def getROMSfilenames(self,startdatenum,operMode): if operMode=='oper': self.roms_parent_file = self.romsdir+'roms_BRIFS_parent_'+self.romsdatestring+'' romsfile = self.romsdir+'roms_BRIFS_parent_'+self.romsdatestring+'' romsfileop = self.romsdir+'roms_BRIFS_parent_'+self.romsdatestring+'' if os.path.isfile(romsfile): self.roms_parent_file = romsfile elif os.path.isfile(romsfileop): self.roms_parent_file = romsfileop else: print "******modelData: getROMSfilenames ERROR: NEITHER FILE EXISTS:" print romsfile print romsfileop print "1. CHECK FILENAME \nOR \n2. MODIFY self.roms_parent_file VARIABLE IN!" q() else: romsfile = self.romsdir+'roms_BRIFS_parent_'+self.romsdatestring+'' if os.path.isfile(romsfile): self.roms_parent_file = romsfile else: print "******modelData: getROMSfilenames ERROR: THE FILE DOES NOT EXIST:" print romsfile print "1. CHECK FILENAME \nOR \n2. MODIFY self.roms_parent_file VARIABLE IN!" q() self.roms_child_file = self.roms_parent_file.replace('parent','child') return self.roms_parent_file, self.roms_child_file
def getROMSfilenames(self, startdatenum, operMode): if operMode == 'oper': self.roms_parent_file = self.romsdir + 'roms_BRIFS_parent_' + self.romsdatestring + '' romsfile = self.romsdir + 'roms_BRIFS_parent_' + self.romsdatestring + '' romsfileop = self.romsdir + 'roms_BRIFS_parent_' + self.romsdatestring + '' if os.path.isfile(romsfile): self.roms_parent_file = romsfile elif os.path.isfile(romsfileop): self.roms_parent_file = romsfileop else: print "******modelData: getROMSfilenames ERROR: NEITHER FILE EXISTS:" print romsfile print romsfileop print "1. CHECK FILENAME \nOR \n2. MODIFY self.roms_parent_file VARIABLE IN!" q() else: romsfile = self.romsdir + 'roms_BRIFS_parent_' + self.romsdatestring + '' if os.path.isfile(romsfile): self.roms_parent_file = romsfile else: print "******modelData: getROMSfilenames ERROR: THE FILE DOES NOT EXIST:" print romsfile print "1. CHECK FILENAME \nOR \n2. MODIFY self.roms_parent_file VARIABLE IN!" q() self.roms_child_file = self.roms_parent_file.replace('parent', 'child') return self.roms_parent_file, self.roms_child_file
def getModelName(ptm, dateString): if ptm().model == 'ADRIPOM' or ptm().model == 'NADRIPOM': # here, dateString should be in YYYYMMDD format return ptm().ncdir + ptm().model + '_' + dateString + '.nc' elif ptm().model == 'sbADRIPOM' or ptm().model == 'sbNADRIPOM': dtobjStart = datetime.strptime(dateString, '%Y%m%d') dtobjEnd = dtobjStart + timedelta(hours=ptm().modelRuntimeInHours) strStart = datetime.strftime(dtobjStart, "%Y%m%d") return ptm().ncdir + 'zeta.' + ptm().model + '_' + strStart + '.nc' else: print("\nERROR in getModelName: unknown model name: " + ptm().model) q()
def main(): # check for input date YYYYMMDD from console: try: strdate = sys.argv[1] operMode = sys.argv[2] except: printHelp() # set OPERATIONAL wrf and roms netCDF output directories: if operMode == 'oper': wrfdir = '/home/rissaga/new_setup/Archive/Outputs/WRF/' + strdate + '_op/' # set HINDCAST wrf and roms netCDF output directories: else: wrfdir = '/home/rissaga/new_setup/Archive/Outputs/WRF/' + strdate + '_hind/' # wrfdir = '/home/mlicer/' romsdir = '/home/rissaga/new_setup/Archive/Outputs/ROMS/' plotdir = '/home/mlicer/BRIFSverif/pyVerif/' + strdate + '_' + operMode + '/' os.system('mkdir -p ' + plotdir) # determine timeWindow [hours] for comparisons: timeWindow = 48 # parse start date: startdatenum = datetime.strptime(strdate, '%Y%m%d') enddatenum = startdatenum + timedelta(hours=timeWindow) # set WRF files and dates to read: today = startdatenum yesterday = startdatenum - timedelta(days=1) tomorrow = startdatenum + timedelta(days=1) wrfdatestring = datetime.strftime(startdatenum, '%Y-%m-%d_12:00:00') wrfdatestring_yesterday = datetime.strftime( startdatenum - timedelta(days=1), '%Y-%m-%d_12:00:00') wrfdatestring_tomorrow = datetime.strftime( startdatenum + timedelta(days=1), '%Y-%m-%d_12:00:00') wrf_file = wrfdir + 'wrfout_d02_' + wrfdatestring wrf_file_yesterday = wrfdir + 'wrfout_d02_' + wrfdatestring_yesterday wrf_file_tomorrow = wrfdir + 'wrfout_d02_' + wrfdatestring_tomorrow # specify fields for comparisons: observationFields=['time','LON','LAT','HEIGHT',\ 'SLEV','QC_SLEV',\ 'WTR_PRE','QC_WTR_PRE',\ 'AIR_PRE','QC_AIR_PRE'] wrfFields = [ 'location', 'Times', 'XLONG', 'XLAT', 'pointLon', 'pointLat', 'pointPSFC', 'pointMSLP' ] romsFields = [ 'location', 'ocean_time', 'lon_rho', 'lat_rho', 'h', 'pointLon', 'pointLat', 'pointSSH' ] # get a list of all available observations: fileList = getAllObservations(strdate, timeWindow) # exit if empty: if not fileList: print('\n No observations found for this date: ' + strdate + '! \n Exiting.') q() # keep working if not empty: else: print "\nReading observation files:" sensorType = [] for k in range(len(fileList)): print fileList[k], "..." # determine the sensorType, if any, from the filename: m = re.findall(r'.*_(\w+-\w+.?)_L1', fileList[k]) if m: if 'station' in m[0]: sensorType.append('') else: sensorType.append(m[0]) print "" # read the files to 'stations' data object and merge files (sensor types) from different months(years) if neccessary: stations, sensorType = obsData(fileList, sensorType, observationFields).read() # extract WRF for available grid points: wrf_yesterday = modelData(stations, yesterday, wrfFields, romsFields, wrfdir, romsdir, operMode).readWRF() wrf_today = modelData(stations, today, wrfFields, romsFields, wrfdir, romsdir, operMode).readWRF() wrf_tomorrow = modelData(stations, tomorrow, wrfFields, romsFields, wrfdir, romsdir, operMode).readWRF() # merge WRF times and air pressures from all three days for all stations: wrf_t_3days, wrf_p_3days = mergeWRF(stations, wrf_yesterday, wrf_today, wrf_tomorrow, 'pointMSLP') # wrf_t_3days,wrf_p_3days = mergeWRF(stations,wrf_yesterday,wrf_today,wrf_tomorrow,'pointPSFC') # extract ROMS roms = modelData(stations, startdatenum, wrfFields, romsFields, wrfdir, romsdir, operMode).readROMS(startdatenum, operMode) # compute basic statistics (BIAS, RMSE, CORR): stats = basicStatistics(strdate, sensorType, stations, wrf_t_3days, wrf_p_3days, roms) # plot graphs: plotBRIFS(plotdir, strdate, sensorType, stations, wrf_t_3days, wrf_p_3days, roms, stats)
def __init__(self): # model name: self.model = 'sbNADRIPOM' # set home directory: self.homedir = '/home/momo/particleTracking/source_sb/' # set out directory for namelist: self.outdir = '/home/momo/particleTracking/rundir/' # set netcdf directory (containing hydrodynamics netcdfs): self.ncdir = '/home/momo/particleTracking/' + self.model + '_netcdf/' # start date of particle tracking (YYYYMMDDHH): startdate = str(2017032600) # initial location of spill: #self.lat0=44.806286 #self.lon0=13.143596 # release type: # 'singlePoint' = point release for releaseDuration from the first releasePoints point # 'multiplePoints'= point release for releaseDuration from all releasePoints point # 'polygon' = instantaneous (releaseDuration will be set to 1!!) linear # release along the SIDES of releaseShape polygon points. # Choosing multiple (N) points will increase total number of particles N-times! self.releaseType = 'singlePoint' #self.releaseType='multiplePoints' # self.releaseType='polygon' # releasePoints: [ [lat1,lon1] , [lat2,lon2] , ... , [latN,lonN] ] #self.releasePoints=[ [45.7239,13.603] , [45.5042,12.742], [44.9711, 12.609] ] self.releasePoints = [[45.5904065, 13.6993]] # self.releasePoints=[ [45.1793,12.7857], [44.673,13.0229],[45.1793,13.26],[44.882,12.601],[44.882,13.4447],[45.1793,12.7857] ] # depth level of the spill (1=surface) self.level = 1 # perform 3D tracking: (True=3D, False=single depth level) self.tracking3D = False if self.tracking3D: print "WARNING: 3D tracking IS NOT YET SUPPORTED in sbADRIPOM!" print "Setting: