def find_late_student(): try: deadline=sys.argv()[1] #get the deadline as parameter except: deadline='09/19/2013 09:12:15'# find=0 for line in file("c:/works/dropbox/Git/data/logsofar.txt"): #record the author information, update every time reading a new log if line.find("Author:")!=-1: Author=line[:-1].split(": ")[1] if line.find("Author:")!=-1: Author=line[:-1].split(": ")[1] #record the data information find=line.find("Date:") if find!=-1: committime=line[:-1].split(": ")[1] time1=time.strptime(committime[:-6],"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") time2=time.strptime(deadline,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") if time2<time1: print Author print time1
def usage(): print ('Usage: \n\t%s i2c_address type\n\t' 'Send a get to the module on the specified i2c address.\n' 'Types: Luminosity (1)\n' '\tBlinds (2)\n' '\tAir conditioner (3)\n' '\tTemperature (4)\n' '\tLamp (5)\n') % sys.argv([0])
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) < 7): usage() sys.exit(2) gapfile = sys.argv[1] genomefile = sys.argv[2] tmpdir = sys.argv[3] numshuffles = sys.argv[4] shufflefile = sys.argv[5] print "Your gapfile is [",gapfile,"]" print "Your genomefile is [",genomefile,"]" print "Your tmpdir is [",tmpdir,"]" print "Your numshuffles is [",numshuffles,"]" if (not numshuffles.isdigit()): usage() print "Your numshuffles argument is not an integer!" sys.exit(2) numshuffles = int(numshuffles) print "Your shufflefile is [",shufflefile,"]" if ((len(sys.argv) - 6) % 2 != 0): usage() print "your arg number is",sys.argv,"! Num of files to be intersected and num outfiles MUST be the same." for i in (len(sys.argv) - 6): print "arg [",(i+6),"] is [",sys.argv(i+6),"]" sys.exit(2) files = sys.argv[6:len(sys.argv)] mutex = threading.Lock() cmd = ["bedtools", "shuffle", "-chrom", "-excl", gapfile, "-i", shufflefile, "-g", genomefile] tmp = [tmpdir, "/temp_"] # def __init__(self, IDnum, cmd, tmpcmd, files): thread1 = myThread(0, cmd, tmp, files) thread1.start() threadlist = [] threadlist.append(thread1) for t in threadlist: t.join() print "Done" return
def main(): if len(sys.argv) <= 1: image_folder = "images01" else: image_folder = sys.argv(1) if len(sys.argv) <= 2: scale_factor = 5 else: scale_factor = sys.argv(2) i = 0 client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect('vac5', username='******', password='******', allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False, timeout=5000) transport = paramiko.Transport(('vac5', 22)) transport.connect(username='******', password='******') sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) os.system("mkdir im") local_path = 'im/%d.jpg' file_path = '/root/%s/%d.jpg' num_storage = 'store.txt' client.exec_command('mkdir -p /root/%s' % image_folder) while True: try: im = ImageGrab.grab() size = int(im.width/scale_factor), int(im.height/scale_factor) im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS).save(local_path % i, 'JPEG') sftp.put(local_path % i, file_path % (image_folder, i)) # send via SSH to vac5 with open(num_storage, 'w') as f: f.write(str(i)) print(i) sftp.put(num_storage, '/root/%s/store.txt' % image_folder) except Exception as e: print(e) pass i += 1 sftp.close() client.close()
def exclude_genes_in_network(genes_to_keep, network_fullpath, output_fullpath, header=True): ''' Filter genes in interaction network to only those in a specified gene list. This filtered network will be written to file. Inputs: genes_to_keep: the output of extract_gene_names_from_textfile() which is a list of gene names. output_fullpath: write the filtered network in a new textfile. network_fullpath: textfile of interaction network containing two columns. Each row of two genes represents an interaction event. File can contain header (True) or not. Default is true. header: is there a header in the network_fullpath? Default True. If True, will also write header in output network. Outputs: Text file written to output_fullpath of a filtered network that includes only