waveform creator personalities
    os.path.abspath(__file__ +
                    "\\..\\..\\bin")  # wrappers for wlan and rfsa/rfsg

# Add in all of the IVI .NET paths for finding additional assemblies
ivi_dotnet_path = os.environ[
    "ProgramFiles"] + r"\IVI Foundation\IVI\Microsoft.NET\Framework64"
for x in os.walk(ivi_dotnet_path):

# Prepare terminal for colored printing

# This function allows for dynamic importation of modules since some modules may not be installed
# Script Description: Retrieve the score card ids from the Garmin website.
# Script Version: 0.1
# Script Author: Michael Krakovsky

from sys import path
path.extend('../../../')  # Import the entire project.
from My_Golf_Journey.config import garmin_info, exe_paths, mongo_config
from pathlib import Path
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from re import findall
from time import sleep
from pymongo import MongoClient
from json import loads

username_field = '//input[@name="username"]'
password_field = '//input[@name="password"]'
submit_button = '//button[@id]'
frame = '//iframe'
gen_url = "https://connect.garmin.com/signin/"
score_url = 'https://connect.garmin.com/modern/profile/433ae1d7-ba04-4209-bfa4-4814c426397d/scorecards'
source_data_location = Path(__file__).absolute(
).parent.parent.parent / 'data' / 'score_card_source.txt'
log_file = Path(__file__).absolute(
).parent.parent.parent.parent / 'logs' / 'score_card_source_logs.txt'

def connect_to_scorecards_collection():
    Function Description: Connecto the scorecards collections.
    Function Parameters: Nothing
TODO: SteeringBehavious.flocking is not automatically updated by pause, stop,
and resume methods. FIX THIS!

TODO: Future versions might provide a mechanism for importing only a subset
of the available behaviours, but this isn't really needed at this time.

# for python3 compat
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

from sys import path
from point2d import Point2d

# Constants for steering behaviours
from steering_constants import *

# Math Constants (for readability)
INF = float('inf')
from math import sqrt
SQRT_HALF = sqrt(0.5)

# Random number generator
from random import Random
rand_gen = Random()
rand_uni = lambda x: rand_gen.uniform(-x, x)
Exemple #17
from os import getcwd
from sys import path, platform


from model.DAO.RegistroDAO import RegistroDAO
from model.DMO.RegistroDMO import RegistroDMO

class RegistroCTR():
    def CadastrarRegistro(self, Laboratorio, NumeroPatri, NumeroSerie, Padrao,
                          Modelo, Fabricante, DataCali, DataChec, DataVenc,
                          DataProxCali, DataSaida):

        DAO = RegistroDAO()

        DAO.Laboratorio = Laboratorio
        DAO.NumeroPatri = NumeroPatri
        DAO.NumeroSerie = NumeroSerie
        DAO.Padrao = Padrao
        DAO.Modelo = Modelo
        DAO.Fabricante = Fabricante
        DAO.DataCali = DataCali
        DAO.DataChec = DataChec
        DAO.DataVenc = DataVenc
        DAO.DataProxCali = DataProxCali
        DAO.DataSaida = DataSaida

        DMO = RegistroDMO()
Exemple #18
  assert a.electropot.units == eV and all(abs(a.electropot - [-83.4534, -83.4534]*eV) < 1e-8)
  assert a.forces.units == eV/angstrom and all(abs(a.forces) < 1e-8)
  assert a.stresses.units == kB \
         and all(abs(a.stresses - [[[ 21.96,   0.  ,   0.  ],
                                    [  0.  ,  21.96,   0.  ],
                                    [  0.  ,   0.  ,  21.96]],
                                   [[-14.05,   0.  ,   0.  ],
                                    [  0.  , -14.05,   0.  ],
                                    [  0.  ,   0.  , -14.05]],
                                   [[  0.1 ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
                                    [  0.  ,   0.1 ,   0.  ],
                                    [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.1 ]]] * kB) < 1e-3)
  assert a.stress.units == kB \
         and all(abs(a.stress - [[  0.1 ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
                                 [  0.  ,   0.1 ,   0.  ],
                                 [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.1 ]] * kB) < 1e-3)
  assert hasattr(a.structure, 'stress')\
         and a.structure.stress.units == a.stress.units \
         and all(abs(a.structure.stress - a.stress) < 1e-8)
  assert all([hasattr(b, 'force') for b in a.structure])\
         and all([b.force.units == a.forces.units for b in a.structure])\
         and all(abs(a.forces.magnitude - array([b.force for b in a.structure])) < 1e-8)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  from sys import argv, path 
  from os.path import join
  if len(argv) > 2: path.extend(argv[2:])
  test(join(argv[1], 'COMMON'))