self.tracking3D=False!" self.tracking3D = False # perform back-tracking (True) or regular particle tracking (False): self.performBacktracking = False # number of hours of tracking simulation ('polygon' release type will set this to 1): self.numHoursOfTracking = 24 # perform daily hotstart (initialize particles from previous step) - to be continued: # self.performHotstart=False # duration of particle release in hours: self.releaseDuration = 2 # number of particles PER RELEASE POINT: numberOfParticles = 120 # total mass of polutant [kg]: self.totalMass = 20000. # oil type index: # 1 = arabian light # 2 = arabian medium # 3 = arabian heavy self.oilIndex = 2 # what percentage of particles evaporates completely: self.completeEvapPercentage = 0.2 # evaporation threshold for particles that do not evaporate completely: # i.e., self.evapThreshold=0.77 implies that 77 percent of each particle # which does not evaporate completely, will evaporate. self.evapThreshold = 0.77 # do we read turbulent diffusivity from the ocean model or not: self.useOceanModelDiffusivity = False if self.useOceanModelDiffusivity: print "WARNING: useOceanModelDiffusivity IS NOT YET SUPPORTED in sbADRIPOM!!!" print "Setting: self.useOceanModelDiffusivity=False!!!" self.useOceanModelDiffusivity = False # default turbulent diffusivity # (this is overridden by the Dh and Dv from the model, if # self.useOceanModelDiffusivity=True self.Dh = 0.001 # create startdate datetime object: self.startdate = datetime.strptime(startdate, "%Y%m%d%H") # specify number of hours in each model netcdf: if self.model == 'sbADRIPOM': self.modelRuntimeInHours = 74 #54 elif self.model == 'sbNADRIPOM': self.modelRuntimeInHours = 72 else: print "INVALID MODEL: " + self.model q() # specify time increment in hours in each model netcdf: self.dt = 1 #=======END OF USER INPUT=============================================== #======================================================================= #=======DO NOT MODIFY THE CODE BELOW!=================================== #======================================================================= #determine temporal sign and limit duration of spill: if self.performBacktracking: self.sign_t = int(-1) self.releaseDuration = 1 else: self.sign_t = int(+1) #determine enddate: self.enddate = self.startdate + self.sign_t * timedelta( hours=self.numHoursOfTracking) self.startingHour = int(datetime.strftime(self.startdate, "%H")) # how many dates does the simulation span (we need to include starting Hour because this may # brind an extra day, depending on the hours of tracking): self.numDaysOfTracking = int( math.ceil((self.startingHour + self.numHoursOfTracking) / 24) + 1) self.modelRuntimeInDays = int(self.modelRuntimeInHours / 24) # determine release coordinates according to releaseType: if self.releaseType == 'singlePoint': self.releasePoints = [[ self.releasePoints[0][0], self.releasePoints[0][1] ]] # elif self.releaseType=='multiplePoints': # pass elif self.releaseType == 'polygon': self.releaseDuration = 1 else: print("SETUP ERROR: unknown releaseType: " + self.releaseType) print("Should be 'singlePoint' or 'polygon'!") q() self.numberOfReleasePoints = len(self.releasePoints) self.numberOfParticles = max( numberOfParticles, self.releaseDuration * self.numberOfReleasePoints) # if numberOfParticles<release duration, create at least one particle per step: self.releaseDuration = min(self.releaseDuration, self.numberOfParticles, self.numHoursOfTracking) self.numCreatedParticlesPerStep = max( 1, int(self.numberOfParticles / self.releaseDuration))
