Exemple #1
def searchFuture(search, api, bf, stopEvent, barrier):
    ## Main loop. Start collection of tweets
    query_num = 1
    lastid = 0
    while True:
            if  stopEvent.isSet():
                logger.info("Stoping search")
            ## Get tweets from API
            tweets = api.getSearch(q = search.query, since_id = lastid, 
                count = 100)
            ## For each tweets store in db. Find the largest
            for tweet in tweets:
                ## This method will save tweet in db and associated with 
                ## current search. If the tweets is already stored, it will 
                ## associated with current search. If the tweets is already
                ## associated with this search, it will do nothing
                if not stopEvent.isSet():
                    bf.insertTweetSearch(tweet, search.id)
                    ## find the largest
                    if lastid < tweet["id"]:
                        lastid = tweet["id"]
            logger.debug("Last tweet.id = " + str(lastid) + ", query num = " 
                + str(query_num))
            query_num += 1
        except Exception as err:
            logger.debug("Last tweet id read = " + str(lastid))
    # Stop timer thread in buffer
    logger.info("Searching stoped")
Exemple #2
def searchHistorical(search, api, bf, stopEvent, barrier):
    ## Main loop. Start collection of tweets
    query_num = 1
    lastid = 0
    first = True
    while True:
            if  stopEvent.isSet():
                logger.info("StopEvent occurs!")
            ## Get tweets from API
            tweets = api.getSearch(q = search.query, max_id = lastid, 
                count = 100)
            ## For each tweets store in db. Find the least ID
            for tweet in tweets:
                ## This method will save tweet in db and associated with 
                ## current search. If the tweets is already stored, it will 
                ## associated with current search. If the tweets is already
                ## associated with this search, it will do nothing
                if not stopEvent.isSet():
                    bf.insertTweetSearch(tweet, search.id)
                    ## find the least
                    if lastid > tweet["id"]:
                        lastid = tweet["id"]
                    elif first:
                        lastid = tweet["id"]
                        first = False
            logger.debug("Last id = " + str(lastid) + " query = " + str(query_num))
            query_num = query_num + 1
        except Exception as err:
            logger.debug("Last tweet id read = " + str(lastid))
    # Stop timer thread in buffer)
    logger.debug("Stoping timer")
    logger.debug("Waiting in barrier: " + str(barrier))
    logger.info("Searching stoped")