def store_ejected(data_chunk, outfname=None): import sys_to_si as s2s import cPickle as cpk #use this as can store complete precision f=open(outfname,'a')#open file #dump data cpk.dump((s2s.year(data_chunk[1]), num_ejected(data_chunk)), f, cpk.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) #close file f.close() print("Storing data point...")
def get_energy(data_chunk): import sys import sys_to_si as s2s print("Finding energy of system...") (pdata, time, N_p) = (data_chunk[0], data_chunk[1], data_chunk[2]) rockE = [] planetE=[] for m, r, pos, vel, spn, col, idx in pdata: if col!=3: planetE.append(inst_energy(m, pos, vel)) #print(sum([posi*posi for posi in pos])) else: rockE.append(inst_energy(m,pos,vel)) #print(time, sum(rockE), planetE[0]) return(s2s.year(time) ,sum(rockE)+sum(planetE), sum(rockE), sum(planetE))
def mVa_graph(data_chunk, dr=0.001, rmax=5, rmin=0, ymax=0.01, ymin=0, outfname=None, FILL=True, BAR=True): #change as needed import sys_to_si as s2s import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import math mpl.figure.Figure.clear(plt.gcf()) Zs = bin_func(dr, rmin, rmax, data_chunk) #Zs contains the Z value for each grid position, calculated by func3() z_shape = Zs.shape #print(z_shape) print('Plotting image...') if BAR:,z_shape[0]), Zs, width=1, bottom=0, color='red', edgecolor='red') else: plt.plot(Zs, 'r-') plt.axis([0, z_shape[0], ymin, ymax]) plt.xticks(range(0, z_shape[0], z_shape[0]/5),range(0,6,1)) #plt.ylim(0,0.01) draw_resonances(data_chunk[0][0],dr, [(1,1),(1,2),(2,3),(1,3),(2,1),(3,2)]) xs = range(1,100) #plt.plot(xs,[max(Zs)/math.pow(y*float(5)/100, 0.5) for y in xs], 'b--') if FILL and not BAR: plt.gca().fill_between(np.arange(0,z_shape[0]),0, Zs, facecolor='red') plt.xlabel('Semi-major axis (AU)') plt.ylabel('Mass (M$_\oplus$)') #title2='Mass Evolution w.r.t Semi-Major Axis\n$T$ = %08.2f (yrs), $N$ = %07d, $d_r$=%02g (AU)' %(s2s.year(data_chunk[1]), data_chunk[2], dr) title2 = '$T$ = %08.2f (yrs), $N$ = %07d, $d_r$=%02g (AU)' %(s2s.year(data_chunk[1]), data_chunk[2], dr) plt.title(title2) plt.legend() print('Saving figure...') if outfname==None: return(0) else: plt.savefig(outfname) return(0)
"" Creates graphs of the "ss.dust" files outputted by PKDGRAV's rubble planetesimals collision model. [dust_files] [output_folder] [dust_files] = a list of "ss.dust" files to graph [output_folder] = a folder to put the graphs in, will be named according to timestamp? ''' if (len(sys.argv) == 1) or (sys.argv[1]=='-h') or (sys.argv[1]=='--help'): print(usage) sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv)>2: outpath = sys.argv[-1] max = -1 else: outpath = None max = 2 if outpath=='None' or outpath=='none' or outpath=='NONE': outpath = None for arg in sys.argv[1:max]: data_chunk = unpackdust(arg) (plist, time, n_particles) = unpackxdr_head(arg.rstrip('.dust')) ident_string = 'ss.{0:06.5f}.dust_map'.format(s2s.year(time)) if outpath != None: outname = os.path.join(outpath,ident_string+'.png') else: outname = None plot_dust((time, data_chunk), outfname=outname)
def plot_dust(data_chunk, outfname=None): import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.figure as fig import sys_to_si as s2s ''' data_chunk = [data, data2, data3...] data = [bin, dust_mass, %from bin 1, %from bin 2, %from bin 3...] ''' fig.Figure.clear(plt.gcf()) time = data_chunk[0] data_chunk = data_chunk[1] N_groups = len(data_chunk) N_origins = len(data_chunk[0]) - 2 bin_norms = [data[1] for data in data_chunk] bin_origins = [data[2:] for data in data_chunk] #sys.exit() #for debugging pic_array = make_pic(data_chunk) pic_shape = pic_array.shape the_cmap ='gist_heat') #Sets which colour map to use #the_cmap.set_over('b') im = plt.imshow(pic_array, cmap=the_cmap, origin='lower', zorder=0) #plt.colorbar(extend='max') # add colour bar #print(pic_array) im.set_interpolation('bilinear') #plt.xticks(range(pic_shape[1]/10, pic_shape[1], pic_shape[1]/5),range(-4,7,2)) #plt.yticks(range(pic_shape[0]/10, pic_shape[0], pic_shape[0]/5),range(-4,7,2)) #plt.xlabel('Displacement (AU)') #plt.ylabel('Displacement (AU)') if outfname==None: else: pic_name = outfname.split(os.sep) pic_name[-1] = pic_name[-1].split('.') pic_name[-1][0] +='map' pic_name[-1] = '_'.join(pic_name[-1][:-1]) pic_name[-1] += '.png' pic_name = os.sep.join(pic_name) print('\n'+pic_name) plt.savefig(pic_name) fig.Figure.clear(plt.gcf()) width = 0.5 bin_abs = [] for i in xrange(len(bin_norms)): abs = [] for j in xrange(len(bin_origins[0])): abs.append(bin_origins[i][j]*bin_norms[i]) bin_abs.append(abs) bar_pos = range(1, len(data_chunk)) """ col = ['r','g','b','k','c','m','y', 'w', (0.5,0.5,0.5), (0.7,0.5,0.5), (0.5,0.7,0.5), (0.5,0.5,0.7), (0.7,0.5,0.7), (0.5,0.7,0.7), (0.7,0.7,0.5), (0.7,0.7,0.7)] """ #print(bin_abs) plots = [] for i in xrange(len(bin_abs)): plots.append(, bin_abs[i], width = width, bottom = sumto(i, bin_abs[i]), color =*(1.0/float(len(bin_abs)))), log=False)) plt.xlim(0, len(data_chunk)+0.2*len(data_chunk)) plt.minorticks_on() plt.title('Dust mass in each dust bin\nT = {0:08.2f} (years)'.format(s2s.year(time))) plt.xlabel('Bin Number') plt.ylabel('Mass in Bin') plt.xticks([pos+width/2 for pos in bar_pos], range(1, len(bar_pos)+1) ) plt.legend([plot[0] for plot in plots], range(1,len(bar_pos)+1) ) if outfname==None: return(0) else: plt.savefig(outfname) return(0)
def surf_density(data_chunk, dx=0.1, dy=0.1, xmax=11, xmin=-11, ymax=11, ymin=-11, colourmap='gnuplot', c_bar_lims=(0,0.2), autoda=False, outfname=None):# change these as needed import sys_to_si as s2s import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.figure as fig """ This function creates a surface density plot of a solar system simulation Arguments: data_chunk = [tuple] (pdata, time, n_particles) from either 'unpackxdr()' on readss or 'unpickle_chunk()'. dx, dy = step in x, y dimension used for resolution, also sets the lower limit for autoda. [number] xmax, ymax = The upper x, y limits of the plot [number] xmin, ymin = The lower x, y limits of the plot [number] colourmap = The name of the colour map to use, see for a list of colourmaps. c_bar_lims = The bottom and top limits of the colourbar, make sure objects are visible in the range set. autoda = This flag sets weather to auromatically determine the dx, dy steps using the dx, dy values in the arguments as lower limits. [Bool] """ fig.Figure.clear(plt.gcf()) inview=[dat[2] for dat in data_chunk[0] if r2(dat)<(xmin*ymin)] x_range=max([x[0] for x in inview])-min([x[0] for x in inview]) y_range=max([x[1] for x in inview])-min([x[1] for x in inview]) n_particles = len(inview) #this many particles (total) area=3.142*(y_range)*(x_range) #this much view space #average distance between them, will be overestimate #if some particles not in view area smallest_dxy = np.sqrt(area/n_particles) #print(smallest_dxy) if autoda: print('Automatically determining optimum binsize...') if smallest_dxy>((dx+dy)/2): if smallest_dxy>10*((dx+dy)/2): print('Using 10* dx, dy as upper limits') dx*=10 dy*=10 else: dx = smallest_dxy dy = smallest_dxy else: print('Using given dx, dy as lower limits...') elif dx*dy<(smallest_dxy*smallest_dxy): print('Warning: Resolution smaller than average inter-particle distance...') x_bins = int(np.floor((xmax-xmin)/dx)) y_bins = int(np.floor((ymax-ymin)/dy)) Zs = bin_func(x_bins, y_bins, dx, dy, xmin, ymin,data_chunk) #Zs contains the Z value for each grid position, calculated by func3() z_shape = Zs.shape print('Plotting image...') the_cmap = #Sets which colour map to use #the_cmap.set_over('b') im = plt.imshow(Zs, cmap=the_cmap, origin='lower', zorder=0) # put the image on plot, using 'gnuplot' colour map # origin at bottom left, draw this first # list of colourmaps: plt.colorbar(extend='max') # add colour bar #set interpolation level #im.set_interpolation('nearest') #im.set_interpolation('bicubic') im.set_interpolation('bilinear') im.set_clim(*c_bar_lims) # Sets the lower and upper limits of the