def checkForNeccessaryFiles(ptm): print("-------------------------------------------") print("Starting particle tracking preprocessing...") print("Checking for neccessary files...") # create integers of start date and end date: startDate = int(datetime.strftime(ptm().startdate, "%Y%m%d%H")) endDate = int(datetime.strftime(ptm().enddate, "%Y%m%d%H")) # MAIN LOOP over days of tracking: numOfHoursToBeReadFromFiles = [] neccessaryFiles = [] days = [] days_dt = [] files = [] hourReadStart = [] hourReadEnd = [] daysToRead = [] for k in range(ptm().numDaysOfTracking): # current date datetime object: currentDatetime = ptm().startdate + ptm().sign_t * timedelta(days=k) # current day string: day_str = datetime.strftime(currentDatetime, "%Y%m%d") # netcdf file of current day: filename = getModelName(ptm, day_str) # add day to days if not already there: if day_str not in days: days = np.append(days, day_str) days_dt = np.append(days_dt, currentDatetime) # add current file to files if not already there: if filename not in files: files = np.append(files, filename) # filter out only dates for actually existing files: existingDates = [ d for i, d in enumerate(days_dt) if os.path.isfile(files[i]) ] existingFiles = [ f for i, f in enumerate(files) if os.path.isfile(files[i]) ] # check for first day: firstday = datetime.strftime(ptm().startdate, "%Y%m%d") # first file name - it's not yet known if it exists: firstfile = getModelName(ptm, firstday) # this will later be added to how many days we neet to read: increaseDaysToRead0 = 0 if not os.path.isfile(firstfile): possibleFirstFileExists = False # loop over model runtime days at current date: for k in range(ptm().modelRuntimeInDays): # go back in time as many days as neccessary and possible to locate a # possible first file: currentDatetime = ptm().startdate - timedelta(days=k) daynowstr = datetime.strftime(currentDatetime, "%Y%m%d") filenow = getModelName(ptm, daynowstr) # if current file exists: if os.path.isfile(filenow) and not possibleFirstFileExists: # set flag to true and increase days to read by 1: possibleFirstFileExists = True increaseDaysToRead0 = increaseDaysToRead0 + 1 # update existing dates and files: if ptm().performBacktracking: #change nothing existingDates = existingDates existingFiles = existingFiles else: # prepend current date and filename: existingDates = np.insert(existingDates, 0, currentDatetime) existingFiles = np.insert(existingFiles, 0, filenow) break else: possibleFirstFileExists = True # overall check if we have the file containing the first day data: if not possibleFirstFileExists: print("\nERROR: first date " + firstday + " data could not be retrieved from existing files:\n") print(existingFiles) q() # check for gaps in the data: for i in range(len(existingDates) - 1): # difference in days between consecutive dates in existing dates array: deltaDays = abs(int((existingDates[i + 1] - existingDates[i]).days)) daysToRead = np.append(daysToRead, deltaDays) # if difference in insurmountable by all the hours contained in the # last existing file, then abort: if deltaDays > ptm().modelRuntimeInDays: daynowstr = datetime.strftime(existingDates[i], "%Y%m%d") print("ERROR: data gap on date " + daynowstr + " exceeds modelRuntimeInDays!") q() # check for last day (note that the loop above leaves the last day out): deltaEndHours = int(abs((existingDates[-1] - days_dt[-1]).seconds) / 3600.) lastday = datetime.strftime(ptm().enddate, "%Y%m%d") allowed_days = [ ptm().enddate - timedelta(days=k) for k in range(ptm().modelRuntimeInDays) ] allowed_lastfiles = [ getModelName(ptm, datetime.strftime(dy, "%Y%m%d")) for dy in allowed_days ] # check if last file exists: existLastFile = False for lastfile in allowed_lastfiles: if os.path.isfile(lastfile): existLastFile = True break if not existLastFile: print("ERROR: last date could not be extracted from existing files:") print(lastday) print(allowed_lastfiles) q() # similar condition for the last date: if deltaEndHours > ptm().modelRuntimeInHours and not ptm( ).performBacktracking: print( "ERROR: end date file missing and could not be recovered from previous dates!" ) q() # or in case of back-tracking, the initial date: elif ptm().performBacktracking