genes that we want to keep. ''' network = read_write_data.read_write(network_fullpath, output_fullpath, header=header) with network: # Write column names if header is true if header == True: network.writenext(network.inputcolnames) elif header == False: pass else: sys.argv('Header must be either True or False, %s given' %header) while True: try: readrow = network.readnext() except StopIteration: print('%s rows read, %s written, breaking loop...' \ %(network.readrowcount, network.writerowcount)) break # If both genes in first and second column are in genes to keep, # then write row to file. if readrow[0] in genes_to_keep and readrow[1] in genes_to_keep: network.writenext(readrow) return None
def extract_sentence(): keywords_list = [] for ans, X, Y in open(sys.argv(1), "r"): keywords_list.append(X) keywords_list.append(Y) extracted_sentence_list = [] for line in sys.stdin: for keyword in keywords_list: if keyword in line: extracted_sentence_list.append(line) break return extracted_sentence_list
def main(): try: script, filepath, appname = sys.argv() except: print "USAGE: %prog filepath appname" if os.path.isfile(filepath): sumup(filepath) else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filepath): f = [os.path.join(root, fl) for fl in files] f.sort(key=lambda x: x.split('.')[0]) i = 0 for filename in f: result = {} result = sumup(filename) plot(result, i) i += 1
def main(): stuartWords = 0 kevinWords = 0 vowels = {'A': 1,'E': 2,'I': 3,'O': 4,'U': 5} inputString = sys.argv(1) length = len(inputString) counter = 0 for e in inputString: counter += 1 if(e in vowels.keys()): kevinWords = kevinWords + length - counter + 1 else: stuartWords = stuartWords + length - counter + 1 if(stuartWords>kevinWords): print("Stuart",format(stuartWords)) elif(kevinWords>stuartWords): print("Kevin",format(kevinWords)) else: print("Draw")
def main (args): # Read init parameters parametersFilename = sys.argv () inputDir, outputDir, nCpus = readParameters (parametersFilename) port = 52002 sock = socket() host = 'localhost' # '' can also be used #Connecting to socket sock.connect((host, port)) #Connect takes tuple of host and port sock.send('STT_SUBSCRIBING:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (host, port, inputDir, outputDir, nCpus)) #Infinite loop to keep client running. while True: data = sock.recv(1024) print data sock.close()
cite.addAuthor(line[3:]) elif authors and line[:2] == " ": # another author cite.addAuthor(line[3:]) elif authors: authors = False if line[:2] == "TI": # we're on the title title = True cite.addTitle(line[]) def toString(self): rstr = "Current infile: {}.{}".format(self.fn, self.ext) rstr += "\n" rstr += "Current outfile: {}".format(self.outfile) return rstr def print(self): rstr = "Current infile: {}.{}".format(self.fn, self.ext) rstr += "\n" rstr += "Current outfile: {}".format(self.outfile) print(rstr) def main(filename): cList = CiteList(filename) if __name__ == "__main__": args = sys.argv() if len(args) < 2: print("Input file required.") os.exit(0) main(args[1])
#! python 3 #The above line will say what version of python is required to run the script #From the cmd line #py c:\user\tkonsonlas\documents\ ''' @py c:\user\tkonsonlas\documents\ %* @pause ''' import sys print('Hello World') sys.argv() #the %* says to not show that line and forward provided arguments to python script #@pyw - This will run a windowless python script
#!/usr/bin/python # quick read of wiktionary import urllib import sys sys.argv() prefix="" suffix="&action=raw" print(args) url="".join([prefix,arg[1],suffix]) f = urllib.urlopen(url) f.close() print(text)
if n%x == 0: divisible == True else: divisible == False return divisible def colsum(mat, n): return sum([x[n] for x in mat]) def charjoiner(begin, end, sep): return sep.join([str(x) for x in xrange(begin, end)]) import sys m = sys.argv(1) n = sys.argv(2) def __name__ = '__main__': if sys.argv(1) == "iter": return fib_iter(n) else if sys.argv(1) == "recurse": return fib_rec(n) def fib_rec(n): if n == 0 or n == 1: return n else: return fib_rec(n-2) + fibrec(n-1) import re
