def cont_sys_main(): from systematics import callingEliGoldMask from systematics_module import contCorrection resultpath = '/n/des/lee.5922/Dropbox/repositories/CMASS/code/result_cat/' #result_gold_stripe82 ='result_gold_2_stripe82.fits') #dmass_gold_stripe82, dmass_gold_stripe82_ellipse = resampleWithPth(result_gold_stripe82) #clean_cmass_data_des ='clean_cmass_data_des_gold2.fits') result_y1a1 ='/n/des/lee.5922/data/y1a1_coadd/dmass_y1a1.fits') dmass_y1a1, _ = resampleWithPth(result_y1a1) dmass_y1a1_st82 = dmass_y1a1[dmass_y1a1['DEC']> -3.0 ] #clean_cmass_data_des ='clean_cmass_data_des.fits') from xd import addphotoz gold_photo_z = io.getDESY1A1catalogs(keyword = 'Y1A1_GOLD_STRIPE82_0', gold=True) dmass_y1a1_st82 = addphotoz(des = dmass_y1a1_st82, im3shape=gold_photo_z) # calling Eli mask GoldMask = callingEliGoldMask() GoldMask_st82 = GoldMask[ GoldMask['DEC'] > -3.0] cmass = getSGCCMASSphotoObjcat() SGCmask = (cmass['RA'] < 100 ) | (cmass['RA'] > 300) cmass = cmass[SGCmask] """ cmass SGC """ cmass_st82 = Cuts.keepGoodRegion(cmass) cmass_rand ='/n/des/lee.5922/data/cmass_cat/'+'random0_DR12v5_CMASS_South.fits.gz') from systematics import hpRaDecToHEALPixel origin_HealInds = hpRaDecToHEALPixel( cmass_rand['RA'],cmass_rand['DEC'], nside= nside, nest= False) CC = contCorrection.CorrectContaminant() CC.obs_data = dmass_y1a1.copy() CC.f_c, CC.cont_data, CC.true_data = CC.get_cont_data(obs = dmass_y1a1_st82, true = cmass_st82) CC.w_obs_data = np.loadtxt('data_txt/acf_comparison_y1a1.txt') #CC.w_true_data = np.loadtxt('data_txt/acf_comparison_cmass_SGC.txt') """ CC.w_cont_data = np.loadtxt('data_txt/acf_comparison_weightedcont.txt') CC.w_cross_data = np.loadtxt('data_txt/acf_cross_weightedcont.txt') """ CC.L_obs_data = np.loadtxt('data_txt/Ashley_lensing.txt') CC.L_true_data = np.loadtxt('data_txt/Ashley_true_lensing.txt') CC.L_cont_data = np.loadtxt('data_txt/lensing_weightedcont_prop.txt') mask_cmass = MatchHPArea(cat = cmass, origin_cat = cmass_rand, nside = 1024) #CC.w_obs_data = CC.angular_correlation( data=CC.obs_data, rand=GoldMask, weight = [None, GoldMask['FRAC']], suffix = '') CC.w_true_data = CC.angular_correlation( data=mask_cmass, rand = cmass_rand, weight = None, suffix = '_cmass_SGC') CC.w_cont_data = CC.angular_correlation( data=CC.cont_data, rand=GoldMask_st82, weight = [ None, GoldMask_st82['FRAC']], suffix = '_coadd_st82_cont') CC.w_cross_data = CC.cross_angular_correlation(data = CC.true_data, data2 = CC.cont_data, rand = GoldMask_st82, rand2= GoldMask_st82, weight = [None, GoldMask_st82['FRAC'], None, GoldMask_st82['FRAC']], suffix = '_coadd_st82_cross') doVisualization_Angcorr( labels = ['coadd_st82_cont', 'y1a1', 'cmass_NGC'] ) rmin, rmax = 0.02, 10. CC.eps82, CC.eps = CC.ang_stat_err(rmin = 0.02, rmax = 10.0) CC.eps_len82, CC.eps_len = CC.len_stat_err(rmin = 0.02, rmax = None) # bias r_ang, ang_bias_sys = CC.Angsys_from_bias() r_len, len_bias_sys = CC.Lensys_from_bias() m_fL, i_fL = CC.MaxFc_from_AngSys_L(rmin = rmin, rmax = rmax) m_fR, i_fR = CC.MaxFc_from_AngSys_R(rmin = rmin, rmax = rmax) m_fL_len, i_fL_len = CC.MaxFc_from_LensSys_L(rmin = rmin, rmax = None) m_fR_len, i_fR_len = CC.MaxFc_from_LensSys_R(rmin = rmin, rmax = None) """
