Exemple #1
    def test_oximeter(self):

        serial = serialSim()
        oxi = Oximeter(serial=serial, add_channels=1)
        serial.ppg = serial.ppg[-2:]  # To the end of recording
        # Simulate events in recording
        for idx in np.random.choice(len(oxi.recording), 5):
            oxi.channels['Channel_0'][idx] = 1
        ax = oxi.plot_events()
        assert isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes)

        ax = oxi.plot_hr()
        assert isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes)

        ax = oxi.plot_recording()
        assert isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes)

        oxi.serial.ppg = [1000]  # Insert error in recording
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        serial = serialSim()
        oxi.serial.ppg = [1000, -1, 1000, -1, -1]  # Insert error in recording

        oxi.serial.ppg = [1000, -1, 1000, -1, -1]  # Insert error in recording

        oxi.peaks = []
        oxi.instant_rr = []
        oxi.times = []
        oxi.threshold = []

        assert os.path.exists("test.npy")
        oxi = Oximeter(serial=serial)
Exemple #2
# If you want to allow online data acquisition, you should uncomment the
# following lines and provide the reference of the COM port where the pulse
# oximeter is plugged in.

# .. code-block:: python
#   import serial
#   ser = serial.Serial('COM4')  # Change this value according to your setup

# Create an Oximeter instance, initialize recording and record for 10 seconds

oxi = Oximeter(serial=ser, sfreq=75, add_channels=4).setup()

# Create an Oxymeter instance, initialize recording and record for 10 seconds

beat = Sound("C", secs=0.1)
diastole1 = Sound("E", secs=0.1)
diastole2 = Sound("G", secs=0.1)
diastole3 = Sound("Bfl", secs=0.1)

systoleTime1, systoleTime2, systoleTime3 = None, None, None
tstart = time.time()
while time.time() - tstart < 30:

    # Check if there are new data to read
    while oxi.serial.inWaiting() >= 5:
Exemple #3
# Reading
# -------
# Recording and plotting your first time-series will only require 5 lines
# of code:

import time

import serial

from systole.recording import Oximeter

ser = serial.Serial("COM4")  # Add your USB port here

# Open serial port, initialize and plot recording for Oximeter
oxi = Oximeter(serial=ser).setup().read(duration=10)

# The signal can be directly plotted using built-in functions.

# .. figure::  https://github.com/embodied-computation-group/systole/raw/master/Images/recording.png
#    :align:   center

# Interfacing with PsychoPy
# -------------------------

# * The ``read()`` method will record for a predefined amount of time
# (specified by the ``duration`` parameter, in seconds). This 'serial mode'
Exemple #4
# Author: Nicolas Legrand <*****@*****.**>

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import unittest
import matplotlib
from unittest import TestCase

from systole.plotting import plot_hr, plot_events, plot_oximeter,\
    plot_subspaces, circular, plot_circular, plot_psd
from systole import import_ppg, import_rr, serialSim
from systole.recording import Oximeter
from systole.detection import hrv_subspaces

serial = serialSim()
oxi = Oximeter(serial=serial, add_channels=1).setup().read(10)
oxi.channels['Channel_0'][100] = 1

# Simulate oximeter instance from recorded signal
ppg = import_ppg()
oxi = Oximeter(serial=None, add_channels=1)
oxi.threshold = [0] * 75
oxi.peaks = [0] * 75
oxi.instant_rr = [0] * 75
oxi.recording = list(ppg[0, :75])
for i in range(len(ppg[0, 75:750])):
    oxi.add_paquet(ppg[0, 75 + i])
oxi.channels['Channel_0'] = np.zeros(750, dtype=int)
oxi.channels['Channel_0'][np.random.choice(np.arange(0, 750), 5)] = 1
oxi.times = list(np.arange(0, 10, 1 / 75))
Exemple #5
    def test_oximeter(self):

        serial = serialSim()
        oxi = Oximeter(serial=serial, add_channels=1)

        # Simulate events in recording
        for idx in np.random.choice(len(oxi.recording), 5):
            oxi.channels['Channel_0'][idx] = 1
        ax = oxi.plot_events()
        assert isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes)

        ax = oxi.plot_hr()
        assert isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes)

        ax = oxi.plot_recording()
        assert isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes)


        oxi.peaks = []
        oxi.instant_rr = []
        oxi.times = []
        oxi.threshold = []

        assert os.path.exists("test.npy")
Exemple #6
ser = serialSim()

# If you want to enable online data acquisition, you should uncomment the
# following lines and provide the reference of the COM port where the pulse
# oximeter is plugged in.

# .. code-block:: python
#   import serial
#   ser = serial.Serial('COM4')  # Change this value according to your setup

# Create an Oxymeter instance, initialize recording and record for 10 seconds
oxi = Oximeter(serial=ser, sfreq=75).setup()

# Plotting
# --------
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(13, 8), sharex=True)

ax[1].plot(oxi.times, oxi.peaks, 'k')
ax[1].set_title('Peaks vector', fontweight='bold')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Peak\n detection')

hr, time = heart_rate(oxi.peaks, sfreq=75, unit='rr', kind='cubic')
# It can easily interface with `PsychoPy <https://www.psychopy.org/>`_ to
# record PPG signal during psychological experiments, and to synchronize
# stimulus deliver to e.g., systole or diastole.

# For example, you can record and plot data in less than 6 lines of code:

# Event related cardiac deceleration
# ----------------------------------
import serial
from systole.recording import Oximeter
ser = serial.Serial('COM4')  # Add your USB port here

# Open serial port, initialize and plot recording for Oximeter
oxi = Oximeter(serial=ser).setup().read(duration=10)

Interfacing with PsychoPy

The ``Oximeter`` class can be used together with a stimulus presentation software to record cardiac activity during psychological experiments.

* The ``read()`` method

will record for a predefined amount of time (specified by the ``duration`` parameter, in seconds). This 'serial mode' is the easiest and most robust method, but it does not allow the execution of other instructions in the meantime.

.. code-block:: python

  # Code 1 {}