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import struct INF = open(sys.argv(1), 'rb') BEADSUM = open(sys.argv(2), 'rb') buffer = buffer2 = line0,line1,line2,line3 = struct.unpack('HHHH', buffer) line4 = struct.unpack('q', buffer2) line4 = line4[0] print "%(line0)s\t%(line1)s\t%(line2)s\t%(line3)s\t%(line4)s" %vars() INF.close() BEADSUM.close() """ while(read(INF, $buffer, 8) and @line = unpack('SSSS', $buffer) and print "$line[0]\t$line[1]\t$line[2]\t$line[3]\t" and read(BEADSUM, $buffer2, 8) and @line = unpack('q', $buffer2) and print "$line[0]\n"){;} close INF; close BEADSUM; """
import sys import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot if len(sys.argv) i=2 sys.exit("Expected name of data file plot") input_filename = sys.argv (i) data = numpy.loadtxt(fname='data/inflammation-01.csv', delimiter=',') fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(10.0, 3.0)) axes1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) axes2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) axes3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) axes1.set_ylabel('average') axes1.plot(data.mean(axis=0)) axes2.set_ylabel('max') axes2.plot(data.max(axis=0)) axes3.set_ylabel('min') axes3.plot(data.min(axis=0)) fig.tight_layout()
def generate_images_t(X, W, S, z_len, max_from_each=(sys.maxint - 1)): # W_inv = np.linalg.pinv(W) all_images = [None] * len(X) for label, x_label in enumerate(X): x_for_label = [None] * len(x_label) for i, x in enumerate(x_label): x_for_label[i] = Image_t(label, x, W, S) all_images[label] = x_for_label return all_images def main(fname='./mnest_train.csv'): t0 = time.clock() x_len = columns(fname) - 1 y_len = int(x_len / 2) z_len = int(2 * x_len) W = np.matrix(generate_random_matrix(z_len, x_len)) S = np.matrix(generate_random_matrix(x_len, y_len)) print time.clock() - t0 X = prep_data(fname, prep_data_fn=slist_2_npmatrix) print time.clock() - t0 images_t = generate_images_t(X, W, S, z_len, max_from_each=100) print time.clock() - t0 return images_t, W, S if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv(1))
dimsLogged = True return FRM def find_nearest(array, value): array = np.asarray(array) distance = np.abs(array - value) idx = (distance).argmin() shortestDistance = min(distance) return (int(idx), shortestDistance) if __name__ == '__main__': #gribFile = 'oceanWave_cop_climate_2018_Nov_01_to_02.grib' #gribFile = '20181002_20181009.grib' #LatLonTimeFile = 'ShipTrack.csv' try: gribFile = sys.argv()[1] LatLonTimeFile = sys.argv()[2] except: print('Error: Not enough input arguments \n'\ +'ensure two arguments are passed like:\n'\ +'\t \'example.grib\' \'example.csv\' ') sys.exit(0) Frm = QueryGrib(gribFile, LatLonTimeFile) if Frm != -1: FRM = pd.DataFrame(Frm) FRM.to_csv('CDS_data.csv') else: sys.exit(0)
import capo.omni as omni import numpy as n, pylab as p, capo.plot as plot import sys args = sys.argv()[1:] m,g,v,x = omni.from_npz(args, verbose=True)
# 如果出现了异常,也不好排查,取名就是分成大的问题 #可以将的很多功能相似的函数可以放在同一个模块中, # 模块和包 作用: # 1.便于代码的管理 # 2.有利于取名 # 3.写好一个模块之后可以在其他需要的地方调用,提高代码的复用性 # 调用 模块种类: # 内置模块:time # 第三方模块:pymysql # 自定义模块: #通过sys模块可以接受执行脚本的时候传入的参数 import sys a = sys.argv() print(a)
# exercise 13 from sys import argv # print argv script = argv(0) txt = open(script) print txt.close() # script, first_name, last_name = argv # # print "The scrips is called: ", script # print "Your first name is:", first_name # print "Your last name is:", last_name
#! python3 # - An insecure password locker program. PASSWORDS = {'email': 'ABCDefgh', 'blog': '1029384756', 'other': 'dfgHJK'} import sys, pyperclip if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage: python [account] - copy account password') sys.exit() account = sys.argv(1) if account in PASSWORDS: pyperclip.copy(PASSWORDS[account]) print('Password for ' + account + ' copied to clipboard.') else: print('There is no password stored for ' + account + '.')