def main(): # masking # galaxy density for all # plot (check) # galaxy density for one (plot) -> get weight # apply weight and calculate galaxy density for the next property (plot) # repeat # calling catalog from systematics import GalaxyDensity_Systematics,loadSystematicMaps, chisquare_dof, MatchHPArea, SysMapBadRegionMask, callingEliGoldMask #balrog_y1a1 ='result_cat/result_balrog_EMHUFF.fits') #balrog_SSPT = balrog_y1a1[balrog_y1a1['DEC'] < -3] #rand_clean = Cuts.keepGoodRegion(balrog_SSPT) # dmass result_y1a1 ='/n/des/lee.5922/data/y1a1_coadd/dmass_y1a1.fits') dmass_y1a1, _ = resampleWithPth(result_y1a1) resultpath = '/n/des/lee.5922/Dropbox/repositories/CMASS/code/result_cat/' result_gold_stripe82 ='result_gold_stripe82.fits') dmass_gold_stripe82, _ = resampleWithPth(result_gold_stripe82) resultpath = '/n/des/lee.5922/Dropbox/repositories/CMASS/code/result_cat/' result_gold_stripe82 ='result_gold_2_stripe82.fits') dmass_gold_stripe82, _ = resampleWithPth(result_gold_stripe82) clean_cmass_data_des ='clean_cmass_data_des_gold2.fits') # calling Eli mask GoldMask = callingEliGoldMask() GoldMask_st82 = GoldMask[ GoldMask['DEC'] > -3.0 ] angular_correlation(data = dmass_gold_stripe82, rand = GoldMask_st82, weight = [None, GoldMask_st82['FRAC']], suffix = '_gold_stripe82') # ---------------------------------------------------------------- kind = 'STRIPE82' nside = 4096 njack = 10 property = ['AIRMASS', 'SKYBRITE', 'FWHM', 'SKYSIGMA', 'NSTARS'] filter = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] # Calling maps MaskDic = {} for i,p in enumerate(property): if p == 'NSTARS': filename = 'y1a1_gold_1.0.2_stars_nside1024.fits' sysMap = loadSystematicMaps( filename = filename, property = p, filter = 'g', nside = 1024 , kind = kind ) if kind is 'STRIPE82': sysMap = sysMap[sysMap['DEC'] > -3] mapname = 'sys_'+p+'_'+'g' MaskDic[mapname] = sysMap else : nside = 4096 filter = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] filename = None for j,f in enumerate(filter): sysMap = loadSystematicMaps( filename = filename, property = p, filter = f, nside = nside , kind = kind) #goodIndmask = np.in1d( sysMap['PIXEL'], GoldMask['PIXEL']) #sysMap = sysMap[goodIndmask] #sysMap = Cuts.SpatialCuts(sysMap, ra =ra, ra2=ra2, dec=dec, dec2=dec2 ) mapname = 'sys_'+p+'_'+f MaskDic[mapname] = sysMap # basic cutoff mask cutvalue = {'AIRMASS':[1.4, 1.35, 1.35, 1.35], 'SKYBRITE':[150, 380, 1150, 2500], 'FWHM':[6.5, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5], 'SKYSIGMA':[6.5, 9.5, 18, 26], 'NSTARS':[5, 5, 5, 5 ]} cutvalue1 = {'AIRMASS':[1.45, 1.45, 1.45, 1.45], 'SKYBRITE':[3000, 3000, 3000, 3000], 'FWHM':[6.