Exemple #19
import time
from sys import path

import numpy as np

path.extend([path[0][:path[0].rindex("bin") - 1]])
from bin.Agents.gym_agent_trimmed import SimpleAgent
from bin.Simulators.gym_environment import GymEnvironment

seeds = np.linspace(163343, 3647565, 100)
ss = [
    ["s1", "s2"],
    ["s5", "s6"],
    ["s1", "s2", "s3"],
    ["s5", "s6", "s7"],
    ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"],
    ["s5", "s6", "s7", "s8"],
    # ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5"],
    # ["s5", "s6", "s7", "s8", "s1"],
for sensores in ss:
    nro_drones = [4, 3, 2]
    for cant_drones in nro_drones:
        print(cant_drones, sensores, "gaussian_ei", 0.375)
        i = 0
        for seed in seeds:
            i += 1
            drones = [SimpleAgent(sensores, _id=k) for k in range(cant_drones)]
            sim = GymEnvironment(path[-1] + "/data/Map/Ypacarai/map.yaml",
Exemple #20
"""File config."""
# !/usr/bin/python
# library
from os import path
from sys import path as syspath

# path
ROOT_PATH = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
SCRIPT_PATH = path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'scripts')
HANDLE_PATH = path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'handle')
TEMPLATE_PATH = path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'templates')
syspath.extend([SCRIPT_PATH, HANDLE_PATH])

# form input
    'name': '',
    'err': '',
    'library': set(),
    'all_var': set(),
    'get_snmp_var': [],
    'walk_snmp_var': [],
    'list_option': [],
    'regex_var': [],
    'type_is_list': [],
    'list_last': [],
    'oid': {},
    'option': [],
    'snmp': {},
    'vars': [],
    'UNKNOWN': [],
    'CRITICAL': [],
Exemple #21
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Tests for collision"""

from sys import path
path.extend(['.', '..','../..'])

import unittest
from mosp import collide
from math import sqrt

__author__ = "F. Ludwig, P. Tute"
__maintainer__ = "B. Henne"
__contact__ = "*****@*****.**"
__copyright__ = "(c) 2010-2011, DCSec, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany"
__license__ = "GPLv3"

class CollideTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests mosp.collide basic functions."""
    def test_Line_closest_to_point(self):
        """Test Line.closest_to_point with four Lines w/different angles."""
        h = collide.Line(2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 5.0)
        self.assertEqual(h.closest_to_point( 0.0, 0.0), (2,5))
        self.assertEqual(h.closest_to_point( 5.0, 0.0), (5,5))
        self.assertEqual(h.closest_to_point(10.0, 0.0), (8,5))
        self.assertEqual(h.closest_to_point(10.0, 5.0), (8,5))
        self.assertEqual(h.closest_to_point(10.0,10.0), (8,5))
        self.assertEqual(h.closest_to_point( 5.0,10.0), (5,5))
        self.assertEqual(h.closest_to_point( 0.0,10.0), (2,5))
    vim.command("wincmd p")   #switch back window
    #mapping "a-zA-Z." keys
    for letter in letters+'.':    
        vim.command("inoremap <buffer> %s %s<Esc>:python CallTips()<CR>" \
                    % (letter, letter))
    #mapping "Back Space" keys
    vim.command("inoremap <buffer> <BS> <BS><Esc>:python CallTips()<CR>")

    #mapping "F4" keys
    vim.command("inoremap <buffer> <F4> <Esc>:python ImportObject()<CR>")

    #mapping "Alt 1" key
    vim.command("inoremap <buffer> <M-1> <Esc>:python AutoComplete(1)<CR>")

    #mapping "Alt 2" key
    vim.command("inoremap <buffer> <M-2> <Esc>:python AutoComplete(2)<CR>")

    #mapping "Alt 3" key
    vim.command("inoremap <buffer> <M-3> <Esc>:python AutoComplete(3)<CR>")

    #mapping "Alt 4" key
    vim.command("inoremap <buffer> <M-4> <Esc>:python AutoComplete(4)<CR>")

    #mapping "Alt 5" key
    vim.command("inoremap <buffer> <M-5> <Esc>:python AutoComplete(5)<CR>")

    path.extend(['.','..'])  #add current path and parent path
    del path, letter

from sys import path
import os
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement, permutations

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

from toy import HamiltonianToy as H_ex
from toy import HamiltonianToyEffective as H_eff
from toy import get_a_exact as exact
from toy import custom_a_prescription as custom
from toy import get_n_i_fn as get_ni_fn

