Exemple #1
def add_n(tt_objects, max_tt_rank, name='t3f_approximate_add_n'):
    """Adds a bunch of TT-object and round after each summation.

  This version implements a slow-to-compile but fast-to-execute (at least on
  a GPU) version: summing in a binary tree order.
  I.e. it uses the following idea:
    round(a + b + c + d) ~= round(round(a + b) + round(c + d))
  and so is able to compute the answer in log(N) parallel adds/rounds.

    tt_objects: a list of `TensorTrainBase` objects.
    max_tt_rank: a number, TT-rank for each individual rounding.
    name: string, name of the Op.

    Object of the same type as each input.
  See Also:
    list_of_cores_lists = [tt.tt_cores for tt in tt_objects]
    all_cores = tuple(itertools.chain.from_iterable(list_of_cores_lists))
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        prev_level = tt_objects
        while len(prev_level) > 1:
            next_level = []
            for i in range(0, len(prev_level), 2):
                curr = prev_level[i]
                if i + 1 < len(prev_level):
                    curr = decompositions.round(curr + prev_level[i + 1],
            prev_level = next_level
        return prev_level[0]
Exemple #2
 def testRoundTensor(self):
   shape = (2, 1, 4, 3, 3)
   tens = initializers.random_tensor(shape, tt_rank=15,
   rounded_tens = decompositions.round(tens, max_tt_rank=9)
   vars = [ops.full(tens), ops.full(rounded_tens)]
   tens_value, rounded_tens_value = self.evaluate(vars)
   # TODO: why so bad accuracy?
   self.assertAllClose(tens_value, rounded_tens_value, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
   dynamic_tt_ranks = self.evaluate(shapes.tt_ranks(rounded_tens))
   self.assertAllEqual([1, 2, 2, 8, 3, 1], dynamic_tt_ranks)
 def testRoundTensor(self):
     shape = (2, 1, 4, 3, 3)
     tens = initializers.random_tensor_batch(shape,
     rounded_tens = decompositions.round(tens, max_tt_rank=9)
     with self.test_session() as sess:
         vars = [ops.full(tens), ops.full(rounded_tens)]
         tens_value, rounded_tens_value = sess.run(vars)
         # TODO: why so bad accuracy?
         dynamic_tt_ranks = shapes.tt_ranks(rounded_tens).eval()
         self.assertAllEqual([1, 2, 2, 8, 3, 1], dynamic_tt_ranks)
Exemple #4
def reduce_sum_batch(tt_batch,
    """Sum of all TT-objects in the batch with rounding after each summation.
  This version implements a slow-to-compile but fast-to-execute (at least on
  a GPU) version: summing in a binary tree order.
  I.e. it uses the following idea:
    round(a + b + c + d) ~= round(round(a + b) + round(c + d))
  and so is able to compute the answer in log(batch_size) parallel adds/rounds.

    tt_batch: `TensorTrainBatch` object.
    max_tt_rank: a number, TT-rank for each individual rounding.
    coef: tf.Tensor, its shape is either batch_size, or batch_size x N.
      If coef is a vecotor of size batch_size, the result will
        be (approximate) weighted sum.
      If coef is a matrix of shape batch_size x N, the result will be
        a `TensorTrainBatch` res containing N TT-object such that
          res[j] ~= sum_i tt_batch[i] coef[i, j]
    name: string, name of the Op.

    If coefficients are absent or is a vector of numbers, returns
      a `TensorTrain` object representing (approximate) element-wise sum of all
      the objects in the batch, weighted if coef is provided.
    If coefficients is a matrix, returns `TensorTrainBatch`.