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4.0], 'SKYSIGMA':[40, 40, 40, 40], 'NSTARS':[501, 501, 501, 501 ]} for i,p in enumerate(property): correctMask = np.ones(dmass_gold_stripe82.size, dtype=bool) if p is 'NSTARS': nside = 1024 filter = ['g'] else : nside = 4096 filter = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] for j,f in enumerate(filter): mapname = 'sys_'+p+'_'+f maskedsysMap, mask = SysMapBadRegionMask(dmass_gold_stripe82, MaskDic[mapname], nside = nside, cond = '<=', val = cutvalue[p][j]) correctMask = correctMask * mask MaskDic[mapname+'_masked'] = maskedsysMap MaskDic[p+'_mask'] = correctMask #angular_correlation(data = dmass_SSPT[correctMask], rand = rand_clean, weight = [None, None], suffix = '_'+kind+'_'+p+'_masked') print p+'_mask', np.sum(correctMask) TotalMask = MaskDic['AIRMASS_mask'] * MaskDic['FWHM_mask'] # * MaskDic['SKYSIGMA_mask'] * MaskDic['SKYBRITE_mask']# * MaskDic['NSTARS_mask'] clean_dmass = dmass_gold_stripe82[TotalMask] #angular_correlation(data = clean_dmass, rand = GoldMask, weight = [None, None], suffix = '_'+kind+'_masked') # pixel fraction weights for each gal from systematics import hpRaDecToHEALPixel import pandas as pd catHpInd = hpRaDecToHEALPixel(clean_dmass['RA'], clean_dmass['DEC'], nside=4096, nest = False) catHpInd = pd.DataFrame(catHpInd) catHpInd.columns = ['PIXEL'] GoldMask_pd = pd.DataFrame(GoldMask) frac_weight = pd.merge( catHpInd, GoldMask_pd, how = 'left', on = 'PIXEL') frac_weight = frac_weight.to_records() property = ['AIRMASS', 'SKYBRITE', 'FWHM', 'SKYSIGMA', 'NSTARS'] # calculating galaxy density and weights iterately from systematics import ReciprocalWeights, jksampling from systematics_module.corr import angular_correlation re_weights = np.ones(clean_dmass.size) #re_weights = frac_weight['FRAC'] #re_weights = GoldMask['FRAC'] rand_clean = None #correctMask = np.ones(clean_dmass.size, dtype=bool) re_weights_dic = {} for p in property: if p is 'NSTARS': nside = 1024 filter = ['g'] else : nside = 4096 filter = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] for j,f in enumerate(filter): mapname = 'sys_'+p+'_'+f+'_masked' bins, Bdensity, Berr, Bf_area = GalaxyDensity_Systematics(clean_dmass, MaskDic[mapname], nside = nside, raTag = 'RA', decTag='DEC', property = p, filter = f, weight = re_weights) #bins = bins/np.sum(sysMap['SIGNAL']) *len(sysMap) #B_jkerr = jksampling(clean_dmass, MaskDic[mapname], property = p, nside = nside, njack = 30, raTag = 'RA', decTag = 'DEC' ) filename = 'data_txt/systematic_'+p+'_'+f+'_'+kind+'_masked.txt' #DAT = np.column_stack(( bins-(bins[1]-bins[0])*0.1, Bdensity, Berr, Bf_area, Bdensity, Berr, Bf_area )) DAT = np.column_stack(( bins, Bdensity, Berr, Bf_area, Bdensity, Berr, Bf_area )) np.savetxt(filename, DAT, delimiter = ' ', header = 'bins, Cdensity, Cerr, Cfarea, Bdensity, Berr, Bfarea, B_jkerr') print "saving data to ", filename #doVisualization_ngal(property = p, nside = nside, kind = kind, suffix='_masked') """ cutvalue[p][j] = 1.3 maskedsysMap, mask = SysMapBadRegionMask(dmass_SSPT, MaskDic[mapname], nside = nside, cond = '<=', val = cutvalue[p][j]) correctMask = correctMask * mask MaskDic[mapname+'_masked'] = maskedsysMap clean_dmass = dmass_SSPT[correctMask] """ re_weights = re_weights * ReciprocalWeights( catalog = clean_dmass, sysMap = MaskDic[mapname], property = p, filter = f, nside = nside, kind = kind ) re_weights_dic['re_weight_'+p] = re_weights # check bins, Bdensity, Berr, Bf_area = GalaxyDensity_Systematics(clean_dmass, MaskDic[mapname], nside = nside, raTag = 'RA', decTag='DEC', property = p, filter = f, weight = re_weights) filename = 'data_txt/systematic_'+p+'_'+f+'_'+kind+'_corrected.txt' DAT = np.column_stack(( bins, Bdensity, Berr, Bf_area, Bdensity, Berr, Bf_area )) np.savetxt(filename, DAT, delimiter = ' ', header = 'bins, Cdensity, Cerr, Cfarea, Bdensity, Berr, Bfarea') print "saving data to ", filename #doVisualization_ngal(property = p, nside = nside, kind = kind, suffix='_corrected') #doVisualization_ngal(property = p, nside = nside, kind = kind, suffix='_masked') #doVisualization_ngal(property = p, nside = nside, kind = kind, suffix='_corrected') #angular_correlation(data = clean_dmass, rand = rand_clean, weight = [re_weights, None], suffix = '_'+kind+'_w_'+p) angular_correlation(data = dmass_y1a1, rand = GoldMask, weight = [None, None], suffix = '_'+kind+'_noweight') angular_correlation(data = clean_dmass, rand = GoldMask, weight = [None, None], suffix = '_'+kind+'_masked') for p in property: doVisualization_ngal(property = p, nside = 4096, kind = kind, suffix='_masked') #doVisualization_ngal(property = p, nside = nside, kind = kind, suffix='_corrected') rw = re_weights_dic['re_weight_'+p] angular_correlation(data = clean_dmass, rand = GoldMask, weight = [rw, None], suffix = '_'+kind+'_w_'+p) # apply weights to correlation function property = [ 'AIRMASS', 'SKYBRITE', 'FWHM', 'SKYSIGMA', 'NSTARS'] kind = 'Y1A1' # corr com # corr comparison labels = ['y1a1'] linestyle = ['-']+['--' for i in labels[:-1]] fmt = ['.']+['o' for i in labels[:-2]]+['.'] color = ['red'] + [None for i in labels[:-1]] corr_txt = [np.loadtxt('data_txt/acf_comparison_'+s+'.txt') for s in labels] corr_txt2 = np.loadtxt('data_txt/acf_comparison_cmass_SGC.txt') thetaS, wS, Sjkerr = corr_txt2[:,0], corr_txt2[:,1], corr_txt2[:,2] fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize = (10,15)) ax.errorbar( thetaS, wS, yerr = Sjkerr, label = 'CMASS SGC', color='black', alpha = 0.5) ax2.errorbar( thetaS, wS-wS, yerr = 10 * Sjkerr, label = 'CMASS SGC', color='black', alpha = 0.9) for i in range(len(labels)): thetaD, wD, Djkerr = corr_txt[i][:,0], corr_txt[i][:,1], corr_txt[i][:,2] if labels[i] == 'wnstar+mask': markersize = 12 else : markersize = 5 ax.errorbar( thetaD*(0.95+0.02*i), wD, yerr = Djkerr, fmt = fmt[i], linestyle = linestyle[i] ,label = labels[i], color = color[i], markersize = markersize) ax2.errorbar( thetaD*(0.95+0.05*i), 10 * (wD - wS), yerr = 10 *Djkerr, fmt = fmt[i], linestyle = linestyle[i], label = labels[i],color = color[i], markersize=markersize) ax.set_xlim(1e-2, 50) #ax.set_ylim(-0.02 , 0.5) ax.set_ylim(0.0001 , 5.0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta(deg)$') ax.set_ylabel(r'${w(\theta)}$') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend(loc = 'best') ax.set_title(' angular correlation ') ax2.axhline(y=0.0, color = 'black') ax2.set_xlim(1e-1, 10) ax2.set_ylim(-.2, .5) ax2.set_xscale('log') ax2.set_xlabel(r'$\theta(deg)$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'$10 \times$ $($ ${w}$ - ${w_{\rm{true}}}$ $)$') ax2.legend(loc='best') figname = 'figure/acf_comparison.png' fig.savefig(figname) print 'writing plot to ', figname