colour bar. #plt.gca().invert_yaxis() #plt.xticks(range(z_shape[1]/10, z_shape[1], z_shape[1]/5),range(-4,7,2)) #plt.yticks(range(z_shape[0]/10, z_shape[0], z_shape[0]/5),range(-4,7,2)) plt.xticks(range(z_shape[1]/22, z_shape[1], z_shape[1]/11),range(-10,11,2)) plt.yticks(range(z_shape[0]/22, z_shape[0], z_shape[0]/11),range(-10,11,2)) plt.xlabel('Displacement (AU)', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Displacement (AU)', fontsize=18) #title2='Surface density in M$_\oplus/$AU$^2$\n$T$ = %08.2f (yrs), $N$ = %07d, $d_{area}$=%04.2g (AU$^2$)' %(s2s.year(data_chunk[1]), data_chunk[2], dx*dy) title2 = '$T$ = %08.2f (yrs)\n$N$ = %07d' %(s2s.year(data_chunk[1]), data_chunk[2]) plt.title(title2, fontsize=24) plt.plot(int(np.floor((data_chunk[0][0][2][0]-xmin)/dx)-1), int(np.floor((data_chunk[0][0][2][1]-ymin)/dy)-1), 'go', ms=20, axes=plt.gca(), mfc='None', mec='g', mew=2) # puts jupiter in correct place as a green circle print('Saving figure...') if outfname==None: return(0) else: plt.savefig(outfname, bbox_inches="tight") return(0)
def plot_RV(data_chunk, outfname=None): import sys_to_si as s2s import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.figure as fig (pdata, systime, particle_num) = data_chunk fig.Figure.clear(plt.gcf()) print('Plotting data...') #pdata format = mass, radius, pos(xyz), vel(xyz), spin(xyz), colour, original_identifier #print([stuff[2] for stuff in pdata[:5]]) es = [inst_V(e[0], e[2],e[3]) for e in pdata] #get data for plot #print('HERE', es[:2]) #print(sum([veli*veli for veli in pdata[0][3]])) #print(sum([veli*veli for veli in pdata[1][3]])) plt.plot([e[0] for e in es[1:]],[e[1] for e in es[1:]], 'r.',zorder=0, ms=0.2) #plot the data, 'zorder=0' makes sure that it is drawn first and everything else is on top of it #Draw vertical lines at resonances and add labels plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],1,2), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='Resonances') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],1,2), 0.8, '1:2', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],1,3), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='_nolegend_') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],1,3), 0.8, '1:3', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],2,3), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='_nolegend_') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],2,3), 0.8, '2:3', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],2,1), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='_nolegend_') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],2,1), 0.8, '2:1', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],3,2), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='_nolegend_') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],3,2), 0.8, '3:2', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') #plot planet data with error bars for hill radii plt.errorbar(x=es[0][0], y=es[0][1], yerr=None, xerr=5*hill_rad(pdata[0][0],1,es[0][0]), elinewidth=None, barsabove=True, marker='o', ms=30*hill_rad(pdata[0][0],1,es[0][0])/hill_rad(10E-3,1,es[0][0]), mec='b', mfc='None', mew=1) plt.axis([0,5,-0.05,1]) #put in lables and titles etc plt.minorticks_on() plt.title('Velosity Magnitude vs Semi-major Axis:\nT = {0:08.2f} (years), N = {1:07}'.format(s2s.year(systime), particle_num)) plt.xlabel('Semi-major Axis (AU)') plt.ylabel('Velocity (2PI AU per Year)') plt.legend() if outfname==None: return(0) else: plt.savefig(outfname) return(0)