# General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. #### ## ## Aggregate the layers of a multiplex, weigthing each edge according ## to the number of times it occurs in the different layers ## import sys import networkx as net if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Usage: %s <file1> <file2> [<file3>....]" % sys.argv(0) sys.exit(1) G = net.Graph() lines = open(sys.argv[1], "r").readlines() for l in lines: s,d = [int(x) for x in l.strip(" \n").split(" ")[:2]] G.add_edge(s,d) G[s][d]['weigth'] = 1 for f in sys.argv[2:]: lines = open(f, "r").readlines() for l in lines: s,d = [int(x) for x in l.strip(" \n").split(" ")[:2]]
""" This script prints the arguments provided to Python. """ import sys print(sys.argv())
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys if __name__ == "__main__": param = sys.argv() print (param) print (u"param1" + param[1]) print (u"param2" + param[2]) print (u"param3" + param[3])
import os, glob, sys #импортируем необходимые модули dirname = r'You path here..' if len(sys.argv) == 1 else sys.argv([1])# allsizes = []#создаем пустой список имен allpy = glob.glob(dirname + os.sep + '*.py')#получаем список файлов в указаном путе for filename in allpy: filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)#определяем размер файла allsize.append((filesize, filename))#добавляем файл в список allsizes.sort()#сортировка списка файлов print(allsizes[:2])#самый легкий файл print(allsizes[-2:])#самый тяжелый файл
continue yest_close = df.iloc[0].price - df.iloc[0].change opengap = df.iloc[0].price / yest_close - 1 idxmin = df_5min.price.idxmin() idxmax = df_5min.price.idxmax() min_time = df_5min.loc[idxmin].time max_time = df_5min.loc[idxmax].time dtime = (df_5min.iloc[-1].time - min_time) / datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) dprice = df_5min.iloc[-1].price - df_5min.loc[idxmin].price amount = df_5min.loc[idxmin:].amount.sum() up_speed = dprice/yest_close dtime = (df_5min.iloc[-1].time - max_time) / datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) dprice = df_5min.iloc[-1].price - df_5min.loc[idxmax].price down_speed = dprice/yest_close chg = df_5min.iloc[-1].price / yest_close - 1 if up_speed > 0.02 and down_speed == 0: df_res.loc[exsymbol] = [up_speed, down_speed, chg, amount, opengap] return df_res if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: {} <date>".format(sys.argv(0))) sys.exit(1) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) date = sys.argv[1] #df_res = filter_speed(date) df_res = filter_close(date) print(df_res.sort_values("up_speed"))
import os import re import sys from collections import defaultdict path = sys.argv(0) print path block = [filename for filename in os.listdir(path) if filename[0] == "@"] for filename in block: print filename data = defaultdict(list) header = "" if filename.startswith('@spikes'): with open(path + filename, 'r') as f: header = f.readline() for line in f: if re.match(" *\d", line): time = float('\d+\.\d', line).group(0)) neurons ="\[[\d, ]+\]", line).group(0).translate(None, ''.join(['[',']'])) for s in neurons.split(','): data[time].append(int(s)) with open(path + filename, 'w') as f: f.write(header) for key in data: f.write("{0:>5} {1:>4} : {2}\n".format(key, len(data[key]), sorted(data[key]))) else: print "@voltage not implemented"
from import_config import get_config import sys def main(env): config = get_config(env) print config if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: env = sys.argv(1) else: env = 'TEST' main(env)
global k for p in primes: if covers_all(richards, p): print "Witness %s" % p return False return True k = 10000 #341640 # default for k # bounds on m start = 360 end = 385 if len(sys.argv) > 1: k = sys.argv(1) primes = sorted(make_primes(k), reverse=True) # primes 2 < p < k l = len(primes) # primes[i] = p_{l + 1 - i} natural_primes = make_primes(int(math.log(k)*k)) # primes 2 < p, natural_primes[i] = p_{i+2} # For a given k, find a set H subject to: # |H|=k # diam(H) is small # H doesn't cover any p last_witness = None last_set = None last_remove = None
def __name__ = '__main__': if sys.argv(1) == "iter": return fib_iter(n) else if sys.argv(1) == "recurse": return fib_rec(n)
import sys print("This was the arguement you entered: " = sys.argv({1})
import sys NewYorkHours = sys.argv(1) NewYorkMinutes = sys.argv(2)
return { 'vars': unique_vars, 'dates': [d.isoformat() for d in dates], 'array var count': array_var_count, } if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Dump the metadata of a grib 2 file') parser.add_argument('filename', metavar='F', type=str, help='path to grib file to process') args = parser.parse_args() messages = grippy.message.read_messages(args.filename) if len(messages) == 0: print('Failed to extract grib2 data from ' + args.filename + ' . Make sure the file is valid and try again') sys.argv(1) metadata = extract_metadata(messages=messages) print('Grib Metadata for ' + args.filename + ':') print('------------------------------------------------') print('Array Variable Count: ' + str(metadata['array var count'])) print('Variables (' + str(len(metadata['vars'])) + ') ' + ','.join(metadata['vars'])) print('Dates: (' + str(len(metadata['dates'])) + ') ' + ','.join(metadata['dates']))