# noinspection PyPep8,PyUnresolvedReferences
from plotting import save_plot_figure
# noinspection PyPep8,PyUnresolvedReferences
from plotting import save_plot_data_file
# noinspection PyPep8,PyUnresolvedReferences
from constants import LEGEND_SIZE

    # custom(16, 17, 18),
    # custom(18, 18, 18),
    # custom(19.25066421,  19.11085927,  17.88211487),   # T2 = -1
    custom(4, 5, 6),
    custom(6, 6, 6),
    # custom(6.81052543, 7.16905406, 7.56813846),         # T2 = [-5,0]
Exemple #24
from sys import path

path.extend(['./', './alphabt'])
import warnings

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import statistic
import pandas as pd
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

def add_trace(fig, tech_df, row):
    for col in tech_df.columns:

def _main_fig(data, fig, callback):

Exemple #25
        Structure(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, scale=2.0, m=True)
        .add_atom(0, 0, 0, "As")
        .add_atom(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, ["In", "Ga"], m=True)
    assert is_primitive(lattice)
    for cell in itercells(10):
        structure = supercell(lattice, dot(lattice.cell, cell))
        assert not is_primitive(structure)

#   structure = primitive(structure, 1e-8)
#   assert is_primitive(structure)
#   assert abs(structure.volume - lattice.volume) < 1e-8
#   assert len(structure) == len(lattice)
#   assert is_integer(dot(structure.cell, inv(lattice.cell)))
#   assert is_integer(dot(lattice.cell, inv(structure.cell)))
#   invcell = inv(lattice.cell)
#   for atom in structure:
#     assert api(lattice[atom.site].pos, atom.pos, invcell) and \
#            atom.type == lattice[atom.site].type and \
#            getattr(lattice[atom.site], 'm', False) == getattr(atom, 'm', False) and \
#            (getattr(atom, 'm', False) or atom.site == 0)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from sys import argv, path

    if len(argv) > 0:

from sys import path
from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath

from os import path
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS

from SNIPPET_SEARCH.snippet_search import SNIPPET_SEARCH
from SNIPPET_SEARCH.LDA import lda_modeling
from SNIPPET_SEARCH.tfIdf import tf_idf

filename = Path("C:/Users/spark/PycharmProjects/webapp/snippet_twitter.txt")

class SnippetInstance(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.snippets_ob = SNIPPET_SEARCH()
        self.lda_ob = lda_modeling()
        self.tf_idf_ob = tf_idf()

    def snippets(self, str_input, number):
        result = self.snippets_ob.snippets(str_input, number)
        return result

    def generate_topic(self, result):
        lda_topics = self.lda_ob.generate_topic(result)
        return lda_topics

    def generate_tfidf_topic(self, result):
Exemple #27
            raise Exception()
        assert len(program.errors) == 1

        # compute second set of updated jobs
        except Fail:
            raise Exception()
        assert len(program.errors) == 2


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from sys import argv, path
    from os.path import abspath
    if len(argv) < 1:
        raise ValueError("test need to be passed location of pifunc.")
    if len(argv) > 2: path.extend(argv[2:])
    assert comms[0]['n'] == sum(comms[0].machines.values())
    for key in machines:
        assert machines[key] == comms[0].machines[key]
    for key in comms[0].machines:
        assert machines[key] == comms[0].machines[key]
    for comm in comms:
    assert root['n'] == 32
    assert all(u == 8 for u in root.machines.values())

    except MPISizeError:
        raise Exception()
    except MPISizeError:
        raise Exception()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from sys import argv, path
    from os.path import abspath
    if len(argv) > 1:
Exemple #29
  points3d(x,y,z,s, scale_factor=0.004, colormap="autumn")
  x, y, z, s = [], [], [], []
  for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
    if i < N: continue
    x.extend([(atom.pos[0] + trans[0]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if not inbox])
    y.extend([(atom.pos[1] + trans[1]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if not inbox])
    z.extend([(atom.pos[2] + trans[2]) for atom, trans, inbox in box if not inbox])
    s.extend([float(i+2) + (0. if inbox else 0.4) for atom, trans, inbox in box if not inbox])
  points3d(x,y,z,s, scale_factor=0.01, opacity=0.3)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  from sys import argv, path 
  if len(argv) > 0: path.extend(argv[1:])

  from random import randint
  from numpy import zeros
  from numpy.linalg import det
  from pylada.crystal.cppwrappers import supercell
  lattice = b5()