def plot_eVa(data_chunk, outfname=None): import sys_to_si as s2s import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.figure as fig from own_cmaps import register_own_cmaps register_own_cmaps() (pdata, systime, particle_num) = data_chunk fig.Figure.clear(plt.gcf()) print('Plotting data...') #pdata format = mass, radius, pos(xyz), vel(xyz), spin(xyz), colour, original_identifier #print([stuff[2] for stuff in pdata[:5]]) es = [inst_e(e[0], e[2],e[3]) for e in pdata] #get data for plot es1 = sorted(es[1:], key=by_mass) #print('HERE', es[:2]) #print(sum([veli*veli for veli in pdata[0][3]])) #print(sum([veli*veli for veli in pdata[1][3]])) #masses = [e[2] for e in es1[1:]] masses = [e[2] for e in es1] max_m = max(masses) min_m = min(masses) sizes = [2*(mass/min_m)**3 if mass >min_m else 5*0.125 for mass in masses ] #sizes = [(mass/min_m) if mass >min_m else 0.125*mass/min_m for mass in masses ] #print(min_m) plt.scatter([e[0] for e in es1],[e[1] for e in es1], marker='o', zorder=0, s=sizes, cmap='own1', c = [e[2] for e in es1], edgecolors='none') #plot the data, 'zorder=0' makes sure that it is drawn first and everything else is on top of it #Draw vertical lines at resonances and add labels plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],1,2), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='Resonances') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],1,2), 0.8, '1:2', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],1,3), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='_nolegend_') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],1,3), 0.8, '1:3', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],2,3), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='_nolegend_') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],2,3), 0.8, '2:3', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],2,1), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='_nolegend_') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],2,1), 0.8, '2:1', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') plt.axvline(x=resonance(es[0][0],3,2), ymin=0, ymax=1, c='g', ls='--', label='_nolegend_') plt.text(resonance(es[0][0],3,2), 0.8, '3:2', color='k', rotation=90, ha='center') #plot planet data with error bars for hill radii plt.errorbar(x=es[0][0], y=es[0][1], yerr=None, xerr=5*hill_rad(pdata[0][0],1,es[0][0]), elinewidth=None, barsabove=True, marker='o', ms=30*hill_rad(pdata[0][0],1,es[0][0])/hill_rad(10E-3,1,es[0][0]), mec='b', mfc='None', mew=1) plt.axis([0,11,-0.05,1]) #change as needed #put in lables and titles etc #plt.colorbar(extend='max') # add colour bar, if don't want colour bar just comment out plt.clim(min_m, max_m) #im.set_clim(max_m, min_m) plt.minorticks_on() #plt.title('Clearing and Resonances in e-a Space:\nT = {0:08.2f} (years), N = {1:07}'.format(s2s.year(systime), particle_num)) plt.title('T = {0:08.2f} (earth years), N={1:07}'.format(s2s.year(systime), particle_num)) plt.xlabel('Semi-major Axis (AU)') plt.ylabel('Eccentricity') plt.legend() print("data plotted, showing...") if outfname==None: return(0) else: plt.savefig(outfname) return(0)
print('Creating top level destination folder...') os.makedirs(outfolder) else: print("Please choose an exsisting destination folder.") sys.exit(0) for label, function in graphlist: if function in alltimedict and os.path.exists(os.path.join(outfolder,label,'temp')): #delete old temporary storage space os.system('rm '+os.path.join(outfolder,label,'temp')) if '.dat' in sys.argv[1]: for data_chunk in unpickle_chunk(sys.argv[1]): #create identity string for each graph (timestamp) #time from these files is in "system time" in units of years*2*pi #therefore need to divide by 2*pi to make numbers correct ident_string = 'ss.{0:08.3f}'.format(s2s.year(data_chunk[1])) for label, function in graphlist: #each set of graphs draws to different figures plt.figure(graphlist.index((label,function))) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outfolder,label)): #make the second level folders if they don't exist os.mkdir(os.path.join(outfolder,label)) if function in alltimedict: #if graph is using data from entire time series, #create a temporary storage file outname=os.path.join(outfolder,label,'temp') else: #if graph is made new each time, stamp graph name with #timestamp outname = os.path.join(outfolder,label,ident_string+'.png') #execute the function that creates the graph/datapoint