import sys import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot if lens(sys.argv) !=2: sys.ext("expected the the name of a data file to plot") import_filename =sys.argv(1) data = numpy.loadtxt(fname='data/inflammation-01.csv', delimiter=',') fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(10.0, 3.0)) axes1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) axes2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) axes3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) axes1.set_ylabel('average') axes1.plot(data.mean(axis=0)) axes2.set_ylabel('max') axes2.plot(data.max(axis=0)) axes3.set_ylabel('min') axes3.plot(data.min(axis=0)) fig.tight_layout() ##my demo edit
print "Juego Piedra, papel o tijera" import numpy import sys pie=0 pap=1 tij=2 U=sys.argv(1) print U if (U==pie): print "Piedra" if (U==pap): print "Papel" if (U==tij): print "Tijeras" C=np.random int(:3) print C
from PIL import Image import os import sys try: filename = sys.argv(1) except: filename = '5.jpg' try: outfilename = sys.argv(2) except: outfilename = 'out.jpg' try: orientation = True except: prientation = False im = if orientation is True: out = im.resize((400,300)) else: out = im.resize((300,400))
from sys import argv funny_name = argv(2) print "Do you think \'%r\' is a funny name" % funny_name
import sys intArgument = int(sys.argv({1}) print(10 + intArgumen)
c = the image number ([0..IMGS_PER_ARRAY]) Written in Perl by Greg Porreca (Church Lab) 12-14-2007 Translated to Python by David Kalish 11-30-2010 """ import sys import numpy import glob import re import struct num_arrays = 8 num_imgs = 2180 reg_pixels = 2000 num_args = len(sys.argv())-1 if num_args < 3: print >> stderr, "ERROR:\tMust call as ./pull_segpoints fcnum arraynum imgnum %(num_args)s" %vars() fc = sys.argv(1) array = sys.argv(2) img = sys.argv(3) # OUTPUT WILL BE BINARY IMAGE W/ 1s AT BEAD PIXELS image = numpy.zeros((1000,1000), dtype = int) print >> stderr, "Seeking to position %(fc)s %(array)s %(img)s..." %vars() # DETERMINE INFO AND SEG FILENAMES array = glob.glob("*.info")
def process_url(url): print 'process', url res = get_content(url) if res.status_code != 200: print 'error getting content from ', url exit() return is_available(res.text) def send_notify(url, email, is_avail): if is_avail: msg = MIMEText("%s is showing availability!" % (url)) msg["From"] = email msg["To"] = email msg["Subject"] = "warm up your credit card, son" p = Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-t"], stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(msg.as_string()) def main(url, notify_email): result = process_url(url) send_notify(url, notify_email, result) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print 'usage: python {URL} {NOTIFY_EMAIL}' main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv(2))
#''' import rosbag, sys, csv import time import string import os #for file management make directory import shutil #for file management, copy file #verify correct input arguments: 1 or 2 if (len(sys.argv) > 2): print "invalid number of arguments: " + str(len(sys.argv)) print "should be 2: '' and 'bagName'" print "or just 1 : ''" sys.exit(1) elif (len(sys.argv) == 2): listOfBagFiles = [sys.argv(1)] print "reading only 1 bagfile: " + str(listOfBagFiles(0)) elif (len(sys.argv) == 1): listOfBagFiles = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f[-4:] == ".bag"] #get list of only bag files in current dir. numberOfFiles = str(len(listOfBagFiles)) print "reading all " + numberOfFiles + " bagfiles in current directory: \n" for f in listOfBagFiles: print f print "\n press ctrl+c in the next 10 seconds to cancel \n" time.sleep(10) else: print "bad argument(s): " + str(sys.argv) #shouldnt really come up sys.exit(1) count = 0 for bagFile in listOfBagFiles:
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv() print parsesites(argv[0] ,argv[1])
import sys print(sys.argv) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print('Input video name is missing') exit() cv2.namedWindow("tracking") captureInput = 0 try: captureInput = int(sys.argv[1]) except ValueError, ve: captureInput = sys.argv([1]) camera = cv2.VideoCapture(captureInput) ok, if not ok: print('Failed to read video') exit() bbox = cv2.selectROI("tracking", image) tracker = cv2.TrackerMIL_create() init_once = False while camera.isOpened(): ok, if not ok: print 'no image to read'