  See Also:
    ndims = tt_batch.ndims()
    left_tt_rank_dim = tt_batch.left_tt_rank_dim
    right_tt_rank_dim = tt_batch.right_tt_rank_dim
    shape = tt_batch.get_raw_shape()
    dtype = tt_batch.dtype

    all_tensors = tt_batch.tt_cores
    if coef is not None:
        all_tensors += (coef, )
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        is_batch_output = False
        if coef is not None:
            coef = tf.convert_to_tensor(coef, dtype=tt_batch.dtype)
            if len(coef.get_shape()) == 1:
                tt_batch = batch_ops.multiply_along_batch_dim(tt_batch, coef)
            elif len(coef.get_shape()) == 2:
                is_batch_output = True
                output_size = coef.get_shape().as_list()[1]
                # Coef is of size batch_size x N, need to duplicate the batch
                # dimension xN.
                if coef.shape[0] != tt_batch.batch_size:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'If coef is a matrix, it should be of shape '
                        'batch_size x N, got %d x %d instead '
                        '(batch size is %d).' %
                        (coef.shape[0], coef.shape[1], tt_batch.batch_size))
                tt_batch_cores = []
                for core_idx in range(ndims):
                    curr_core = tt_batch.tt_cores[core_idx]
                    curr_shape = curr_core.get_shape().as_list()
                    new_shape = np.insert(curr_shape, 1, 1)
                    tiling = np.ones(len(new_shape), dtype=int)
                    tiling[1] = output_size
                    curr_core = tf.tile(tf.reshape(curr_core, new_shape),
                    if core_idx == 0:
                        # Multiply the first TT-core by the provided coefficients.
                        # TODO: add t3f.utils.expands_dims_like(coef, curr_core)
                        shaped_coef = coef
                        for _ in range(
                                len(curr_core.get_shape()) - len(coef.shape)):
                            shaped_coef = tf.expand_dims(shaped_coef, -1)
                        curr_core = curr_core * shaped_coef
                    # Merge the first two dimensions back into one.
                    raveled_shape = np.array(curr_shape).copy()
                    raveled_shape[0] *= output_size
                    curr_core = tf.reshape(curr_core, raveled_shape)
                tt_batch = TensorTrainBatch(tt_batch_cores, shape,

                raise ValueError('Coef cannot be more than 2-d.')

        if not is_batch_output:
            output_size = 1

        prev_level = tt_batch
        while prev_level.batch_size > output_size:
            current_level_cores = []
            for core_idx in range(ndims):
                curr_orig_core = prev_level.tt_cores[core_idx]
                if is_batch_output:
                    # Split the first dimension into batch_size x N
                    unraveled_shape = curr_orig_core.get_shape().as_list()
                    unraveled_shape = np.array(unraveled_shape).copy()
                    unraveled_shape[0] /= output_size
                    unraveled_shape = np.insert(unraveled_shape, 1,
                    curr_orig_core = tf.reshape(curr_orig_core,

                a_core = curr_orig_core[::2]
                b_core = curr_orig_core[1::2]

                if a_core.get_shape()[0] > b_core.get_shape()[0]:
                    # Odd number of elements in the batch, will have to add dummy
                    # TT-object with the tt-cores filled with zeros.
                    zeros_shape = b_core.get_shape().as_list()
                    zeros_shape[0] = 1
                    zeros = tf.zeros(zeros_shape, dtype)
                    b_core = tf.concat((b_core, zeros), axis=0)

                if is_batch_output:
                    # Merge the first two dimensions back into one.
                    a_core_shape = a_core.get_shape().as_list()
                    a_core_shape[0] = a_core_shape[0] * a_core_shape[1]
                    a_core_shape = np.delete(a_core_shape, 1)
                    a_core = tf.reshape(a_core, a_core_shape)
                    b_core_shape = b_core.get_shape().as_list()
                    b_core_shape[0] = b_core_shape[0] * b_core_shape[1]
                    b_core_shape = np.delete(b_core_shape, 1)
                    b_core = tf.reshape(b_core, b_core_shape)

                if core_idx == 0:
                    curr_sum_core = tf.concat((a_core, b_core),
                elif core_idx == ndims - 1:
                    curr_sum_core = tf.concat((a_core, b_core),
                    zeros = tf.zeros(b_core.get_shape(), dtype)
                    upper = tf.concat((a_core, zeros), axis=right_tt_rank_dim)
                    lower = tf.concat((zeros, b_core), axis=right_tt_rank_dim)
                    curr_sum_core = tf.concat((upper, lower),
            current_level = TensorTrainBatch(current_level_cores, shape)
            prev_level = decompositions.round(current_level, max_tt_rank)
        if is_batch_output:
            return prev_level
            return prev_level[0]