and not os.path.isfile(lastfile): print("ERROR: neccessary file " + lastfile + " (with earliest dates) missing for backtracking!") q() # if there where no aborts until now, the final day exists, # therefore add final day to dayToRead: if not ptm().performBacktracking: daysToRead = np.append(daysToRead, 1) else: daysToRead = np.insert(daysToRead, 0, 1) # correct neccessary reading intervals for missing first day, if neccessary: if ptm().performBacktracking: daysToRead[0] = daysToRead[0] + increaseDaysToRead0 # set temporal hourly indices for start and end of netcdf array # reading IN FORTRAN 1-BASED NOTATION: hourReadStart = [] hourReadEnd = [] lastHourLastDay = abs(int(datetime.strftime(ptm().enddate, "%H"))) for i in range(len(existingDates)): print("I,LEN:", i, len(existingDates), range(len(existingDates))) # if we read only first file, up until runtimeInHours: # w/o backtracking: if i == 0 and not ptm().performBacktracking and len( existingDates) == 1: hourReadStart=np.append(hourReadStart,\ int(datetime.strftime(ptm().startdate,"%H"))+1) if ptm().modelRuntimeInHours < ptm().numHoursOfTracking: print("ERROR: numHoursOfTracking exceeds modelRuntimeInHours.") print("More NetCDF files are needed!") q() else: hourReadEnd = np.append(hourReadEnd, ptm().numHoursOfTracking) #if we read more files than just first file: # first day w/o backtracking: if i == 0 and not ptm().performBacktracking and len(existingDates) > 1: hourReadStart=np.append(hourReadStart,\ int(datetime.strftime(ptm().startdate,"%H"))+1) hourReadEnd=np.append(hourReadEnd,\ daysToRead[i]*24) print('d1 ', hourReadEnd) #first day w backtracking: elif i == 0 and ptm().performBacktracking: hourReadStart = np.append(hourReadStart, 1) hourReadEnd=np.append(hourReadEnd,\ abs(int(datetime.strftime(ptm().startdate,"%H"))+1+(daysToRead[i]-1)*24)) print('d2 ', hourReadEnd) elif i > 0 and i < len( existingDates) - 1: # other days, but not last day: hourReadStart = np.append(hourReadStart, 1) hourReadEnd=np.append(hourReadEnd,\ abs(daysToRead[i]*24)) print('d3 ', hourReadEnd) # last day w/o backtracking if last file exists: elif i > 0 and i == len(existingDates) - 1 and not ptm( ).performBacktracking and os.path.isfile(lastfile): hourReadStart = np.append(hourReadStart, 1) hourReadEnd=np.append(hourReadEnd,\ lastHourLastDay+24) print('d4', hourReadEnd) # last day w/o backtracking if last file does NOT exist: elif i > 0 and i == len(existingDates) - 1 and not ptm( ).performBacktracking and not os.path.isfile(lastfile): hourReadStart = np.append(hourReadStart, 1) hourReadEnd=np.append(hourReadEnd,\ lastHourLastDay+24) print('d5', hourReadEnd) elif i > 0 and i == len(existingDates) - 1 and ptm( ).performBacktracking: # last day w backtracking: hourReadStart = np.append(hourReadStart, 1) hourReadEnd=np.append(hourReadEnd,\ abs(daysToRead[i]*24)) print('d6', hourReadEnd) else: continue # return to main: vsota = 0 print('ure:', hourReadStart, hourReadEnd) for l, ura in enumerate(hourReadEnd): vsota = vsota + abs(hourReadEnd[l] - hourReadStart[l] + 1) print('vsota: ', vsota) print('led: ', existingDates) print('ef:', existingFiles) if len(existingDates) > 1: sumHours = int(vsota) else: sumHours = int(vsota) - 24 existingAtmFiles = [f.replace('zeta', 'atm') for f in existingFiles] existingFiles = [ f.replace('zeta.sbNADRIPOM', 'sbnadripom_uvtide') for f in existingFiles ] return existingFiles, existingAtmFiles, hourReadStart, hourReadEnd, sumHours