  for i in xrange(10): 
    cell = zeros((3,3))
    while det(cell) == 0:
      cell[:] = [[randint(-10, 11) for j in xrange(3)] for k in xrange(3)]
    if det(cell) < 0: cell[:, 0], cell[:, 1] = cell[:, 1].copy(), cell[:, 0].copy()
    structure = supercell(lattice, cell)
Exemple #30
# Script Description: The script will prepare all the features related to offensive. The data will queried and then stored in the database
#    to prevent work being re-executed. The intent will be that all players will have there features calculated starting with the first record.
# Script Notes: To date there are three features that will be used related specific to offensive:
#    1. Batting Average
#    2. On Base Percentage
#    3. Slugging Percentage
# Related to Pitchers, there are three features that have been choosen to begin.
#    1. Strikeouts
#    2. WHIP
#    3. Approx. Runs Allowed
# Script Creator: Michael Krakovsky
# Script Version: 0.1

from sys import path
path.extend('../../../')                                                 # Import the entire project to be found.
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from BaseballAnalytics.bin.app_utils.common_help import Log_Helper
from BaseballAnalytics.bin.app_utils.queries import Queries
from pymysql import connect
from generic_creator import Generic_Features

class Offensive_Features(Generic_Features):

    def __init__(self, db_connection):

        # Class Description: The class will direct the queries in creating the stats and inputting them into the database. To be exact, 
        #    I will create the tables prior to executing the queries. The tables can be found in the schema diagram.
        # Class Instantiators: db_connection (pymysql.connections.Connection: The connection to the database.)

        Generic_Features.__init__(self, db_connection)
Exemple #31
# Automatically update module system path to locate local modules

from glob import glob
from os.path import dirname, isdir, join as joinpath, normpath, pardir
from sys import path as syspath, version_info


if version_info[:2] < PY_REQ_VERSION:
    raise RuntimeError("Python %s+ is required" %
                       '.'.join(['%d' % ver for ver in PY_REQ_VERSION]))

curdir = dirname(__file__)
topdir = normpath(joinpath(curdir, pardir, pardir))
extradirs = [path for path in glob(joinpath(topdir, '*', 'py')) if isdir(path)]
Exemple #32
        except ImportError:
            Messager.error(_miss_var_msg('DEBUG'), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
            from config import ADMIN_CONTACT_EMAIL
        except ImportError:
            Messager.error(_miss_var_msg('ADMIN_CONTACT_EMAIL'), duration=-1)
            raise ConfigurationError
        # Remove our entry to the path
        while path:
        # Then restore it

# Convert internal log level to `logging` log level
def _convert_log_level(log_level):
    import config
    import logging
    if log_level == config.LL_DEBUG:
        return logging.DEBUG
    elif log_level == config.LL_INFO:
        return logging.INFO
    elif log_level == config.LL_WARNING:
        return logging.WARNING
    elif log_level == config.LL_ERROR:
        return logging.ERROR
    elif log_level == config.LL_CRITICAL:
        return logging.CRITICAL
Exemple #33
    sc[3].type = "Ge"
    decoration(sc, sc, zb)

def test2():
    from random import random
    from pylada.crystal.cppwrappers import Structure, supercell

    zb = Structure( 0,0.5,0.5,
                    0.5,0.5,0 )\
                  .add_atom(0,0,0, "Si")\
                  .add_atom(0.25,0.25,0.25, "Si")
    sc = supercell(zb, [[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2]])
    del sc.lattice
    for i in xrange(1):
        x = random() * 0.5
        for atom in sc:
            atom.type = "Si" if x > random() else "Ge"
        decoration(sc, sc, zb)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from sys import argv, path
    from numpy import array
    if len(argv) > 0: path.extend(argv[1:])

    # test0() # no decoration.
    # test1()
Exemple #34
    '/usr/lib/python3.5'                      ,
    '/usr/lib/python3.5/lib-dynload'          ,
    '/usr/lib/python3.5/plat-i386-linux-gnu'  ,
    '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages'          ,
    '/usr/lib/python35.zip'                   ,


log_format = '`%(asctime)s:%(msecs)03d [%(levelname)s]` `%(message)s`'
log_manager = logspike.Logspike(fmt=']+> {} <+[ {}'.format(log_room, log_format))
logger = log_manager.logger


room     = argv[1]
username = argv[2]
message  = argv[3]
bot_name = argv[4]
direct   = message.strip().lower().replace('@', '', 1).startswith(bot_name.lower())

arguments = message.strip().split(' ')
if bot_name.lower() in arguments[0].lower():
command = arguments.pop(0).strip()

debug_args = '''``