Exemple #1
# Let's make one grid function for evvery component of that vector
u_grids = []
for col in range(n_eqs):
    u_grids.append(GridFunction([t_domain], u_data[:, col]))
# And a symbols for each
us = sp.symbols(' '.join(['u%d' % i for i in range(n_eqs)]))

symbol_foo_map = dict(zip(us, u_grids))
# We are going to build a block structured system d u0/dt @ all_pts, next component
lhs_streams = [
    compile_stream((sp.Derivative(usi, t), ), symbol_foo_map) for usi in us

# NOTE: this is reused for each block
columns = polynomials(us, 2)
print columns

rhs_stream = compile_stream(columns, symbol_foo_map)

# A subset of this data is now used for training; where we can eval deriv
# safely
train_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(5, n_samples - 5), n_train)

# Now build it
lhs = np.hstack([[lhs_stream((point, )) for point in train_indices]
                 for lhs_stream in lhs_streams])
# This is a block
rhs = np.zeros((len(lhs) / n_eqs, len(columns)))
row_indices = np.arange(rhs.shape[1])
for row, point in zip(rhs, train_indices):
Exemple #2
# All data
t_domain = np.linspace(0, T_end, n_samples)
x_domain = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, n_samples)
T, X = np.meshgrid(t_domain, x_domain, indexing='ij')
u_data = u_exact(T, X)

# To build the model we sample the data (in interior indices) to get
# the derivative right. For the rhs we keep it simple
u_grid = GridFunction([t_domain, x_domain], u_data)

x_grid = Coordinate([t_domain, x_domain], 1)

lhs_stream = compile_stream((sp.Derivative(u, t), ), {u: u_grid})

foos = polynomials([u], 3)
derivatives = Dx(u, 1, [3])[1:]  # Don't include 0;th
# Combine these guys
columns = [(1./sp.cos(x))*sp.Derivative(u, x)] + \
          list(foos) + \
          list(derivatives) + \
          [reduce(operator.mul, cs) for cs in itertools.product(foos, derivatives)]

rhs_stream = compile_stream(columns, {u: u_grid})

# A subset of this data is now used for training; where we can eval deriv
# safely
train_indices = map(
    tuple, np.random.choice(np.arange(5, n_samples - 5), (n_train, 2)))

# Now build it
Exemple #3
u, t = sp.symbols('u t')
# Use exact solution to generate the data
u_exact_expr = sp.exp(t)
u_exact = sp.lambdify(t, u_exact_expr, 'numpy')

# All data
t_domain = np.linspace(0, T_end, n_samples)
u_data = u_exact(t_domain)

# To build the model we sample the data (in interior indices) to get
# the derivative right. For the rhs we keep it simple
u_grid = GridFunction([t_domain], u_data)
lhs_stream = compile_stream((sp.Derivative(u, t), ), {u: u_grid})

poly = polynomials([u], 4)
foos = (sp.sin(u), sp.cos(u), sp.exp(-u))

columns = list(poly) + list(foos) + [
    reduce(operator.mul, cs) for cs in itertools.product(poly[1:], foos)

rhs_stream = compile_stream(columns, {u: u_grid})

# A subset of this data is now used for training; where we can eval deriv
# safely
train_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(5, n_samples - 5), n_train)

# Now build it
lhs = np.array([lhs_stream((point, )) for point in train_indices])