def main(): # check for input date YYYYMMDD from console: try: strdate=sys.argv[1] operMode = sys.argv[2] except: printHelp() # set OPERATIONAL wrf and roms netCDF output directories: if operMode=='oper': wrfdir = '/home/rissaga/new_setup/Archive/Outputs/WRF/'+strdate+'_op/' # set HINDCAST wrf and roms netCDF output directories: else: wrfdir = '/home/rissaga/new_setup/Archive/Outputs/WRF/'+strdate+'_hind/' # wrfdir = '/home/mlicer/' romsdir = '/home/rissaga/new_setup/Archive/Outputs/ROMS/' plotdir = '/home/mlicer/BRIFSverif/pyVerif/'+strdate+'_'+operMode+'/' os.system('mkdir -p '+plotdir) # determine timeWindow [hours] for comparisons: timeWindow=48 # parse start date: startdatenum = datetime.strptime(strdate,'%Y%m%d') enddatenum = startdatenum+timedelta(hours=timeWindow) # set WRF files and dates to read: today = startdatenum yesterday = startdatenum-timedelta(days=1) tomorrow = startdatenum+timedelta(days=1) wrfdatestring = datetime.strftime(startdatenum,'%Y-%m-%d_12:00:00') wrfdatestring_yesterday = datetime.strftime(startdatenum-timedelta(days=1),'%Y-%m-%d_12:00:00') wrfdatestring_tomorrow = datetime.strftime(startdatenum+timedelta(days=1),'%Y-%m-%d_12:00:00') wrf_file = wrfdir+'wrfout_d02_'+wrfdatestring wrf_file_yesterday = wrfdir+'wrfout_d02_'+wrfdatestring_yesterday wrf_file_tomorrow = wrfdir+'wrfout_d02_'+wrfdatestring_tomorrow # specify fields for comparisons: observationFields=['time','LON','LAT','HEIGHT',\ 'SLEV','QC_SLEV',\ 'WTR_PRE','QC_WTR_PRE',\ 'AIR_PRE','QC_AIR_PRE'] wrfFields=['location','Times','XLONG','XLAT', 'pointLon','pointLat', 'pointPSFC','pointMSLP'] romsFields=['location','ocean_time','lon_rho','lat_rho','h','pointLon','pointLat', 'pointSSH'] # get a list of all available observations: fileList = getAllObservations(strdate,timeWindow) # exit if empty: if not fileList: print('\n No observations found for this date: '+strdate+'! \n Exiting.') q() # keep working if not empty: else: print "\nReading observation files:" sensorType=[] for k in range(len(fileList)): print fileList[k],"..." # determine the sensorType, if any, from the filename: m = re.findall(r'.*_(\w+-\w+.?)_L1',fileList[k]) if m: if 'station' in m[0]: sensorType.append('') else: sensorType.append(m[0]) print "" # read the files to 'stations' data object and merge files (sensor types) from different months(years) if neccessary: stations,sensorType = obsData(fileList,sensorType,observationFields).read() # extract WRF for available grid points: wrf_yesterday = modelData(stations,yesterday,wrfFields,romsFields,wrfdir,romsdir, operMode).readWRF() wrf_today = modelData(stations,today,wrfFields,romsFields,wrfdir,romsdir, operMode).readWRF() wrf_tomorrow = modelData(stations,tomorrow,wrfFields,romsFields,wrfdir,romsdir, operMode).readWRF() # merge WRF times and air pressures from all three days for all stations: wrf_t_3days,wrf_p_3days = mergeWRF(stations,wrf_yesterday,wrf_today,wrf_tomorrow,'pointMSLP') # wrf_t_3days,wrf_p_3days = mergeWRF(stations,wrf_yesterday,wrf_today,wrf_tomorrow,'pointPSFC') # extract ROMS roms = modelData(stations,startdatenum,wrfFields,romsFields,wrfdir,romsdir, operMode).readROMS(startdatenum,operMode) # compute basic statistics (BIAS, RMSE, CORR): stats = basicStatistics(strdate,sensorType,stations,wrf_t_3days,wrf_p_3days,roms) # plot graphs: plotBRIFS(plotdir,strdate,sensorType,stations,wrf_t_3days,wrf_p_3days,roms,stats)
'buffer_size': 1, 'train_steps': None, 'eval_steps': 100, 'verbose_shapes': True, 'pool_stride': 2, 'n_layers': 4, 'rnn_layer': True, 'dense_layer': True, 'one_output_per_epoch': True, 'training_hook_n_iter': 50, 'throttle_secs': 120, } if params['n_epoch_samples'] % params['time_steps'] != 0: print('Warning: time steps has to divide epoch in equal parts. Quitting.') q() # Setup partitions and batches in the DataHandler-class DataHandler.setup_partitions(data_folder, params['train_pct'], params['val_pct'], params['batch_size']) if model_memory: with open('partitions.pkl', 'rb') as f: DataHandler.set_partitions(pickle.load(f)) else: with open('partitions.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(DataHandler.get_partitions(), f) config = tf.estimator.RunConfig( save_checkpoints_steps=params['save_checkpoint_steps'], save_summary_steps=params['save_summary_steps']) model = Model('CRNN', params)